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It's good to know that in preparation for the fight against Kong, easily the toughest fight of his career, he's been busy filming a reality show for Bravo. Way to go Reidy :p ...and to think, at one point he was being touted as a potential British prospect...


He's now withdrawn with a 'leg injury'.

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He's now withdrawn with a 'leg injury'.


AKA, going for a two week holiday to Egypt four weeks before the biggest fight of your life. Maybe he pulled something playing beach volleyball.


Without going into specifics about money...Tom has invested five figures into this fight...not the kind of money he can throw away. They are now hoping that Jeremy Horn A) doesn't get hurt against Jake Rosholt on Friday and B) will be willing to fight on short notice (he usually is). It's a gamble though, and will not save the event from bombing. They're holding it in a big arena, unlike the small, unique venues of the last two BAMMA shows...that was all based on Reid drawing the casual crowd to the fight. Early ticket sales have been ok, but with refunds and no late drive to promote it, it's going to be a very empty arena come May.


Also in the hole are Virgin Media, who own Bravo, the channel who funded Reid's reality show that was being used to promote the fight and are partners in the event. They now have a TV show that mentions the fight every five minutes which will serve no purpose. As a stand-alone show, it's garbage.


Reid has likely killed his career in terms of getting a couple of big fights off the back of his new found fame with this little stunt. But like Kong said; doesn't really matter when you have a new millionaire girlfriend to live off...

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Great fighters


Renato Sobral

Ronaldo Souza

Hector Lombard


To a lesser extent


Denis Kang

Melvin Manhoef



I couldn't in good conscience call any of those guys even remotely great. Good, solid fighters definitely, with a couple of decent scalps between them. But you have to look at not just who they fought, but when they fought them. None of those first three have beaten a top ten fighter while they were ranked.

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Great fighters


Renato Sobral

Ronaldo Souza

Hector Lombard


To a lesser extent


Denis Kang

Melvin Manhoef


You're really grasping at fighters of straw like quality.


Mousasi's a good fighter but I'm not nearly as on board the hype train as most of the Internet seems to be. Mo holds the big wrestling advantage and we've never seen Mousasi's bottom game against anyone with halfway decent top control. Jacare jumping into a kick doesn't count.


I like Mo the same way I like Aoki, Sonnen and Lesnar. Everyone gets all huffy about honor and sportsmanship in a sport where the ultimate aim is to render your opponent as close to death as possible. It's nice and all but I wouldn't expect people who get punched in the face for a living to not indulge in a bit of trash talk.


Anyway here are some dumb picks that will definitely be wrong:


Mo over Mousasi by decision for the aforementioned reasons. Always pick against the Internet darling because if he loses you can be so smug.


Aoki over Melendez by kickass submission. I don't think Melendez is going to get taken down but he'll indulge Aoki in scrambles following the sprawl and that's where Aoki's best. If Melendez knows enough to always back off he'll come away with a TKO victory or a decision though since he'll brutalize Aoki on the feet.


Dan "Dangerous Decision Hollywood Hendo" Henderson over Shields by enormous right hand. This is in line with most people's expectations but I wouldn't be totally shocked if Shields found a way to submit Henderson.


So what submission will aoki pull of this time?


Standing peruvian necktie.

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Interesting night of fights so far.


Mayhem won by simply turning up, no surprises there.


Didn't expect Mo to win the way he did. Fully expected him to go full bore for the first 10 mins and gas out. I was waiting for Mousasi to come back in the third and it just didn't happen. All credit to Mo for taking his biggest asset and making it work.


I expected Melendez to crack Aoki after a couple of rounds. He just doesn't have the build at 155 to take on the wrestling, weight-cutting machines that the US breeds. Good on Melendez for taking the fight to him up until the final bell.


Looking forward to the main event.

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wow who was that at the end of the fight? That was some pro wrestling stuff lol but it caught me off guard


It was Jason 'Mayhem' Miller that came into the cage. Just got off the phone with one of King Mo's crew...apparently from what is being said backstage, Mayhem was told to go into the cage by Strikeforce officials and Shields' boys jumped him. Not cool.

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This is terrible for Strikeforce.


They have no one to fight for Mo (Abongo Humphrey?), the Japanese fighter looked awful, their new star fighter got styled on and the guy who beat him is going to the UFC. Also the Mayhem business.



This is the problem with a skeleton crew. They were banking on Hendo winning and moving up to 205 to fight Mo/Mousasi.


Even if Jake would have finished the fight in style, at least you'd have 'the guy who just beat Hendo'...trouble is, Shields doesn't win fights in a way that endears people to him. When you add his goons beating down Mayhem afterwards (which was getting him mad boo's when CBS cut away) it's not good. Will be interesting to see if SF try and make that one-fight option happen now.

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Who's overrating Mayhem?


Strikeforce and CBS for one as it seems (from your other post) that he is getting another title shot when he should have never had one in the first place.


Hopefully Shields takes the belt and runs to the UFC now. Maybe we could even see some more WWE style stuff as he takes it and throws it away on air?

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Bad night for SF. I'm surprised all 3 fights went the full 5, but this def did damage to the casual fan base they're looking for because of the lack of KO's or crazy submissions and junk. And the fact they had this riot and went around 30 mins over the time...I'm thinking we wont be seeing SF on CBS again.


Also love it took 30 guys to take out Mayhem, who looked fine after it.

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Guest canyoudothecancan
At the end of the day, I still need my MMA fix of the month and that WEC PPV should really hit the spot. Who here agrees with me?


I do.

I can't wait for Jung Chan Sung's debut.

Also Jorgensen will most likely show of some more skills.

Aldo and Faber no explanation needed.

Cerrone will be beat by Henderson so I don't care about that fight.

Mizugaki vs Rani Yaha!!!

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It's a shame we didn't get to see Nick Diaz KO Mayhem in that post-fight mess; the trash talk that would've commenced would've been glorious! :D


But, seriously, it is complete B.S. that they treated Shields like that. . . again. After the commentators finally turned around and put him over as a guy that had been underrated, and deserving of his moment. . . then they send Mayhem out to undermine him and steal his moment (because Shields stole Strikeforce's moment of touting Hendo in UFC's face after a win). I was a Shields fan going into this (although I picked Hendo with bias to the fact that Shield bulks up to MW & Hendo cuts), but I really hope Shields walks away with the title and signs with UFC.

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At the end of the day, I still need my MMA fix of the month and that WEC PPV should really hit the spot. Who here agrees with me?


I love WEC (they are my favorite promotion to watch), but there is no way I am willing to shell out $50 to watch it on PPV.


As far as tonight goes, I found it to be boring. And it was not due to the lack of K.O.'s or subs.

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