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A question for experienced diary writers, and specifically those who have done their own company.


I'm working on a game that will hopefully turn into a diary (I've got some neat ideas for it) and wondered, is it more advisable to build a new company via the editor and just install yourself as booker in the beginning, or to start it from the in-game menu?


Also, when it comes to modifying the database, does that tend to harm people's initial opinions of the diary?

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A question for experienced diary writers, and specifically those who have done their own company.


I'm working on a game that will hopefully turn into a diary (I've got some neat ideas for it) and wondered, is it more advisable to build a new company via the editor and just install yourself as booker in the beginning, or to start it from the in-game menu?


It depends on how much control you want over your roster. Mine was created mine beforehand because I'd drafted a specific opening roster. If you're not so fussed about who you get, there's no harm in creating it afterwards.


A possible positive to creating it in-game is controlling when the diary begins. Maybe you want to start in 2011, so you could sim through as a watcher for a year, letting the world evolve around you, before beginning your promotion.


I don't think it matters much. You might get more options starting it beforehand, setting exact popularity and the like.


Also, when it comes to modifying the database, does that tend to harm people's initial opinions of the diary?


It can, if it appears to make things easier. I know I recieved some eye-rolling on account of my roster containing Jeremy Stone, Johnny Bloodstone, Raul Hughes, Steve DeColt and Christian Faith. I believe Masked Orange also ran a British dynasty wherein he picked up Tommy Cornell & Dark Angel, which turned people off.

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Also, when it comes to modifying the database, does that tend to harm people's initial opinions of the diary?


I'm not an experienced diary writer by any means but I thought I'd offer my opinion with regards to this question.


If it can be explained as part of the storyline and isn't too far out of the realms of possibility then why not?


I edited USPW's timeslot to go up against Supreme TV and TCW - would I be able to do that in-game? Probably not, but because of the story behind the move it made sense. On the other hand, if I'd have started the diary by just saying Sam Strong's had an idea - lets move to Tuesdays, it probably wouldn't have worked. Equally, had I said J.K. Stallings Jr. has taken over USPW so they've hired Christian Faith and Skull DeBones to the roster I'd have no readers.


If the changes, and every little ripple you make because of that decision, can be explained really, really well then you should be fine.

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I believe Masked Orange also ran a British dynasty wherein he picked up Tommy Cornell & Dark Angel, which turned people off.


Yeah, I think the idea is generally that Cornell is "TCW Guy". When people sat down to read a 21CW dynasty they were expecting the 21CW guys, I brought in people who by comparison were out of place with no justification and ended up paying for it.

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I'm not an experienced diary writer by any means but I thought I'd offer my opinion with regards to this question.


If it can be explained as part of the storyline and isn't too far out of the realms of possibility then why not?


I edited USPW's timeslot to go up against Supreme TV and TCW - would I be able to do that in-game? Probably not, but because of the story behind the move it made sense. On the other hand, if I'd have started the diary by just saying Sam Strong's had an idea - lets move to Tuesdays, it probably wouldn't have worked. Equally, had I said J.K. Stallings Jr. has taken over USPW so they've hired Christian Faith and Skull DeBones to the roster I'd have no readers.


If the changes, and every little ripple you make because of that decision, can be explained really, really well then you should be fine.


I believe that's the golden rule. If you're delving into the editor and restructuring the game world. Explain what you're doing and give reason (i.e. a backstory) to why you're doing it. The more it defies logic, the more difficult it will be for some readers to accept and follow. I mean Mark Cuban buying DAVE... who on earth would buy into that!? ;) Way back when, my HGC diary involved a lot of editing and wholesale changes, bringing back The Vesseys, Dread, etc as well as involving Phil Vibert, but I did my best to justify the changes and make them as believable as possible. I'm sure there were people that were turned off regardless, but in general I had a good amount of readers. I admit though, I did get a little carried away by jumping the gun and bringing in/back Jack Bruce way too soon and then wrote rings around myself cancelling the decision. The C-Verse may be a fictional database allow more leeway in this regard, but there's still cannon and a general concensus around much of it. Still, you don't get any many instant-kills as you do with the real world, such as AJ Styles, Alex Shelly, etc all joining the WWE in day one.


As for creating new companies straight off the bat. Again, backstory I believe is key. For instance Eisenverse has shown that with some thought and planning (not to mention strong writing), people can quickly get behind a dynasty involving one. On the reverse, if you create a new company that overnight is challenging the SWF and has Cornell, McFly, DeColts, etc stacking the roster for no real reason, it will undoubtly fare less well.

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I think it depends a bit on where your focus is. My work was about story, it was about the wrestlers themselves, it wasn't about me or my booking. The grades I got for the shows were comparatively unimportant (Hell, a few times I just made them up without opening TEW) Therefore I think I would have had more leeway with tweaking than a "Getting ROF to National" project.


There are forgivable tweaks. Personally, the idea of writing a 2 hour weekly television show appalls me, so if I was to do a TCW or NOTBPW or 21CW diary I'd edit the TV show for 90 minutes or an hour.

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A question for experienced diary writers, and specifically those who have done their own company.


I'm working on a game that will hopefully turn into a diary (I've got some neat ideas for it) and wondered, is it more advisable to build a new company via the editor and just install yourself as booker in the beginning, or to start it from the in-game menu?


Also, when it comes to modifying the database, does that tend to harm people's initial opinions of the diary?


As far as my current diary goes using tew 2005, that is a brand new created fed. I created it via the editor so I could start as the owner, but as far as the roster building that is ALL done in game. This way I get the chance to bring together a bunch of wrestlers that may not be used or known.


Also if you do turn it into a diary. While getting feedback is nice, don't feel like you have to take everything they say and do what they want, it's your diary after all.

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I started my Runcorn Wrestling Alliance story which was centred around a small fed that gave it's new wrestlers coming through a chance. I created a DOJO for them and set new workers to start quite early on. My new owner came in and basically has ruined my story... Why? Because he wants every worker to have a C- basics... I've had to totally change the story because I can't hire any of the new guys and, to be honest, it's ruined my story.


I'm now booking a fed filled with some of the better wrestlers and to be honest, I feel like it's kind've killed that story.


I've started working on something else but feel weary about leaving the RWA dynasty where it is. But the problem is that where I am, there is no backstory anymore. The owner I have in place has completely ruined it!


So to be honest, I think I may just back away from it.


What's my point? Well... If you have a story in mind, a specific story that needs specific roles and requirements then creating that world in your editor is best. If you have a rough idea but are willing to role with the punches without compromising what you want to achieve then you can start with things as they are.

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In writing up my last show report, the one question I've always had when posting came up. "How far in advance do I play out the game between posts". or the slightly different, how soon do I post the next piece.


my diary and my game run fairly close to each other, (when I am in the diary is only days away from where my game is).


This is another thing to think about when doing dairies. I do it my way because if a reader wants to post something I can use I can attempt to get their post into my diary fairly recently.


of course that can be negitive as well as I am not actually playing the game most days. (I remember in my D.A.V.E. diary I jumped ahead two shows in the game vs. where my diary was. I didn't even open the game for two weeks untill I cought the diary up with the game itself.

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My new owner came in and basically has ruined my story... Why? Because he wants every worker to have a C- basics...


I havent tested it myself, but apparently if you get owner goals you dont like, you can turn having goals off, advance one day and turn them back on. And you get a new batch. Its a bit cheeky, but that may be a better solution than wasting all that tim and effort

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I have a suggestion for newer writers (myself included). Make yourself known! Make predictions for other writers, comment on others shows. If you sit around and only work on your project then you may be dissapointed. Building a rapport with other writers can only help you.


And help each other out! There are several other new writers starting projects, there is no excuse for you not to give them a try.


- Sonfaro

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In writing up my last show report, the one question I've always had when posting came up. "How far in advance do I play out the game between posts". or the slightly different, how soon do I post the next piece.


Some people like to play ahead, I actually play behind. I write the show, make it as entertaining as possible for the reader, THEN play it on TEW, then type in the grades seconds before posting. I don't know about you, but when I play TEW, I have the tendency to book lazy. I spam surefire angles, regardless of how unimaginative they are or how much sense they make to the story. By writing the scenes first, I put far more effort into making them fun to read. My TEW grades suffered a bit, but that's not a big deal in my opinion.


"How soon should you post the next piece?" A lot of people seem to post it as soon as they finish, but I prefer a more deliberate pace. One or Two shows a week. Even though the majority of responses come in the first 24 hours of posting, I don't believe in posting too frequently, as I feel it can become a chore for readers to keep up with your work. I also feel that readers enjoy scheduled programming. Pick a day (or two, if you're a quick writer) and stick to it. I posted a show every Monday. My readers knew that, and I like to think they found comfort in the routine.

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Some people like to play ahead, I actually play behind. I write the show, make it as entertaining as possible for the reader, THEN play it on TEW, then type in the grades seconds before posting. I don't know about you, but when I play TEW, I have the tendency to book lazy. I spam surefire angles, regardless of how unimaginative they are or how much sense they make to the story.


I do something similar; I book the show, then post the card, then sim the show, writing as I go. It gives me a chance to reward a stunningly exciting match, but otherwise, like Self, it means I've committed to the program before I write it and can't back up on it.

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I have a suggestion for newer writers (myself included). Make yourself known! Make predictions for other writers, comment on others shows. If you sit around and only work on your project then you may be dissapointed. Building a rapport with other writers can only help you.


And help each other out! There are several other new writers starting projects, there is no excuse for you not to give them a try.


- Sonfaro


Well it did not help me and my diary!:D Seriously, though I don't make picks in nearly every diary on the board to get readers into my work (I do it because I have no life), but it does seem to work for others.

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