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The BIG Drafting Game (with a twist)

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It's sort of explained on page one.


The problem is it says PPV instead of PPA. I was confused.


My Bad, its been corrected. Oh and thanks for the quick filling out and posting the forms:D. All added






The top 100 will still be decided by the 4 Mega players. However i have had a little rethink and everyone can bid on anyone. Who needs the limits. Lets have a free for all:D

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Well, one thing we could do to start moving this forward is have the players submit their top 100 soon. That way you can work out which 100 are in the first round and post that. People could then start thinking about who they want to bid on and what other workers they want added for the second round.
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Promotion Details

Promotion Name: Rat Pack Wrestling

Location: Ontario

Prestige: 50%

Momentum: C

Schedule: All events on Friday Week 4 (Unless there's another event on that day, then Saturday)

Drugs Policy: None

Product: High Comedy


$50,000- Small (No PPV or TV)


Event Names and Dates: (all Sunday Week 4 unless another event)

RPW Minor Disagreement

RPW Best of the Rest

RPW Chardkore Chanukah


Money left over will be used towards bidding on workers and used as starting money for the company. The more you spend the less you get to use on bidding for workers. Also the more you spend the less financially stable the company will be on start-up. The last thing you want is $1,000 in the back when you start up your company

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If its a big problem and others dont like it. i would be willing to change that ONE, stat. I can sort of see your point, but its too easy


It would be nice if the default were higher than zero. With only 150 base point for free a worker should not have to spend a third of them just to get a 50 reputation, which is still worse than any worker in the Cornellverse.

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It would be nice if the default were higher than zero. With only 150 base point for free a worker should not have to spend a third of them just to get a 50 reputation, which is still worse than any worker in the Cornellverse.


I agree with this. We should start with 100 rep.


FINE!!! lol. 100 full points for Reputation. Anyone who's sent in there worker allready and has used there points on "reputation", dont worry, i'll shuffly things about so you dont loose the points:D

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I can draft another promotion for Canada, Europe, Australia or the UK if need be.


That would be cool if you were up for it. an NWA and IPW style of promotions are being thought over at the moment to fill any gaps. But taking on an extra promotion would be cool:)

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Right guys. Just waiting on a few things off you. Here's how things stand

Waiting on

SeanMcFly - Worker/Promotion form and Top 100 Needed

Warrior of Truth - Worker and Promotion form Needed

Kainlock - Worker and Promotion form Needed

TracyBrooksFan - Worker and Promotion form Needed

Destiny - Worker and Promotion form Needed






:DWrestling Century:D





I guess everyone is just waiting for the drafts now. Well when everyone has sent me there forms, The draft will begin.

Its still open for people to join, but only for a untill everyone has send there details. Then the biggest auction of wrestlers in history can begin:D.


So get in now or miss out:)

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Still waiting on a few peoples Forms. I sent out PM's to them, with easy links to all the forms.


Also, were still open for anyone to join:)


Create your own promotion or take over a GWO promotion. (once applications are closed, people can still join, but they will have to take over an excisting promotion)

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Its Official: I now have the top 100 on my computer. I will be checking over them, making sure the right 100 are first up. I should be announcing the list either today or Tomorrow:D


So Togg, are we turning this in to a dynasty (The Four Players), and if not, what's the point of the four players ?

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So Togg, are we turning this in to a dynasty (The Four Players), and if not, what's the point of the four players ?


The plan originaly was to make the data for everyone taking part in the draft, so that everyone could have a go at being themselves against other GDS members. The 4 main players would battle eachother in a 4way Multiplayer game.


It turned into a Mod half way through. Everything for the multiplayer still stands. Were welcome to write a diarty about it. I will also be running a diary where i post the growth of companys, announce big signings or any other peices of big news (i wont be playing, just over looking)

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