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NWA 1989: Tradition To Innovation

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I love getting to see Barry where he belongs. Yeah, had a bunch of stops in the WWF, but really, he's just the type of "southern brawler" who just fits in the NWA. Orndorff fits but for a vastly different reason: because he fits in no matter what. Looking forward to see these two tangle with the other talent in the NWA. Orndorff vs Jack or Luger would be a great feud to follow up here for them, and while Barry will not be getting the win over Flair, I can see him heading after, say, Steamboat for Starrcade. There's just so much potential! You're really making me want to jump back into the NWA game I'd started a month ago :p


Barry Windham and Paul Orndorff were two of those coulda, woulda, shoulda types. They had all the talent but something just didn't click enough for them to really break through the barrier. Hopefully, that will change with this diary as I want all my wrestlers to do great.


As far as potential, there is a ton of potential for Starrcade. I have all my matches already planned out for Starrcade and certain major happenings for the event as well. I will also be introducing a new character following the Clash of the Champions, who should be fun to write for.


And anything that gets people working on their own NWA games is great in my book. Feel free to make a diary about it if you choose to as well. :D

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Windham, Sting, and Luger all using the same bat? Methinks I see a trend here. It's almost like we're seeing some of the pillars of the NWA grouping together. The horsemen of the NWA, if you will....


Could Double A be making an appearance, to solidify the group???


I know I'll be watching CotC IX, to find out.

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Windham, Sting, and Luger all using the same bat? Methinks I see a trend here. It's almost like we're seeing some of the pillars of the NWA grouping together. The horsemen of the NWA, if you will....


Could Double A be making an appearance, to solidify the group???


I know I'll be watching CotC IX, to find out.


I would love to see either AA or Tully come in. Heck bring them both in and you could have them with Flair vs. Sting, Luger, and Windham now that would be awsome.


In fact I do not think that Tully Blanchard was ever a fan favorite so it would be cool to see how angeldelayette would write him as such. The only thing that would stop this would be those pesky WWF contracts...


Of course I'm not gonna let on any details as to the signings and future moves by the wrestlers. However, it is wonderful to see the speculation here. Keep it coming. lol. After the pay-per-view, I plan on doing a month's end recap of all the backstage stuff that occured during the month of November which will explain certain things that might be of interest.

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Sunday Week 4 November 1989

Location: Charlotte Coliseum - Charlotte NC (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 22,548

Overall Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: 1.04

There was a feeling that a number of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action.

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: Missy Hyatt comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C




[The show begins right outside the arena where a long white limousine pulls up in front of the door. The driver gets out and walks down the length of the limo to the door and opens it up to reveal...]




[...NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair! Ric steps out surrounded by a bevy of beautiful women. He holds the hand of one and has another on his other arm...]


Ric Flair

"Ladies, tonight the drinks are on me. Tonight, right here in my hometown of Charlotte Whoooooo North Carolina, Barry Windham is gonna find out why I am the man."


[...Ric stepped with the ladies inside the arena and the fans were releasing intermittent 'Whoooo's' for their hometown favorite.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/samu5.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/fatu7.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/RickSteiner3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/ScottSteiner22.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/missyhyatt.jpg

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

The Wild Samoans get a shot vs. The Steiner Brothers


[inside the arena, it was time for the opening bout here at Clash of the Champions IX. The Wild Samoans were heavily booed by the crowd while The Steiner Brothers got a very positive ovation. The match definitely suffered throughout because of the lack of selling between both teams but especially by the Wild Samoans. Rick Steiner took down both of them with Steinerlines early on. The match was mostly dominated by the Champs, much to no one's surprise. Scott took down Samu with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex that got the crowd to their feet. Fatu got tagged in and he didn't fair much better as he was dropped with a German Suplex by Rick Steiner. Rick tagged back out to his brother as he lifted Fatu on his shoulders. Scott headed to the top rope and sliped an arm around the neck of Fatu -- Steiner DDT! Scott made the cover as Rick hit Samu with a Steinerline: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Steiner Brothers (Via Pinfall @ 6:53; The Steiner Brothers retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles)

Match Rating: B




[The crowd was psyched after that performance by The Steiner Brothers. But they booed when a figure appeared on the big screen...]




[...The top contender to the NWA World Heavyweight Title stood before them with a smile on his face...]


Barry Windham

"Ric Flair, tonight you better put a little more focus on defending your title against me. But, then, you're gonna need one of those women to lick your wounds after I get finished with you and you're about 25 pounds of gold lighter. Ric, the way that I beat you last night with the baseball bat is gonna be a happy memory when I get finished with you. I guarantee you that tonight you are gonna be hurting and crying and bleeding."


[...Barry smiles and we head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/cactusjack3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/SteveWilliams2.jpg

Hardcore Match

Cactus Jack vs. Steve Williams


[it was time for the hardcore match and what an amazing match that it was. Steve Williams looked a little bit out of his element against the hardcore wrestler: Cactus Jack. Williams took it to Cactus in the ring early on. He took down Cactus with a big German Suplex but he wasn't done, then. No, he slipped out of the ring and grabbed a chair, sliding back in. Williams charged Cactus -- kick to the gut! Cactus came back with several punches on Williams and Williams dropped the chair. Cactus grabbed Williams and hooked him -- Double Arm DDT on the chair! Williams was down and hurt but Cactus wasn't done. No, Cactus continued his focus on Dr. Death, bringing him outside the ring and ramming his head against the steel guardrail. Williams was busted open! Cactus rammed him against the ring post! Cactus dominated this bout for the most part. He removed the thin mats from outside the ring and body slammed Williams on the concrete! He put a chair on Williams and then went to the apron! Referee Tommy Young left the ring and waved off Cactus. He called for the bell, stopping the match as Cactus looked down at him. Don't do it, Cactus! Cactus runs the apron and leaps -- flying elbow onto the chair! Williams convulses on the ground and Cactus smiles. BANG! BANG!]


Winner: Cactus Jack (Via Stoppage @ 11:08)

Match Rating: C+




[As the EMTs came out with a stretcher for Steve Williams, the fan's attention turned to the big screen where none other than the NWA World Heavyweight Champion...]




[...The Nature Boy Ric Flair was standing within the interview area...]


Ric Flair

"Barry Windham, I know that you're sitting here in the back with goosebumps. You've got butterflies in your stomach that are turning into bats and I don't blame you. I would have them too if I was walking that aisle to face me. But, tonight, it won't be a sneak attack with a baseball bat. Tonight, you are going to have to come face-to-face with the Nature Boy. Whooooo. And in case you didn't know it, I am the greatest thing going today. I'm a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling, dealing son of a gun! The bottom line tonight Barry Windham is to be the man, you've got to beat the man and you've got your shot tonight. You better make it count. Whooooo!"


[...Ric stared intently into the camera and we headed back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/brianpillman.jpg

NWA World Television Title Match

Tournament Finals

The Great Muta vs. Flyin' Brian


[This is the tournament final to determine the new NWA World Television Champion and it featured two of the top high fliers in the business today. The X-Factor in the match is the presence of Gary Hart at ringside for the J-Tex Corporation. These two traded high flying moves early on in the match with neither man gaining a distinct momentum advantage for very long. Brian finally knocked Muta out of the ring and then dove between the ropes in a suicide dive, knocking Muta against the steel guardrail. Brian moved back inside the ring and headed to the top turnbuckle. This is high risk offense for Brian! Brian leaped and caught his legs around the head of Muta -- flying headscissors that sent Muta into the side of the ring! What great offense by Flyin' Brian! Brian slid Muta back into the ring and joined him. He bounced off the ropes -- quick elbowdrop connects! Brian makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Brian got back to his feet and headed to the top turnbuckle. Gary Hart jumped up on the apron, getting the referee's attention! The Great Muta pulled his way to his feet and Brian leaped -- Asian Mist! Brian got the mist right in the face! He grabs his face, shaking his head as he goes blind! Muta climbs the turnbuckles with relative ease -- Moonsault Press! Muta with the cover as Gary Hart jumps down: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The Great Muta is the new NWA World Television Champion! But not without controversy.]


Winner: The Great Muta (Via Pinfall @ 11:40; The Great Muta wins the NWA World Television Title)

Match Rating: B-




[The crowd boos the win by The Great Muta and boo even louder when this face comes on the video screen...]




[...Sting is bouncing on his toes out in the interview area, stretching...]



"Ricky, Ricky, Ricky. Tonight, I am going to prove that I am the only one with guts around here. You had your opportunity to come down and attack Flair just the way I did but you blew it just like you screw up everything else in your career. Just like back when you had a shot against Lex Luger for the United States title and got yourself disqualified. Tonight, there won't be any DQ ending for you, Ricky. Tonight I am going to wrap you up in my Scorpion Deathlock and I'm not going to let go until you're begging for mercy. But mercy is for the weak. So, tonight, there will be no mercy, Ricky Steamboat. Tonight, I get my prize: a title shot against Ric Flair at Starrcade. OWWWWWW!"


[...The crowd definitely doesn't respond to that the way they used to. Instead, it is met with boos and shouts of defiance.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/SidVicious.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/danspivey2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/theadorerlong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/animal3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/hawk3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/paulellering.jpg

#1 Contenders Match

The Skyscrapers vs. The Road Warriors


[After a short video played hyping the crowd for this match, the Skyscrapers took to the ring with their manager Theodore R. Long. The crowd went wild for the presence of the Road Warriors, who looked even more focused this time than in the Chicago Street Fight. This match had a lot of things wrong with it: lack of selling, lack of psychology but it was just a good old-fashioned melee and that is what the crowd was expecting. That is what the crowd was hyped for. The brawl took place inside the ring with Road Warrior Hawk downing Dan Spivey with a big shoulderblock from the second turnbuckle. The brawl took place outside the ring with Sid Vicious running Road Warrior Animal into the steel guardrail and then into the steps, demolishing the steel steps in the process. Paul Ellering and Theodore Long even got involved with each other in a fight that Paul Ellering came out on top of. Animal made a hot tag late in the match to Hawk and Hawk came in with kicks and clotheslines and gave focus on both Skyscrapers but the numbers game played a factor with Animal in the corner, trying to get to his feet. Spivey knocked Animal off the apron and then turned to Hawk. Sid hooked Hawk and then raised him up -- Double Power Bomb! Sid made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The Skyscrapers are headed to Starrcade to face off with the Steiner Brothers!]


Winners: The Skyscrapers (Via Pinfall @ 10:09)

Match Rating: B




[The crowd boos the Skyscrapers and begin a 'Steiners' chant! Meanwhile the video screen lights up to show someone the fans really don't like...]




[...The NWA United States Champion 'The Total Package' Lex Luger! Luger looked right into the camera...]


Lex Luger

"Z-Man, in just a few minutes you're going to have to step inside that ring and have your heart broken and your back broken too. You think that one fluke win over me suddenly makes you a contender to this belt? You never wore good enough to lace my boots. Tonight, I am going to prove why I should have been in the top contender match instead of facing a no contender like you."


[...Lex flexes and walks off and we head back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/luger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/tomzenk.jpg

NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Z-Man


[it is, indeed, time for the United States title match. The crowd was solidly in the favor of Z-Man though many of them headed off to concession stands and the bathrooms during this match in particular. Another match where the lack of psychology hurt the flow. This one was mostly dominated by Luger. Z-Man got in some good offensive moves but Luger ducked a Superkick and came back with a Running Forearm! Luger made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Lex Luger (Via Pinfall @ 11:52)

Match Rating: C+




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/barrywindham2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/ricflairc.jpg

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Barry Windham gets a shot vs. Ric Flair


[After a video played showing the attack last night by Barry Windham on Ric Flair, the crowd was stirred and ready for the first of our two main events on the card tonight. Barry Windham's theme began and everyone within the crowd rose to their feet and the boos began slowly and then picked up steam as Barry Windham walked down toward the ring. He raised his hand and made a threat toward an audience member before entering the ring. He leaned back against the ropes and waited in the far corner as his music turned off and there was a lull in the audience. Then the trumpets blared within the arena and the 'Whoooo's' began throughout the crowd as people were on their feet with heads turned to the top of the entrance. The song got about halfway through and then Ric Flair stepped out in a glorious blue robe and took in the adulation from the crowd. The NWA World Heavyweight Title was around his waist as he walked down toward the ring keeping his eyes on the ring and Barry Windham. He stepped inside the ring and gave a look toward referee Tommy Young who will be officiating this bout. Flair removed his robe and handed it down to the assistant and then took off the belt, handing it to the referee. Referee Tommy Young showed the belt to Barry Windham and then rose it up for the fans to see! Ric released a 'Whooooo' that was echoed by the crowd. The Nature Boy was all smiles as the referee checked him and then Windham and then called for the bell...]


[...Jim Ross called this the loudest ovation for a wrestler that he's ever heard in his career but it would only get bigger if Ric Flair won the match. Flair stretched over by the ropes and looked across the ring toward Barry Windham. The two men circled each other and then locked up in a collar and elbow tieup. The larger Windham backed Flair into a corner but the savvy veteran Flair reversed it at the last moment. Referee Tommy Young moved in calling for a clean break and Flair laced Windham's chest with a chop! Another one! A third! Flair throws a punch to the head! He is beating Windham down in the corner with punches and chops! Referee Tommy Young steps in to break things up and Windham takes the opportunity to slip out of the ring and take a breather...]


[...At around the four minute mark, Windham has come back in and taken a decided advantage over Flair. Windham's focus has been on the back of the Nature Boy which is a likely and smart tactic by Windham. Windham dropped Flair over his knee with a backbreaker and then made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd stirs with every pin attempt within this match. Windham lifted Flair up with a scoop and a big body slam! Windham bounced off the ropes -- elbow drop! He looks down at Flair and pulls Flair to his feet. He whips Flair into the turnbuckle and Flair flips up and over the corner. Flair runs along the apron and heads to the top turnbuckle but he gets caught by Windham -- slam off the top by Windham! Flair grabs his back and moans in pain...]


[...At around the seven minute mark, Windham locked a sleeperhold on Flair! Flair struggled and fought and the crowd began a 'Flair' chant. Flair fell down to his knees as Windham put his weight on that sleeper. Flair took the chants from the crowd, pushing his way back up. Windham's eyes opened wide as Flair pulled to his feet and turned his head around. He grabbed Windham's leg and lifted him up -- shinbreaker! Both men crashed down to the mat and referee Tommy Young began the ten count. At around the count of 7, both men got to their feet. They began exchanging chops and punches! With every chop from Flair the fans cheered and with every punch from Windham the fans booed! Flair ducked a punch and then threw one of his own! He ducked another punch and caught Windham with a straight right! Another chop! A chop! A third! Windham falls back in the corner. Flair dodges a lariat from Windham and then takes him out at the knee! Flair grabs the legs and releases a 'Whoooooo,' getting it returned from the crowd. He steps in and Windham grabs him in an inside cradle: 1 -- 2 -- Flair reverses the inside cradle! Windham's shoulders are down: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Flair did it! Flair retains the NWA World Heavyweight Title! Windham is upset but Flair escapes with the belt.]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Pinfall @ 12:14; Ric Flair retains the NWA World Heavyweight Title)

Match Rating: A




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/sting6.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/RickySteamboat3.jpg

#1 Contendership Match

Sting vs. Ricky Steamboat


[The crowd was still buzzed from the last match and it is time for our second main event of the evening. The music of Sting began to play within the background and the crowd who was usually so pumped for this match started in with the boos. Sting walked out from the back and moved toward the ring. He took in the boos, seeming to ignore them as he entered the ring. He looked very happy that Flair won the last match. He moves to the far corner and then the crowd went wild for the music of Ricky Steamboat! 'The Dragon' came out and high fived fans on his way down toward the ring. He looked toward Sting for a moment as he stood near the apron and then stepped inside the ring through the ropes. Referee Nick Patrick checked both Sting and Steamboat for foreign objects. This is a dream match for many people that noboyd thought they would see happen. But it's happening tonight! The bell sounds...]


[...Both Sting and Ricky Steamboat meet in the center of the ring and Steamboat seems to be trying to reason with Sting. Sting slaps Steamboat across the face! A punch thrown by Sting! Another! Another! Sting floors Steamboat with a right hand! Steamboat gathers himself and gets back up. He charges at Sting but Sting picks up Steamboat in a military press! Sting drops Steamboat behind him and Steamboat hits his face and chest on the mat. Sting makes a wiping motion with his hands and then turns back toward Steamboat and makes a cover: 1 -- Kickout! Sting looked angry and put the boots to Steamboat! Steamboat tried to cover up and referee Nick Patrick pulled Sting back but Sting fought through and got down on his knees, punching Steamboat and yelling at him that he's a coward...]


[...Sting kept control of the match until around the eight minute mark when Steamboat reversed an irish whip and Sting hit in the corner. Steamboat charged and clotheslined Sting in the corner! Steamboat backed up as Sting stepped out and hit Sting with an armdrag and then an armbar. Steamboat cinched on the armbar tight, holding Sting down on the mat. Steamboat is known for these armdrags and armbars as he usually has a focus on the arm. Steamboat wringed the arm of Sting but Sting fought up to his feet. He grabbed Steamboat by the hair and brought him back to the ropes. He shot Steamboat off -- leapfrog by Sting! Sting turned -- dropkick by Steamboat! Steamboat got the crowd into it as he picked up Sting and sent him to the ropes -- Powerslam! Steamboat made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Steamboat continued on the offensive with Sting having to cover up multiple times...]


[...The next change came around the eleven minute mark when Sting managed to rake the eyes of Steamboat! Steamboat staggered around and walked into an inverted atomic drop. Both men were starting to slow down some at this point. Sting sent Steamboat to the ropes -- Spinebuster! What a move! Steamboat holds his back and Sting pops up. He raises his arms and gets booed by this very pro-Steamboat crowd. Sting bounces off the ropes as Steamboat gets up -- One-Handed Bulldog! Sting releases an 'OWWWWWWW' that gets booed by the crowd! A 'Steamboat' chant kicks off through the crowd. Sting slowly picks up Steamboat and slips behind him -- Scorpion Death Drop! Sting signals that it's over and makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Steamboat pushes Sting's shoulders on the mat instead: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Sting barely got out of that one but he was the first to his feet. He puts a boot to the head of Steamboat and then picks him up -- irish whip to the corner. Sting backs up in the opposite corner and releases an 'OWWWWW!' He comes running toward Steamboat -- STINGER SPLASH -- MISSES! Steamboat moved out of the way and Sting's head hit the ring post behind the turnbuckle! Sting falls back in the ring and grabs his head as Steamboat quickly ascends the turnbuckles! Sting turns -- FLYING CROSS BODY! Steamboat turns it into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- Foot On The Ropes! Sting got his foot on the ropes and that broke the pinfall! Steamboat can't believe it!...]


[...As we reach the fifteen minute mark, both men are worn down and barely able to stand. But both men are known for their resilience. A big double clothesline in the center of the ring knocks both men down. Referee Nick Patrick begins the ten count. He gets to four before both men start to stir. He gets to six and Steamboat is using the turnbuckle to pull himself up. He gets to eight and Steamboat is up holding the turnbuckle. He gets to nine and Sting is up. Sting charges Steamboat in the corner -- Stinger Splash! He connects with the Stinger Splash! He uses a last burst of energy to grab the legs of Steamboat. He steps through and turns Steamboat into the Scorpion Deathlock at around the seventeen minute mark! Steamboat shakes his head! He doesn't want to give up. Sting grabs the ropes for leverage, leaning back into the hold while the referee isn't looking! He releases before the referee can see. Sting shakes his head when asked if he used the ropes. He points to Steamboat, telling the referee to ask him. Nick Patrick asks Steamboat as Sting uses the ropes for leverage again. Sting releases the ropes as Steamboat tries to pull himself around. Steamboat -- gives up! Steamboat gives up! Sting is headed to Starrcade!]


Winner: Sting (Via Submission @ 17:56)

Match Rating: B+


[...The bell sounds and Sting releases the hold as he gets his arm raised by Nick Patrick. Sting is definitely hurting right now. He just had one of the matches of his life. Sting looks toward the ramp as the trumpets blare throughout the Charlotte Coliseum. The crowd turns toward the ramp...]




[...It's Ric Flair! Ric Flair has the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt and he is raising it in the air. The crowd pops huge for Ric Flair and he looks toward Sting. Sting makes the 'belt' motion as they stare each other down. We're out of time! We'll see you Friday for NWA Power Hour and Saturday for World Championship Wrestling!]

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A lot of good predictions for the Clash. There were a couple of people with perfect predictions. Congratulations to Lexa90 and Beejus




1. BHK1978=111 Wins

2. Lexa90=110 Wins

3. Greg McNeish=94 Wins

jhd1=92 Wins

5. Ritchardo=89 Wins

6. Beejus=69 Wins

7. nick21985=52 Wins

8. MartinC=47 Wins

9. Destiny=37 Wins

10. Zergon=30 Wins

11. smurphy1014=27 Wins

12. OldSchool=25 Wins

13. JudgeJuryExecutioner=18 Wins

14. MattitudeV2=17 Wins

15. ColtCabana=15 Wins

16. Huntman=14 Wins

Bigpapa42=14 Wins

18. olympia=11 Wins

19. SWF Fan=10 Wins

20. jtalley31=9 Wins

21. BYU 14=7 Wins


This prediction contest will last until the end of the in-game year and then will return to the regular 3 month rotation.


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to all of the real world picture cutters and designers. They really do help each and every diary look that much more authentic!


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Friday Week 1 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Buzz Sawyer vs. The debut of The Gravedigger

The Iron Sheik vs. Paul Orndorff

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Jerry Stubbs


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.



Saturday Week 1 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Morton

Barry Windham vs. Junkyard Dog

Mike Rotundo vs. Scott Steiner

Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff


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NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Ric Flair

NWA United States Champion: Lex Luger

NWA Television Champion: The Great Muta

NWA Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner)


Main Eventers

Ric Flair

Ricky Steamboat


Bam Bam Bigelow

Sid Vicious (Managed by Teddy Long)


Terry Funk


Upper Midcarders

Junkyard Dog

Rick Steiner (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Scott Steiner (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Steve Williams

'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Lex Luger

Mike Rotundo



'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Road Warrior Animal

Road Warrior Hawk (Managed by Paul Ellering)

Barry Windham

Butch Reed (Managed by Woman)

Cactus Jack

Dan Spivey (Managed by Teddy Long)

Dick Slater

Kevin Sullivan (Managed by Woman)

The Great Muta (Managed by Gary Hart)

The Iron Sheik


Lower Midcarders

Flyin' Brian

Paul Orndorff

The Gravedigger

Buzz Sawyer

Ron Simmons (Managed by Woman)




Ricky Morton

Robert Gibson


Enhancement Talent

Jason Knight


Occasional Wrestler

Rip Rogers



Missy Hyatt

Gary Hart

Paul E. Dangerously

Paul Ellering

Teddy Long




Jim Ross



Nick Patrick

Randy Anderson

Tommy Young


Road Agents


Dory Funk, Jr.

Nick Bockwinkel




Scott Robinson

Ted Turner


Tag Teams

Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk) (Managed by Paul Ellering)

Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)

The Steiners (Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner) (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Doom (Butch Reed and Ron Simmons) (Managed by Woman)

The Skyscrapers (Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey) (Managed by Teddy Long)

The Wild Samoans (Samu and Fatu)



Beautiful Bobby Eaton

Bill Alfonso

Bill Irwin

Bob Caudle

Brad Armstrong

Chris Candido

Gorgon Solie

Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin

James E. Cornette

John Tatum

Magnum T.A.


Norman The Lunatic

Ole Anderson


Rip Morgan

Scott Hall

Shane Douglas

Stan Lane

Steve Austin

The Dragonmaster

Tommy Rich

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Great show, man. You're going to have to think twice before ever having Flair go on anywhere but last, in Charlotte.


Nice to see a roster breakdown, but I've got to ask: How in the blue hell did Zed-Man skyrocket into the main event? How is that possible? I'm glad he got his clock cleaned by the Total Package.




Friday Week 1 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Buzz Sawyer vs. The debut of The Gravedigger

Who is this Gravedigger? I couldn't find him on OWW. Anyway, Sawyer is a jobber.


The Iron Sheik vs. Paul Orndorff

Mr. Wonderful starts to build some momentum.


NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Jerry Stubbs

Routine title defense, to eliminate the dreaded goose egg.



Saturday Week 1 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Morton

Having put Dr. Death away, it's time to put the pedal to the floor.


Barry Windham vs. Junkyard Dog

A great rebound match for Windham, after having a show stealing performance with the Champ. JYD continues his slide down the card.


Mike Rotundo vs. Scott Steiner

With Rotundo nowhere near a title right now, Steiner looks like he could make better use of this victory. That is, unless Rotundo is starting a new program....


Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

I hope Funk brands the hell out of Zed-Man.


Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff

Although Steamboat could use the rebound, having Orndorff for a partner tips the scales way too far in the other direction. Dragon is the obvious choice for the US Title match, at Starcade.

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Friday Week 1 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Buzz Sawyer vs. The debut of The Gravedigger

No idea who Gravedigger is (Undertaker maybe?) but debuting guys usually win and Buzz is a jobber anyway


The Iron Sheik vs. Paul Orndorff

Sheik is higher on the ladders


NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Jerry Stubbs

Basic title defense




Saturday Week 1 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Morton

After beating Williams, Cactus Jack isn´t going to lose to Morton


Barry Windham vs. Junkyard Dog

Not sure here but JYD haven´t been particularly impressive so far


Mike Rotundo vs. Scott Steiner

Steiner is champ and is in a feud so he picks the win


Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

Z-Man might be main eventer now but so is Funk and I still have more faith on him than Z-Man


Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff

Orndorff isn´t high enough on card to go over to either Sting or Luger so no win for Ricky here

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Friday Week 1 December 1989


Buzz Sawyer vs. The debut of The Gravedigger

The Iron Sheik vs. Paul Orndorff

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Jerry Stubbs




Saturday Week 1 December 1989



Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Morton

Barry Windham vs. Junkyard Dog

Mike Rotundo vs. Scott Steiner

Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff

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Buzz Sawyer vs. The debut of The Gravedigger

unless the grave digger is someone like fred ottman who busts through a wall, then falls on his arse... Poor Buzz heads to the land of jtts


The Iron Sheik vs. Paul Orndorff

Orndorff to make a splash


NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Jerry Stubbs






Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Morton

Cactus is not going to beat Dr. Death then lose to ricky mortan


Barry Windham vs. Junkyard Dog

beating JYD makes Barry even more of a threat and builds back some good mo, after losing to flair


Mike Rotundo vs. Scott Steiner

however scotty getting a win over Rotundo here would certainly help elevate him


Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

Tough, after Z-Man recent performance... I just cant pick against Funk


Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff

steamboat gains some revenge against sting.. orndorff shines... setting up singles matches/rematches

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Friday Week 1 December 1989


Buzz Sawyer vs. The debut of The Gravedigger

Um, okay?

The Iron Sheik vs. Paul Orndorff

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Jerry Stubbs



Saturday Week 1 December 1989


Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Morton

Sell, Ricky, sell!

Barry Windham vs. Junkyard Dog

Mike Rotundo vs. Scott Steiner

Rotundo is going to be kind of aimless at this point now unfortunately. With Muta and Luger having both the titles, he isn't gonna be really in it for either of them, since I can't see him turning face. So unless we get a random Varsity Club reunion, then he's getting a bit of the shaft.

Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

Let's call that little "Z-Man Experiement" a failure and move on please? He can be the new Face Main Event Jobber.

Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff

Stinger's going to have to look strong heading into Flair.


Sad to see in the new roster listing that the Midnights are reduced to developmental. I know they were just kinda floating along at this point anyways, but I mark so hard for them, they just need a solid heel turn! :( Kinda surprised to see where some of the wrestlers are at as far as pushes go right now, like the Warriors being at midcard level. I know they've just been beaten by the Skyscrapers but it shouldn't have been THAT bad to them.

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Great show, man. You're going to have to think twice before ever having Flair go on anywhere but last, in Charlotte.


Nice to see a roster breakdown, but I've got to ask: How in the blue hell did Zed-Man skyrocket into the main event? How is that possible? I'm glad he got his clock cleaned by the Total Package.


My guess is that Z-Man's destiny is high. Which actually works for me because the higher his popularity the more he can give to others if I decide to go that route.


And I should have known better when it comes to the Flair match. I just figured that Sting and Steamboat would be more of a dream match and all. But it still pulled a good rating, I think. And I hope I had some people wondering when reading the match on whether Steamboat might actually pull it off.


Sad to see in the new roster listing that the Midnights are reduced to developmental. I know they were just kinda floating along at this point anyways, but I mark so hard for them, they just need a solid heel turn! :( Kinda surprised to see where some of the wrestlers are at as far as pushes go right now, like the Warriors being at midcard level. I know they've just been beaten by the Skyscrapers but it shouldn't have been THAT bad to them.


The Midnight Express have, indeed, gone to developmental but it probably won't be for long because of the sort of lack of tag teams right now, especially name teams like the Midnights. They were kinda sent down as a refresher to them and to be able to make a bigger comeback.


I was a little surprised at the Road Warriors going down to midcard as well. It probably came from losing to Dan Spivey, who is also in the midcard. But you know what they say: you can't keep a good Road Warrior down for long.


As far as the Gravedigger goes, he is indeed the former Mark Callous re-packaged for consumption here in NWA. I have major plans for him as soon as I can get his overness up.

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Just as I am doing with my USPW diary, beginning at the end of December I am going to have an end-of-month review, recapping all that has gone on within the previous month. The end of December may be moreso an end of year recap with news from the start of the game until now. But what I need from my loyal readers and writers is: which promotions and wrestlers, etc. do you want to see within the recap?

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As far as the Gravedigger goes, he is indeed the former Mark Callous re-packaged for consumption here in NWA. I have major plans for him as soon as I can get his overness up.


Predictions will be up tomorrow (wait for me!), but I just wanted to comment on this last bit. My immediate thought for The Gravedigger was The Undertaker but in a good in a good way. The one thing I can't stand in historic real world diaries is someone hiring Steve Austin as a bad ass and having him face off with Hollywood Hulk Hogan and a young Kane in a Hell in a Cell Casket Match at Royal Rumble 1994. I just can't be doing with it.


But you've avoided that, hirings have been well thought-out (Z-Man!) and with The Gravedigger there is a familiarity but we're not looking at a complete carbon copy. I like the 'what if' feel of this, rather than the time-machine approach I've seen (and avoided) elsewhere.


Right, rant over :D


As for the recap - you know me my friend, I want to know about The British Bulldogs! I'd quite like to know about Sarge too. For example, why isn't he here yet!? :p

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Again in the 80's this is my favorite era of wrestling and it is with my favorite promotion. I am trying to catch up on the back story and previous matches (missed about a month of shows). I like the idea of the heel Sting and a returning Barry Windham is never a bad thing. Keep up the good work.



Friday Week 1 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Buzz Sawyer vs. The debut of The Gravedigger

The Iron Sheik vs. Paul Orndorff

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Jerry Stubbs


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.




Saturday Week 1 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Morton

Barry Windham vs. Junkyard Dog

Mike Rotundo vs. Scott Steiner

Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff

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Guest jtalley31

Missed some predictions, but I would have gotten most of the wrong anyway, lol. Let's try and get back on track.


Buzz Sawyer vs. The debut of The Gravedigger

Buzz is decent, but he is an overdose waiting to happpen. Besides you said you were giving digger a push.

The Iron Sheik vs. Paul Orndorff

Orndorff will humble Sheik

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Jerry Stubbs





Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Morton

Though I'm going with Cac here, I'm begging you not to job out Ricky, he has so much to offer as a singles performer.

Barry Windham vs. Junkyard Dog

The DYD over JYD

Mike Rotundo vs. Scott Steiner

See my comment for Morton above and apply them to Rotundo as well.

Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

He may have high destiny, but he's no Funker.

Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff

Obviously building Sting up for Flair, but where is Luger going from here?



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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jhd1" data-cite="jhd1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27350" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Predictions will be up tomorrow (wait for me!), but I just wanted to comment on this last bit. My immediate thought for The Gravedigger was The Undertaker but in a good in a good way. The one thing I can't stand in historic real world diaries is someone hiring Steve Austin as a bad ass and having him face off with Hollywood Hulk Hogan and a young Kane in a Hell in a Cell Casket Match at Royal Rumble 1994. I just can't be doing with it. <p> </p><p> But you've avoided that, hirings have been well thought-out (Z-Man!) and with The Gravedigger there is a familiarity but we're not looking at a complete carbon copy. I like the 'what if' feel of this, rather than the time-machine approach I've seen (and avoided) elsewhere.</p><p> </p><p> Right, rant over <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> As for the recap - you know me my friend, I want to know about The British Bulldogs! I'd quite like to know about Sarge too. For example, why isn't he here yet!? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Gravedigger will definitely not be an exact carbon copy of the Undertaker. There will be some similarities between the two characters, such as the finisher, but I am hoping to create my own identity with the Gravedigger. As far as the Sarge goes, well, never say never. </em></strong><img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Theheel" data-cite="Theheel" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27350" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Again in the 80's this is my favorite era of wrestling and it is with my favorite promotion. I am trying to catch up on the back story and previous matches (missed about a month of shows). I like the idea of the heel Sting and a returning Barry Windham is never a bad thing. Keep up the good work.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Definitely my favorite promotion as well. I watched it and the WWF back in the day. Growing up in the south, of course my focus was on NWA/WCW. Glad you like the ideas I have come up with so far. There is more to come.</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jtalley31" data-cite="jtalley31" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27350" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Missed some predictions, but I would have gotten most of the wrong anyway, lol. Let's try and get back on track.<p> </p><p> KUTGW</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Glad to see you back! And as far as Luger goes, it will be made more clear on the next card.</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>
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Friday Week 1 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Buzz Sawyer vs. The debut of The Gravedigger

A natural slow build with a few wins on the B-show is a good way to go. Not sure about starting off a character with such a negative sounding name as a face, I'm sure time will tell though!

The Iron Sheik vs. Paul Orndorff

A solid semi-main event in 1984... not so much in 1989! Shiek's a solid midcard job guy.

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Jerry Stubbs

Mr Olypmia makes a triumphant return to Georgia! Well maybe not triumphant... Nice signing, exactly the kind of guy you can see the NWA picking up as an occassional job guy at this point... Who's next; Ranger Ross?! If you ever do pick up Arn, there's a nice angle right there - who will Anderson chose to side with - Ric Flair or Jerry Stubbs... or maybe not... lol



Saturday Week 1 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Morton

No programme in place for Cactus at the moment but he's set for bigger things after taking out Dr Death.

Barry Windham vs. Junkyard Dog

Jobyard Dog continues in his freefall from the main event. He'd be a nice stepping stone for Cactus actually now that I think on it.

Mike Rotundo vs. Scott Steiner

'Scraper interference but not enough to stop Steiner...

Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

Funk needs to keep re-building especially if he's going to end up doing the job for Hot Stuff

Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff

Natural to go for the heels here but Ricky's been taking a few pastings lately... Steamboat to pin Luger, bringing some dissent between him and Sting.


For the recaps I'd quite like to hear how the AWA are getting on - bit of a soft spot for them with my own diary you see (cheap plug!)...

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>24 Hour Warning for Predictions for NWA Power Hour and World Championship Wrestling! I have received predictions so far from:</em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

Greg McNeish</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>








Ritchardo</em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far!</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Friday Week 1 December 1989


Buzz Sawyer vs. The debut of The Gravedigger

The Iron Sheik vs. Paul Orndorff

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Jerry Stubbs



Saturday Week 1 December 1989


Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Morton

Morton hasn't really caught fire yet, where as Cactus Jack is in a great feud with Williams.

Barry Windham vs. Junkyard Dog

Easy. Barry's just (nearly) main evented Clash so a solid win against JYD won't be a shock.

Mike Rotundo vs. Scott Steiner

DQ I'm guessing, though it is a tough one.

Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

If I keep picking Z-Man he'll win eventually. And we've been over my dislike of Funk.

Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Paul Orndorff

Although I'm enormously tempted by Ritchardo's sensible reasoning, I'm going for a draw.

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jhd1 is your dislike directed at Dory as well or is it just Terry that you hate?


I don't know. I've never been keen on 'hardcore' and so my overriding memory of Funk being an old man covered in blood probably has something to do with it. It's entirely unfair, I know, but it's one of those cases of bad first impressions. Not really seen much of Dory, to be honest.


EDIT: It is not anything to do with his ability, just the idea of Terry Funk the hardcore icon puts me off.

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