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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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I am looking forward to this. There are a few great writers who have helped bring the cloudy CVerse to life for me, and your portrayal of the lucha libre world in your previous diary was fantastic. The matches were beautifully executed, and the storylines pristine in logic. I think it's right that you're considered in the top echelon of CVerse writers with the likes of Scapino and BigPapa, so I humbly await to see this baby.


I can't wait till the shows kick off.


Thank's that means alot coming from a writer of your calibre :)

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Check out for Page 1 for Part's 2 and 3 of the Prelude.....


Special thanks to jhd1 for the uber cool 'suit up' renders of Kikkawa, Iesada and some dude called Takayuki Onodera.


No problem Tigerkinney, and you'll have me reading. My knowledge of anything other than the big three US feds is woeful so I'm hoping you can teach me a few things! Not meaning to go too far off-topic but is there any chance of a link to the lucha diary tristram mentioned?

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No problem Tigerkinney, and you'll have me reading. My knowledge of anything other than the big three US feds is woeful so I'm hoping you can teach me a few things! Not meaning to go too far off-topic but is there any chance of a link to the lucha diary tristram mentioned?


I think Tristram means my FCW (the Puerto Rico based fed) diary for TEW 2008. Though I wouldn't really say that it is a Lucha diary, there were some lucha influences but if you are looking for a pure representation of lucha-libre, then you will come away disappointed.


Here is a link as requested....



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I think Tristram means my FCW (the Puerto Rico based fed) diary for TEW 2008. Though I wouldn't really say that it is a Lucha diary, there were some lucha influences but if you are looking for a pure representation of lucha-libre, then you will come away disappointed.


Here is a link as requested....




Not at all, that'll do me quite nicely thank you :D

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Prelude Part 6: Tetsuzan Kaneko's Office, Burning Towers, Tokyo, Japan

(Monday 11th January, 2009)- 'Great Expectations'.




A few days had lapsed since Takayuki Onodera had accepted the position of becoming the new head booker for Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, something Onodera still couldn't quite come to terms with believing. But believe it he would have to, in a space of just a few short weeks, weeks that seemed to fly by in a hazy blur, Onodera had gone from being a run of the mill midcarder to being invited to not only rub shoulders with the elite of Burning Hammer but to also have the power to influence the careers of everyone on the Burning Hammer roster.


Once again Onodera was poised to meet with the president of BHOTWG, Tetsuzan Kaneko he was unwavering in his support for Onodera being the man for the job and Tadiyukki Kikkawa, Burning Hammer's Vice President and arguably the biggest star in Puroresu for the past decade. Kikkawa was much more cynical about Onodera's appointment but it was his opposition that seemed to inspire Onodera to meet the challenge head on and in doing so further instill Kaneko's belief in him.


Onodera heard the secretary call his name, and once again it was time, he was ready for the meeting, the first meeting he would have as head booker of Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods. He let that sink in....




Tetsuzan Kaneko: Welcome Onodera-san


Takayuki Onodera: As always a great honour to be in the prescence of yourself Kaneko-san and of course the Kikkawa-san.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Oh no such need for such formalities, you shall be treated as an equal amongst us.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: In my opinion respect should always be shown to your bosses, such formalities install a sense of order and from where I last looked we are still in charge here.


Takayuki Onodera: Kikkawa-san is right I am still your employee, Kaneko-san so it is only right that I show you and Kikkawa-san the respect you are deserving of everytime I have in the honour to set forth into your grand office.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Kaneie Komine was also very set in his ways on tradition and you yourself Kikkawa-san, should know how things ended for him. A more relaxed approach sometimes I feel would be beneficial when dealing with those who have indeed earned out respect.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Yes for those who have earned our respect, Onodera-san here is barely into the job and already you see him as on an equal footing to us.


Onodera-san thought it best to keep out of the argument, it was still clear to him that Kikkawa was far from his happy over his appointment and he did not want to do anything to get Kikkawa further opposed to him, he knew that having Kikkawa on his side as an ally was something of great importance in Burning Hammer, so opposing Kikkawa further would have been a decision made with very little wisdom. Best to keep his head down, and prove Kikkawa wrong by working hard and bringing in great results.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Kikkawa-san you have your opinion on these matters, I have mine....let this be for now and lets get on with much more important matters.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: That I will agree on Kaneko-san, let's see what 'golden boy' here has got.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Now onto the matter at hand. Onodera-san as you should be aware in the position of head-booker you have much freedom to call the shots here in Burning Hammer, think of yourself as being the coach of a baseball team...you do like Baseball right Onodera-san.


Takayuki Onodera: Very much so, of course I do not have as much time to watch as I would like but that's one of the sacrifices I have had to make to succeed in this business, sacrifices I am sure yourself and Kikkawa-san have had to make.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: I must say very well-put Onodera-san, do you follow a team....


Takayuki Onodera: Being a Yokohama boy, the Bay-Stars all the way !


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: (scoffing at Onodera's last remark) Everyone knows there is only one team in Japan, at that is the Yomiuri Giants !


Tetsuzan Kaneko getting a little bit frustrated at Kikkawa's somewhat petulant opposition to Onodera, just roll his eyes at the last attempt at one up-manship and presses ahead with the agenda.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Well the point I am making, is that in the position of head booker, you are the 'team coach' but just like a coach in baseball you still answer to the president and ultimately this is my company and if you do not meet my targets then your performance will come under review.


Takayuki Onodera: I very much understand this to be the situation Kaneko-san and so it should be.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Well anyone should be able to understand that !


Tetsuzan Kaneko once again presses on , ignoring an increasingly petulant Kikkawa.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Here in Burning Hammer we expect the high standards we have set here to be maintained, we are the most popular wrestling company in Japan and though other companies have come to challenge us we still remain on top, at the very least I expect us to remain as popular as we are now under your guidance over the next two years. Ultimately I would like to see us grow even further but I am realistic and realise that growth from the level we are at now could be difficult.


Takayuki Onodera: I will strive to not only maintain standards but also as you say grow on those standards set. Some might say it would have been impossible for me to land this position I have been much honoured to accept from you. Impossible is a word that no longer exists in my vocabulary, so under my watch I believe Burning Hammer cannot only stay as the number one promotion in Japan but perhaps also one day see a growth a Puroresu company has never seen before.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: I am impressed by your fearless ambition Onodera-san.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Many before in your position Onodera-san have dreamed of Burning Hammer growing beyond Japan itself, dreams that never become realised.


Takayuki Onodera: Well there is a first time for everything Kikkawa-san, perhaps one days those dreams will become a reality.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: And perhaps one days Pigs will be consumed by the power of flight.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Well as I said before Onodera-san I for one am impressed by your fearless-ambition even if our VICE (big emphasis on vice, as if though Kaneko is reminding Kikkawa that ultimately he is still THE BOSS around here) president is having problems coming round to such visionary thinking.


Speaking of yourself Kikkawa-san, it is much important that we keep you strong, especially over the next year and a half.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: I should be kept strong all the time.....


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Well that is true, but I hoping that in time Onodera-san will have built enough people up to be considered on your level Kikkawa-san.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: I wish you luck with that ! Because you'll need it !


Takayuki Onodera: I am in no doubt that in order for Burning Hammer to be the success it is not just in the short term but also the long term that it needs a strong Tadiyuki Kikkawa. Until Kikkawa starts to lose a step....


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: I am no where near 'losing a step' yet !


Takayuki Onodera:.....then he should remain in a strong postion. Kikkawa -san is a true legend of the ring and should be treated as such.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Well at least you realise MY worth to this company.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: No one is doubting what you bring to Burning Hammer Kikkawa-san and as you can see both myself and Onodera-san believe that you should continue to be booked as strong as ever for the forseeable future.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Forseeable future ?! Remember Kaneko-san that I helped you become president, I could break you as much as make you...so if this up-start you are so keen to back ever undermimes me by booking me weakly, there will be hell to pay....


Takayuki Onodera: As I said Kikkawa-san booking you to look weak, be it within the next six months, a year, two years, whenever would not be in the best interest of Burning Hammer. I respect you Kikkawa-san, you are a true legend but you seem to think I would hold some kind of vendetta against you, because you want to see me fail ? Is that what it is ?


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: I would not want to see anyone fail but you have proven nothing, shown me nothing to convince me that you are worthy of being the head booker for Burning Hammer.


Takayuki Onodera: Perhaps I have shown you nothing so far, maybe I have not proven anything but all I say is give me a chance.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Yes for the sake of Burning Hammer, and not just yourself Kikkawa-san at least show some support to Onodera-san. I made the appointment and I am sticking by it ?


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Well looks like I will have to live with your decision for now Kaneko-san but as soon as this experiment begins to fail, then you will have wished you had listened to me.


Takayuki Onodera: Perhaps one day Kikkawa-san you will look back on this day and realise that you were the one who was wrong.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: My faith shown in you Onodera-san be it a success or failure shall be proven in the future. I will know when the time is right to assess whether I made the right decision.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Well lets hope you make that decision at the right time.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Believe you me Kikkawa-san I will know the time to declare Onodera-san the great success I am sure he will be.


A slight awkard pause, before Kaneko decides to get the meeting back on track


Time I feel to move on to the next point on the agenda


I wan't this company to nuture and grow it's own stars, who will stay loyal to the Burning Hammer cause for years to come. As good as Kikkawa are company are now, they will not go on forever.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: I have a good few years left in me yet but I understand your point Kaneko-san.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: I'm not doubting you will continue to be a great asset to us Kikkawa-san. Anyway, I wan't to avoid for now signing talent from our immediate rivals, these for me are just short term fixes and for me they would still have the stench of the other company on them. Let's be the promotion that brings through the next generation of talent in Puroresu and show Pride and Golden where the failed.


Takayuki Onodera: I feel there is no better man to understand where you are coming from Kaneko-San, after all this company took a chance on me and I had never before set foot inside the ring of a 'name' promotion. So in a way it delights me that you are looking to unearth more 'hidden gems'.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: I was hoping that your own experiences would help you to understand where I was coming from, because many would have been disappointed that I wasn't about to hand the cheque book to them and besides this company may be in a good bill of financial health but keeping the talent we do have when their own contracts come up for renewal will not be a cheap process, so my wish to concentrate on bringing in new talent from the independent circuit or the dojo's is also one of financial benefit to this company.


Takayuki Onodera: I fully understand this is your company Kaneko-San and that you will always have the best interests of Burning Hammer at heart. Some of our fans may be disappointed that no new big names will be appearing any time soon but at the end of the day the health of Burning Hammer should not be jeopardised.


Kikkawa who is feeling that Onodera is being a bit of a 'kiss-ass' right now looks like he want's to come in with some snide remark but this time he thinks better of it.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: It is also paramount that the public image of Burning Hammer stays as clean as a whistle, so I do not want you to hire or renew the contract of anyone who has been in trouble with the law, no matter how trivial the offence they had caused, I do not want them here in Burning Hammer.


Takayuki Onodera knew that Ian Herring who played the new American Optimus character had a some previous law problems, nothing major but obviously Kaneko was about to hammer down a zero tolerance policy.


Of course it's to much relief we have no one with such previous unwanted indecresons on our roster.


Onodera was waiting for Kaneko to tell him to fire Ian Herring but it was obvious that the usually thorough Kaneko was unaware of Herring's past. Kikkawa though looked like he was about to say something....


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: I for one very much agree with the stance taken here by Kaneko-San. I hope this is something you back too Onodera-san.


Was this some kind of test ? Perhaps Kikkawa wanted Onodera to reveal that the man behind ther American Optimus mask was someone Kaneko would not be willing to employ.


Takayuki Onodera: Yes quite right, we shouldn't be employing anyone who could bring embarrasment to us, by their previous actions.


Kikkawa looked across at Onodera as if he was about burn a hole right through him with his intense stare, but Onodera did his best not to flinch. This time Onodera did not crack under the pressure, he just couldn;t bring himself to put the career of one of his fellow wrestlers in jeopardy. He knew for sure that whatever Ian Herring got arrested for it was well and truly in the past and that he was a good asset to Burning Hammer's Junior Division.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Well it is a good thing that there are no skeleton's in the cupboard of our roster...


Onodera suddenly thought of a diverting tactic, simply mention the name of someone who had brought a degree of scandal to Burning Hammer in the past. It was not that he did not necessarily see Kawate go, but if there had to be someone sacrificed to hammer on the newly hardline stance set by Kaneko, then a considerably past his sell by date Kawate should by logic be alot more dispensible than American Optimus.


Takayuki Onodera: What about Kawate ?


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: What about Kawate ? He has been clean for years and besides he has nothing to hide but if I or Kaneko-san get word that anyone on the roster has not told us about any indecresions that could cause scandal and embarrasment for Burning Hammer, then we would expect you to deal with the situation in the appropriate manner Onodera-san.


Takayuki Onodera: That I will do.


Onodera was still pondering at this stage, if he would have to fire the man behind the American Optimus mask, because though Kaneko was ignorant to Ian Herrings past misdemeanours he could see it Kikkawa's eyes that he knew.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Good to hear Onodera-san. It is also equally important that we should not bring embarrasment to ourselves inside of the squared circle. It is paramount that Burning Hammer is a safe environment for all our in-ring talents to work in, so I do not want anyone who would deemed to be unsafe to work with in our company.


Takayuki Onodera: I quite agree Kaneko-san. A wrestler who cannot work safely is one who has not been trained well.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: One more wish I have, as Burning Hammer moves forward under your guidance Onodera-san is that all our wrestlers are able to perform in the ring for a reasonable amount of time before...what's the term for it ? You know when they start to tire and their performance becomes noticeably poorer for it.


Takayuki Onodera: I am sure what you mean Kaneko-san is Blowing Up.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Aah yes that was indeed the term I was looking for. To put this in laymans terms, if someone cannot last in the ring for ten minutes without 'blowing up' then I feel it is best they ply their trade elsewhere.


Takayuki Onodera: You do realise that the current Tag Team Champions, Kanishoki and Yuasha can barely complete a ten minute match.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Hmm it is something I was aware of but they are under contract with us and I will give them to their end of their current contracts with us to show us improvement in that regard.


Takayuki Onodera: Not meaning to pour scorn on the fine job my predecessor Iesada-san was doing, but in my opinion putting the Tag Belts on 'the Behemoth's' was not the wisest of decisions.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Yes Iesada-san was a fine booker but as you can see he was not infallible.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Already you are dancing on Iesada's grave ! I would like to see you do better !


Takayuki Onodera: I don't know where you have just got that idea from Kikkawa-san, I having nothing but up most respect for Iesada-san, he for one is someone who has truly helped me in this company. I would do nothing to disrespect him but surely even you must admit that Iesada-san made a mistake with the push for Kanishoki and Yuasha towards a run with the belts with the Tag Team titles.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Kikkawa-san !, Onodera-san is right.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Well if you show ever, show even half the skill of being the booker that Iesada-san was, then I may just bring it to myself to fully respect you Onodera-san !


Tetsuzan Kaneko: Kikkawa-san I know that it has been hard for you to accept that Iesada-san took the decision to step down but as I said before, and I am getting tired of re-illiterating this but I have made my appointment and I fully expect you to get behind Onodera-san !


Tadiyuki Kikkawa just nodded his head and said nothing.


Takayuki Onodera:I can see that I must earn Kikkawa-san's respect and that I will do !


Tetsuzan Kaneko: I am putting huge trust in you Onodera-san and Kikkawa-san is right in his belief that I am taking a big risk by putting so much faith in you but I believe that with high risk come's high reward. Do not fail me Onodera-san !


Takayuki Onodera : I am fully appreciative of this great opportunity that has been handed to me and I will do everything to re-pay your faith in me.


Tetsuzan Kaneko: I suggest that over the coming weeks you take time to assess our roster and then report back to me with where you feel we are at, in regards of strengths and weaknesses.


After that the meeting tailed off, Takayuki Onodera knew what he had do...repay the faith Tetsuzan Kaneko had put in him and earn the respect of a very cynical Tadayuki Kikkawa.

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Wow. Kikkawa really is being a total ass! i'm thinking he wanted the book for himself if Iesada was stepping down


He is being an ass. Definitely could be a jealousy thing. Could also simply be that he doesn't respect Onodera. Not as a booker and possibly as a wrestler. Respect seems to be a huge thing in Japanese culture, but it has to be earned, does it not? Kaneko respects the position, but Kikkawa respects the accomplishments. It makes for an interesting dynamic.


Loving it so far, TK.

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He is being an ass. Definitely could be a jealousy thing. Could also simply be that he doesn't respect Onodera. Not as a booker and possibly as a wrestler. Respect seems to be a huge thing in Japanese culture, but it has to be earned, does it not? Kaneko respects the position, but Kikkawa respects the accomplishments. It makes for an interesting dynamic.


Loving it so far, TK.


Kikkawa is acting like an ass for a number of reasons. Firstly he simply does not feel that Onodera has done enough in 'the business' and certainly within Burning Hammer to have earned such a coveted position as head booker. He is also still a little angry at Iesada for stepping down in the first place but he respects Iesada enough to vent his frustration over the whole situation at somebody else. Onodera just happens to be his verbal punch bag at this moment in time.


Kaneko is fully aware of the whole respect system in Japan but more experienced candidates were not forthcoming in applying for the position of head booker, it is though they were 'too aware' of the high demands of the position. In the end Kaneko simply admired Onodera's 'balls' in applying for the position in the first place.


As for our protaganist Takayuki Onodera, he was unsure at first but with Iesada's encouragement came round to a 'what do I have to lose' position and lucked out in the fact that no one else was brave enough to try and fill Iesada's sizeable shoes.

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Takayuki Onodera spent the next few days closely studying the BHOTWG roster, he was no longer just working alongside these guys, he was now their 'boss' and would be making decision that would affect their careers and the future of Burning Hammer itself.


2010 Starting Roster Assessment


Currently the roster was split into several factions....


Burning Sekigun: Burning Sekigun are a lose alliance of mostly 'poster boy' babyfaces loyal to the Burning Hammer cause. In recent years their main threat has been the Black Heart Brethren and Dragon Feet stables but they now face the new challenge of the 'INSPIRE Four'. Current World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri are generally seen as the leaders of the group.


Team INSPIRE: Basically the INSPIRE four of Kikkawa, Iesada, Okazaki and Mike Watson who had instantly become the top 'heels' in the promotion with their intentions to 'take over' BHOTWG.


Black Heart Brethren: Lead by the powerhouse duo of Yasuhiko Taira and Yasunobu Masuno, the Black Heart Brethren were seen as the number one heel stable in Burning Hammer until the arrival/returrn of the INSPIRE four. The sheer brute power is counterbalanced by the speed and technical ability of three Junior Division mainstays in Black Cobra, The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion.


Dragon Feet 2K9: After Hooded Kudo was taken out of BHOTWG by the INSPIRE four, the remaining members of the last incarnation of the Silver Dragon Feet stable Sensational Dragon and The Rebellion (Shimedzu and Miyamae) vowed to keep the Dragon Feet legacy going. American Optimus joined the group at the end of the year, a homage of sorts to the original Optimus involvement with the original incarnation of the stable. Once seen as a heel outfit, the Dragon Feet faction has with the emergence of the Black Heart Brethren in recent years and more recently the return of the INSPIRE four, transitioned into being more a tweener group, even to the point that they would be viewed as babyfaces against anyone but members of the Burning Sekigun.


RAGE: RAGE are a 'tweener' group of Burning Hammer loyalists, not prepared to play second fiddle to what they perceive to be the BHOTWG 'poster boys', they are lead by the Raging Bulls duo of Eiji Hamacho and Chuichi Sanda, who are supported by Mitsunari Fuganaga (the last Openweight champion before that belt was retired), veteran Toshiki Shibanumo and the Junior Division duo of VENOM and Yoshii Shiomi.




In-Ring Talent (A-K)



American Optimus



Affiliation: Dragon Feet 2K9

Age: 35/ Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 178 cm, Weight: 93 kg

Finishers: O-Bomb (Running Power Bomb), Atomic O-Bomb (Superbomb), Ozone Sky Flier (Shooting Star Press), Optimizer (Dragon Sleeper Surfboard)


Press Release: Little is known of this mysterious man from America who has taken on the mantle of continuing the Optimus legend. Much like his forebearer he has eyes on becoming the best Junior Heavyweight in the World, time will tell whether or not he can achieve those goals.


Onodera's viewpoint: American Optimus is played by Ian Herring, for years he went by the names of Plague or Black Eagle, which means he has somewhat always suffered from a bit of an identity crisis. He particularly was a stand out with the CZCW promotion but in the past few years impressed in tours of Japan both with ourselves and WLW, enough to be offered a permanent postion here and to become the second incarnation of the legendary Optimus character. Much like that great man he is an impressive high flyer but lacks the all round game of the great man himself that perhaps will be the key to taking him to the very highest of heights with Burning Hammer. However from what I have seen he is a consistent performer and does have the same aura of star quality that the original brought to the table, well maybe not quite the same.


However there is one major black spot on Herring-san, the fact that he is a criminal record. Something Kaneko-san is unaware of but the boss has made it quite clear that he is does not want such men working for Burning Hammer. Do I even risk keeping Herring-san's previouds indecresion secret, no matter how trivial and minor ?




Barei Yasujiro




Age: 39/ Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 178 cm , Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Mighty Mouse Driver (Half Nelson Lifted Wheelbarrow Driver), Poison Rana (Reverse Frankensteiner), Mighty Mouse Air Attack (Sky Twister Press) , Yasujiro Suplex (Electric Chair dropped into a Bridging German Suplex)


Press Release: Barei Yasujiro, the man they call the Mighty Mouse and one of the great aerial artists of his generation, he has travelled the globe to hone his craft and now has his sights on the ultimate prize for any Junior Heavyweight the Burning Junior Championship. The BHOTWG Junior Division is an ultra competitive one, but the 'Mighty Mouse' has the skill and the experience to have what it takes to emerge as the Junior Ichiban !


Onodera's viewpoint: Yasujiro san is one of the most graceful high flyers you will ever see in the ring, and even at almost 40 he can pull off some amazing moves, the time spent in Mexico can definitely be seen in his ring-work which has a very lucha influence. When he finally decided to settle back down in Japan three years ago, many though he would come straight here but he decided to go with WLW instead. Maybe it should not have been too much of a surprise as his style fitted in perfectly with the Lucharesu product they present but of course the lure of being part of our own Junior Division became too strong in the end for him to resist as his career perhaps begins to enter it's twilight years.


As great a high flyer Yasujiro san is though, he is something of a one trick pony and the very best Juniors in BHOTWG have always had more strings to their bow than flashy moves. One glaring weakness is his selling of his opponents moves, something that can somewhat irritate our fanbase, he want to he sold the illusion of a real fight and not something from a Nintendo video game. Outside of the ring Yasujiro is a good man to have round the locker-room and for someone of his decoration (he may not have achieved anything here but you still have to respect what he has done elsewhere) and experience does not possess the sort of ego some others may have ended up obtaining.




Black Cobra



Affiliation: Black Heart Brethren

Age: 35/ Current Push: Upper Midcarder

Height: 180cm, Weight: 95 kg

Finishers: Alabaster Agony (Leg Hook Spinning Headscissors Arm Bar), Death By Cobra (Double Wrist Clutch Powerbomb), From Canada With Love (Swandive Headbutt), Stoneplex (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex), Stone Hold (Sharpshooter)


Press Release: The Black Cobra originally appeared in BHOTWG in the previous millenia to do battle with the legendary Optimus and the second Elemental and then he disappeared, but then he rose again, his sights set on the prestigious Burning Junior Championship once more. The old foes have rode into the sunset, but new rivals emerge and thus far the new guard have been able to stop Black Cobra from achieving his ultimate goal.


Onodera's viewpoint: Black Cobra is played by Duane Stone, a member of the talented Stone family; but one who has perhaps had to live in the shadow of his revered brothers Dan Jr and Jeremy, especially back in his homeland which may have played some part in him wishing to don the Black Cobra mask once again. It is somewhat surprising that during his two spells with the Hammer that he has been unable to capture the Burning Junior Championship but I guess that is testament to the dominance of Optimus/Elemental II in his original spell and the fact that BHOTWG seem very much behind the new golden trio of the Junior Division Sensational Dragon, Elemental III and Marihito Masuko thus far during his return spell.


Niggling injuries forced Stone to move away a little more from the high flying of his younger days, but in some ways it has been a blessing in disguise as it has made him a more rounded performer, and there a few with better 'performance' skills amongst the whole of the BHOTWG roster.




Chuichi Sanda




Affiliation: RAGE, Raging Bulls (w/Eiji Hamacho)

Age: 38/ Current Push: Upper Midcarder

Height: 188 cm, Weight: 112 kg

Finishers: Explosion Kick (Running Big Boot), Explosion Kick II (Spin Kick), Exploder (Exploder Suplex)


Press Release: A hard nosed brawler with a fire that belies his relatively small size amongst the land of the heavyweight, 'Explosive' Chuichi Sanda has mostly forged his reputation in BHOTWG as one half of the Raging Bulls, alongside Eiji Hamacho- a pairing so succesful that it has brought them to Tag Team gold on three occasions. They lost the gold to the Behemoths of Nisso Yuasha and Kanishoki at Night of the Burning Hammer but these Bulls never back down from a fight and they have their sights set on regaining the Tag Team gold for a fourth time.


Onodera's viewpoint: There is little doubt that Sanda san has kind of lucked out in BHOTWG for someone of his relatively mediocre talents, in the fact that he gelled very well with Eiji Hamacho as a tag team partner. Whilst that has brought them tag team gold one can't help thinking if the Raging Bulls were to ever split up, because of a singles push for Hamacho (the better of the two) then Sanda would quickly find himself sliding down the card.




Eiji Hamacho




Affiliation: RAGE, Raging Bulls (w/Chuichi Sanda)

Age: 38/ Current Push: Upper Midcarder

Height: 198 cm , Weight: 136 kg

Finishers: Bull Rush (High Impact Spear), Hamacho Sledge (Death Valley Driver) Hamacho Sledge 2K (Northern Lights Bomb), Raging Lariat (Lariat)


Press Release: A man who has spent his entire career with BHOTWG, the 'Raging Bull' Eiji Hamacho has become a mainstay of the roster since his debut in 1991. Known for his intense physical style, he has formed a well respected tag team alongside Chuichi Sanda that has bought them tag team gold on three occasions. Thus far despite nearly twenty years spent with BHOTWG, singles gold has thus far been out of his reach but this 'Raging Bull' will not back down from a fight from anyone and perhaps one day the Burning World Championship will be in his grasp.


Onodera's viewpoint: A well respected veteran in the BHOTWG locker room Hamacho san is certainly the better of the two in his tag team with Chuichi Sanda and despite being three years older the one more likely to 'break out' as a singles star in his own right. To be honest, considering the respect many veterans carry with them into the later years of their career 41 is not all that old and thus not too late for Hamacho to really begin a strong singles run. But would it be of great benefit, because one has to wonder despite being a solid worker, Hamacho may just get lost in the mix. Admittedly he is no worse than either of Black Magic, but the previous BHOTWG booking regimes managed to get the fans to buy into Taira and Masuno as legitimate singles threats, whilst Hamacho admittedly carries a stigma of someone who's ceiling probably is in the Upper Midcard.




Elemental III




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun, Your New Heroes (w/Marihito Masuko)

Age: 22/ Current Push: Upper Midcarder

Height: 178cm, Weight: 88 kg

Finishers: Earth Breaker (Double Underhook Powerbomb), Elemental Clutch (Koji Clutch), Elemental Suplex (Double Arm German Suplex), Inferno Splash (Corkscrew 450 Splash)


Press Release: For years many talked about the third coming of Elemental, as the second one began to talk of passing the torch, in 2007 he did just that as he teamed alongside his 'protege' to defeat traditional Elemental foes Optimus and Black Cobra, thus feeling that Elemental III was worthy of carrying the legend forward. Trained by both the original Elemental and Elemental II, Elemental III looks to be carrying on the legacy of his forefathers, winning the Best of the Super Juniors, Burning Junior Championship and Burning Junior Championship since his debut. Whether or not he can go on to match their legends, it has to be said he has made a fine start to what could become a legendary career.


Onodera's viewpoint: It must be hard having to follow in the footsteps of not just one but two legends and the jury is out on whether or not Elemental III will be able to do that. A good worker, he is not yet however the great performer that the men who wore the famous mask before him were, but then again Elemental II was far from the finished article when he made his debut and putting Elemental III in regular competion with those who can help him become a better worker should help him develop, because without a strong Elemental, there would be something that just wouldn't feel right within BHOTWG.




Fukasabaru Inao





Age: 35/ Current Push: Lower Midcarder

Height: 188cm, Weight: 109 kg

Finishers: Katahajime (Half Nelson Choke), Fuku Cradle (La Magistral Cradle), That Generic Move (Rolling Cutter).


Press Release: Thus far success measured in gold has been out of the reach of Fukusabaru Inao but those who get in the ring with this commited warrior will realise that he always gives one hundred and ten per cent and will not give up without a fight.


Onodera's viewpoint: Fuku is genuinely tough which gets him respect amongst his peers but beyond that he is an average at best worker who will struggle to rise above the lower end of the midcard. If anything his role over the coming year(s) will see him more than likely used to help get any rising talent over. To his advantage he is a generally positive prescence backstage, which could well see us renew his contract, as we need some of his kind to counterbalance some of the 'egos' we unfortunately seemed to have accumulated in the Burning Hammer dressing room. Well perhaps his positive attitude could change if we job him endlessly (and i'm afraid for Inao san jobbing is much in hs future) but he seems to be someone who has accepted his role in the wrestling business and realises that others are meant to be stars.



Golden Scorpion




Affiliation: Black Heart Brethren, Black Heart Flying Squadron (w/The Awesome Kiyaru)

Age: 33/ Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 183cm, Weight: 90 kg

Finishers: Brainbuster, Aneurysm Brainbuster (Turnbuckle Brainbuster), Golden Shot (Slingshot/Springboard Leg Drop), Scorpion Stinger (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb), Scorpion Death Lock (Sharpshooter)


Press Release: The Dark and Mysterious Golden Scorpion, is a main-stay of Burning Hammer's ultra competitive Junior Division. He has over the years formed an exicting Tag Team with The Awesome Kiyaru, with the duo known as the Black Heart Flying Squadron winning the Junior Tag Gold on two different occcasions but frustratingly for Scorpion he has yet to take claim of a singles title.


Onodera's viewpoint: Golden Scorpion does seem to have been a little unfortunate not to have established himself as amongst the very talents in the Junior Division but it is perhaps more competitive than ever before, with the likes of Sensational Dragon, Masuko and the latest Elemental bursting on to the scene in recent years, the re-emergence of Black Cobra and his own regular tag partner The Awesome Kiyaru being as good as ever, perhaps blocking his way to a strong singles push. Overall Scorpion is a good talent, though there is room for improvement (his in ring Psychology can sometimes be a little off) and were he to show improvements then a more focused singles push could well come his way, though right now it is more a case of who is competing against, rather than Scorpion not being up to the task that has seen him unable to win singles gold here in BHOTWG.




Haru Kurofuji




Age: 34/ Current Push: Lower Midcarder

Height: 175cm , Weight: 88 kg

Finishers: Kurofuji Crab (Elevated Boston Crab), Kamikaze Headbutt (Long Range Diving Headbutt), Tohoku Thunder Suplex (Rolling Release Suplex)


Press Release: One of three former WLW wrestlers to come over to BHOTWG as part of the Next Evolution Warriors, Haru Kurofuji had much success at his former home winning WLW's top title and winning their Tag Titles on three occasions however he came in search of a new challenge and to prove himself worthy of competing in the most competitive Junior Heavyweight Division in wrestling.


Onodera's viewpoint: Kurofuji-san is a solid wrestler but amongst the many great Junior Heavyweights we have here in BHOTWG he looks a little ordinary and seems unlikely to really ever rise above middle of the pack status. His solid performance skills. means that he is someone who can go out there and do a good job but unfortunately for Kurofuji-san he lacks the sizzle that would see the fans really buy into him as a top competitor. Probably his best chance of success would be to form a regular tag team with someone, it's something that worked for two competitors somewhat similar in style and ability to Kurofuji-san, the duo of Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda).



Hiroaki Nakasawa




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Age: 32/ Current Push: Main Eventer

Height: 196cm, Weight: 134 kg

Finishers: Compression Powerbomb (Scoop Lift Powerbomb), H-Bomb (Crucifix Powerbomb), H-Sault (Moonsault), Nakasawa Neckbreaker (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker), Sudden Impact Lariat (Turnaround Short Range Lariat), Super H-Bomb (Crucifix Superbomb). Figure Four Leglock


Press Release: Hiroaki Nakasawa is a man who has emerged as a truly great warrior in recent years and someone who has Burning Hammer of the Wrestling God's running through his veins. When the likes of Kikkawa and Iesada defected, he emerged as someone the fans could truly believe in, now with the INSPIRE defectors returning, he is challenged to defend not just his own honour but the honour of the 'New' generation. A two time World Champion and Super-10 Cup Winner Nakasawa is already on the path to greatness, but his legend is one that still has many chapters to tell.


Onodera's viewpoint: Nakasawa-san may well not be in the position he had been in over the past few years, had the INSPIRE Rebellion never happened. But to his credit he is proven that he could step up to the plate and has proven himself to be worthy of twice holding the Burning World Championship. Whilst Nakasawa-san doesn't really excel at anything as such he is a very well rounded wrestler, especially for someone of is size. He can brawl, he can trade power moves, he can hold his own on the mat and he can even take to the air to a certain degree, wrap them up with more than decent performance skills and enough charisma to have that champion 'aura' and he is certainly someone who is worthy of his push into the upper tier of BHOTWG.



Hyosuke Kokan




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun/Size of the Fight (w/Kansuke Konda)

Age: 33 Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 170cm, Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Electric Shocker Clutch (Sitting Double Chickenwing), Electric Shocker Suplex (Double Chickenwing Suplex), Elemental Suplex (Double Arm German Suplex), Foreshock (Flipping Senton Bomb)


Press Release: Hyosuke Kokan has found much success in BHOTWG in the tag ranks of the Junior Division, alongside Kansuke Konda as the cult fan favourite Tag Team Size of the Fight. Appreciated by the fans for their plucky 'never say die' attitude SOTF have twice held the Burning Junior Tag Titles, though frustratingly for them their last run with the belts was nearly four years ago.


Onodera's viewpoint: Kokan-san is a good Junior Heavyweight but one who would had struggle to make an impact if he did not have his regular team with Konda-San. It is somewhat surprising that Size of the Fight have not won the belts in recent years and despite super-team's like recent champions Elemental III & Marihito Masuko helping to raise the titles in the eyes of the fans in recent years, I think ultimately they should be competed over by the likes of SOTF who's chances of emerging as top singles stars are somewhat slim.





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kanishoki.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG_Tag.jpg

Affiliation: The Behemoths (w/Nisso Yuasha

Age: 28 Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 203cm, Weight: 209 kg

Finishers: Samoan Sitting Squash (Seated Senton from the second turnbuckle), Super Samoan Drop (Samoan Drop)


Press Release: Former Sumo wrestler Kanishoki is a near 210 Kg monster, who can destroy his opponents with his awe inspiring size and strength. Teaming alongside fellow immovable object Nisso Yuasha, as the Behemoths he is currently one half of the Burning Tag Team Champions and it is hard to see who can topple them going into 2010.


Onodera's viewpoint: Currently one half of the Tag team champions, Kanishoki's selling point of course is his freakish size, that he uses to dominate his opponents. But other than that he really doesn't have much going for him, nor do the Behemoth's in general. Whilst I am not looking to hot-shot the belts off them straight away and it will have to be a team the fans can buy into toppling them that take the titles from them, the quality of the Tag Team Title matches will be all the better when the belts are away from them. Out of the ring Kanishoki has a decent attitude and is a pretty humble guy, but the fact remains nice guy or not he isn't anywhere near ready to be holding a title of any sort.



Kansuke Konda




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun, Size of the Fight (w/Hyosuke Kokan)

Age: 34 Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 175cm, Weight: 93 kg

Finishers: Konda Driver (Fisherman Driver), Konda Klutch (Dragon Clutch), Konda Kutter (Jumping Cutter), Konda Splash (Frog Splash), K-Thunder Driver (Spinning Sitout Powerbomb)


Press Release: 'The Big Fight Player Kansuke Konda' is a warrior with alot of heart, and no matter who he is up against he will always give them a hell of a fight. A two time Junior Tag Team Champions alongside Hyosuke Kokan as Size of the Fight, Konda is looking to make 2010 a succesful year be it more success in the Tag environment or perhaps even to step up and take home his first singles gold.


Onodera's viewpoint: Like his regular tag team partner Konda-san is a solid if somewhat spectacular Junior Heavyweight which is a large reason as to why he has never really had much of a push in the singles ranks. You just get the feeling if he put on a little more size and graduated to the Heavyweights (where flashiness isn't so much of a deal) that he would have had more singles success but his small stature, height wise means that he is unlikely to ever graduate out of the Junior Heavyweights, without becoming too stocky.


Konda-san is one of the more positive influences in the dressing room and that combined with his solid dedication inside of the ring means that he is likely to always have a spot on the BHOTWG roster, but without really stepping up his game to new levels it seems unlikely he will climb to the upper echelons of the BHOTWG roster.



Kinnojo Horri



Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Age: 28 Current Push: Main Eventer

Height: 198cm, Weight: 138 kg

Finishers: Burning Lariat (Explosive Short Arm Lariat), Destiny Bomb (Gutwrench Powerbomb), Fierce Spinebuster (High Angle Spinebuster), Horri Spinebuster (Sitout Spinebuster), Hurricane Spinebuster (Spinning Spinebuster), Lariat


Press Release: 'A Million Percent Burning Hammer' Kinnojo Horri is seen as one of the leading lights of the 'new' generation in BHOTWG. His breakout victory came in 2006 against Tadiyukki Kikkawa, in Kikkawa's 'final' match with Burning Hammer, after several hard fought contests where Horri couldn't quite beat the legend. With Kikkawa and the return of several other 'INSPIRE' invaders, Horri must face up to these new challenges whilst continuning his deep seated rivalry with the Black Magic duo of Yasuhiko Taira and Yasunobu Masnuno and his more respectful but equally competitive one with fellow Burning Hammer standard bearer Hiroaki Nakasawa. A former World Champion and the winner of the 2006 Super-10 Cup Kinnojo Horri knows what it takes to reach the very summit of BHOTWG.


Onodera's viewpoint: Horri-San is a pure babyface who is a big favourite with the fans. A little one dimensional, in the fact that he is just a straight ahead brawler who switches up to power moves down the stretch. He is however someone carriable to having good matches on a regular basis if you keep him in there with fellow quality opponents. Still only 28 years of age, Horri-San probably does have another World Title run in his future and with that the capacity to improve from being a good wrestler to an excellent one.

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2010 Starting Roster Assessment: In-Ring Talent (M-Y)


Marihito Masuko



Affiliation: Burning Sekigun, Your New Heroes (w/Elemental III)

Age: 27 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

Height: 165cm, Weight: 75 kg

Finishers: Into The White (Springboard Bulldog), Masuko Cradle (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex), Masuko Cradle Shock (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam), Pink Dream (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke- usually transitioned from a headscissors takedown), Pink Dust (Double Jump Moonsault)


Press Release: The mysterious Marihito Masuko has emerged as one of the leading lights in Burning Hammer's ultra competitive Junior Division in recent years and his rivarly with Sensational Dragon has had many comparing it to Optimus' battles with the Elemental's. The smallest man on the BHOTWG, the pink and white faced enigma uses his blistering speed and ultra quick thinking to out manoeuvre and out think his opponents. A former two time Junior Champion, he has recently formed a 'super team' with Elemental III dubbed 'Your New Heroes' that has taken them to Tag Team glory but ultimately his sights are still set on recapturing the Junior Championship.


Onodera's viewpoint: A few years back I would say that Masuko-san was pushed a little too hard, too early it was as though those in charge of the direction of BHOTWG at the time were a little concerned that the Junior Division was over reliant on veterans. Sensational Dragon was also coming through at the same time but he was and still is something of a prodigious talent, Masuko on the other hand was a promising but still green competitor. However I will give him credit for truly improving as a wrestler to the point that he really does now deserve to be considered amongst the very best in the Junior Division. I know many will say it is hard not to improve with the calibre of opponents he has regularly been in the ring with, but much credit should go to Masuko-san for being willing to learn and improve and not yet the relatively hasty push he had received go to his head.




Masaaki Okazaki



Affiliation: Team INSPIRE

Age: 39 Current Push: Main Eventer

Height: 188cm, Weight: 110 kg

Finishers: Angular Arm Bar (Grounded Arm Bar), Century Crab Lift (Leglock Cloverleaf), Okazaki Explosion (Wrist Clutch Exploder Suplex), Okazaki Kick Barrage (Shoot Kick flurry on a seated or kneeling opponent)


Press Release: Masaaki Okazaki is one of several Burning Hammer veterans who has returned to 'invade' BHOTWG after a several years abscence under the INSPIRE banner. A ruthless submission specialist, Okazaki's biggest triumph in a BHOTWG ring came back in 2004 when he captured the Super-10 Cup, that saw him defeat his heated rival at the time Hooded Kudo in the finals, though unlike many he was unable to carry that momentum into capturing the Burning World Championship. With business clearly unfinished in Burning Hammer Okazaki may not necessarily want to play second fiddle to the leader of the INSPIRE invasion Tadiyukki Kikkawa.


Onodera's viewpoint: The return of the INSPIRE 'defector's has definitely made the Burning Hammer roster stronger and much more compeititive once again and somewhat re-invigorates a main event scene that was starting to come a little stale. Okazaki is a very consistent wrestler, who commands respect with is ultra physical yet very calculating style of wrestling. He's certainly someone who deserves to at least be in the mix for the top belts be it the World Championship or the King of Fighters title.




Mike Watson



Affiliation: INSPIRE

Age: 35 Current Push: Main Eventer

Height: 193cm, Weight: 120kg

Finishers: Caribou Trap Suplex (Trapping Suplex), Dragon Sleeper, One Stop Punch (Knockout Punch)


Press Release: The 'Calgary Assassin' Mike Watson made an almost immediate impact in Burning Hammer, winning the Super 10-Cup just one year after his switch from MMA to Wrestling. Since that triumph he was unable to capture the World Championship but remained a consistent contender...however in 2006 he was one of several to follow Tadiyuki Kikkawa in walking out on BHOTWG. Now the group called 'INSPIRE' have returned and intend to take over and dominate Burning Hammer once again. Question is as with Iesada and Okazaki how long will they be prepared to play second fiddle to the legendary Kikkawa ?


Onodera's viewpoint: Mike Watson is for me the least important of the INSPIRE four to make his return to Burning Hammer, because I feel he is someone who can contribute least to the main event scene we have right now and despite being someone Kikkawa thinks strongly of, I am surprise he has decided to return to BHOTWG, especially with the faux shoot fight influences that were a big part of the Burning Hammer style back when Watson was first enjoying his big push phased out. For me Watson-san is going to have to adapt and show more 'wrestling' skill if he is to have the same impact he did in BHOTWG as he in his first tine round with us.



Mitsunari Fuganaga



Affiliation: RAGE

Age: 30 Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 188cm, Weight: 107 kg

Finishers: German Suplex Hold (German Suplex into a Bridging Pin), Running Knee Drive (Running Knee strike to a seated or kneeling opponent), Triangle Choke, Who's Laughing Now (Double Underhook Facebuster)


Press Release: Mitsunari Fuganaga is a man who takes Puroresu very seriously, for him it really is no laughing matter, especially as he is someone who is looking to put behind a past where he was once seen as something of a 'goof' inside the squared circle. With his intense focus he was able to capture the Burning Openweight Title in 2008, the last man to do so before the decision was made to phase the title out of existance. Looking to make the step up to the next level, Fuganaga has in recent times often allied himself with the Raging Bulls of Eiji Hamacho and Chuichi Sanda.


Onodera's viewpoint: Fuganaga-san is a solid enough talent but not one who will be making the step up to the main event scene anytime soon. Worringly he also seems to have a bit of a rather unwarrated me first attitude, something that is galling enough coming from a prodigious talent like Sensational Dragon yet alone someone who has likely hit their midcard level ceiling such as Fuganaga. If Fuganaga-san does not improve his attitude, he could well see himself out of Burning Hammer not so much for what he does in the ring, but for non wrestling reasons. Whilst I wouldn't be looking to actively ship him out, Fuganaga-san's spot on the roster after his contract comes up for renewal is not one I am prepared to guarantee.






Affiliation: Dragon Feet 2K9, The Rebellion (w/Shimedzu)

Age: 38 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

Height: 185cm, Weight: 107 kg

Finishers: Glittering Magican (Shining Wizard), Miyamae Spoiler (Swinging Reverse STO), Rebel Stomp (Diving Double Stomp), Snake Charmer (Over the Shoulder single leg Boston Crab), Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice)


Press Release: Miyamae began his career as part of the Junior Division and found great success, capturing the much coveted title in 2000. At the same time he began to form a team with Shimedzu, soon to be known as The Rebellion. Both were at the larger end at the Junior Division scale and decided to put on the muscle mass to compete with the heavyweights and go after the World Tag Team Titles (due to the fact the Junior Tag Titles had yet to be created). One of the most fluid and exciting teams to ever step foot inside a Burning Hammer ring The Rebellion are former two time Tag Team Champions. But the pair have somewhat struggled to overcome the often considerably larger opponents they find themselves up against in recent years, despite their undoubted skill.


Onodera's viewpoint: You have to wonder if Miyamae and Shimedzu would have ever taken the decision to bulk up when they did, had the Junior-Tag belts been introduced earlier. It was obvious that what they had as a team was special and they were willing to put their own singles careers in the Junior Division on hold. But they do find themselves in something of a career limbo right now, because the fans just aren't buying into them having what it takes to beat the larger more powerful members of the roster. Part of that may be down to the previous booking regimes, in the fact that they simply having been booked as being able to overcome the odds consistenly enough. Both Miyamae-san and his partner are two of the most talented men on the roster and be it continued success in the Tag ranks or a singles competitors they deserve better than to get 'lost' in the shuffle.



Nisso Yuasha


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG_Tag.jpg


Affiliation: The Behemoths (w/ Kanishoki)

Age: 29 Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 193cm , Weight: 172 kg

Finishers: Elephant Stampede (Body Avalanche), Quake Bomb (Elevated Powerbomb), Thunder Drop (Gorilla Press Powerslam).


Press Release: One of the biggest competitors on the roster 'The Baby Elephant' Nisso Yuasha, recently enjoyed the pinnacle of his career thus far when capturing the World Tag Team titles alongside fellow 'Monster' Kanishoki at Night of the Burning Hammer last October. Can anyone stop these immovable objects called the Behemoth's from dominating Burning Hammer's Tag Team Division in 2010 and beyond ?


Onodera's viewpoint: The general consensus over the past year or so, is that the Yuasha-san has really begun to improve, but has he improved enough to be one half of the current World Tag Team Champions ? Personally, I would say no.


Red Panther




Affiliation: None

Age: 27 Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 175cm , Weight: 88 kg

Finishers: Pantherana (Kip Up Frankensteiner), Panther-Plex (Pumphandle Double Arm German Suplex), Red Mist (Dropsault followed by a Superkick), Tumbleweed Leg Drop (Corkscrew Somersault Leg Drop)


Press Release: Known for his Kamikaze assaults, the risk taking Red Panther has been thrilling Burning Hammer audiences since he made his debut at the end of 2007. Thus far unable to quite break through into the upper tier of contendership for the Junior Title, he will be keen to make that step up this year.


Onodera's viewpoint: Red Panther is a masked wrestler, portrayed by the Canadian Wrestler Ed Larkins, who made his name with the 4C promotion. He has plenty of flashy dives in his arsenal, something that makes him ideal as someone to send out in opening matches. However he is not a particularly rounded worker and unless he really improves he is unlikely to climb past those who currently hold the top spots in the Junior Division. One of those who has his place on the roster but not one who should be expecting a big push anytime soon.



Sanetomo Shiraishi




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun, Snow Lizzard (w/Sessue Kawate)

Age: 45 Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 191cm , Weight: 111 kg

Finishers: Bite of the Lizard (Snap DDT), Lizard Clutch (Seated Cobra Clutch), Lizard Suplex (Leg Hook Half Nelson Suplex), Swandive Headbutt


Press Release: The grizzled veteran Sanetomo Shiraishi hasn't always seen eye to eye with the Burning Hammer fans but has gained their respect due to his unnerving loyalty to BHOTWG. Alongside Sessue Kawate, his team of 'Snow Lizzard' has become one of the lynchpins of the Tag Team Division, where they have won the titles on three occasions.


Onodera's viewpoint: I know that Shiraishi and Kawate have been loyal to the BHOTWG cause, but it does surprise me that this pair have been pushed so strongly as they have in the Tag Division. Shiraishi-san has never been at one hundred per cent since his knee injury he sustained in 2003 and he is not getting any younger. I respect them enough for what they have done here in Burning Hammer not to just go and job them outright but I do not forsee another title run in Snow Lizzard's future when there are really much better options. And can Shiraishi-san please stop using the Swandive Headbutt as a manouevre, because it is painful to watch seeing him climb to the top turnbuckle in slow motion and then pretty much stumble back into the ring.



Sensational Dragon


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon-1.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG_Junior.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG_BSJ.jpg

Affiliation: Dragon Feet 2K9

Age: 25 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

Height: 175cm, Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Dragon Slice (Shiranui), Dragon Suplex, Dragon's Cross (Tiger Feint Crucifix Arm Bar), Dragon's Fire (Corkscrew 630 Senton), Sensation Shock (Diving Frontflip hurricanrana pin).


Press Release: Sensational Dragon is one of the most talked about talents in Japan. At the age of only 21 he became one of the youngest BHOTWG Junior champions of all time, having stormed into the top contender's spot with some incredible performances that had seen him become perhaps the best young performer in the entire of Japanese wrestling. His momentum hasn't stalled since, as he has added further junior championships to his resume, as well as winning the Best Of The Super Juniors tournament.


Dragon's blossoming rivalry with Marihito Masuko is being talked about by some as the second coming of Elemental vs Optimus, such is the quality of their matches together, and he has also earned rave reviews for his battles with Black Cobra and Elemental III.


* Yeah I know, copied that one from the game- but that one actually sounds like a lets 'big up' Sensational Dragon press release :)


Onodera's viewpoint: There is no doubt that Sensational Dragon is a prodigious talent but boy does this young man have an ego on him. He really does go around acting as if though he is some kind of wrestling god and I don't mean inside of the ring, he is 'Me, me, me !' 24/7. You see because Dragon was so talented he didn't really go through much of the 'young lion' phase that most wrestlers go through, by the Age of 20 he was already defeating veterans and the fans were accepting of it. This has lead to him unfortunately believing in his own hype and thus he did not have the humbling experience to make him a more grounded person. Of course for someone so talented, you are willing to put up with the attitude to a certain extent if he continues to deliver in the ring.



Sessue Kawate




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun, Snow Lizzard (w/Sanetomo Shiraishi)

Age: 45 Current Push: Lower Midcarder

Height: 188cm, Weight: 118 kg

Finishers: Freeze Frame (Forward Russian Legsweep), Icebreaker (Sitout Jawbreaker), Snow Slide (Sliding Forearm Smash on a seated or kneeling opponent)


Press Release: Instantly recognisable to fans for his shock of white hair, the 'snowman' Sessue Kawate is an established member of the Burning Hammer roster. When he first broke through many tipped him for great success as a singles wrestler (he was even tipped by some to become a future World Champion) but it didn't quite happen for him and his career appeared to come to a shuddering halt when he was released by Burning Hammer. However he re-grouped and won his spot back on the roster, managing to find a strong niche in the Tag Division alongside Sanetomo Shiraishi, where their Snow-Lizzard team has become one of the backbones of the division


Onodera's viewpoint: Kawate-san's past problem's with drugs and in particular cocaine have been well documented and though he has been clean for a number of years now, it has left him a shell of his former self. He genuinely was at one point a great prospect but the path he chose to take, saw that talent go to waste. Many within Burning Hammer feel that wrestling is what keeps Kawate-san from returning to his former demon's and though he is far from a good wrestler these days, perhaps it is our duty to still find a place on the roster for him.






Affiliation: Dragon Feet 2K9, The Rebellion (w/Miyamae)

Age: 39 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

Height: 183cm , Weight: 105 kg

Finishers: A-KO Arrow (Slingshot Falcon Arrow), Life Flasher (Rebound Running Boot), Revolution Drop (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster), Insurrexion Device (Guillotine Choke)Shimedzu Skull Drop (Spike Brainbuster), Total Anarchy (Moonsault Side Slam)


Press Release: Starting his career as part of Burning Hammer's Junior Division, Shimedzu soon formed what would go on to become a legendary Tag Team with Miyamae, called The Rebellion. Bulking up to compete with the Heavyweight's at a time when the Junior Tag Titles had yet to come into existence, they went on to twice capture the World Tag Team Titles and have forged a reputation as being one of the most fluid/exciting teams to ever step foot inside a BHOTWG ring. But they have not held them since 2005, and in recent years have struggled to overcome the more powerful duo's such as Raging Bulls, Black Magic and most recently the Behemoths. However Shimedzu's undoubted skill and experience makes him a threat to anyone be it alongside Miyamae or as a singles competitor.


Onodera's viewpoint: Perhaps even more so than Miyamae, Shimedzu deserves his time in the sun, before it is too late. A truly under-rated competitor, previous BHOTWG booking regimes have completely missed the boat on giving one of the most talented members of the roster the push he truly deserves, but then again they have tended to push a power trumps skill mantra to the fans and perhaps those fans will take some real convincing that someone like a Shimedzu would have what it takes to take down someone like a Masuno.



Super Joshuya



Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Age: 41 Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 175cm, Weight: 91 kg

Finishers: Due South (Corkscrew Moonsault ), Final Falconry (Avalanche Falcon Arrow), J-Drop (Flip Over DDT),Postcard From Acapulco (Slingshot Hurricanrana)


Press Release: Super Joshuya first came to people's attention with the MPWF promotion in Mexico where he won their 'World' Title on four separate occasions. He made is return to Japan and more specifically BHOTWG in the late 90's but at first struggled to make the impact he and many others would have expected. However 2004 saw a 'career' year that saw him capture the BOSJ cup and then go on to capture the much coveted Burning Junior Championship. That lead to a dominant 16 month long reign with the belt, the second longest in Burning Hammer history. However since then Super Joshuya has been unable to recapture the title but the veteran high flyer remains one of the lynchpins of the Junior Division.


Onodera's viewpoint: Whilst it is not necessarily time to put Joshuya out to pasture (far from it, as he is still a good worker) the general consensus is that he is beginning to lose a step and that the likes of Sensational Dragon and Marihito Masuko have begun to surpass him, if they have not done so already. His role more than likely in the Junior Division over the coming years as he moves into the twilight of his career is to act as it's 'gatekeeper'. In other words the veteran that if someone is to be seen as credible to challenge for the title, that someone has to beat to truly get their feet on the ladder towards a title push.



Tadakuni Toshusai




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Age: 28 Current Push: Upper Midcarder

Height: 193cm, Weight: 127 kg

Finishers: Shock Driller (Double Underhook Piledriver), Shock Kick (Bicycle Kick), Shock Treatment (Double Underhook Backbreaker), Spine Shocker (Spinebuster)


Press Release: 'The Shocker' Tadakuni Toshusai is one of the most charismatic members of the Burning Hammer roster. His career really began to take off around 2006 with is succesful team alongside Koshiro Ino, that took them to the Tag Team Championship. However when Ino took the decision to follow the path of his mentor Hooded Kudo, their team was forced to go on hold. Since then Toshusai has been concentrating on singles matches but has thus far been able to truly crack a main event scene that has become even tougher with the (re) arrivals of the 'INSPIRE' four.


Onodera's viewpoint: Toshusai-san is an average worker, who has managed to get a little more over than someone of his talent's perhaps should have due to his undoubted charisma and ability to connect with the fans, but until he really begins to step up his game the Upper Midcard appears to be his ceiling. Right now success in the singles ranks may be a bit of a stretch for him and perhaps finding him a new partner to make an assault on the tag ranks may be the best way for him to go.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa

http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_INSPIRE.jpg

Affiliation: INSPIRE

Age: 37 Current Push: Main Eventer

Height: 196cm, Weight: 134 kg

Finishers: Burning Lariat (Explosive Short Arm Lariat), Incendiary Tower (Vertical Suplex Powerbomb),Kikkawa Driver (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver ), Kikkawa Lariat (Running Lariat) , Kikkawa Death Choke (Straight Jacket Hold)


Press Release: Since winning his first Burning World Championship in 1995 Tadiyuki Kikkawa was one of, if not the most dominant force in BHOTWG going on to reign as World Champion a further two times and also capturing two Super-10 Cup's with in the next decade. However in 2006 he shocked the wrestling world by engineering a walk out alongside four other major stars for BHOTWG to form INSPIRE. Last year Kikkawa and three of the four who joined him (Iesada, Okazaki and Watson) returned to BHOTWG and vowed to be the dominant forces they were in BHOTWG before they left, however the likes of Nakasawa and Horri who stayed loyal to BHOTWG and saw their stocks rise in the abscence of Kikkawa and his allies would beg to differ.


Onodera's viewpoint: There is little doubt that Kikkawa is a legend of this spot, a position he is well deserved to earn. I just wish he could show me a little more respect, thus far in my dealings with him he has shown that he is far from happy with my appointment as head booker. Maybe he wanted the position for himself, after his friend Iesada stepped down as head booker. He clearly is unaware that it was Iesada who recommend I apply for the position of head booker. Probably best not mention that to Kikkawa, as I get the impression from when I met with Iesada that Kikkawa was far from happy about him stepping him down in the first place.


I just think Kikkawa's a bit angry and confused right now but as long as he continues to deliver in the ring, I am prepared to put up with his grumpiness and maybe, just maybe one day I will earn his respect.



Takayuki Onodera




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Age: 29 Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 188cm, Weight: 109 kg

Finishers: Call The Doctor (Invereted Facelock lifted Scoop Slam Piledriver), End Of You (Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head), LRC (Arm Trap Crossface), O2 Suplex (Bridging German Suplex).


Press Release: Takayuki Onodera is seen as a rising talent in BHOTWG and someone many feel could one day crack the main event scene. Making his name on the independent circuit, he did not arrive in BHOTWG until 2008 and many are wondering why he did not make the step up sooner, due to the fact that he has taken the very best in BHOTWG to their very limit's on more than one occasion. Even though he has yet to score the big 'breakout' victory to really establish as a threat for the World Title, many feel it is only a matter of time for Onodera.


Onodera's viewpoint: Oh yeah me, do I have to say something about myself ? Really do I have to, I'd rather not....let's move on.



Tasuko Iesada




Affiliation: INSPIRE

Age: 36 Current Push: Main Eventer

Height: 185cm , Weight: 110 kg

Finishers: Iesada Bridge (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex), Iesada Lockdown (Cross Legged Bridging Pin), Iesada Special (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker), Iesada Special II (Northern Lights Suplex floated into a Cross Arm Breaker), Iesada Special III (Victory Roll transitioned into a Cross Arm Breaker).


Press Release: 'Dangerous' Tasuku Iesada was seen as a mainstay on the Burning Hammer roster for years but was one of several big names to follow Tadayuki Kikkawa in the 'INSPIRE' walk out of 2006. After several years away Iesada made his return as a member of Team INSPIRE and showed the 'invaders' emerging dominance by winning the 2009 Super-10 Cup, an achievement that has seen him finally begin to shake off his nearly-man tag. Heading into 2010 he is guaranteed a World Title shot at Fire Dream of the Immortals, if he is able to dethrone Hiroaki Nakasawa then Team INSPIRE's position in Burning Hammer would become even more a one of sheer dominance.


Onodera's viewpoint: The man who probably should still be head booker of Burning Hammer. For someone of his standing in the business, Iesada-san is a very humble guy and it appears he was at odd's with being both the head booker and with the strong push (I understand it was not his idea to win the Super-10, but one Kikkawa convinced him to go ahead with). I of course am eternally grateful for the encouragement he gave me to 'go for it' and I am sure I can count on Iesada-san's support, despite the fact he remains close to my 'boardroom nemesis' Kikkawa-san. In alot of way's I think it is Iesada-san's humbleness and willing to do right by 'the team' that has seen him perhaps not quite cement himself as a major star but he is a fine wrestler and deserves the strong push he currently find's himself in.



The Awesome Kiyaru



Affiliation: Black Heart Brethren, Black Heart Flying Squadron (w/Golden Scorpion)

Age: 39 Current Push: Midcarder

Height: 178cm, Weight: 82 kg

Finishers: Ethereal Killer (Springboard Shooting Star Press), Instant Wizard (Feint Moonsault into a Standing Moonsault), Kiyaru Effect (Forward Somersault Stunner), Lord of the Ring (Twisting Springboard Tornado DDT), Magic Cloud (Imploding 450 Splash).


Press Release: The Awesome Kiyaru is one of the back-bones of the Junior Division and one of it's most decorated wrestlers being a four time Junior Division champion, two time Junior Tag team champion alongside Golden Scorpion and a three time Best of the Super Junior's Cup (all won in a golden period that saw him win all three tournaments in a row between 2003-2004). 2005-2008 saw him fade a little from prominence, though he always remained in or around the title picture, however in 2009 saw a return to his top form and saw him capture his fourth Junior Division Championship and despite beginning to head into the twilight years of what has thus far been an impressive career, Kiyaru looks in no sign of slowing down be it as a singles performer or in the Tag-ranks where his team with Golden Scorpion had become one of the most exciting on the roster in recent years.


Onodera's viewpoint: The Awesome Kiyaru is similar in alot of ways , in the fact that he is purely a high flyer, who looks in no sign of slowing down anytime soon, despite of being at an age where perhaps you would expect him to do so. However unlike Yasujiro his standing within Burning Hammer itself is alot stronger and you certainly cannot ignore his list of accomplishments. Out of the Black Heart Brethren's trio of Junior's many were surprised to see Kiyaru get another run with the Junior belt, ahead of Cobra finally capturing the title or Scorpion finally breaking through but given Kiyaru's considerable talent it should not have come as too much of a surprise and I know many welcomed his return to a more prominent position within the division.



The Incredible Koyama



Age: 28 Current Push: Opener

Height: 185cm, Weight: 86 kg

Finishers: Incredible Death Spike (Belly to Back Piledriver), Koyama Death Grip (Armlock STF), Air Koyama (Shooting Star Press), Top This (Standing Corkscrew Moonsault)


Press Release: The Incredible Koyama is a promising young high flyer looking to make his mark in the ever competitive Junior Division at Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods and though that challenge will be tough he has the belief and ability to meet that challenge head on.


Onodera's viewpoint: Unlike Yasujiro and Kurofuji's departures from WLW to us here in Burning Hammer, it appears Koyama's departure was not met with the same blessing. I suppose World Level felt that Koyama still had plenty to give them. Also despite Koyama's impressive amount of achievements in WLW, three time Show Stealer, five time tag team champion alongside WLW mainstay KOKI Ishibashi , Koyama is still viewed as a young lion by the Burning Hammer fans, so for ther forseeable future Koyama is going to struggle to make it out of a being considered amongst the jobbers but if he is able to earn the level of respect required for a stronger push he could be a strong addition to the Junior Division roster for years to come.


I am aware that that WLW is nowhere near the level that Burning Hammer is as a promotion but I would have thought his accomplishments there would have carried a little more weight, but being someone who has risen from the independent's himself I am someone who can definitely sympathise in that regard.



Tiger Fuyuki



Age: 36 Current Push: Opener

Height: 183cm, Weight: 109 kg

Finishers: Flying Tiger Arm Bar (Diving Arm Bar Takedown), Jumping Tiger Knee (Jumping Knee Strike), Tiger Fury Suplex (Release Double Arm German Suplex).


Press Release: A fixture on the independent circuit for a number of years, Tiger Fuyuki finally got his big break to step up to the Big leagues with Burning Hammer in 2007. Thus far he has found the competition here in Burning Hammer tough and he has struggled to rise in standing but his commitment and desire to improve and learn from his opponents every time he steps in the ring is never in doubt.


Onodera's viewpoint: I love how the press releases here in Burning Hammer try even to put a positive spin on someone who is an out-right jobber and that is (and no offence to him) that is exactly what Fuyuki-san is. He is a solid enough wrestler and rarely has what you call an 'off night' but he's never going to be a star performer. However his reliability is what gives some degree of job security here on the Burning Hammer roster as he is a good guy to have around for putting others over.



Toshiki Shibanumo




Affiliation: RAGE

Age: 41 Current Push: Lower Midcarder

Height: 188cm, Weight: 118 kg

Finishers: Broken Promises (Sideslam Backbreaker), Hammerplex (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex), Sleeping Camel (Camel Clutch Sleeper)


Press Release: 'Silent Rage' Toshiki Shibanumo is a veteran prescence on the Burning Hammer roster , who though having never really established as a threat for the top prizes in BHOTWG provides anyone with a competitve match every time he sets in the ring. In recent years he joined the Raging Bulls in their defection from the Burning Sekigun to help from the RAGE stable.


Onodera's viewpoint: Shibanumo-san is another in a string of reliable but dull in-ring performers who will never rise above the midcard, simply for those very reasons. In fact if you looked up reliable but dull in the dictionary, it would have a picture of Shibanumo.







Affiliation: RAGE, Little Fury (w/ Yoshii Shiomi)

Age: 29 Current Push: Lower Midcarder

Height: 176cm, Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Infectious Spike (Tornado DDT), Lethal Dosage (Spike DDT), Sting In The Tail (Cross Kneelock), V-Stinger (Shining Wizard Enziguiri)


Press Release: VENOM has grown to become a mainstay of the Junior Division, since his arrival in 2004. Though he hasn't quite broken through as a singles performer his team with Yoshii Shiomi (collectively known as Little Fury) have grown into becoming perennial challengers for the Junior Tag Titles, something that has lead to them having two runs with the belts in recent years.


Onodera's viewpoint: VENOM is a little less flashy than some of his peers, mixing in a solid ground game with the high flying expeted of the Juniors, whilst that has seen him grown into becoming a reliable hand he does tend to lack the 'wow' factor and in the end he has ended up becoming someone who makes others look good but doesn't necessarily end up getting the recognition for it. He actually does have the talent to become more than a glorified jobber but our Junior Division is very strong and it will be a struggle for him to rise above his current status with Burning Hammer.



White Samurai




Age: 25 Current Push: Opener

Height: 178cm, Weight: 85 kg

Finishers: Dragon Suplex, Katana Slice (Springboard Lariat), The Art of War (Diving Double Knees ), Warrior's Test (Bridging Arm Triangle Choke)


Press Release: White Samurai is the protege of Scarlet Samurai, a mainstay of the Burning Hammer Junior Division. Making his debut in 2007, White Samurai has so far struggled to make much headway in the rankings but he is still young and has many years ahead of him to become a master of his craft and perhaps one day do the one thing his mentor never quite managed to do and that is to capture Burning Hammer Championship gold.


Onodera's viewpoint: White Samurai is a solid worker but not quite at the level that many of his peers are at, thus his current position as the Junior Division's resident whipping boy. However he is still young and has plenty of room to improve and if he does that he may well see his standing improve but at this moment in time, a strong push for Samurai does not look to be on the cards anytime soon.



Yasuhiko Taira



Affiliation: Black Heart Brethren, Black Magic (w/Yasunobu Masuno)

Age: 32 Current Push: Main Eventer

Height: 201cm, Weight: 145 kg

Finishers: Samson Slam (Pumphandle Fallaway Slam), The Flattener (Running Clothesline into the corner), Typhoon Suplex (Rotating Vertical Suplex), Wrecking Ball (Muscle Buster)


Press Release: 'The Bulldozer' Yasuhiko Taira has emerged as one of the dominant forces on the Burning Hammer roster in recent years. Beginning with his trumph in the Super 10 Cup at the end fo 2007, 2008 become the 'Bulldozer's' year where he capture both the Burning World Championship and the World Tag Team Championship within a month of one another and for over half a year the long haired powerhouse was holding both championships at the same time. Since then Taira has lost both crowns but he remains his strong threat and anyone who steps in the ring with him, will have not only come away being in a fierce battle, they would have been through a war.


Onodera's viewpoint: Even though Taira-san has definitely improved in recent years, I can't help thinking that thinking that he is someone who has been continuisly over-pushed by several of my predecessors and the general consensus was his run as World Champion was on the whole a bit disappointing. Despite Taira-san's limitations however he does have certain 'aura' about him, alot of that may have to do with the fact that he looks like someone who could genuinely walk up to someone and send them flying with one blow.Whilst I won't be actively looking to de-push Taira, I just feel that he shouldn't necessarily be one of the main focuses here in Burning Hammer until he begins to up his game and become someone who can not only have the aura of being a champion outside the ring but also be one who can have great matches inside of the ring.



Yasunobu Masuno




Affiliation: Black Heart Brethren, Black Magic (w/Yasuhiko Taira)

Age: 27 Current Push: Main Eventer

Height: 198cm, Weight: 150 kg

Finishers: Avalanche Powerbomb (Elevated Powerbomb), Blast Test (Vertical Suplex Side Slam), Day of Rackening (Argentine Backbreaker Rack), Masuno Deep Sleeper (Arm Hook Sleeper), Magic K.O (Rolling Elbow- often done with a loaded elbow pad)


Press Release: Yasunobu Masuno first came to prominence as the Tag Team partner of the gaijin monster Everest, where their 'Alliance 2K' Tag Team became one of the most feared in Burning Hammer history. Perhaps surprising to some, that team only managed to have one reign with the Tag Team Titles, and after their run came to an end Masuno began to team more with fellow rising native Yasuhiko Taira. Soon the duo began to evolve into becoming a dominant duo themselves and their pairing became the basis for the dominant heel faction Black Heart Brethren. Another Tag Team Title reign has since emerged for Masuno, but many feel he can eventually emulate his BHB co-leader Taira and win the World Championship.


Onodera's viewpoint: Unlike Taira-san's rise to prominence within the organisation, Masuno-san's rise has felt alot more natural and less 'forced'. Actually five years younger than his Taira, Masuno is already at around the same skill level and has more room to improve and though in my opinion it is perhaps a little too early to push him towards a World Title run right now, it is not unfeasible to see it happening within the next couple of years, if he puts in the hard work to continue to improve as a performer.



Yoshii Shiomi




Affiliation: RAGE, Little Fury (w/ VENOM)

Age: 30 Current Push: Lower Midcarder

Height: 173cm, Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Jewel Breaker (Springboard Cutter), Shiomi Bomb Drop (High Angle Senton Bomb), Sublime Crossface (Spinning Facebuster, transitioned into a Crossface).


Press Release: Yoshii Shiomi spent his formative years under the tutelage of Canadian Wrestling legend Jeremy Stone, since returning to Japan in 2002 he has become a staple of Burning Hammer's Junior Division and despite the fact he hasn't quite broken through as a threat for the Burning Junior Championship itself, his Tag Team with VENOM has emerged as one of the best in recent years, a combination that has brought them two reigns with the belts and see them defeat such luminaries as Size of the Fight and the Black Heart Flying Squadron amongst others.


Onodera's viewpoint: Much like his partner VENOM, Shiomi-san suffers from the fact that he just doesn't quite have the 'wow' factor of some of his peers. In fact their Tag Team has been of great benefit to their careers. Had Shiomi remained as purely a singles performer, then I could well have seen him facing the same sort of fate as the likes of Kenko Takemitsu and Silver Shibanuma in recent years and end up being released but as it is his partnership with VENOM has seen them become one of the backbones amongst the Junior Tags.

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Roster Assessment- Other Personnel


Announce Team


Danjuro Komatsu (Aged 29)




Komatsu is a poor colour commentator, with a pretty rotten attitude. Unfortunately the managment, here saw it fit to sign him to a long term written contract, as they think he has potential to really develop as a commentator. Fair enough but he is also far from popular backstage and I really think it may be in our best interests to pay off his contract and send him on his way.


Hidetada Kozu (Aged 50)




Brought over from INSPIRE, Kozu-san though not a bad announcer, is not really all that great either. Whilst he may in the rotation to announce on some of our tour shows, I personally do not think he is strong enough to be commentating for our monthly PPV's on even the main event's on regular shows. Can't help thinking he is a bit of a kiss-ass to Kikkawa, otherwise I really do wonder why he was brought over to Burning Hammer in the first place. His contract actuallty come's up soon, but as I'm already on thin ice with Kikkawa, it would probably be wise not to dispense with Kozu's services at this stage.


Kazutoshi Imoo (Aged 46)




Another average announcer, and seeing as he is only a PPA contract...one who is very dispensible in my opinion, so I feel it is best we do away with his services. I am sure he will find work somewhere with a smaller promotion.


Mitsuhide Muro (Aged 34)




At only 34 Muro-san is pretty young for an announcer, especially for a promotion of Burning Hammer's standing but he has really grown into a becoming a very solid play by play man and there is a feeling he can become even better with experience.


Toru Minamoto (Aged 45)




Minamoto-san is our Best announcer and a lock to being sitting at the announce table for all of our most important events and matches.


Overall I am happy with parts of our announce team, but I feel we lack a strong colour commentator and I do have my eye on someone I think we should bring in.



Road Agents


Elemental II (Aged 46)




The former five time Junior Champion and the second man to where the legendary Elemental mask, finally hung up the boots in August 2007. He will be mostly working with the Junior Division wrestlers on their matches.


Hito Ichihara (Aged 53)




Ichihara-san was the main road agent for INSPIRE, but unlike Hidetada Kozu is actually a solid addition to our team of road agents and helps to soften the departure of the original Elemental from the team. He will mostly be working alongside the heavyweights.


Optimus (Aged 51)




The legendary Optimus, finally called time on his in-ring career in 2008 and with eight Junior championship reigns, what a glorious career it was, leading to him deservedly following fellow Junior Division legends Elemental's I and II into the Hall of Immortals. Any wrestler no matter how experienced they are can still learn from someone as great as Optimus and he will continue to be an asset to Burning Hammer in his work as a road agent.


We are very strong in the road agent department, so need for an upgrade here.





Koetsu Shinozaki (Aged 37)




Shinozaki-san is an average at best referee but is well liked by the Burning management and the wrestlers in the locker-room (especially amongst the veterans) for his humble attitude.


Okura Umeki (Aged 45)




Umeki-san is currently our head referee and is generally seen as doing a good job in the role, out of the two referees we currently have he is the one who is more indispensible.


Providing a new referee does not ask too high demands, I think it may be to our benefit to bring in an addition to the refereering team to help lighten the load on Umeki as though I am not actively looking to dispense with Shinozaki he is not quite at the level yet to really handle the big matches.

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I really liked your Puerto Rican diary though I sadly never managed to catch it up, but this time I´m here from the start to make sure I don´t miss anything. I´m not familiar with wrestling in Japan so this will be a nice learning experience for me as well.:)
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As Takayuki Onodera began to settle into his new role of head booker, he made a few tweaks to the roster for the up-coming tour.




Onodera's View Point: With much deliberation with Kaneko-san we decided to terminate the contracts of two members of our announce team Kazutoshi Imoo and Danjuro Komatsu. Though letting Komatasu-san go does hit us a little financially in the short-term he was not at the level required to hold a position in the announce booth at Burning Hammer but it is more the fact that he brought a very negative attitude, had his attitude been better then we may have still found a place for Komatsu-san on the team. Imoo-san though a competent announcer was simply surplus to requirements.



New Additions


In-Ring Talent


John Pathlow




Age: 31 Initial Push: Midcarder

Height: 180cm, Weight: 100 kg

Finishers: Apocalyse Lariat (Rebound Pendulum Lariat), Blunt Force Trauma (Running Leaping Side Kick), Heart Compactor (Diving Double Knee Drop) Kill-Drill (Double Underhook Piledriver), Kimura Lock


Onodera's View Point: Most wrestling fans in Japan and elsewhere for that matter will know John Pathlow under the hood of Hell Monkey. Known for his stiff striking game, he is one of the bigger Juniors on the circuit and could if he put on a few more kilo's start to compete amongst the heavyweights but that might see him lose some of the agility that makes him such a dynamic performer. Pathlow will work as himself here, and the plan is to have him associate with the INSPIRE group. Due to our working relationship with WLW, he will also continue to work for them as Hell Monkey, which given what could be a busy schedule for him may well limit his push but he is a strong talent who can provide further midcard depth to our Junior Division and could even be someone who could legitimately go after the King of Fighters belt, given it's Openweight parimeters.



Roku Sotomura




Age: 31 Initial Push: Lower Midcarder

Height: 188cm, Weight: 112 kg

Finishers: Best Backslide In The World Ever (Backslide Pin), Implant DDT, Twisted Bow and Arrow (Bow and Arrow Hold), Ultimate Chinlock (Bridging Reverse Chinlock)


Onodera's Viewpoint: Former INSPIRE roster member has been brought in on a one year PPA deal. A solid technical wrestler, though one who can perhaps be a little on the dull side, Sotomura-san's role is provide further depth and variety in the lower reaches of the roster. If however he impresses in his one year deal he may well earn himself a longer contract.



Masataro Kataoka




Age: 42 Initial Push: Opener

Height: 183cm, Weight: 115 kg

Finishers: Sunrise Hold (High Angle Single Leg Crab), Butterfly Backbreaker (Double Arm Suplex into a Backbreaker), Fisherman Suplex, Diving Knee Drop


Onodera's viewpoint: Kataoka-san is a veteran performer, who's last shot at the Big time was with Burning Hammer, a solid midcarder he was released to some degree of surprise in 2003 and he has been working small level independent shows ever since. At 42 he is still a decent talent but probably unlikely to ever break through to the upper reaches of the card, like Sotomura-san he has been brought in on a year deal PPA deal.



Stone Yoshikawa




Age: 27 Initial Push: Opener

Height: 183cm, Weight: 91 kg

Finishers: Danger Trip (Avalanche Snapmare), Stoneplex (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex), Superman Elbow (Long Range Flying Elbow Drop), Stone Hold (Sharpshooter).


Onodera's viewpoint: Yoshikawa-san is a former 'House of Stone' trainee and has recently been plying his trade with PGHW's development territory SAISHO. Recently he was called up to the main PGHW roster only to be released. We have decided to give Yoshikawa a chance to show what he can do by signing him on a year PPA deal and though he will begin as a jobber, we do think he has the potential to develop into a fine wrestler and someone PGHW may have dropped the ball on by releasing, then again their lack of a Junior Division always meant that perhaps Yoshikawa-san's prospects were always going to be better served elsewhere.


We have also signed Omezo Shiketei a fine young amateur who has recently turned professional on a developmental contract . He posseses good technical skills as expected from someone with an amateur wrestling background but is far from the finished article and will report to Hinote Dojo.






Out of Ring


Katsuhiko Shunsen




Age: 39 Position: Colour Commentator


Onodera's Viewpoint: Shunsen-san is a good colour commentator, who will be a definite upgrade from what we have had in the role. 5SSW's chief colour man for a number of years, I decided to show some degree of respect to the Joshi promotion by letting him finish up with them first on their winter tour before making the move to secure his services.



Yasuyuki Terakado




Age: 41, Position: Referee


Onodera's View Point: Terakado-san is an excellent referee, who for some inexplicable reason has been working on the independent circuit. Not only will he be able to take some of the strain of Umeki and Shinozaki but he is also someone who we can entrust to handle the pressure of the big matches, something Umeki-san is at the level at to cope with but Shinozaki-san is unfortunately not.

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O.O.C Note:


I am beginning to edge nearer to getting the first couple of shows up or at least the previews for them. There will be a general wrestling world news type post and then that will bring everything up to date before the first tour starts.


As for the shows themselves, the plan is to actually cut down considerably on the long match write-up's I am noted for. Yeah I know my rep here was forged on my apparently awesome play by play matches but really I don't think I could carry on with that intense of a schedule without becoming burnt out this time with the project, so most tour show matches will be given a more summarised treatment.


However when it comes to the PPV's it will be 'classic' Tigerkinney all the way.

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I don't think I could carry on with that intense of a schedule without becoming burnt out this time with the project


Sounds in keeping with a lesson much of Japan has had to learn this time round anyway =D


Oh and interesting pathlow alt. He's slowly becoming more human than ape.

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O.O.C Note:


I am beginning to edge nearer to getting the first couple of shows up or at least the previews for them. There will be a general wrestling world news type post and then that will bring everything up to date before the first tour starts.


As for the shows themselves, the plan is to actually cut down considerably on the long match write-up's I am noted for. Yeah I know my rep here was forged on my apparently awesome play by play matches but really I don't think I could carry on with that intense of a schedule without becoming burnt out this time with the project, so most tour show matches will be given a more summarised treatment.


However when it comes to the PPV's it will be 'classic' Tigerkinney all the way.


Do not blame you for this approach at all. Should be an efficient approach.


Also, have to say that I love the stables. Its something I always do whenever I try to book in Japan. Enjoying the make up and names of the stables. Can't wait for things to begin to play out.

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January and February News and Notes

from around the Wrestling World


21st Century Wrestling


Contract Extensions: Extended the contracts of announcer Steve Smith and valet Kathleen Lee.


Title Changes: Buff Martinez defeated Harry Wilson for the United Kingdom title in January, Wilson had only held 21CW's secondary singles for a month. Martinez is currently a double champion, having already been one half of the Tag Team Champions, alongside Jay B.


Canadian Charisma Championship Combat


Contract Extensions: 4C extend the contract of Duberry Excess, currently one of the Canadian promotions leading babyfaces.


5 Star Supreme Wrestling


General News: Japan's leading Joshi-fed appears to be on the road to recovery, after they managed to put on a string of shows deemed good enough to see them rise back to Regional size. Whilst it may take them some time to get back to where they were before the 'retirement's of the Magic three, it does now seem like that their fanbase is coming round to giving the new generation more of a chance to prove themselves of carrying on the legacy set by the previous generation.


Worker Signings: Fuyuko Higa the protege of the legendary Thunder Hike, graduates from the 5SSW dojo to the main roster and will make her debut on 5SSW's spring tour. Word is coming out of their dojo that she is a gifted talent, who could one day be as good as if not better than her sensei Thunder Hike.


WEXVV commentator Eisaku Shigeki is brought in as the replacement for the departing Katsuhiko Shunsen. Shigeki will continue to commentate for WEXVV, but has said that 5SSW will now become his main priority.


Worker Departures: 5SSW see colour commentator Katsuhiko Shunsen deparat at the end of the tour for the brighter lights of Japan's leading Puroresu company BHOTWG.


Worker Extensions: The contract of promising midcard talent Chitose Ariwara is extended.


Title Changes: The Serpents (Dragon Power & Dragon Assasin) lose the 5SSW Tag Team Titles in their first defence of the new year to the Rainbow Girls (Kiko Sakakibara & Otsune Tsumura) who become two time champions.


Angel Athletic Association


Worker Extensions: AAA extend the contracts of Sara Marie York, a pure babyface knocking on the door of the main event and referee Dwight Kumas


Title Changes: Grace Harper ended the four month Femme Fatale Title reign of Suzanne Brazzle at January's Pretty Amazing show.


All Canada Pro Wrestling


Worker Extensions: ACPW extend the contract of 'White Lightning' Jamie Atherton, considered to be one of the promotion's top talents.


Australian Pro Wrestling


Worker Signings: APW poach Dumfrey Pinn from rival promotions DSW. Pinn who was one of DSW's premier heel acts is likely to initially start with more of a midcard level push in the bigger and more established APW.


Babes of Sin City


Worker Extensions: BSC extend the contract of referee Heather Halo


Title Changes: The three month Girl Power Tag Title reign of Sweet as Candy (Lindsay Sugar & Coco de Soleil) is brought to an end in February by Bad To The Bone (Alison Capone & Vampella) who become two time champions.


Canadian Golden Combat


Worker Signings: CGC bring in former DaVE mainstay Henry Lee, who has been making his living in Japan for the past few years with WEXVV on a PPA deal. That allows Lee to still work for WEXVV but it appears CGC will become his main priority, especially after he agreed to relocate to Vancouver.


Worker Extensions: CGC extend the contracts of valet's 'Hotstuff' Marie Deneuve (the real life girlfriend of Jack DeColt, whom she also 'manages' on screen) and Faith, the current valet of Joey Poison on PPA deals.


Title Changes: The five month World Tag Team Title reign of Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maximillion was brought to an end in January by the Soldiers of Fortune (Destiny & Fate). That is now the second time the latest incarnation of the SOF have managed to get their hands on the CGC Tag Titles.


Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling


Worker Signings: CZCW add James 'Mainstream' Hernandez to their roster. Hernandez considered to be one of the rising stars on the U.S Independent circuit had recently been impressing with the Puerto Rican based FCW promotion, whom he will also continue to work for.


Deep Impact Wrestling


Worker Departures: DIW were dealt a blow when Dumfrey Pin, one of their top heels took the decision to take up APW's offer of defecting to them.


European Wrestling Association


Worker Extensions: EWA extend the contract of Geena Warrior Princess, a member of their exhibition only Women's Division.


Golden Canvas Grappling


General News: GCG are now considered a Cult Sized promotion. Signalling some commentators to declare that the old man of Japan could yet return to the glory days of old.


Worker Signings: GCG boost their roster with a couple of new additions after their rise to cult size. These include former MMA star Roy Edison and Mokuami Maita a former member of BHOTWG's Junior Division, recently plying his trade with WLW. Maita will also continue to work for WLW, but given the fact GCG have moved ahead in standing, it appears Golden Canvas will become his chief priority. They also somewhat surprisingly bring back veteran Naonobu Murkami on a short term contract, despite the fact Murkami reportedly fell out with owner Hanshiro Furusawa.


Title Changes: The five month Openweight Title reign of Mabuchi Furusawa was brought to an end by Yasuhide Tayama in February. Whilst Samoan Destruction Inc. (Rhino Umaga & Samoan Machine) became World Tag Team Champions for a third in January, bringing to an end the half year reign of Hurricane 2000 (Takayuki 2000 & Harumi Okazawaya).


Hinote Dojo


Worker Signings: Omezo Shikitei a young technician who recently turned Pro, after an impressive record as an amateur signs a BHOTWG developmental deal with Hinote Dojo.


Worker Extensions: The BHOTWG development fed extend the contract of colour commentator Shirosama Ekaziya.


Title Changes: Amane Shunsen and Jin Miyamoto defeat Ninja Shunji & Rejiro Hiraki to become the inaugral Hinote Dojo Openweight Tag Team Champions.


Mid Atlantic Wrestling


Worker Extensions: MAW extend the contract of British born lower tier roster member Curtis Jenkins.


Title Changes: American Patriot the current Mid Atlantic Champion, won the Rip Chord Invitational for a second time, defeating Mean Jean Cattley in the finals. He also saw off Ricky Douglas and Max Mayhem on the way to claiming the trophy. Cattley's path of the finals saw him defeat the defending 2009 winner Cameron Vessey, then Findlay O'Farraday. Casey Valentine and Ace Youngblood rounded out this years field.


Men of Steel Combat


Contract Extensions: MOSC extend the contract of announcer Bernie Evans.


Title Changes: Dave 'Thug' Cahill became the Blood & Beer Champion for a second time in January, ending the three month reign of Ernest 'Psycho' Flores.


Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation


Contract Extensions: MPWF extend the contracts of midcard Rudo Hijo Del Mephisto and announcer Carlos Moreno.


Title Changes: The half year long Campeones de Parejas title reign of Angel De Mexico and Luchador Original was brought to an end in January by Hombre De La Energia and Magnifico.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling


Worker Extensions: To the surprise of no one Victoria Stone the current head booker and daughter of owner Dan Stone dots the I's and crosses the t's on a new contract.


New York City Wrestling


Worker Signings: NYCW bring in former SWF developmental talent Mikey James currently making waves with CZCW. James with his hybrid Cruiserweight/Martial Arts influenced style appears to be a rather curious addition to the NYCW roster but may well be a further signal that the old school based promotion are now willing to embrace more updated wrestling styles.


Worker Departures: Roger Cage leaves for the SWF. This is something many had been tipping for a while and came as no surprise those in charge at NYCW or their fans.


Original Lucha Libre Is Eternal


Worker Extensions: OLLIE extend the contract of midcard Rudo SWARM II, but honestly with their masks on they could have signed SWARM or SWARM III, how can anyone really tell them apart ?!


Title Changes: Los Montero's (the brother duo of Gino and Luis Jr) saw their five month reign as the OLLIE Campeons de Parejas brought to a halt by SWARM I and III in February. Meanwhile SWARM III also teamed up with SWARM II and Extraordinario Jr to take claim of the Campeones de Trios in January, once again it is the Montero's that saw their reign with the belts come to and end this time alongside Tricolor Jr.


Pride Glory Honor Wrestling


General News: Seiji Jimbo inherit's PGHW from his father Sadaharu Jimbo. Some veteran's within PGHW have apparently expressed concern over whether Seiji is ready to take on such a high amount of responsibility but Jimbo was only ever going to leave the promotion in the hands of his son.


Worker Signings: Eien Miyamoto and Torch Nakazawa are called up to the main PGHW roster from development territory Pro Wrestling Saisho.


Worker Departures: Stone Yoshikawa & Totoya Munakata are also called up from SAISHO but then released when PGHW admitted that whilst they were good enough to graduate from SAISHO they simply good not find a spot on the roster for them. Bryan Holmes also makes a somewhat surprising departure from the promotion after they were reportedly not willing to accomodate him working a reduced schedule. Part of that may have to do with Holmes wife (who is not part of the wrestling business) giving birth to a son recently and he has made it clear that he and his family would like to relocate back to North America.


Worker Extensions: Kozue Kawashima seen as one of the leading lights of the new generation to eventually establish themselves in the main event puts pen to paper on a new contract.


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling


Worker Departures: Matthew Keith, the son of the legendary Sam Keith departs PSW for the SWF. Given his high level of natural talent, many felt Keith would have gone to the big leagues sooner but he was prepared to put in a bit of time on the independent circuit before heading for his destiny of the big time. PSW were probably aware that Keith wasn't going to be sticking around with them for the long haul but they were probably grateful someone of his talents passed through their doors and they can take pride in being part of his early career development.


Title Changes: Steven Parker defeated the departing Matthew Keith for the National Title in January, to hold the belt for a third time.


Revolution Australian Wrestling


Worker Extensions: RAW extend the contract of leading babyface Loxley Robbins.


Title Changes: The Tag Team Title reign of the Quiz Masters (Quiz Master and Quizzical Mark Question) was to be a brief one, as it was brought to an end in January by the Modern Warriors of Captain Wrestling II and Kerry Wayne.


Rhode Island Pro Wrestling


Worker Signings: It appears that vertically challenged manager Brains McGhee could well be on his way back to the SWF, after signing a development contract with RIPW, whilst Ernie Turner also signs a development deal with the SWF's feeder promotion.


Worker Extensions: Bear Bekowski see's his developmental deal extended. A young 'hoss' Bekowski has a long way to go before being considered ready to make the step up to the main roster but is seen as a long term investment by the SWF, who hope that one day he could at the very least be able to get by on 'just enough' wrestling skill and his natural menace, to become an effective monster heel in the vein of Barry 'Runaway Train' Bowen.


Ring of Fire


Worker Departures: Nigel Svensson, Gob Narfi, Rhys Vali, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath are all victim's of related roster cuts brought alon by the British promotions currently precarious financial position. Whilst former ROF students Narfi, Vali, Sharp and Heath never really seemed to had what it takes to make a real impact in the promotion, many fans were disappointed by the departure of Svensson who was someone who clearly had the potential to one day be challenging for the ROF Championship.


Pro Wrestling SAISHO


Worker Signings: GCG Midcarders Shingen Miyazaki, Harumi Okazawaya, Henry Bennett and Eagle Kawasawa all expand their schedules by signing PPA deal's with PGHW's feeder promotion SAISHO. Meanwhile Hirokumi Saito who had been out of work since INSPIRE's closure signs a 'development' contract with the promotion at 34 Saito is probably a little past the age to be signing a 'development' deal but many feel it is only that in writing and that PGHW have brought him as a more experienced worker to help train the youngsters at SAISHO.


South of the Border Pro Wrestling


Title Changes: The La Allianza del Terror trio of Tijuana Vampire, Enrique Merino and Verdugo Estupendo ended the five month long Campeones del Trios reign of El Hijo de Espada Roja, Capitao Brasil Jr and Velocidad in January only to to lose the belts a month later to the 'super team' trio of Pablo Rodriguez, Champagne Lover and Ultimate Phoenix.


Supreme Wrestling Federation


Worker Signings: The SWF raided the Indy's to boost their roster with the additions of the charismatic Roger Cage from NYCW (someone who should be an ideal fit for the SWF, whether it see's him pushed as a serious threat or used as comic relief in the midcard) and Matthew Keith from PSW, who thus far in his short career has shown that he has inherited the skills that made his father the legendary Sam Keith one of the greatest talents in wrestling history. Meanwhile 'rookie' powerhouse Primus Allen is somewhat surprisingly already called up from development, as is manager Kristen Pearce.


Total Championship Wrestling


Worker Extensions: TCW extend the contracts of midcard 'monster' heel American Buffalo and his 'handler' Floyd Goldworthy.


Title Changes: The near half year reign of Joshua Taylor came to an end at the turn of the new year at the hands of Eddie Peak, whilst Edd Stone's reign as All Action Champion could only last a month, with Chance Fortune defeating Stone to become a four time champion.


Ultimate European Wrestling


Worker Signings: Greg Gauge, the son of Sam Keith who has decided to use his real name and follow the more globe-trotting path set by his father during his early career has surprised wrestling fans by signing a PPA deal with the European based UEW promotion. UEW also boost their roster with young prospect Lars Brecher but decide against signing his regular tag partner on the European Exhibition show circuit Ralf Grimm.


Worker Extensions: Welsh born midcarder Punisher Paul Hughes sees his contract extended by the UEW.


United States Pro Wrestling


Media News: USPW struck a deal with American Option to show their monthly supercards on PPV.


Worker Extensions: USPW extended the contract of 'cult' fan favourite The Force on a PPA arrangement. Perhaps Force only wanted to sign on a PPA so he could have the option of getting fans of other promotions to BUY HIS MERCHANDISE !!! and FEEL THE FOOOOORCE !!!


Title Changes: The Towers of Power (Danny Rushmore & Mick Muscles) regained the World Tag Team Titles from Freddie Datsun and Des Davids to win the belts for a record setting fifth time in January.


Victory Wrestling Association


Worker Extensions: VWA extend the contracts of Romanian monster heel Acheron and Finnish high flyer Night Spyder.


Warrior Engine XXV


Worker Departures: Vertically challenged manager Brains McGhee departs WEXVV to return to America, after signing a development deal with RIPW.


World Level Wrestling


Worker Extensions: WLW extend the contract of midcard mainstay Ketsueki Karasu.



New Talent


Donte Dunn- An athletically gifted Barbadian Middlweight who graduated from the DeColt Power House. Is still a little green but his athletic gifts and a great look has seen a few wrestling insiders, tip him a a potential 'superstar-in-waiting'.


Fuyuko Higa- The gifted student of Thunder Hike and said by many to be the best graduate to come out of the 5SSW since the dojo came into existence. To no one's surprise she was called up to their main roster immediately.


Omezo Shikitei- A young technican who has a fine reputation as an amateur competitor. Has all the technical skills in place but at this place lacks the charisma to get over with pro wrestling audiences. Recently signed to a developmental deal with Burning Hammer, who see that Shikitei whilst far from the finished article does have plenty of potential.


Richie Riggins- A young 'body builder' type with a moveset that would not have looked out place in the 1980's. If he could develop his general performance skills, he could forge a decent career for himself working in feds where the emphasis is more on 'look and charisma' rather than in-ring ability such as a USPW.


Jesse Christian- The star of the defunct SCCW promotion, announced his return to wrestling after a seven year hiatus. It is probably too late at the Age of 40, that he will deliver on the potential that had many tipping him to become a real star in the business. Word is that Christian has been keeping himself in good shape but seven years out of a wrestling ring, means that he will be carrying alot of ring rust.


The Injured List


Hiroyasu Gakusha: GCG star is currently suffering with Chronic Lower Back Pain.


Haruki Kudo: Japanese wrestling legend suffered a Broken Ankle after he took an awkward bump off ring apron in a tag match alongside Toshiharu Hyobanshi against Samoan Destruction Inc. in January and is expected to be on the shelf for over two months.


Nathan Coleman: Continuing a string of bad luck for GCG in January with injuries the gaijin powerhouse suffers a Hernia that will put him on the shelf for the next two months.


Eric Eisen: SWF World Heavyweight Champion missed a whole month of action after breaking his Tail Bone in January.


Handsome Stranger: FCW mainstay begun to complain of suffering with Chronic Upper Back pain in February.


Lee Wright: Grizzled NYCW veteran sustained a percussive ankle stretch in a match against Whistler, that will put him of the shelf for the next month.


Worker Retirements


Jackson Andrews: The Canadian legend who was barely known by his own name during the time he wrestled, due to the fact that he worked a string of masked gimmicks has decided to call time on his wrestling career in any capacity to enjoy a full retirement at the Age of 69. Andrews first came to prominence with the Texas Wresting League promotion under the Outlaw gimmick where he won the TWL Championship in 1971 and then proceeded to have an impressive run with the title that lasted over two years. After Jackson lost the title and his mask in a title vs loser leaves town match to Pat Deacon, he headed off for to the AAFW promotion where he re-emerged as the Masked Machine, where he arguably had even more success winning their top title on three different occasions between 1974-1975.


With the wrestling scene becoming stronger in his native Canada by the Mid 70's. Andrews took the decision to leave behind AAFW and head to the CWF promotion, once again he was working under a new mask this time as the Canadian Superstar. Just a few months after debuting with the promotion he had won their top title but after that reign soon found himself in the role of 'Bridesmaid', a second title reign did come over a decade later but that was during when the promotion like so many other relics of the old territorial system was in ternminal decline. Between his two reigsn as the CWF Natioanl Champion, he also had run as Tag Team champion alongside Crippler Ray Kingman in 1984. When the CWF closed it's doors in 1989, Andrews also decided to call time on his in-ring career. After that he worked primarily as a Road agent, most notably for CGC, where he worked for nearly a decade between 1991 and 2000.

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The Contenders Circle:


In 2008 Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods introduced something called the Contender's Circle for both it's World and Junior Titles to help provide a consistent string of strong challengers for it's single's champions.


So how does it work, basically the contenders circle consists of 5 people holding a spot in the contenders circle, if someone strings together two victories against other's within the contenders circle then they are given the opportunity to challenge for the championship of the division they are in. However they must take their title shot within a month of 'earning' it unless it becomes void. When someone loses a contenders circle match they can be challenged for their spot in the contenders circle by someone outside of the contenders circle. If the person in the contenders circle


When someone has won a tournament such as the Super-10 Cup or Best of the Super Juniors, then there spot in the contenders circle is protected until they challenge for the title. During the tournaments are taking place the contenders circle's are frozen and then re-set after the tournament with those who performed best in the tournament being the one's to take a spot in the Contenders Circle.


When a champion is defeated for the title, they drop into the contenders circle, however they only need to win one contenders circle match to earn a re-match for the title.


The current Contenders Circle's heading into the Burn, Dont' Freeze Tour to begin on Monday 1st March 2010:





Burning World Championship (Hiroaki Nakasawa- Burning Sekigun)





- Tasuku Iesada- Team INSPIRE

(2009 Super 10 Cup winner- spot protected until title match at Fire Dream of the Immortals)




- Kinnojo Horri - Burning Sekigun




- Yasunobu Masuno - Black Heart Brethren




- Yasuhiko Taira- Black Heart Brethren




- Masaaki Okazaki - Team INSPIRE





Burning Junior Championship (Sensational Dragon- Dragon Feet 2K9)




- Black Cobra - Black Heart Brethren




- Elemental III - Burning Sekigun




- Marihito Masuko - Burning Sekigun




- American Optimus - Dragon Feet 2K9




- The Awesome Kiyaru - Black Heart Brethren





King of Fighters:


In 2009 Tadiyuki Kikkawa introduced the King of Fighters title on his return to Burning Hammer, claiming it to be a superior title to the Burning World Championship. The King of the Fighters title unlike the Burning World Championship, is also open for Junior Heavyweights to challenge for the belt. King of Fighters matches also have the unique rules that matches can only be won by knockout or submission within the alloted time limit.


When someone has won two KOF rules matches in a row, they are eligible to challenge for the King of Fighters Title.

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"Onodera's Viewpoint: Shunsen-san is a good colour commentator, who will be a definite upgrade from what we have had in the role. 5SSW's chief colour man for a number of years, I decided to show some degree of respect to the Joshi promotion by letting him finish up with them first on their winter tour before making the move to secure his services."


Makes perfect sense. BHOTWG needs an upgrade in this area and Shunsen is the best available. I was midly surprised starting the game to find Burning Hammer was so weak in this area.



And looking forward to the first card! I was a big fan of TK's original BHOTWG, this should be alot of fun. However, I do feel sorry for Taira. ^_^

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The stars of Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods are ready to go into battle once again after their winter break, as the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour get's under way on March 1st 2010 at the Sapporo Sports Park in Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture.


The Main Event promises to be one for the ages as the Team INSPIRE duo of 'King of Fighters' Tadiyuki Kikkawa and the 2009 Super 10-Cup winner Tasuku Iesada take on Shimedzu and Miyamae (collectively know as the Rebellion), will the Dragon Feet duo's Tag experience be the equalizer or will the INSPIRE invaders continue to show their dominance.


In the Semi Main, the Burning Sekigun trio of World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa, Super 10-Cup finalist Kinnojo Horri and Junior Tag champion Elemental III wage war once again with their traditional foes of the Black Heart Brethren trio of Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira and Black Cobra. Matches between these two factions have always been highly intense and just because a new threat has arrived in the form of Team INSPIRE there is still no love lost between the Burning Sekigun and the BHB.


In singles action Team INSPIRE's Masaaki Okazaki takes on Takayuki Onodera. Onodera has often been impressive in defeat against the elite here in Burning Hammer but has yet to score that big breakout victory which would see him really stake a claim for a place in the Contenders Circle..a position that Okazaki currently resides in. Meanwhile RAGE's Mitsunari Fuganaga wil go up against Team INSPIRE's Mike Watson in a King of Fighters Rules match.


The Raging Bulls of Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) and Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate) have both won the World Tag Team Titles on three occasions, and both would like to get back in contention to claim a fourth and move ahead of the other for most title reigns as these two highly experienced duo's go up against one another to stake a claim to face The Behemoths of Nisso Yuasha and Kanishoki.


Contendership for the Junior Tag Team Championship will also be on the line as Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) face off against perennial rivals the Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) and the prize on offer for the victorious duo is a shot at the Junior Tag Belts held by Masuko & Elemental III at the very next show.


There will be more Junior Division action, as one half of the Junior Tag champs Marihito Masuko goes up against Red Panther in singles action, whilst the Junior Champion Sensational Dragon will team with his Dragon Feet 2K9 stable mate American Optimus to take on Barei Yasujiro and Haru Kurofuji.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #1 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-


Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #1

(Sapporo Sports Park, Hokkaido- Monday 1st March 2010)


Main Event Super Special Tag (45 Min Time Limit)

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters -Tadiyuki Kikkawa &

2009 Super 10 Cup Champion- Tasuku Iesada


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


Six Man Battle (45 Min Time Limit)

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri &

Junior Tag Champion- Elemental III


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Junior Tag #1 Contenders Match (30 Min Time Limit)

'Representing Burning Sekigiun'

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


Singles Challenge Match (30 Min Time Limit)

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Masaaki Okazaki


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Takayuki Onodera


World Tag Team Contention (20 Min Time Limit)

'Representing RAGE'

The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


King of Fighters Rules (20 Min Time Limit)

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Mike Watson


'Representing RAGE'

Mitsunari Fuganaga


Junior Division Singles Challenge (15 Min Time Limit)

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Junior Tag Champion- Marihito Masuko


Red Panther


Junior Tag Challenge (15 Min Time Limit)

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon &

American Optimus


Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit)

Junior-Div 4-Way: John Pathlow vs The Incredible Koyama vs VENOM vs White Samurai

Toshiki Shibaumo vs Tiger Fuyuki




Predictions Form:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Shimedzu & Miyamae


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


Masaaki Okazaki vs Takayuki Onodera


Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


KOF Rules: Mike Watson vs Mitsunari Fuganaga


Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji


John Pathlow vs The Incredible Koyama vs VENOM vs White Samurai


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki


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Woohoo! First predictions.


Takayuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Shimedzu & Miyamae

I think it would be a notable upset if the midcard team, experienced as they are, took down the main event pair. Talent versus tag experience, and I think talent wins out.


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra

I think the Burning stable stays strong.


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)

This one could go either way, especially if SOTF are going to get a push. But there is something about the BHFS that I just like...


Masaaki Okazaki vs Takayuki Onodera


Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)

I could see Kawate taking down the Bulls in a cocaine haze, but otherwise, the Rage wins out.


KOF Rules: Mike Watson vs Mitsunari Fuganaga

Watson seems more experienced in this kind of combat, plus having a member of the INSPIRE stable achieving a position to challenge for that title would be most interesting...


Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji


John Pathlow vs The Incredible Koyama vs VENOM vs White Samurai


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki

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Predictions Form:


Takayuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Shimedzu & Miyamae


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


Masaaki Okazaki vs Takayuki Onodera


Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


KOF Rules: Mike Watson vs Mitsunari Fuganaga


Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji


John Pathlow vs The Incredible Koyama vs VENOM vs White Samurai


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki

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