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CZCW - Get Into The Zone!

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Site is looking very cool, you really have taken your graphical talents to another level...didn't think it would be possible :)


Anyway got my predictions in, you can thank the volcanic eruption for that.


Thanks, TK. And really sorry that this flight chaos has messed up your holiday.



Predictions look to be going well so far - 13 at the last count. But there's plenty of time. Depending on how the situation looks (if and when predictions totally dry up), I'll either post up the results on Sunday or Monday night.

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Thanks, TK. And really sorry that this flight chaos has messed up your holiday.



Predictions look to be going well so far - 13 at the last count. But there's plenty of time. Depending on how the situation looks (if and when predictions totally dry up), I'll either post up the results on Sunday or Monday night.


Yeah, not going to Jersey now :( Too much uncertainty as to when we can go out, so we decided to cancel, as we don't know what time we can fly out plus trying to get on a ferry also looks to be a lottery. Now hoping to go to Jersey next year.


However all is not lost, we changed plans and are now going to Wales :). Managed to get booked in (from tommorow)at some nice looking Country Hotel somewhere near the Brecon Becons. I'm just hoping this flaming volcano stops coughing up smoke, when I'm due to fly out to Prague in June.

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Great looking site Marcel. Picks are in. Can't wait to see your version of my favorite fed. ;)


Given that your smurphy name isn't on the list, do I assume that you are one of the 2 names on there I don't recognise - palmolive44 or The Zoner? If not, you might not have completed the form totally. But it's definitely good to see you on board!


I hate you Marcel. So so hate you. I wish I could whip up something like that. It would make a fair few of my current (not TEW) ideas SO much easier.


As I mentioned earlier in the thread, actually making that site is not that difficult, Beek. The Wix site does make it very easy to do. All you really need is a sense of layout and quite a bit of patience. They provide you with backgrounds to work with, slideshows, mini-pages, menus, text boxes etc.


Insane Machine looks awsome with the body added onto him!


I think a few of them look quite good with the bodies added. Some are more difficult than others but I'm hoping that none of them will come across too obviously as a head stuck on top of a body. Machine is probably a bit too ripped, in all honesty, but I did like that one myself.



So far we've got in 19 predictions, which is more than I expected at this point in all honesty. So thanks for the support. Predictions are still open throughout today at least, partly because I know some people don't get on the board much on a weekend. So here's the link again, but nothing's added for those that have already predicted. Oh - and have people noticed the wrestler comments that pop up on the previews? I'm just interested in finding out how user-friendly everything is.


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Website updated...


- Bird Droppings (new entry)


You might also want to check on the FanZone page (thanks to everyone who has posted a message there, by the way) as one of the CZCW wrestlers has made his presence felt. And don't forget to predict Battle at the Beach if you haven't already done so (link to the sub-site from the main page).


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Guest gutbusted

When will the Battle at the Beach results appear on the site?


Great job with the site, it looks fantastic!

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Given that your smurphy name isn't on the list, do I assume that you are one of the 2 names on there I don't recognise - palmolive44 or The Zoner? If not, you might not have completed the form totally. But it's definitely good to see you on board!


Yeah I am palmolive44. This site is the only one I use smurphy on.

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Best of luck with this Marcel, really digging the website (especially the California Love Machine alt). The animation can take away more than it adds at times with the slow loading, but other then that, it all looks pretty great. Looking forward to seeing where this goes, seeing as I really enjoyed reading through your XWA diary!
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Best of luck with this Marcel, really digging the website (especially the California Love Machine alt). The animation can take away more than it adds at times with the slow loading, but other then that, it all looks pretty great. Looking forward to seeing where this goes, seeing as I really enjoyed reading through your XWA diary!


Thanks. I'm hoping the site won't be too slow on the whole - my computer's quite old now and I'm upstairs where the wireless isn't at its best and it's pretty quick for me. But I'd be interested to know if it's slow for others. I'm trying to keep picture sizes down as much as possible to help with that.




Are you going to put some updates on this site as well, like you did with you last diary. Or are you just going to update on the other site?


I'm only updating the other site. That said, I'll always post here when the site has any kind of update and detail exactly what that is. But it's just going to be too much work to keep things going in 2 places at once.

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Many thanks to all those who predicted the first show and to those who have continued to show support either by posting on this thread or posting on the FanZone in the CZCW website. The response to the diary so far has been phenomenal and I just hope I can keep you all interested.


Website Updated...


- Battle at the Beach 2010 results

- Prediction Contest results

- Updated Live Five standings


(links to each of those are on the homepage)



Obviously as Battle at the Beach has now taken place, that prediction contest is closed! :D

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Nice show Marcel, I definitely like the way each match has its own page (like the predictions).


As for my over-excitement in predicting twice, the first time I did it surveymonkey crashed and kicked up a fuss when I refreshed the page so I did it again to be sure. Still, it would've been funny if I had picked different results! (Please don't tell me I did!) :D

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Nice show Marcel, I definitely like the way each match has its own page (like the predictions).


As for my over-excitement in predicting twice, the first time I did it surveymonkey crashed and kicked up a fuss when I refreshed the page so I did it again to be sure. Still, it would've been funny if I had picked different results! (Please don't tell me I did!) :D


Thanks. I may tweak one or two things yet on the layout, but I'm hoping that it caters well enough for different people. If you want to read the comments you all made, you can do, but it's not right in your face so that you have to trawl through it if you don't want to. If you don't want to read the match write-ups (even though they're not long as it's not my speciality!), then you can just view the quick results page instead. If anyone has any more feedback on any of the layout choices then let me know.


I'm only planning on doing the 6 major annual shows like that - the monthly ones will have a lesser amount of detail and presentation applied to go with the idea that they aren't quite as important (even though all my shows are medium sized in-game). Also, the predictions contests for the monthlies will only require people to make quick picks rather than any comments.


I'm pretty certain you made the exact same predictions, by the way - you certainly got the same number right in any case. It's the first time across this diary and my last one that it's ever happened that someone predicted twice - normally the Surveymonkey thing stops you. But anyway - twice is better than none! :D

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Website updated...


- Revolution & Uprising cards for January plus prediction contest (all linked from the front page)




I'm also posting the new prediction contest form here just in case you don't want to go through the website for it. Obviously I would recommend the site for the full CZCW experience though! :D


Revolution & Uprising Predictions

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I was just teasing you earlier Marcel.


One thing that would be helpful to have on the site would be a listing of tag teams, since I don't know who is in Insanity Inc or the Lords of Extreme. (I'd guess Insane Machine would be in the Inc but I could be wrong.)

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I was just teasing you earlier Marcel.


One thing that would be helpful to have on the site would be a listing of tag teams, since I don't know who is in Insanity Inc or the Lords of Extreme. (I'd guess Insane Machine would be in the Inc but I could be wrong.)


Ok, good suggestion. Of course, if you'd read the last news wire carefully, it did say who they were in that. ;):D I'm only joking, because I know when people are following multiple diaries it can all get very confusing. I know yesterday I got a bit confused when reading Angeldelayette's USPW diary and saw Giant Redwood striding into the main event when I remembered him in a jobber battle with Captain USA - until I realised that was in jhd1's diary! I digress ... I might be able to put a page up on the roster page which lists tag teams. I think I also need somewhere where it states title holders and past winners. I'll get onto that.


Anyway - Insanity Inc is Insane Machine and his 'protege' American Flash. The Lords of Xtreme are the long-standing CZCW tag team of current Xtreme champion Masked Cougar and Snap Dragon.


Also - noted your mention on the predictions form about not having a place for comments on this show. I don't need comments on those monthly shows as I don't really have anywhere to put the comments on the page! However, what would be cool is if anyone wanted to make a particular comment about a match, if they posted it up on the FanZone section of the site to keep that rolling. Comments will, however, always be welcomed and wished for on the 6 'major' shows. If I feel that readers would prefer the chance to comment on every show, then obviously I'll have a think about that - got to keep the fans happy, after all!


11 predictions in for the Revolution/Uprising shows so far. Thanks to palmolive44, Phantom Stranger, SeanMcFly, 20LEgend, BHK1978, Beeker, Coastal Zone Nick, The Pink Stranger, Crazyfloridacracker, jesseewiak and randomfreeze. The contest will be running at least through until Sunday evening so there's plenty of time for others to get involved. I don't think I'll match the amazing 30 from the first show though! :o



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