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Total Championship Wrestling: Tuesday Night Wars

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Well, one of my predictions was correct at least. I was far from disappointed though...great show, well worth the wait. I must say I've been reading a few dynasties for some time now, but yours is the reason I registered as a member. I'm glad you didn't have all the run-ins that I predicted, it feels more true to TCW and gives TCW more of a true sports feel. Your match write-ups increase the sports feel as well. They are extremely well written too by the way...great storytelling using actual wresting. You definitely did shock me with the Ino victory, but I'm glad to see him win (I job him out big time when I play). Can't wait to read the next show...just wish I could watch it tonight instead of the wresting that is actually on.
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Guest cmdrsam

Post Show Thoughts


Regarding predictions, there were 20 in total. Thanks for the support, everyone! Of those 20, no one got 6 out of 6, which I think is a good thing. Five people got 5 of 6 right, and therefore, we have 5 winners of the PPV prediction contest. PMs will be coming, with what can be requested.


A few booking thoughts....


-the tag team match delivered far better than I expected. Which is great, because tag team action is intended to be a key part of my TCW vision, and having a couple of experienced teams that can deliver the match grades is reassuring.


-looks like I tripped up almost everyone with the Ino-Tornado result. Wasn't really my intent, but I can now see how so many people would figure on the Tornado win. My logic was that a clean (or even really semi-clean) Tornado win wouldn't really leave much room for a rematch. A schmozz win of some type would have worked, but a clean Ino win does a fair bit for Ino, which was really the point, and it makes a rematch have some meaning.


-ironically, the logic I used there was applied to the Peak-Benson match by a few people. Instead, I went with a win by Peak that was not only clean but relatively dominant. All I can say is different feud and different intent.


-I really wasn't sure about the total elimination tag match. I cannot recall using a six-man tag that high on the card of a PPV before. One might ask why I would go with such a match when I wasn't sure it would produce? Experimentation, I guess, plus I like the idea I put in the last Total Mark segment where TCW uses gimmick matches regularly to stick with a tradition. I like to think such little elements help give a promotion a bit more personality.


-the main event really didn't deliver. I wasn't expecting A* greatness, but I was a bit surprised to see it be one of the weaker matches on the card. The purpose of the match was quite simple - establish Rocky Golden as legit for the readers. Viewers (if they existed) would be reminded of what had been established back in September when Golden successfully defended the belt against Cornell. A big moment was Golden kicking out of the Rough Ride (more on that coming) and there were some smaller moments that will be more important later.


Sorry it took me a bit longer to get this done and up. Hopefully its worth the wait. The next month will be interesting, I believe...



Nice to see alittle love for Ino. Always try to find something for him when I have ran TCW. I know not alot of people push him. I wouldnt say I push him to Title shot status but I like to see him stay a strong member of the roster.


Shock value with Keith and RDJ going out early. Well played on that match.


Don't have a problem with Golden either. I also realize people would probably job him out and take the title off him. But that wouldnt be your style now would it?;)


My only problem is I just dont see Golden going 25 + Minutes. Did I enjoy it, why yes I did. Do I see Golden actually lasting 25, sorry no. But thats why you make me a believer in what you do.


Overall, I enjoyed the write up. Keep it up Bigpappa.

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It was good, even if my predictions stunk :(


I wouldn't worry much about the predictions being off. For one, there hasn't been that much to go off of - this was just the 2nd major event of the diary, and that one had zero build. It takes time to have a booking approach come through. Second, it actually makes me happy to see the picks a bit all over. If everyone had the exact same picks and go everything right, I'm doing something entirely wrong.


Well, one of my predictions was correct at least. I was far from disappointed though...great show, well worth the wait. I must say I've been reading a few dynasties for some time now, but yours is the reason I registered as a member. I'm glad you didn't have all the run-ins that I predicted, it feels more true to TCW and gives TCW more of a true sports feel. Your match write-ups increase the sports feel as well. They are extremely well written too by the way...great storytelling using actual wresting. You definitely did shock me with the Ino victory, but I'm glad to see him win (I job him out big time when I play). Can't wait to read the next show...just wish I could watch it tonight instead of the wresting that is actually on.


Wow, glad you did register. And wish I could put it on TV, too. A lot of what my vision of TCW is things that are missing to some extent from current mainstream wrestling. Its a lot of things I would love to see come back.


As for run-ins, they are something that I am willing to do, but I do not want overuse. Part of my approach was to make those moments that used to be big but have now become commonplace to be big again. So run-ins that result in an a DQ will be rare. Backstage attacks will be rare. Confrontations with no actual action are more common than actual attacks. Its taking a lot of influence from the territorial days, obviously. Part of it is increasing the "legitimate" sport aspect, as well as what I believe to be the more traditional aspects of professional wrestling.


Glad you are enjoying.


Nice to see alittle love for Ino. Always try to find something for him when I have ran TCW. I know not alot of people push him. I wouldnt say I push him to Title shot status but I like to see him stay a strong member of the roster.


Shock value with Keith and RDJ going out early. Well played on that match.


Don't have a problem with Golden either. I also realize people would probably job him out and take the title off him. But that wouldnt be your style now would it?;)


My only problem is I just dont see Golden going 25 + Minutes. Did I enjoy it, why yes I did. Do I see Golden actually lasting 25, sorry no. But thats why you make me a believer in what you do.


Overall, I enjoyed the write up. Keep it up Bigpappa.


Thanks and glad you enjoyed.


Always liked Ino. It would be very easy to slip him into the tag team wrestler slash jobber to the stars role I typically throw him into. He's good, but not quite that level of great that would make a big push almost automatic. But I wanted something more than that here. Not that he's necessarily about to move into the world title circle, but I don't want him too far away from that either.


The elimination order of the total elimination tag match was quite intentional. Read into that what you will.


Golden did indeed go 25 minutes. His Stamina is C+. He's gone up ever so slightly (2 points) since I started. So long as you don't go All Out, he can go close to 30 minutes.

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Well, if TCW's product was like in 2008, I'm certain Golden could have gotten at least B+. As TCW's product stands right now, though, it's performance>popularity product. Whether you like it or not, Golden is either going to have improve a lot more than he has, or he's going to have go back lower on the card eventually.
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Well, if TCW's product was like in 2008, I'm certain Golden could have gotten at least B+. As TCW's product stands right now, though, it's performance>popularity product. Whether you like it or not, Golden is either going to have improve a lot more than he has, or he's going to have go back lower on the card eventually.


Very true about the product change. Golden has improved - at least a grade in most key areas. But its not enough to put him on the same level as most of the main event scene. Basically, its my hope that the he ends up at basically the same level that Rick Law starts at. Unforunately, skill takes awhile to build, even if Golden does keep improving.


If this was a non-diary game, I might already have the belt off of Golden. Basically, anyone else in my main event scene would need to be protected less and would be more likely to produce better results. The Star Quality means that Golden builds and maintains overness quite easily, but as you point out, that's less helpful in 2010. I'll just keep protecting as best I can until the time comes to end the reign.

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I think the general rule of thumb is to have your best worker... in this case, Tommy Cornell, as the champion, until you have someone that can hold it for a while. The exception to this rule is if there needs to be change for something fresh.


I'm going to honest. I'm not sure anyone here is going to complain that you are taking the belt of Rocky Golden. If it was Rick Law, I would certainly say give him more time... but Rocky is pretty far away from the goal line, so to speak.

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Mark 10.0



I have heard that having a beautiful woman around can be distracting. I am finding that to be true, especially when that beautiful women decides to spend all afternoon pacing around the small office you share with her.


“Please,” I begged Sara Silver for the third time. “Stop.”


“Sorry,” she apologizes once again. She sat down. “Just nervous.”


“I know,” I told her once again.


“How's your article coming?” she asked me.


“I'd be done by now if someone didn't keep pacing,” I said with a biting tone.


“Sorry,” Sara sighed.


She was nervous over tomorrow night. Ms. Silver would be making her debut on Total Wrestling, introducing the first two members of her Planet Silver stable. Although she had been appearing in angles for the past month on the Uprising TV tapings, that was in front of a couple thousand fans at most and watched on TV by a small segment of TCW fans. She was pretty comfortable with that. However, the idea of doing the exact same thing in front of an audience of ten thousand or more and broadcast live to millions was clearly frightening to her.


Perspective. We had talked about it endlessly, and no matter how many times I reminded her that it was really no different from what she had already done, she kept getting caught up on the “bigger audience” aspect of it.


At least Sara didn't have to worry about the promo itself. The creative team – basically Joel and The Boss – were still scripting things for her.


Stifling a yawn, I tried to focus on my own work. It was an article for the TCW website profiling the team that Sara was slated to introduce on Total Wrestling tomorrow night. The article would go up after the show. I was scheduled to fly out to Texas for the show later tonight, so I wanted to get it done before that. I normally slam out such articles quite quickly, but I felt exhausted, having just flown into town this morning after the pay per view. Why would they fly me in for basically half a day? Good question. I have no answer. I often wonder why Cornell wants me on the road as much as I am. I have yet to have it explained to me. I do know that since I am not actual talent, I am pretty low on the priority list for the Travel section of the Office. They have a tough job moving everyone about the country efficiently and on-time. There are rarely problems. Situations like my current one – coming back to L.A. for half a day is about the worst of it. I didn't even really need to come in to the office today. I could've taken the day off, or worked from home. I am typically more productive when I come in to TCWHQ. Just not today, with Sara pacing and worrying.


Sara tapped away casually on her own laptop. I was tempted to look over to see if she was actually doing anything, or just playing with the keyboard. I restrained myself, as that would invite my conversation. And I needed to focus.


“Did you need to me to read it over or anything?” Sara offered, apparently reading my mind.


“No, I'm good.” She realized this article was taking me longer than normal. While I didn't typically worry too much about accuracy for most such introductory articles, I wanted to take the time to mesh the backstory provided by Joel Bryant with what the team has actually accomplished. I often didn't worry too much about the wrestlers actual accomplishments, simply because a lot of the workers we were bringing in didn't have much history outside the small indy promotions. This team was a bit different.


Part of the problem was that my mind kept wandering back to last night's Just Another Day pay per view. I was quite happy that I was wrong about the Total Elimination six-man tag match, as it turned out to be as good as that type of match is ever likely to be. Well done and very entertaining. The World Tag Title match was also awesome. The world title match was, however, disappointing. Not terrible. Just below expectations for a TCW main event match that involved Tommy Cornell. The story it told was fine, but it was some sloppiness on the part of the champion that dragged it down from what it could have been. That didn't bother me too much. No, what bothered me was that this was a match where the Boss had decided to allow Golden to kick out after hitting his Rough Ride finisher clean.


Why do I care about such things? Because I'm a dork and a mark. Of course, the logical thought of “having some perspective and realize this doesn't matter much” floats through my mind every so often... Oh, the irony...


“Protect your finisher” is something of a mantra amongst the talent in TCW. That comes from the top – Cornell and Bryant. Cornell is very protective of his finisher, but most of the wrestlers aren't too far behind that. If you are going to allow someone to kick out after your finisher, there better be a very good reason. The reason here was good – to put over Golden just a bit more. Not that he really needs it, but it gives him just that extra bit of legitimacy. I just wish the match had lived up to the moment a bit more.


Part of the reason behind the protection of finishers in TCW is a response to the SWF doing the opposite. Starting in about 2004, Supreme developed a habit of making big matches seem big by overdoing the finishers. So you get a match between Christian Faith and Brandon James where you see three Leaps of Faith and four Big Cat Pounces. It can certainly add to the drama. It also makes the finishers seem less effective if its done too often. And Supreme does it too often. So in TCW, finishers are protected and most retain the feel of moves which can actually end a match.


Personally, I would love to TCW adopt an approach reminiscent of the King's Road style. Where the upper level workers all have a different finishers they use dependent on the opponent. I also wish there was more push for workers to develop new and innovative finishers, rather than remain reliant on one or two throughout much of their career. But again, my opinion counts for almost nothing, so....


After staring at my laptop screen for a long minute, I made the decision I knew would coming eventually...


Turning to Sara, I asked, “You ready to head to Texas?”


She shrugged. “If packed means ready, yeah,” she laughed. “But as for ready for the show... uh....”


“Alright, let's go.”


I stood. She stared at me, confused. “Uh, where?”


“Video room,” I answered. “I have some more footage of Coach Pangrazzio and Professor Nero we can watch. More for you to learn.”


There is a lot more than just cutting a good promo when it comes being a good manager. Given her limited background with wrestling, Sara is still learning. Being effective at ringside is all about timing. Its about know when to be a distraction – literally and figuratively – and when to just be part of the scenery. That timing comes natural to some and less naturally to others. But having a deep understanding of wrestling helps. Sara Marie York has never worked as a manager or valet before taking on the role for Rocky, but because she understands wrestling, she has done very well. This Sara is much newer to the business and simply doesn't have that understanding yet. In addition to my tutoring, this Sara was also taking lessons from Karen Killer.


Thankfully, Sara is an eager student.


“Let's go,” she grinned.


The Total Mark

Monday, Week 1 April 2010

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Preview of TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, April 2010


TCW Presents Total Wrestling invades the heart of Texas, and things are going to get hot!


The suspension of Tommy Cornell begins on this night, with the 5-time TCW World champion banned from the building. Perhaps more importantly, it will be a night of debuts.


Sara Silver has spent the past month talking up her yet-unseen Planet Silver stable on Uprising TV. Tonight, she will introduce the first two members of her Planet, a tag team which will be taking on another promising young team making their debut on Total Wrestling but who have already been seen by fans on Uprising TV, The Cali Dragons.


The All-Action championship will be the line, as champion Edd Stone takes on a surprise opponent.


Life in Total Championship Wrestling has not been kind so far to Benny Benson, and things don't look to get any easier as he faces Wolf Hawkins. "The Prodigy" will be without his mentor but looking to make an impact regardless.


An intriguing six-man tag will see Texas Pete have an apparent "try out" with the Hellfire Club. He joins American Buffalo and Genghis Rahn to take on the tough trio of Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey, and Joshua Taylor.


A Texas legend returns home as Ricky Dale Johnson will team up with Joey Minnesota to face The Tag Team Specialists.


The main event should be a war. The ever-dangerous "Predator" Eddie Peak will be stepping into the ring against Koshiro Ino. "The Kobra" will look to build on his impressive win over Troy Tornado from Sunday. Neither of these men are likely to back down so this one should be a battle from start to finish.


The very best wrestling action is on Total Championship Wrestling!


Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match


??? vs The Cali Dragons


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson

Hawkins is main event caliber, Benson isnt


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match

I see a dq or countout win for the new person, but no title


??? vs The Cali Dragons

Again new debut makes impact


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete

The Hoss squad loses to the champion team


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters



Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

Ino wins, but it won't feel like a victory after Peak finishes with him

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match


??? vs The Cali Dragons


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson

Hawkins is simply better


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match

Stone´s last (and currently only) title defence ended on count out loss so he should win here

??? vs The Cali Dragons

I go with mystery guys though I nust admit that I don´t remenber who Cali Dragons are so they kind of all mystery guys to me:o


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete

you need to build Golden up and losing to Rahn or Buffalo doesn´t really help on that matter


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters

Tag Specialist are likely close to retairment and Freedom Fighters are higher on the card anyway


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

I could see Peak having a dq loss here but I presume that Tornado will cost Ino this match

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Climbing back in BigPapa. Caught up over the last couple of days, along with Casey's end of MAW (brilliant) and TK's new BHOTWG piece (maybe even better than his old Burning Hammer diary), and can't wait to see where this is going. Love the "Mark" write-ups, too.


Anyway, on with the predictions.




Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match


??? vs The Cali Dragons


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson

Benson can't catch a break. Easy win for Wolf.

??? vs Edd Stone DRAW

All-Action Championship Match

If the mystery is a debut he won't lose. However, Edd hasn't really been established as champ yet, I doubt he'll lose the title so soon. Therefore, I'm thinking a draw.

??? vs The Cali Dragons

I don't know who The Cali Dragns are either, so I don't think they will beat a debuting team.

Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete

Stacked team wins. Good to see the Buffalo though, I seem to be one of his few fans.

The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters

Tag Specialists are ancient.

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

I hesitate to choose against Ino again, but I just can't see him beating Peak, who seems to be TCWs current monster.

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson

The newcomer still has some work to do before he'll be pulling off wins against the likes of Hawkins


??? vs Edd Stone

Stone to retain - likely by clean win



??? vs The Cali Dragons

Unless of course this is Badd Kompany Redux...


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete

I don't see a team with two Main Eventers losing to a team with none...However, it wouldn't surprise me all too much if Taylor took a fall in this one.


EDIT: The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters

Well paint me red and call me a wagon! For some reason I was thinking of the Machines instead of the Specialists when I said they'd win! I'm not really a TCW guy. Knowing the true identity of the Tag Team Specialists now, I change my prediction to one that actually makes sense!!! Sorry for my TCW stupidity!


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

He's an unstopable monster!!! How could he lose??? I have a feeling there will be some sort of screwey finish here.

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match


??? vs The Cali Dragons


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson


Hawkins is at that level above Benson where he is on the cusp of truly cementing himself as a main eventer. In fact he might even be a few rungs above, because I get the feeling that Benson is gradually being de-pushed to his rightful spot as a mid-carder. Nothing against Benson, but for someone of his size he is not an exceptional enough talent to be anything other than a solid mid-card prescence.


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match


The mystery man isn't going to be some jobber, if he is already getting a title shot, so I think he wins the match but Edd Stone fearing that he will lose the title takes the easy way out (a count out loss) to keep hold of his belt. My betting is on the mystery man being Acid, not very original but if he becomes available he is pretty much a must have addition if you are seriously looking to make something of the All Action Division.


??? vs The Cali Dragons


Cali Dragons are Frankie Perez and Mikey James (they formed their team in CZCW after an intense rivalry), yes I am a Cornellverse geek :D Anyway when in doubt go for the mystery men.



Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete


One team has the World Champion on it's side and this Texas Pete hasn't disappeared for a year and come back a different wrestler. :p


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters


Knackered Old Timers versus main eventers, wonder who will win this one ?


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Peak seem's to have enjoyed a stronger push so far, though Ino seem's to have more been a case of being a forgotten man than being jobbed out so it wouldn't surprise me too much if he suddenly broke out a win here, but right now Peak is the safer bet.

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Great show as always BP.


Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson

Wolf's the bigger name and Benson hasn't had much luck so far...


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match

DQ, count-out, something like that. Stone will not win, but will leave with the belt.


??? vs The Cali Dragons

One team has been named for a reason, so they can lose.


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete

A team with the World champion in isn't go to lose against someone called Pete.


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters

See tigerkinney's reasoning - sums it up better than I ever could!


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

Tough one, but Eddie still seems more of a star than Ino.

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match


??? vs The Cali Dragons


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match


??? vs The Cali Dragons


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

I'm Lo-Drew and I aprrove these picks

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Climbing back in BigPapa. Caught up over the last couple of days, along with Casey's end of MAW (brilliant) and TK's new BHOTWG piece (maybe even better than his old Burning Hammer diary), and can't wait to see where this is going. Love the "Mark" write-ups, too.


Anyway, on with the predictions.


Awesome to have you back and reading, NoNeck!


Also, apologies all around for leaving off the tag team members from the prediction form. Have no idea why I assumed everyone would know the Cali Dragons. Or even the Tag Team Specialists. I will be more careful going foward.

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match


??? vs The Cali Dragons


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


I have to agree with these picks. I would go into detail why, but I'm lazy today. :p

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson

Should be an easy win


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match

I see Stone challenged, but manages the win


???vs The Cali Dragons

At least one of the new debuts needs to win



Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete

Stronger overall makeup of Golden's team


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters

Don't think they will drop back to back matches


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

Toss up here.......Tails = Peak

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Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson


??? vs Edd Stone

All-Action Championship Match


??? vs The Cali Dragons

Ok let me make it clear that the only reason that I didn't pick any of the ??? to win is because I have no idea who they could be. However in reality I could see one if not both of the new debuts if that is what they are winning.


Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey & Joshua Taylor vs Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Texas Pete

Should be a good match


The Tag Team Specialists vs Freedom Fighters


Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak

I am a big fan of both these guys and they should both be able to put on a great match however I will go with Koshiro winning.

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