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Kimbo is above average in real life street fights, but top level MMA fighters are freaks, so much better than Kimbo will ever be.


Thought they'd have milked Kimbo for another few fights, maybe an easy fight back in Florida (do they even tour there?), to build some momentum back as the home town hero with a win. Then follow that with another co-main event fight against a mid level heavyweight, maybe Buentello, or Struve. Or even to put people like Gonzaga or Cro Cop over as a bit more of a threat. He'd lose all the fights but he'd draw the UFC more money than if he wasn't on the card.


Dana knew he would never be a world champion, he was just an easy draw and I'm surprised they haven't exploited him a bit more.

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Yeah, pretty sure UFC cut Kimbo based on the amount he was making per fight, and not because they were worried about him selling fights. I could see them bringing Kimbo back for a fight or two if he gets a couple of solid wins in Strikeforce or Japan. Especially if Mitrione is legit, which remains to be seen.


At least Dana didn't make excuses for it, and just said "We're cutting him."



Thought the Daley late hit was lame, but it was nice to see the situation not get out of hand like it did in Strikeforce with the Gracie Camp and Mayhem. Daley's excuse of not hearing the bell is pretty lame as well... Would have been more believable if Kos and Semtex hadn't been on the floor talking trash to each other a few seconds before the bell.. As for the knees that missed, the first knee was an eye graze that actually opened a very small cut under Koscheck's eye. You can see a small trickle come out as soon as they show a close up of him. But yeah, he played that off big time. Pretty sure it was actually Daley's foot or toenail that opens the cut, and not the knee...


Regardless, Koscheck was hilarious... Especially after the fight when Rogan was giving him a way to get over with the crowd by talking about what a punk Daley was, but NO, Koscheck was bagging on the crowd and soaking up that heel spotlight that has made me a big fan of his for a while now. I watch MMA to see a sport, but I also watch to be entertained.


Giving Shogun his credit, but I have to admit I was shocked to see him obliterate Machida in that way. I would have believed it would have went the other way around, with Machida landing the counter. But no, Shogun is now the champion.


Shogun called out Couture. You would think with Couture pretty much set with Toney that Shogun would fight before then, especially considering how fast he put away Machida... I realize he's been training for 6+ months for this fight, and probably needs a rest period, but it'd be nice to see Shogun get right back in there... Hell, kick Brilz out and let Little Nog fight for the title...

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I thought after Couture mauled Toney, they could get a big money fight out of Toney vs Kimbo. I don't know if they would pull their own purses in PPV sales, but I think the UFC could get a lot of exposure from it.


I wouldn't want to see it, but I thought it would happen.

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That's the thing though, Kimbo's not good at punching.


Petrulezzi took him out with a jab, he gasses after three minutes, his legs are shot, he's 36 and I think the public is going to be far less interested in him now that he's lost to a bad heavyweight. It's not like any fight the guy's had is a Jung - Garcia or Frye - Takayama either.



He's not good at much of anything. Like you said, the single thing that he had going for him was the intrigue he generated, but now that's gone - whats left?


also I don't like Rogers at all and I don't think he's even a top 10 HW, but he would take Kimbo's head off.


He'd hurt Kimbo baaaaaad. After last weekend's showing I'd back Lavar Johnson to wreck him as well. I don't know if Rogers would even be sanctioned against Kimbo in some states at this point.



Thought they'd have milked Kimbo for another few fights, maybe an easy fight back in Florida (do they even tour there?), to build some momentum back as the home town hero with a win. Then follow that with another co-main event fight against a mid level heavyweight, maybe Buentello, or Struve. Or even to put people like Gonzaga or Cro Cop over as a bit more of a threat. He'd lose all the fights but he'd draw the UFC more money than if he wasn't on the card.


This isn't pro wrestling....you can't use someone with name value like Kimbo to 'put over' the likes of Gonzaga, because Kimbo can't fight, and everybody has seen that in his last three bouts. Fighters in the UFC gain nothing from beating him...it's not like it's going to do Mitrione's career any good; he'll likely be cut on a loss next time out.


Also, there is no way to build someone like Kimbo up, because there are no easy fights in the UFC. Mitrione was 1-0 with no amateur MMA experience...who's easier than that? By employing the kind of guys Kimbo can beat, they'll make themselves look bush league. Guys like Buentello would do some serious damage to Kimbo...again, I doubt if any AC in the states would sanction that fight.


I thought after Couture mauled Toney, they could get a big money fight out of Toney vs Kimbo. I don't know if they would pull their own purses in PPV sales, but I think the UFC could get a lot of exposure from it.


This is why Dana White is so good at his job. By cutting Kimbo, the message he's sending out is clear: If you want to watch washed-up boxers, scrubs and street fighters go at it, that's fine. But you can do so at Rage in the Cage, King of the Cage or what ever bush-league event Ray Mercer is fighting on next. Just not the UFC. Tony will be cut if he loses to Couture.


Personally I'm glad to see him gone. Strikeforce would look like they were seriously scraping the barrel if they picked him up...but I could maybe see them doing something with Kimbo and Hershal Walker.

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As for Daley...not really a whole lot to say is there? It was a stupid move, something that has likely killed any potential top flight MMA career he was hoping for. Hopefully things will stay civil between the UFC and the rest of Rough House. I was chatting to a couple of the RH guys on facebook yesterday...Nik Osipczak summed it up best: "You can take the boy out of the hood..."


As far as him being cut goes, it was the right move by the UFC. There is still some hope on Daley's side that he'll be brought back, but I can't see it. He's issued a full statement of apology to Kos, the UFC and his fans today. None of the 'I didn't here the bell' rubbish - he's manned-up and accepted that what he did was inexcusable.


After all the noise Dana made about the Strikeforce brawl and stuff like that never happening in the UFC, there was no other option but to cut him. It'll be interesting to see if SF makes a move.


Great display from Shogun...hopefully this marks a full-time return to form. Bring on Rampage! :)

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Great display from Shogun...hopefully this marks a full-time return to form. Bring on Rampage! :)


First he'll have to get through feared uhh... wrestler (?) Rashad Evans.


I mean Rampage is going to tear Rashad apart if he's in shape but he's been away a while and he usually has a hard time motivating himself for fights.

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First he'll have to get through feared uhh... wrestler (?) Rashad Evans.


I mean Rampage is going to tear Rashad apart if he's in shape but he's been away a while and he usually has a hard time motivating himself for fights.


His weight and diet was sorted over a month ago, waaaaay sooner than he normaly gets it done. As far as motivation is concerned...he's more motivated for this fight than he' been for any other fight in his career, even the Silva rematch. You can take that to the bank ;-)


He's living in a single room, which is big enough for a bed, chair and a desk with his TV and XBox in it. That's literally where he's spending every second that he's not in the gym. He doesn't want to see anyone, speak to anyone or do anything other than train and fight Rashad. When we went up to the Wolfslair a few weeks ago to do some videos with him, he didn't even want to speak about Rashad...it's legitimate hatred, but the kind that is driving him to train his ass off rather than the kind that will make him rush in and do something stupid. He does not want to lose this fight.


He didn't even want to do the Primetime stuff...his manager Anthony had to sit him down and remind him that he was contractually bound to promote the fight. The long and short of it is that he's an animal right now and if Rashad is expecting anything less then he's going to be in for a very long (or short, depending on how you look at it) night.


I can't realy say much more than that, but put it this way; if you can get some good odds on Rampage winning this fight then bet the house ;-)

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i know brett rogers would hopefully destroy kimbo or any other legit mma fighter that loves to stand toe to toe. i also agree u cant bild someone around beating kimbo, kimbo is a joke if u compare him to any mma artist. but thats not the way i look at it i want to see kimbo knock someone out or be knocked out no matter who it is. its just something about kimbo that makes me love his fights even when he gets destroyed by a nobody. if i was ufc i would of used him more just to please the fans there going to get an excited knock out one way or another. even when kimbo got knocked out with the jab i was excited. also y wouldn't it be sanctioned if kimbo fought rogers? kimbo's been training for long enough imo and he's tooken some beatings before i think he can defend himself good enough now to know when to lay down and stay down.
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Bellator 18 is on tonight and it's going to rule because Freire - Reis is on and since Freire owns you should watch it.


Also Warren's fighting someone which means there's all sorts of possibilities for hilarious submission escapes.


No Filho however. :(


e: They got Jay Silva in for Filho? Man...

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Bellator 18 is on tonight and it's going to rule because Freire - Reis is on and since Freire owns you should watch it.


Also Warren's fighting someone which means there's all sorts of possibilities for hilarious submission escapes.


No Filho however. :(


e: They got Jay Silva in for Filho? Man...


Sucks, but what can you do on a few days notice? I'm sure there aren't many guys on Lombard's level who A) would be willing to fight him without a camp and B) would be able to make 185 on a few days notice. Silva missed the 190lb catchweight by nearly a full pound yesterday....I don't know if he made it later on or if Hector let it slide.


Filho is nothing but a liability at this point...if I was a promoter I'd be asking his management to put up the equivalent of his 'to fight' purse as a bond on him actually turning up before I put his name on any advertising. He's not the cheapest guy out there, either.


Bellator has been really good this year though, for those who've been able to watch it. It's going to get even better on the 10th of July as they've signed Megumi Fujii (the female Fedor) to make her début ahead of season 3's women's tournament.


In other news, Ken Shamrock will be fighting Pedro Rizzo in Australia after Mark Coleman couldn't come to an agreement. This changes everything for me...Rizzo is far too dangerous a striker for Ken to fight at this point. This all hinges on Pedro coming out of his fight with Gary Goodridge unscathed this weekend.


Dream's 205lb GP is now officially canned after originally being shelved until later in the year. The reason being that there is no Japanese talent to fill out the ranks, so their TV partners won't pay for it. There will be a series of light heavyweight fights throughout the year in order to determine a 205lb champion in Dream.


Speaking of Dream, Sakuraba is going for another Gracie scalp. I don't mind seeing him against guys like Ralek, because there is little chance of him getting 'Manhoef'd' again, which at 41 (and with his medical history) he really doesn't need. Should be fun for nostalgia, if nothing else. :)

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i want to see kimbo knock someone out or be knocked out no matter who it is. its just something about kimbo that makes me love his fights even when he gets destroyed by a nobody. if i was ufc i would of used him more just to please the fans there going to get an excited knock out one way or another. even when kimbo got knocked out with the jab i was excited.


There are a lot of people who share that feeling. The trouble is, Kimbo wasn't knocking anyone out (and technically, has only knocked out Tank Abbott in his entire pro and amateur career). On the flipside, they were limited with the number of people they could match him up with. Sticking him in with Shane Carwin or Junior dos Santos would all but guarantee a knock out, but those fights would never be sanctioned for obvious reasons. James McSweeney was their first choice, but he's had issues with a broken hand since the TUF finale and wouldn't have been ready in time.


So essentially they are stuck with matching him up against equally poor/inexperienced fighters (Alexander/Mitrione) which as we saw produces awful fights that nobody wants to pay for.


People will watch a guy like Kimbo on TV because he's charismatic...but it's a whole different ballgame when you're asking folks to shell out $50 for a PPV. Did you pay for UFC 113? If so, did you do so purely to see Kimbo? Very few people did, and that's part of the problem; when you're shelling out that kind of money, you want to see fighters who can fight...not worn out, washed up has-beens and never-was's gassing out and limping around on arthritic knees.


I got to chat with the UFC's UK President a while back and I asked if we'd ever see Kimbo in the UK (they were planning a 'Fight Night' card in the UK at the time)...he said that he didn't see Kimbo lasting past his first loss for one simple reason. Joe Silva has a rule...if he doesn't think you can beat at least one fighter in your weight class, you get cut on a loss. That's exactly the position Kimbo was in. He turned down a fight with James Toney, so there was nobody left.


also y wouldn't it be sanctioned if kimbo fought rogers? kimbo's been training for long enough imo and he's tooken some beatings before i think he can defend himself good enough now to know when to lay down and stay down.


Because they are on a completely different level experience and ability wise. Guys with few pro fights get special consideration anyway, but in Kimbo's case, when compared to Roger's the disparity is huge.


Look at Kimbo's record:

L - Mitrione (1-0)

W - Alexander (9-4-1)

L - Petruzelli (9-4)

W - Thompson (14-8)

W - Abbott (9-14)

W - Cantrell (10-10)


Now look at Roger's last few fights...a great performance against Fedor, the best HW in the sport, a 22-second KO of Arlovski, former UFC champion who has a string of highly ranked fighters on his record, Abongo Humphrey (6-0) and Jon Murphy (6-2). He also knocked out James Thompson in the first round, a man who gave Slice an absolute beating.


It doesn't matter how long Kimbo has been training...that's not a fair fight...of course, they could take it somewhere with no commission, or a very lax one, if they wanted to get it done.

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Who here knows if Brock's last fight against Mir and his upcoming one against Carwin are counted as title defenses or just unifications?


Defences. The linear title was held by Couture, which Brock won from him. He then defended his heavyweight title against Mir, unifying the interim belt in the process. Against Carwin, he'll be defending the linear heavyweight title a second time, as well as unifying the interim belt (if he wins).


If Carwin wins, it would be a defence of the interim title only. His first defence of the heavyweight title would be his next fight.


This nonsense is exactly why interim belts shouldn't be created :-p

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There are a lot of people who share that feeling. The trouble is, Kimbo wasn't knocking anyone out (and technically, has only knocked out Tank Abbott in his entire pro and amateur career). On the flipside, they were limited with the number of people they could match him up with. Sticking him in with Shane Carwin or Junior dos Santos would all but guarantee a knock out, but those fights would never be sanctioned for obvious reasons. James McSweeney was their first choice, but he's had issues with a broken hand since the TUF finale and wouldn't have been ready in time.


So essentially they are stuck with matching him up against equally poor/inexperienced fighters (Alexander/Mitrione) which as we saw produces awful fights that nobody wants to pay for.


People will watch a guy like Kimbo on TV because he's charismatic...but it's a whole different ballgame when you're asking folks to shell out $50 for a PPV. Did you pay for UFC 113? If so, did you do so purely to see Kimbo? Very few people did, and that's part of the problem; when you're shelling out that kind of money, you want to see fighters who can fight...not worn out, washed up has-beens and never-was's gassing out and limping around on arthritic knees.


I got to chat with the UFC's UK President a while back and I asked if we'd ever see Kimbo in the UK (they were planning a 'Fight Night' card in the UK at the time)...he said that he didn't see Kimbo lasting past his first loss for one simple reason. Joe Silva has a rule...if he doesn't think you can beat at least one fighter in your weight class, you get cut on a loss. That's exactly the position Kimbo was in. He turned down a fight with James Toney, so there was nobody left.




Because they are on a completely different level experience and ability wise. Guys with few pro fights get special consideration anyway, but in Kimbo's case, when compared to Roger's the disparity is huge.


Look at Kimbo's record:

L - Mitrione (1-0)

W - Alexander (9-4-1)

L - Petruzelli (9-4)

W - Thompson (14-8)

W - Abbott (9-14)

W - Cantrell (10-10)


Now look at Roger's last few fights...a great performance against Fedor, the best HW in the sport, a 22-second KO of Arlovski, former UFC champion who has a string of highly ranked fighters on his record, Abongo Humphrey (6-0) and Jon Murphy (6-2). He also knocked out James Thompson in the first round, a man who gave Slice an absolute beating.


It doesn't matter how long Kimbo has been training...that's not a fair fight...of course, they could take it somewhere with no commission, or a very lax one, if they wanted to get it done.


well if the card wasnt so good i would of paid for kimbo if i had it. actually i thought he could of won if mitrione didnt through any leg kicks and it was a complete stand up, i thought kimbo was stronger untill the day of the fight when someone point out to me how crazy mitrione was. call me crazy but i like kimbo a lot and i thought he looked great the day of the fight, he was probably in the best shape of his life. rogers does have a better record but i still think he's just another stand up fighter but hopefully he rounds his game up more.


Defences. The linear title was held by Couture, which Brock won from him. He then defended his heavyweight title against Mir, unifying the interim belt in the process. Against Carwin, he'll be defending the linear heavyweight title a second time, as well as unifying the interim belt (if he wins).


If Carwin wins, it would be a defence of the interim title only. His first defence of the heavyweight title would be his next fight.


This nonsense is exactly why interim belts shouldn't be created :-p


actually i like the interim titles and im sure it helps with sells and builds of fights better its the same thing as saying who's the #1 contender

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What do you reckon to Warren taking the tourney though? I think he might sneak it...


Honestly I think Freire's going to submit him. I didn't catch Bellator last night (fell asleep :() but from what I was told it was the usual "Warren takes a dude down and nearly get submitted several times but powers through" against someone who's not very good from the bottom. Freire's BJJ is really good. Yes I'm really really into him.


What I'm really interested in is the Reis - Freire fight. Not surprised that it was competitive but I'll really have to catch it to see how Pitbull looked.

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was wondering if anyone else bases some of there guessing who's going to win a match based off of wmma? i'd admit i do somewhat and i thought i'd post this for since it's pretty crazy. durring my mw7 game strike build a ppv around fedor vs werdum and it went to a decision with werdum winning shockling im pretty surprised and it was there first fights since starting the game. i also booked rashan vs rampage winning with rashad winning the first two rounds to be only knocked out in 27 secs of the third round. imo rampage is going to win and fedo's fight i never seen werdum fight but im still going for fedor :)
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Honestly any time I start a WMMA2 real life game I spend 30 minutes editing everyone's stats before I give up and go back to the default mod. I can't get over someone giving Imada a black belt in submission skills (and I love the guy!) or someone like Cung Le, you know, good stats. I'm incredibly biased as far as fighter skills go and if I'm playing a RL mod I want it to look like my vision of MMA.


The exception is the excellent Dawn of MMA mod which makes it an entirely different game from the default data due to how the game is set up and where I don't get overwhelmed with editing stats because most fighters come in waves. If I see someone debuting with wacky stats (Royce Gracie for example is in my opinion pretty overrated) I can just go into the editor and fix them and move on, instead of trying to edit everything.


I even changed it a bit. What if Mark Coleman had time to train cardio and BJJ? The result is scary.


Anyway real life MMA talk: Patricio Freire owns and he looked outstanding against Reis. He'll outstrike Warren by a mile and if he gets taken down his guard is great. Joe Warren you are already kneed/armbarred/leglocked.

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well i love real life mods for the fact that its usually a lot of peoples opinions in it and yea sometimes u get crazy fights which is also could really happen. even royce gracie will lose a match in the game to someone complete out of his league. i made a guy with his starts completely filled out and he loses not a lot but he loses.
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well if the card wasnt so good i would of paid for kimbo if i had it. actually i thought he could of won if mitrione didnt through any leg kicks and it was a complete stand up, i thought kimbo was stronger untill the day of the fight when someone point out to me how crazy mitrione was. call me crazy but i like kimbo a lot and i thought he looked great the day of the fight, he was probably in the best shape of his life. rogers does have a better record but i still think he's just another stand up fighter but hopefully he rounds his game up more.


There are two major things wrong with that and is why on ESPN's streak for the cash (dont know how many of you do that, but you basically choose between A and B in predictions) 85% of people picked Kimbo, but I chose Mitrione.


As far as best shape of his life, that is far from the truth and works into the second thing that is wrong. Kimbo is old, that is a fact, he's 36. He is not a hot young prospect and no matter how much he has learned or improved he is still a withering athlete. He is also wasn't an athlete getting great medical treatment or anything before, just a street fighter and bodyguard, where even if he were say Liddell or Nog who are old and have problems, they have atleast had good medical treatment the last 5/10 years being on top. We even saw on TUF, Kimbo's knee is about to fall apart, he needed surgery and whatever else the details were.


Which leads to the second major thing, "If Mitrione didn't throw leg kicks and it was stand up" leg kicks are part of stand up and when you have an awful knee and in a sport where leg kicks are allowed and it only takes a few to get you to barely walk, yeah your chances aren't so good. It was great strategy to attack his bad knee. Saying if Mitrione didn't throw leg kicks Kimbo could have won is like saying if Mitrione just would have stood there and let Kimbo punch him in the face he would have won. Also as BH pointed out, Kimbo isn't a great stand up fighter as everyone likes to point out, where are these brutal KO's? Oh yeah, they're on You Tube.


His fight against Alexander was also a huge tell that Kimbo wasn't going to do that well. People hated on Alexander for not engaging but Kimbo never just walked forward and knocked him out either did he? And for as bad as people said Kimbo did, by the time the Mitrione fight came around everyone was talking about how improved Kimbo looked and what a great ground game he had against Alexander. The fight was a joke just like him.


Mitrione is nothing special but there was so much against Kimbo I really do not see how anyone with knowledge of the sport could pick him to win. You said you thought Kimbo was stronger yet he was undersized giving up 25-30 lbs (i dont remember exactly) and if he was serious should probably have dropped down to 205 but with all his whining about just dropping down to 215 we all knew that wouldn't happen, physically broken down, and didn't have the type of training his opponent did (even though Mitrione didn't finish/execute his subs perfectly lets see Kimbo try it). So as I said, Mitrione may not be a future HW champion there really is no way Kimbo should have been picked in that fight.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Daffanka" data-cite="Daffanka" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So the court ruled in favor of Don King re: letting Mayorga (a boxer under Don King contract) fight at Shine Fights tonight. Shine Fights say it's still on. This could get interesting.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't know what happens now...Not really familiar with the legal system as it pertains to this, but from what Josh Gross said they would be in contempt of court...but what what means in terms of the legalities of going ahead, I'm not sure. </p><p> </p><p> Does it mean that they can go ahead and King can sue them later? Can King request that police enforce the injunction, physically preventing the fight from happening? </p><p> </p><p> Even if Shine are confident that they are in the right and the judge who granted the injunction today was wrong, ignoring a legal ruling and putting yourself in contempt isn't going to do you any favours. </p><p> </p><p> One theory is that they're just holding off on making the announcement that Mayorga is out until the card has started in order to scrape as many PPV buys as they can. 90% of the promoters I've come across personally are scumbags, so this wouldn't surprise me in the least. </p><p> </p><p> Another theory is that the even hasn't sold many tickets, isn't expecting to sell many tickets and plans on folding after this card, making it difficult for King to proceed with any lawsuit.</p>
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<p>I'm not even that excited about the event. I like Ninja and Krazy Horse fights always have a bit of fun about them but it's not like the fight is going to end any other way than Thomas winning with like a standing arm triangle.</p><p> </p><p>

Actually, why hasn't the UFC picked up Ninja? Aren't they always on the lookout for decent middleweights? Is it the brain swelling Kharitonov gave him?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Daffanka" data-cite="Daffanka" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm not even that excited about the event. I like Ninja and Krazy Horse fights always have a bit of fun about them but it's not like the fight is going to end any other way than Thomas winning with like a standing arm triangle.<p> </p><p> Actually, why hasn't the UFC picked up Ninja? Aren't they always on the lookout for decent middleweights? Is it the brain swelling Kharitonov gave him?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Mayorga out, Din's off the card and Ninja's fight is now the main event. Look's like they fought the law, and the law won. </p><p> </p><p> I think Ninja's been too hot and cold for the UFC. He's 2-2 in the past two years and has a ton of injuries.</p>
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So I guess the NC commission cancelled Shine Fights? I wanted to see Ninja fight <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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