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Memoirs of a Booker

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5SSW Rise (back) To Regional Size:


5 Star Supreme Wrestling have risen to Regional size... again. Fans of Yuu Onuki are allowed a small breath of air, as the last living Joshi company returns from its dip in the road. With Yuu Onuki's gamble that she could crack the Tokyo region paying off, it would seem her job is safe. But for how long? With the year end review looming and rumors of large cracks in the relationship between the Queen and her Oracle; Yuu Onuki may have only bought herself more time.




5SSW Planet Tokyo Results:

Held: Saturday, Week 4, September 2010

Location: Ibaraki Community Hall (Kanto)

Attendance: 645

Final Rating: C+


5SSW's latest tour has comes to a close in orbit around Planet Tokyo, and the signal was loud and clear. Planet Tokyo was a thunderous success with several breakout matches. Kiko Sakakibara is said to have been especially impressive in her match against Raku Makuda. Many fans believe it is only a matter of time before she makes a run for the World title. Two of the younger generation, Etsuko Arihyoshi and Kinuye Mushashibo, also turned a few heads in their match. It was later revealed that they were extremely motivated to put on a good show after colour commentator Katuhiko Shunsen buried the two in the pre-show.

5SSW will now return to Kinki for a much deserved two month break. As the roster heals and recharges from a grueling tour, we can only hope that the staff will take a moment and do the same.




Incident With Shiori Jippensha:


With all of this good, there had to be some bad. Fans of Shiori Jippensha must be tearing their hair out as the talented yet troubled Main Eventer seems determined to plow her career into dust. Shiori appeared to be close to redemption as she put over UDL at Planet Tokyo. A meeting was set on how to return her to the Main Event. But it was a meeting she promptly skipped altogether. Yuu Onuki has proven her notoriously unforgiving once the lines are cast, she never looks back.




Ikuko Temko walks out on 5SSW:


One half of the hallowed team, Seek & Destroy, seems to have destroyed the bridge between her and 5SSW. Veteran brawler Ikuko Temko walked out on the Joshi company at Planet Tokyo visibly angry. People close to Ikuko said they were surprised that she stayed as long as she did. She has reportedly vowed to never work in the same company where Yuu Onuki hold 'The Book', ever again.





Tuesday, Week 4, September 2010


5SSW Dance With Legend Tour Final


With the end of 5SSW's latest tour comes the final round of our guessing game. Who has climbed into Yuu Onuki's sock drawer that she calls a mind and seen the lines as she does? It was a close call in the top 3, but as in all decent stories: There can be only one.




Congratulations to Wallbanger who seems to see the world much as she does. Wallbanger has won the chance to book any match of their choosing for the next tour. Last tour our contest winner, Dragonmack, gave us Chitose vs. Fuyuko. Needless to say it brought the house down. What will Wallbanger book almost directly into the mind of Yuu? We will find out soon I'm sure.




Editor6: 60

Drgonmack: 58

Sudo Nym: 49

Remianen: 43

Hyde Hill: 29

Astil: 23

Ampulator: 17

Nordvolf: 15

jesseewiak: 9

stryfe: 7





Noodleshop: Are we there yet? No? Yes? No! But a two month breaking of lines is a good and close looking friend. Yay, for the rising again. Boo for the headaches of individual scribbled eggs and more eggs shall surely crack and break before we do and begin again. Hmm, Kiko was great. I think so too. Two B- matches in one show is a first time for me. I am working hard on stamina... I try to push them to the next levels of your eyes.

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Yay! Serve me up one Kiko Sakakibara vs. Dragon Assassin, preferably with World Title implications if you can.


And to celebrate your return to size (and to your future growth), I'd like to share with you some tour/event logos that you may use as you see fit.







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Yay! Serve me up one Kiko Sakakibara vs. Dragon Assassin, preferably with World Title implications if you can.


And to celebrate your return to size (and to your future growth), I'd like to share with you some tour/event logos that you may use as you see fit.








These are all so and very astounding. Thank you! :)

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Regional Battle Results: Monday, Week 1, October 2010


We don't cover Joshi Puroresu much here at Purozilla. That's just not our thing. But when 5SSW sends two Puro companies packing in two seperate battles? We all have to pause our latest BHOTWG/PGHW download and sing a few bars from, "God Save The Lizard Queen". 5SSW didn't win just any battle either. They took two of the three territorial jewels: Kinki and Hokkaido. I don't know what they've got going on over there. But as soon as I finish watching Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tadakuni Toshusai? I think I'll try a little DEVIL Karube vs Saori Nakadan.





No rest for the wicked, or The Oracle.

With the year slowly winding down and another tour in the bag, the women of 5SSW will enjoy some down time. But for Yuu Onuki, she simply gets to change hats. With more than 6 contracts close to ending and an owner who is less than pleased with Yuu's business record, it should be interesting to see how the transactions transpire. Chiyeko Kita and Fuyuko Higa, the current tag team champions, both have contracts expiring. Along with HEART Saitoh, one half of UDL, they woul have to be seen as Yuu's top priorities.

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"Yuu, a moment please."


*The steps of Yuu stopped as she turned to meet the eyes of Sakurako Kagawa. Her boss. The Lizzard Queen and #1 in Kinki and Hokkaido with a bullet that Yuu had fired*



"It is of the brief, yes? I must meet Fuyuko in the shortest of turns."


*A blue smile on the lips of the Queen.*


"Oh, I know exactly where you are going Yuu. This is your specialty, isn't it? For what ever reason you have the ability to make the women of 5SSW buy into you vision of things at a discount. It's really one of your few charms to me."


*Yuu blinked once, and stared into the eyes.*


"This will only take a moment Yuu. It would be wrong not to say to your face that I am very pleased with our little, Regional battle victory. Congratulations."


*Yuu's face wrinkled in thought, confused why Kagawa-san would say anything so obvious.*

"Yes? It is not a question. It is your very and of nature. You will be number one in moon and starts, but that is not enough at all. Your mercy is a vanishing sliver. You must have the money and closing of doors."


*The Lizard Queen laughed of short mockery before cutting everything short.*


"The same way you must have poetry of lines and prattle. The same way everything must build and flow for you before you slip into some art induced slumber? Aren't we a stunning pair."


*Yuu had nothing to say, for the Queen spoke cold truth. They were a stunning pair and it annoyed her inner workings of soul.*


"Oh Yuu?"


*She did not turn around, but waited for the words.*


"Give Fuyuko a good deal. I need her for the future. But do not break the standards set. Don't give her anything someone else doesn't already have and that goes for all the others as well."


*Yuu's voice inquired the soft edge.*


"You tie the hands of me?"


"Of course not Yuu, because you are one of my hands and like all of my limbs, you do as I say. Now don't keep Fuyuko waiting. I hear she has an attitude that dwarfs her talent."


*Yuu did not look back, for again the Queen was right. The waiting of things unsaid must be continued. Yuu bit her tongue most literal and walked quite away towards the meeting set. It was an important piece of 5SSW, but other lines of thoughts flashed across her mind like the lightening, yes?*

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I don't like this:


"Of course not Yuu, because you are one of my hands and like all of my limbs, you do as I say.


As much heat as she gave Yuu, to then say that everything Yuu accomplished was her own doing (because Yuu is like one of her limbs and does what she says), is insulting. It kinda makes a person glad 5 Star fell, if only for Kagawa's comeuppance.

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I don't like this:




As much heat as she gave Yuu, to then say that everything Yuu accomplished was her own doing (because Yuu is like one of her limbs and does what she says), is insulting. It kinda makes a person glad 5 Star fell, if only for Kagawa's comeuppance.


It is a difficult scene too, I think. While she does give Yuu small credit, she takes back ten times fold. I think it is good the Queen takes back some control of business and numbers... the last insult is not such goodness. It is divisive and smackings of ego... maybe?

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It is a difficult scene too, I think. While she does give Yuu small credit, she takes back ten times fold. I think it is good the Queen takes back some control of business and numbers... the last insult is not such goodness. It is divisive and smackings of ego... maybe?


Yes, which on second thought, might be fitting, given her position within the world of joshi. But that gives me something to think about. *whistle*


Oh and excellent show. Keep rising and tell the Queen to stuff it. :)

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*Yuu and Fuyuko were not on the best of terms, ever. But small changes had occurred, subtle things. Since their final encounter months ago, Fuyuko had been the definition of that which is professional. No fights. No arguments, win or lose. She had steadily become a member of the roster it did seem. With Shiori Jippensha's meltdown still in progress, Yuu had to take a moment to see and release the past of Fuyuko Higa: The self proclaimed future of Joshi Puroresu, and seconded by almost any other who did see her dance the line of violence. Yuu Onuki took the breath of clear, and walked into the Noodle Shop.*




*Fuyuko Higa sat with her back against a wooden wall. Black leather boots, with sharp angular heels perched on the criss-crossing legs of a cheap table. A forest green skirt cut down to the knees, her cut physique and features accented by a black, sleeveless top. Her eyes cut surgical, with no smile on her face as she met the eyes of Yuu. Fuyuko Higa had set the tone in under 3 seconds and without a word. She had obviously shown up early as an empty noodle bowl rested off to the side. She was fueled and ready.*





*Yuu bowed her head, approaching the table with even steps. An order place with the raising of a small hand. She sat down across from the future. For some reason the faces of the birds of prey she studied back in junior high flashed across her mind... gutting lizards with razor beaks. Was that the future, yes?*


"I will not make the small and talkings with you, Higa-san. It would be an empty time, no?"


*Fuyuko stared at Yuu's words with unblinking eyes. She didn't fidget. She didn't play with her chopsticks or napkins edge... no wasted energy.*


"One year. 50,000 yen per your appearance and time."


*It was a good deal that would place Fuyuko among the top 6 wage earners in the company. This was the approach she would take with Fuyuko. Direct. Open. Honest. Yuu met the bird eyes again, and did not blink as well. Fuyuko finally moved like a human being and leaned back, pushing her boot heels against the table legs.*



"I want travel expenses."


*Yuu nodded her head once. The foreign talent she had brought in had been given this bonus. Yuu had no problem extending it to Fuyuko as well.*


"It is done, yes?"


*Yuu opened her hands on the table, they were empty. But Fuyuko was not done yet. Yuu could see the sharp wheels turning inside the young head.*


"No, it isn't. I want 10% off of the merchandise. Cash."


*Yuu closed her empty hands. The wall coming into view too quickly.*


"That is not a possible event, Higa-san. Of this you will have to trust me. 60,000 yen per the show, and in the future of lines and growing? A percentage will be in your hands."


*The bird eyes looked into Yuu's face.*


"I am the future, Onuki. I don't talk about it. 10%. Today."


*The bowl of noodles came. It was perfect timing really. You reached for a fresh pair of chopsticks and separated them with the tips of her fingers. The space between everything growing. The imagery not lost on Yuu's sensitive eyes.*


"70,000 yen, Higa-san. They are the very last of words I can offer on this line, no?"


*Yuu met eyes one more time. It would make Fuyuko second only to DEVIL. It was an outrageous offer by any standard set, and it was the very limit The Lizard Queen had set before.*

"It is completely yes, Higa-san. The choice is yours alone."


*Fuyuko did not kick the table over. Her face never changed. Thunder Hike, her mentor, had told her to get a percentage as soon as she had established herself. As one half of the tag team champions, she had done that. But now 5SSW were not going to give her the one thing she had her sight set on? It took a lot of self control not to open her mouth. She simply put her shoulder bag over her shoulder and walked out of the door. Even Yuu had to notice how much the young woman had matured as the angular and fashionable heels accentuated her complete departure from 5SSW.*

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5SSW will be fine without her.


OH MY GOD, no they won't. :( There isn't a single worker on the roster who can match up talent wise with Fuyuko Higa. Not DEVIL, not Nakadan, heck not even Nakajima. Higa could carry 5 Star to Global on her back, even with her ridiculously large ego.


This is going to hurt. What's worse, the Queen will not be pleased. :(

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Don't let the door hitcha, jerkface!


5SSW will be fine without her.


OH MY GOD, no they won't. :( There isn't a single worker on the roster who can match up talent wise with Fuyuko Higa. Not DEVIL, not Nakadan, heck not even Nakajima. Higa could carry 5 Star to Global on her back, even with her ridiculously large ego.


This is going to hurt. What's worse, the Queen will not be pleased. :(


6 months to a year of her cooling her heels, Higa will come crawling back. That is the one benefit of being the only game in town.


I agree with all three. :)

She was quite and more impossible.

3 offers and I was out. :(


Off with my head!

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Yes, it hurts. But 5 Star doesn't NEED Higa at this moment in time to grow. They can still make progress without her. Now that won't be true for much longer. But for now, it is.


The present has no need of the future.....until the present is the past.

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"You vex me Yuu. Like no other person on this planet, you truly do."


*Yuu had finished her bowl of noodles at her own pace, and had enjoyed a glass of cool tea before returning to the office. There she informed The Lizard Queen, to her face, of her failure to re-sign Fuyuko Higa. She had left out no detail.*


"On the one hand you save me hundreds of dollars on contracts whose time has come and gone... or worse yet, who will never even have a time. But I send you out with an open bank book and you can not re-sign the future of this business?"


*The Lizard Queen glossed over the fact that she had tied Yuu's hands with conditions. But it was not important, even with the free of hand and fingers? Yuu would have failed to sign Fuyuko. She would not transfer blame, but swallow it whole like Chinese sticky buns filled with anti-glee. But the Fuyuko Higa situation was now just another thread in the situation between these two women of 5SSW.*



"My approach was the fault and the fall. It is completeness."


*Yuu bowed her head more than slightly, playing a move from her hand the held.*


"I offer that which is my resignation."


*Yuu raised her eyes.*


"Please, accept it into your hands... from your hand, yes?"


*Yuu quoted their previous meeting carefully of voice and tone. The Queen folded her hands in front of her face, pressing finger tips together.*

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"I think you would enjoy that, Yuu. Your prophecy of our separation fulfilled? The only problem with that is I would have to be a fool to accept your resignation. Your return has been a mixed blessing of steps, Yuu. But don't think for a moment I don't see the steps forward. We have broken into two of the biggest regions in the nation. Our roster has blossomed with fresh new talent, growth and continuity. Your precious lines of reality, and such."


*The Lizard Queen paused in thought, perhaps seeing through Yuu's play. She gave not the slightest indication either way.*


"No, your resignation is not accepted Yuu. Not on your terms."


*The cold, shaded eyes met Yuu's head on.*


"Your year end review is on the immediate horizon and you are skating the edge. I will sit down on my terms and decide your future. I will use the eyes of business not silly prophecy or feelings to judge. If my company is moving in a direction that does not please me? I will cut you loose and re-tool, Yuu. You know that. But if I like where my company is going? I will keep you as my hands, and one day I will give you the keys, again."


*The Lizard Queen paused, before continuing, again.*


"And if that is what happens? You should smile and thank whatever line you are following at that moment Yuu. Because without me in this business to keep you on track? You would be a mess, and we would never hear from you again. A sad ending to our years together, wouldn't you say?"


*Yuu tilted the head that was hers for the eternal and to the side. She was no longer the young girl of years and ago, awed by strong women above. She could almost look across and level... and see Sakurako Kagawa there. Almost...*


"You play with heavy and hands, no? You will do the strings and pullings to dance that who is always me. You pour the ice, I will make it warm and steam. You praise the songs and settle to the sleep of off and done."


*Yuu's own smile was not blue, more of quirk and amused.*


"The only this that is now, I have seen the strings and pullings... I move quite and free of you, Kagawa-san. It is the illusion simple because the movements of the same direction, yes?"


*Yuu tilted her head slowly the opposite weight.*

"It is our dancing. You pull. I move and they are two the separate things. It is only interesting. It changes no things. I will stay, until I am not here. My prophecy? It is standing and looking down with the amused, Kagawa-san."


*The two women stared at each other, the fractions between laid bare for only them to see and hear.*

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Chiykeo Kita and Ginko Kuroda extend deals with 5SSW.

Date: Week 1, October, 2010



While one half of Shojo Beatdown has left the company, 5SSW has signed the remaining half to a PPA contract extension. Since the company is in-between tours there has been no mention of the status of the tag team championships.



"The Dragon's Daughter" Ginko Kuroda has also reached an agreement to continue working for 5SSW through next year. Her first year with 5SSW has seen her languishing with little direction or momentum. Many of her fans hope that a new contract will signal a new chapter in her career.


Fabrications, Lies and Occasional After-Facts:

With Fuyuko Higa and Ikuko Temko leaving, 5SSW has been reportedly reaching out to several wrestler during the off-season. With December being a critical month for the company, they will want to be fully loaded for the final push.

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Since the company is in-between tours there has been no mention of the status of the tag team championships.


Freebird Rule! Bring Nagatsuka in to fill in for Higa -- she can keep the titles credible and help build up Kita as you formulate a transition.

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Fabrications, Lies and Occasional After-Facts:

With Fuyuko Higa and Ikuko Temko leaving, 5SSW has been reportedly reaching out to several wrestler during the off-season. With December being a critical month for the company, they will want to be fully loaded for the final push.


I nominate Yukiko Matsumara! Why? Oh, no reason. *whistle*

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Noodleshop: Thank you for the suggestions. :) I have a funny idea of thinkings... I think.


December will be a very crazy month to do the writings of...

One big event will unfold within the ring of dance and physical.

One big decision will be made behind the curtains of hiding.

I do not know.

The lines they hide.

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Ochiyo Iijima Signs With 5SSW

Date: Monday, Week 2, October 2010


As rumored last week, 5SSW has reached out to several wrestlers and at least one has reached back. "Space Age" Ochiyo Iijima has signed for 5SSW with a pay-per-appearance deal. A 29 year old high flier with a unique look and a reputation for taking spectacular risks. When asked who she is looking forward to working with the most? She didn't hesitate. "Umeko Hotta, she's the O.S.M."





Angel Takudome Extends Deal With 5SSW

Date: Friday, Week 2, October 2010


Mitsuko "Angel" Takudome, most famous for her current run as one half of the Daughters of Whirlocity, and 5SSW have reached an agreement that will keep her with the company through most of 2011. A solid, mid-card worker and a solid move by 5SSW to keep her on board.

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