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Total Championship Wrestling: Tuesday Night Wars

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, March 2010

Minnesota Coliseum (Mid West)



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Chapter One

A Rebel With His Own Cause



Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes




The TCW logo fades into a shot of the crowd as the Total Wrestling theme song plays. Some of TCW's biggest and best moments are highlighted as part of the shows opening video montage. Notably, few of the highlights are of the HGC days of the promotion. It highlights the current crop of TCW talent.


Jason Azaria: Bringing you the very best in professional wrestling, this is... Total Championship Wrestling! I am Jason Azaria, and with me is my broadcast partner, Kyle Rhodes.

Kyle Rhodes: Good evening to one and all. Tonight, we will be starting out a bit differently, as Tommy Cornell has asked to address TCW and the fans. So let's get things started.



Tommy Cornell

In-Ring Promo

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Tommy Cornell emerges before his music begins, and fans sense something is up. When the entrance music begins to play, its obvious to all but the most inattentive of fans... The music isn't Cornell's theme music, but the theme music of The Syndicate. “Rough Justice” smirks as he stands on the stage. He motions and he is joined by...



Wolf Hawkins


Cornell's protégé steps out onto the stage. The 24-year has a look of hesitation, as if he's unsure about what they are doing. He looks to Cornell, who is still smirking and looks as confident as ever. Hawkins managing to wipe the uncertainty off his face. The pair stomp down to the ring, Tommy Cornell is handed the microphone as they climb into the ring, but the noisy hatred of the crowd takes some time to die down before “Rough Justice” can talk.


For no longer being allowed to associate with one another, Cornell and Hawkins are failing pretty miserably.


Tommy Cornell: What, you lot really didn't think I'd stick to that stupid arrangement with Johnson, did you? Are all you really as stupid as he is? I've made a career out of putting myself in the strongest position. Johnson really thinks I'm going to throw it all away because he voices some challenge? He's crocked in the head, then.


The fans boo voraciously. Cornell revels in it, as he always does.


Tommy Cornell: What's Johnson going to do? Whine and keep chasing me, the same as for near-on a decade now. He can't do anything. The Home Office won't do anything. So nothing changes. Typical.


A trademark sneer of disdain as the crowd boos again, then goes silent. They hate the man, but they love to hear him talk.


Tommy Cornell: What I really don't understand in all of this is why you twits worship Johnson as a hero. When what he's really trying to do is end a friendship. Has that become admirable now? His proposal was that if his side wins, Wolf and I are not allowed to associate together. Ridiculous. Wolf is not only my student but my friend. He sometimes disappoints me, like he did by losing to Minnesota. That doesn't change the fact that he's stood by my side for near-on three yeas now. Watching my back. He's like family, really. Families fight to stay together, right? So your hero Johnson is just a common home-breaker, then.


The face of TCW smirks at this declaration as fans boo. He's finished, handing over the microphone to his protege. Hawkins has to wait for a bit before the fans quiet down again enough for him to talk. Hawkins has a notably different promo style to that of Cornell – slow, measured, and intense.

Wolf Hawkins: Joey Minnesota, you and I have some unfinished business. People say that our rivalry is going to define TCW through this next decade, just like Tommy here dominating RDJ dominated the past decade. They're wrong, though. We won't. Because I am going to run you out of Total Championship Wrestling. I'm going to send you running back to Minnesota to your momma.


Dropping the microphone, Hawkins makes a cutting gesture across his throat. The pair then soak up the hatred from the crowd, who is only too happy to supply it.


Grade: A

Jason Azaria: Hawkins does realize that Joey Minnesota is actually from Philadelphia, right?

Kyle Rhodes: I just don't think those two give a damn, Jason.




Total Violence Connection vs The New Wave

600 lbs total combined weight vs 470 lbs total combined weight

TCW World Tag Team Championship Match


The Total Violence Connection duo come down to the ring like two irate rhinos making a charge... two wild men feeding off each other's insanity. They are trailed by Floyd Goldworthy, less a manager here than a ringmaster who has lost control of his wards. The TCW World Tag Team champions emerge to a big pop, but they don't even have time to take their championship gold off their waists when they get to the ring, as the challengers attack immediately.


The match isn't really a match at all. Its a brawl. A wild, crazy, utterly out-of-control brawl. The fans love it, but both referee Sam Sparrow and Floyd Goldworthy look distraught. Sparrow never has control of the match, which is unusual for the typically efficient referee. Of the dozen minutes that the match lasts, only a few moments actually feature one-on-one action. Tags are relatively few and far between, but double-teaming is not. Especially from the champions, who excel at tandem offense and display plenty of it in this match. Guide and Scout do not back down at all from the bigger wild men. By working together, they hold their own and avoid being overwhelmed by the wild aggression of the challengers. The pace of the match is relentless and the action moves all throughout the ringside area. Neither team really holds any sustained advantage. Peak tries to use his notable power advantage and unpredictability, two factors that typically serve him well, but the keen tandem awareness of the champions The highlight moment of the match is Guide executing a big suicide dive to the outside onto Peak and Rahn as they try to stomp on Scout. A short time later back inside the ring, Rahn tosses Scout into the turnbuckles hard, then begins to maliciously stomp on the tag team champ. Referee Sparrow admonishes the “Arizona Assassin”, who ignores the zebra. When Sparrow tries to intervene, he gets shoved away for his efforts. He immediately calls for the bell.


It takes a couple of minutes for Sparrow to separate the two warring teams, as they don't seem to care much that the match is over. Though the champions retain, they don't look particularly pleased with the results. Goldworthy puts a lot of effort into getting Peak and Rahn to head back to the dressing room.


The New Wave Win at 12:44 via Disqualification

Grade: B-

Jason Azaria: Mindless moment there by Genghis Rahn. He knows that you can't touch a TCW official!

Kyle Rhodes: Regardless, I have a feeling we'll be seeing a rematch of that one before too long...



Sammy Bach & Karen Killer

In-Ring Promo

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Sammy Bach is no longer the smallish wrestler who thrilled fans as “The Elation Sensation” in DaVE, or even the clean-cut “rock god” who debuted for TCW. He has bulked up notably, with a grimy and soiled look. As if the degenerate lifestyle of being a rock star has tainted him and left him tainted. With goth Karen Killer by his side, they make quite the pair. The reaction from the fans to the initial strains of the music, and then to Bach's actual appearance on the stage, shows that he is much hated.


Although he often appears through the crowd, Bach comes down the ramp to the TCW ring this time. He climbs in, ambling about the structure before he finally makes use of microphone he was handed.


Sammy Bach: Left out. Left off. Unneeded. Unwanted. Abandoned. Forgotten. Fallen.


He pauses, gazing across the sea of fans. The man can hold an audience attentive.


Sammy Bach: The Fallen. See, its not just a clever nickname. No, its more of a state of existence for Sammy Bach. The fact that my inexorable pursuit of Joshua Taylor's International championship was not important enough to warrant a match at War to Settle the Score pay per view left me in despair. Such moments leave me grateful for Karen, who taught me that in the darkest night, there is... more darkness. Darkness I embrace so that it might embrace me back. Despair is for my opponents. I will take your belt, Taylor... And you will know despair... Because we all fall down...


“The Fallen” Sammy Bach drops the microphone and takes a seat on the top turnbuckle to await his opponent.


Grade: B

Kyle Rhodes: I don't often find I agree with Sammy Bach... but I think I have to here.

Jason Azaria: About every dark night having more darkness?

Kyle Rhodes: No, that I do find it odd that the Home Office didn't see fit to have Joshua Taylor defend his TCW International championship at The War to Settle the Score.



Sammy Bach vs Benny Benson

5'10" + 225 lbs vs 5'10" + 215 lbs


Benson gets a fairly good reaction from the crowd when he emerges, though its quite obvious he's not in any condition to wrestle competitively. He moves tentatively and in obvious pain, plus he's pretty bandaged up. That earns him no quarter from Sammy Bach, who at least waits until the bell is rung. “The Fallen” then begins to attack relentlessly. He gleefully launches a series of scathing kicks at Benson. “Captain Excitement” looks anything but as he is battered by Bach, able to generate little offense of his own. The opening minutes are all Bach. However, Benson manages to get some offense in after he slips an Enzuigiri kick and counters by rolling to his feet and feeding Bach a series of forearm shots. He then delivers a Benson's Big Adventure – a series of leap frogs into an inverted Atomic Drop and followed up by a double leg trip. The crowd quickly gets behind the impressively quick little wrestler, but his momentum doesn't last long. All it takes is a quick trip from Karen Killer and the momentum is back with Bach. He doesn't relent, stringing together an impressive series of quick offensive moves leading up to The Fall, his impressive springboard corkscrew moonsault finisher. It is enough for Bach to get the three.


Sammy Bach Wins at 11:01 via Pinfall

Grade: C+



Benny Benson, Eddie Peak, Sammy Bach & Killer

Post-Match Attack


The attack from Peak is swift. He is down the ramp to ringside in a heartbeat, sliding into the ring and spearing Benson viciously. Peak stands and glares at Sammy Bach, who smirks back without concern. Peak then focuses his attention on "Captain Excitement". It is not the good kind of attention. Peak delivers a big back drop in the ring, then throws the limp Benson through the ropes to the floor, where he delivers several more back drops between slamming the 215-pounder into the ring apron and security barriers.


Both TCW Attendants and TCW officials try to stop the attack, mostly with words. No one wants to really get between "The Predator" and his prey.


Through the entire beatdown, Bach stays in the ring and simply watches. He takes a seat on the top turnbuckle, and actually sits balances there in a legs-crossed meditative position. He smirks as he watches the carnage. Karen is in the ring near him, looking skittish around the uncontrollable Peak.


Just like the attack at the pay per view, no one comes to the rescue of the friendless newcomer.


Grade: B

Jason Azaria: I just don't understand what Eddie Peak is trying to prove at this point.

Kyle Rhodes: All I know is that Benny Benson needs to find himself some backup. Quickly.



Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joel Bryant

6'4" + 295 lbs vs 6'2" + 239 lbs


There is a hero's welcome for Ricky Dale Johnson when he emerges. The big Texan moves with a bit of a limp, the lingering residue of his latest battle with his nemesis, Cornell. The reaction for the heel tag team special Bryant is negative, but respectfully so. There are even some cheers. A significant number of marks in the crowd seem to be aware of Bryant's position as booker of the promotion.


The match is better than it has any rights to be. The roles are clear and obvious - RDJ as the wounded but determined fan favorite and Bryant as the opportunistic underdog trying to take advantage of the situation. Its an even, back-and-forth match from the start, with neither really able to control the flow for any duration. Even if its just because RDJ isn't at 100%, Bryant is giving him everything he can handle. The fans seem to buy the possibility of the taking the upset win. The tag specialist tries to work over RDJ's knee and wear him down, but gets hammered on by the brawling cowboy when he gets close. Bryant's approach starts to look effective... until RDJ nails him with a big Southern Justice Nadowa. His knee gives out as he delivers it, so he doesn't immediately go for the cover. He is about to, when there is suddenly huge negative reaction from the crowd. Johnson looks confused. He looks around, and spies Tommy Cornell making his way down the ramp to ringside. RDJ simply watches. Bryant gradually regains his wits and watches "Rough Justice" as well, instead of trying to take advantage of the distraction. Cornell makes no move to enter the ring, but simply stares at RDJ with disdain and defiance. Cornell turns his gaze to Bryant and makes a quick "leave" gesture. Never the bravest of souls, Joel Bryant isn't about to argue with Tommy Cornell. So he leaves the ring and heads up the ramp, accepting the count out from referee Ray Johnson, giving “The Lone Star Hero” a rather unimpressive victory.


Cornell stares up at his nemesis for a moment before walking away from ringside with a grin on his face. No words are exchanged, but the point is clearly made – Tommy Cornell does what he wants, when he wants.


Ricky Dale Johnson Wins at 7:13 via Count Out

Grade: B+

Kyle Rhodes: That was a disappointing finish.

Jason Azaria: Cornell back to his old tricks again.



Clark Alexander vs Sam Keith

6'3" + 275 lbs vs 6'1" + 235 lbs


Very much like RDJ, Keith is carrying the scars of his match on the pay per view two nights before. In this case, its a bad knee from a hard impact with the security barrier. He moves with a limp and the knee is taped, but the 49-year old isn't going to let a bum knee keep him out of action. His two blond sons are again ringside, cheering their father on. This one is another solid match, but it lacks a bit of the crowd heat from the previous one – likely because the fans don't buy an upset as likely from Alexander. Keith gets a solid reaction from the fans when he delivers his trademark Hard Lesson sequence – an Irish Whip, point to sky, big knee in the corner, then a nasty series of chest chops. Hampered by the knee, it takes Keith a bit longer here than it might otherwise, but he gets it done. Fighting through some obvious pain, Keith first delivers his Neutron Plex suplex and then locks into the Proton Lock. It doesn't take Alexander long to tap to it.


Sam Keith Wins at 9:30 via Submission

Grade: B



Sam Keith

Post-Match Promo


After his victory, Sam Keith calls for a microphone.


Sam Keith: I came to Total Championship Wrestling just over two years ago because someone from the Home Office convinced me that this is where the best wrestlers in the world are. For two years, I've proven again and again that I belong. Does that get me respect? Does that get me recognition of everything I've accomplished in my career? No, it gets me jokes about being “old”. And that's getting really old.


The crowd doesn't really react. The 49-year old veteran has been getting some face reactions since returning from injury and fans are waiting to see to see if this might be the start of a face turn.


Sam Keith: Two nights ago, I did the same thing I did a month before – I out-wrestled the TCW World Heavyweight champion Rocky Golden. Rock may have found a way to win, but he did not out-wrestle me. He had resort to tricks like menacing my two sons and using the security barrier. The dirty tricks of a coward. Golden knows he cannot win by out-wrestling me. I have already asked the Home Office for a rematch...


Keith's face contorts into a look of disgust. No face turn here.


Sam Keith: The answer they gave me was that other choices for challengers were being looked at, but that I could prove myself to get another shot down the road. Prove myself. Prove myself? I am “The Living Legend” Sam Keith. I have held every championship belt in this business worth holding... more than once... And the unseen idiots in the Office say I need to prove myself? Ridiculous. I will be world champion in TCW. I will add it to the list. They can throw whoever they want in front of me. I am the best d*mned wrestler in this company. I am the best d*mned wrestler in the world. I will prove it against anyone...


Keith lets that hang for a moment. A long shot of him in the ring frames his two sons in the background, nodding their agreement.


Sam Keith: Anyone.


It wouldn't be professional wrestling if such an open challenge went unanswered. The music announces...


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Bryan Vessey


Vessey, wearing street clothes despite his upcoming match, steps out onto the stage. He makes no move towards the ring, nor does he demand a microphone. He doesn't even emulate Tommy Cornell's trademark “you're next” gesture. He simply stares across the arena at another legend. Sam Keith stares back. It makes for a tense moment, despite the obvious fact that nothing is about to happen. After a 20-second stare that feels like it lasts hours, both men simply nod.


Grade: B+

Jason Azaria: Here's a little fact you may not know... Bryan Vessey and Sam Keith have faced each other one-on-one.

Kyle Rhodes: Hopefully we can change that soon enough.



Golden & Vessey vs The Machines

582 lbs total combined weight vs 490 lbs total combined weight


Bryan Vessey has his ribs taped, a sure sign that he's still bearing the war wounds of the pay per view as well. TCW World Heavyweight champion Rocky Golden, who gets a massive reaction from the crowd, is no worse for wear. Having spent the past few years as the primary heel tag team in TCW, The Machines generate the expected reaction from the fans. In typical Machines fashion, Hill and Johnson simply ignore the fans.


The match starts out slowly. Golden begins for his team, but its obvious that Brent Hill is hesitant to engage the bigger champion directly. What ensues is several minutes worth of attempted quick-attack offense from The Machines as they make frequent tags in and out. The idea is clearly to wear down the big champion, but it seems to do little more than lightly ignore the man known as “The Tank” for the amount of punishment he can sustain. Everything changes as soon as Vessey tags in. As he locks up with Hill, Anderson takes the opportunity to move to the top rope and deliver a devastating missile drop kick to Vessey's ribs. Anderson is admonished by referee Sparrow, but the damage is done. The Machines then go to work on their patented “isolate and destroy” tactic, targeting Vessey's ribs without remorse. There is a brutal efficiency to everything the tandem do. Although The Machines tandem-work is not at the level of The New Wave, it is still very impressive. They time everything perfectly, and make use of every referee distraction. After punishing “Shogun” for almost five minutes, The Machines begin going for pin attempts. Vessey kicks out of several, with Rock making the save on the others. They play up the drama as Vessey tries for the hot tag again and again, coming up short each time... until he counters a suplex attempt by Hill with a big knee. The veteran winces at the pain from his ribs, but delivers several more knees, driving Hill into the corner. Before Anderson can intervene, Vessey stumbles and lurches towards his own partner, finally diving the final feet to make the hot tag. And the TCW World champion is hot indeed. He devastates Hill and Anderson, first with strikes and then with his big power-based offense. The 330-pound Golden delivers a flying shoulder block to Hill that looks particularly devastating. A low blow and schoolboy trip slows Rock down, but he manages to tag Vessey back in. Still in obvious pain from his ribs, Vessey smashes Hill with a Vessey Plex spinning explosion suplex and then pins him. Golden keeps Johnson from interfering and the fan favorite pairing get the win.


Bryan Vessey Wins at 14:41 via Pinfall

Grade: B-

Kyle Rhodes: Big win for Golden and Vessey. But The Machines have to be disappointed. They want another shot at The New Wave's titles and this win could have made a title shot almost certain.



Rocky Golden

Post-Match Promo


After the match, Golden and Vessey play to the crowd for a moment. Clearly still in pain from his injured ribs, Vessey heads back up the ramp. Golden does not follow. He poses and incites for another moment, then calls for a microphone.


Rocky Golden: When I won this belt from Tommy Cornell in August, people called it a fluke. But I defended this title. And defended it and defended it and defended it. I've stepped into this ring against whoever they decided to put in front of me... and I'm still standing. I'm still champion!


Golden emphatically raises the belt over his head while the fans cheer.


Rocky Golden: Sam Keith still wants another chance. Tommy Cornell said last month he still considers this his belt and now he wants it back. And Rick Law has apparently decided he wants a chance, too. Someone I used to consider my friend has now made me a target. I say... bring it on. Rocky Golden backs down from no man.


The fans cheer, as expected.


Rocky Golden: There is something else I need to address. Something else that people have been talking about, when they really have no clue. For the past two months, a certain lady has been at all of my matches. People had to start talking about her – was she stalking me? Someone from my past? So I'm going to take care of this and end all the rumors...


The champion allows that to hang for a moment, until...



Miss Sara


The very pretty young woman actually gets a fairly warm reception from the fans when she appears on the stage and makes her way down to the ring, despite the fact that her role and purpose is not clear yet. She smiles and waves at the fans, obviously not uncomfortable with ten thousand pairs of eyes staring at her, plus being broadcast live on TV across both the United States and Canada.


The young woman climbs the steps and Rocky Golden holds the ropes open for her. She climbs in and then embraces the champion.


Rocky Golden: This is Sara. She is my girlfriend. Maybe even the future Mrs. Golden. We've been seeing each other for awhile, but she didn't really understand this part of my life. What it is to be TCW champion and to be out here in front of all you fans. So she came to a few shows as a fan, to gain that understanding. To become part of this part of my life. I had hoped people could still respect our privacy, but apparently that's not to be...


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The champion is interrupted by music, the same as he was after his title defense at The War to Settle the Score. Golden looks annoyed as someone emerges onto the stage...



Rick Law


Law comes out only onto the stage. He doesn't move towards the stage, but he does have a microphone in his hand.


Rocky Golden: Look, Law, I know you want your shot at this belt of mine. I get that. But your timing here...

Rick Law: Shut yer d*mn mouth, Rock. Its my turn to talk. I'm tired of listening to you blather, and I know these fans are, too. Do you really think anyone cares about your domestic issues, Golden? You're an idiot if you do. No one cares. No one wants to hear it.


Golden doesn't respond. He's clearly not happy at his former friend. Miss Sara puts a calming hand on his big chest.


Rick Law: Everyone treats you like a king because you're the champ and supposedly this nice guy. I don't buy it, Rock. Everyone puts up with your crap. Not me. Not anymore. The Home Office might be too worried about Cornell and his garbage to worry about anything else... but I'm more than happy to take care of things. Someone needs to lay down the law around here, and its gonna be me.

Rocky Golden: You want your shot at this title? You think you can do what no else has managed? Anytime. Anywhere.


The two men stare at each other for a moment across the arena. Law nods and disappears.


Grade: A

Jason Azaria: Well, we have now solved the mystery of the brunette stalker!

Kyle Rhodes: My question is whether we have solved the mystery of the next challenger for Golden's world title?

Jason Azaria: I would have to think that a lot rides on the match Rick Law has next... against Joey Minnesota.



Rick Law vs Joey Minnesota

6'7" + 305 lbs vs 6'2" + 245 lbs


As they often do with TV main events, TCW go for a “big fight” feel. It doesn't quite compare to what they manage for pay per view headline matches, but it does make it feel more important than most TV matches. Rick Law, “The Guardian Devil”, gets a lot of heat from the fans, at least in part because of his exchange just moments ago with the beloved world champion. Joey Minnesota gets a very good pop. His alliance with Ricky Dale Johnson has seen “The Philly Phenom” become a solid fan favorite.


After the bell, things begin with a stare down. It doesn't last long before Law begins taunting his opponent. Minnesota's temper is well known, so its likely an intentional tactic. It goads Minnesota into trying to take the big man down, using a series of shoulder blocks that aren't very effective. This leads to more tauting by Law, who is then taken down to the mat with a leg trip, to the delight of the fans. The action gets underway properly, going back and forth. Law shows off his great striking, while Minnesota tries to counter by showing off his diverse skills. Neither man really controls that action until Minnesota ducks under a Justice Jam uppercut and counters with a nasty kick to the side Law's head. This leads to a constant stream of rapid offense from Minnesota as he tries to wear the 305-pound Law. After two quick pinfall attempts that both get the 2-count, Law slides out of the ring to find room to breathe. Minnesota is smart enough not to follow. Instead, he climbs to the second turnbuckle to hype up the fans. Law yells out another taunt from the floor, then turns away from his opponent. Whether its a reaction to the taunting or trying to grab the opportunity, Minnesota steps up to the top turnbuckle and launches himself at Law with the intent of hitting a Minnesota Salute forearm... but Law anticipates it, sliding out of the way so his opponent instead slams into the security barrier. Its a nasty impact. Law then further punishes Minnesota by throwing him into everything solid and painful in the ringside area, before putting him back in the ring and going for a pin that gets a 2 count. Law continues to smash away at the “Phenom”, going for several pin attempts but never quite getting the 3. It seems merely a matter of time before he finishes off Minnesota. The determination of the 245-pounder keeps him in it, and he surprises Law by locking on his Minnesota Holiday sleeper, but Law is quickly able to get to the ropes. Minnesota follows that up with some offense that seems to put Law back on his heels... until the big man counters with a Justice Jam uppercut that connects solidly. A Squad Car Slam is followed up by a Long Arm of the Law lariat that hits with amazing force, flipping Minnesota around. Law struts and smirks for a moment instead of going for the pin immediately, then seems shocked when Minnesota manages to kick out. He delivers the Long Arm for the second time, and then not only goes for the pin in a hurry, but uses the ropes for leverage to make sure he gets the 3 count. Minnesota cannot manage to kick out this time.


Rick Law Wins at 22:19 via Pinfall

Grade: B+


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My post-show thoughts... Show is on the previous page.


-yeah, a swerve with the Syndicate. Really just to establish some things about Cornell's character. And to set up some storylines that will come to light in coming shows.


-I know its hard to see the connection, but the Total Violence Connection tag team is based on the Miracle Violence Connection team of Steve Williams and Terry Gordy. With plenty of inspiration from the team of Stan Hansen and Bruiser Brody. Not really necessary, but this one I want to give a bit of background on...


As I've started, many of the ideas for this started back on 2008, many from when I was still doing Gen-S. It seemed like people often struggled to find use for Genghis Rahn and Tyson Baine - both fairly over but not that talented compared to the main event stars. My idea was to pair them up as a wild, crazy tag team who would oppose the Syndicate through the use of violence, whereas the likes of RDJ, Law, and Golden would take a more cerebral tactical approach. It kept Rahn and Baine useful and strong, plus made for a strong tag team division. I was honestly quite disappointed to see that Baine was gone for 2010... but the Hellfire Club made for some great possibilities.


-didn't expect much out of the RDJ-Bryant match, which is why I threw it in the middle with a non-finish. Whoops.


-thanks to FINisher for showing me how to do the resized YT embed. Thanks!


-lastly, the alts that debuted here. All three are from jhd1.


Non-Syndicate but still-serious The Machines



"The Fallen" Sammy Bach


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Great show again BP, well worth the wait! I like how Sammy Bach came across, and Rick Law is awesome as always! I like how you portray Cornell too - very cold, tactical, manipulative - I'd boo him! :D


Thanks jhd. I put in a fair amount of time figuring out the different characterizations before kicking things off, so its great to hear things are coming across. Hoping everyone else is enjoying as well. I have a recap of the B show, Uprising TV, which should be done tonight or tomorrow.

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TCW Uprising TV

Friday, Week 1, March 2010

Grissom Auditorium (South West)



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The Canadian Animals Promo

A backstage promo with Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins, Laura Huggins, and enforcer Charlie Thatcher. They talk up being the future.

Grade: B-



Burning Pride vs The Canadian Animals

The duo of Joshua Taylor and Koshiro down the Canadian pair, despite ample interference from Laura and Thatcher.

Burning Pride Win at 8:22

Grade: C



Sara Silver Promo

Sara Silver introduces herself to the TCW fans and tells them that she has been brought in by the Home Office to introduce new talent from around the globe.

Grade: C+



Alexander, Foxx, and Allen vs The Hellfire Club

The frightening Hellfire Club trio make short work of the random trio of Clark Alexander, Jimmy Foxx, and Harry Allen


The Hellifre Club Win at 9:19

Grade: C-



Sammy Bach Promo

Sammy Bach cuts a promo about Joshua Taylor and his TCW International championship that Bach covets. He also talks about his "Fall Children".

Grade: B



The Cali Dragons vs The Machines

The TCW newcomers put in a very solid performance against the experienced duo, but fall short.

The Machines Win at 11:15

Grade: C+



Troy Tornado vs Guide

A great contest that "Hollywood" wins with some unsavory means.

Troy Tornado Wins at 17:52

Grade: B+


Troy Tornado Promo

Tornado cuts a promo about how great it is to be "Hollywood".

Grade: B+


Overall Grade: B

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Digging the music selections on this. Also, in particular, Bryan Vessey.


Thanks. Much like your choices in A Quiet Retirement, I figured that TCW would lean more towards rock than really modern pop or anything. Classic rock and hard rock just feel like they fit TCW and its atmosphere.


Vessey was a great addition to TCW. Love what he adds to the main event scene.

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I though both of the shows where great. I felt happy that I was right that New Wave would win by DQ even though there was no beat-down afterward.:confused:


Also loving the music selections. The best choice for me is for Rick Law, it just really solidifies him as "Hey, I'm here and I'm the most ****y MFer in Tee-Cee-Dub".


Really liking the alts to, except for Sammy Bach I think hes looking kind of like a sad girl. Personally I like his long haired look better, my only quibble. I'm loving his character too shaping up great. That's my two cents for you:D.

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I though both of the shows where great. I felt happy that I was right that New Wave would win by DQ even though there was no beat-down afterward.:confused:


Also loving the music selections. The best choice for me is for Rick Law, it just really solidifies him as "Hey, I'm here and I'm the most ****y MFer in Tee-Cee-Dub".


Really liking the alts to, except for Sammy Bach I think hes looking kind of like a sad girl. Personally I like his long haired look better, my only quibble. I'm loving his character too shaping up great. That's my two cents for you:D.


Thanks and glad you enjoyed.


With the TVC-New Wave match, I wanted to establish Peak & Rahn as credible threats right from the start but without making my primary face tag team look weak. I chose a title match out of the gate rather than some wins over lesser face teams as it immediately shows what level they are at. I don't want to go too heavy on non-finishes, but that one felt right. I had it be due to the ref being touched for two reasons - one, it keeps NW from looking weak and it establishes that in Tee-Cee-Dub, intentional abuse of official is simply not tolerated. And the lack of real "afters" was because I don't want to go too heavy on those things. I already have Peak running around wildly, going after Benson. Constant attacks and beatdowns feels too "sports entertainment" and reduces the impact of when they do happen, in my opinion. I became way too reliant on such things in Gen-S and want to be more careful here.


Like I did with Gen-S, I'm picking music very carefully and intentionally. Much of it says something about the worker. I was struggling for something for Law and "Welcome to the Jungle" just clicked.


For those who haven't noticed, the front page has more music links than I've put in shows. I've only added into shows where it would have some type of impact. I will have all workers on the front page soon enough.


I love that Sammy Bach alt, to be honest...


You knicked American Buffalo's theme for Uprising?!?!




...of all of the wrestlers you could've stolen something from.. :p


Yup, I did. That's exactly who I had that tune pegged for. It was going to be used for Primus Allen in my Gen-S diary, but he never developed enough. There were a couple of options for Uprising and I just liked "Becoming the Bull" the best. American Buffalo will have to find himself another theme. Now, if that had been Peak's music... he would still have it...


Regarding the B show, I know that the SWF has an inactive show called Uprising as well. I had the logo for Uprising done a long time ago and decided to use it regardless. It just fits as a name for a B show so well.

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Well, i am definitely marking for the inevitable Vessey-Keith showdown. I know you plan to go somewhere with it, but usually when a wrestler, even Tommy Cornell, ignores the stipulations of a match he lost, there have to be consequences, or the stipulations become meaningless.


Granted there are usually ways around them, like the classic loser leaves town, masked man shows up the next week thing, but there at least needs to be lip service paid to the stips and actual effort made to 'work' your way around them. It's probably just the old schooler in me, but that detail was the only thing that really bothered me from the excellent shows so far.


Other than that, addicting work as usual Bigpapa. :D

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Great Show as always BP keep up the outstanding work!




Thanks Taker.


Well, i am definitely marking for the inevitable Vessey-Keith showdown. I know you plan to go somewhere with it, but usually when a wrestler, even Tommy Cornell, ignores the stipulations of a match he lost, there have to be consequences, or the stipulations become meaningless.


Granted there are usually ways around them, like the classic loser leaves town, masked man shows up the next week thing, but there at least needs to be lip service paid to the stips and actual effort made to 'work' your way around them. It's probably just the old schooler in me, but that detail was the only thing that really bothered me from the excellent shows so far.


Other than that, addicting work as usual Bigpapa. :D


Thanks D.


Oh, there will be repercussions for Mr. Cornell. I didn't do anythig in that regard on this show for three reasons... One, I wanted to very clearly establish him ignoring the agreement. Two, I wanted to play it out a bit slower and not jam everything into one show - especially since I am trying not to go overboard on angles. And three, it fits with how I want to portray the absent authority figure (the Home Office). Speaking of which, I will give some explanation on soon enough. I meant to define the Home Office and its role a bit moreso already but it unfortunately got pushed aside a bit.


I have high hopes for the Bryan Vessey versus Sam Keith feud. High hopes... So I'm glad others are looking forward to it as well. In my mind, it would like findally getting to see a match between not telling and not telling.

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The Total Mark Q&A


Question: What is the "Home Office" and what is its purpose in TCW?


Kayfabe Answer: The Home Office is the unseen management structure of Total Championship Wrestling. The primary fuction is that of a competitive committee, providing match-making and ensuring a competitive environment. This would include approving requested match stipulations. The Office is also charged with enforcing the TCW Charter, the rules of conduct which all within TCW must adhere to at all times.


The members of the Home Office remain a complete mystery, even to those within the promotion. Communication is always done indirectly, with the Home Office only occassionally sending representatives - usually lawyers - to communicate particularly important edicts.


Non-Kayfabe Answer: I feel a bit silly now for not having clearly defined this earlier. I meant to at least mention it in one of the Total Mark pieces in the early going, but it got left out. So apologies for anyone confused by what the Home Office was.


The Home Office is essentially a compromise. I toyed with the idea of having no authority structure at all, but that seemed too chaotic. I wanted to avoid the use of a typical on-screen authority figure, as I failed to come up with an approach to that which didn't feel tired and "already done". And finally, I didn't want to have Cornell's ownership ever acknowledged on-screen, though some fans know and believe the "rumor". So the compromise was to use an unseen, mysterious committee. Much like WCW's "competition committee" in the early 90s (I think that's when they used it). The Home Office would occassionally be used in some manner for storyline terms, but remain as a background structure for the most part. The name "Home Office" is taken from the UK Home Office, which would make it a wink-nudge to those fans "in the know" about Cornell actually being the owner of TCW.


Hopefully that clears up its purpose and role for those readers who had questions on it.

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Whenever one of your diaries is running, it gives me a reason to vist the boards every day. Great stuff. Based on your takes in the Dog Pound threads, TCW should be a pretty natural fit.


Looking forward to Keith/Vessey and I wasn't really buying Law as a heel until I read your work and saw jhd1's alt. he should do a hatless version too


Definitely added this to my bookmarks.

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Whenever one of your diaries is running, it gives me a reason to vist the boards every day. Great stuff. Based on your takes in the Dog Pound threads, TCW should be a pretty natural fit.


Looking forward to Keith/Vessey and I wasn't really buying Law as a heel until I read your work and saw jhd1's alt. he should do a hatless version too


Definitely added this to my bookmarks.


Thanks, PH. Great to have you on board. TCW does fit my booking style pretty naturally, I think. Moreso than the SWF did, to be honest.


I really like the Law alt that jhd1 came up with. It helped me see him as an outright, hated heel moreso than I otherwise might have. I was actually considering requesting the hatless version as well, but jhd has already done quite a few for me, so... I guess we'll see...


Oh, and Total Mark coming up sometime today...

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Mark 6.0

The Mercenary


The atmosphere backstage for the first TV taping for TCW Uprising TV was different from normal. There was a nervous energy. I liked it.


I'm not quite certain where the change in atmosphere came from. Although most of the upper card wasn't scheduled to work the show, the majority of the full roster was there. But they were joined by many of the new additions, and they seemed to make the difference. While not all of the new talent was “young”, many were under 25 years old. The eager desire to succeed brought an interested element to the TCW locker room and that seemed to be a good thing.


The Supreme Wrestling Federation often gets criticized by vocal fans for having an “old” roster. Total Championship Wrestling seems to escape such critique for the most part. Having younger workers like Wolf Hawkins, Joey Minnesota, Rick Law, and Rocky Golden buys them that. Is it much different, though? A lot of the top supporting talent – Eddie Peak, Koshiro Ino, Troy Tornado, American Buffalo, and both The New Wave and The Machines – are mid 30s. Even some of the “future” guys like Chance Fortune, Harry Allen, and Benny Benson – are all 30 years old. Even when yo don't take into account the true oldies like Keith and Robert Oxford, the roster of TCW really isn't that young.


There were concerns that the additions would create tension backstage. Especially if some of the young talent came in without being respectful to those already there, or if they came in with some sense of entitlement. That doesn't seem to be the case, however. Most seem thrilled to be here. Sam's boys, for example, not only have a degree of talent but also a level of professional that is surreal in a pair of 20 year olds. Most impressive to me is the Canadian kid, Newton. How such a talented kid managed to get trained by Rip Chord and then spend almost four years working for a tiny Canadian promotion is almost unfathomable in this age.


The nervous energy also came from the sense of unknown. A lot of the talent had been skeptical as soon as Cornell and Bryant announced that we would be adding a B show to the weekly broadcast schedule.


Tommy Cornell and Joel Bryant have the faith of the talent. Almost unquestioningly. The concern is there, and probably justified, because B shows were considered risky. The Supreme Wrestling Federation had tried the approach three times and it never lasted long. It had never done Eisen any harm. The situation was a bit different for TCW, simply due to the financial circumstances. A B show is not a source of new income, but an added cost. Could TCW afford that right now, especially when the payoff was not going to be immediate?


Regardless, the energy backstage for the show was good. Excited. Positive.


Maybe its just because stupid Joey Minnesota wasn't at the taping?


I was in a good mood myself, adding to that positive vibe. It wasn't the absence of Minnesota, but because I got to feel like a real journalist. Even just for a few minutes. My father often makes fun of my desire to feel like a “legitimate” journalist. He doesn't believe such a thing exists anymore. Maybe he's right.


Interviews are something I do regularly. Writing them, at least. But I rarely get to actually conduct one. Whether they are for the website or intended to be part of the program they sell at live events, I rarely obtain the information in a standard question-and-answer interview format. That's how they are often presented, but I'm more likely to just have a quick conversation with the worker and then “interpret” that into the proper format. Occasionally, the entire thing is just made up. Just fiction from yours truly. The talent really doesn't care, so long as I don't make them look stupid. Which I never do... I don't think...


The boss had insisted on a formal, sit-down interview this time. No “interpretation” of the answers. He didn't feel I could get the personality to come across right otherwise. And he was probably right.


So halfway through the night, I found a small empty office in the guts of the arena. There, my digital recorder and I met with the one and only Antonio Maxi Marquez.


Marquez was already sitting in the tiny office when I arrived. Freshly-showered, he was wearing a silk shirt that was only half-buttoned and a dress pants. With his flowing black hair, perfectly trimmed goatee, fiery eyes, and Adonis physique, he was a character off the cover of a cheap romance novel. And yet he sat before me, texting on his iPhone. Joel Bryant had made the introductions between us earlier, so I broke the ice for a moment by congratulating Marquez on his match – he had worked a preshow match with Scout that gone over quite well. Then we both settled into the uncomfortable and grungy little office to get this done.


Before I could ask my first question, he held up his hand dramatically. “Please, only call me Antonio Maxi Marquez,” he told me, with heavy emphasis on the middle name. “Champagne Lover is only for Mexico.” He spoke the name of his homeland in a whisper, like the treasured name of a departed lover.


“Okay,” I agreed. “No problem. Now you were quite simply the biggest star in Mexico. The top technico of the biggest promotion, South of the Border Pro Wrestling. A genuine celebrity. How difficult was it to walk away from all of that to come to the United States, where you are only known to a few select fans?”


He whispered, “So very hard.” A pause, and then he continued, “One must move forward, however. One must challenge themselves. Thus, I am here. I will replicate my success here and become Mexico's first global star!” He was practically yelling at the end, emphatic and heart-felt. Then he smiled at me.


Joel Bryant had warned me that a conversation with Marquez was disconcerting. He made the entire conversation feel like a seduction. He was imploring, emphatic, dramatic, charismatic, and charming all at the same time. It was not simply Marquez playing a role, however. Bryant had explained that this was simply how the man was. He was like this in every conversation, regardless of whom it was with. Even knowing this, the situation felt awkward to me.


“Uh, now you are also famous in Mexico for your role on a popular TV drama....Uh, I believe its called the Young and the Fearless. Did that complicate your decision to come to the United States?” Acting on my part, as I knew the name. A few months ago, when rumors of Marquez moving to America had been strong but apparently false, I actually looked up a few episodes on Mytube. My Spanish is rusty... err, non-existent. I couldn't understand the dialogue, but it seemed no different than an American soap opera.


“Oh, Antonio Ramoray,” he breathed. “I love the show nearly as much as I love the ring. But again! One must move forward. Glory comes from sacrifice. And so I am Antonio Ramoray no more.”


Indeed. I had read some translated articles on-line that said he has asked to be written off the show a few months before as he was unhappy with the direction of his character. The answer he gave was far better. I continued with the questions, asking, “There have been rumors about you leaving Mexico for a long time now. It seems like such rumors come up a couple of times per year, whether its rumors of a move here to the United States, up to Canada, or even to Japan. Was there anything to those rumors? Have you been considering such a move for awhile?”


“There is always something to the rumors,” Marquez told me. “I have desired this for a long time. A very long time. I have always wanted to challenge myself in this way. To achieve what no other luchadore has truly been able to... to be a star beyond the borders of Mexico.”


“So that was a motivation?”


“Of course. It is rare for a man to be able to... what is the term, break new ground? No luchadore has made their star shine outside of Mexico. Luis Montero did well in California, but no further. Even the El Patron is barely known in America. I want to go far, far beyond that.”


“And TCW is the place to do that,” I grinned. “What made you specifically choose Total Championship Wrestling?”


“Cornell,” he answered with a slight smile. Then, “Keith. Vessey. Hill. Minnesota. Bach. So very much talent. TCW is a place where they allow talent to shine through. That, I think, is key.”


“There were rumors you've had several offers from the Supreme Wrestling Federation as well. Is this correct?”


“Yes, many times.”


“And you turned them down?”


“Yes, many times. The timing was not right, I felt, until late last year. I talked with them then. But a wise man does not walk into a room with his eyes closed. So I asked them how they make use of me, how they would make Antonio Maxi Marquez a star. They gave some silly idea about a “Latin Revolutionary” gimmick. They do not understand, a man should not need a gimmick to succeed. A man should be himself. Champagne Lover is not a gimmick. Champagne Lover is simply Antonio Maxi Marquez,” he explained.


“And you can be yourself here in TCW?”


“Yes, truly. I will be measured by my talent, not the role I play.”


I nodded. Not sure if that was entirely true, but I wasn't about to question the man on it. He had just left a life in Mexico that was most comfortable to be a lower card guy in TCW, earning a pittance compared to what he earned in Mexico.


“Now, you are hardly the prototypical luchadore. You are bigger than most. You have never worn a mask. You have a skillset that would allow you excel in almost any type of match. Do you feel you represent a new generation of luchadores?” I asked.


“No. And yes,” he answered, then paused. Just as I was going to ask for clarification, he continued, “Mexico is not going to begin to create, uh, baby versions... What is the word? Clones? To produce clones of me. No. No more than Britain will begin to produce clone of Tommy Cornell. But I do believe I represent the mindset of a younger luchadore generation, who want to go beyond the bounds of Mexico. Who want to test themselves around the world.”


“So you believe more talent from Mexico will look to the United States?”


“Yes. Or Canada, or even Japan. Talent is recognized everywhere in this business.”


“Very true. Just one more question... You just finished off a big feud with a former friend of yours, El Fuerza. The feud was huge and you ended up by dropping your championship to him. Is that over, or will we see you face off again El Fuerza again?” I asked.


It took a moment for him to answer. He told me, “El Fuerza is a good friend of mine, and a better enemy. We had a war... but it is not over. Oh, I will face him again...”


I nodded, and we both knew what that answer meant – he intended to return to SOTBPW some day.


“That's all the questions I have.” I thanked Marquez and he shook my head. I felt like he was going to kiss my hand.


I left that tiny, grungy little office shaking my head. What a character. Yet he was so genuine at the same time. I had no doubt he would was going to be a huge star for TCW. Most of our audience would love his in-ring skills. The ladies in the audience would go weak-kneed over his seductive charisma.


As I walked through the guts of the small arena, my thought was this – another soldier. A good one, too. But a mercenary. Like Koshiro Ino, Marquez was just a visitor here. He would return home at some point. Would it be two years? Five? Would he have the loyalty to turn down the Supreme Wrestling Federation again when they came calling with handfuls of chase after Cornell and Bryant made him a star here in TCW? Was talent worth more than loyalty? Hard questions. No answers. And thankfully, its not my job to come up with those answers anyway. Just observe and document.


The Total Mark

Friday, Week 1, March 2010

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Guest cmdrsam
2 thumbs up. Well written as usual. I even added some latin when I was reading it in my head. Silly me, but again well written.
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2 thumbs up. Well written as usual. I even added some latin when I was reading it in my head. Silly me, but again well written.


Thanks. And no, not just silly you. I was doing a bad Spanish accent and reading out loud to myself as I was writing it. Just wanted to make sure it "read" like I was imaging it to. Hopefully it worked that way while giving it the accent in your mind.


Nice Interview. :) really felt like you captured the character of Marquez aka Champagne lover there. I am sure a lot of us had a mental picture along those lines, but you really expressed it well in words and made it come to life.


And thanks as well.


I was quite torn on whether or not to sign AMM. He's such an often-used character, and so very talented. I was actually happy to see him be a bit less talented in 2010, otherwise I probably wouldn't have signed him. But he fits with the direction of TCW in so many ways, whether its just pure in-ring talent or that he would bring some new fans to TCW. I wanted the segment to not only get across his personality, plus establish why he would leave a very comfy position in Mexico to take up with Total. But such signings are not without risk....

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No luchadore has made their star shine outside of Mexico. Luis Montero did well in California, but no further. Even the El Patron is barely known in America. I want to go far, far beyond that.





This is in regular rotation on The Pop! Network's "Saturday Night B Move Bonanza"



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This is in regular rotation on The Pop! Network's "Saturday Night B Move Bonanza"




How could I forget about El Patron the movie star? The man should have won an Oscar for that. Robbery... pure robbery...


Just realized this thing has gone 200 posts... on just two shows... Unreal.


Speaking of shows, I should have the preview for the next Total Wrestling up before long.

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Preview of TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 2, March 2010


Do you feel your spidey-sense tingling? That special intuition that tells you that the Home Office has something special in store this week? Well, if you don't, you should.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship Rocky Golden has been given the night off at his request, but that doesn't look to make anything less exciting. There are a number of great match ups, including a cannot-miss main event.


The Machines will look to reestablish themselves atop the tag team title contenders list after their loss last week. They will not have an easy time of it, as they face the tandem of Koshiro Ino and Joshua Taylor. "The Kobra" has become something of a tag team specialist, and his team with the TCW International champion Taylor looks promising. Both made their bones in the business in Japan and share a sense of honor. They pair up under the name "Burning Pride". It will take more than pride and honor to take down a team as experienced as The Machines.


Benny Benson's last few weeks have been rough. Some hardware could make up for it. Benson will have a chance to take the TCW All-Action championship from Total's resident "Bad Boy", Edd Stone. The Canadian will need an upset just to retain his title, but its the kind of win that could propel him to big things.


Its going to be Hollywood versus Los Angeles... sorta. The man who calls himself "Hollywood", Troy Tornado, will take on Aaron "Ace" Andrews, who has started to find success as part of the L.A. Connection tag team with Chance Fortune. Andrews will have to prove himself alone this time, and its going to be a tough test.


The semi main event will see "Shogun" Bryan Vessey face the big brawling cowboy Texas Pete. Vessey looked last week like he could use a week or two off, but he gets no rest.


After losing a tough match to Rick Law last week, Joey Minnesota has a chance for redemption. The toughest kind of redemption... Cornell redemption. "The Philly Phenom" has never defeated the 5-time TCW World Champion. Doing so in the main event would be a notable victory for the Freedom Fighters, in a feud that just a week ago, appeared to be over and won. Will the war with the Syndicate ever end?


Speaking of The Syndicate, it appears the Home Office will have someone on hand to address the situation regarding Cornell's refusal to adhere to the conditions agreed to with Ricky Dale Johnson. After years of essentially doing as he pleases with few repercussions, could "Rough Justice" have finally found the end of the Office's patience?


The Machines vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)


Benny Benson vs Edd Stone

TCW All-Action Championship Match


Aaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado


Bryan Vessey vs Texas Pete


Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell

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The Machines vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)


Benny Benson vs Edd Stone

TCW All-Action Championship Match - as somewhat now of a fan of SWF, I kinda have to mark out for Benny Benson


Aaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado - just strikes me as a good, all round wrestlers


Bryan Vessey vs Texas Pete - he da man, but I have time for Texas Pete, if portrayed right he's an interesting character to have on your roster


Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell - it seems to me that Joey Minnesota would really get something from a close run thing with Cornell in this match


Damn glad to see you going along smoothly mate. Of course, Generation Supreme was an amazing ride, but to see you take the more 'traditional' leader promotion is very exciting.

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