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~./\.~ Diary of the Year Awards 2009 ~./\.~

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Also, I want to take this time....


The Soviet Union pulled out a silver, but Bam Bam Johansson couldn't even get a BRONZE?! I honestly thought it'd be the other way around.


Still, thanks to everyone who voted for me!


And never fear... Bam Bam Johansson and (most of) the Soviet Union shall return in...


UCR: Europe's Last, Best Hope For Wrestling (It Failed)


*Cue awesome Babylon 5 music*


Would yall believe I already know how it ends? Oh, it'll be Legen- wait for it-

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I don’t have much time, I’m set to slide any minute now.


The Alt verse of the year, goes to one of the best pieces of creative writing in this universe or any over, D_w_w's "MDC2: The Battle Rages On" [Over 9000-verse] *there is a blinding flash and Cable is gone*


Dww’s business here




D_Dubs blinks, as Cable slides into some unknown place at some unknown time. Dubs knows all about potentially perplexing paradoxes that permeate discussions of time and place. He stares down at a black blanket, draped over a beach ball sized orb. Under this blanket lies a vision of the ruined City of Metropolis. Not too long ago, a classic battle between the forces of order and chaos raged across this once grand city. The combatants? Some of the most powerful and dangerous entities to exist in any universe. The Incredible Hulk. Superman. Doomsday. Wolverine. And a dozen others with just as much destructive potential.


Of course, the Watchers of the GDS-Forum universe were unable to witness this battle. For D_Dubs decreed that this conflict was too horrifying for the public to see. In a panic, he threw a mystic blanket over the Eye of Agamotto, thus severing the Forum's connection to the Over 9000-verse.


Now, his hand is on the blanket. He is nearly ready to reveal the fate of the Over 9000-verse. Soon, very soon.


But not just yet.


Thanks guys! I didn't really expect to win anything, but I'm honored that I did and ecstatic that folks enjoyed my writing.


I apologize for trailing off into inactivity there. Took (and passed!) my comprehensive exams. Got married. TEW 2010 was announced sometime between those two events. Between being overly busy and hearing about the new game and all of the new features, I decided to let MDC2: The Battle Rages On to fade away.


MDC2 will be making a come-back, however, just as soon as the '10 version of the Over 9000-verse is released.


Anyhow, thanks again for the nomination and votes. And congrats to all of the winners. And a big thanks to mistaken for putting in the time and effort for this and the monthly polls.


Keep up the good work all.

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Hmm. Call me arrogant, but I did worse than I expected. I assumed I'd get the gold either in Best Character or Best Tag Team, but looking at the actual winners I'm not exactly going to be screaming for a recount. No shame in being beaten by the best.


I won two gold statues. Maybe next year I'll try to break that record... Would help if I actually had a project on the go...

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I got one - the one I didn't think I had any chance in :p


Anyone with a CV diary got run down by juggernaut that was GenS. Only Nevermore and Tristram were immune :D


Hey, I'm as surprised as the rest of you about how well I did. I mean, I figured on doing okay. Like Self, I figured there would be a couple of categories I had a solid shot at. Suffice to say that the result far exceeded my expectations. Especially with the quality on this board. It just feels... odd to be put on the same level as so many of the great writers and diaries who inspired me in the first place - JamesCasey, TigerKinney, Nevermore, Tristam, NoNeck, Dragonmack, j silver... So I just wanted to say thanks again to everyone.


...the speeches are coming, but I figured I'd better get a "thanks" out there, since they are the most of "thankful" of speeches...

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Well Folks as special as this has all been, I can’t say that I’m not glad it’s over. This has been a miserable waste of your time, and more importantly folks, a gaint waste of my time.


You know when Hank Arron hit his …. *an aid walks out and whispers in Costas’s ear* Oh for the love of God you’ve go to be kidding me. They expecte me to hand out one of these crap awards. *Costas turns as if we didn’t all just hear him insult us*


Well Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reaches the pinical of this evening. It is time to see what diary has reached the pinical of Sports entertainment writing. There are only a few that can compete at this level, and fewer still that can do it consistently at such a level long enough to earn this prestigious award.


Ladies and Gentlemen with out further ado I … , what the hell who am I kidding there are no ladies here. Lets leave this all on the table your all a bunch of pimple faced teens who can’t find a date on a Friday night. It doesn’t really matter who the best is … *the same aid comes out and whispers Bob’s ear again* Your serious? Ted Turner watches this stuff? He infact financed his own wrestling company? You gotta be kidding me? Did pay off the judges for this award then? Cause how the hell did Tristram's "WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"" win diary of the year?


Well Folks you can try to figure it all out. I have to go do my weekly radio show as the start of the Baseball season is right around the corner.




That one had BigPapa's name written all over it. I am in shock.

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That one had BigPapa's name written all over it. I am in shock.


No Sir I really think, the right man came out on top. I am not a reader of your fine work. but from what I have seen as the captain of awards comitee around here, this is the culmination of all your hard work and string of consistent greatness.


Hall of fame status aside, this has got to be one of the hardest awards to earn, and you have month after month been at the top of these boards.


Thank you for all you do for this community!

Thank you for the Diary

Thank you for help you give to the new writers

Thank you for support you give to the systems we have in place

Thank you for being a stand up guy on top of a great writer.


Congratulation on a well deserved win!

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Stable of the Year


This time, it is not Rich Money by himself who comes up to accept the award, but the entire Big Money Inc. stable. All four members. Rich Money leads them, of course - with his shirt torn and his pants rumpled, he looks like he was just in a fight, but he moves with a confident strut regardless. Remo sports bleach-blond hair and a whole lot of jewelry - apparently the "Alpha Dog" has gone Hollywood. He is also carrying a duffel bag. Emma Chase looks her final self, though she does look particularly sour. And Big Cat Brandon strolls out wearing a well-fitted suit, white tennis shoes, and his cat face paint.


Remo: The best in the business... back in da house!

Rich Money: And we could still be together, if someone didn't put their own interests ahead of the whole, we might still be dominating.

Emma Chase: Listen, Richard...

Remo: People! Let's focus. This is a night to celebrate!

Rich Money: Whatever. I'm going to hang with Rodman in the VIP area. He's not money, but at least he has money. Coming, Brandon?

Brandon James: Cat!


Money walks away from the podium, with the Big Cat trailing behind him. Chase looks pouty for a moment before stalking away. That leaves Remo by himself.


Remo: Thanks, yo. Uh, thanks.


He stands there awkwardly for a moment. Then he eyes up the award that sits atop the podium. He reaches into the duffel bag he's carrying. With the deft hand movement of Indiana Jones, he snaps up the award and leaves something of similar size in its place... the head from Christian Faith's statue...


Wrestler of the Year


Rich Money comes out to accept the award. He comes from backstage again. His dress shirt is now hanging open, and he's wearing the sunglasses that Denis Rodman was wearing earlier. He states suspiciously at Shawn White before finally shaking his proffered hand.


Rich Money: Listen, Carrot-Top, the only thing I "shred" is evidence of financial impropriety. And the only thing I do with mountains is buy them.


He pauses, stroking the statuette in a rather unbecoming manner.


Rich Money: Now, I need to send our two “thank you's” on this particular award. The first one goes to me for being Money. If it wasn't money, I couldn't be Money. And that would be an existential conundrum. That cause our universe - and your universe - to implode. That's not money at all. The second thank you goes out to the readers. Not you fans, you bunch of tasteless neanderthals. No, I need to thank you readers. Yes you, the ones reading this. You're literate, obviously, so you're above these fans. But you don't get thanked enough. So thanks.




Writer of the Year


For a long moment, no one comes out to claim the award and Stone Cold begins to look annoyed. Finally, some forgettable-looking young man with a shaved head comes out. He is wearing an ill-fitting suit and he looks uncomfortable. The steely glare of Austin doesn't help.


Avatar: Thanks, Stone Cold... uh, Austin... Uh, Mr. Austin... Sir... My name is Avatar. You may not recognize me, but you'd might recognize my random thoughts. Mr. Eisen and I used Jack Bruce to distract Rich Money so someone else could come out here and pick this one up. Otherwise, they will all end up on Money's mantle.


This is apparently supposed to be a joke, but there is no laughter. Just an awkward silence that Avatar allows to go far too long.


Avatar: Anyway, uh, moving along. I just wanted to say that everyone involved with the SWF and Generation Supreme are truly honored. The truth is that we all have stood on the shoulders of giants. Those who have come before is and even those who have been our peers gave so much to us. To be recognized for giving back is humbling. This project began without much in the way of expectations and evolved so much. It couldn't have done that without a ton of support, from the readers to the artists who provided their work to those who mentored. All I can say is...

Avatar suddenly receives a kick in the gut from Austin, followed up by a big Stone Cold Stunner that he sells big time, flopping all the way off the stage.


Stone Cold Steve Austin: Done!!! Cuz Stone Cold said so!!!


The crowd pops huge. HUGE!!!



CornellVerse Diary of the Year


Money doesn't emerge until after the Nature Boy has departed the stage. He is now shoeless and his shirt is torn.


Rich Money: Did someone out here just try to trash talk Money? That's what they told me in the back, but I didn't understand it because I don't speak geriatric. Hey Flair, there are some Horsemen waiting out front for you so you can leave now to panty raid the old folks home.


This gets some laughs from the audience. Money pauses to look at the award. He scowls.


Rich Money: How exactly is this whole deal supposed to be an "honor" when you all call the thing the "CornellVerse"? How much did Cornell offer you for the naming rights? I'll double it. Seriously, MoneyVerse has a better ring to it anyway. And who doesn't want to be part of a universe that's money?


He pauses, then holds up the award toward the heavens.


Rich Money: Thanks, everyone. Thanks.

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Well Folks as special as this has all been, I can’t say that I’m not glad it’s over. This has been a miserable waste of your time, and more importantly folks, a gaint waste of my time.


You know when Hank Arron hit his …. *an aid walks out and whispers in Costas’s ear* Oh for the love of God you’ve go to be kidding me. They expecte me to hand out one of these crap awards. *Costas turns as if we didn’t all just hear him insult us*


Well Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reaches the pinical of this evening. It is time to see what diary has reached the pinical of Sports entertainment writing. There are only a few that can compete at this level, and fewer still that can do it consistently at such a level long enough to earn this prestigious award.


Ladies and Gentlemen with out further ado I … , what the hell who am I kidding there are no ladies here. Lets leave this all on the table your all a bunch of pimple faced teens who can’t find a date on a Friday night. It doesn’t really matter who the best is … *the same aid comes out and whispers Bob’s ear again* Your serious? Ted Turner watches this stuff? He infact financed his own wrestling company? You gotta be kidding me? Did pay off the judges for this award then? Cause how the hell did Tristram's "WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"" win diary of the year?


Well Folks you can try to figure it all out. I have to go do my weekly radio show as the start of the Baseball season is right around the corner.


"Ladies and gentlemen, accepting the award for Diary of the Year on behalf of World Championship Wrestling, please make welcome live to the stage, 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko."




Malenko paces forward, in a dapper black suit, looking typically emotionless, cold almost. He walks up the steps, and without a smile, but a firm handshake none the less receives the award. Like a robot as nimble as R2-D2, he turns back to the audience. Beads of perspiration pass over his brow as he realises there is a very, very good reason the booking staff held him back from the microphone for most parts of the diary. Finally, a deep husky voice passes over the podium's microphone.






Malenko begins to walk back off the stage, when all of a sudden, 'The Genetic Freak Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner races up the aisle and delivers a crippling clothesline to Dean Malenko, grabbing the trophy, and running back up onto the stage. Security begins to encircle Steiner, but he holds up the trophy and almost as if it is a whimsical orb which has cancerous rays, the security officers back down wanting none of this.


"This award, Dean Malenko, is for me, the big bad booty daddy. It's not for geriatric has beens like you, your pal Flair, it's not for the freaks who love the peaks like Kimberly Page, as the genetic freak who held this promotion together while fossils like Flair pulled it down, I'd like to send a big kiss my you know what to my brother Rick and his family. So tonight, to celebrate, Malenko, instead of you taking it home and lovingly storing it in the den next to the benchgrinder with your last award for the best play-dough dinosaur of the 1844 Omaha State Fair, and while you dig the nuggets out of the back of your throat that came back up from your colon due to the force of the clothesline I delivered, oh boy, I can assure you, I'll put be putting this trophy to a very, VERY creative purpose. No thank you's required, because I know you all acknowledge my superiority as the genetic freak, tonight, my freaks with my peaks and this trophy are going to testify why I am the Big Bad Booty Daddy. Holla, if you hear me!"

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No Sir I really think, the right man came out on top. I am not a reader of your fine work. but from what I have seen as the captain of awards comitee around here, this is the culmination of all your hard work and string of consistent greatness.


Hall of fame status aside, this has got to be one of the hardest awards to earn, and you have month after month been at the top of these boards.


Thank you for all you do for this community!

Thank you for the Diary

Thank you for help you give to the new writers

Thank you for support you give to the systems we have in place

Thank you for being a stand up guy on top of a great writer.


Congratulation on a well deserved win!


Wow, thanks a lot for the kind words. It is a great community to be a part of and I really do, all Scott Steiner-isms aside, want to thank those who voted period, but then to go further and vote for me. I'm amazed. Prequel was a very fun concept to do, if a little laborious and wordy and a bit chunky, but I'm hoping to have something a little cheekier in the pipelines, a little simpler, and yes, not WCW, a little quicker to read (and definitely write!) but hopefully with enough 'nuggets of gold' to keep everyone happy.


Cheers, and congratulations to all the winners and nominees, and again, I'm stupefied at the result, absolutely amazed and grateful. Thanks to you Mistaken for running this venture, and of course anyone who was helping, it's nice to get recognition and it all happens because they blokes put in a great effort so that we have these opportunities to celebrate what makes TEW and GDS so good.



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