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Freedom Carribean Wrestling: Welcome to the Carribean

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Wasn't so much of him getting a push, as not feeling that his opponent was all that good. Of the two, Fly probably has the much higher ceiling, and that high star quality means he can gain overness fairly quickly.


Hadn't thought of it like that- although it's worth pointing out that Fire Fly probably will get a push when his consistency goes up a bit more and I can find a new heel jobber. As it is, my roster is crammed to bursting with guys I want to push- I'm 8 guys over the recommended roster size and some of them have cost me bonus money to keep morale up (not much- about 2,000 between three, which compared to what it took to solve the Shawn problem isn't horrendous).


Anyway, show won't be up for a while, so there's still time for predictions, folks.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez

I'll go for a Brad Peverell interference or distraction. Possibly even a post match heel turn for Bradley.



Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask

Not losing his first defense.



Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X vs. American Elemental

Jameson isn't dropping it yet I dont think.


Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking

Flipped a coin


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah

I'm thinking Bradford is going to get a bigtime heel push right about now, so a win over Leper would help.



The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & The Ox) vs. Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & DC Rayne)

Storm mark here as well.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez


DQ win for Power, when Gonzalez confirms his new heel status by doing something really heelish :p



Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask


You didn't take the big step of having Russell win the title from Power to have him drop the belt in his first defence to Fox Mask.



Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X vs. American Elemental


American Elemental gets the pin on Citizen-X in the classic title switches hands with the champion not actually losing scenario.


Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking


Stranger is established more higher up the card and whilst Hocking's team with Dragon has been a surprising success he isn't ready to be moving up in singles yet.


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah


Messiah stays somewhat credible by getting the win here.



The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & The Ox) vs. Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & DC Rayne)


Routine defence for the champions.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Power is just powerful. :p



Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask

Fox Mask needs a bigger push for the title.



Kirk Jameson vs. Citizen X vs. American Elemental

He is a good guy.


Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking

Not Hocking's time.


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah

I like Bradford :p.



The Axis of Anarchy (Sayeed Ali & The Ox) vs. Natural Storm (Eddie Howard & DC Rayne)

Not the time.


Also, may I add, really good diary, gonna read it.

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FCW The FREEDOM Movement

Live to DVD from the Gymnasium Aguada

Audience: 1,000 (SOLD OUT!)


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


Amazing Fire Fly vs. El Hijo del Zonk

Another match in my protracted campaign to get Zonk’s momentum up, this was an adequate match but not much better. For once, though, the problem wasn’t the workers: Fire Fly’s inconsistent and psychologically poor, but he’s a talented worker other than that and Zonk’s solid enough to hold up his end of the bargain. No, the real problem was the popularity: neither of these guys are popular, so whilst the action was solid enough the heat was virtually nonexistent, which can make a big difference to a match in FCW. Zonk got the win here with the Zonk Bomb.

Winner: El Hijo del Zonk Match Rating: D


The Sensational Singh vs. Amo del Gato

This was booked after I realised I hadn’t actually given Singh a win at all- he’s such a good guy that he never complains, which makes it easy to book him to lose. He took the win here in a match that probably should have been on the main show if it wasn’t for timing constraints. I’m slightly embarrassed by the way I’ve handled Singh, to be honest, as he’s slipped down the card quite catastrophically since I got here, largely due to the fact that whilst he’s solid he’s not an attention-grabbing wrestler. Still, he deserves better than I’ve given him, so I put him over Gato to redress the balance a little.

Winner: The Sensational Singh Match Rating: C-



The Show


“I’m Davis Ditterich, and this is FCW! Fans, welcome to The FREEDOM Movement.”


“We’ve got a great card for you tonight. It’s a battle of the Icons as Shawn Gonzalez knocks Puerto Rican Power off the top of the mountain, Billy Russell defends his Puerto Rican Title against Fox Mask, and Natural Storm battle The Axis of Anarchy for the Tag Team Titles!”


“First, though, we’ve got Handsome Stranger facing off against ‘Shocking’ Matt Hocking, so let’s get down to ringside and get this show under way”




Handsome Stranger vs. Matt Hocking

I’d expected a lot better from this match. Okay, so neither of these guys are exactly superstars, but they’re both solid workers with star quality behind them, so why this match was quite so average is a mystery to me. Maybe the problem was length- Matt’s quietly worked his way into the upper midcard, so it’s possible the fans expected a longer match than the 10 minutes we gave these guys- but even so, this doesn’t make a great deal of sense to me. Stranger took the win here, putting Matt down with the Catalan Twist for the pinfall.

Winner: Handsome Stranger Match Rating: D+




After the match, Matt is getting back to his feet when ‘Pretty Woman’ plays over the PA, bringing out a figure Davis is quick to identify as former SWF star Hannah Potter


“So this is FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling, is it? Gotta say, I am really liking the buzz round here, man. Ever since I got into wrestling, there’s been one company everyone talks about, and that is FCW. And you know who the one guy everyone tells me to look out for is? Shocking Matt Hocking. Right through all the big leagues, everyone raves about this kid, they say he needs a good brain to push him to the next level but he’s got the whole package otherwise. Well, Matty, any time you want a new set of eyes to watch your career, I’m right here, what do you say?”


Given that Hannah is a) our most popular worker not named Puerto Rican Power or Billy Russell and b) one of the most drop-dead gorgeous women in the world, you can imagine what Matt’s reaction was. And the crowd pretty much agreed on this one, judging by the pop.

Rating: D+




We’re back to Leper’s favourite cage, where he’s slumped, contemplating…well, probably horrific violence, knowing him.


“The wheel turns. Friends become enemies. Bradford, when Shawn turned on you and unleashed his inner angel of violence, did you realise what had happened? How beautiful the world has become? The horror has been unleashed, and as Hell’s Champion returns to the darkness, it’s overlord returns to the fold, and The Leper Messiah welcomes him with arms outstretched.


“Tonight, the pain becomes reality. When I unleash your inner beauty and let it drip, drip, drip onto the canvas, you will become part of the great work of Art of our times. The Art of Pain. PAIN! VIOLENCE! BLOOD! AAAAAARRRRRGH!


As ever, Leper’s at his best unleashing his inner nutcase.

Rating: C+




Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah

This was a fun little brawl, but I’d kind of hoped for better. Still, it’s easy to forget that whilst Leper’s always a fun character he’s not actually all that good a worker, and whilst Brad matches up perfectly with him he’s not really able to carry the Messiah above his ability. Still, the reaction to this was warm, as Brad and Messiah basically forget about the match and just wailed on each other for six minutes until I had to disqualify both men on the grounds of…well, trying to kill one another really.

Winner: None Match Rating: D+




We go to the FCW interview position, where the Axis of Anarchy are on hype duty for their match


“Y’know, Natural Storm, when you get into the ring with My Main Man The Ox and the East Side Assassin Sayeed Ali you got to be thinking ‘am I gonna win this? Can I beat them?’ Well, I got the answer right here. Me and The Ox…are gonna kill you. No pansying around with pinfalls or any of that guff, we’re just gonna start hitting you and not stop ‘til they cart us off to jail. Be warned, Natural Storm, the pain is coming”


“Do you know what the sound of 440 pounds of sheer muscle breaking your back sounds like? Well you’re about to”


Neither of these guys are exactly experienced promo men, but playing up their menacing ‘we want to kill you’ thing kind of counterbalances that a little.

Rating: D




The Axis of Anarchy vs. Natural Storm

This wasn’t an exceptional match, but it was still pretty good. When you factor in the involvement of The Ox, who despite his presence in the locker room remains pretty weak worker, I call that a definite result. Storm were once again a little laissez-faire in their attitude, which bothers me a little, but even at half-effort they’re an experienced unit with some great double-team work so it doesn’t show as much. As for the Axis, they’re neither of them top-tier workers, but I like The Ox and Sayeed’s got some star quality to him so they’re a fixture for now. The Storm took the win here, putting Ox down with A Storm is Coming.

Winners: Natural Storm Match Rating: D+




Once again we’re at the FCW interview position, where Shane Sneer is on hype duty for Billy Russell’s match


“Tonight, my client, ‘The Tap-Out Artist Billy Russell’ defends his Puerto Rican title against Fox Mask. Now, I’ve seen some ridiculous matches in my time, but this?! Billy Russell, one of the great submission masters, the finest wrestler in Puerto Rico, against some clown in a mask? It’s either an insult or a joke, and either way, I wouldn’t want to be Fox Mask tonight. You better make sure your insurance is up to date, Foxy, because by the end of tonight you’re gonna make The Elephant Man look like Prince Charming”


The reaction to this was pretty good, given that it didn’t include Power in any way, shape or form.

Rating: C-




Citizen X vs. American Elemental vs. Kirk Jameson

Individually, all three of these guys have delivered better matches than this, so I have to call this one a disappointment even though it was an okay match. Once again the question of length reared its ugly head, as the fans were apparently displeased at the fact that this one only lasted six minutes. Given that it was this or nothing I’d have thought they’d have been grateful but apparently not. Still, the action was good, and as I’ve said the match was pretty good even with the length issues. Kirk took the win after he and X ganged up on American Elemental, throwing him out of the ring before Kirk rolled up X to get the 1-2-3.

Winner: Kirk Jameson Match Rating: D+




Back at the FCW interview position Power’s on hype duty for the main event


“It’s been a rough couple of months for me. First I lose the Puerto Rican title to Billy Russell, then Shawn Gonzalez, a man I called my friend, turns his back on everything FCW stands for and sides with the enemy, with men like Leper Messiah and Russell, who only care about themselves. But tonight…tonight I draw a line in the sand. Tonight, I stand in front of 10,000 screaming Powerfans and say ‘No More! This is where it ends! This is where we make our stand!’ Tonight, Shawn, I will stop you and all those like you, because I am the only man who can and because I…HAVE…THE….POWER!!!”


As always, Power is great value on the stick.

Rating: B-




Billy Russell vs. Fox Mask

For all he’s got weak fundamentals Billy’s always value for money in the ring, and when you combine that with Fox Mask’s all-round reliability you get something really good. This was one of our best matches yet, not quite on the level of the San Juan Brawl or last month’s main event but still ahead of the pack by quite a ways. There were a couple of problems: Billy’s fundamentals are still pretty poor, even if they did improve tonight, and as always the crowd wanted a longer match, but those were comparatively minor complaints all told. Billy got the win in the end, forcing Foxie to tap out to the Knee Bar.

Winner: Billy Russell Match Rating: C+




Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez

There’s a feeling in this business that the top title match should always be the main event. The reasoning behind that is obvious: even now, when nobody really believes the top champ is always the best wrestler in the company, the top guy is usually your franchise player, the guy you’re hoping will carry the company forward. But me, I don’t see it that way: for me the title is a MacGuffin, a device to create feuds and interesting match-ups at the top, and is more or less separate from your franchise player, especially at a level like ours when the guys who hold the top title can often be popular veterans on the way out or guys who weren’t good enough to make it in the big leagues (something I’ve avoided strenuously since taken over, but it can happen). What this is a very long-winded way of saying is that Power and Shawn went on in the main event slot despite the lack of title contention because regardless of the title these guys are the franchise of FCW. Sure enough, this was our best match yet, outdistancing the San Juan Brawl by some distance. A lot of this was down to momentum: Shawn’s gotten a huge boost from his heel turn, whilst Power’s hot storylines and mostly quality matches are always going to keep him hot. However, we shouldn’t overlook the talent in this one: Power’s no great worker, but he can tell a good story, and whilst Shawn is showing his age he’s still one of our strongest workers, and when you combine the two the results are always going to be good. Power got the win here, putting Shawn down with the Moves of Doom before nailing a San Juan Impact for the win.

Winner: Puerto Rican Power Match Rating: B-



Overall Rating: C, and our second strongest show to date, largely thanks to a great double-main event balancing out a lacklustre undercard.

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great card captain.. hey, what are the chances of us getting a peek behind the curtain to get a glimpse of your creative meeting.. can we vote?



to hell with it, im voting!


personal hot spot 3

1. PRP

2. Shawn

3. Billy


personal hot turd 3

1. Sensational Singh

2. Amazing Firefly

3. Citizen X


readers? who are your top 3?

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Actually, yeah, I'm interest in seeing who people are most interest/disinterested in. It won't make the slightest bit of difference to booking, as I'm already starting 2011 in game, but it's interesting to know all the same.
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Obviously, Puerto Rican Power is #1. He's always going to be #1. He's PRP, for crying out loud!


I love Leper Messiah. His promos are bitchin' awesome. He's also mostly talentless. #2 for him.


I will also join you in marking out for the Natural Storm. They're a cool team, even if they are short on character. I like the solid indie tag workhorses. Rayne and Howard take joint #3 spot.

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Right- well, there's good news and bad news. The bad news is that my laptop, on which this game is saved, is currently in for repairs and may need to get formatted, which may lose me the game. The good news is that that looks to be an outside chance, and hopefully all will be well and I'll be back to playing in a week or so. In any case, I'm written up through to the end of the year so I'll be able to keep updating. With that in mind, Hang Cool Teddy Bears and wait for the next post: hopefully it'll be around later today after my dissertation is printed, bound and handed in.
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Back in action thanks to relocating home for a couple of days, so with the sweet sweet tones of Tom Petty playing on the ipod and the writer apparently turning into some kind of hippy late-night DJ let's have a look at the predictions for this month:


Regis: 5/6

John Lions: 5/6

DiablomanConQueso: 5/6

ColtCabana: 5/6

Dragonmack: 2/6, which makes for a change of pace at least

jesseewiak: 4/6

borman_48: 5/6

Tigerkinney: 4/6, since I'm assuming you picked Russell even if you highlighted Fox Mask (I've done the same thing before so why not?)

funkyzafara: 5/6, welcome to the show and thanks for the kind words


So, it's a hyooge 6-way tie, so there's only one thing for it...barkeep! Pimms all round! :D

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Coming out of June the news was as good as always: profits were back into the 5 thou range, still down on January but the highest since. Morale was also high: whilst we’ve still got a few troublemakers in the locker room, they’re far outweighed by the number of positive influences, with Foxy, Singh and The Ox in particular being real locker-room leaders (somewhat ironically in Singh and Ox’s case, given that they’re both nearer jobbers than I’d like). That being said, a couple of people have complaints to make: Carl Batch in particular is unhappy at being left off so many shows. I’ll admit that that is a problem: Carl’s our best manager, and should be out there cutting promo’s every month. The problem is that his street hustler gimmick is kinda stupid: it works with a team like the Latino Kings but ideally our top manager should be managing lots of clients, and a street hustler doesn’t have the versatility of a Sports Agent gimmick like Shane Sneer’s: why on earth would a serious wrestler like Billy Russell, to use an example, associate with a man who uses the word ‘hizzouse’? I’m almost inclined to get rid of Carl and replace him with someone less talented so I don’t have to worry about not using a talented worker because of his stupid character.


Going forward, I decided to make use of our working relationship with TCW, and traded Shawn to them for three in shows in return for Joel Bryant. The reasons behind this one were simple: Joel’s popular enough to pop ticket sales a bit but not so popular that he’ll refuse to lose to anyone. He’s also got the talent to help our younger guys (I’m thinking particularly of Zonk and ADB here) improve, and who knows? He might even help Hector get a bit more consistent, though that’s probably a bit too optimistic.


In news from the wrestling world, USPW also signed Carl, whilst American Elemental signed on with CZCW. I don’t really mind either of these deals, since we already share workers with both companies, but to balance those out I decided to keep an eye on Rayne Man, a talented young guy who used to work for the SWF and still shows some potential. We don’t really have the space for him at the moment, but he’s at the top of the list to guys to bring in (alongside Extraordinario Jr. and Ford Gumble) when gaps open up. I also made an offer to Champagne Lover for the hell of it, and wasn’t exactly disappointed when he turned us down: sure it’d be nice to have him in, but I really wouldn’t know what to do with him if we did somehow manage to get him in.


Oh, and something else that I found too weird to not mention: Big Smack Scott, ol’ Smacker himself, is turning babyface. Big Smack Scott, the most hated man in wrestling, as a babyface? Yeah…no.


The card for our next show, FREEDOM’s Children, looked like this:


Puerto Rican Power vs. Joel Bryant



Billy Russell vs. Bradford Peverell


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Fox Mask



Kirk Jameson vs. Eddie Howard


The Sensational Singh vs. American Elemental


D.C Rayne vs. Rudy Velasquez

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Joel Bryant

PRP's probably the only man with the popularity capable of beating Bryant



Billy Russell vs. Bradford Peverell

Russell's not dropping it to B-Pev, either


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Fox Mask

Fox Mask doesn't really have a place right now, with his only win being by DQ against Leper... he's kind of a gatekeeper from what I can see



Kirk Jameson vs. Eddie Howard

JNo double championing for you, Eddie Howard


The Sensational Singh vs. American Elemental

I don't see Singh winning with the amount of sleeping you have been doing on him


D.C Rayne vs. Rudy Velasquez

Rudy wins here to get a rematch

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Joel Bryant

i am assuming Bryant is on a talent trade to be fed to PRP



Billy Russell vs. Bradford Peverell

easy defense


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Fox Mask

Gonzalez will step up as a challenger



Kirk Jameson vs. Eddie Howard

Howard is an avg tag wrestler at best


The Sensational Singh vs. American Elemental

I root for sing, but AE is too good for him.


D.C Rayne vs. Rudy Velasquez

Velasquez is the one decent Latino King

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Joel Bryant

Because he has the POWER!



Billy Russell vs. Bradford Peverell

A draw with Leper isn't going to boost Brad to the PR title.


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Fox Mask

Fox is a gatekeeper.



Kirk Jameson vs. Eddie Howard

As much as I love Eddie Howard, I dont see him toppling Kirk Jameson.


The Sensational Singh vs. American Elemental

Singh has jobbed a lot lately.


D.C Rayne vs. Rudy Velasquez

Rudy V wins to continue Kings vs. Storm feud.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Joel Bryant

No, seriously.



Billy Russell vs. Bradford Peverell

I know you love Brad, but I think that the Messiah might cost him this one.


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Fox Mask

Shawn won't be happy about losing, even to Power. Foxy will job happily to keep him going.



Kirk Jameson vs. Eddie Howard

And break up the Natural Storm? I think not.


The Sensational Singh vs. American Elemental

Singh has the problem of being a willing jobber.


D.C Rayne vs. Rudy Velasquez

Rudy's over, and this sets up a Kings/Storm rematch.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Joel Bryant



Billy Russell vs. Bradford Peverell


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Fox Mask



Kirk Jameson vs. Eddie Howard


The Sensational Singh vs. American Elemental

D.C Rayne
vs. Rudy Velasquez

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Joel Bryant


I would expect Bryant to win at least one of his matches, during his vacation on the Island but it won't be against Power. Personally I would have saved this one for a later show and built this up a little.



Billy Russell vs. Bradford Peverell


Routine defence for the former MMA star


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Fox Mask


Fox Mask doesn't quite seem to have what it takes to really compete for the Puerto Rican belt and Gonzalez heel turn would be for nought if he is not kept strong for now.



Kirk Jameson vs. Eddie Howard


Another belt being defended in a routine fashion


The Sensational Singh vs. American Elemental


Like you I found myself failing to push Singh and ending up feeling a bit guilty about it. He's a solid hand but his good backstage attiude makes him too easy to end up being a glorified jobber. As much as I would like to see Singh get a break, I can't back against American Elemental.


D.C Rayne vs. Rudy Velasquez


Rudy's the better singles wrestler.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Joel Bryant

- going against my thoughts here but Joel needs to be established as a threat right away. Possible interference?



Billy Russell vs. Bradford Peverell

- Dear Bradford, thank you for playing... loser.


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Fox Mask

-Shawn needs to feud with a viable UMC like Foxy , throw it down!



Kirk Jameson vs. Eddie Howard

- again I say .. .Kirklock B*tches!


The Sensational Singh vs. American Elemental

- Frosty Top Turd Singh is growing on me but I had it quickly removed.


D.C Rayne vs. Rudy Velasquez

- DC is decent midcard food but Rudy makes for great growth.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Joel Bryant

The Power never jobs!



Billy Russell vs. Bradford Peverell

If Bradford stays he will win the title one day, but not now


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Fox Mask

Lock of the week :p



Kirk Jameson vs. Eddie Howard


The Sensational Singh vs. American Elemental

I just want to see Singh win!


D.C Rayne vs. Rudy Velasquez

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The card for our next show, FREEDOM’s Children, looked like this:


Puerto Rican Power vs. Joel Bryant - by DQ



Billy Russell vs. Bradford Peverell - Not time for Bradford to get the belt quite yet.


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Fox Mask - Fox won't be hurt by the loss and it allows Shawn to get some momentum



Kirk Jameson vs. Eddie Howard - Placeholder win for Jameson


The Sensational Singh vs. American Elemental - Like somebody else said, Singh's too easy going.


D.C Rayne vs. Rudy Velasquez - Rematch setup

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Guys, quick news announcement, though not one I've been looking forward to.


It is with not-particularly-great-but-still-pretty-heavy sadness that I announced the end of this dynasty. I mentioned previously that my computer was being fixed, and unfortunately in reinstalling vista my FCW save game was lost. Unfortunately around this time I also lost the dynasty file for reasons I shan't reveal as they make me look really stupid. Therefore, this is the end of Freedom Caribbean Wrestling: Welcome to the Caribbean.


Now, whilst you're still sobbing into your handkerchiefs and wondering what will fill the gap this dynasty's left, I would like to say that I am looking to get a new project under way and am currently looking into my options. If anyone's got any suggestions (including an FCW reboot) feel free to post them, though I can't guarantee it'll happen

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Guys, quick news announcement, though not one I've been looking forward to.


It is with not-particularly-great-but-still-pretty-heavy sadness that I announced the end of this dynasty. I mentioned previously that my computer was being fixed, and unfortunately in reinstalling vista my FCW save game was lost. Unfortunately around this time I also lost the dynasty file for reasons I shan't reveal as they make me look really stupid. Therefore, this is the end of Freedom Caribbean Wrestling: Welcome to the Caribbean.


Now, whilst you're still sobbing into your handkerchiefs and wondering what will fill the gap this dynasty's left, I would like to say that I am looking to get a new project under way and am currently looking into my options. If anyone's got any suggestions (including an FCW reboot) feel free to post them, though I can't guarantee it'll happen



Sorry to see that happen to you. Fortunately I have been able to avoid the dreaded HD crash, file deletion, corruption, etc on my save games. As for your next project, ultimately for it to have legs it needs to be something that interests you and makes you want to write it, otherwise it won't last as writing just for someone else gets boring really quickly.

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Damn, man. Still, I know you love NYCW, so that's always a possibility. Maybe going back to Japan - GCG are in an interesting position these days. Play around with a few things, though. See what works.
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