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Freedom Carribean Wrestling: Welcome to the Carribean

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I like Ota but I've signed him to every NYCW game I've ever played (which is many), so I'm slightly sick of him. As for Exile- he's an *******, so no thanks.


you have just made Burning Exile into a sad panda :(


He would like his cross eyed teddy bear back.


- Ota is the stopgap superstar for all regional feds , you know eventually he will work his way in.. its only a matter of time :D

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Making use of post-dissertation time to make my next post- not sure when the show will go up, though, folks.


Morale was generally high after FREEDOM or Death. Our best ever show, plus profits were back up slightly at 2,720. Still not great, by any means- roster expenses are shooting up and up at the moment and merchandise and sponsorship aren’t keeping up- but hopefully it’s a sign of a new trend.


Moving forward, two things were obvious- firstly, that we needed an Authority Figure, and secondly, that we needed a roster overhaul. Tigre Salvaje Jr hadn’t seen much action at all since I came in, and Hell’s Champion was easily replaceable at the top of the ladder. I fired both guys and brought in Fox Mask and Amazing Fire Fly to replace them, albeit indirectly in Foxy’s case- I’ve already put in a plan to replace Hell’s Champion with a worker currently on the roster, so Fox will be coming in as a replacement to even up the babyface side of things. As for the Authority Figure issue, it’s simple- all companies need someone onscreen to make kayfabe decisions and further storylines along. Usually the boss can do that, but ours is a worker and our lead babyface, so we need somebody to take that role on as an Authority Figure. My first choice was Corporal Doom, but after he asked for more than Power was willing to pay I moved onto Jennifer Heat- I’m wanting to work in more Mexican workers, and Heat’s a perfect link to that whole continent. Especially if she can get Champagne Lover round a table with us.


This month was also Carlos’ contract re-negotiation, and here things went kinda crazy. Carlos wanted 500 plus travelling and a cut of merchandising money. More than I’d give anyone else, but he’s my brother so I offered him 10% on the merchandise and the travel costs. Then he shouts in my face, tells me that if I’m going to offer that kind of deal then I can stick it where the sun don’t shine and walks out on the deal. I made a couple of more attempts to get him back round a table to talk it out, but he wasn’t interested. Typical Carlos- his tag team with Sayeed looked promising and now he’s walking out on us. Still, I can always find someone else to replace him in that unit, and at least now we’ll be free of his backstage influence.


Speaking of that, I replaced Herb with Shane Sneer: Herb did a good promo last month, but this is Shane Sneer we’re talking about here: if you can get Shane Sneer in your company, then you get Shane Sneer in your company. Plus, unlike Herb he’s not as @sshole, which is nice.


As for other companies signing our workers, PGHW signed Billy to a PPA deal. Not a bad thing by any means, but it does mean that we now only have Saturdays free to book shows on.


At the end of the month we were approached by ACPW about setting up a working relationship. There’s a couple of workers if theirs I’m interested in- Mario da Silva looks good, as do The Nest of Vipers (Mimic and Dagger), and El Diablo is born to work for us- so I agreed. I also signed a non-aggression pact with the SWF- not because I particularly wanted to, but because RIPW were sniffing around X and I didn’t want to lose him the way we lost Hernandez. As it was he only signed a PPA deal, but better safe than sorry I says.



Our next card, FREEDOM’s Fury, looked like this:



Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger


Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah



Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings



Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato


El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly


Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. The Sensational Singh

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger

Hmm... the only way I can see you getting the title on Russell is to have him pin Stranger


Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah

A decent, but not decent enough, debut, as Leper needs to stay impressive as your last monster heel standing



Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings

Latino Kings keep rollin'



Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato

As does Jameson


El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly

Fire Fly picks up a debut win


Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. The Sensational Singh

I'm assuming that Singh isn't about to get snatched up by RIPW any time soon. He should win here since he's the only FCW original in this match, imo

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger

While not sexy, you can have PRP hold the title for a long time and have most of the uppercard lose their way up in popularity.


Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah

Messiah just needs more diary love



Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings

Only because they arent the Latino Kings



Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato



El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly

debut wins


Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. The Sensational Singh

American Elemental is by far the most talented, but also by far the most likely to be heading to Japan

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger

Power pins Stranger to frustrate Russell, who demands another shot


Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah



Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings



Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato


El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly


Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. The Sensational Singh

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger

Whichever way it goes, winner pins Handsome Stranger.


Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah

I think the Fox carries Leper to a decent match here.



Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings

Cant help myself, Eddie Howard/Natural Storm mark.



Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato



El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly

Tough one, both will probably job.


Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. The Sensational Singh

Not sure, going with X though.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger

Russell pins Stranger, possibly after interference costs Power the match. Power feuds with whoever screwed him, and Russell takes the title onward to someone else.


Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah

I love Foxy, but... I don't know.



Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings

There's still a Natural Storm mark in the house!



Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato



El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly



Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. The Sensational Singh

X cheats his way to victory, and incidentally a pact with the F doesn't protect you from their dev fed. I don't think so, anyway.

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X cheats his way to victory, and incidentally a pact with the F doesn't protect you from their dev fed. I don't think so, anyway.


It does protect from developmental deals- at least, it did in 08 so I'm guessing it does so here as well. I certainly hope it does- I'd hate to have signed that damn deal for nothing.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger


Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah



Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings



Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato


El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly


Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. The Sensational Singh

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger - Stranger's there to drop the fall.


Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah - by DQ when Leper goes crazy



Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings



Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato


El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly - Solid debut win for Fire Fly


Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. The Sensational Singh - X has the storyline.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger


Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah


Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings


Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato


El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly


Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. The Sensational Singh

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger

Billy Russell is a great champion, but Power is legendary. Handsome Stranger's in there, I guess, to continue the Power/Stranger feud.


Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah

Fox Mask, the little guy, should get creamed. But he's crazy talented and picks up some momentum...maybe a Messiah DQ or count out?



Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings

Err...toss up. Maybe Shawn Gonzalez has his hand in this one?



Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato

Kirk Jameson's not gonna lose to a cat!


El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly

Welcome to FREEDOM, AFF.


Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. The Sensational Singh

Elemental's probably gonna jump ship soon, and The Sensational One is gonna get snatched up by one of the big leagues, sadly. A win for Citizen X is a win for the future.

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Live to DVD from the Gymnasium Aguada

Audience: 972


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


DragonShock vs. The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & Ox Mastadon)

This is probably the biggest shock I’ve had as a booker of FCW. This was a match featuring Ox Mastadon that was actually pretty good. Admittedly Ox himself was as bad a wrestler as he’s always been, but at least he tried hard tonight, and that dragged everyone else’s efforts up as well. Plus, a monster heel like Ox against a tiny guy like Dragón is the easiest story in the world to tell. In the end DragonShock got the win, after Matt tagged in and was able to hit Sayeed with the Hock Shock to score the win.

Winners: DragonShock Match Rating: D+


The Show


American Elemental vs. Citizen X vs. The Sensational Singh

When in doubt, put three reliable midcarders in the opening slot. I’d booked this match to give us a good opener, and sure enough these three guys delivered a really solid match. X is easily one of our strongest all-rounders, and whilst Singh isn’t one of our flashiest workers he’s easily the most consistently reliable guy on the roster. Elemental, meanwhile, was having a rare off day, but he’s too talented for that to have too much impact, and in any case with these two in the ring all he had to do was keep up and throw the occasional spectacular dive into the mix. He got the win here- there’s a line between pushing him slowly and just trapping him into the midcard, and Elemental needs a win here to really start building himself up.

Winner: American Elemental Match Rating: C




We go backstage to what looks like a fancy office, dominated by a huge desk. Seated behind that desk is Jennifer Heat


“So, this is where the big dogs play, huh? Doesn’t seem like much to me.


“For those of you who don’t know me, I am Miss Jennifer Heat, one of the richest women in wrestling, and the new co-owner of Freedom Championship Wrestling. Why did I buy a 50% share in this company? Because I wanted to, and when you’ve got as much money as I do you can get whatever you want.


“From now on, I’ll be keeping a close eye on what happens in FCW. Nothing happens here unless I let it. No title shots will be granted unless I allow them. You want something? You come to me”


Jennifer’s a good talker but not that popular outside of Mexico, and that was reflected in the reaction to this segment.

Rating: D




El Hijo del Zonk vs. Amazing Fire Fly

If I’d known how good the dark match was going to be I’d have switched it with this match, which wasn’t bad but wasn’t all that good. Zonk deserves better than we’ve been giving him, but whilst he’s a solid worker he’s not got a lot of momentum so the crowd weren’t that behind him tonight. As for Fire Fly, he’s a good high flyer but has no psychology whatsoever, and he’s not all that consistent either. Still, this served it’s purpose, and hopefully we can get Zonk’s momentum up a bit- a long-term goal is to build him to a People’s Championship run, but for that to happen he needs to get his momentum up a bit and hopefully improve his skills more as well.

Winner: El Hijo del Zonk Match Rating: D




“Tonight, fans, we’ve got a bonanza of a main event. Puerto Rican Power’s fought all kinds of opponent, but tonight he faces not one but two of his most dangerous opponents- The Handsome Stranger and ‘The Tap-Out Artist’ Billy Russell- in a triple threat match for the Puerto Rican Title”


“Y’know Ditterich, I’ve got a real good feeling about tonight. Power’s never fought more than one man for the title, and that could be a major problem. In any triple-threat match you’ve got to have eyes in the back of your head- especially when the other guys are as a dangerous as Billy Russell and Handsome Stranger”


“Balanced against that is the fact that Billy’s record in wrestling is all one-on-one: he’s got even less experience in this kind of match than Power.”


“Yeah, but Billy can snap you in half without even trying- I don’t think his experience is really gonna be an issue here. Plus, he comes into this match with the psychological advantage- don’t forget last month he effectively beat Power, so he’s got a mental edge there”


“It’s worth pointing out that Billy didn’t actually beat Power due to Disqualification- if he does that again tonight he forfeits his chance of winning the title”


“Yeah, but the arrival of Shane Sneer to take over his management means that Billy won’t have that kind of problem with his focus- let’s face it, how many of Sneer’s clients have ever lost a title match?”


“Virtually all of them at some point, I’d have thought. And of course, we’ve got to consider the third man in this match, Handsome Stranger. This is a man with a spectacular capacity for mind games, and in a match like this one that could give him an advantage”


“Oh yeah- I think in the early going Stranger and Russell will team up to try and keep Power out of it, then resolve the match like gentlemen”


“Like Gentlemen? Cueball, these two are the biggest villains in Puerto Rico. A match between them is probably going to revolve around cheating, underhanded tactics and sheer viciousness.”


“Yeah, like I said- gentlemen”


Our main event always attracts a lot of interest, and this was no different.

Rating: C+




Natural Storm vs. The Latino Kings

Our tag division is always good for a decent match or two, and after the solid dark match our two upper-card teams delivered a good match to take us over the halfway mark in the show. Hector was the same inconsistent guy he’s always been, but as usual he made up for that with a strong effort, and for once Rudy wasn’t at the top of his game either. The Storm, meanwhile, both showed improvement but seemed worrying laissez-faire about the whole thing, which doesn’t bode well for the future. They took the win here, putting Hector down with A Storm is Coming to take the tag team titles and change things up a bit.

Winners: Natural Storm Match Rating: C-




We go backstage, to our usual Corridor of Happenings™, where Bradford is walking along. As he walks, he encounters Shawn Gonzalez coming the other way


“Shawn, buddy! Haven’t you heard? He’s gone, man! Hell’s Champion left town a month ago. We did it, man! We beat him!”


“Yeah, I heard…look, Brad, you wanna know something?”


Suddenly Shawn lashes out, smashing Brad with a big forearm shot and continuing the punishment as Brad goes down. Eventually Brad’s left beaten and bruised, and it’s only then that Shawn finally speaks


“From now on, Peverell, the Lone Wolf is Riding Solo. Comprende, b*tch?”


The reaction to this one was muted- Brad doesn’t get the huge pop that guys like Billy or Power can command- but Shawn’s turn was a huge success, so I call this one a win.

Rating: D+




Kirk Jameson vs. Amo del Gato

Kirk continued his strong run of matches, dragging a very watchable match out of the less-than-red-hot Gato. The cat master’s got a good all-round game and some star presence, but I don’t like his attitude and he doesn’t really fit into our plans that well at the moment. Kirk, on the other hand, continues to be one of our most reliable young stars, and I could really see him main-eventing shows for us in a couple of years’ time- that is, if he doesn’t get too big for us and leave. He got the win tonight, hitting Gato with a low blow and then a Bullseye onto the title belt to retain the title.

Winner: Kirk Jameson Match Rating: C-




Backstage at the FCW interview position Puerto Rican Power is on hype duty for the main event


“Tonight, I face a challenge I have never faced before. When I step into the ring tonight, I’m up against Handsome Stranger, one of the sneakiest men I’ve ever faced, and Billy Russell…well, I just don’t know if I can beat Billy. And you know what? For the first time in I don’t know how long I’m afraid. Afraid that I can’t win tonight, that no matter what I do there is no way that I will walk out of that match the Puerto Rican champion. But you know what? I’m not walking away


“So many men would walk away, would get themselves disqualified or counted out to keep the title. But when I get in that ring tonight, in front of 10,000 screaming Powerfans, I will fight like I have never fought before, like no other man on earth, and if I go down I’m taking one of them with me! No Surrender! No Retreat! Billy, Stranger, you better bring your A-game tonight, because I am your foe and I…HAVE…THE…POWER!!!”


If Power went into the ring and read out the Oxford English Dictionary he’d probably still get the biggest pop of the night.

Rating: C+




Fox Mask vs. Leper Messiah

This was a bit disappointing as sub-main events go. It wasn’t a bad match, but it wasn’t all that much better than Kirk/Amo or the tag title match. In all honesty, the problem was probably simply that of popularity- Fox and Leper are at about the same place on the card as Kirk or Rudy, and whilst I’d thought they were closer to the main event that may not actually be the case. All that being said, this was still a pretty good match, with Leper doing his usual psycho schtick and Foxie doing the same come-from-behind battling babyface routine he’s been doing for years on the West Coast. He got the win tonight, nailing Leper with the Fox Hunter to score a solid debut win.

Winner: Fox Mask Match Rating: C-




Puerto Rican Power vs. Billy Russell vs. Handsome Stranger

This one was kind of a surprise: not in terms of quality (it was something like our second best ever match), but in terms of the finish. After last month I’d expected Power to demand a win here, but when I booked Billy to go over Stranger he didn’t even bat an eyelid. I think the main issue last month was that Power was taking the fall, which he thought made him look weak. This time he was out of the finish, so he could reasonably claim to not have actually been defeated per se. Billy took the win here, forcing Stranger to tap out to the Knee Bar to claim the win, and his contractually obliged Puerto Rican Title run.

Winner: Billy Russell Match Rating: C+



Overall Rating: C, a good solid rating for a show that felt a bit hit-and-miss overall.

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The ratings did seem a bit hit and miss but a C show rating is good and I like the idea of a Shawn Gonzalez heel turn. Fox Mask should get better performances as his popularity improves in FCW's regions and he can reach main event status and be a real asset. Overall I like the way you are booking FCW and I'm always checking the dynasty sections for an update!
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Let's take a look at the predictions break-down for this month:


John Lions: 2/6, probably karmic revenge for not updating KCCW in a while (c'mon man, I wanna see who the big surprise is!)

Dragonmack: 2/6

Marcel Fromage: 3/6, and Foxy really ain't getting the love so far.

borman_48: 2/6

Regis: 3/6

DiablomanConQueso: 4/6

jesseewiak: 2/6, and can I just say y'all need to read this guy's CGC dynasty

ColtCabana: 1/6

TheLeviticalLawKid3: 2/6


Well, Diabloman is this month's clear-cut winner, so he gets himself a very special 'I'm One of the 10,000' Powerfans T-Shirt autographed by Puerto Rican Power.


And I feel I have to commit on one thing: almost no-one went for Zonk in his match, rooting for Fire Fly instead. I've got to ask- is there something about this guy that I'm missing? 'Cos when I look at him I'm seeing D- starting psych and consistency and F- pop: comparatively speaking, that's about as bad as Hector Galindo in terms of fundamentals, without Hector's tag team to make up for it. Of course, B+ star quality and his extraordinary flying abilities are not to be sniffed at, but I'm surprised people had him coming in and getting a push straight out the gate.


Anyway, preview is coming in a few moments, folks, so don't y'all go changing channels on me now.

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Carly Colón’s News from the Island


For once this year, things in Puerto Rico have lapsed back into their usual comatose state of the last two years. But never fear, Island Fans, because tonight I’ve managed to score the coup of my career and interview FCW head booker and senior official ‘Super Ref’ Rico Gonzalez. Audio files can as usual be downloaded from our homepage, but included for your edification tonight is the transcript (questions in bold).


Carly: Well, Rico, I guess the first thing to say is a quick welcome to the site and it’s a pleasure to be talking to you.


Rico: It’s great to be here- I’m always interested in talking fans of the promotion.


Carly: First question’s an obvious one: how did you come to get into wrestling, and what led you to becoming FCW’s head booker?


Rico: A lot of it’s got to do with my background. We…well, I don’t want to say that we were badly off because a lot of people were in a worse situation than us, but growing up I was aware of the fact that we didn’t have much money. And at that point there were only two or three members of the family that were pulling in big money: Tyler, who’s an airline pilot, Shawn’s twin Linda who’s with the Navy Cops, and Shawn, who was a wrestler. I’m no airline pilot, and without going into details I had a past that kinda ruled out working for the law, so wrestling was the best option for me.


Carly: Of course, rather than actually wrestling you became a referee- what made you do that?


Rico: That was Mama Gonzalez all the way. She’s a big wrestling fan- we grew up watching just about every wrestling show going, plus old Saturday Night reruns of AAFW Wrestling Challenge on cable- and when I told her I wanted to get into the business she instantly said ‘you’ll never be a wrestler, you’re too small, you’ve got flat feet and you can’t throw a decent punch to save your life. If you want to work in wrestling, look at being a referee- nobody cares how big they are’


Carly: Very nice words from your mother there.


Rico: She was absolutely right, though- I would have been a terrible wrestler, but when I started working local indy shows as a referee I found it came really natural. A lot of people wouldn’t believe it, but being a ref is actually really hard. You’ve got to keep out of the workers’ way, get down for three counts and play off of everything that’s going on. If a wrestler’s out of gas he can to the outside to get a breather, but a ref’s got to stay active for the whole match. Plus you’ve got to keep an eye out for fans trying to get at the wrestlers, particularly in the deep south where you can get some real nutcases, and make sure the wrestlers stay on script. A lot of guys struggle to do all that, but it just seemed really easy to me.


Carly: Of course one of the major quirks of your early career was the way you avoided working any company with Shawn. Was that a case of trying to avoid nepotism, or is there more to it?


Rico: It was really just avoiding nepotism- I have nothing against it as a general thing, but I wanted to make my own way in things and not be seen as a charity case. I mean, Carlos is a perfectly okay wrestler, but he’s always kinda been dogged by this thing of being ‘just Shawn’s younger brother’- I figured if I stayed away from Shawn then even if I never hid it people wouldn’t think of me in that kind of way.


Carly: Okay, but of course you then took over from Shawn in FCW- how’d you come to get that job, and what made you accept after avoiding working with Shawn for so long?


Rico: Shawn told me when he first made the offer that he’d seen some of the shows I’d put together in Louisiana- I’d helped book a couple of indy shows down there last year- and he and Power had liked what I’d done there. Originally I was going to turn them down- I hadn’t enjoyed the booking in Louisiana at all- but eventually Shawn managed to turn me around by just pushing the talent we have here on the Island in a big way. It kind of became a case of ‘come down here and work with guys like Kirk Jameson and Bradford Peverell’ rather than ‘here’s the big successful wrestler giving his kid brother a leg up’, y’know?


Carly: Moving onto FCW now, what do you think has been your biggest success story so far?


Rico: It’s kind of a minor thing, but I’m real happy to have found a role for Ox Kreviazuk, or Mastadon or whatever we’re calling him at the moment. He’s a great guy, real locker-room leader, but he’s really limited in the ring and it’s difficult to know how to use him. Recently, though, he’s started working with Sayeed Ali, and that looks like a really promising unit. Another thing I’m proud of doing is re-working the roster- I’m not knocking Shawn’s booking, but there were guys here in the past that just didn’t pull their weight at all, just coasted along in the ring and never tried to improve. We’ve got rid of both of them and I’m much happier with where we’re at right now.


Carly: And what about failures? Do you think you’ve had anything go majorly wrong for you?


Rico: Only two things, really. One was Carlos’ push- it took me a long time to figure out how to use him and by the time it came round to re-signing him he was frustrated with how we’d used him and didn’t want to come back. As for the second thing, it was the way that Hernandez walked out on us- he evidently thought being a nothing fish in a big sea was better than being in a company that respected him and wanted to use him right. I’m hoping to bring Carlos back down the road, but Hernandez will never work in FCW again- there’s too much anger there for me to want to use him.


Carly: Moving forward, what are your plans for the future?


Rico: The big thing I want to do is get more home-grown guys into the main event. I like Billy and Power there, but I’d like Kirk and Matt Hocking to join them up there. I’m also looking to work on our tag division, we need more names in there and getting teams like DragonShock and the Axis of Anarchy more experience is something else I’d like to do.


Carly: Just one more question, and it’s kinda personal…


Rico: Yeah, I can guess what this is about…


Carly: Any truth in these rumours about you and Monique?


Rico: Knew it. Yeah, we’re an item, have been for a couple of months now. It’s not like a big deal or anything- not that it’s a nothing, it’s just…oh boy, she’s gonna kill me. Listen, we’re dating, we’re happy together, and beyond that I’m saying nothing without a lawyer present.


Carly: Well, as it happens that’s all we’ve got time for. Rico, it’s been great talking to you.


Rico: Likewise man.




For those of you wondering, the card for The FREEDOM Movement is looking like this:



Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez



Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask



Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X vs. American Elemental


Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah



The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & The Ox) vs. Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & DC Rayne)


And I realised I forgot to say this last post, so here it is- thank you so much for reading this, especially if you've commented at all. This is probably my most successful dynasty ever, and a lot of that's down to you, constant reader.

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And I feel I have to commit on one thing: almost no-one went for Zonk in his match, rooting for Fire Fly instead. I've got to ask- is there something about this guy that I'm missing? 'Cos when I look at him I'm seeing D- starting psych and consistency and F- pop: comparatively speaking, that's about as bad as Hector Galindo in terms of fundamentals, without Hector's tag team to make up for it. Of course, B+ star quality and his extraordinary flying abilities are not to be sniffed at, but I'm surprised people had him coming in and getting a push straight out the gate.


Wasn't so much of him getting a push, as not feeling that his opponent was all that good. Of the two, Fly probably has the much higher ceiling, and that high star quality means he can gain overness fairly quickly.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Good though Gonzales is, PRP is the boss. Also, Peverell may distract him and cost him the victory.



Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask

No one hit wonders here.



Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X vs. American Elemental

Well, after the triple-threat dodge last month... No. Not twice in a row.


Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking

HS recovers some lost momentum with an easy win here.


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah

Peverell's one of your favourite guys. I know which way the wind is blowing.



The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & The Ox) vs. Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & DC Rayne)

There is still a Natural Storm mark in the house.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez

See PRP getting a comeback win here, but if anyone can beat him one on one, it would be Gonzales



Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask

Fox Mask doesn't take the title here ever



Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X vs. American Elemental

The Jameson train keeps rolling


Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking

The only thing shocking about him is his incredible averageness


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah

If Messiah's going to be a monster, he can't lose twice in a row



The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & The Ox) vs. Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & DC Rayne)

Can't job them out first match


probably karmic revenge for not updating KCCW in a while (c'mon man, I wanna see who the big surprise is!)


Gahh, I was enjoying my hiatus from writing so I could work on other stuff... didn't realize there were that many people reading. Maybe I'll get something started up again this coming week... who knows?

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez



Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask



Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X vs. American Elemental


Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah



The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & The Ox) vs. Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & DC Rayne)

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez



Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask



Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X vs. American Elemental

Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking

Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah



The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & The Ox) vs. Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & DC Rayne)

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez

PRP is the safe pick, but I would go with Gonzalez to win and be the first feud for the new champion



Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask

Successful first defense



Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X vs. American Elemental

Elemental is the most talented of the three and could help elevate the belt


Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah




The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & The Ox) vs. Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & DC Rayne)

Because Natural Storm just has that 'been there, done that' feeling

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On the Fire Fly note, a bit of it is probably previous dynasty reading bias. Fire Fly's gotten pushed pretty well in TK's FCW, infinity's CZCW, and even Casey's MAW. So, we just sorta' assume he'll get pushed here too. And gracias for the plug.


For those of you wondering, the card for The FREEDOM Movement is looking like this:



Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez - PRP lost the title but much like Hogan after he jobbed to Goldberg, he'll still be the start of the show.



Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask - First title defense, he keeps the title.



Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X vs. American Elemental - Jameson keeps the title and X/AE spin off on their own feud.


Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking - Squash.


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah - Squash II : The Legend Continues



The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & The Ox)[/b[ vs. Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & DC Rayne) - Flipped a coin.

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