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The BIG Drafting Game (with a twist)

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The Big Draft Game



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I have been planning this for a while. I have been editing data for this specially. The data contains a mix of angles, workers, gimmicks, locations, etc from all other mod’s. I would like to release this as a mod once the draft is over BUT… I have pillaged from so many mod’s that I wouldn’t know who to ask. The only people who get the final data will be the Game Players and Draftee’s.

The game has space for 4 players, in a multiplayer game. Myself and CaliCurbStomppa are already down for the game, so there is only 2 playable spaces left. There is room for 10-20 non-players though. If you want to take part in the draft and then play the game by yourself, that’s cool. You are also welcome to play your own multiplayer game.


The draft is supposed to be a game in its self. Battling over workers, keeping within budget, forming alliances, the beginning of wars. There are over 3,200 workers, from all countries.

You will be the official Owner and Booker of your company. You can purchase your own skill stats. You can name your own promotion, but please try to keep it original. WWE, TNA, ROH etc have been removed from the data and everyone has been made “Free Agents”. The data is set in 2010 and begin in March. In game restrictions such as Promotion Importance have been altered, so that promotions in the UK, Australia or Europe wont struggle to build up to the size and power of the other Giants.

Workers on Hiatus are eligible for drafting, including workers who have left the business. Workers who are also retired are available, and for people such as Trish Stratus, JBL and Ric Flair can all be set to active again. Retired workers such as Austin, Bret Hart and Tazz on the other had will be left as retired due to the fact that they were “forced” to retire by injuries.


When the Bidding for worker begins, I have set up a separate forum where we can all navigate much easier when it comes to bidding on a worker. Each worker will have there own page to bid on, therefore making the eBay style bidding of “highest wins”, more possible. The bidding process for Players will take 4 days. The bidding process for all players will most likely take just over a week. The top 100 bidding will take place in stages, but the mass draft will be an all hands on deck bidding process. All workers will be added, with no time limit to bid, where the final bidder (after all others declare there out) becomes the winner of that workers contract.

(read more below for a better understanding)


For everything else to do with your promotion, we will stick to this GDS forum.


Here’s how it goes:

4 spots for the Multiplayer Game and the Draft. ($50,000,000 budget)

10-20 spots for playing the Draft only. ($2,000,000-$250,000 budget)


Player 1: Togg

Player: CaliCurbStomppa

Player: SeanMcFly

Player: Astil

Draftee: EddieFnG

Draftee: Wrestling Century

Draftee: Kainlock

Draftee: LandMass

Draftee: TracyBrooksFan

Draftee: KucianCarter

Draftee: Destiny












Draftee 20:




Before you apply



If you are one of the four who will be playing the game (not just drafting), you will need MSN or Skype.


Be able to play for a reasonable amount of time per week, daily would be preferable.


Location isn’t a big issue, but I will be working on GMT.


You will need to check the Draft forum regularly to keep the bidding for workers going fast. More than once a day and remembering to declare yourself out


For those who are just going to be bidding and not playing, you will be given a smaller cash amount to begin with a cap on what size promotion you can begin with.

Your funds will be between $2,000,000 and $250,000.


Anybody who holds up the bidding process will be replaced, so that the fun for others isn’t put on hold. Please do not join if you have little time on your hands, even if you are only taking part in the drafting.


All non-player draftee’s will be excluded from the big 100 draft. Non-Players will only partake in the further draft where all wanted wrestlers will be put up for draft. Each Draftee including the 4 major players will draw out a further list of who they want. All of those workers will then be bid on until every bid is placed and every worker in the auction is bought.




Where to Start


Step One:



Chose if you want to “Play and Draft” or just take part in the “Draft”. There are 4 places for players and 6 places for Draft only participants.


Decide on a promotion name and location


Create a Worker based on yourself to run your promotion. Remembering to use the points allocated, and staying within the limits.


Create your own worker pic (or send me the pic to cut).


Design your own Promotion Logo, PPV Logo’s and TV Logo’s or let me know if you want me to take care of it.



Step Two:



Decide how you would like to spend your $50Million on building your company. From Size to TV show’s, PPV names and levels to Championships. Just fill in the Form and post it.


Create a Worker based on yourself to run your promotion. Remembering to use the points allocated, points bought and staying within the limits.



Draft Only


Wait to be given your money (you will be PM’ed your budget). Which will be between $250,000 and $2,000,000. You can then chose what size promotion you want, including all the free extra’s such as the TV show name if you chose Regional or higher, The PPV/Event names and Championships.


Create a Worker based on yourself to run your promotion. Remembering to use the points allocated, points bought and staying within the limits.


Below is the link to where you can find the Worker Creation form and the Promotion Creation form. Look out for the small red triangles in the corners to give you a limit amount.




Step Three:



Draw up a list of 100 workers you would like to draft and post that list. It doesn’t have to be exactly 100, but once posted, you can’t change your mind.



Step Four:



The top 100 Workers decided by the four players will be put up for auction over a period of 4 days, with 25 workers being auctioned each day.



Step Five:

Player + Draft Only’s


Draw up a list of all workers you want for your promotion who haven’t yet been auctioned. Remembering Referee’s, Wrestlers, Announcers and anyone who you will need to fill your roster. They will all then be added to the draft where everyone can bid on those workers.



Step Six:


Trades will now be opened up for the next 24hours, where you can organise a trade with anyone. After 24 hours the Rosters will locked and added into the games data.



Step Seven:


Promotions now have one last opportunity to add things, such as momentum, TV shows, TV Deals, PPV Deals, New Championships or Further Development promotions. At this stage, anything added will cost an extra 25% than the first time around




How to Spend


Starting Money: $50,000,000 - $2,000,000 - $1,000,000 - $750,000 - $500,000 - $250,000


Money left over will be used towards bidding on workers and also used as starting money for the company. The more you spend the less you get to use on bidding for workers. Also the more you spend the less financially stable the company will be on start-up. The last thing you want is $1,000 in the back when you start up your company


Promotion Details

Promotion Name:


Prestige: (50% free, $10,000 per 1% after)

Momentum: (C grade free, $100,000 per grade upgrade)


Drugs Policy:



$10,000 – Local (No PPV or TV)

$50,000- Small (No PPV or TV)

$100,000- Regional (with No PPV deal and Tiny TV Deal in home country)

$500,000- Cult (with Small PPV deal in home country and Medium TV Deal in home country)

$2,000,000- National (with Medium PPV deal in home country and Big TV Deal in home country)

$8,000,000- International (with Big PPV deal in home country and 1 Foreign countries and Big TV Deal in home country and 2 foreign countries)

$15,000,000- Global (with Huge PPV deal in home country and 3 Foreign countries and Huge TV Deal in all countries)


Event Names and Dates: (1 Legendary, 1 Historic, 1 Highly Regarded, 2 Above Average, 7 Normal)


PPV Agreements: (Home region free)

other countries are

$100,000 per region for a Medium size Deal

$200,000 Big

$300,000 Very Big

$500,000 Huge

$1,000,000 Enormous


TV Shows: (1 show free at Primetime)

Second and/or Third show


TV Station Size: Tiny

Afternoon - $55,000

Early Evening - $100,000

Evening - $175,000

Primetime - $250,000

Late Evening - $175,000

Late Night - $100,000

Graveyard - $50,000


TV Station Size: Very Small

Afternoon - $160,000

Early Evening - $275,000

Evening - $400,000

Primetime - $500,000

Late Evening - $400,000

Late Night - $275,000

Graveyard - $150,000


TV Station Size: Small

Afternoon - $325,000

Early Evening - $500,000

Evening - $650,000

Primetime - $750,000

Late Evening - $650,000

Late Night - $500,000

Graveyard - $300,000


TV Station Size: Medium

Afternoon - $450,000

Early Evening - $750,000

Evening - $900,000

Primetime - $1,000,000

Late Evening - $900,000

Late Night - $750,000

Graveyard - $400,000


TV Station Size: Big

Afternoon - $950,000

Early Evening - $1,250,000

Evening - $1,750,000

Primetime - $2,000,000

Late Evening - $1,750,000

Late Night - $1,250,000

Graveyard - $900,000


TV Station Size: Very Big

Afternoon - $1,500,000

Early Evening - $2,500,000

Evening - $4,000,000

Primetime - $5,000,000

Late Evening - $4,000,000

Late Night - $2,500,000

Graveyard - $1,250,000


TV Station Size: Huge

Afternoon - $3,000,000

Early Evening - $5,000,000

Evening - $7,000,000

Primetime - $10,000,000

Late Evening - $7,000,000

Late Night - $5,000,000

Graveyard - $2,500,000


TV Station Size: Enormous

Afternoon - $5,500,000

Early Evening - $8,000,000

Evening - $12,000,000

Primetime - $15,000,000

Late Evening - $12,000,000

Late Night - $8,000,000

Graveyard - $5,000,000


Child Promotion:

$10,000 - Local

$50,000 - Small

$100,000 – Regional



Prestige - $10,000 per 1%


Championships: (1 Main Event at 80%, 2 Midcard at 60%, 1 Lower at 40% free) further championships can be purchased.


Money left over will be used towards bidding on workers and used as starting money for the company. The more you spend the less you get to use on bidding for workers. Also the more you spend the less financially stable the company will be on start-up. The last thing you want is $1,000 in the back when you start up your company


Building Your Worker

Skill Points

150p = FREE

350p = $10,000

500p = $20,000

900p = $50,000

1250p = $100,000

1500p = $150,000

1750p = $250,000


Drafting Workers:

1 worker will be drafted at a time. Bidding will work in a basic bidding system, everyone gets multiple chances to place the highest bid, bidding ends when only 1 bidder is left in thanks to all other bidders declaring they are out. The first 100 workers will be chosen by the players collectively agreeing on the top 100 and will come in order of popularity. Following the big 100 draft will be a list of further lots decided by the players. Everyone is up for bidding, from wrestlers to referee’s.

The starting bid for a worker is $100. Minimum bids are $50 (after $2,000 the minimum bid is $500)(after $10,000 the minimum bid is $1,000). The price paid for the worker will also be there set wage price per month when under written contract. Bidding $50,000 for a star worker might just cost you more than they are worth. With PPA contracts the bid price will be deducted from your starting money in the same way, but the PPV contract price will be ¼ of the price bid.

Promotions sized Local, Small and Regional will only be aloud to sign to PPV contracts. A Cult promotion with below A-rated momentum will also only be aloud to use PPA contracts.

Promotions with working agreements can share the bidding costs if they chose to share the worker between there promotions.


Buying After Drafting Begins

The option to upgrade your promotion after the draft is welcome. You can upgrade all of the above, but at a cost. After the draft begins, it will cost you and extra 25% on all of the prices above to upgrade. So adding a new Dojo with 50% Prestige would cost $500,000 pre draft, but after the draft it would cost $625,000.




The Rules and Info



Game Start Up


User Preferences:

ON: Show stats as grades rather than numbers

OFF: Owner goals are turned on

ON: Penalties for small rosters are turned on

OFF: Penalties for repetitive booking are turned on

ON: Perfect show theory is turned on

ON: Characters can become stale over time

ON: Gimmick effects are turned on

ON: Worker morale effects are turned on

ON: Locker room morale effects are turned on

ON: Momentum effects are turned on

ON: Time limits on negotiations are turned on

OFF: Advance bookings cannot be deleted

OFF: Dirt sheet match breakdown is hidden

ON: Industry and economy effects are turned on


New Worker Frequency = High

New Worker Highlights = Enabled

Relationship Frequency = High

Strict Boom and Bust = Disabled

Strict Advance Booking = Enabled

Strict Storylines = Disabled

Promotion Battles = Enabled

Injury Frequency = High

Death Frequency = Medium

Kenny Deaths = Disabled

Regeneration = Disabled

Dirty Tricks = Enabled



Rule Breaking


Using the in game editor without the permission of the other players is a breaking of the ruled.


Hacking users passwords is strictly forbidden and will be automatic removal.



Stages of Punishment


First rule break will lead to a heavy in game fine (20% of finances).


Second time of getting caught would result in a fine(50%) and the release of its top star.


Third time of cheating would lead to removal of the game and a replacement being found.

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Championship Wrestling Association

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $50,000,000

Location: USA





Revolution Wrestling

Player: CaliCurbStomppa

Starting Funds: $50,000,000





New Wrestling Era

Player: CaliCurbStomppa

Starting Funds: $50,000,000





Ultimate X Wrestling

Player: SeanMcFly

Starting Funds: $50,000,000

Location: USA





Modern Pro Wrestling

Player: Astil

Starting Funds: $50,000,000

Location: USA





Wrestling Century Productions

Player: Wrestling Century

Starting Funds: $250,000

Location: USA





World Japan Wrestling

Player: Wrestling Century

Starting Funds: $2,000,000

Location: Japan





New Age Pro Wrestling

Player: Kainlock

Starting Funds: $750,000

Location: USA





Rat Pack Wrestling

Player: LandMass

Starting Funds: $2,000,000

Location: Canada





Iron Fist Pro Wrestling

Player: TracyBrooksFan

Starting Funds: $1,000,000

Location: TBA





Ship of Fooles

Player: KucianCarter

Starting Funds: $1,000,000

Location: Canada





Crazy Wacky Funtime Wrestling

Player: KucianCarter

Starting Funds: $250,000

Location: Japan





Player: Destiny

Starting Funds: $2,000,000

Location: UK





Xtreme Chaos Wrestling

Player: icedragon770

Starting Funds: $750,000

Location: USA





International Shoot Wrestling




Player: EddieFnG

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: USA




ISW: Hawaii

Player: EddieFnG

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: USA




ISW: Puerto Rico

Player: EddieFnG

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: USA




ISW: Canada

Player: EddieFnG

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Canada




ISW: Mexico

Player: EddieFnG

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Mexico





Player: EddieFnG

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: UK




ISW: Europe

Player: EddieFnG

Starting Funds: $2,000,000

Location: Europe




ISW: Japan

Player: EddieFnG

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Japan



ISW: Down South

Player: EddieFnG

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Australia




Global Wrestling Organisation



GWO: Lone Star

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: USA



GWO: Empire

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: USA



GWO: New Breed

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: USA




Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: USA



GWO: Classique

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Canada



GWO: Lucha Libre

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Mexico



GWO: Union

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: UK



GWO: Highlands

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: UK



GWO: Ireland

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: UK



GWO: Europe

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Europe



GWO: Respect

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Japan



GWO: Joshi

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Japan




Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Australia



GWO: New Zealand

Player: Togg

Starting Funds: $TBA

Location: Australia

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I'll try my hand as one of the four players if that's possible budday :)


EDIT - I'll send you a PM with my Logo for you to cut, because I'm not too good at cutting on backgrounds with outlines



Sure thing buddy, count yourself added:). Everyones welcome.


Ah dont worry im used to doing graphics for ya :-p


Anyone who enters will get a copy of the data if i didnt make it clear enough. I will send it privately after the draftings over

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One thing i forgot to mention in the first post is that i will be running a small, very basic diary with the draft data.

Skipping months and writing updates on what promotions are at the top, hwo's growing, who's signed of lost big names and who's put on the best and worst shows. Not forgetting the end of year Awards.


Really hope people want to take part:), ive alays loved drafting games.:D

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I am interested in being a draftee only.


Welcome Aboard


Seconded. :)


And a Seconded "Welcome Aboard"


I would like to be a draftee. That is, as long as I can also have the data. Will you be releasing the data to the public?


The data will be released to all participents in the draft in 2 stages. 1 prior to the draft so that everyone can look as the roster. The second release will be of the final data, with the draft of the wrestlers in full effect.


About releasing it to non participents in the draft. I'm going to have to go back through the data and see if i can remember where i got all the data from, so that i can ask for the creators permission. I dont want to be breaking GDS rules:eek:

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The Forum for the drafting has been created. Take a look, maybe post some info about your promotion in your promotion section. But basicaly i'm posting it now so that you get the idea of how it will be used for the Drafting/Bidding


Click !!!HERE!!! or the Picture above

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Posted some info.


Thanks for kicking it off buddy. Cool promotion logo too. Do you plan on making the event and TV graphics for your fed :)?


ESW info has also been posted.


The man of Europe. First one outside the USA which is a good start:D. I would ask you about doing your own graphics but i allready know the answer lol.


UXW info posted, note I picked a TV character as my user character, as I didn't feel comfortable posting a picture of myself :o


When i said a picture of yourself, i didnt mean you exactly, just someone who represents you :D. Do you plan on making your Event and TV graphics?




Quick Update. Just figured out who the data is from. Its from 4 modders. Im not in the middle of writing a kiss ass message to them all so that maybe i can release this as a proper mod (with the credit):D

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Can you make all of my graphics for my promotion, Togg? Also, can you make my user character my GDS avatar, or do you want to use something else? All my user character's stats can be set to zero, by the way. Also, I posted some info on the draft board (or whatever it's called). By the way, in case anybody hasn't noticed, I am a noob at drafts! :p
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Can you make all of my graphics for my promotion, Togg? Also, can you make my user character my GDS avatar, or do you want to use something else? All my user character's stats can be set to zero, by the way. Also, I posted some info on the draft board (or whatever it's called). By the way, in case anybody hasn't noticed, I am a noob at drafts! :p


With your character stats you get 150points free to use. As for the graphics... Im onto it right now:)


No need to worrie about being a first timer in a draft. If you need to know anything along the way, just Holla.


I would be willing to take a promotion to draft. Just not one of the players.


Then welcome aboard:D. All the player spaces are now taken, Only room for draftee's.






When everyones got 5 mins on there hands, could you possibly fill in these form thingys so i can enter everything into TEW.



1 Reply has come back from a mod maker so were 1/4 of the way there:D

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With your character stats you get 150points free to use. As for the graphics... Im onto it right now:)


No need to worrie about being a first timer in a draft. If you need to know anything along the way, just Holla.




Then welcome aboard:D. All the player spaces are now taken, Only room for draftee's.






When everyones got 5 mins on there hands, could you possibly fill in these form thingys so i can enter everything into TEW.



1 Reply has come back from a mod maker so were 1/4 of the way there:D


I'll get on those soonish.Kinda doing something important tonight, if you need to know PM me.

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