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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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Guest TDubTNA
I can't even wait to see where you go with this. I def want to see how you work this sort of company and I can't wait to see the diff characters you go with. Looking forward to this man keep it up
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If I had to guess now, I'd say DOA will be sortof like TNA when it was cool...you know, when it was all about the X-Division, which in turn was just ROH with Jerry Lynn guiding it ;)


Yeah, so I'm imagining a show that's pretty much X-Divisiony, with some modern characters thrown into the mix and the like.

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Is it bad that after Greed got offered the job I wanted Alex Braun to leap across the table screaming "Not Again!" as he grabs Greed by the throat?


Nah, I was sort of expecting it, to be honest. Glad to be getting in on the ground floor for this one, and I'm betting three game weeks before the inevitable "Dead on Arrival" comparison...or even that other supposed fighting game series. :p I'm looking forward to seeing where you go from here.

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Is it bad that after Greed got offered the job I wanted Alex Braun to leap across the table screaming "Not Again!" as he grabs Greed by the throat?

I was hoping for a 5 way dance there for a minute.:D




I truly laughed out loud when reading these comments. haha. There was part of me who wanted Alex, as well, to just "lose it". He's had quite the difficult past 2 years & would have probably loved if John never ended up on "this side of the curtain" as he was transitioning there as well.


Maybe Alex will stalk him in the parking lot & attempt to kidnap him? Wear a "John Greed" halloween costume and overtake the show? ....... or.... Maybe not. ha.



If I had to guess now, I'd say DOA will be sortof like TNA when it was cool...you know, when it was all about the X-Division, which in turn was just ROH with Jerry Lynn guiding it ;)


Yeah, so I'm imagining a show that's pretty much X-Divisiony, with some modern characters thrown into the mix and the like.


There in lies what I'm going for in a way. DOA is all about fast-paced action, aggressive combat, cult-like-adult-based entertainment, and High Impact situations. It doesn't entirely mean that they will be made up of High Fliers (as someone who is athletic enough can still keep up), however, the TNA comparison in the early years is something you can certainly point toward. I would like to think, though, that DOA will have more room to do some crazier things as the company is all about "Not Being afraid of keeping up with the Jonses", rather, looking to create a whole new feel versus following the "cookie-cutter" mentality that the SWF,TCW, and USPW have fallen into.


All in all, Great comparison though. That's pretty close.



Just with what I had red right now, I'll be expecting DOA to be a lot different than PSW. Hehe much more like the Attitude Era of the WWF if you can say that. Lots of risque and maybe some cult put into it.


All I can say Eisen, surprise me.


DOA definetely has some "Attitude-Era" notions to it. The Risque levels of the company are only (at this point in testing) set as "Medium", so, I'm sure that's around where the WWE was at that time as well. It's not the entire show, however, it certainly has some strong undercurrents that make it apparent each week. I'm guessing this is how things will go with DOA as well.



Seeing how this is on the Arcadia Network, will there be a chance that we will be seeing Acedia!:D Come on the names are to similar not to bring him in!


There is absolutely no way that Acedia would be able to keep up with the DOA product. haha! Nice try, though, BHK! :) Your love for the big man with a bag on his head is certainly something to respect. haha.



I would like to respond to a few others who have left comments thus far, however, I have to run along on some errands. Will be back on later today & part III - "Monday... Monday..." will be coming sometime later today.

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Loving it so far. Good to see Greed in control of a TNA style show. Just don't hire Sam Strong...


Hmmm.... Hiring Sam Strong..... That's....... Brilliant!!


(Shakes head frantically)


There's absolutely no way that's coming to pass in DOA! haha. :)


You bring up a good point though. Something that NO ONE would know by now outside of me.... So, You certainly have some sense of intuitive nature, don't you, Astil? ;)


He won't be joining the company in anyway... BUT.... He will be heard from at one point as DOA leads to its first show....

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Hmmm.... Hiring Sam Strong..... That's....... Brilliant!!


(Shakes head frantically)


There's absolutely no way that's coming to pass in DOA! haha. :)


You bring up a good point though. Something that NO ONE would know by now outside of me.... So, You certainly have some sense of intuitive nature, don't you, Astil? ;)


He won't be joining the company in anyway... BUT.... He will be heard from at one point as DOA leads to its first show....


Probably not in a happy manner either...

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Late December 2009

... On the same page ...



I found it to be quite awkward.... Seated before an actual desk... Inches from a fully functioning computer screen.... Within a room that actually embraced natural sunlight. For years now, I had grown very accustomed to the tattered, make-shift-office, I constructed within the walls of "The Ministry". At that point, Everything that was crammed into that closet-of-a-room was found on the dirty streets of the industrial district of Pittsburgh. There was no glitz, there was absolutely no room for glamor. In a way, I was spending each waking hour stowed away in my own personal jail cell without any real connection with the outside world. I believe, at this point, that it may have been "less than ideal"... But, for the two years that I found myself part of PSW, I could almost always find a hint of a silver-lining in everything. Why? Because I was forced to do so by, again, less-than-ideal scenarios.


However, now.... I was in a completely different world. Almost as if I were in some sort of dream-state as I found myself seated within a state-of-the-art "war-room" if you will. My desk, still carrying that new wood smell, housed a fresh-out-of-the-box white Mac computer... Equipt with the DOA logo as my background. While It wasn't my choice, as it was already uploaded there as I turned the computer on for the first time, It was just another example of the kind of world I found myself in.... A High Stakes/High Reward scenario that would, almost certainly, cripple anyone who dare to accomplish the ultimate goal of Wrestling Immortality.


The room itself, clad with posters of other Original Arcadia programming, carried a "tow-the-company-line" atmosphere to it all. While quite beautiful in many ways, especially with the large glass windows overlooking the rest of the office, It also felt as if I were now crammed in yet another personal jail cell... This time, though, The Jail was much more like "Club-Med".


I stretched backward, cracking my back in the process, while leaning heavily into my large executive-like leather chair.... Surveying the ceiling as my eyes dart from light to light. It was weird, I know that this is my office... I was TOLD that this is where I would spend the majority of my days with the company, however, at this point, This "power-broker-like-room" didn't feel like "home". With all of it's bells and whistles... I still felt like an outsider. Just, this time, I was an Outsider with one hell of an office.


"It appears that you're acclimating quite well, Mr. Greed."


I practically fell out of my chair... Startled... As I had no idea someone was walking through the glass doorway of my office.


"Oh... Yea... I mean, Sure... It's quite beautiful. Doesn't really feel like I should be this lucky..."


I laughed awkwardly, Finally focusing my sight upon the direction that the voice was peered from. There stood, Jensen Tarver. The very man who just hired me a few days ago & the supposed "Big-Wig" here at the Arcadia Network. His demeanor was quite calming as he slowly leans his petite frame up against the nearby glass window. He wasn't what you would expect from someone with so much power.... His dress pants were rather wrinkled, his white oxford shirt was buttoned open on the top... His tie loosely dangling a few inches from his neck... In that "I'm so cool that I can pull of a casual business look" Kind of way. All the way down to his scuffed black loafers.... He just looked like someone you would run into at a coffeehouse versus a high-powered TV Network.


"It never really feels right at first. Give it time. You'll come to spend a lot of your waking moments, and even some when you're asleep I'm sure, within these walls."


He laughed calmly, running his right hand through his quasi-bed-head-looking hair. Again, while it didn't fit with what you would expect... His overall look was quite unique while also appearing as if he was one of those.... What do you call them?.... Trendy Types.


"I've been meaning to ask you that. How much time do I have? I mean, I... I was wondering when the company was going to go live?"


A slight nod comes from Mr. Tarver as he quickly responds.


"The company will premiere as part of our 'Summer Season'. We're looking at squeezing the show, somewhere, around the Late-Night time frame.... Shooting for May. So, in a sense, you have 4 months in which to make sure that your cast is put together."


Cast? I certainly was out of my element here...


"Four Months? Wow, I wasn't expecting that kind of answer.... To be honest..."


Again, Mr. Tarver nods in an approving kind of manor.


"We want to make sure that our publicity campaign is in full-force before even a second hits the airwaves. We want to make sure that EVERYONE and their brother knows that DOA is coming to Arcadia. That's the only way, we see it, that a business venture like this will truly pay off. So, as you can expect, as you're putting together the details of this organization... We will be promoting the company via social networking, full-length commercials, street-team handouts, and 3rd party programs.... There won't be a single person who won't know of its arrival for the Summer Season."


Again, I almost fell out of my seat. However, this time it was centered on the fact that I couldn't believe the great power that came with working for a major network. In PSW, We were lucky to have an area wrestling blogger talk about our shows... and now? I was working for a company that was about to embark upon a four month blitzkrieg campaign! I felt, at this point, that I truly had "moved on up to the East Side". Luckily for me, however, the "East Side" was really the absolutely gorgeous landscape of the "West Coast"...


"That's remarkable... Absolutely remarkable..."


I muttered.


"I don't want to hold up your time for very long, John. As I know you have a lot ahead of you.... I just wanted to make sure that we were on the same page as it pertains to the companies vision."


"I believe we are..."


"Good. Because, as you know, our focus groups brought us a wealth of information that we plan on utilizing to the 'nth degree. So, if you could, stray away from bringing anyone over 45 into the company... We don't want to appear like we're a "Senior Citizen Home"."


We shared in a stint of laughter as both of us knew exactly what he was getting at.... USPW.


"You don't have to worry about that, Mr. Tarver. I plan on being very stringent with the amount of older superstars on our roster.... We can't litter ourselves with people past their primes, as, the kind of product were putting forth with almost certainly expose that."


"Exactly. [Pause] Also, though. That goes for the youthful figures that you bring into the cast as well... Just because they have age on their side doesn't mean that they could probably keep up with the action. So, make sure that we only employ the kind of people who will keep the overall brand in tact."


It was a no-brainier but I understood that he was just making sure that nothing went overlooked.


"Will do. I just wanted to thank you agai...."


He cut me off as he had already turned his back away from me... Sliding out of the room just as mysteriously as he came in.


"No need to thank me, John. Just do your job right & I'll know that we made the right decision."


And just like that, I was alone...


Alone to my thoughts...


Alone to the journey of crafting this piece of artwork into an all-around masterpiece...




<hr color="black">NEXT: THE MONTHS CONTINUE TO ROLL...


DOA Hiring Rules:

* Cannot hire anyone over 45.

* Cannot hire anyone under a "C" for Athleticism.

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were those ones the game actually gave you? or ones you imposed yourself?


Those are ones I imposed myself through the company profile. I wanted to go with a strict "40 years", however, that would keep someone like Steve Flash as not an option. While it isn't a make or break to have Flash, I needed another babyface to round out the uppercard.


As for "C" athleticism, I wanted to make sure that I kept myself close to what I originally wanted to create with the company. This way, 6 months into the game I'm not allowing myself to slip and go after someone who shouldn't be in the company in the first place!

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January through Early April

... Branding ...



The next three months were like a whirlwind sent straight from Hell.



Well, I guess I should clarify... Personally, yes, the next three months were quite difficult as my body, and mind, were physically chained to my desk. I spent practically every waking hour transitioning back and forth from my email to my phone. Never really understanding any sense of reality as I was sucked into a vacuum.... All for the name of DOA. My sanity was called into question countless of times through various forms of self-evaluation, however, in the end... I knew that the ultimate outcome would be much more than a great payoff. If we, Arcadia and I, were able to truly construct the sort of brand that was set out for.... Then there was no telling what we could accomplish. The masses were practically crying for something to "shake-up" the U.S. Wrestling Scene.... And it was my job to make sure that DOA was exactly the instigator of such unrest.


While personally I was nothing more than a DOA-Zombie, Professionally... I was surging through the ceiling. My tireless hours of phone conversations, with various superstars, had proved to be well worth the time and effort as our initial "cast" was greatly starting to take shape. With any start-up promotion, You're forced to look where there are opportunities versus absolute truths.... You have to look at who could be a potential up-and-comer, what indy veteran may be on the verge of another "big break", what Youngster had that gleam of greatness in his step, and more importantly what "household names" could you attempt to sway into your camp? While this process was quite mind numbing at points.... Without research, without doing your homework, You were setting yourself up for a drastic amount of failure.


I, for one, will not accept any notion of failure as it pertains to this opportunity. This, may be, my one and only chance at developing something for the ages. Richard [Eisen], Tommy [Cornell], and Sam [strong] hadn't shown the slightest interest in me after I was forced to leave PSW. Hell, they didn't even look my way while I was formulating something from withing Pittsburgh.... So, in a sense, if I wanted to do something on a grand scale.... DOA was my, potential, one and only opportunity.


Toward the tail-end of the last three months I was forced into an awkward position. We desperately needed a sense of "Star Power" at the top, however, were sadly locked out of most of the "Big Names" as they were already working for other organizations. So, against my original guidelines, I decided to respectfully Challenge Mr. Tarver's "No one over 45 rule". Was I plainly stupid? A man wrapped in an overall need for self-sabotage? I don't believe so. We needed a "house hold" name to, at least, give us a small boost in the ratings from the start.


When I spoke with Mr. Tarver, My voice initially began to waver. My heart was attempting to force my mind out through some sort of mutiny, however, even with this in the process, I kept strong with my convictions.... Informing him of our situation and ultimately calling on his guidance as what to do. He gently responded:



Dispensing Wisdom


"Do what you believe to be what's best for the project, John. I do agree that we need a 'big name' to draw some interest straight out of the gate.... And if that person comes in the form of someone over 45... Then, for this time only, we can go ahead and do so. That being said, I want to make sure that we use him, character-wise, in a smart manor that will ultimately SHOW how old he really is. Sometimes, the best way to define who YOU are... Is by defining who THEY are... And showing the contrast."


His word spoke loud and clear. If we were going to bend the rules slightly to bring in an older, known, superstar... We would have to make sure that his persona fit the bill. He would need to carry the banner as the Ultimate Anti-Revolutionary figure. They had to practically ooze DOA defiance in their core.... Standing as the perfect example of what the DOA was trying to over-throw.... By this, We could create the narrative that this company, DOA, was physically creating a contrast to what was from 'yesterday'.... Using the elder-statesman as an example of where we are moving on from.... Ultimately creating a timely clash before our viewers eyes on a weekly basis. By doing this, We could, in turn, truly define what DOA was all about.... The upheaval of yesterday and the ushering in of tomorrow...




I called him. A man I had no real interactions with in the past, however, respected his work from afar. A man that could, if anyone, play such a believable nemesis to the uprising that is DOA. The ONLY man who could stand in the face of our younger superstars and truly SELL the fact that he was to be given a sense of respect without asking for it. It was this kind of persona, kind of figure, that we needed to ultimately A) Bring attention to the company and B) Sell the great Revolt of the Traditional viewpoint of Pro Wrestling.


It had to be done & luckily... He was on board...



"The Voice of Reason"

Eric Tyler



<hr color="black">NEXT: THE ROSTER IS UNVEILED

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It would be noted that "Season 1" for DOA will stretch from May of 2010 until May of 2011. These workers have been given year contracts (almost every one of them under a PPA, for realism as they work for other Indy Companies as well) and will compete until either A) there is nothing for them creatively with DOA anymore or B) they are swallowed up by another company that is willing to give them "Written" Contracts. All in all, this is what you can expect to see from a "Cast" standpoint for the first year.


Additional information. I'm posting the "cast" as one giant picture, so, underneath that will be a listing of each character's names. It will read from left to right (with the picture coinsiding on top).


Welcome.... To the Revolt.... Welcome, To DOA....










KAZUMA ** OTA ** Cannonball Funk ** Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious ** El Dragón Dorado ** Ares ** Roy Edison **

Prudence ** Matty “Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow ** Donnie J ** Jimmy P ** Fox Mask ** Masked Cougar ** “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler **

Brendan Idol ** Mikey D ** Mainstream Hernandez ** Citizen X ** Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell ** Steve Flash **

The Alchemist ** Jettstream ** Ted Brady ** Matthew Keith ** Tom Kornell ** Dick Eyezen ** Grace **


++ I do understand that Matty was posted twice on accident. Instead of fixing everything (since numbers work out best), I'm forced to keep it in. I guess he's that important that he needs two pictures. ha.



DOA Death-Defying Duos



Feline Fancy



The Tokyo Express



The Fly Boys



The Moral Majority



Totally Supreme




DOA Factions



The Moral Majority



The Fly Boys




<hr color="black">NEXT: A LIVING LEGEND SPEAKS OUT...


A special thank you goes to jhd1 as he's been amazing help with almost all of my alt renders! He does truly great work & I wouldn't have as much of a connection with this project if it wasn't for him.
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Matty 'Pecker-Wrecker' Sparrow...best. ringname. ever. Looking forward to Episode One!




I never would have thought naming a "Porn Star" gimmick would be soo much fun. haha. That's the nice thing about this project versus PSW. I could have done it with them as well, however, my image of what they were was very close to an overall theme. Even though DOA is much the same (in the sense of creating the "Modern" Theme), I have more room to open it up to a wide range of characters. A complete "shock" style is starting to take shape very early on.


I'm just as excited to write Episode One to be honest! ha. It may not be for a week or two, as there are still some backstory stuff to put forward, however, I could see the first card being up sometime in the next few days depending upon how things have progressed!


Side Note: I also added a thank you to you on my roster post. I was planning on doing it, however, forgot to do so.



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Although it looks like you could have just imported CZCW's roster and saved time :p there are some interesting and seldom used names there that should be fun to see what you do with them. Did you set up agreements with SWF to avoid losses?, as I know a couple of them are usually grabbed regularly
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Although it looks like you could have just imported CZCW's roster and saved time :p there are some interesting and seldom used names there that should be fun to see what you do with them. Did you set up agreements with SWF to avoid losses?, as I know a couple of them are usually grabbed regularly


While true, (CZCW was an idea to go with from the first choice of a "Modern" Company), There really aren't many workers who could work this style who weren't already working for CZCW. ya know? I was kind of locked in to that & tried to stay away from them for the most part, however, really had no chance of doing so.


As for the SWF, I havent. Why? While I may lose a lot of the people right away, That's realism. So, by creating an agreement that would certainly not be there in real life, I can't justify it. :)




Great stuff as always Eisen!


Thank you, BYU. I appreciate the kind words!



To see the DOA roster go back one page (For those who came into this thread at this point).


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As for the SWF, I havent. Why? While I may lose a lot of the people right away, That's realism. So, by creating an agreement that would certainly not be there in real life, I can't justify it.


I wasn't sure if you were playing this fairly straight or if you had a specific scenario in mind outside of just the promotion itself.


If you were using the game to tell a specific story outside of just John Greed then obviously some modification of events might be necessary to keep important elements in place. For instance , if James Prudence is set to be a main antagonist of your user, him getting shipped off to SWF on a written would squelch that story.


If however you are just telling the story of Greed and how he deals with events that affect his new promotion and reactions of the owners to it, then you'd probably want events to fold out in whatever random way the game normally does it.


From your comments I am assuming the second case is what you are going for. Which works for me as part of the fun of my games is always seeing and dealing with whatever events take place. God knows I have seen this game do weird stuff at times! :D ( Big Smack Scott headling a year straight of SWF PPV's and a year long Peter Valentine World title reign where he was the only champion on tv just to name a couple .)

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If however you are just telling the story of Greed and how he deals with events that affect his new promotion and reactions of the owners to it, then you'd probably want events to fold out in whatever random way the game normally does it.


From your comments I am assuming the second case is what you are going for. Which works for me as part of the fun of my games is always seeing and dealing with whatever events take place.


It appears that you and I are quite the same when it comes to crafting a diary around one person. I would rather set things up originally and then see where the game takes John versus creating it to best help him tell his story. Does that make sene? If we lose Jimmy P (while it may suck), I do have a storyline in the waiting with that as Mikey D (See DOA's First Season Cast on previous page) is a "Fly Boy in Training" as you can see via the Factions segment.


All in all, I like to be as suprised as the reader as to what takes place. Analyze what happened, try to see it through John's eyes as best that I can, and then relay a story based around what happened. That always seems to be much more fun for me, as a writer, when it comes to creating a TEW Diary!

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