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USPW: The Battle for Prime Time

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USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America

Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer)

10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title: Tyson Baine

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USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson


The way I see it you're not going to have Alicia lose her first title defence in the slightest, you're going to build your champion until the dominant heel (Anaconda) comes in to face her for the title


The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America


This is a serious throw up in the air...maybe Captain USA will go on a winning streak, hell you've put him over on PPV so you may as well give him a few more wins, and really this division right now appears to need some more dominant face teams, letting the Assassins win will just add to the clog up.


Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer)


Edd's just won a semi main event on PPV while Des got put through a table by a carpenter....there's only one way this match should go in all honesty


10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title:


James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Professor Stern vs. Nicky Champion vs. Andre Jones vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Zeus vs. Chris Caulfield vs. T-Rex vs. Aaron Jackson- NONE



Right lets look at this logically, Justice and Baine will eliminate each other...Stern and Caulfield will do the same as well thats 4 out. T-Rex just got pinned so hes out. Jackson appears to have beef with Peter Valentine, Datsun with Davids, Zeus is a tag team wrestler, Champion appears to be doing nothing so having Jones in there will give him a rivalry to build on...so therefore none of them will win; the man that will...






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USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson - Strong ain't dropping the belt on her first defense.


The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America - Southern Assassins are kinda jobbers.


Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer) - 'Cause he's Edd Stone and he's awesome.


10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title: Tyson Baine - Makes the most logical sense.


But wow, did I blow the PPV.

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USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson


The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America


Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer)


10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title: Tyson Baine

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USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

My girl can't lose the title this quickly, right?


The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America

Captain USA goes on a winning streak!


Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer)

It's party time!


10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title: Bruce The Giant

Bruce takes out someone early in the show and joins the battle royal.

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Don't normally predict on this but it's one of my current favourite diaries so what the hell.....


USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson


The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America


Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer)


10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title: James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Professor Stern vs. Nicky Champion vs. Andre Jones vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Zeus vs. Chris Caulfield vs. T-Rex vs. Aaron Jackson

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USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America

Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer)

10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title: T-Rex

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USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson


You didn't put the belt on Daddy's Girl to have her drop it in her first defence


The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America


Struggling to remember exactly who the Southern Assassin's are, so they must be down at the jobber end of the scale, why not give The Forces a feel good win following Captain USA saving his job.


Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer)


Edd seems to be higher on the ladder right now, even if Des thinks joining up with Sneer will get him better pay days etc.


10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title: Tyson Baine


Bruce The Giant tapping out to the Enygma variation brought a sense of finality to that feud, so Bruce being surprise entrant would just be dragging things out. So let's look at the other contenders; Justice is certainly over enough but is a face and his team with Edd Stone seems to be where his direction is heading right now. Stern and Caulfield have major issues with each other and will cancel each other out. Zeus is a Tag wrestler at this moment in time, Andre Jones recently lost the TV belt and simply isn't credible enough. Freddie Datsun is having issues with Sneer Corp, as it Aaron Jackson who probably would have been a good wildcard pick had he not turned. Nicky Champion could be a interesting surprise winner and could kick start his main event push but right now he's just not quite credible enough and is too much of a cleaner than clean babyface to be Engyma's new adversary.


So that leaves the two monster Tyson Baine and T-Rex, Baine may be a bit been there done that but he just feels more credible a challenger than T-Rex. Of Course the other thing that could spice things up a bit, is if you begin a heel turn for the champion himself....be interesting to see exactly the direction you are going because there is no obvious challenger right now.

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As some of you know, I've not been too well this week. It's only a cold but I can't breath and can't think so although I've started the show it just isn't as good as I would like. For that reason I'm going to hold off on posting it until next weekend by which time I can have perfected the writing without spending all weekend pouring over it. I had some backstory posts I had intended on putting up this week but again, just haven't had the energy - I'll get those up over the course of the next instead.


I hope you'll all accept my apologies for the delay - we'll be back on track before you know it :D


And thanks for all your predictions - it is very interesting seeing the reasons behind your battle royal picks in particular!


Don't normally predict on this but it's one of my current favourite diaries so what the hell.....


Wow, thanks UKWrestleFan that's great to know! And thanks for taking the time to stop by.

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<hr color="black">

Thanks BHK, SWF Fan - much appreciated. As for the above shock - we'll hear the reaction of the Board tomorrow night! Unfortunately, I forgot to upload the image with a bit of a texture so this one will have to do for now :o
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Real life and health come first, always.


Love the Al the Hillbilly pic... That's awesome...


Thanks BP, and I'm glad you liked the picture. I have to admit, when I had the event in-game I laughed and it was too good an opportunity to pass up in the diary.


I regret not having more backstory posts of late to be honest, but I simply haven't had as much time as I would have hoped. Still, the shows are the main thing - this diary has never really been about the backstage workings - so hopefully people don't mind too much. In theory, the slightly delayed Board reaction should be up tomorrow (how often do I say that!?) and over the next few weeks I'm going to try and bring Wright and Stallings back into the mix. There is definitely a major change happening in May (in-game) that requires a little backstory explanation but for now, I'll leave it at that ;)




That is awsome!


Glad you like it BHK!


I hope you feel better, my friend. You've seen all the various ailments I've had. lol.


As for Al The Hillbilly? Sounds like moonshine to me!


I know - we're a right bunch on this forum - if it's not one thing it's another :p


As for Al the Hillbilly? Stolen...ahem....


Okay sorry for spaming you thread Jhd but I have to say that is awsome angeldelayette!


Anytime Hillbilly and Moonshine are mentioned I laugh!:D


Not to worry, you're not the only one :D

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Tuesday Morning, Week 3, March 2010



[An angry murmur buzzed around the Huntsville Fairgrounds' spacious conference room. The long table at the far end had been arranged so that the five men behind it all faced towards the large double doors opposite, the walls surrounded by aides and technicians preparing for tonight's show. In the centre of the table sat Sam Strong and J.K. Stallings Jr. deep in conversation and to either side, Corporal Doom, Danny Jillefski and Gordon Wright completed the quintet of power. A sharp knock at the door signalled to the five men that the meeting they had been dreading was about to begin. Seconds later the huge figure of Pete the Hillbilly skulked head down into the room, swiftly followed by Head Booker Shane Sneer…]




J.K. Stallings Jr.: What on Earth were you two thinking, Pete!? You're USPW - you don't go out driving moonshined up to your eyeballs, and you certainly don't crash a pickup into a tree.


Corporal Doom: You two boys sure made us look like fools...


Sam Strong: We're supposed to be competing with Eisen and Cornell and frankly, Pete, you and Al made us look like amateurs.


Doom: I don't remember seeing any of Tommy's boys wrap their Mercedes around roadside furniture, do you?


[The barrage seemed to stun even Shane Sneer and Doom's rhetorical question was followed by a moment's awkward silence. For the first time since entering the room Pete looked up, his eyes pleading with Strong and Stallings...]


Pete: So, we're fired?


[There was a faint note of hope in Pete's voice that the five men on the other side of the clearly detected...]


Danny Jillefski: We were about this far away from it Pete...


Gordon Wright: How long have you two got left on your contracts - one, two months? Why bother?


Stallings: No we are not firing you - that would be too easy. You can stay but for the next two months you are going to be model citizens - your going to be cleaning boots, washing cars...you're going to be the first people here and the last to leave. Do that and you might just leave USPW with some chance of staying in this industry. Screw up again and you'll be finished...


Strong: Be grateful Pete, this whole thing could have been a lot worse. If I were you I'd go and get Al out of jail...oh, and Pete...

...take a cab...


[sensing this meeting was over, Shane Sneer tapped the Hillbilly on the shoulder and directed him silently back out of the meeting room. The tension in the room didn't let up with their departure, and only time would tell the damage two men's stupidity could have on not only USPW, but on the course of the Battle for Prime Time.]

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USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America

Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer)

10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title: Tyson Baine


Alicia won't lose on first defence ... The Forces of America have a bit of a renaissance to celebrate the Cap'n not losing his job ... Edd Stone continues the momentum he and Justice are building either in tag or singles ... strong field for the battle royal, but I agree that Baine is probably the most likely option here until someone else is built up to that level.

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USPW Women's Title Match: Alicia Strong © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson


Alicia just won the title, and i can't see her losing it that quickly


The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America


It looks like Captain USA may have a slight renaissance since saving his career, and it begins here.


Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer)


Davids is good, but right now Stone is the big name and Davids isn't


10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title: Tyson Baine


Baine seems the most obvious choice for number one contender

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This diary is great!!!!!!


Thanks juggaloninjalee! Glad to hear you are enjoying it.


Fingers crossed the show should be up tomorrow night so if you haven't had time to predict yet you've been warned :p Hope you all enjoy the show and thanks to everyone who has predicted so far.

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Okay, bad news I'm afraid - my computer has had to be 'restored.' It's old, I've been having problems with it over the last few weeks and it appears to have given up on me. Thinking it was on its way out I had set about transferring stuff to my laptop (including unlicensing TEW) but my diary games didn't make it. Despite having three current saves, and a backup for every month ending up until May I stupidly didn't keep them anywhere externally. Same goes for my diary notes.


For a first diary I don't think three to four months worth of shows and a Rookie DOTM win is too shabby but I'll be honest, it is far away from where I wanted this to end (the length I mean, not the DOTM wins :p). I will still put up the final show but I've spent most of the day trying to transfer things so I may not get it posted until tomorrow.


Needless to say I am gutted, and I hope everyone will accept my sincerest apologies for The Battle for Prime Time's abrupt and unexpected end. In an attempt to soften the blow I will be putting up the coming months' plans and at least you, the reader, will know where things were headed.

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