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What grinds your gears?


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India and some gigantic chunks of Africa would disagree. British colonialism wasn't really brought to an end until... 1965? -ish? At the earliest.


Even though this might be a stretch you could say that they still flexed their colonial might up until 1982 with the Falklands War.

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I'll admit to not knowing much about who the Brits are bullying and maybe into the early 1900's they were still pushing smaller countries around. I more or less meant they weren't doing full on invasions of countries after the early 1800's or mid 1800's.


But I'm way outta my league on this one so I might be wrong about that even.

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Ok what GRINDS MY GEARS. I don't have them though because I'd be a robot, I'm not so ya know!


People who send Text messages just to send them.


I have been getting stupid messages since about 5am.


Some include.


My grandmother once told me not to eat Tomato soup with a fork.




Always use a napkin when eating a soup sandwich.


Seriously what is the point of this?


I mean thank god for unlimited messaging but still...

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Ok what GRINDS MY GEARS. I don't have them though because I'd be a robot, I'm not so ya know!


People who send Text messages just to send them.


I have been getting stupid messages since about 5am.


Some include.


My grandmother once told me not to eat Tomato soup with a fork.




Always use a napkin when eating a soup sandwich.


Seriously what is the point of this?


I mean thank god for unlimited messaging but still...


If someone sent me a text that said "Always use a napkin when eating a soup sandwich", I'd probably go to the store, buy a can of soup, and pelt them in the face with it... Especially if it was 5 AM. I'm not so pleasant at that time of morning(or any time really).

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If someone sent me a text that said "Always use a napkin when eating a soup sandwich", I'd probably go to the store, buy a can of soup, and pelt them in the face with it... Especially if it was 5 AM. I'm not so pleasant at that time of morning(or any time really).



The only problem is I can't be that cruel to my father. :D

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I'd like to chime in on the whole soccer/football issue and in doing so would like to quote Vic Henley, since I couldn't have said it anybetter:


" The rest of the world calls it football, but not here in America. Here its soccer. The rest of the world says football, we say (insert raised middle finger here) soccer. " but then he goes into this story: http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?title=vic-henley-sports&videoId=50021


Might not be safe for some work environments.


So end result I think football should be football and American Football should be called something else entirely.


Also I'm guilty of "fun" in a movie theatre as well. :D Nothing like zoning out and enjoying a movie I didn't want to go see in the first place!


Another thing that grinds my gears:


Being born in Alaska, when people find out I usually get the same response which is generally one of these three,


1. So you're an Eskimo - NO not everyone born in or who lives in Alaska is an Inuit.


2. I've never met anyone from Alaska before. For some reason they always feel the need to follow that up with: I've never been there before. Thank You captain obvious. If you've never met anyone from Alaska you don't have to tell me that you've never been there either.


3. This isn't a usual response but I thought it was funny as hell so I'll add it in : Wow, you're from Alaska? So you're not even American:confused:


Also here's something that grinds my gears but not in a way that angers me just one of those things that makes you go What The -?


Alaska is geographically attached to Canada. Yet it was purchased from Russia by the United States. I think Canada got the short end of the stick on that deal.

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I'd like to chime in on the whole soccer/football issue and in doing so would like to quote Vic Henley, since I couldn't have said it anybetter:


" The rest of the world calls it football, but not here in America. Here its soccer. The rest of the world says football, we say (insert raised middle finger here) soccer. " but then he goes into this story: http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?title=vic-henley-sports&videoId=50021


Might not be safe for some work environments.


So end result I think football should be football and American Football should be called something else entirely.


Also I'm guilty of "fun" in a movie theatre as well. :D Nothing like zoning out and enjoying a movie I didn't want to go see in the first place!


Another thing that grinds my gears:


Being born in Alaska, when people find out I usually get the same response which is generally one of these three,


1. So you're an Eskimo - NO not everyone born in or who lives in Alaska is an Inuit.


2. I've never met anyone from Alaska before. For some reason they always feel the need to follow that up with: I've never been there before. Thank You captain obvious. If you've never met anyone from Alaska you don't have to tell me that you've never been there either.


3. This isn't a usual response but I thought it was funny as hell so I'll add it in : Wow, you're from Alaska? So you're not even American:confused:


We Americans give the finger to quite a few things, soccer/football is chief among them.


And #3...man, people are dumb. But hey, I live on the east coast and I have family in California. I visited them, and they just knew I was from "back east" (it's always "back east" and "out west", never the reverse). They asked which state I was from, and I said "Rhode Island."


"You mean Long Island?"


"No...I'm pretty sure I mean Rhode Island."


"What state is that in?"


"It uh...it's a whole state. One of the original thirteen colonies...you know?


"Oh...never heard of it."


Then they took me to historical Sacramento and showed me building from waaaaaaay back in 1890! I'm like "Guys? My parents' house was built fifty years before this thing. And that's not even that old by our standards."


Can you imagine if someone from the UK visited there? 1890 is like two weeks ago by comparison to some of the structures out there.

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We Americans give the finger to quite a few things, soccer/football is chief among them.


And #3...man, people are dumb. But hey, I live on the east coast and I have family in California. I visited them, and they just knew I was from "back east" (it's always "back east" and "out west", never the reverse). They asked which state I was from, and I said "Rhode Island."


"You mean Long Island?"


"No...I'm pretty sure I mean Rhode Island."


"What state is that in?"


"It uh...it's a whole state. One of the original thirteen colonies...you know?


"Oh...never heard of it."


Then they took me to historical Sacramento and showed me building from waaaaaaay back in 1890! I'm like "Guys? My parents' house was built fifty years before this thing. And that's not even that old by our standards."


Can you imagine if someone from the UK visited there? 1890 is like two weeks ago by comparison to some of the structures out there.


I am on the East Coast as well. Why the hell is everyone on the east coast in Rhode Island?




I was 3 when we left, but i can see Russia from Ohio. All it takes is one google search;)



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And #3...man, people are dumb. But hey, I live on the east coast and I have family in California. I visited them, and they just knew I was from "back east" (it's always "back east" and "out west", never the reverse). They asked which state I was from, and I said "Rhode Island.".


I'm only going off of the top of my head. But, the whole out west, back east thing. Could it be due to the colonies being on the east coast? People expanded westward, so, in a sense, they went "out" to the west. Maybe, I'm just shootin here.



Actually, most of the expansionist Americans that ended up migrating West (quite violently...) were of German decent.


There ya go. Also.. that helps me, cause no one can say anything is my fault, cause I ain't German! Give me my flagon of mead!

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You're a short man!!!!!


You are about a half inch shorter then me. HAHA!!!


I'm built for ground speed. Hard to be a gazelle when you're so much further from the ground. :)


I am on the East Coast as well. Why the hell is everyone on the east coast in Rhode Island?


Because us New Yorkers don't identify with coasts. We're New Yorkers, that's all the identification we need. Duh. :p


I am not, Hell I feel short in my family.


Of my fathers children I am the shortest.


So'm I. I don't feel short because none of my siblings can catch me.


True story. My oldest (half) brother was 6'8. We all went to a club outside Burlington, NC. Brothers and nephews had warrants. So when a fight broke out in the parking lot and the police came, everyone took off running (like roaches when the kitchen light comes on). Those of us under 6 feet got home....where we later received phone calls from the 6'4, 6'5, 6'3, 6'7, and 6'8 chaps who...didn't get home. "They set my bail at..."


Easier to catch an ostrich than a cricket (even when he's makin' a whole lotta noise, tryin' to get him some). ;)

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I'm built for ground speed. Hard to be a gazelle when you're so much further from the ground. :)




Because us New Yorkers don't identify with coasts. We're New Yorkers, that's all the identification we need. Duh. :p




So'm I. I don't feel short because none of my siblings can catch me.


True story. My oldest (half) brother was 6'8. We all went to a club outside Burlington, NC. Brothers and nephews had warrants. So when a fight broke out in the parking lot and the police came, everyone took off running (like roaches when the kitchen light comes on). Those of us under 6 feet got home....where we later received phone calls from the 6'4, 6'5, 6'3, 6'7, and 6'8 chaps who...didn't get home. "They set my bail at..."


Easier to catch an ostrich than a cricket (even when he's makin' a whole lotta noise, tryin' to get him some). ;)


New yorkers don't refer to coasts because we try to forget you guys. (Can't stand new yorkers there rude


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