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NWA 1989: Tradition To Innovation

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NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: The Great Muta vs. Bobby Eaton

Muta has got to be the early favourite in this tournament. He has been pulling absolutely monsterous ratings, and would do such great things with the TV belt. Only thing that would stop him is if you want to elevate him further.


Having put a bit more thought into this, I think Muta makes a terrific candidate to lose in the finals, to the underdog. Who doesn't love a good underdog story?


Only question is, who will that underdog be? Oh Lord, I hope it's not Zed-Man.

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Tom Zenk? Tom Zenk? I am um....wow.:D


Bob Orton vs. Z-Man

Cowboy is the main event JTTS and a natural stepping stone for anyone heading up the card - Zenk needs the win to stay strong for a Luger programme (which I never saw coming by the way! kudos for that!)


Good luck with the Tom Zenk push - I always viewed him as being little more than Rick Martel's sidekick (which I'm certain would really tick him off but there you are!). Having said that, the guy was certainly talented so there's worse people you could be trying to polish and it's good to see Luger take a loss - keeps his ego in check and with Sting leapfrogging him to the top of the heel charts, you need to try and keep a lid on him at the moment!


Having put a bit more thought into this, I think Muta makes a terrific candidate to lose in the finals, to the underdog. Who doesn't love a good underdog story?


Only question is, who will that underdog be? Oh Lord, I hope it's not Zed-Man.


I knew that having the Z-Man win against Lex Luger would be a source of controversy. Glad to see that I was right! lol. Hopefully, I can bring the Z-Man forward and get people behind him. Oh and by the way, Greg, Z-Man won't be in the tournament as he will be having a United States title shot against Lex Luger at the Clash and that is where the finals of the tournament will be.

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I finally managed to catch up with this diary and I must say that you have done a good job. NWA/WCW diaries are always interesting for me mainly because I know they where big company but I never seen any of their shows (barring some short youtube vids) and thus like to know their product better and your diary really seems to deliver:).



Thursday Week 2 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Michael Hayes vs. Steve Williams

Williams is having a feud with Foley so he picks up the win


Dick Slater vs. Flyin' Brian

I´m not having muchidea about either guy but Brian seems to done little better so far so I go with him


Bob Orton vs. Z-Man

I would like to pick Orton but since Z-Man just beated Luger I don´t see it happening here



Saturday Week 2 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: The Iron Sheik vs. Steve Williams

Dr.Death takes this one unless Cactus Jack has another idea


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: The Great Muta vs. Bobby Eaton

I was expecting Muta to win the belt from Sting so he is my favorite here


Michael Hayes vs. Z-Man

Z-Man still has that win over Luger


Dick Slater vs. Ricky Steamboat

Ricky is possible title condenter so he picks up a win here


Non Title: Kevin Sullivan vs. Ric Flair

Flair is the champ and is kept strong here

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Saturday Week 2 November 1989

Location: Kansas State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson Kansas (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.58

There was a feeling that a number of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action.

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


The Power Hour

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Steve Williams defeated Michael 'P.S.' Hayes in 8:06 by pinfall with an Oklahoma Stampede...C


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Flyin' Brian defeated Dick Slater in 8:06 by pinfall...C+


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Z-Man defeated 'Cowboy' Bob Orton in 8:24 by pinfall....B




[The show opens inside the Kansas State Fairgrounds for National Wrestling Alliance action! Kicking things off here tonight, we head down to our three man announce team of...]




[...Jim Ross, Paul E. Dangerously and Jim Cornette!...]


Jim Ross

"Good evening everyone and welcome to World Championship Wrestling! I'm Jim Ross alongside my broadcast colleagues: Paul E. Dangerously and Jim Cornette. Gentlemen, we're coming off the heels of a monumental announcement just last week in which Sting vacated the NWA World Television title to possibly get the opportunity to vie for the NWA World Title at Starrcade."


Paul E. Dangerously

"Usually, I would say that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush but I think this is a great plan by Sting. We all three know that he can take care of Steamboat at the Clash and all that leaves is his former best friend: Ric Flair at Starrcade. Ric, you better shine that belt up real good because it's coming off your waist and around Sting's. Mark my words."


Jim Ross

"That remains to be seen, Paul. But no matter what happens there tonight begins the tournament to crown a new NWA World Television Champion. Eight men were selected by the Championship Committee and those eight men are: Steve Williams, The Iron Sheik, The Great Muta, Bobby Eaton, Buzz Sawyer, Flyin' Brian, Mike Rotundo and Junkyard Dog. We will be having two of the first round matches tonight and two first round matches next week. The semifinal matches will happen the World Championship Wrestling before the Clash and the finals at the Clash of the Champions. Who do you men see as the early favorites for the tournament?"


Jim Cornette

"I think I can answer that one, Ross. I have personally been working with Bobby Eaton these last few weeks and I think that he is ready to both take The Great Muta and take this tournament."


Paul E. Dangerously

"If that happens, Cornette, I'll eat JR's hat. I've got to go with Mike Rotundo. He is the greatest amateur wrestler in the tournament and he is from Syracuse, after all!"


Jim Ross

"As he likes to constantly remind us. But let's head up to the ring for our opening bout and the opening match in the title tournament."


[...And the cameras move to focus in the ring.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/theironsheik2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/SteveWilliams2.jpg

NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1

The Iron Sheik vs. Steve Williams


[This opening bout definitely had several things go wrong with it. The Iron Sheik was off his game and neither man old either's moves very well. One could easily tell the Iron Sheik's age in this one. But that didn't stop Dr. Death. Williams easily hoisted him up on his shoulder and hit Sheik with the Oklahoma Stampede! Williams made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Steve Williams (Via Pinfall @ 6:14)

Match Rating: C-


[...Williams stood up and got his hand raised in victory but was taken down from behind almost immediately...]




[...Cactus Jack stood over Williams with a chair in hand after having hit Dr. Death in the back with it. Cactus hit him with the chair again! Again! Again! Cactus grabbed Williams and rolled him outside the ring and onto those thin mats before he climbed back up on the apron. Cactus runs along the length of the apron -- Cactus Elbow! That is almost a suicidal move if he were to miss! But BANG! BANG! Cactus smiles, pushing his tongue through that hole in his mouth as the fun police come running down.]




[Time to head to a pre-recorded interview...]




[...This one has to have the camera back up a little bit so that both Skyscrapers can be in the shot with Theodore R. Long standing in the middle...]


Theodore R. Long

"Road Warriors, let me tell you something, you made a big mistake in challenging my Skyscrapers for a match at the Clash of the Champions. I tell you what, though, I went and talked to the Championship Committee after I heard the challenge and they informed me that if I agreed to the match on behalf of my team that this would be a number one contender's match. The winning team would meet the Steiner Brothers at Starrcade for the NWA World Tag Team Titles. I couldn't turn that down, could I? So we accept your challenge and you're going to learn once again that what comes up, must come down."


[...Long pats both his Skyscrapers on the chest and we head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/bobbyfulton.jpg

NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1

The Great Muta vs. Bobby Eaton


[it's really no surprise that Jim Cornette on the announce team was pulling for Bobby Eaton during this entire match. Eaton got in some good shots on Muta, too. Eaton picked up Muta and body slammed him to the mat and then headed for the top turnbuckles. Muta distracted the official as Gary Hart climbed on the apron. Hart shoved Eaton off the turnbuckles and Eaton came crashing, hitting his knee in the process. Eaton grabbed that knee and looked legitimately hurt! Muta took advantage of this and dropped a hard elbow down on the chest of Eaton. Muta headed to the top turnbuckle as Eaton somehow pulled himself to his feet -- Moonsault Press! Muta turns it into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The Great Muta advances to face Steve Williams in two weeks!]


Winner: The Great Muta (Via Pinfall @ 8:22)

Match Rating: B-


[...Gary Hart entered the ring and raised Muta's hand in victory but he was also given a microphone...]


Gary Hart

"Alright, now, last week I said that I was going to come out here and make a J-Tex State of the Company Address here tonight. Before I do that, I want to invite the rest of the members of the J-Tex Corporation out here."




[...Led by Terry Funk, Dick Slater and Buzz Sawyer also walked down toward the ring and slid inside. The entire J-Tex Corporation stood within the ring, surrounding Gary Hart...]


Gary Hart

"The stock of the J-Tex Corporation has been sliding for the past few weeks here in the NWA. Each of my employees here have lost matches and lost revenue for ME. This is unacceptable. So here is what I am going to do: Dick Slater, you have a match tonight with Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat. You win that match, you remain as part of the J-Tex Corporation. Lose the match and you're out."


[...Slater's eyes went wide and he gave an angry look...]


Gary Hart

"Buzz Sawyer, you are in the Television Title Tournament. Next week, you take on Flyin' Brian one on one. You win the tournament and bring some gold to the J-Tex Corporation or you're out of the company!"


[...Buzz cracked his knuckles as he stood there...]


Gary Hart

"The J-Tex Corporation is also on the recruiting trail. We are looking for the best wrestlers to compete within our group. Only the best wrestlers will be involved with the J-Tex Corporation. This is the dawning of a new day."


[...Hart called his troops out of the ring and we headed to another video.




[This pre-recorded interview had the fans cheering...]




[...As Ric Flair appeared within that interview area. He pointed behind him to the symbol for the NWA...]


Ric Flair

"This is the N W A. The National Whoooo Wrestling Alliance. We don't have any cartoon characters. We don't have any of these circus performers. What we have here is the best wrestling in the world today with the best World Champion in the world today in Ric Flair. Whooooo! Stinger, I'll deal with you if you can beat Ricky Steamboat at the Clash. My attention tonight goes to the wrestler who has been chosen to walk that aisle against the best wrestler alive today. Kevin Sullivan, this is the best thing going today. Take a good look at me. Do you know who I am? I'm the limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing son of a gun! I'm the man who kisses the girls Whooooo and makes them cry. Woman, if you wanna ride on Space Mountain, the limousine will be open after the match. I'll have some champagne on ice, honey. Kevin Sullivan, Whoooo, tonight you find out and then your woman finds out why everyone around the world calls me the man. Whooooo!"


[...Ric struts for a moment and then it's back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/MichaelHayes7.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/tomzenk.jpg

Michael Hayes vs. Z-Man


[This was a definite match that had the fans looking forward to seeing it. Z-Man had gotten a big upset win over Lex Luger last week and it has propelled him to a U.S. Title shot at Clash of the Champions. These two have pretty good chemistry inside the ring and it showed as they went back and forth and toe to toe. Hayes went for a DDT early but Z-Man managed to grab the ropes and prevent the hold from being completed. Z-Man rolled Hayes up: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! No quick rollup pin on Michael Hayes. Hayes came back with a clothesline and a stomp on Z-Man! Hayes pulled Z-Man up and Z-Man dropped him with a jawbreaker! What a move! Z-Man moved into the corner and began stomping his foot! He got the crowd into it as Hayes moved to his feet -- Superkick! Z-Man leveled Hayes with a Superkick! He makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Z-Man (Via Pinfall @ 7:34)

Match Rating: B-


[...Z-Man with a huge upset victory two weeks in a row. If he keeps doing it like this, is it really an upset? Z-Man got his hand raised and then turned...]




[...into a clothesline from The Total Package! The crowd booed heavily as Luger dropped down and started throwing punches to the face and head of Z-Man! Luger picked up Z-Man -- Human Torture Rack! Z-Man was stretched out on the rack, yelling for mercy! The fun police came in and finally broke things up but Luger has definitely made his point.]




[Another pre-recorded video begins to play...]




[...The crowd boos as Sting is shown standing in front of that same NWA background that Ric Flair was...]



"Ric Flair, you only have a non title match against Kevin Sullivan. You better not take your eyes off the prize if you want to keep your belt at NWA's Starrcade. My attention right now is focused on the man called the Dragon. Ricky Steamboat, we both know you've got NO GUTS and no DRIVE to be a success in this business. You haven't proven yourself in this ring to me and you will get the chance to prove it at the Clash of the Champions. You will get a chance to get the best out of the Stinger but you know what? It's never gonna happen. OOOWWWWWW!"


[...Sting bounces on his toes for a moment and we head to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/dickslater.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/rickysteamboat2.jpg

Dick Slater vs. Ricky Steamboat


[Dick Slater had a lot to lose in this match against Ricky Steamboat. Dirty Dick started off with some strong offense in against Steamboat but it was quickly countered in a corner where Steamboat began unleashing chops of fury on Slater's chest. One chop sent Slater over the top rope to the floor! Slater regrouped with his manager Gary Hart and then entered the ring again. Slater threw some hard forearm shots to the chest of Steamboat when he got the advantage again and he took down Steamboat with a hard clothesline. Slater held the advantage for a couple of minutes before Steamboat dodged a splash in the corner and came back with several chops to the chest. Steamboat sent Slater to the ropes -- chop brings him down! Steamboat showed some strength by lifting Slater -- Samoan Drop! Steamboat headed up the turnbuckles as Gary Hart looked on in disgust. Gary Hart walked away as Slater moved to his feet. He turned -- Flying Body Press! Steamboat turned it into a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Dick Slater is no longer part of the J-Tex Corporation!]


Winner: Ricky Steamboat (Via Pinfall @ 7:46)

Match Rating: B




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/kevinsullivan.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/woman3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/ricflairc.jpg

Non Title

Kevin Sullivan vs. Ric Flair


[it's main event time and this should be a good main event between Sullivan and the Nature Boy. Sullivan tried to get some amateur wrestling done against Ric Flair but Flair showed some great technical background as well. It ended up in a bit of a stalemate with Sullivan exiting the ring. Flair chased him outside and Sullivan put Woman in front of himself! Flair ran his hands back through his hair and released a 'Whoooo!' Sullivan pushed Woman into Flair and when Flair moved her, Sullivan took down Flair with a clothesline! Sullivan rammed Flair's head against the side of the ring and then rolled in to break the count before rolling back out. He sent Flair against the guardrail face-first and then tossed him back inside the ring, following him in. He whipped Flair into the turnbuckle and Flair did the flip up and over the turnbuckles and ran along the apron. When he got about halfway, Sullivan headbutted him to the gut and sent him flying down to the guardrail. Sullivan stood inside the ring and Flair was very nearly counted out but got back into the ring at the nine count...]


[...Sullivan tied up Flair to the tree of woe and backed up. He eyed Flair and then charged -- Flair released himself and moved out of the way! Sullivan hit his knee in the corner and grabbed it immediately. Flair pulled up to his feet and chopped the chest of Sullivan again and again with the crowd chanting 'Whoooooo' with each chop! Flair lifted Sullivan -- body slam in the center of the ring! Flair bounced off the ropes -- Knee Drop! Flair is in charge and begins strutting down toward the legs of Sullivan. He grabs the legs -- Figure 4 Leglock! Flair locked in his signature move! Within moments, Sullivan was quitting!]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Submission @ 10:14)

Match Rating: A


[...Referee Tommy Young helped Ric Flair break the hold and then raised the arm of the NWA World Champion! Flair was given the belt and then looked out toward the ramp...]




[...It's Sting! Sting is at the top of the ramp making the 'belt' motion! Sting obviously wants the NWA World Title! Will he be able to win a shot by beating Ricky Steamboat at Clash of the Champions? We'll have to find out at the end of the month! See you next week, everyone!]

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We had several perfect scores this time around. Congratulations to Lexa90, jhd1 and Zergon(No one was marked in Z-Man/Orton in PH but from comments underneath I assume Z-Man is where you were going)




1. BHK1978=88 Wins

2. Lexa90=87 Wins

3. Greg McNeish=71 Wins

jhd1=71 Wins

5. Ritchardo=68 Wins

6. Beejus=46 Wins

7. nick21985=42 Wins

8. MartinC=25 Wins

9. Destiny=22 Wins

10. smurphy1014=19 Wins

11. JudgeJuryExecutioner=18 Wins

12. MattitudeV2=17 Wins

OldSchool=17 Wins

14. ColtCabana=15 Wins

15. Huntman=14 Wins

Bigpapa42=14 Wins

17. olympia=11 Wins

18. SWF Fan=10 Wins

19. Zergon=8 Wins

20. BYU 14=7 Wins


Welcome to Zergon for making his first predictions of the diary! Thanks for the comments as well and hope you enjoy and continue reading!


This prediction contest will last until the end of the in-game year and then will return to the regular 3 month rotation.


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to all of the real world picture cutters and designers. They really do help each and every diary look that much more authentic!


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Thursday Week 3 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.



Saturday Week 3 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight

#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©


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I have a couple of questions for my loyal readers. These questions will be going out in both diaries...


The first question is do you prefer the new more streamlined, shorter matches or would you prefer for me to return to my old style of the longer matches? I am good either way so that is why I am asking my readers.


The second question is that I have been toying with using the cheat code that increases all the user talents to 10. I'd like to know what my readers think about this type of thing.

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Thursday Week 3 November 1989


Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog



Saturday Week 3 November 1989


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

I'm calling it: Rotundo wins this tournament.

Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight

#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

I know the Samoans will probably get it so that we have faces against heels, but really, that is just TOO MUCH of a dream match to pass up!

NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©

Were it non-title, I could maybe see Bam Bam pulling it off.


I like it how it is now for matches, and for user talents, eh, go ahead, what can it hurt?

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Ric managed to get an A out of Kevin Sullivan!:eek:


Tom Zenk seems to be on a role, which is cool with me. I never really had an opinion on him one way or the other. All though I will say that I liked him better in the NWA/WCW then when he was in the WWF.


Maybe I just did not read it but what happened to Bob Caudle?


Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man


Rip was just some jobber dude that used to carry the flag for the Bushwackers.


Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight


Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog




Saturday Week 3 November 1989


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog


I know JYD is higher ranking on the card, but to me Mike was always someone who should be fighting for the TV title.


Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian


Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight


#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express


SST should get the nod because the Steiners are the champs.



NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©


To be the man you got to beat the man and Bam Bam you are not that man.


In regards to your questions just take a look at your USPW diary for my answers.

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Ric managed to get an A out of Kevin Sullivan!:eek:


Tom Zenk seems to be on a role, which is cool with me. I never really had an opinion on him one way or the other. All though I will say that I liked him better in the NWA/WCW then when he was in the WWF.


Maybe I just did not read it but what happened to Bob Caudle?


Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man


Rip was just some jobber dude that used to carry the flag for the Bushwackers.


Actually, you're thinking of Rip Morgan. 'The Hustler' Rip Rogers was a member of the original Hollywood Blondes and a long-time jobber for NWA/WCW. So you did get the jobber part right. lol.


Bob Caudle was sent down to my developmental federation for now until I have a real need for him. So he is still under contract.


Tom Zenk is one of those wrestlers that should have been great but wasn't for whatever reason. Who knows what I can do with him here, though.


And I was a little surprised by the Flair/Sullivan match too but Ric Flair can get an 'A' star match out of a broomstick, I think. lol.

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Thursday Week 3 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Z-Man have two huge victories (three if you count Orton) so he isn´t losing here

Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

Knight is jobber and thus not winning


Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog

Have to go with Sid here since he seems to be on the roll




Saturday Week 3 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

Hard one but since I choose Brian to go second round I pick the heel here.


Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

Eddie picks up a win here


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

Buzz haven´t done all that much yet so I give this one to Brian


Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight

Only way that Cactus Jack could lose this one is getting DQ, wait there´s actually quite good change on that one. Still Knight is jobber so maybe not


#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs.Rock 'N' Roll Express

I give this one to Samoans in order to set up basic heel vs. face match.


NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©

As much as I would like to pick Bam Bam here he isn´t winning


I woudn´t really call myself as loyal reader (not yet anyway) but I prefer shorter match reports and usually just skip the longer ones.

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Thursday Week 3 November 1989


Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog




Saturday Week 3 November 1989


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight

#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©

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#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

I know the Samoans will probably get it so that we have faces against heels, but really, that is just TOO MUCH of a dream match to pass up!


Speaking of dream matches, an interesting question came up within my mind...


Are there any dream matches that anyone has that they haven't seen in this diary?

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Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Is Zed-Man seriously using Sweet Chin Music as a finisher?


Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

I'd go with Jason Knight, if only he'd gone to Syracuse.


Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog

JYD is on his way down, while Sid is a superstar waiting to happen.


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

I don't think we can call this an upset, if everyone is predicting it. JYD is just popularity waiting to be dispursed to the kids.


Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

Gilbert's going to Rip into him. PUNS!


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

It's time to pull the plug on the J-Tex jobbers. Now they can be a serious threat.


Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight

Bad day at the office for Jason Knight.


#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

The Headshrinkers are a great filler team, to kill time for the Skyscrapers.


NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©

We all love Bam Bam, but come on.

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Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Z-Man's Goldberg streak continues...

Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

Cap'n Mike sets sail for victory

Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog

The face Main Event level jobber does the right thing.


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

Although my initial pick for the tournament, I think Rotundo is actually destined for a semi-final exit having looked at the draw...


Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

Rip's getting torn down... when will the puns stops!


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

Buzz is joining Slater on the J-Tex unemployment line - I reckon Pillman's going over in this tournament with big wins over Rotundo and Muta along the way.


Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight

Bang Bang! Lights out.


#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

Don't see the Express or the Steiners turning heel anytime soon so The Samoans should be getting the nod I reckon.


NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair ©

It's not for the title and Bam Bam's a main eventer now... there's a lot of variables here... potential interference from Sting... Yup, going for a big win for Bigelow and the J-Tex Corp, calling it now - Bam Bam is the newest member of the J-Tex!



In terms of your questions: I have no issues with you maxing out the user character's abilities, I see these as being more of a challenge for playing a regular game than for producing a RW historical diary.


You've already sown the seeds of a dream match for me in Steamboat/Sting. Id also like a Steamboat/Muta programme ideally but given the talent in your roster, there's plenty of great matches in there no matter who you pair off.


I'm also happy with the streamlined approach to matches although I'll happily read longer transcripts too

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NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair ©

It's not for the title and Bam Bam's a main eventer now... there's a lot of variables here... potential interference from Sting... Yup, going for a big win for Bigelow and the J-Tex Corp, calling it now - Bam Bam is the newest member of the J-Tex!


Umm... It is for the title. Read that again.

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Umm... It is for the title. Read that again.


Erse! Thanks for the heads up (note to self: must read things properly), I'll stick with a Bigelow win (DQ or Count Out) though as I don't like changing after posting... not a hope... ah well!

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Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog






NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

JYD being so high up, really gives good mo, for ever beats him


Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

Rogers could be an interesting characher, but not enough to win here


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

somehow Sayer saves his J-Tex job somehow...Although it probably makes more sense for Pillman to go over, but I'll stick with a bit of an upset here


Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight


#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

Definatley would make great title match, until skyscrapers come in (like Greg McNeish stated)


NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©

This would be a great match... Bam Bam beats up Flair and Flair sells the heck out of it for him, but manages to keep his title and making Bam Bam look so imposing in the process

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Thursday Week 3 November 1989


Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog




Saturday Week 3 November 1989


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight

#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©

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Thursday Week 3 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.




Saturday Week 3 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight

#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©

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Thursday Week 3 November 1989


Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog



Saturday Week 3 November 1989


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

Rotundo will benefit hugely from this win and, well, it's JYD...

Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

Well we've just discovered Rip is a jobber so...:D

NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

I can only see Flyin' Brian as a useful champ between these two.

Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight

Bang Bang! Knight is never going to be more than a jobber.

#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

Face champs etc. etc.

NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©

Just can't see it happening unfortunately!

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Thursday Week 3 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Rip Rogers vs. Z-Man

Mike Rotundo vs. Jason Knight

Sid Vicious vs. Junkyard Dog


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.




Saturday Week 3 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Mike Rotundo vs. Junkyard Dog

Rip Rogers vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Flyin' Brian

Cactus Jack vs. Jason Knight

#1 Contenders Match: The Wild Samoans vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

NWA World Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow gets a shot vs. Ric Flair©

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