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USPW: The Battle for Prime Time

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Simply because I like Alicia (as most of us do). I could see this going eitherway BUT, for the first show, I'll go with who I like.


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

The Hillbillys as a team would be fun to write for; however, the Towers of Power have more of an upside (despite Rushmore's age. Then again, this is USPW. ha). Towers win!


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java

Java is a GREAT Heel big man BUT Andre Jones keeps his roll going with a win! Andre retains! Side note: I'm excited to see how you write Jones. It'd be great to see a unique persona out of him.


Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

Redwood is a "Cult Phenomenon" on the GDS boards but Nicky is the 'future'. So, in that case, I go for the youngster to piss off the old man when he's forced to job.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield

Jumbo could win this. I'm not really sure on this one as it depends on if you're trying to create a "new star" or not. All in all, though, I'm going with Caulfield to look like a legit threat with this win.


James Justice vs. Tyson Baine

Going with Tyson based upon the fact that I like him more. ha. In time, when I see how your mind works as a booker it may be easier to call these kind of matches.


Great first card, jhd1!! I'm looking forward to see how it comes out on "paper" during the writing process!


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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Could go either way, but like Eisen, I prefer Alicia over Belle.


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

Easy win for the Towers, the Hillbillys are just jobbers


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java

Andre somehow pulls a win out of nowhere and surprises the Big Man.


Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

Nicky has more of a chance to reach the heights in USPW, especially since his stamina is higher then that of Giant Redwood


Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield

Jumbo wouldn't upset Chris on the first show


James Justice vs. Tyson Baine

The monster heel will usually win on TV, whereas at the Main PPV, you'd see James pick up a victory

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java

Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield

James Justice vs. Tyson Baine


Looking forward to this jhd1. Looks to be very interesting.




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Looking forward to the first show.


Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java

Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield

James Justice vs. Tyson Baine

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong


Current champ is a face, and the heel/face divide is strong in USPW.


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power


Towers of Power are the more over team, let's see how long the Hillbilly's do actually manage to last on the roster. :p


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java


Still think Andre Jones has all the stigma of a future-endeavoured former SWF jobber about him, but he'll pull out the win here, maybe by DQ to keep up Java's aura as wild out of control savage type.


Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood


Champion is seen as the future of USPW, Redwood's time at the top appears to have past.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield


Caulfield's is arguably the number one contender but he won't be arguably if he drops a loss to Jumbo Jackson.


James Justice vs. Tyson Baine


The big bad monster prevails.

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Thanks to everyone who's predicted so far, it really does help! :)


As this is a new diary I thought I'd let you know the plans so apologies for the bump. Typically, I'll try to post the show roughly 48-72 hours after the card preview goes up. Obviously this may vary with other commitments but I'll try and stick as close to that as possible.


That said, I'm hoping to get the first show up about this time tomorrow although there is a small chance that it might be delayed until Friday evening. Hopefully you'll all enjoy the show and thanks again to everyone reading!

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong- makes more sense for a heel to go into the PPV

The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power- If the Hillbillys could job well they'd be ok however...meh future endevours in the post maybe?

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java- Jones is just about my favourite guy in USPW as long as his character works well

Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood- useless monster or future talent....begin the builiding blocks from the bottom I guess

Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield- more over worker, more to aim for at his level

James Justice vs. Tyson Baine- dominating display from Baine

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Both are good wrestlers but Alicia is better in my opinion.

The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

If these two guys are younger, well at least Danny Rushmore, they are worth keeping and great monster heels to be developed.

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java

No loss at all for Andre Jones.

Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

Nicky Champion should get the win. If Redwood wins, I'll riot.

Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield

This guy can't lose to someone like Jumbo Jackson.

James Justice vs. Tyson Baine

Big main event but I'll go with Double J here.

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It's Tuesday January Week 1

and we are live from the sold out Huntsville Fairgrounds!



[The usual camera sweep around a packed Huntsville Fairgrounds shows huge USPW banners running ceiling to floor down one wall of the arena. The camera swoops in towards the ring with its distinctive red, white, and blue ring-ropes before finally settling upon two men...]

Your Announce Team:


Danny Jillefski and 'Mighty' Micky Starr


Jillefski: Hello folks, and welcome to our very first live broadcast of USPW's American Wrestling. For those that don't know me, I'm Danny Jillefski and I'm here at ringside along with the legend 'Mighty' Micky Starr.

Starr: Thanks Danny. I can't quite believe it but here we are, live, prime time, Tuesday...people at home, this is certain to be a night to remember!


[Arguably the most famous entrance music in the business hits the Huntsville Fairgrounds PA as USPW owner Sam Strong walks out to a huge ovation from the crowd. He thanks the audience as he enters the ring before asking for a microphone from a nearby attendant...]


Sam Strong: Let me welcome you all to the greatest wrestling show on television. Tonight you will see American Wrestling like you've never seen it before...live on prime time!


You know, times are changing here at USPW and we're going straight to the top. Over the next few weeks you're going to start seeing some of these changes and in fact, you know what, I'm going to make you one right here tonight!


So, our scheduled main event of Tyson Baine vs. James Justice has just become a tag team match! Baine will team with T-Rex, and Justice, you can find a friend in our World Champion Enygma.


So all you people in the Huntsville Fairgrounds Theatre, and all you people at home...get strapped in because tonight is going to be wild!

[With the crowd on their feet, Sam Strong gives them all a wave before heading up the walkway shaking hands as he goes.]

Segment Grade: B


#1 Contenders Match for the USPW Women's Title


Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Our first match on the card shows exactly why USPW is the place to be on a Tuesday night. Although some of the crowd were a little sceptical early on, solid wrestling from two of the company's top female stars leaves the audience in no doubt that both are at the very top of their game. This back-and-forth affair ended when Belle successfully ducked a clothesline and hit her finisher, a roundhouse kick to the back of the head she calls the Dish of the Day.

Belle Bryden wins in 9:46 via pinfall.

Match Rating: C-


Jillefski: Well, it looks like Belle's going to be the one going to the ball - she'll face Raven Robinson for the USPW Women's title in a little over three weeks.

Starr: What a match Danny, what a match!


[The action cuts backstage where Davis Ditterich is standing in the new USPW Event Centre. Set out like a modern high-tech newsroom; minimalist with polished wooden floors and high ceiling, Ditterich is stood in front of a wall that doubles as a huge TV screen. The video wall is currently cycling through classic USPW clips...]



Davis Ditterich: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to the all-new USPW Event Centre, I'm Davis Ditterich. As some of you may know, USPW will be holding its very first pay-per-view event later this month on U-Demand. That's right, USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams! will be shown live and uninterrupted in three weeks time. For all the information you need on how to order please visit uspw.com.


Well earlier on today I had the opportunity to ask Jim, sorry, The Force about the confrontation he had last week with USPW National Champion Peter Valentine. Lets see what he had to say...

[Davis turns to look at the wall behind him as the montage fades out to a view of The Force standing perpindicular to the camera, facing away at 90 degrees...]



The Force: Peter...Valentine...you carry that National championship belt like you own it....they say that it is 'your' belt...and yet...they are wrong...you are merely holding the gold for me...


Peter...Valentine...some people call Jim Force the ultimate warrior but again...they are wrong...

...I am more than that...

...I am the universe...the epicentre...the stars and the stones...and Peter Valentine...




[As his 'speech' reached its crescendo, The Force finally turns his head towards the camera and after a brief stare is followed with a deep, audible, exhalation of breath, he suddenly runs off. The video wall fades back into the previous montage leaving a perplexed Davis Ditterich to turn back around and sign off.]

Segment Rating: C



The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

You would have never guessed that both of these teams were former tag champions after The Towers of Power made short work of the bumbling Hillbillys. Despite providing much entertainment for the crowd, Al's antics at ringside proved to be the two bumpkins' downfall after he failed to notice his partner's desperate attempts at a tag. Slowly realising it would be best not keep his back to his opponents for too long, Pete turned around just in time to catch Danny Rushmore's Atomic Boot right in the face.

The Towers Of Power win in 4:23 via pinfall

Match Rating: D-


Starr: I've heard a little rumour that The Towers of Power are after their tag title belts. On that showing, I wouldn't bet against them!


USPW Television Title Match



Andre Jones © vs. Java

Television champion Andre Jones suffered a slow start to this match with Java successfully using his superior power to his advantage. What Jones lacks in brute force however, he more than makes up for in athleticism, and the champ soon began to take control after a series of running attacks start the challenger staggering. Nimbly sliding between the legs of Java, Jones manages to hit the Blast from the Past and the three-count is only a formality.

Andre Jones wins in 5:49 via pinfall.

Andre Jones retains the USPW Television in his 4th defence.

Match Rating: D-


Jillefski: By my reckoning, that is Jones' fourth defence of the USPW title since he won it a month ago.

Starr: You know, that's right Danny...if he keeps this up Jones may well be unstoppable!



Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

The man many describe as the future of the company, Nicky Champion, got 2010 off to a great start with a solid victory over Giant Redwood. Despite the vast size difference between the two men Champion cleverly worked on the legs of the already lumbering Redwood. With the big man's gradually weakening legs buckling under such an immense weight Champion took the initiative and a Hawkeye Hammer was enough for the win.

Nicky Champion gets the win at 6:23 via pinfall

Match Rating: D+



Chris Caulfield vs. Jumbo Jackson (w/Shane Sneer)

The crowd were ready for a great match from these two and they weren't disappointed. With Jumbo Jackson already in the ring, Chris Caulfield came out to a big ovation from the capacity crowd. Bringing his trusty steel chair and setting it down carefully beside the ring, Caulfield kept a noticeably wary eye on the ringside Shane Sneer before the match had even begun.


Keeping to USPW's nostalgic values, this match began with a test of strength 'offered' up by Jumbo Jackson. On the verge of being overpowered by his opponent, a kick in the gut from Jackson sent Caufield reeling.


After several minutes of good wrestling from both men The Hardcore American began to gain the upper hand. Seeing his client's impending predicament, Sneer climbed on to the ring apron distracting the referee. With an opportunity opening Jackson edged towards Caulfield's corner, hoping to grab hold of the steel chair just feet away...but he couldn't reach it! Caulfield grabbed hold of his opponent, and an irish whip sent him straight towards his manager.


As Sneer went crashing to the ground outside the ring, Jackson bounced backwards straight into the arms of Caulfield and a reverse snap DDT, the Danger Drop, finished Jumbo off.

Chris Caulfield gets the win at 9:39 via pinfall

Match Rating: C-


[An exhausted Caulfield drags himself to his feet and turns...a look of shock crossing his face as his head draws level with the middle of Bruce the Giant's chest...


With the flash of a savage grin, the Giant picks up the Hardcore American and slams him back onto the canvas leaving Caulfield a crumpled heap in the centre of the ring.

As boos echo around the auditorium Bruce simply laughs and lifts a single tree-trunk arm to toward the ceiling in a show of triumph.]

Segment Rating: B


Jillefski: That was brutal! After everything he's accomplished in this business, Caulfield doesn't deserve to be manhandled like that.

Starr: Bruce has always played outside the normal rules, Danny, and that's the worrying thing for the rest of us...



Enygma & James Justice vs. The Titans (w/Sheik Mustafa)

It's grudge time in this main event with both Enygma and Tyson Baine and James Justice and T-Rex having prior history before this match. The animosity showed, especially in the actions of The Titans, who used every dirty trick in the book to do as much damage as possible to their opposition. Around the twelve minute mark a huge double clothesline from both Baine and Justice took out both men and the referee. Enygma ran in to check on his partner but as the USPW Champion stood up to beckon for another official, T-Rex came flying in out of nowhere catapulting both men over the top rope. Back in the ring, Justice was the slower getting to his feet and seeing his opportunity Baine signalled to the crowd...Hades Bomb! With the flame-haired demon going for the pin, Sheik Mustafa brought the referee around just in time for the three count.

The Titans win at 14:07 via pinfall

[With the bell still ringing, Enygma jumps back into the ring taking out Baine from behind with a diving tackle. With Justice slowly picking himself up and T-Rex charging back into the ring mayhem looks set to break loose as this historic UPSW American Wrestling closes to the sight of officials pouring in from backstage.]

Match Rating: C, Segment Rating: C+


Jillefski: I think we're going to need more than a few security guards to pull those four apart.

Starr: I know I wouldn't want to be in the middle of that lot!





Sports America Rating: 0.35


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First off I must give my sincere thanks to ReapeR for his awesome TV title render, truly amazing.


Secondly, thanks to everyone who has predicted the response so far has been beyond my wildest dreams - I hope everyone enjoyed the show!


Okay, so I screwed you all with the last pick but I wanted to give a sense of how much things changing in USPW. Things are live now and you never know whats going to happen - in fact, just tape SWF - USPW is the place to be! :D Oh, and obviously I didn't include that prediction in the scores.


In fact, so many people got 5/5 this show that I'd use more characters writing your names out than there is in the rest of the post :p Things are always a bit predictable in the first week but don't worry, things'll get shaken up soon enough. Regardless to say, starting next show I will begin a prediction-table-thing and some sort of prize will come at the end of two in-game months. Suggestions for prizes would be most welcome.


Right, as promised here are the alts so far...




Micky Starr is based upon the excellent Gatekeeper render by jtlant.


EDIT: Forgot to mention, after struggling to find a character for Jim Force I eventually gave in and went with an over-the-top slightly-crazed Ultimate Warrior. Hopefully as he develops he'll prove to be more than just a clone and a little different from the regular FEEL THE FORCE type - still, it was fun to write!

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Like everyone else, enjoyed the first show! Very well written.


Now, just a small piece of advice that doesn't have to be taken, as far as the finishers go, what I have done is gone into Wrestling Spirit 2 and they have a move list in there that has many of the finishers already written in as to what they are. Of course, you can turn them into whatever you wish as this is your diary but just a suggestion from me to you.

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Dude its amazing :) loved the show, loved the alts, loved it all :p


Agreed this was a great first show!


I love the format, it had a very nice and simple look to it!


And the vs. logos were great as well.


Big thumbs up on the first show. Great start, jhd1. Also love the alts, especially the Micky Starr one. And Caufield with the chair is pretty awesome.


Thanks guys, I'm glad you all enjoyed it. The alts begin to get even crazier starting next week!


Like everyone else, enjoyed the first show! Very well written.


Now, just a small piece of advice that doesn't have to be taken, as far as the finishers go, what I have done is gone into Wrestling Spirit 2 and they have a move list in there that has many of the finishers already written in as to what they are. Of course, you can turn them into whatever you wish as this is your diary but just a suggestion from me to you.


You know, I never knew that! Downloaded thanks, and I'm glad you enjoyed the show :D


EDIT: I've changed the moves to the correct ones, thanks for the heads up angeldelayette.

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Like everyone else, enjoyed the first show! Very well written.


Now, just a small piece of advice that doesn't have to be taken, as far as the finishers go, what I have done is gone into Wrestling Spirit 2 and they have a move list in there that has many of the finishers already written in as to what they are. Of course, you can turn them into whatever you wish as this is your diary but just a suggestion from me to you.


Great idea, heading straight for the demo now =D


I'm looking and have found a few signatures, but is there a separate section for finishers? There's the Big Cat Pounce, the Moscow Lariat and a few others, but little for Bruce/Eisen/Money et al.

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January 2010

Corporal Doom had been the on-screen commissioner of USPW from the time he retired from the ring in 2007. Backstage Doom was really an irreplaceable member of the creative team and one of the company's top road agents. Onscreen he had become the sadistic authority figure Commissioner Doom. However, the new deal between Strong and Stallings Jr. came a condition; Doom was to be removed from his Commissioner role and be replaced by Sam Strong.


One thing Stallings Jr. had learnt from his time as owner of HGC was that Sam Strong was a huge draw and six years later little had changed. Surprisingly, Strong hadn't been seen on USPW TV for a number of months and had only ever featured sporadically since his retirement, choosing instead to have Doom as the heel authority figure. Despite playing his role excellently, everyone knew that Doom would never receive the kind of reaction, nor draw the numbers of fans, as Sam Strong.


People backstage knew that Sam was as displeased about the move as Corporal Doom, but both accepted the move for the good of the company. Stallings insistence that the suggestion was no personal slight upon Doom no doubt went some way to convincing them that it needn't be a bad thing. Yet those close to Sam knew he'd make sure that Doom would get his chance again soon enough, though how Stallings would react would be another matter. Still, with the software mogul blissfully unaware of any disquiet over his decision one thing was certain. For now at least...


...the commissioner was doomed.


<hr color="black">

In case anyone has missed it, USPW's very first live show is on the previous page. The prediction card for show #2 will be up later today.

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Get your predictions in for...

USPW American Wrestling

January, Week 2, 2010

Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

USPW Television Title Match

After defending his title against one member of Savage Fury last week, Andre Jones must meet the other half of the former tag champions when he defends his title against Tribal Warrior.

Can the Samoan powerhouse do what his partner could not, or will Andre Jones continue his unbeaten title reign?

The Force vs. Giant Redwood

It's a similar situation for Giant Redwood who, after being beaten last week by Nicky Champion, must face the other half of Champion Force, Jim 'The Force' Force.

With the Giant looking for revenge, will The Force be strong enough in this one?


Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Non-Title Match

It'll be Champion vs. Champion when Peter Valentine, USPW National Champion, meets one half of the tag team champions, Freddie Datsun.

Will 'The Everyman' prove that anyone can do it, or will Valentine just break his heart?


Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

After losing out on the #1 contenders spot last week against Belle Bryden, Alicia Strong get another chance at 'The Dish' in tonight's tag team match. Bryden, meanwhile, will want to prove that last week was no fluke by beating not only Strong, but the women's champion as well. Finally, Cherry Bomb will be going all out to show the boss that it was a mistake to leave her out of last week's contest.

Will Belle really prove to be 'The Dish of the Day' or will Strong & Robinson make sure their opponents Bomb?

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Non-Title Match

After being defeated by Chris Caulfield last week, Jumbo Jackson will look to bounce back here tonight against USPW World Champion Enygma.

Will Enygma be able to cope with Shane Sneer and his protege, or will Jumbo score a big upset against the world champion?


Plus, we'll get to see Bruce the Giant in action and the debut of a new member of the USPW roster.


Quick Predictions...

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

The Force vs. Giant Redwood

Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

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Love the layout and enjoyed the first show :)


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

The Force vs. Giant Redwood

Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

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Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

if one of them didnt get it done, the other isnt either


The Force vs. Giant Redwood

because only Lexa would push Redwood


Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

non title + Good opponent = champion loses.


Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

could go either way, but I think Raven is hotter looking. Oh wait, this isnt a bikini contest?:p


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

non title + Good opponent = champion loses. although I am sure Enygma will whine about losing.

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