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Minnesota. We Vikings fans pretty much have nothing else to do but complain about other teams and wallow in our team's continued disappointments.


LOL. You guy's will be good in around five year's time. Every team has a stretch of bad years before a good one. For example, my team sucked since 2009 and finally made the playoffs this year. Don't worry, be happy now.

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LOL. You guy's will be good in around five year's time. Every team has a stretch of bad years before a good one. For example, my team sucked since 2009 and finally made the playoffs this year. Don't worry, be happy now.


I would if the Viking's definition of "good" wasn't getting a step away from the top and then plummeting right back down the mountain.

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I'm a Packer fan as well. This one stung. To get 5 turnovers...pick Wilson off 4 times...and not come away with the win, that's awful. But Seattle is a team that gets lucky. Not taking anything away from them, their defense had some great plays deep in the redzone early in the game, but they tend to have everything break their way when it counts. I'll omit the fake FG because that was just brilliant playcalling, but HaHa dropping that final pick, obviously Bostick, and that crazy 2-point conversion were flat out luck. It's just the way everything broke, and our defense couldn't hold in between. I have zero interest in this Super Bowl. No ill will toward either team, but I just don't care who wins.
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He played like garbage. Absolute garbage.


Agreed. You can't say a QB is great when he throws FOUR INTERCEPTIONS.

Yeah, but who won? I'm not defending his performance for three quarters and I certainly don't think he's the best Quarterback in the league (far from it) and he's probably had the worst game of his career but like I said before, he always comes out big in the end and quite simply, he gets the job done. His opponents could have been out of sight if he didn't get that 3rd and 19 in the 3rd/4th quarter (I can't remember which) and then to put together the game winning drive at the end like he did (those last two throws were perfect, forget about what came before them) is a mark of a great Quarterback in my opinion. Some people win pretty and some people just win.

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and I certainly don't think he's the best Quarterback in the league (far from it)

We don't differ too greatly on him then. I think he's good, but I wouldn't call him great just yet, and certainly not one of the very best QBs in the league. He may well get there someday, but he's not there yet. The only thing I have a problem with is talking about how great he is after yesterday's game. He played like crap and made multiple poor decisions that should have ended the game, only winning through almost impossible luck and, yes, a handful of big plays at the end. If that's indicative of a great QB, why isn't Tim Tebow still in the NFL?

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We don't differ too greatly on him then. I think he's good, but I wouldn't call him great just yet, and certainly not one of the very best QBs in the league. He may well get there someday, but he's not there yet. The only thing I have a problem with is talking about how great he is after yesterday's game. He played like crap and made multiple poor decisions that should have ended the game, only winning through almost impossible luck and, yes, a handful of big plays at the end. If that's indicative of a great QB, why isn't Tim Tebow still in the NFL?


This burns me like a vampire facing a cross, but I'm kinda hoping the Patriots win and put Wilson in his place. If only so he can understand that he still has a lot of room to improve if he wants to be one of the best QBs in the league.

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I don't think I'll be watching the Super Bowl this year. I have hated the Patriots since I was like 6(almost 22 years of hate has really built up:p) and I have never really cared for the Seahawks. I have been indifferent to them since Hasselbeck left, but I really hated that guy for some reason.
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I don't mind Seattle - I think Wilson is a class act, I like Marshawn, Kam Chancellor, Michael Bennett...I can even appreciate Richard Sherman.


I just hate Pete Carroll's gum-chewing smirk more than anything in the world. And I hated Golden Tate too, but since he's gone I don't hate them as much. Regardless, I don't want them to win another Super Bowl.

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I don't mind Seattle - I think Wilson is a class act, I like Marshawn, Kam Chancellor, Michael Bennett...I can even appreciate Richard Sherman.


I just hate Pete Carroll's gum-chewing smirk more than anything in the world. And I hated Golden Tate too, but since he's gone I don't hate them as much. Regardless, I don't want them to win another Super Bowl.


You captured my feeling for them perfectly. Whilst we may be a tad biased as Packer fans, I do like Wilson and Lynch. However, I also hate Carroll, and I'm not the biggest fan of Richard Sherman to say the least :p

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We don't differ too greatly on him then. I think he's good, but I wouldn't call him great just yet, and certainly not one of the very best QBs in the league. He may well get there someday, but he's not there yet. The only thing I have a problem with is talking about how great he is after yesterday's game. He played like crap and made multiple poor decisions that should have ended the game, only winning through almost impossible luck and, yes, a handful of big plays at the end. If that's indicative of a great QB, why isn't Tim Tebow still in the NFL?

I do consider him a great Quarterback but I considered him a great Quarterback before the game, I didn't suddenly think he was a great Quarterback because he strung together a great comeback and game winning drive and unlike Tim Tebow, that isn't all Wilson is known for. He had one bad game but so have all the greats, I mean Peyton Manning has had a four interception game this year if memory serves me right and Tom Brady has had one in his career but I still consider them both great Quarterbacks. Plus, two of Wilson's interceptions were tips from perfectly thrown balls; sometimes you just can't legislate for them. Like I said before, although I'm using Manning and Brady for comparison, I wouldn't call Wilson an Elite Quarterback like them, but I think he's on the rung just below them and Rodgers. At the end of the day, he could quite easily end up with two Super Bowl rings in his first three years in the NFL and not many can say they've done that.

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I do consider him a great Quarterback but I considered him a great Quarterback before the game, I didn't suddenly think he was a great Quarterback because he strung together a great comeback and game winning drive and unlike Tim Tebow, that isn't all Wilson is known for. He had one bad game but so have all the greats, I mean Peyton Manning has had a four interception game this year if memory serves me right and Tom Brady has had one in his career but I still consider them both great Quarterbacks. Plus, two of Wilson's interceptions were tips from perfectly thrown balls; sometimes you just can't legislate for them. Like I said before, although I'm using Manning and Brady for comparison, I wouldn't call Wilson an Elite Quarterback like them, but I think he's on the rung just below them and Rodgers. At the end of the day, he could quite easily end up with two Super Bowl rings in his first three years in the NFL and not many can say they've done that.


Not many can say they've played QB behind an all-time great defense and a ruthlessly powerful running game either :p


I get what you're saying though and I do consider Russell a very good QB who just had a terrible game. I can't help but root for good things for him, he's a great guy who just happens to be on a team I don't particularly care for.

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Not many can say they've played QB behind an all-time great defense and a ruthlessly powerful running game either :p


I get what you're saying though and I do consider Russell a very good QB who just had a terrible game. I can't help but root for good things for him, he's a great guy who just happens to be on a team I don't particularly care for.

Hey, I said that right from the beginning. I don't even know how/why I've found myself in a position whereby I'm defending him because as I've said all along, I'm very much a neutral who doesn't necessarily like/dislike anyone or any team. xD

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I know how you feel. Reference the formely known as December Curse. We are in the same boat, my friend.


Perhaps, but I raise you a Vikings fan song/unofficial anthem:


Though you could probably cut out the Super Bowl references and replace the Packers with the Redskins and it would probably work for the Cowboys.

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At least you aren't a Cowboy fan. We got a BS call to lose to you guys, and we lose DeMarco Murray because we don't have enough money. You got lucky, my dire friend.


I love that Cowboys fans can somehow feel wronged because a rule was interpreted correctly the week after the refs decided not to enforce rules on them. A rule that is literally known for a Lions player, even!


Also McCarthy might be a great coach for developing QB's, but wow he's atrocious at actual in-game decision-making. Better be ultra-conservative on the road with your amazing QB! Don't try to score touchdowns! Those timeouts all roll over into next season anyway, right?

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Also McCarthy might be a great coach for developing QB's, but wow he's atrocious at actual in-game decision-making. Better be ultra-conservative on the road with your amazing QB! Don't try to score touchdowns! Those timeouts all roll over into next season anyway, right?


I'll agree that his 4th quarter decision-making was trash, but the field goals weren't as atrocious IMO. I think they were fine. The first one - just get points on the board. The second one - you've been stuffed inside the 5 on 6 consecutive tries in the past three minutes, just take the points. I understand the road team thing but this isn't any ordinary defense. The field goals kept us in the game for the whole game and a goal line stop could have swung the momentum 100% in the early going. I like the steady approach and it did pay off, kind of. We were in position to win.

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