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I think you need to go and see some of his more recent fights. In the US\Strikeforce he has not got much action and not allot of people know him, go to Japan or Europe the picture changes. That said the title they are fighting for is a paper title as mentioned here;)


Maybe you need to go and do research on who he's been fighting "recently". Yeah, you know, that Alistair Overeem must be a REAL FORCE knocking off Top 10 Heavyweight contenders like:


-Kazuyuki Fujita(I would have been way more impressed with a KO of Fujita if it was when Fujita actually A) cared about fighting and B) his ability to take a good shot hadn't been washed away by Father Time. "Iron Head" isn't so much Iron anymore... more like "Aluminum Siding Head".)


-James Thompson(who's known mostly for deflecting punches with his face, bullrushing around the ring like an idiot, and just all around being a fun to watch gatekeeper)


-Gary Goodridge(This might have been considered a decent win back in the old PRIDE days, but Gary's best days are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind him(I could have went on waaaaaaaaay longer with that)


-A no-contest over Cro Cop because he knee'd him in the balls, almost to the point where it seemed like he was doing it on purpose. He dominated Cro Cop, but let's be honest, who hasn't lately?


-Mark Hunt(One-dimensional kickboxer that is the product of the PRIDE/K-1 Japan hype machine. The only reason this dude is even popular or known is because he jumped and dropped his butt on Wanderlei Silva's head, and got super hyped when he spent forever trying to finish Fedor with a very sloppy submission attempt. The dude is by no-means a good fighter.)


-A guy with a 3-1 that I'm not familiar with, and am honest enough to admit so.


-Paul Buentello(HEY! That's the fight he won the Strikeforce Heavypaper title! Wait, Paul Buentello? You mean Paul Buentello who's top 5 Pound 4 Pound greatest of all time? MAN! THAT OVEREEM HAS BEEN SO BUSY!)




Overeem either has a really big secret on building body mass quickly and legitly, or he takes HGH like a cow eats cud. Thus the reason he avoids places that test, and he spends a lot of his time in Europe/Japan. Of course a dude is going to be unstoppable when he's abusing a performance enhancer and fighting cans. If he actually passes the pee test and runs through Rogers, and then makes an effort to fight someone in the top ten and beats them, I might start giving the dude some credit... But the last real challenge he faced was Kharitonov in 2007, and Overeem got laid out.


Overeem's K-1 career doesn't translate at all into MMA, it's two different sports. He's done well, and I'm happy for him. But MMA wise he's beaten nothing but cans since 2007 loss to Kharitonov. Prove me wrong.

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Overeem either has a really big secret on building body mass quickly and legitly, or he takes HGH like a cow eats cud.


Or he's gained 35 pounds over 2 years and people look at that faulty image timeline and think he packed on 60 pounds in a year.


Thus the reason he avoids places that test, and he spends a lot of his time in Europe/Japan.


Except he had a scheduled fight in the US. Are you saying he injured his hand on purpose?


Of course a dude is going to be unstoppable when he's abusing a performance enhancer and fighting cans.


Isn't this the exact way every single HW has built their legacy with one or two big fights to top it off? Cro Cop headkicked cans, Nogueira submitted cans, Fedor did whatever he wanted with cans. And if you don't think every single fighter is using steroids in some shape or form you're really naive.


If he actually passes the pee test and runs through Rogers, and then makes an effort to fight someone in the top ten and beats them, I might start giving the dude some credit... But the last real challenge he faced was Kharitonov in 2007, and Overeem got laid out.


It's not very hard to pass drug tests.


Overeem's K-1 career doesn't translate at all into MMA, it's two different sports. He's done well, and I'm happy for him. But MMA wise he's beaten nothing but cans since 2007 loss to Kharitonov. Prove me wrong.


I do take a bit of issue with this as I don't think there's a precedent for Overeem. Good grappler and wrestler who suffered immensely from cutting weight bulks up and finds success among elite strikers. It hasn't translated to his MMA game because as you said he's fought cans that he standing guillotined or kneed in the face. If nothing else it means that he probably won't get caught by sloppy punches if the Fedor fight ever materializes.

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All of the fighters in Europe/Japan/where they don't test they might all be on steroids, but you can't prove that in America. Especially California. If drug tests were -that- easy to pass you would think intelligent guys like Josh Barnett, Royce Gracie, Sean Sherk, and the many others who have been caught would get on the "easy pass" train... It's easy to mask, not easy to pass.


As far as the hand injury goes... Only Overeem and his camp know the truth of that. I'm not saying if it was or wasn't, but the fact of the matter is he shows every sign of someone that has heavily abused HGH over the past "two years he's been putting on 35 pounds". He went from being the size of Shogun to being the size of Brock Lesnar in less than two years... If you want to pass that off as just being the norm in MMA, fine. Whatever. That's not even the debate here.


If he knew he couldn't pass a test, do you think he'd come right out and say "I can't pass your test, so sorry." No, he's going to say he's injured. :) Use logic.


The difference between Cro Cop/Nog/Fedor and Overeem is those three battered cans at the beginning of their careers, not when they were already established stars. Sure, there were a lot of freak show fights, but that's just the allure of Japan. Overeem is already established and he's had wars(and lost to the majority of the top competition he's faced)... So now that he's Super Hulk Overeem I'm just supposed to suddenly buy into him because he's knee'd or guillotined his way through cans? No.


He's still the same guy who blows it up for 5 minutes and then gasses out. Overeem, a good wrestler? LOL! That officially ends this one for me.

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All of the fighters in Europe/Japan/where they don't test they might all be on steroids, but you can't prove that in America. Especially California. If drug tests were -that- easy to pass you would think intelligent guys like Josh Barnett, Royce Gracie, Sean Sherk, and the many others who have been caught would get on the "easy pass" train... It's easy to mask, not easy to pass.


It takes about two weeks to cycle out the regular stuff for the pathetically inadequate testing they have in the US, so if fighters are using it in Europe they most definitely are in the US.


Calling Sherk or Barnett intelligent is stretching it a bit far as well.


As far as the hand injury goes... Only Overeem and his camp know the truth of that. I'm not saying if it was or wasn't, but the fact of the matter is he shows every sign of someone that has heavily abused HGH over the past "two years he's been putting on 35 pounds". He went from being the size of Shogun to being the size of Brock Lesnar in less than two years... If you want to pass that off as just being the norm in MMA, fine. Whatever. That's not even the debate here.


If he knew he couldn't pass a test, do you think he'd come right out and say "I can't pass your test, so sorry." No, he's going to say he's injured. :) Use logic.


He weighed about 225-230 when he fought at LHW. Now he's at around 260-265. It took him more than two years to get there.


So logically every time a fighter is injured they've failed a test? Boy, Fedor sure is rocking those roids.


The difference between Cro Cop/Nog/Fedor and Overeem is those three battered cans at the beginning of their careers, not when they were already established stars. Sure, there were a lot of freak show fights, but that's just the allure of Japan. Overeem is already established and he's had wars(and lost to the majority of the top competition he's faced)... So now that he's Super Hulk Overeem I'm just supposed to suddenly buy into him because he's knee'd or guillotined his way through cans? No.


By your own admission Overeem isn't an established star, I'd argue that he's only really slipped into the mainstream consciousness with his K-1 stunts and is roughly at where Fedor was before he beat Nog.


No one's asking you to think he's the best HW in the world. People are just saying he's a quality fighter and assuming Vadim doesn't mess up negotiations or dodge him they're excited to see him fight Fedor because he's not Tim Sylvia, Andrei Arlovski or Brett Rogers.


He's still the same guy who blows it up for 5 minutes and then gasses out. Overeem, a good wrestler? LOL! That officially ends this one for me.


Here is a list of fights Overeem has gassed out on in the last two years:


But I mean it's pretty clear you don't like Overeem so I'm not going to argue with you further.

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So logically every time a fighter is injured they've failed a test? Boy, Fedor sure is rocking those roids.[/Quote]


Way to take something out of context. You're good at that. I'm saying the circumstances surrounding Overeem makes it a little convenient that he was "injured". Speaking of Fedor, something must be up with your Golden Boy Overeem if they(M-1) want him to take preliminary, pre-fight, and post-fight screenings. Considering they're a million dollar company, and we're just fans, I'd say they're probably onto something, shady as they are.




By your own admission Overeem isn't an established star, I'd argue that he's only really slipped into the mainstream consciousness with his K-1 stunts and is roughly at where Fedor was before he beat Nog.[/Quote]


Yeah because fighting Chuck Liddell and Vitor Belfort does nothing for your name value. Are you serious? I suggest you go back and watch some PRIDE shows. PRIDE was pushing Overeem as "the Next Big Thing" over and over and over and over again, and he let them down just about every time. If you watch the Grand Prix series where he chokes out Igor and Vitor, they are hugging his nuts so hard that I'm surprised they didn't explode. He always got a monster reaction from the fans too, and every DREAM show I watched with him on it, he always got a monster ovation. Overeem is mega over in Japan, and was asked back to K-1 by popular demand by the fans. But you already knew that, since you're so enlightened on the Overeem subject.


No one's asking you to think he's the best HW in the world. People are just saying he's a quality fighter and assuming Vadim doesn't mess up negotiations or dodge him they're excited to see him fight Fedor because he's not Tim Sylvia, Andrei Arlovski or Brett Rogers.[/Quote]


Choose any fight-based forum dedicated to MMA, and then come back and tell me there aren't people saying Overeem should be in the top 5 at Heavyweight. I've seen people saying he's pound for pound, even... BASED ON WHAT? Getting wrecked at Light Heavyweight by any fighter with a multi-faceted skill set, and then roiding up to heavyweight and beating cans... Based on what I'm reading from you, I'd say you're probably one of those guys on those forums calling for that.


Here is a list of fights Overeem has gassed out on in the last two years:


But I mean it's pretty clear you don't like Overeem so I'm not going to argue with you further.


Here's a list of the people who have taken Overeem past the five minute mark in the past two years....




So I'd say we're pretty much even-steven on that argument, wouldn't you say? You can't prove he doesn't gas when taken past the first round. And I can't prove that he has. But I know he was huffing and puffing against Paul Buentello before he finished him. And Buentello is bottom tier of heavyweights.



All I'm saying is before people start calling for Overeem to be Fedor's executioner, and calling him the be all, end all... Let's at least see him face some competition first.. And unfortunately that's not Brett Rogers. And I'd take Fabricio Werdum to beat him again as well.


Also, if you feel like defending your "Overeem is a good wrestler" argument, I'm open-minded to your formula in how you came up with that nugget of info.

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Way to take something out of context. You're good at that. I'm saying the circumstances surrounding Overeem makes it a little convenient that he was "injured". Speaking of Fedor, something must be up with your Golden Boy Overeem if they(M-1) want him to take preliminary, pre-fight, and post-fight screenings. Considering they're a million dollar company, and we're just fans, I'd say they're probably onto something, shady as they are.


They probably don't expect the fight to actually materialize and neither do I. Somehow M-1 doesn't strike me as a trustworthy source.


Yeah because fighting Chuck Liddell and Vitor Belfort does nothing for your name value. Are you serious? I suggest you go back and watch some PRIDE shows. PRIDE was pushing Overeem as "the Next Big Thing" over and over and over and over again, and he let them down just about every time. If you watch the Grand Prix series where he chokes out Igor and Vitor, they are hugging his nuts so hard that I'm surprised they didn't explode. He always got a monster reaction from the fans too, and every DREAM show I watched with him on it, he always got a monster ovation. Overeem is mega over in Japan, and was asked back to K-1 by popular demand by the fans. But you already knew that, since you're so enlightened on the Overeem subject.


(Current day) Japan =/= MMA mainstream consciousness.


Choose any fight-based forum dedicated to MMA, and then come back and tell me there aren't people saying Overeem should be in the top 5 at Heavyweight. I've seen people saying he's pound for pound, even... BASED ON WHAT? Getting wrecked at Light Heavyweight by any fighter with a multi-faceted skill set, and then roiding up to heavyweight and beating cans... Based on what I'm reading from you, I'd say you're probably one of those guys on those forums calling for that.


Fight forums =/= MMA mainstream consciousness.


Here's a list of the people who have taken Overeem past the five minute mark in the past two years....




Peter Aerts and Remy Bonjasky in K-1. Not the best example, no, but he didn't fold despite being cheated out of a knockdown in the Bonjasky fight.


So I'd say we're pretty much even-steven on that argument, wouldn't you say? You can't prove he doesn't gas when taken past the first round. And I can't prove that he has. But I know he was huffing and puffing against Paul Buentello before he finished him. And Buentello is bottom tier of heavyweights.


See my point about two years ago.


All I'm saying is before people start calling for Overeem to be Fedor's executioner, and calling him the be all, end all... Let's at least see him face some competition first.. And unfortunately that's not Brett Rogers. And I'd take Fabricio Werdum to beat him again as well.


Brett Rogers swept and nearly pounded Fedor out despite not being a very good heavyweight. If Alistair knees him in the face in the first round then surely that means he gets a shot at Fedor?


Werdum is probably worse than Rogers.


Also, if you feel like defending your "Overeem is a good wrestler" argument, I'm open-minded to your formula in how you came up with that nugget of info.


He wrestled some people.


For real though I'm gonna stop talking about this now because it's mostly hyperbole and conjecture. Let's put it on ice until Overeem fights Rogers, okay? ;)

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I agree, we've both pretty much argued every point there is to argue pros/cons. I'm certainly not upset that we had the debate. I live for the debate.


But, I understand a little more as to what you're saying though. You were a bit cloudy on what region you were talking about in regards to Overeem's popularity. I thought we were on the subject of his stature in Japan and various other Foreign MMA countries, to which he is still monumentally popular(especially Japan).


It's all moot, regardless. Moving on...


As much as I love MMA, and the stuff Strikeforce has been doing... I think Coker is really overplaying his hand, and he's going to cripple his own baby by trying to compete with Dana and company. I'm certainly not damning them for trying to be #1... after all that should be the goal of any progression-oriented company... But people need to know their limits. Strikeforce is going to end up being nothing more than a larger sized Bellator, feeding the UFC giant MOAR talent.


Does anyone know how much Strikeforce is in the hole since signing Fedor and some of these other big name fighters? I know that before they decided to compete they were turning a yearly profit, and were one of the only other orgs aside from UFC to be doing so. Now I can't imagine they're doing any more than losing money hand-over-fist.

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"I know that before they decided to compete they were turning a yearly profit, and were one of the only other orgs aside from UFC to be doing so. Now I can't imagine they're doing any more than losing money hand-over-fist."



Does Bellator, Dream, and Sengoku not make money? Not being a smart tail I really don't know and am curious how they are doing.

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"I know that before they decided to compete they were turning a yearly profit, and were one of the only other orgs aside from UFC to be doing so. Now I can't imagine they're doing any more than losing money hand-over-fist."



Does Bellator, Dream, and Sengoku not make money? Not being a smart tail I really don't know and am curious how they are doing.


I would say Bellator probably makes money since they have some amazing TV deals. But DREAM and Sengoku, I'm not really sure? I'd imagine someone in the know such as brashley could probably answer better on that. But neither promotion puts on very many shows, and DREAM recently cancelled their Light Heavyweight Grand Prix, so I would say no on DREAM.


Inside MMA did a spotlight on "Notable Promoters other than UFC that make money" and they had a couple of the promoters on the show. I -believe- the guy from Bellator was on there, and I know the guy from Rage in the Cage was. I can't remember the other guy that was on. But I'm pretty sure those two were.

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"Kid" Yamamoto is off the Strikeforce card. Fighting in Japan at the end of May instead. Seemed like it was a mutual pull.




I'm bummed about the Light Heavyweight Grand Prix getting dumped. It's always fun to see Gegard Mousasi win tournaments. Sarcasm aside, I hope they at least book some good Light Heavyweight fights for the card. I wouldn't mind seeing Gegard Mousasi vs. Christian M’Pumbu... Hell, find Arona in the jungles of Brazil and let him rematch Sokoudjou if you have to.. Let's see that rematch. DREAM 14 still looks exciting :)


Hayato Sakurai vs. Nick Diaz

Joachim Hansen vs. Hiroyuki Takaya

Hideo Tokoro vs. Akiyo Nishiura

Kazuyuki Miyata vs. Takafumi Otsuka


The only super compelling fight is Diaz/Sakurai, it's a dream matchup for me(no pun intended). Hansen/Takaya is pretty much a Featherweight #1 contender match, as both went to split decision losses to Fernandez... Seems like the angle DREAM is going with there. It's always fun to watch Tokoro. Otsuka and Miyata, not very familiar with either fighter honestly.

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Does anyone know how much Strikeforce is in the hole since signing Fedor and some of these other big name fighters? I know that before they decided to compete they were turning a yearly profit, and were one of the only other orgs aside from UFC to be doing so. Now I can't imagine they're doing any more than losing money hand-over-fist.


By all accounts, they're not right now. They get a flat fee from CBS and Showtime to put on a show. I don't have the numbers to hand but It's something like $1.3-1.5 mil from CBS and about $900,000 from Showtime.



Strikeforce: Evolution: $481,200 payrole. Cung Le was the biggest earner at $150k.


They did a $634,000 live gate on top of the $900,000 flat fee.


Showtime and CBS film and produce the shows themselves, so no cost to SF there. The networks take care of the TV and online advertising. CBS even paid for the billboard ads when Fedor fought Rodgers. Even with fighter and staff salaries, venue hire, insurance and all the other complicated bits and pieces, there's a fair bit of scratch left over. There is a reason they line their prelims with amateur fighters...they don't have to pay them (the upside for the fighters is that they'll get a decent sponsors check, but if they're amateur then they're not in it for the $ anyway).


Here's the interesting bit. When they co-promoted with M-1, there wasn't a lot of money left in the pot. This is why M-1 wanted to renegotiate before having Hendo on the same card as Fedor. Hendo's salary = even less in the pot. CBS wanted 'name' fighters (Werdum, Mayhem, Shields) on the Fedor vs Rogers card for ratings purposes (they are making a fortune from selling commercial time during SF cards). Even with an amateur-infested prelim portion of the show, there wasn't much spare change flying around.


One of the big sticking points for M-1 is having more M-1 fighters on the card. M-1 knows that it's fighters will compete for chickenfeed. Their theory is that if they can save a couple of hundred grand by replacing Nick Diaz and Cung Le with Karl Amoussou and Victor Nemkov, there is more cash to divide up at the end. Plus, M-1 acts as agents for their fighters. Standard rate is 20% of a fighter's take, but god knows what kind of deals they have in place with these guys who will sell their souls to get out of Russia and Armenia. Either way, the more M-1 fighters on the card, the more agent's percentages they take on top of their co-promotion cut = a bigger slice of the pie.


So here's the Catch 22 for SF as far as making money is concerned. They need CBS to keep afloat. They need Fedor to keep CBS on board. When they use Fedor, they don't make money. The fact that the Showtime events make a profit is irrelevant: Nick Diaz makes $100,000 right now, but come negotiation time, he'll want Dan Henderson money. They need to pay for the most talented guys they can possibly afford for when/if the Fedor deal goes bump, and to fill out their Showtime cards. However, with every 'name' they bring in and every payrise they give to Diaz, Mayhem etc, there is a Babalu, a Brett Rogers and a Gilbert Melendez who all of a sudden want the same $$$.


In short, they're doing ok now...but they can't keep it up for ever...it's impossible with their current model. If they lose CBS, it'll be the end of SF as we know it and they'll be back to promotion regional shows in Cali with Frank Shamrock fighting Scott Smith in the main event.

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Inside MMA did a spotlight on "Notable Promoters other than UFC that make money" and they had a couple of the promoters on the show. I -believe- the guy from Bellator was on there, and I know the guy from Rage in the Cage was. I can't remember the other guy that was on. But I'm pretty sure those two were.


I honestly have no idea about Bellator, but I see no reason why they shouldn't be financially secure. They only have one moderately big contract (Heurta) and they aren't running massive buildings or being extravagant with their production.


With Dream, it's sort of a yes and no answer. Big Japanese promotions don't work like US promotions in terms of how they are run. They basically broker fights for TV networks...they're essentially middle men. TV networks like Tokyo Broadcasting Systems pay whatever is needed to put on the best possible fights to get the best possible TV ratings. In MMA's hayday in Japan, MMA was getting 50% of the TV audience of the entire country on New Years Eve...hence why the NYE cards were always loaded with the best/most expensive talent.


When MMA is hot in Japan, they're incredibly profitable. The problem now is that there are no Japanese stars for them to promote to men or women. No Sakuraba, Fujita or Yoshida for the men. No Masato, Kid or Uno for the women. Aoki was never popular with either.


The reason that the 205lb GP has been pulled is that the line up was Babalu, Lawal, Mousasi, M'Pumbu, Filho...see a pattern here? No Japanese fighters. It's possible that Nakamura could have entered, but he isn't exactly a superstar after a string of 'Meh' performances. Tatsuya Mizuno is 7-5, and would likely get rolled in the first round by any of the above guys. There is very little upside to having a decrepit Sakuraba fighting at 205 again, even if he was interested, which is unlikely.


The Japanese public need strong Japanese fighters to follow. Until there are some, Japanese broadcasters won't back MMA, which means that there is very little money to be made.

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Interesting news on Sherfail...


Robbie Lawler vs Babalu at a 195lb catch weight for Strikeforce's E3 week show.


Didn't see that one coming. Not a fan of the idea myself. It's just another indication of how shallow the talent pool is. What does either man really gain out of a win?


A loss puts the loser further away from the title in their own division, while not really doing much to move the winner any closer to a title shot. Silly, desperate matchmaking.

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... why aren't they putting Mayhem in there? A sign to desperately try to appease Shields?


The first round of Schlemenko's Bellator fight has been hilarious so far, watch it if you can.


e: Wait they suspended Mayhem and no one else? What?


Yeah, apparently Mayhem had no clearance to go into the cage or something? I think he was self-promoting, regardless of whats been said. I can't see why the Gracie camp would act like that(I know that sounds stupid but bare with me) if it was staged... Unless Scott Coker is stupid. Is Scott Coker stupid?


And Mayhem's been talking a bunch of trash about the incident on Twitter, so I've heard. Twittering(I can't keep up with all this twit-ology lingo) seems to be causing too much drama in the sports world. Just read about some Baseball player who got in trouble over Twitter. This is why we don't need to have cameras in the toilets of our celebrities, folks. Regardless, they should all have been suspended for taking a crap on the sport of MMA by doing that on national TV. That's stuff that's reserved for Phil Baroni fights in Canada. Jeez.

BUT... As much as people want to believe Dana doesn't have pull... Dana has pull, he has to. The dude LOOKS exactly like the classic Kingpin villain. You're telling me Dana can't keep HIS fighters from getting suspended. Pssh, Nick Diaz and Gilbert Melendez are on their way, this proves it.


I can't believe that dude finished an arm triangle from half guard... That's ridiculous. I bet that happens a lot in the amateurs and lower-end pros, but I can't remember seeing too many in the upper scale promotions.


I feel like I'm watching a ballet with this Shlemenko fight. And not one of violence either. One is either vastly overrated, or the other is a very game young dude. LOL Those are the worst MMA shorts I've seen in a long time... What are those? They look like something one of those Puroresu stars wears... CIMA, I believe... Somewhere Shonie Carter is going "Okay, now even that's too much."

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If you signed up here you get a code which you can use to download the UFC 2010 demo.


It's like an entirely different game. My biggest gripes is that leg kicks still aren't good enough (though they're better) and standups happen way too quickly but all in all the game is really kickass.


You can even do the Carwin by pushing someone into the cage with the MT clinch and uppercutting them to hell. Or the Couture by pushing them in there and baaaarely staying active enough to not get broken up.


It's going to feel awkward at first if you're used to 09, especially since there's no tutorial, but once you get into it it's really fun. Weaving and pushing people into the fence and all that.

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If you signed up here you get a code which you can use to download the UFC 2010 demo.


It's like an entirely different game. My biggest gripes is that leg kicks still aren't good enough (though they're better) and standups happen way too quickly but all in all the game is really kickass.


You can even do the Carwin by pushing someone into the cage with the MT clinch and uppercutting them to hell. Or the Couture by pushing them in there and baaaarely staying active enough to not get broken up.


It's going to feel awkward at first if you're used to 09, especially since there's no tutorial, but once you get into it it's really fun. Weaving and pushing people into the fence and all that.


I've seen screens and some peoples gameplay footage. It looks like a step up from last year... I just wish they made it for PC, even if it was several months after the release for the Next Gens, kinda like what Grand Theft Auto has done in the past. I don't mind waiting, I'd just LIKE the game on PC. I had to sell my PS3 during some hard times, so I'm pretty out outta luck when it comes to playing this.

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This is going to be better than last year, but until it has a realistic, deep career mode it's going to be hard for me stay interested. That's why I'm more excited for EA; the various promotions, rings, cages, and what I am hoping will be a legit career mode.
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This is going to be better than last year, but until it has a realistic, deep career mode it's going to be hard for me stay interested. That's why I'm more excited for EA; the various promotions, rings, cages, and what I am hoping will be a legit career mode.


I was excited for EA MMA until I saw the footage they used in SF: Nashville. It looked like a PS1 game.

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I was excited for EA MMA until I saw the footage they used in SF: Nashville. It looked like a PS1 game.


lol... I thought WCW vs. The World from PS1 looked like it had better gameplay than the EA MMA game. Why do the fighters look like they're made of acrylic or rubber? They're... shiny. Maybe it was EA's way of cheaply going for that 'sweaty' look, but uh... It looks awful. Even if I had a next gen console, I would buy the UFC game just for the fact that you usually know what you're getting with THQ WHERE AS with EA...


You may get something like:




Let's hope EA MMA outsells this wonderful work of art EA did toward the end of WCW. I'm proud to say I was 1 of 200,000 people who bought this train wreck of a game. LOL

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