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I am assuming some folks saw Bellator Saturday night with the main event "win" for Joe Warren over Galvao... Here's what judge Chuck Wolfe had to say...


Ultimately, Wolfe said, if Galvao isn't happy with the decision he should look in the mirror, not at the judges.


"He had three rounds to take Warren out if he really wanted to beat him -- he had three rounds to dominate Warren, as well as Warren had three rounds to dominate him," Wolfe said. "It's up to the fighter. ... Don't leave it in the hands of the judges, especially when it's a close fight."


So the judge basically trying to absolve himself any responsibility for making an accurate, logical decision based on the criteria indicated. That's nice.

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I am assuming some folks saw Bellator Saturday night with the main event "win" for Joe Warren over Galvao... Here's what judge Chuck Wolfe had to say...




So the judge basically trying to absolve himself any responsibility for making an accurate, logical decision based on the criteria indicated. That's nice.

That would have been a great statement - if it was done by other fighters or by promoters, or even referees.


Coming from a judge, that's a BS argument. "Come on, Son", as Jon Jones would say. :)

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Imagine if that statement came from a referee, attempting to "defend" a terrible stoppage... "Don't leave it up to us, since we might make a giant mess of it".


There is no reason for judging in MMA to be as atrocious as it is. The entire "don't leave it up to the judges" mentality is a cop-out, a justification for an obvious ambiguity that should not exist. Judges are part of the sport and there should be more "gray area" there than there is for refs, doctors, or fighters.

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The thing is, for refs, it's pretty clear: they must protect the fighters, even if it means an early stoppage. We can complain about those all we want, but at the end of the day, if they are doing their jobs for the most parts. It's certain referees, not refereeing itself, that are the problem.


I don't know what about to do about the judges. Even if a new system was put in place, they would be not make it retroactive... in other words, if they need to hire new people, they are put through the new system, but if they are already in the system, they aren't going to do anything about it.

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I'm not going to claim to have a miracle solution or that any such solution would be easy to impliment. Moving toward clear juding guidelines and a system of accountability for judges seems like something that a professional, regulated sport should be able to manage. This is a sport that is trying to compete against other high level sports. None of them really have major aspects of their sport which is completely ambiguous like that. Where it makes that aspect of the sport a complete crap-shoot, to the point where it starts undermine that credibility of the sport.
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I am assuming some folks saw Bellator Saturday night with the main event "win" for Joe Warren over Galvao... Here's what judge Chuck Wolfe had to say...




So the judge basically trying to absolve himself any responsibility for making an accurate, logical decision based on the criteria indicated. That's nice.


My favourite Chuck Wolfe quote goes something like this: "If you're going to score a round 10-10, you might as well just pick a winner"


No, really, he actually said that (or words to that effect, I don't have the exact quote infront of me).


Jimmy Smith had an idea...when there is a dubious/questionable/confusing stoppage in Bellator, he tries to grab the ref and get them to explain on camera and to the crowd why he called the stoppage. We don't always catch a fighter's eyes rolling back for a brief moment, or an arm going limp for a second etc, so the ref can at least explain why he made the call he did.


Now Smith's idea for judging is to make judges accountable in the same way. So in the case of the Warren Galvao fight, Smith would have interviewed Chuck Wolfe on camera to explain why he scored the bout the way he did.


I dunno if I like it. On one hand, if guys are being lazy or bias, it might prevent that if they know they could be hauled up infront of a camera/house mic to explain themselves. My worry is that it would simply lead to shows being held up by up to three judges explaining their scoring while the crowd boo's so loudly that nobody can hear them anyway. You could even argue that judges may be swayed to score close bouts the way they think the crowd wants them to go, to avoid getting hauled up infront of them.


If it's simply a case of a lack of ability on the judge's part though, making them take responsibility in that particular way isn't going to help. The dream solution is a standardised, nation-wide Unified Rules judging qualification with regular refresher courses/tests...but that just isn't going to happen.

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Moving toward clear juding guidelines and a system of accountability for judges seems like something that a professional, regulated sport should be able to manage. This is a sport that is trying to compete against other high level sports.


And this will always be the trouble with MMA compared to other sports - MMA isn't a sport in the same way that Soccer, Baseball, Golf etc are. There's no international governing body to regulate things....hell, neighboring states don't always have the same regualations.


The UFC technically *is* the sport when it comes to pushing through changes and getting things done, but even they are at the mercy of commissions that don't want to play ball and outside of the US is another story entirely. For now at least, the majority of states that do sanction MMA don't do it as a priority, therefor the funding for education and training and monitoring of judges and officials just isn't there.


It amazes me how far MMA has come in the 14-15 years I've been watching/involved with it...it equally amazes me how far it has to go :(

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My favourite Chuck Wolfe quote goes something like this: "If you're going to score a round 10-10, you might as well just pick a winner"


No, really, he actually said that (or words to that effect, I don't have the exact quote infront of me).


I think it was "you might as well not be there." And a judge saying "you shouldn't have left it in the hands of the judges," hilarious! And of course worrying.

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Jon Jones is out of the Rashad fight due to torn ligaments in his hand. Evans is now fighting Phil Davis.


After the Little Nog fight, I expect Davis to get knocked out.

You know, I can't see Rashad knocking Davis out. While Davis is probably an easier opponent, Phil Davis seems to be younger, more athletic version of Rashad himself. Rashad's unlikely to be able to use his primary strength in this case - wrestling.


If anything, Rashad's the one likely to be KOed, not Davis. Davis hasnt' been KOed, or even just plain out finished yet, and Rashad's strength isn't finishing. The only impressive KO from Rashad is Lidell, and, in hindsight, I think Lidell was in a seirous decline by then. On top of that, Rashad hasn't fought in a while. If he can't beat Davis... then we know exaxtly what level he is.


My feeling is, though, UFC wins either way. They get Evans vs. Jones... former teammate against former teammate. Or they get Davis vs. Jones. The Next Big Thing vs. The Current Big Thing. It's a win-win for them.


1. Davis through decision.

2. Rashad through decision.

3. Davis through submission.

4. Rashad through submission.


These are the only possibilities I see.

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If anything, Rashad's the one likely to be KOed, not Davis. Davis hasnt' been KOed, or even just plain out finished yet, and Rashad's strength isn't finishing. The only impressive KO from Rashad is Lidell, and, in hindsight, I think Lidell was in a seirous decline by then. On top of that, Rashad hasn't fought in a while. If he can't beat Davis... then we know exaxtly what level he is.

When has Davis shown he can KO anyone? What great striking skill has he shown us that indicates he has the ability or power to KO someone? Liddell was in decline when he lost to Rashad but it wasn't a serious decline and I seem to remember him doing quite well before getting KO'd by a punch that would have knocked anyone out cold.

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When has Davis shown he can KO anyone? What great striking skill has he shown us that indicates he has the ability or power to KO someone? Liddell was in decline when he lost to Rashad but it wasn't a serious decline and I seem to remember him doing quite well before getting KO'd by a punch that would have knocked anyone out cold.


I'm with you...Davis' striking is pretty cack, while one of Rashad's best qualities is his head movement. He got clocked by three really good/powerful strikers, but only one was able to finish him. I see Evans using his wrestling in reverse and dishing out a boxing clinic.

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I'm with you...Davis' striking is pretty cack, while one of Rashad's best qualities is his head movement. He got clocked by three really good/powerful strikers, but only one was able to finish him. I see Evans using his wrestling in reverse and dishing out a boxing clinic.

This I can agree, except about the boxing clinic. I don't think it's going to go down like that. Time after time, Grappling almost always outdoes striking, and I can agree with Rashad doing a lot more counter-grappling, but because he has to focus on that, he has to taper down on any striking he does.


When has Davis shown he can KO anyone? What great striking skill has he shown us that indicates he has the ability or power to KO someone? Liddell was in decline when he lost to Rashad but it wasn't a serious decline and I seem to remember him doing quite well before getting KO'd by a punch that would have knocked anyone out cold.



Lidell has been knocked out before Rashad. Or, well, to be fair, some say TKO's in certain cases, but he has knocked around silly enough for referee to stop the match. If any planted their feet as hard as Rashad, and wound his punch like Rashad did, they would have likely KO'ed someone too. I don't recall another impressive KO from Rashad, and what Rashad did to Lidell, can be said to have been done before Rashad did it himself.


That's not saying I don't think Rahad's not going to win. I think he has a chance. But a KO? Unlikely. It's more likely that he will decision Davis than KO him, and probably more like that Davis will decision him before Rashad can KO him as well.


My guess is, it's going to be close, and no one is likely to get finished, period. Davis is my pick for now, but I'm not counting out Rashad. It's just that, neither of them will likely to be able to finish the other off.

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God I hate this. They were supposed to slow Davis down after Lil' Nog, instead they strapped him on a rocket and shot him off.


I don't recall another impressive KO from Rashad


Sean Salmon dude. Head kick.


Honestly my thoughts on this fight are pretty sparse since it all hinges on how Davis' wrestling looks. If either guy can reliably take the other guy down he's going to win the fight. Davis has a really dynamic top game and I can believe he'd be able to win by submission. Rashad's shown a pretty tepid and dry top game but he can definitely land with power on guys who get careless.


If both guys end up pushing each other into the fence it's probably going to be a mildly controversial decision that reaffirms the entire Internet's hate for the light heavyweight wrestling crew (minus Jones) and it will be the new Worst Fight Ever, replacing Rashad/Rampage.


e: For what it's worth, Rashad definitely is a worse striker than Lil' Nog. Quite possibly hits harder but being a southpaw is really advantageous in MMA where mostly everyone's still in the embryonic stage of their striking game and a left straight is going to ruin them, especially when thrown by a guy great at timing counters.


I keep wavering between the two when thinking about the wrestling battle. Images of Davis bending at the waist to take down Lil' Nog and spending nearly an entire round trying to double leg a Swede are interspersed with mental pictures of Bisping taking Rashad down and him spending minutes on end grinding guys against the cage and exhausting himself.

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You still haven't explained where this idea that Davis has KO power or ability has come from.

And why do I need to explain that? He's athletic, he's strong, and he's a lot more explosive than Rashad. It's just that, if anyone is going to get KOed, it's not because of who has better KO power, but who has a weaker chin and worse striking defense. And who's been KOed silly before? Phil Davis. Oh wait, nope, that's not right, it's not Phil Davis... who is it then? One's weaknesses is more of a factor than one's strengths. Look at Arlovski. It doesn't matter if he can KO people, because he can easily get KOed himself. Davis may not have the KO power, while Rashad does not have the chin. One matters more than the other.


Sean Salmon dude. Head kick.

One head kick. Big deal. Salmon was impressive when he fought Rashad (9-2), but Salmon's 18-13 now. Has he done it to a legit top ten opponent? His career is based on more on decisions-I have no problem with that, because he does try to finish. But a finishing machine he isn't.


Honestly my thoughts on this fight are pretty sparse since it all hinges on how Davis' wrestling looks. If either guy can reliably take the other guy down he's going to win the fight. Davis has a really dynamic top game and I can believe he'd be able to win by submission. Rashad's shown a pretty tepid and dry top game but he can definitely land with power on guys who get careless.


If both guys end up pushing each other into the fence it's probably going to be a mildly controversial decision that reaffirms the entire Internet's hate for the light heavyweight wrestling crew (minus Jones) and it will be the new Worst Fight Ever, replacing Rashad/Rampage.


e: For what it's worth, Rashad definitely is a worse striker than Lil' Nog. Quite possibly hits harder but being a southpaw is really advantageous in MMA where mostly everyone's still in the embryonic stage of their striking game and a left straight is going to ruin them, especially when thrown by a guy great at timing counters.


I keep wavering between the two when thinking about the wrestling battle. Images of Davis bending at the waist to take down Lil' Nog and spending nearly an entire round trying to double leg a Swede are interspersed with mental pictures of Bisping taking Rashad down and him spending minutes on end grinding guys against the cage and exhausting himself.


I can't see either really finishing the other off. Rashad's too smart to be submitted, and Davis is too smart to get in a position to get KOed.


It's going to be a decision, unless someone gets lucky or makes a mistake. You know what be hilarious, though? If this fight ended in a draw. That would delay Rashad's title shot even further.

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