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Freedom Carribean Wrestling: Welcome to the Carribean

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After FREEDOM of the city we managed to turn a profit, making three straight months in a row that we’d managed that. That being said, since we moved to the Gymnasium Aguada profits are a little down on what they were in January, coming in at about 4 thousand a month as opposed to 6. Mind you, at our level profit at all is a good thing, so who am I to argue?


After FREEDOM of the City, there were a few things to think about. Firstly, Power needed a new feud; his match with Stranger had been a good one but the whole point of the San Juan Brawl is to end feuds, so continuing it wouldn’t look good. Unfortunately, there wasn’t really anyone in the company I could put into that slot: Champion and Leper are the two next highest heels, and they’ve got their own feud to resolve. Besides, whilst those two have their upside it’s not in the ring, and it’s only reasonable to want your top heel to actually be a good wrestler. With that in mind, I made another approach to Billy Russell, although after he turned us down last month I wasn’t that hopeful. Much to my surprise, though, he was actually willing to come on board, and at 1500 per appearance with a 700 downside he was actually pretty reasonable priced, although he did demand a guaranteed title run, which may cause problems down the line if Power won’t do the job.


As well as bringing in Billy, I also made an approach to Herb Stately to manage him and handle the talking. It’s true that I had better on the roster, but Carl’s gangsta schtick just wouldn’t fit with Billy’s tough guy persona. I also re-signed Bradford and Singh, both of whom are very important members of the roster, but let Jesus go: his one match for me had been a good one but I didn’t like his attitude, and with Billy also presenting something of a problem backstage I figured letting the most disposable member of the Latino Kings go was the best way of balancing that out.


In news from the wrestling world, TCW rose to International size, and immediately made moves on a whole bunch of workers. Luckily for us they largely passed our people by, with the exception of Carl Batch who got signed to a PPA deal thanks to our working relationship. Still, working relationship or no I don’t like Carl signing for them: alright, so we’re still only scheduling round two days a week (Tuesdays for him and Power, plus SWF’s B-Show on Mondays) plus the occasional monthly shows, but the popularity boost Carl can get from TV could put him out of our price range quite soon if we’re not lucky.



For our next show, FCW FREEDOM of Speech, I put together the following card:



Puerto Rican Power vs. Leper Messiah


Bradford Peverell vs. Hell’s Champion



Kirk Jameson vs. American Elemental


Billy Russell vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Citizen X


Rudy Velasquez vs. Shawn Gonzalez

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Leper Messiah

The Power isn't dropping the title just yet


Bradford Peverell vs. Hell’s Champion

Tough call, but you've said once before you aren't high on Hell's Champion so him dropping some overness to Peverell here could only be for the best



Kirk Jameson vs. American Elemental

Jameson isn't dropping it yet either


Billy Russell vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley

Billy Russell doesn't lose to ADB


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Citizen X

I take it X is on loan, so I don't see him winning here


Rudy Velasquez vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Don't see Gonzalez losing to Rudy before Rudy gets built up some more

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Leper Messiah


Routine defence for Power, whilst you look to build up a battle of the Puerto Rican Icon's feud.


Bradford Peverell vs. Hell’s Champion


I'll go for Hell's Champion to win this one and possibly set up a title match with Power next month.



Kirk Jameson vs. American Elemental


American Elemental impresses on his debut but Jameson holds onto the belt via cheating to cement himself as the People's champion and to also solidify his new heelish ways.


Billy Russell vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley


No chance Russell is going to lose on his debut.


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Citizen X


More problems for Mainstream, as he gets outwitted by another heel.


Rudy Velasquez vs. Shawn Gonzalez


Gonzalez will probably moan and groan if you jobbed him out here, even if Velasquez is one of his personal pet projects.

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How can I do after a perfect record? Probably screw it all up.



Puerto Rican Power vs. Leper Messiah


Bradford Peverell vs. Hell’s Champion



Kirk Jameson vs. American Elemental


Billy Russell vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Citizen X


Rudy Velasquez vs. Shawn Gonzalez

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Leper Messiah

no way does PRP job here


Bradford Peverell vs. Hell’s Champion

Helly's feud with Bradford ends here with a push to battle PRP



Kirk Jameson vs. American Elemental

Shady win for Kirk... homey gotta push that heel cred


Billy Russell vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley

The Russell of Billy debuts with a squashy squash


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Citizen X

Mainstream needs a lift after getting Kirklocked, plust Citizen X is ok.. but he aint like.. needs to win material.


Rudy Velasquez vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Rudy gets bitchlapped but makes a great showing to start separating him from that useless spot turd Galindo.

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Just to let y'all know, show should be going up sometime...well, today technically, but I think of it as tomorrow so that's what I'm gonna say. I'm currently up to about September in the game, so expect a fairly rapid flurry of shows over the next week or so if all goes according to plan
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Puerto Rican Power vs. Leper Messiah


Bradford Peverell vs. Hell’s Champion



Kirk Jameson vs. American Elemental


Billy Russell vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Citizen X


Rudy Velasquez vs. Shawn Gonzalez

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Leper Messiah


Bradford Peverell vs. Hell’s Champion



Kirk Jameson vs. American Elemental


Billy Russell vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Citizen X


Rudy Velasquez vs. Shawn Gonzalez

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Live to DVD from the Gymnasium Aguada

Audience: 702


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


DragonShock vs. Jesus Chavez & Carlos Gonzalez

We kicked things off with Jesus doing the job on his way out to put over our up-and-coming face team. This was about as good as any of Carlos’ matches ever are, but DragonShock looked good and did a lot of hard work in this match. As for their opponents, Jesus looked solid without ever really being anything special, whilst Carlos is continuing to develop as a worker, albeit slower than I’d like. In the end Jesus took the loss here when Dragón put him with the Dragón Driver ’07.

Winners: DragonShock Match Rating: D



The Show


Rudy Velasquez vs. Shawn Gonzalez

This was definitely the right match to lead off with: Rudy and Shawn have great chemistry, and it turned what was already shaping up to be a good opener into one of our best ever matches. The formula was simple: Shawn kept things slowed down with his technical style whilst Rudy tried to cheat his way to victory. We also threw out a lot of interference to keep the tag titles storyline going: Hector and Jesus interfered to help Rudy, which brought out Natural Storm to even the odds. Eventually all four guys brawled their way to the back, allowing Shawn to force Rudy to submit to the Latino Crab

Winner: Shawn Gonzalez Match Rating: C+




We then aired a hype video for tonight’s main event. Ordinarily I’d have had Davis and Cueball get some banter going to sell the match, but for once I decided to go with a straight video to save time. It went over pretty well, as Power’s always going to be popular and Leper has the kind of character that makes you think he could win.

Rating: C




Citizen X vs. Mainstream Hernandez

I’d expect this to be a solid midcard match, maybe making a C- or D+ rating and not really standing out. Instead what we got was a brilliant match that could have main evented for us quite easily if it had only been a bit longer. It helped that X and Hernandez could call the match themselves rather than having it script, and that X could add some solid all-round work to Hernandez’ exemplary high flying: high flyers tend to work best when they’ve got something else to do in between all that exciting top-rope stuff, and with X able to slow things down a bit it made Hernandez’s aerial work doubly exciting. Not that it did him any good, as X claimed the victory by pinning Hernandez with a roll-up whilst using the ropes for leverage.

Winner: Citizen X Match Rating: C




No sooner has X claimed the victory than he’s joined by Kirk, and between the two of them they proceed to lay a vicious beatdown on Hernandez. As usual the crowd reaction was insipid.

Rating: E




Kirk Jameson vs. American Elemental

I’d hoped for something to match X/Hernandez from this one, but whilst it was a very good match it didn’t really come up to that standard. In fairness, it did as well as I’d expected whilst the last match was way over what I thought it would be, but even so this felt like a bit of a comedown. Part of the problem was psychology- I’d set these guys to call the match, but whilst Elemental can do that quite easily Jameson’s psychology is still developing and he wasn’t really up to the task of calling this himself. In the end Kirk got the win, making Elemental tap out to the Kirk-Hold to claim a submission victory.

Winner: Kirk Jameson Match Rating: C-




Billy Russell vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley

This was a perfectly decent squash that unfortunately rather highlighted the weaknesses of each men’s game, namely the generally scrappy quality of their fundamentals. Billy may be extremely popular and a good technical worker, but he still works like an MMA guy- in other words, stiff as a board and with extremely bad wrestling psychology. As for Arthur, he’s a great high flier but just about everything else needs work. Fortunately for us the FCW crowd cares as much about star power as it does ring work, and with Billy in the ring star power’s never a problem

Winner: Billy Russell Match Rating: D+




We go backstage, to the same darkened room where Hell’s Champion and Leper Messiah are always hanging out. This month it’s Champion’s turn, and with the fire firmly on maximum creepiness he speaks:


“Tonight…a champion will fall. Bradford Peverell…the darkness will consume you, tear your soul away and destroy your body. Hell Itself Will Come To Town. So Sayeth Hell’s Champion”


Champion isn’t a great worker, but his promo was as good as always.

Rating: B-




Elsewhere backstage, Power is on hype duty for tonight’s main event.


“Tonight, Powerfans, I face the greatest challenge of my career. I've fought big guys, clever guys, mean guys, all kinds of opponent, and beaten them all. But tonight, against the psychotic power of Leper Messiah, I face the most dangerous man in wrestling. Messiah doesn’t care about winning or losing, all he wants to do is hurt people. And tonight, when we’re in the ring surrounded by 10,000 screaming Powerfans, I’m gonna have to find a way to keep him down for a 3 count. But you know what? I’m not afraid. Yeah, Leper Messiah’s a dangerous man- none more dangerous- but tonight he will fall, and I will stand victorious, because I…HAVE….THE…POWER!!”


As always, Power can be relied upon to deliver the goods in his native Puerto Rico, even with the SWF jobbing him out every chance they get.

Rating: B




No sooner has Power finished his promo than Russell charges into the interview area. Chaos breaks out as wrestlers and staff struggle to separate the pair as they brawl. And as usual with Power, the audience loved this.

Rating: B




Hell’s Champion vs. Bradford Peverell

Unfortunately, this is where the show rather fell apart. Not only is Champion at best a very limited worker, but his chemistry was Brad was definitely of the not-so-good kind. Beats me how you could figure that out from two guys punching each other for 10 minutes but apparently you can, and the match suffered because of it, turning what should have been a decent sub-main event match into something that’s only just dark match-worthy. Champion got the win here, largely due to his popularity, but I’m still unconvinced about his value to us.

Winner: Hell’s Champion Match Rating: D




Puerto Rican Power vs. Leper Messiah

This wasn’t a bad match, but bad chemistry once again reared its head to throw things off. Fortunately Power’s got the kind of pull with this crowd that they don’t notice when things are off, so what this lacked in quality it made up for in heat. And wrestling-wise it was definitely lacking: at the best of times Messiah’s not exactly a top-flight worker, and with bad chemistry dogging him tonight he looked as bad as King Kong Kennedy on his first day. Power got the win here; skipping The Moves of Doom and going straight to a bog-standard backslide for the pin.

Winner: Puerto Rican Power Match Rating: C



Overall Rating: C, largely thanks to the Hell’s Champion promo and the Power/Russell segments.

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So, let's see how this month's predictions break down:


JohnLions: 4/6

Tigerkinney: 5/6

TheLeviticalLawKid3: 4/6, so no screwing up here even if it ain't perfect

DiablomanConQueso: 4/6

ColtCabana: 5/6

Dragonmack: 3/6


So, TigerKinney and ColtCabana take the win this month, and win our all new 'Billy Russell: Tap Out or Pass Out' DVD, featuring matches from his MMA Career and INSPIRE run (and yes, BHOTWG may own the rights, but if Tigerkinney's in charge there he can talk the boss into leasing them to us, right?)


Oh, and DioblomanConQueso? Piece of advice for your FCW game: Don't push Hell's Bouncer/Champion/whatever into a run against Power. He's not really got the ability to handle it.

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true on both fronts.


HC has bad chemistry with PRP so I cant put them in a long feud together. I have been sneaking them in 3 men unchained and then giving them money matches that way to work around it. ODdly enough.. HC has GREAT chemistry with Brett Biggz in my game.


currently I am in a overblown mess in year 5 thanks to my war with NYCW. I now have a roster of 46 with 2 brands, getting ready to break it into 3 brands.


I am ranked 22nd worldwide importance and 17th influential.... my biggest issue is now I can't break the D+ / C- barrier in PR so i am moving tours to Tri State and SOutheast.


I do have a crazy fun MAIN roster (CHampagne Lover, Greg Gauge, Mitico JR, Steve Flash, Handsome Stranger, PRP,Primus Allen, Hells Bouncer, Brett Biggz, Fox Mask, Trent Schaffer, Steve Parker) but I can't get a decent match out of em!!! ...


So 1pwfan , I salute you for doing a great job on FCW. I hope as I become better at TEW (this is my first time playing it) I will be less of a mess and be able to keep up with my diary.

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Thanks for the kind words, Diabloman. In all honesty, I think the main reason why FCW works so well for me is that I've been playing companies around this size since '07, so I'm something of a veteran when it comes to regional feds. And on that subject- yeah, your roster's hyper-inflated, and declaring war on NYCW was a daft move (although I'm a huge fan of that company, so there we are).


Anyway, on with the action


Carly Colón’s News from the Island


Say what you like about Rico’s booking- and I for one happen to like it- but one thing you cannot deny is that since he took over booking FCW life’s become a lot more interesting. First there was the potential fallout with Shawn, then the roster overhaul that saw Kennedy and Titan depart, and now rumours are circulating of tension between Rico Gonzalez and Hell’s Champion.


The story goes that Rico has apparently become dissatisfied with the Champion’s performance in the ring. The feeling is that Champion hasn’t shown the kind of improvement Rico was hoping for in his ring-work, and Rico has apparently been telling people backstage that Champion is being lazy and needs to step up his game if he wants to stay in a main event position. Champion, meanwhile, has claimed that Rico is deliberately sabotaging his push by making him lose all the time and is trying to push him out of the company.


A few people have e-mailed me to ask what I think of this story sine the rumours first started circling, and I’ve got to say that I’m kind of torn here. On the one hand, Rico’s certainly got a point when he says that Champion hasn’t shown any improvement in the ring, and given that Rico’s signing have all valued talent over size Champion’s certainly one of the most obvious future departures. On the other hand, Champion does have undeniable pedigree in FCW, and with the company trying to build to regional they need people like Champion to build around. With so few big-name workers available to work the smaller companies replacing Champion won’t be easy, especially with USPW and CGC keeping a lot of guys on written deals, so any attempt to get rid of him may not be in the company’s best interests.


Yet more talent has been moving around, with the news that Mainstream Hernandez has signed a developmental deal with the SWF, and will be leaving the company very soon. This has apparently infuriated Rico, who issued a personal statement through Twitter that Hernandez ‘will never work in this company again or I’ll break both his f*cking legs and stick them up his f*cking *ss’. I don’t know about you but I think Rico may not be entirely happy with him.


The card for FREEDOM or Death, which has been brought forward to this coming Saturday, looks something like this:



Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell


Hell’s Champion vs. Shawn Gonzalez



Kirk Jameson vs. Matt Hocking


Hector Galindo vs. Eddie Howard vs. Dragón del Arco Iris Jr.


Handsome Stranger vs. American Elemental


Citizen X vs. El Hijo del Zonk

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell

Russell definitely has the potential to take it, but I don't see it happening without buildup


Hell’s Champion vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Don't see him winning here with the heat on him, especially against Shawn



Kirk Jameson vs. Matt Hocking

Hocking very rarely wins here


Hector Galindo vs. Eddie Howard vs. Dragón del Arco Iris Jr.

Think Howard getting a win for his team would do better to getting them a title shot


Handsome Stranger vs. American Elemental

Went with Stranger here since he's much more established atm than Elemental


Citizen X vs. El Hijo del Zonk

X got a win over Mainstream Hernandez, while I can't remember the last person Zonk beat

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell


Hell’s Champion vs. Shawn Gonzalez



Kirk Jameson vs. Matt Hocking


Hector Galindo vs. Eddie Howard vs. Dragón del Arco Iris Jr.


Handsome Stranger vs. American Elemental


Citizen X vs. El Hijo del Zonk




It was only going to be a matter of time before Mainstream buggered off to SWF or TCW, it's lucky for you he'd already dropped the title.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell


As someone else said, don't see Russell winning here without any build up.


Hell’s Champion vs. Shawn Gonzalez


You're not high on Champion at all, after this someone out of Power and Gonzalez needs to make a heel turn in my opinion.



Kirk Jameson vs. Matt Hocking


Routine defence for Kirk


Hector Galindo vs. Eddie Howard vs. Dragón del Arco Iris Jr.


All these three are tag wrestlers right now, so they are all in the same boat, I'll go for the big man in this one.


Handsome Stranger vs. American Elemental


American Elemental is hell of a lot more talented, especially when it comes to the actual wrestling part but Stranger is the established member of the roster here and I think AE needs to build up with a few more wins before he starts going over established upper tier members of the roster.


Citizen X vs. El Hijo del Zonk


Pretty much a squash here, X isn't going to lose to Zonk after beating the departing Mainstream Hernandez.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell


Hell’s Champion vs. Shawn Gonzalez



Kirk Jameson vs. Matt Hocking


Hector Galindo vs. Eddie Howard vs. Dragón del Arco Iris Jr.


Handsome Stranger vs. American Elemental


Citizen X vs. El Hijo del Zonk

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell

- wins but does not win the title ....I smell beatdown.


Hell’s Champion vs. Shawn Gonzalez

- If Helly does not perform well , he is out... no way is he winning against crybaby Shawn.



Kirk Jameson vs. Matt Hocking

-Kirklock B*tches


Hector Galindo vs. Eddie Howard vs. Dragón del Arco Iris Jr.

- Dragoncito gets the push and gets a flash pinfall over Tag Turd Galindo.


Handsome Stranger vs. American Elemental

- This one is a tough one but I am going to stick with Handsome on this.


Citizen X vs. El Hijo del Zonk

- Squasharama!

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell

I'm going with the Power, but something is gonna go down to start this feud.


Hell’s Champion vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Shawn all the way here.



Kirk Jameson vs. Matt Hocking

Kirk just won the title, I dont see him dropping it to Hocking at this point.


Hector Galindo vs. Eddie Howard vs. Dragón del Arco Iris Jr.

Because I am a slight Eddie Howard mark.


Handsome Stranger vs. American Elemental

Going against my normal thought process, AmEl gets a good win in his first match out.


Citizen X vs. El Hijo del Zonk


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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell


Hell’s Champion vs. Shawn Gonzalez



Kirk Jameson vs. Matt Hocking


Hector Galindo vs. Eddie Howard vs. Dragón del Arco Iris Jr.


Handsome Stranger vs. American Elemental


Citizen X vs. El Hijo del Zonk

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell

Draw to set up a rematch.


Hell’s Champion vs. Shawn Gonzalez

See, I like HC, but I know you're not hot on him.



Kirk Jameson vs. Matt Hocking

Hocking's in a tag team, so you're not letting him near the singles division for too long.


Hector Galindo vs. Eddie Howard vs. Dragón del Arco Iris Jr.

Do I hear that there's a Natural Storm fanboy in the house?


Handsome Stranger vs. American Elemental

HS does good business for you, but I think AmEl's general talent levels will propel him to victory quickly.


Citizen X vs. El Hijo del Zonk


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FCW FREEDOM or Death 3

Live to DVD from the Gymnasium Aguada

Audience: 700


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


Mainstream Hernandez vs. The Axis of Anarchy (Carlos Gonzalez & Sayeed Ali)

I always knew this match would be a bad one, which is why it was in the dark rather than on the show. Really it was just an excuse for Carlos and Sayeed to beat on Hernandez for six minutes in punishment for him signing with the SWF, and in those terms it was a success. In the end Sayeed put Hernandez down with the GBH Driver to score a big debut win and hopefully bury the treacherous weasel.

Winners: Carlos Gonzales & Sayeed Ali Match Rating: E+



The Show


American Elemental vs. Handsome Stranger

As usual, Elemental and Stranger delivered the goods in tonight’s opening match, putting on a really solid opener that hopefully set the tone for the rest of the show. There wasn’t really anything of note about this one: it was a good solid match with no real story about it beyond ‘here are two guys wrestling’. Stranger got the win here- replacement main eventers aren’t thick enough on the ground that I can afford to go sacrificing the ones I’ve got willy-nilly, unfortunately.

Winner: Handsome Stranger Match Rating: C




“Fans, I’m Davis Ditterich and you’re watching FCW FREEDOM or Death. Tonight it’s the biggest main event in our history as Puerto Rican Power defends the title against Billy Russell in a match that is guaranteed to make FCW history”


“I’ve said it before and been proved wrong, but Puerto Rican Power faces his toughest challenge yet in Billy Russell. The Tap-Out Artist has the kind of dangerous MMA style that Power’s never faced before, and when you bear in mind that Russell was 28-4-7 in his MMA career you realise that this is not a man that’s easy to defeat.”


“Balanced against that though is the fact that Power’s raw strength and heart may help him hold out against Russell’s submission game- and once you take that away from him there’s not many strings to his bow. Certainly the Tap-Out Artist doesn’t have the strength to match Power blow-for-blow, and whilst his ground-and-pound is very solid we’ve already seen how difficult it is to get Puerto Rican Power off his feet- the only man we’ve ever seen manage it is Hell’s Champion, and he’s a good bit bigger than Billy Russell”


“Maybe, but Russell’s got a definite speed advantage- he’s not a fast moving guy but he’s got the agility to get behind Power and work him from multiple angles, really get under Power’s defences and break him down physically. I really don’t see how Power can defeat this guy.”


“Either way folks we are in one heck of a main event tonight!”


The reaction to this was as positive as you'd expect, given that these two are possibly our biggest stars.

Rating: B




El Hijo del Zonk vs. Citizen X

Part of the reason I bought X in was to work with our younger guys and help them improve, so it was gratifying to see that happen here. Zonk’s not one of our strongest luchadores, but other than Dragón he’s the most useful, so it was nice to see him develop his fundamentals here, even if he wasn’t exactly consistently on form during the match. He took the loss- after all, X is a going concern here- after he mistimed a Zonk Bomb, setting himself up for a Flaming Anarchy for the win.

Winner: Citizen X Match Rating: D+




We go backstage to the FCW interview position, where Herb Stately is on hype duty for the main event.


“Tonight, my client, ‘The Tap-Out Artist’ Billy Russell takes on Puerto Rican Power for the Puerto Rican Title. Or perhaps I should say- tonight, my client Billy Russell defeats Puerto Rican Power for the Puerto Rican Title. You see, my client is the very finest wrestler out there today.


“Just look at the man’s MMA career. 28 wins, 4 losses. All four of those defeats were to men at the pinnacle of the sport- Mike Watson, Raul Hughes, and Buddy Garner. And Power? You are no match for those men.


“10,000 screaming Powerfans won’t help you. The Moves of Doom won’t help you. There is only one thing you can do to save yourself: Tap Out. You’re finished, Power- finished”


Herb’s attitude stinks, but his mic work sure doesn’t.

Rating: C+




Kirk Jameson vs. Matt Hocking

As usual Kirk and Matt delivered the goods here, putting on a good match that was helped by a very responsive crowd. Right now Matt’s biggest advantage is his X factor- he’s not a great wrestler, though he is versatile, but he’s got the makings of a real star, and that gives him a certain presence in the ring that the crowd really responds to. Against Kirk, who is if anything even more of a future star than him, Matt got a great reaction that really lifted this match above what was offered by the ringwork, which was kind of mediocre (like I said: Matt’s more about potential than actual ability in the ring right now). Kirk got the win, forcing Matt to tap out to the Kirkhold.

Winner: Kirk Jameson Match Rating: C-




“Kirk Jameson retains the People’s Championship…one minute, please…fans, I’m getting word that we have something happening in the backstage area. We’re just trying to get a camera back there now…have we got it? Fans, we’re taking you over to our backstage camera to see exactly what’s happening back there right now…”


We cut to the backstage area, where a wild brawl is going on between Leper Messiah, Hell’s Champion, Bradford Peverell and Shawn Gonzalez. Unfortunately the reaction to this wasn’t what I’d hoped for: wasn’t all that bad, but wasn’t great either.

Rating: D+




Eddie Howard vs. Hector Galindo vs. Dragón del Arco Iris Jr.

This was a surprisingly good match: not that it was a classic or anything, but I hadn’t expected something as solid as this. Hector’s so inconsistent that it’s easy to forget that he’s actually a decent high flier, whilst Eddie’s so completely undemonstrative in the ring that you can overlook the fact that he’s among our most reliable midcard workers. With Hector forming the sizzle and Eddie the steak all Dragón had to do was add a little more star power and his usual high flying offence. Eddie took the win here, putting Hector down with the Crash and Burn.

Winner: Eddie Howard Match Rating: D+




We go backstage to the FCW interview position, where Power’s on hype duty for the main event.


“In the whole history of wrestling, Puerto Rico has had two favoured sons. One is Billy Russell, The Tap-Out Artist, the most dangerous man in wrestling, 28-4-7 in MMA and INSPIRE’s brightest star. The other is Puerto Rican Power, the Behemoth of Brilliance, the Master of Mayhem, the two-time Puerto Rican Champion and the only man to pin Sam Strong, Rip Chord and the Monster Dread. And tonight, Puerto Rico’s favoured sons do battle for the only title that means anything to them- The FCW Puerto Rican title


“Billy, I may not like your attitude, I sure as h*ll don’t like your manager, but I respect your abilities, like you should respect mine. Tonight, when we get in that ring I know that I am in for the fight of a lifetime. No Quarter. No Retreat. No Surrender. Tonight, in this very ring, two men enter, but only one man will leave with the Title. And I promise you Billy, I don’t know who’s going to win, but I will not let 10,000 screaming Powerfans down. I will fight as I have never fought before, and I will give you a challenge you will NEVER experience again, because I…HAVE…THE…POWER!!!”


This is one of our most hotly anticipated matches ever, and the reaction to this promo really reflected that.

Rating: B+




Shawn Gonzalez vs. Hell’s Champion

With all the tension between me and Champion, jobbing him out tonight probably wasn’t the best move if I want a quiet life. That being said, whilst his promo’s are never less than top rank his ring work is at best fourth rate, and Shawn’s one of our biggest stars. So there was never any doubt about the outcome of this one, as Champion went down to the Latino Crab to give Shawn another tick in the win column. And given that this may well be Champion’s last ever match in the company (there’s been developments in the indy scene that make getting rid of him very much a possibility), it wasn’t a bad way to go out.

Winner: Shawn Gonzalez Match Rating: C




Billy Russell vs. Puerto Rican Power

There are days that I really love my job, and some days that I really don’t. The day Power kyboshed the finish on this one was a day that I really didn’t. Originally Billy was going to go over here- he’s got a guaranteed main event run in his contract, and anyway he’s the only guy around here that Power hasn’t already beaten- but unfortunately the boss didn’t like that, so I had to re-write the finish. Power still went over here, but via DQ after Billy refused to break a Twisting Arm lock with Power in the ropes.

Winner: Puerto Rican Power Match Rating: C+



Overall Rating: C+, our best ever rating.

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mental snafu with the PRP vs Billy match.. I knew it was gonna go DQ finish in PRP's favor but i highlited Billy... so poo on me.


the addition of Sayeed Ali was surprising and teaming him with Useless was a nice twist.. hopefully the beatdown on Mainstream kept you happy :)


great card. Kirk needs a new challenger for that belt but it has to be someone established to help him grow as well, im crossing my fingers for you chief as RIPW will go after Kirk next.


PS. Get Bouncer the hell out of there.. and send Leppy with him!


Fujihiro Mota and Burning Exile on line 2!

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Firstly, Diabloman, thanks for calling me Chief. I like, it makes me sound like I know what I'm doing.


Secondly, whilst Champion is on the way out I'm keeping hold of Leper 'til at least the end of the year (I'm up to November in game and I don't see myself letting him go just yet). He's got the menace to do well in angles and enough talent to not be completely useless in the ring. As for Ota and Exile, I like Ota but I've signed him to every NYCW game I've ever played (which is many), so I'm slightly sick of him. As for Exile- he's an *******, so no thanks.


Now, let's get onto seeing how the predictions fell this time:


John Lions: 6/6

ColtCabana: 4/6

Tigerkinney: 6/6

Dragonmack: 6/6

DiablomanConQueso: 4/6

borman_48: 5/6

Marcel Fromage: 6/6

Regis: 4/6


So, with 4 winners, it's time for something a little different. That means...the return of the Puerto Rican Power bobblehead doll! Plus, of course, 'Leper Messiah: Unleash the Beauty' T-Shirts and 'FCW: Welcome to the Caribbean' Jackets.

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