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USPW: The Battle for Prime Time

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Belle Bryden vs. Connie Morris


Different level of talent here


Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine


Different level of... wait, I already said that


The Easy Riders vs. Savage Fury


'Cause they're big Samoan beasts.


Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles


I like Mick... lets hope Nicky isn't the next Micky though


Tyson Baine vs. James Justice


Could go either way, but Baine's not going to lose many

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It's Tuesday February Week 3

and we are live from the sold out Huntsville Fairgrounds!




[The usual banners, confetti and light show is poured over a lively Huntsville Fairgrounds! As is usual for this time in the month, our upcoming PPV is advertised everywhere possible. With the usual camera work complete, we zoom in upon our two distinguished hosts...]


Your Announce Team:


Danny Jillefski and 'Mighty' Micky Starr


Danny Jillefski: Welcome folks, we're USPW, this is American Wrestling!, and we are live from the Huntsville Fairgrounds Auditorium! My name is Danny Jillefski...

Micky Starr: ...and I'm Micky Starr.

Jillefski: We are just days away from Red, White and Blue!, a night that promises to be full of thrills and spills. We've got championship matches, grudge matches, cage matches – we've got everything!

Starr: You know, that's right Danny. Hang on...the folks in the back say we're going to get a little preview...


[Rather than Sam Strong's usual show introduction, a short video plays recapping the events of the last few months and reminding us of the upcoming matches at Red, White and Blue! During the video we see the debuts of The Oracles of Destruction and Professor Stern, we see Chris Caulfield's defeat at the hands of Bruce the Giant and the feud between James Justice and T-Rex. The video comes to an end with the image of Tyson Baine and Enygma staring each other down slowly fading into four words...

Red, White and Blue!]

Segment Rating: A


Jillefski: USPW has got everything you could wish for - and its coming to you live from Nashville this Sunday!



Belle Bryden vs. Connie Morris

The latest addition to the USPW Women's Division, Connie Morris received a veritable baptism of fire in her match on American Wrestling! Despite a strong start from Morris, Belle Bryden kept pace before shifting gear and gaining the ascendancy. A brief comeback from Morris was quickyl halted by a russian leg sweep and Bryden continued softening her opponent up for her finisher. When Belle hit finally the Dish of the Day just after seven minutes this one was all over.

Belle Bryden wins in 7:54 via pinfall

Match Rating: D


Starr: Tough first match there...

Jillefski: I don't think she did too badly though, especially considering the run Belle's been on.



Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine (w/Seduction)

This was a solid match from two workers who aren't on the best of runs. Once again, USA made a strong start that was this time halted by Devine's ringside manager Seduction. As USA tumbled to the outside, a huge slap connected with his face! Devine rolled USA back into the ring but the Captain fought him off before returning his attention to the woman on the outside.

Still focused on Seduction, USA was completely oblivious to Devine coming back up behind him. Grabbing the unsuspecting Captain from behind, Darryl spun him round...Devine Dream Drop! The facecrusher variant was enough to put USA away as Seduction celebrated at ringside.

Darryl Devine wins in 6:10 via pinfall

Match Rating: D+


Starr: That Seduction is a piece of work! Imagine, a woman cheating at ringside!

[Rather than a response from Jillefski, all we hear is a comical thud as he hits his own head in despair...]


[The action cuts backstage where Shane Sneer and the members of the Sneer Corporation are stood in the USPW interview area. Alongside him are Anger, Mick Muscles, Danny Rushmore and Jumbo Jackson, all dressed smartly in suits, looking on silently...]



Shane Sneer: Go on, why don't you just SHUT UP! In my time, I have managed the greatest wrestlers alive, and today my Corporation is stronger than it has ever been!


We have a former tag team champion, a future world champion and in five days, we'll have the USPW World Tag Team Champions. Some of you might not like me, might not like us, but that's only because you are jealous! Ladies and Gents, line up because at Red, White and Blue! you're going to be shown real talent in action!


[As Shane Sneer grimaces on, the four men behind him snarl, pump their arms and do anything they think could be seen as 'menacing' by the fans. Sneer affords himself a laugh as the chorus of boos greets the end of this promo...]

Segment Rating: D+


Starr: Gah! Who is sitting upstairs thinking a Shane Sneer promo is going to be something nice to listen to!?

Jillefski: Just ignore him Mick, I know I do!



The Easy Riders vs. Savage Fury

The Easy Riders, Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite, spend more time entering the ring – slowly circling the arena on their Harley Davidson bikes – than they do actually in it. Savage Fury are in no mood to mess around and they are brief but brutal with the newcomers. When Coyote Dynamite tries to throw a bike chain to his partner, Java ducks and a big fist from Tribal Warrior sends the chain crashing into Steinway's face. As Java goes outside to take care of Dynamite, Tribal Warrior's running big boot, the Head Hunter Special, connects perfectly with Steinway whose body drops limply to the mat. Covering the biker, Warrior gets the win.

Savage Fury wins in 4:19 via pinfall

Match Rating: D



[When The Oracles of Destruction's theme hits the auditroium Savage Fury know what is coming and brace themselves for a run-in. Facing towards the aisle, they don't see Ares and Zeus enter the ring behind them...they've climbed in through the crowd! With the audience trying desperately to warn the Fury, realisation slowly crosses their faces. Hesitantly turning around, Tribal Warrior and Java are floored by a huge boot from Ares, and a massive right hand from Zeus. All four men begin a chaotic brawl that is only ended with a large number of security officials pulling them apart...]

Segment Rating: C


Jillefski: I would not want to be in the middle of those four!



The Force vs. Giant Redwood

It has been a difficult start to 2010 for The Force so far, and facing a determined Giant Redwood wouldn't make things any easier. Despite the two meeting last month, the added edge from Redwood's contract predicament meant that either could be the victor. In the end, however, Force used their previous meeting as a guide and succesfully avoided Redwood's most dangerous moves. It took less than five minutes for Jim to get into a position to hit his flying crossbody finisher, Flying Force, and another loss was added to Giant Redwood's already dismal showing.

The Force wins in 4:34 via pinfall

Match Rating: D-


Starr: Oh dear...neither Captain USA, nor Giant Redwood can win a thing can they!?

Jillefski: Not so far. I wonder what the implications will be if both are still tied at the end of the month...


[We're once again in the USPW Event Centre where Davis Ditterich stands in front of the video wall. With only a few days until our next PPV, the classic montage we normally see behind his head has this week been replaced by the TV advert for the event...]



Davis Ditterich: Hello and welcome to the USPW Event Centre. With just five days to go until the big event - Red, White and Blue! - United States Pro Wrestling is abuzz with excitement and as you saw at the beginning of the show, the event will be headlined by Enygma and Tyson Baine once again meeting in a World Title Match. Well, one man who will have a particularly keen, and particularly large, eye upon the proceedings of that match will be number one contender Bruce the Giant. Here's what he had to say a little earlier on...

[As Davis turns, the video wall fades into a close-up view of a male chest. Quickly zooming out, we realise the huge chest belongs to Bruce the Giant, and it wasn't a close-up! With his head nearly touching the roof, Bruce begins to speak, an Australian accent noticeable in the deep boom of his voice...]



Bruce the Giant: I have been the number one contender for five months...FIVE MONTHS!!! I haven't had a title shot in all that time and you puny little 'fans' wonder why I've been...taking out my anger...on your precious Enygma.


Well, you'll be glad to hear that it isn't personal. As you saw last week, I am more than happy crushing Tyson Baine as well.


I will be fighting someone for the title at Liberty and Justice and I will leave with the gold around my waist. In the meantime, I don't care who wins between Enygma and Baine, as long as they do as much damage to each other as possible! Now get out of my face!

[A giant hand comes straight towards the camera plunging the video wall into darkness. A worried looking Davis Ditterich turns round just as the PPV advert begins behind him...]



Davis Ditterich: Bruce the Giant, kind, generous, polite as always. Another man whose mind will be on the gold of a title is Andre Jones. Given the week off by the Board of Directors before his big title defence, Jones, and everyone else at USPW, is completely in the dark about his Tennessee-based challenger. I managed to catch the Television champion a few hours ago...

[Once again, the wall shifts and this time the huge frame of Bruce the Giant has been replaced by the sporty, and trendy, Andre Jones. Around his waist is his Television title belt...]



Andre Jones: Yo! I know, I know, you're all thinking - 'why can't I see my favourite USPW superstar in the ring - again!?' Well, you know - I'm thinking the same thing. Unfortunately, after I let you all into our little secret...you know, the one about this title being fed crumbs when I'm ready for the whole damn sandwich!? Well, it seems that the Board of Directors have gone out of their way to find me a challenger. And seeing as he's so great, I can't fight him on TV, I have to wait until Sunday. All because he's from Tennessee!


Well he can come from Tennessee, Alabama, Canada...Timbuktu for all I care! When this 'cowboy' steps in that ring with the Television Champion he's going find out it is really, really hard...no...impossible...


...keeping up with the Jones!


[before he signs off, Davis reminds the audience at home about the scheduled matches for Red, White and Blue! and reminds them how simple it is to order...]

Segment Rating: B-


Starr: I wonder who Jones' opponent is going to be on Sunday?

Jillefski: Well, it won't be long until we find out!



Chris Caulfield vs. Freight Train

Despite having seen Freight Train's debut last week, the crowd were still amused at the sight of the crazed train driver. That amusement was transferred into the match and both men were inspired by the crowd's reaction into putting on a better match than anyone could have expected. A confident Chris Caulfield picked apart his big opponent, who tried and failed numerous times to get The Hardcore American into the crippling bear hug suffered by Enygma last week. When Caulfield skillfilly dodged one such attempt, his opponent wobbled...Danger Drop! As Caulfield hit his finisher the crowd shouted an ironic 'hoot' at Freight Train, and Baby Jamie counted out the three.

Chris Caulfield wins in 5:08 via pinfall

Match Rating: C-

[With the victory his, Caulfield silences the crowd and reaches for a microphone...]



Chris Caulfield: Professor Stern, do you have a problem with me? Do you have a problem...with The Hardcore American?

[The crowd boos Stern's name and the suggestion that anyone might not like the man standing in the ring...]


Caulfield: I've been a part of this business for longer than I can remember. I've wrestled in arenas, in basements, I've wrestled the biggest name in the industry and yet you think I'm...useless!?


Why is it, Stern...why is it we never get a practical demonstration from The Expert? A little too scared? All that time in Japan worn you down?


Well anytime you'd like a real lesson...Professor...




[As Caulfield triumphantly throws the microphone down the crowd erupt for their hero, and the prospect of him facing off against Professor Stern!]

Segment Rating: C+


Starr: YES!!

Jillefski: It's about time someone showed that Stern a lesson. Remember though, Micky, that Caulfield already has a match on Sunday...

Starr: He can fight both though right? Danny!?



Mick Muscles vs. Nicky Champion

Despite being a fine singles wrestler in his own right, Mick Muscles looked a little lost without Danny Rushmore throughout this match. That said, both men's styles complimented each other well, as did their impressive brawling skills, and the crowd were applauding face and heel alike. Mick's power was an advantage, but Nicky did his best to keep well away from the former tag team champion. The slow, methodical tactic employed by Champion proved to be a success as an increasingly frustrated Mick Muscles chased Nicky around the ring. Despite glimpses of quality reinforcing his ability as a great worker, Mick Muscles was simply outmatched here tonight and when Champion connected with the Hawkeye Hammer this one was over.

Nicky Champion wins in 8:26 via pinfall

Match Rating: C-


Jillefski: I've known Mick Muscles for a long time and he won't be happy with that performance.

Starr: He's got a great tag team going with Rushmore, even if they do work for Sneer. Unfortunately for Muscles, that success seems to have shaped his style for good!



James Justice vs. Tyson Baine (w/Sheik Mustafa)

You could feel the excitement running throughout the packed out theatre as these two superstars of wrestling made their way to the ring. Everyone's high expectations of this match were more than met as these two delivered a bout to remember. Sticking to the classic nature of the company, the match began with the two circling around the centre of the ring, cautious about making the first move. It was Justice who went in for the first grapple but he was pushed back into the corner by Tyson Baine. Over the course of the next few minutes, Tyson Baine played the role of a monster heel to perfection, throwing Justice around like he weighed nothing and using cheap shots wherever possible. Even Sheik Mustafa on the outside looked pleased with the way this one was progressing.


Just as quickly as that smile had appeared, however, it was wiped away by James Justice's powerful suplex reversal on Baine. The unexpected fight back winded the Demon and Justice used this to his advantage, continuing to use quick, high impact moves. Knowing Mustafa was ready to act at any minute, Justice sent Baine towards the opposite side...Mustafa climbed onto the apron...Justice ducked...collision!


Baine ran straight into his manager who tumbled off the apron onto the mats below! A shocked Baine turned around just in time for Justice to grab him....is it time for the Liberation Slam?...




T-Rex's music began to play...but wait...he hasn't come out!


Justice turned back around...Hades Bomb! The Titans' mindgames have worked! 1...2....3, Baine is victorious!

Tyson Baine wins in 12:28 via pinfall

Match Rating: C+


Starr: What...a...

Jillefski: Match!

Starr: One of these days, you'll let me finish that!

Jillefski: You're right Micky, but unfortunately for you that's all we've got time for tonight folks. Don't forget, Sunday night is Red, White and Blue! and it's set to be the greatest night so far in wrestling history!





Sports America Rating: 0.49


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Okay, so we are only a few days away from PPV #2. You may have noticed that, like the old-school promotions I am attempting to emulate, my TV shows tend to be more predictable whilst big events tend to throw up the surprises. Hopefully, we've been building up nicely for what will be posted next week.


As for the show, Connie Morris is someone I hope will become a big part of the Women's Division and I attempted to make her come off strong in her match with Belle. Still, the division is ever growing so we'll see where that takes us! The Easy Riders are a really good team to have on the roster, not only for a bit of variety, but also for Wiley's personality which is a big boost for an iffy backstage. Freight Train is a lot more fun than I ever imagined, ever if he is likely to be nothing more than a jobber with an interesting gimmick! I guess commuting to work does have its creative bonuses!


The observant among you may have notcied I've gone for coloured speech. I've been toying with the idea ever since the first show and as much as I like the layout, I've never been sold on how easy it is to see the speech amongst the rest of the text. Along with the previous addition of [ ] to denote non-speech, non-match, 'bits' I've decided to add a bit of colour to help you even more - largely inspired by John Lion's excellent KCCW diary. If you like, or dislike, the new layout please let me know - if everyone likes it I can go back and change the earlier shows too.


Prediction scores will be up shortly, as will the card preview for the PPV - I hope you enjoy the show!

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Congratulations to xopher316, BHK, Jingo, Rayelek and eayragt who all got 100% of their predictions correct! Rayelek and eayragt made a perfect start to their USPW predicting and are the 25th and 26th person to have done so since the diary began! :eek:


If there was a prize for reaching such a landmark, you two would receive it but...well..there isn't. Other than a, er, smiley face!? :cool:


Ahem, really though it's great to have you both (all) on board. So, after three shows here is how the top of our leaderboard is shaping up...



2.John Lions and BHK1978...13

3.angeldelayette, Dragonmack, smurphy1014, Bigpapa42 and Jingo...12


As you can see, things are extremely tight and with a lot of prediction points up for grabs it's still all to play for!


As always, thanks for all the predictions and all the comments :D

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Get your predictions in for...

USPW Red, White and Blue!

February, Week 3, 2010

Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

With the Women's title not in action tonight, the women's division will be represented by a tag team match. Despite being touted as former partners, newcomers Anaconda and Connie Morris will be on opposite sides when they team up with Belle Bryden and Alicia Strong respectively. Whilst the tension between Anaconda and Belle is there for all to see, how Connie will match up to her more illustrious partner will be of interest to many.

Will Belle and Anaconda overcome their differences, or will Connie and Alicia be deadlier than a simple snake bite?


USPW Television Title Match

???? vs. Andre Jones ©

Who is Andre Jones' mysterious partner? Rumours abound but only the Board of Directors know the identity of the Tennessee native for sure.

Will it be a big debut win on home soil, or will Jones volley his opponent back where he belongs?


The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete

A big, four-man contest here where The Oracles of Destruction face off for the first time against bitter rivals Savage Fury. The Oracles have allied themselves with Sneer Corporation members Jumbo Jackson and Anger, whilst Fury have chosen Pete the Hillbilly and Captain USA.

Will The Oracles' Corporate backing prove too much, or will American Fury send their opponents back to the drawing board?


USPW Tag Team Title Match

The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Round two in the Tag Team challenges. The People's Team managed a big upset last month against the Towers and after a good few weeks will look to do the same again.

Will Datsun and Davids make it 2 out of 2, or will The Towers really show the People where the real talent lies?


USPW National Title Match

Peter Valentine © vs. The Force

With Peter Valentine's interview in US-PWi making his feelings for The Force perfectly clear, he will be looking to end any hopes his opponent may have of taking his title. Jim, on the other hand, will want to show Sneer and Valentine that words don't mean a thing.

Will Peter Valentine finally Feel The Force, or will Heart Break be on the cards for Jim?


Steel Cage Match

James Justice vs. T-Rex

There will be no interference when James Justice meets T-Rex inside a steel cage. The large blue structure will be double padlocked and the only way out will be to injure your opponent enough to keep him out long enough to climb over the top of the cage.

Will a steel wall be no barrier for Justice, or will a caged T-Rex be an angry T-Rex?


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

One man will leave this arena as Heavyweight champion with Bruce the Giant under orders to not interfere - or lose his contendership. With Bruce's agreement, this match looks set to be a classic as two heads of this sport meet again.

Will it be the mysterious one who retains his title, or will the Devil be in the detail when Baine leaves as the new champion?


[see all this and more only on U-Demand - it's United States Pro Wrestling, it's PPV, it's Red, White and Blue!]


Quick Picks...

Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©

The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete

USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force

James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

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Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©

The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete

USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force

James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

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Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris


USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©


The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury,

Capt. USA and Pete


USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force


James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

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largely inspired by John Lion's excellent KCCW diary.




Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

Connie Morris is definitely your weak link here, though you could surprise me

USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©

Ford Gumble finally makes his debut? I probably should go with the mystery guy, but I don't think giving untested guys a title immediately is your MO

The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete

Don't think the Captain has it in him

USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Disappointing loss last week does not bode well for the Towers

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force

I don't think this is The Force's time to win it, not yet

James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)

Toss-up, went with the heel here

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

I don't see Enygma dropping it to Baine, at least not yet

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Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris


USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©


The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete


USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force


James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

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Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

IMO, Connie is the weak link though it hurts my heart to vote against Alicia.


USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©

It's no question that Jones keeps the belt.


The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete

Pete is the weak link.


USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power

The Towers cheat their way to the titles.


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force

This is Valentine's title.


James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)

A caged Jurassic Power is a scary thing indeed!


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

Enygma makes a better Champ for the upcoming confrontation with Bruce.

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Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©

The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete

USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force

James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

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You may have noticed that, like the old-school promotions I am attempting to emulate, my TV shows tend to be more predictable whilst big events tend to throw up the surprises.


As it should be.


Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris


It would be a great push for Morris to get the win here, but I don't see it.


USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©


An inkling on who the mystery is - he's certainly be worthy of a Television Title fued, but not a win on the off.


The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete


Weak link on either side, but I've got Jackson pinning USA


USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power


The Towers of Power will get their forty-first reign sometime - not here.


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force


Not a match for the purists


James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)


Justice is... just that bit better (and by a bit...)


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©


I can see it.

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Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

Alicia needs a better partner


USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©

Mystery man usually equals win, but I already have one title changing


The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete

No way can Savage Fury win again.....is there?


USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Most likely titel to change hands


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force

Force is a good guy to have up top as long as he is not a Champion


James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)

JJ is more talented


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

In think Baine is th ebest bet to dethrone Enygma, just not yet

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Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©

The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete

USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force

James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

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Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©

The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete

USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force

James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

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Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris


As much as you tried to talk up Morris, she is the weak link in this match and Anaconda still needs to have that aura of being a dangerous monster. Wouldn't be surprised if after the match Anaconda ends up turning on Belle in the post match celebrations, cementing the fact she isn't going to side with anyone.


USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©


Could the mystery man be Jesse Christian by any chance ? Whoever it is though I think Jones retains.


The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete


One side has Captain Ancient with a losing streak gimmick and a Hillbilly and I don't think I could ever pick a Hillbilly to win, even if Sean McFly, Tommy Cornell and Jack Bruce were his tag team partners :p


USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power


I thought it would be The Oracles who would bring the People's Team reign to an end, but they seem tied up with Savag Fury right now and as BYU pointed out this does seem the most likely belt to change hands.


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force


Valentine finds a way to once again get the better of The Force.


James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)


Coin toss this one but as the champ right now is a face, I'll side with the heel to emerge with the win here.


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma


Not unfeasible for Baine to win this, but I just see Engyma holding on for at least another month.

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The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete


One side has Captain Ancient with a losing streak gimmick and a Hillbilly and I don't think I could ever pick a Hillbilly to win, even if Sean McFly, Tommy Cornell and Jack Bruce were his tag team partners :p


You might want to remake that pick then.

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Thanks for all the predictions so far, it's nice to see a wide range of picks though I'm not sure if that is a good, or a bad, thing! I'm planning one or two posts before the big show which will be posted by the end of the week.




No problem John. Although I haven't predicted, I've been reading (well, playing catch-up) and it's been very enjoyable!


Never and I mean never go with the Fury! They suck after all!:D


Changing this because I posted before I read the actual show. Even though the Fury won never pick them to win because they still suck!!!:D


Haha! I actually managed to catch the original post and it made me laugh even more then. One day the Fury will be World, Television, National, Tag, and Women's champions...possibly :p


Damn, Savage Fury cost me. Great show and I am in awe of Chris Caulfield somehow managing to pull a C- match out of Land Mass..errrrrrr Freight Train, truly impressive. Looking forward to the PPV!


Thanks BYU! I have to admit, I'm quite looking forward to the PPV too - it'll be interesting to see what people think to the surprises I've got in store :D


As for Caulfield vs. Freight Train - beats me! Land Mass hasn't been doing too badly despite being hired for the simple reason that he's a bit cool :cool:

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Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

-Connie may be the new jobber, and I think that'll be enough to topple Alicia's CC.


USPW Television Title Match: ???? vs. Andre Jones ©

-I think the debut is going to be a gimmick, not a real Tennessee guy. Either way, no title change on the debut.


The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs. Savage Fury, Capt. USA and Pete

-The Oracles are getting a push, no one on the other side is.


USPW Tag Team Title Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers of Power

-I dig the new alts for Davids and Datsun and that gets them my nod here.


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine © vs. The Force

-Peter Valentine push must continue!


James Justice vs. T-Rex (Steel Cage Match)

-If this is the blow-off match, then Justice wins to go on to feud with Baine.


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Tyson Baine vs. Enygma ©

-Don't want Enygma to job just yet. Enygma/Bruce is gonna be solid, since Bruce is the heel.


Thought I had predicted already, lol, gotta get these in.

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Saturday February Week 3 2010

They did what!?


Sam Strong sat in the Nashville hotel conference room, his mouth agape.


With his contract running out!?


Whilst Gordon Wright could only chuckle, Danny Jillefski was whispering quickly to an aide stooped over him, the young woman taking notes as quickly as she could. J.K. Stallings confirmed to his doubtful partner that the story was true, the star had dropped the title with his contract due for negotiation.


Get him here - now! Pay for his flight, pay for his hotel, just get him to Nashville for tonight...


Sam's instructions weren't aimed at any one person, the surrounding assistants were all furiously taking notes but no one moved towards the door. Jillefski tried to calm the frantic Strong, insisting everything was being taken care of pointing towards the young woman heading for the exit. Doom, on the other hand, sat sullenly, seemingly unimpressed by the prospect of Stallings' latest suggestion and even more so by Sam's willingness to go along with it. Gordon Wright continued to chuckle at Sam, his infectious laugh spreading among the younger aides stood in the room. J.K. Stallings looked at Sam, a determined look in his eye - the same look that greeted the unveiling of the battle that now embroiled USPW. The excited Sam Strong fidgeted like a child waiting for Christmas, nervous energy consuming him entirely.


We can do this...we can...

...but we've got to strike while the iron is hot...

<hr color="black">

Thanks for all the predictions so far! If you haven't had chance to predict yet, you've still got another day or so in which to get them in. I'm really looking forward to the show, and I hope you all are to, I'm going to take my time and make sure it's right. So, expect another backstory tomorrow, and the show on Friday.

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It's Sunday February Week 3

Live in front of an audience of 15,000 at The Dust Bowl, Nashville, Tennessee...

...live on U-Demand...




Your Announce Team:


Danny Jillefski and 'Mighty' Micky Starr

[The Dust Bowl, Nashville's finest arena is sold out, giving USPW their biggest ever attendance on this, the night of their second PPV. Red, White and Blue, as the PPV name suggests, is the theme again tonight with the ring ropes, the banners, the curtain and the aisle all decked out in the American tricolor. As the fanfare and fireworks illuminate the ringside we spot our two familiar hosts...]


Danny Jillefski: Welcome all to USPW Red, White and Blue! It's our second ever pay-per-view and we have yet another historic night in store! I'm Danny Jillefski, and beside me as always, 'Mighty' Micky Starr.

Micky Starr: Thanks Danny. I can't believe the line up we've got for tonight - unbelievable!


[As the fanfare dies down, Sam Strong's music hit the sold-out arena who immediately jump back to their feet. The USPW owner takes his time coming to the ring, milking the audience reaction for everything he can whilst the cameras pick out various members of the screaming crowd...]



Sam Strong: Thank you all for coming. Are you ready for some American wrestling Nashville!?

[The crowd cheers in agreement...]


Strong: Good, good! I hope no one has forgotten what we have in store tonight...but just in case, we've got...


Four title matches...

A steel cage match...

A mystery, Tennessee-born, debut...

The greatest stars..

In the greatest city...


It could only mean one thing!

[u-S-P-W! Sam smiles, clearly enjoying the exchange with the audience who couldn't get enough of their hero. Panning around the arena reveals a hugely varied audience of all backgrounds, all ages, all stood on their feet applauding Sam Strong, all applauding USPW...]

Segment Rating: A


Jillefski: The crowd sure love Sam!

Starr: That's right Danny. Sam is everything this company, this country stands for and that's why they give him everything they can each and every week.



Chris Caulfield vs. Darryl Devine (w/Seduction)

A fantastic match to kick off the event, Chris Caulfield and Darryl Devine held nothing back in this opening bout. Lightning quick exchanges had the crowd applauding move after move with neither contestant gaining a particular advantage over the other.


Once again, it was Devine who began running out of ideas, and in what has become a common thread, he turned to his valet Seduction for assistance. When she distracted the official during a Caulfield pin attempt the Hardcore American became frustrated going over to the scene of the commotion. With his back to Devine, Caulfield didn't see him coming...


Devine Dream Drop...reversed! Danger Drop! Caulfield had reversed his opponent's finisher into his own! Covering the youngster, the official counted out three and this one was all over.

Chris Caulfield wins in 7:04 via pinfall

Match Rating: C+


Jillefski: That Danger Drop is sure teach Devine a lesson or two...

Starr: I learnt it in training once...I wish I hadn't!



Belle Bryden & Anaconda vs. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

Despite the great in-ring action on offer, the USPW fans are still a little uncertain about the women's division and the atmosphere was a little flat throughout.


All four women gave a solid performance, and picking a winner would have been nigh on impossible for the majority of the match. That was the case until just before the tenth minute when Belle was in the ring with Alicia. Having just about edged it for a number of minutes she set Alicia up for the Dish of the Day by repeatedly kicking at the back of Strong's knees. As she finally dropped to the mat, Belle blew a kiss and swung, the roundhouse kick to the back of Alicia's head sending it crashing to the mat. Hang on...


Belle's walked off! Rather than pinning Alicia, Bryden slid out of the ring and headed backstage.


Anaconda jumped quickly into the ring to take her place, but the official had no choice but to count Belle out. While the bell rang a victory for Alicia and Connie, Belle continued her journey up the aisle smiling to herself as Anaconda continued to fend off the two 'victors.'

Alicia Strong & Connie Morris win in 10:10 via count out

Match Rating: D+


Starr: What's Belle doing!? She's abandoned her partner!

Jillefski: I think she's proving a point Mick. I suspect she's also getting her own back - costing Anaconda a match after the big lady did the same a month ago.



Nicky Champion vs. Bruce the Giant

With nothing riding on this match, both men gave their all and produced another match-of-the-night contender. Despite Bruce's physical dominance over Nicky Champion, the youngster gave a good showing against the former World Champion. It wasn't until the five minute mark that Bruce's power began to take control and Champion was caught up in a flurry of damaging impact moves. As Champion began struggling to haul himself up after each consecutive strike the audience knew where this was going...Giant Choke Slam! Despite his best attempts, Champion was a beaten man and three seconds later Bruce was victorious.

Bruce the Giant wins in 7:56 via pinfall

Match Rating: C+


Jillefski: Nicky will want to take something positive from this match...not sure what though...

Starr: Well he's still alive...just about...


USPW Television Title Match



Andre Jones vs. Ford Memphis

Andre Jones looked extremely unimpressed by his opponent, 'The King' Ford Memphis strutting to the ring to the uptempo rockabilly theme blaring out across the Nashville PA. That reaction played out in the early minutes with Jones giving less than his all against the newcomer – a decision that was to cost him the momentum in the match. His attempts to toy with his opponent ended with Memphis sliding under a clothesline...school boy pin! Two count! The near fall shook Jones who reacted with a savage assault on the challenger.


Just after the five minute mark Jones began setting Memphis up for the Blast from the Past. The struggling challenger toppled the pair over, knocking the referee through the ropes onto the mats below. With the official out for the time-being, Jones slid to the outside and headed for the announcer table.


Gripping his Television title, Jones swung it towards Memphis...ducked! Heartbreak Hotel! The savate kick smashed the belt back into the champion's face sending him crashing straight to the canvas. A second official, Robbie Sanchez, came charging in from the back. Memphis managed a Elvis-esque shake of his leg before covering the champion...1...2...3! We've got a NEW Champion and it's 'The King!'

Ford Memphis wins in 8:05 via pinfall

Ford Memphis is the NEW USPW Television Champion!

Match Rating: D+


[The new champion is given his new title by the referee and proceeds to celebrate wildly with the crowd unaware of the danger looming...Jones sneaks up behind him and begins to strangle his opponent! Gasping for air, Memphis hits the deck when Jones finally releases him but he hasn't done yet...Blast from the Past! Jones gave one last kick before stealing back his USPW title belt and walking off backstage....]

Segment Rating: D+


Starr: Finally! That'll show him! He said he wanted a challenge...

Jillefski: Memphis definitely gave him one, and now we've a new TV champion!



The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger (w/The Guru) vs. Savage Fury, Captain USA and Pete (w/Al)

As all eight men entered the ring no-one waited, a mass of limbs colliding as soon as the last man stepped through. A furious brawl was eventual split up by Robbie Sanchez, who ordered each team to select a legal man. Ares and Java were the first to do battle, swapping suplex and holds for stiff punches and kicks determined to inflict as much pain as possible.


The next several minutes saw a steady rotation of personnel, everyone getting a chance in the ring. This didn't last however, when a hot tag from Java sent Tribal Warrior in against Zeus. The Samoan Destroyer emptied the ring, catapulting all four of his opponents to the outside single handedly. Tagging in Jumbo Jackson, the Oracles didn't stay outside, instead pouring back into the ring to set up an eight-man battle in the centre of the squared circle. Baby Jamie was about to call this one a no contest when the action once-again spilled to the concrete-covered surrounds below.


With Ares and Zeus in a ferocious brawl with Java and Tribal Fury on the outside, it was left to Jumbo Jackson to finish Captain USA off. With a little help from Anger to soften the veteran up, Jackson got his opponent into position...Jumbo Avalanche! As Pete tried to break the subsequent cover he was tackled by Anger, keeping the Hillbilly away just in time as the three count signalled The Guru's team victorious.

The Oracles of Destruction, Jumbo Jackson & Anger win in 9:40 via pinfall

Match Rating: D


Jillefski: Well, that was certainly the menace fest we were expecting!

Starr: I've got a feeling that Savage Fury and The Oracles aren't done yet...


USPW Tag Team Title Match



The People's Team vs. The Towers of Power

The Towers of Power were ready to learn from their mistakes last month and from the start of this match targeted Freddie Datsun, the MVP of the two team's last meeting. Once again utilising the rapid tag system they have become famous for, the Towers did a pretty good job of isolating Datsun and keeping a fresh man in at all times.


That all changed as the crowd began to chant for The Everyman, filling him with a new confidence. He began slowly fighting back, worried glances crossing the faces of Rushmore and Muscles. Their renewed assault on Datsun only seemed to inspire him even more and he continued the fightback. The excitement's crescendo came in the form of a huge double clothesline that took out both Datsun and Mick Muscles.


Recovering the quickest, Datsun headed towards his corner desperate to tag his partner in...but Davids hopped off the mat – Datsun can't reach him! Both The Everyman and the crowd looked on in shock at Davids actions, the betrayal of a friend. Davids simply smiled at his partner and pointed to the ring beyond. Datsun turned, expecting the worst...Atomic Boot! Rushmore had been tagged in and was lying in wait whilst Davids distracted his partner! Rushmore went for the cover...1...2...3!

The Towers of Power win in 9:48 via pinfall

The Towers of Power are the NEW USPW World Tag Team Champions!

Match Rating: C

[boos drown out the sound of the bell as Des Davids joins the Towers of Power in attacking his former partner Freddie Datsun. After laying in the boot, Muscles and Rushmore pick Datsun up, holding his weakened body upright whilst Des Davids stands in front of him with one of the tag team title belts. Hurling abuse at 'The Everyman,' Davids smashes the belt against his ex-friend's head sending him crashing to the mat.]

Segment Rating: D+


Jillefski: Oh no! What is Des Davids thinking!

Starr: Stupid move by Des. Sneer probably promised him the world but Datsun will get his revenge - I'm sure of that.


USPW National Title Match



Peter Valentine (w/Shane Sneer) vs. The Force

Having one eye on Peter Valentine and the other on Shane Sneer did more than make Jim Force cross-eyed. Despite a determined start, and a valiant effort throughout, Force's second National title shot was a disaster from the beginning. Charging at Valentine as soon as the bell rang, Force hit the mat hard only seconds in as Valentine dodged the oncoming challenger and stuck out a foot. Although without his bandages, Force noticeably still held his ribs in pain and a particularly strong scoop slam from Valentine had the painted warrior writhing in agony. Valentine, incensed by Force's increasing number of title shots, was unrelenting in his assault and after only six minutes he hit the Heart Breaker. For the second time this year, Valentine's aptly named finisher put The Force away and the National title was retained.

Peter Valentine wins in 6:57 via pinfall

Match Rating: D

[Peter Valentine stands over the beaten body of The Force as his manager Shane Sneer snatches a mic from a member of staff at ringside. Stepping into the ring, Sneer begins to speak over the fans' jeers...]



Shane Sneer: SHUT UP! Didn't anyone teach you to just shut up and listen!? Fine, sit there on your high horse if that's what makes you feel better but you all know that the only person in this arena worth a damn is USPW's National Champion Peter Valentine.


Now Jim Force may think that Peter is unworthy but, unless I missed something, this is the second time in a month that Force has failed, and failed miserably, to defeat Peter Valentine.


And Jim...I'm afraid to inform you...it's your last shot! I never wanted this match, you didn't deserve it but Jim, I signed a little contract with the Board of Directors. You see, because you've lost...again...you will never, ever, compete for the National Championship whilst Peter Valentine is champion!


[As the audience makes fully aware their hatred towards Sneer and Valentine the pair simply laugh it off and after a quick kick to the ribs of the downed Force the two strut confidently towards the back.]

Segment Rating: D


Jillefski: That low down, good for nothing...

Starr: Sneer couldn't get any lower if he tried - and that Valentine is no better!


Steel Cage Match


James Justice vs. T-Rex (w/Sheik Mustafa)

The crowd were geared up for this grudge match between two men with nothing to lose. Set inside a large, blue, steel structure the object of the match is not to pin or submit, but to escape either through the double-padlocked door or over the top and back down the side of the cage.


T-Rex got the match off to a great start, using the sides of the steel cage to barbaric effect, throwing his opponent into all four walls. After the initial setback, a battered Justice eventually fought his way back into the match and things became more even.


When T-Rex hit a huge belly-to-belly suplex, the tables turned again and he started to climb the cage! Slowly, Justice crawled towards the ropes, using them to pull himself up. Setting himself up underneath T-Rex, Justice grabbed his legs...powerbomb! T-Rex hit the mat with an enormous thud and fell silent immediately.


With Sheik Mustafa now struggling desperately with the first padlock on the cage door, James Justice began his slow but steady climb. As the Sheik edged ever closer to opening the cage, T-Rex began to come around, languidly getting up to a kneeling position using the turnbuckle as a support.


Mustafa threw one of the padlocks to the floor just as James Justice reached the top of the cage, the man known to fans as 'The Dude' struggling to get over to the other side.


Moments later T-Rex finally reached his feet and using the ring ropes as an aide began stumbling towards the door that was only seconds from being opened...


...as Mustafa unlocked the final padlock and threw the cage door open the bell rang out across The Dust Bowl...


...James Justice had reached the floor, James Justice had won!

James Justice wins in 11:18 by escaping the cage

Match Rating: C


[Falling to his knees, a look of relief spread over James Justice's face but it wasn't going to last long...



The music of Tyson Baine hit the arena PA and the red-haired one came charging down the aisle towards the victor. With T-Rex now outside the cage and also running at his enemy, James Justice had nowhere to go. Three bodies collided as Tyson Baine and T-Rex simultaneously hit James Justice, crushing him from both sides. As he fell to the floor, T-Rex and Tyson Baine began laying into 'Dude' whilst Mustafa commanded them from a safe distance.


Suddenly an unfamiliar sound rings out across the arena...



It's Edd Stone! Edd Stone is climbing through the crowd!


With Edd vaulting over the steel barrier and dashing towards the melee only a few feet away, Tyson Baine looks up in horror. Determined not to suffer any damage before his big title match, Baine signals towards T-Rex and begins heading towards the curtain.


The Titans and Sheik Mustafa back away slowly, all the while aiming insults towards Justice and Stone. Completely ignoring them Edd helps Justice to his feet before raising his hand in triumph as the crowd go wild!]

Segment Rating: B-


Starr: It's Edd Stone! What's Edd Stone doing here!

Jillefski: Saving James Justice from certain destruction by the looks of things!

Starr: Boy, do The Titans look unhappy about that!


[With our main event looming the USPW Videotron plays a selection of clips recapping the two month long feud between World Champion Enygma and his challenger Tyson Baine.]

Segment Rating: B


USPW World Title Match



Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Our main event had everything you could want of a wrestling match – great action, a great crowd and a great feud leading up to it. The two biggest superstars on the USPW roster clashed again in a USPW World Title match having met four weeks ago in the very same arena. That prior meeting had no effect on tonight's match, however, and this was a certifiable war. With Sheik Mustafa banned from ringside, and Bruce's agreement that he wouldn't interfere, this bout was all about the two men in the ring.


Baine was savage in his attacks, attempting to beat his opponent until he could no longer move. Enygma, on the other hand, went for a more focused approach, clearly setting his big rival up for a Variation attempt.


At around the ten minute mark, and on the back of a destructive running powerslam, Tyson Baine signalled to the crowd....Hades Bomb! No, wait...small package! 1....2....kick out! Enygma nearly had this one won with a great reversal.


The longer this match went on the more desperate both men became but neither could pull ahead, matching each other tooth and nail. The only thing that could separate the two was a piece of brilliance, or a piece of luck and both played a part in the finish.


When Tyson Baine caught Enygma during a running crossbody the big man lifted the champion above him...headscissor reversal! Rotating through the air Baine landed heavily on his leg and for the next few minutes he was hobbling uncomfortably around the ring. Still, he looked to be control when he sent Enygma to the ropes and bent down for a back body drop....


...Enygma rolled across Baine's back...bounced off the opposite ropes...dropkick to the back of the knee!


Baine's already hurting leg collapsed on contact and the flame-haired demon fell to the mat. Enygma circled the roaring Baine, waiting to see if it was a trap...it wasn't...Enygma pointed to the crowd...Enygma Variation! Baine couldn't take it, the pressure on his leg too great...he tapped!

Enygma wins in 17:39 via submission

Enygma retains the USPW World title in his 2nd defence.

Match Rating: B-


[Referee Eugene Williams raises the arm of the victorious Enygma, a man who has now twice triumphed over the previously unstoppable Tyson Baine. But things aren't over yet as an unnerving sound blares out over the cheering crowd...it's Bruce the Giant!


And our second ever pay-per-view closes with Bruce the Giant and Enygma staring each other down from across the vast arena, hatred and fear in both men's eyes.]

Segment Rating: A


Jillefski: That...that was the greatest match I've ever seen!

Starr: What a match! And think...things are only just beginning for World Champion Enygma!

Jillefski: That's right Mick. Unbelievable! Well folks, unfortunately that's all we've got time for - both Micky, myself, and everyone at USPW, hope you had a great time, we'll see you all on Tuesday!





PPV Buy Rate: 0.75


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