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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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Greg Black is DOA? Please god be so :)


I think all the comments certainly point to Gregory Black joining DOA


Had a ring name exclusive to SWF


Member of shooting star division


Former Tag Partner in TCW


Probably feels directionless, since partner left for the rival promotion and the shooting star division was scrapped.

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I still think the SMACKER should be in DOA. You want controversy? There is probably no more polarizing figure in wrestling.

You want hard hitting, high impact action? He has probably crippled more wrestlers than drugs and steroids combined!

You want ratings? The Big Smacker is known for speaking his mind ( what little there is of it) and being hated by everyone, even those that benefit most from using him!


( This message brought to you by the supporters of the Give Big Smack Scott his due foundation, produced and paid for by Scott Sinclair, founder and president.)

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Tuesday, 3rd Week of June 2010

... Sign on the bottom line? ...




Courting Mr. Black


[A confident smirk forms upon his face as the room embraces a shared sense of elation; all parties excited for the future. Meanwhile, in act purely focused on projecting a subconscious feel of trust, Greg is seen slowly leaning forward in his seat; his head c*cked slightly to the side & his arms folded before him on his knees.]


Greg Black: You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Tarver. [Nods his head; silent while still smiling] I don’t know what to say…


[With a smile plastered across his face; Jensen moves in for the kill. Just like a seasoned warrior looking to add another “notch to his belt.”]


Jensen Tarver: Well, Greg… [Pauses slightly; looks Greg square in the eyes.] How about you say this? Yes, everything looks perfect from my end & I can’t wait to make Deadly Overloaded Action my ‘new home’. My own little ‘playground’; if you will.


[i didn’t think it was possible; however, Greg’s confident smirk grows even larger upon hearing Mr. Tarver’s response. At first, I didn’t know if it was a simple reaction to one floating another’s boat but, all in all, it didn’t really matter. All we needed was a signature for the course of DOA history to change forever.]



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… 20 minutes prior…

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There is something about Greg Black.


There’s this overwhelming aura to the man. This epic history as it pertains to WHAT he has accomplished; however, the TRUE greatness lies in what he STILL has LEFT to accomplish. At 29 years-old, Greg constitutes as a veteran in the world of professional wrestling. With that said, though, it’s not like he’s drifted past his prime or anything; far from it actually.


To a company like Deadly Overloaded Action, struggling to make an imprint of the national wrestling scene, a competitor like Greg Black brings instant credibility. Sure, he isn’t Christian Faith. He isn’t Angry Gilmore. Hell, he isn’t even Runaway Train from a “name perspective”. However, while he doesn’t carry the same kind of ‘mass appeal popularity’ that those competitors do, He does posses something far more powerful than general popularity: Un-tapped potential.


He’s an amazingly gifted athlete with ALL the intangibles to be a ‘break-out’ star. At least, that’s what most SWF viewers believe. To Richard Eisen, and by extension his ‘booking staff’, Greg was nothing more than a ‘tag team competitor’. A guy who wasn’t quite ‘strong enough’ to play with the ‘big boys’;however, talented enough to keep on the roster for quite some time. So, when Elmo left for Total Championship Wrestling, Mr. Eisen was forced with three options: 1) to push Greg as a singles competitor, 2) to release Greg to the Indy circuit; fearing he would quickly jump to TCW as well, or 3) to make it seem like he was pushing Greg & hope that no one really catches on; especially Greg himself. Sadly, for Mr. Eisen, he chose option #3.


However, at the same time, lucky for the DOA… Mr. Eisen chose option #3.


The meeting was pretty awkward at first. Then again, as time went on everything seemed to smooth over rather quickly. I guess, at first, it was more of a ‘feeling out process’ with everyone trying to make sure they understood the situation at hand. There was conversation about his release from SWF, How he practically begged for his contract to be terminated for a full four months before Mr. Eisen finally granted him what he had desperately called for. There also was talk about the DOA; What our overall goals were & how we looked to accomplish those goals in the short, and long, term. All in all, everything felt rather… comfortable.


I sat back; watching Jensen work his magic. He is a far better speaker than I am; and in this case, we needed to make sure that the ‘big guns’ were ready for war. So much so that this was the FIRST TIME Jensen had ever sat in on negotiations before. Even he, someone seen as somewhat of an outsider to the Wrestling industry, understood the magnitude of signing a talent like Greg Black.


I made sure to interject when asked to do so; laying out our companies creative goals when needed. However, my input wasn’t really needed all that much. Not because I wasn’t all that important to the day-to-day developments of the DOA; but rather, because Jensen had literally pulled Greg into his own ‘little world’. Captivating the Canadian superstar with a natural sense of charm that would blindside any conscious person.


Then it came to the contract…


At first, There was a snag. Jensen wasn’t really willing to surpass $3,500 dollars a show; however, the original offer seemed rather low to Greg. He respectfully inquired about other various incentives to help balance out the loss of income he would certainly be accepting by joining the DOA; a truth that Jensen appeared to be very sympathetic too. With time, after ironing out a few details here and there, the deal appeared to be set and ready to go…


Heavily skewed toward Mr. Black’s requests…


Somewhat of a “hefty-contract” if you ask me but I wasn’t going to be the one to vocalize such a thing…


We didn’t have SWF/TCW money, so, we needed to be more creative in which to bring him on board…



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… Back to the present moment …

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Jensen Tarver: Well, Greg… [Pauses slightly; looks Greg square in the eyes.] How about you say this? Yes, everything looks perfect from my end & I can’t wait to make Deadly Overloaded Action my ‘new home’. My own little ‘playground’; if you will.


[i didn’t think it was possible; however, Greg’s confident smirk grows even larger upon hearing Mr. Tarver’s response. At first, I didn’t know if it was a simple reaction to one floating another’s boat but, all in all, it didn’t really matter. All we needed was a signature for the course of DOA history to change forever.]


[Then it happened…]


Greg Black: I like your style, Mr. Tarver. [Laughs to himself] I like your style…


Jensen Tarver: Oh, enough with the Mr. Tarver stuff… [smiles; inviting in his approach] Call me Jensen, Greg. Now what do you say? Are you ready to make this official? Sending a major shockwave through out the entire industry? [smirks; pauses slightly as he looks Greg in the eyes] You’ll be the talk of the town. Hell, the talk of the entire country…


[With a large arrogant smirk running across his face; Greg delivers a response that would go onto change Deadly Overloaded Action… For good.]


Greg Black: You can count me in. Where do I sign?

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Thanks to everyone who responded before, and after, the story of Greg's official signing with the DOA. I know, in most cases, it's common knowledge to allow big additions like this to continue on in secrecy until they finally make their HUGE debut on a TV Show/PPV Event. However, it felt much more realistic to go this route as this diary is as much about John Greed's experience as it is about the DOA as a whole. Plus, as you can see in the next few posts, the "cat is let out of the bag" pretty early on by leaking information. So, realistically, I'm tackling Greg's debut like any major debut's now in the real-world: With knowledge that all your viewers already know they are part of the company; however, tune in to see how you're going to use them.


In this way, It seems more realistic to how things transpire in the age of the Internet. Wrestling, much like any form of entertainment, has a rabid fanbase online so it's easy when you couple that, with various wrestling websites who are there solely to dispense information, that your viewers would already know about your eventual Debut.


I hope it was fun to read!


There is a post, or two, still left before I get to the card for Episode #7 as I really want to show the depth of what it means to have a BIG TIME star coming on board for the DOA; Really changing the culture in a way.


I still think the SMACKER should be in DOA. You want controversy? There is probably no more polarizing figure in wrestling.

You want hard hitting, high impact action? He has probably crippled more wrestlers than drugs and steroids combined!

You want ratings? The Big Smacker is known for speaking his mind ( what little there is of it) and being hated by everyone, even those that benefit most from using him!


( This message brought to you by the supporters of the Give Big Smack Scott his due foundation, produced and paid for by Scott Sinclair, founder and president.)


I laughed pretty hard with this post, Dragonmack. ha. While the "SMACKER", as you put it, would be an absolute "gem" to write for. I don't see him realistically coming to DOA. ;) That being said, I guess you can never truly rule ANYTHING out.... But, he may have a little trouble keeping up with the DOA action.


Calling it right now: Cannonball Funk and Black as the Funky Black Attack! I am a genius LOL. Nah, can't just take the hottest free agent and stick him another tag team. Kudos for snagging up Greg and hopefully he will stick around for a few seasons.




Then again, as you said, I don't see Greg Black getting any real 'tag-team' scenarios thrown his way from the get-go. Actually, you could say, it will be quite the opposite with what I have in store for him. Overall, his character really intrigues me thus far. He'll be a lot of fun to write for/create storylines around.

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Hey, what happens if... Jay Chord and Greg Black.... "collide"?


That's something that I've put a little thought into already; however, haven't decided the ultimate response of the Network/Greed. My guess is, from Greed's standpoint, Greg Black is someone who deserves more respect as he's actually competed at a high level; on the grandest stage. Where as Jay has not.


From the Network's standpoint, The accomplishments in the ring may not weight as heavily outside of the fact that Greg has more "popularity" with their viewers than Jay does. So, most likely, he would trump Mr. Chord in a way; however, still trying to massage both egos at the same time.


That being said, as long as Jay steers clear, we shouldn't have a problem... ;) ha

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Actually that could be one path you could take with Jay both on and off screen. A rebel against both the company and the people there. the 'bad apple' who believes everyone is just trying to keep him down and deny him what his supposedly god given talent entitles him to.


It's pretty much his personality anyway, might as well amp it up as his on air persona.


Kind of like the last days of ECW where Heyman was openly throwing out jabs at TNN and had Cyrus around as the voice of 'The Network'.


You could juxtapose ( nice word, huh? :D ) Tyler as the Voice of the Network, trying to calm or tone down a rebellious Jay, who is going too far for even an open cutting edge network like Arcadia.

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Actually that could be one path you could take with Jay both on and off screen. A rebel against both the company and the people there. the 'bad apple' who believes everyone is just trying to keep him down and deny him what his supposedly god given talent entitles him to.


It's pretty much his personality anyway, might as well amp it up as his on air persona.


Kind of like the last days of ECW where Heyman was openly throwing out jabs at TNN and had Cyrus around as the voice of 'The Network'.


You could juxtapose ( nice word, huh? :D ) Tyler as the Voice of the Network, trying to calm or tone down a rebellious Jay, who is going too far for even an open cutting edge network like Arcadia.


Without going to far into future storylines, There will be an explanation for why Jay Chord is the way he is. At least, off-screen. On-screen, He's running with his "I'm not a Role Model" gimmick that will most likely cause a lot of friction between he & other cast members as he looks to further his own career by abusing others. The good thing about it, though, is that this gimmick could work as a babyface in a way as well. Not in the typical USPW-Wholesome sense, but could certainly work as a SCSA-type gimmick. Where he acts like a heel but gets cheered because he has an axe to grind with another major heel. However, that may not come along for awhile as I plan on keeping him as an arrogant punk with no redeeming qualities for a bit. ha.


I was a HUGE fan of what Heyman did with Cyrus; however, if I'm going that route then I may want to find a new spin on it. Plus, It wouldn't work so much with Chord just yet as he's not really going to be a "main focus" character yet. He needs some development from a character standpoint before I could ever focus a major storyline around him. Luckily, for myself, I've got some people who can take over that role of the "Top Draw" for a little while. That way I can gradually build someone like Chord, Dorado, and other youngsters.


Thanks for the insight though, Dragonmack! It's much appreciated!

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The Jay Chord, I'm not a role model promo, made me think of this promo by Taz:




Man, I forgot how much I loved Taz during his ECW days. wow! :eek:


Great find, Angel. This does coincide with the Jay Chord promo pretty well!


Hell, Jay could have zero redeeming qualities other than being talented and he could get cheered. God damn Randy Orton effect, curse you modern fans! :p


While true, I quite like the "modern" approach to Wrestling storytelling. There's more "grey-area"; Not so black-and-white. With that being said, if the headbooker fails to notice that then there's a chance that the overall story can become quite confusing. The WWE's problem with Randy Orton is exactly what happened with Steve Austin. They wanted him to be a d*ck and the fans loved it. Why? His character was interesting and had a level of a "grey-area" in the end. If only the WWE would see that with Orton then maybe they would truly have their next big star on their hands.


As you'll see with most of my DOA cast members; whether face or heel, there always is a sense of "grey-area" between it all. Johnny Vicious is loved by the fans but acts like a heel in his destructive kind of manor. Matty Sparrow is loved by the fans BUT carries a sense of heel'ish arrogance to him. Also, Acid is considered to be a heavy Heel; however, also possesses this sense of bad ass'ness that makes you want to cheer him on at some point. This seems more realistic to me. Not so black and white.

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It didn't take very long.


Within a matter of a few hours, It was plastered all over the Internet wrestling sites: "Greg Black signs PPA contract with DOA". There was no holding this story back. It had become a raging inferno engulfing everything that stands in its path; stimulating a wide range of responses both externally... and... internally.


Outside of the typical: "DOA! FTW! They're taking over!" rant that tends to follow such a monumental signing, The atmosphere within Deadly Overloaded Action wasn't AS inviting.


It's not that anyone had any sort of beef with Greg. Actually, for the most part, there was nothing but positive feedback coming from fellow cast members. However, with that being said, there were a select few who found themselves entrapped in a state of Fear.




It's quite common for such questions to arise; however, I quickly attempted to subdue any fears by relaying the fact that the Network is VERY happy with the original roster we compiled; that Greg's addition was more of a "adding atop the cake" than a glaring need for 'star presence'.


Well, at least, that's what I told them...


In reality, We DID need Greg...


Much more than he needed us; in reality...

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What is the size of DOA, if you don't mind me asking?


The reason why I ask is because I thought you had it at small. And if it is I was wondering how you managed to convince Greg Black to join.


The DOA is at a "Cult" Level.


My justification for such is as follows:

* The DOA, being owned by the Arcadia Network, used four months to promote the development of it's own company through various other network TV shows (Some outside of the network even). It was a huge cross-promotional scenario that had a lot of the DOA cast members showing up on other programming in which to help spread the word of their incoming product. The actual post documenting this was somewhat early on in the project & was used to help justify why the DOA was given a higher sense of popularity.


With that being said, I started the company off on the very bottom-rank of a "Cult" level company; a "D-" across the US for popularity.


So, with a "cult" status, It wasn't too hard to have him jump on board. :D

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The DOA is at a "Cult" Level.


My justification for such is as follows:

* The DOA, being owned by the Arcadia Network, used four months to promote the development of it's own company through various other network TV shows (Some outside of the network even). It was a huge cross-promotional scenario that had a lot of the DOA cast members showing up on other programming in which to help spread the word of their incoming product. The actual post documenting this was somewhat early on in the project & was used to help justify why the DOA was given a higher sense of popularity.


With that being said, I started the company off on the very bottom-rank of a "Cult" level company; a "D-" across the US for popularity.


So, with a "cult" status, It wasn't too hard to have him jump on board. :D


No need to justify anything, I agree that they should be cult as it makes the most sense. Giving what you said that they are owned by a tv station and said tv station promoted them before the opened up for business.


I for some reason thought they were small or regional. I wasn't thinking TNA, I was thinking they were more along the lines of the Jarrett/Lawler USWA.:o

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26399" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>No need to justify anything, I agree that they should be cult as it makes the most sense. Giving what you said that they are owned by a tv station and said tv station promoted them before the opened up for business.</div></blockquote> <p> </p><p> Yea, it was a "knee jerk reaction", BHK. It's been so ingrained in me to justify every decision made (especially in a created company) for the backdrop of this project, so, I found myself in full-on justification mode. <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26399" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I for some reason thought they were small or regional. I wasn't thinking TNA, I was thinking they were more along the lines of the Jarrett/Lawler USWA.<img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I guess between the two it's a little more TNA than anything else. When I developed this project I had an idea of fusing the real world visions of TNA and WSX into one project: <em>The TV-run wrestling TV Show that uses X-Division-like wrestling from top-to-bottom</em>. </p><p> </p><p> I wanted to create a "modern" company for the Adult-wrestling fan. (18-35 male demographic). In-depth characters, fleshed out storylines, high-impact action, and a lot of 'blood, sex, and rock n' roll' fused within the product. So far, I'm pretty happy with how it's all come together!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26399" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Card for Episode #7 due up TUESDAY!</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;">ooc: I had to push the card for Episode #7 back slightly as I'm still quite sick. Expect it on Tuesday though.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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Episode #7

Thursday, 3rd Week of June 2010


The most chaotic, athletically grueling, death-defying form of Pro Wrestling is coming straight into your home this week, Thursday, on DOA "Rapid Assault". No one will be safe.... Everyone may leave via an ambulance.... and Some, May never be the same again.... However, ALL DOA competitors will gain your absolute respect as they wage war with one another, putting their lives at risk, all for one momentous collective prize.... To usher in a New Era in Pro Wrestling... An Era of limitless possibilities... An Era... of Deadly... Overloaded... Action!




Johnny "The Blazing Red Demon" Vicious vs. Mikey James

Singles Match


The opening match of this week’s broadcast of DOA “Rapid Assault” pits two men gripped with hunger. Not the physical-sense of stomach churning hunger; however, more along the lines of a psychological obsession centered primarily on a need for Victory. Mikey James recently made his “Dungeon” debut last week on “Rapid Assault”, competing in the historic “20 man Overloaded Overthrow”; however, sadly coming up short. With that being said, the west-coast native created quite a stir with his ‘lethal’ offensive styling; bringing many to their feet in ‘awe’ of his sensei like abilities.


Meanwhile, Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious continues his ascent back to the DOA Championship with another opening bout in which to prove his overall worth to the show. So far, Vicious has found nothing but success within his demotion but this week… All could change.


Can “The Blazing Red Demon” find a way to continue upward with a victory? Proving himself to Mr. Tyler, And the DOA as a whole? - OR - Will the insistent hunger brewing within the young Mikey James manifest itself into a hard-fought victory?


No matter the outcome, You can be SURE that “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler will be watching very closely.



El Dragón Dorado vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy "Redeem Thee" Powell w/ Violet

3-Way Match

First Elimination rule-set


What do Steve Flash and El Dragón Dorado have in common? They were both assaulted, in the dark, by the mysterious reincarnation of Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell. While this joining reality isn’t quite ‘ideal’ for Flash or Dorado, It’s a fact that both must live with & potentially overcome. Why were they targeted in the past? Little is known to this point; however, there seems to be an underlying tone forming with Teddy Powell: The absolute destruction of those labeled as ‘heros’.


Now, with all three men forced to engage one another within the “Dungeon’s” squared circle, WHO will ultimately find their vengeance?


Will it be Steve Flash? Finding a sense of revenge for Teddy’s earlier victory due to a mysterious black-out.


Will it be El Dragón Dorado? Also, a victim of the same very blackout and a loss to Teddy last week on DOA “Rapid Assault”?


Or, Will it be Teddy Powell? Looking to maintain his spotless record here in the DOA with another, potentially, shocking victory over two of the most beloved DOA superstars.


While the outcome is uncertain at this point, One thing is for sure: Violet, Teddy’s deranged beau, will most likely look to aide in her ‘master’s’ rise from the depth’s of ‘Wrestling Hell’.




The Tokyo Express © vs. Totally Supreme

DOA Death-Defying Duo Championship Match

This match abides by Divisional Rules


In only their 2nd DOA Death-Defying Duo Titles defense, The calming fire that is “The Tokyo Express” will defend their championship gold against the comical-evil-genius’s that are “Totally Supreme”. While some may write-off the challenging team on account of their blatant ‘stupidity’, There still lies a level of concern for the near-perfect tandem of OTA & NARATO. Recently, on DOA “Rapid Assault”, Tom Kornell (A member of “Totally Supreme”) maneuvered his way into a victory over NARATO; proving that it COULD be done. So, now with Championship gold on the line can Mr. “Rough Injustice” himself, Tom Kornell, find a way to once again gain a victory? In turn, obtaining the status of a DOA Champion? - OR - Will the nirvana-encased duo, once again, prove their dominating presence among the Death-Defying Duo Division?


Two men will walk away with the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships come Thursday Night. That’s a fact. However, who will those men be?




Acid © vs. Matty "The Pecker-Wrecker" Sparrow

DOA Championship Match

Ladder Match


The Main Event for this week’s broadcast of DOA “Rapid Assault” carries the narrative of ‘fresh opportunities’ as the once-labeled ‘mid-carder’ Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow is given his earned DOA Championship opportunity versus the animalistic warrior, and undefeated competitor in the DOA, Acid. After a surprising victory in last week’s “20 man Overloaded Overthrow” Matty was officially declared the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Championship; a fact that ultimately carried a deadly aftermath as Acid violently assaulted the victor post-battle royal.


Now, with years of ‘bad blood brewing’ between these two men, Can Matty achieve his ultimate dream by obtaining the DOA Championship? In a sense, can the ‘sexually-charged superstar’ find a way to overcome the odds as he squares off with THE most dominant singles star in the company? Also, knowing that Acid’s ‘holder’, Mr. Tyler, will most certainly be seconds away. - OR - Will Matty Sparrow end up as, yet another, victim in the long line of Acid’s unsuccessful challengers?


It’s a war between Violence & Lust…


Gargoyle-like Gladiator & Porn-Star…


The TRUE X-Factor; however, doesn’t lie in either competitors. Hell, it doesn’t even lie with “The Voice of Reason”. The REAL X-Factor lies in how the “Moral Majority” will react to their bitter rival’s ascent to the Main Event. Will their jealous rage, wrapped in a social cause, be Matty’s everlasting downfall?


Tune into this week’s broadcast of DOA “Rapid Assault” to find out!





Also, Don't miss the HISTORIC "DUNGEON" DEBUT of Greg Black! What does he have in store for the DOA? Who will be his initial target?




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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Johnny Vicious vs. Mikey James

El Dragón Dorado vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Powell

The Tokyo Express © vs. Totally Supreme

Acid © vs. Matty Sparrow


Side Note: The default picture for Greg Black is used for familiarity; however, will not be how he looks when he debuts with the DOA. Realistically, The SWF owns the rights to his name & persona, so, this is just to 'tease' the fact that he's coming to the DOA. Not to ultimately show what he'll look like upon entering "The Dungeon"!
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Johnny Vicious vs. Mikey James

James is Vicious lite, and will lose to the original


El Dragón Dorado vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Powell

Although I wouldn't be surprised with a Powell win, given his storyline


The Tokyo Express © vs. Totally Supreme

draw. this story needs to be drawn out more


Acid © vs. Matty Sparrow

While the 'Pecker-Wrecker' may be your favorite character, he can't carry the promotion like Acid can.




Although it's much too late to incorporate this now, I just had an inspiration that Pecker Wrecker would actually have worked better as a valet's name ie the connotation that she wrecks their peckers. :p:D

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