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What grinds your gears?


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It means that some people are really, really stupid. Stupid enough to believe that time started in AD1 and nothing existed before that. Which is ridiculous; especially if you're Christian because it'd mean admitting that the entire Old Testament couldn't possibly have happened.


/resists inappropriate religious joke...

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Being forced or pressured into giving to charity. I am from the school of thought that you give to charity because it is something you want to do. When I was in college we were told that in order to graduate we had to do a certain amount of hours in service of the community (I do not recall the exact amount of time because this was back in 1997.). I was not very fond of that idea because I was being forced to do something against my will and if I did not do it I could not get a diploma.


A few years later I was working at a Supermarket (Note to anyone who wants to get a degree in Communications…don’t. Get a degree in something more practical like accounting. For the love of god do not get a degree in Communications because finding a job with said degree is Mission Impossible.) and my manager told me that it was company policy to give to a charity of their choice every year. She asked me what percentage of my pay check I wanted to give to this charity. I told her none and went on to explain to her how if I wanted to give money to charity I would do it on my own accord and not be pressured into giving.


She said that if I did not give to this charity it would make me look bad and it would her look bad. She then said that the store managers got a bonus in their salary if their store hit a certain amount of money given to charity. I told her that there was no way I was going to give any of money up if that was the case because that made the whole situation feel even more dirty. The fact that the upper management was making profit off people giving money to charity did not sit well with me.


I was then informed that I would have to sign a piece of paper and write on said piece of paper why I did not want to give money to this charity. I refused to do this as well so I got called up into the office over this. The store manager tried to make me feel like a bad person because I refused to give money to this charity. Well it did not work, I told her I was not going to give and I was not going to sign anything either. For once my union rep backed me up on this (The union in the supermarket that I worked in was a complete joke. They actually allowed lower management into the union and usually the union rep had no clue as to what was going on.) she informed the store manager that I did not have to give to the charity and that I did not have to go on the record to state why I did not want to give.


Needless to say, the store manager started to treat me like crap from that day forward but I did not cave in. Now I want to say that I used to give to charity all of the time (When I was working.) but I gave to charities that I wanted to give to.


On a side note, one time I was out on a date and we went to see a movie. Anyway, the usher came around to collect for the Jimmy Fund. Well I did not attempt to give any money and the girl I was with had a “What the hell?” look on her face because of it. After the movie on the ride home she asked me why I did not give money to the Jimmy Fund when we were at the movie.


Well I told her about how I used to work at a movie theatre and how the managers used to “borrow” (Their words not mine.) from the Jimmy Fund money so that they could pay for their dinner. Yes these lowlifes used to steal money that was meant to help kids with cancer. So I told her since then I will never give money in the movie theatre because you never know if you are giving to the actual charity or if you are helping to buy the theatre manager’s supper. I would rather look cheap than give money to someone who might steal said money.

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You know when you're watching a film or a TV show, and two characters are either in bed waking up in the morning, or getting ready to go out, or something. Then one character asks the other one to explain something or asks a question (something like "Why is that significant?" or "Where did he stash the murder weapon?" or "How do you know all this?").


Then they cut to a scene in a totally different place, and it's clearly AT LEAST half an hour or so after the previous scene, and the other guy has JUST begun to start answering it?


Yeah, I hate that.


And now that I've mentioned it, you'll hate it to, because it happens in EVERY CRIME DRAMA EVER. I was watching Silent Witness tonight (good show, by the way) and there was the most blatant example ever near the end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So what grinds my gears. :(


I was out doing errands this afternoon. Well we stopped at Taco Bell. Now I don't care for fast food, but when you're out it's quick...and well I haven't had any in over a month so I figured....why not..


GEt home..sit down on my bed grab my iPad to read my book while I eat...Take a bite of the nachos. They taste like the toastitos wiht lime..now I don't like those things...but I thought maybe it was just me...Ate another one....didn't taste good. I had my brother and sister in law try them.


Well after eating a third one...I found out the nachos were...most likely stale, the sour cream was spoiled and the tomatoes were brown...not red...They were like someone had left them sitting out all day. Now I LOVE nachos from Taco Bell...they are my favorite fast food and I don't get them often because .... well fast food is so terrible for you..


I got so sick after eating just 3 nachos...I can't believe they serve this crap to people. I called the store and they said I was the second person to have complained about the nachos...I mean really? It's not that hard to throw the stuff together and serve them as fresh as you can..?

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Small thing that grinds my gears: When people use "to coin a phrase" to mean the exact opposite of what it's supposed to mean.


Coining a phrase is creating a new one that is not famous, common, or known to exist yet. 'Coins' are the blank metal discs that what we refer to as 'coins' are made from. 'Coining' is the process of stamping them with the details that turn it from a blank disc to an item of currency.


So "coining a phrase" is creating a new one from common words that are not usually or famously put together. It's not making up new words (although that would be 'coining a word'. Which is a phrase I haven't coined; it's a word). It is not "quoting or paraphrasing somebody that I've forgotten or don't know the identity of" as most people (hell, practically everyone these days) seems to think. It annoys me as, not only is it incorrect, but if anyone stopped to think about it they'd know (even if they didn't know where it actually does come from), it can't possibly BE correct.


This, to coin a phrase, disintegrates my inner mechanical workings.


I don't see that one catching on..

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Seriously, unfunny repetition of annoying image macros and trollface/yao ming face/whatever stupid face rubbish has really made the internet pretty lame. Whoever invented that crap should be killed.


I went to a party (though calling it that is being generous) and it was full of nerds. That's okay, I can get along with all kinds of people so long as they have one good thing going for them. One fellow, who I shall call King Nerd, legitimately spoke entirely in beaten to the ground internet jokes. Everything he said came from online. I found him pretty annoying.

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You know what grinds my gears.


Math. And not just any math, algebra. Sorry I would go into it more indepth about how I can control my finances but can not find the answer to The Sun minus the Moon = Pluto (fake but still) and it grinds my gears.


Long story short, No way in hell am I going to fast track from Math 99 (elementary algebra) to Math 101 (college algebra). Even if I could it would put me through hell because I'd be sitting in class pulling out my hair wonderring how the hell X = 200 when I got 3.



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You know what grinds my gears.


Math. And not just any math, algebra. Sorry I would go into it more indepth about how I can control my finances but can not find the answer to The Sun minus the Moon = Pluto (fake but still) and it grinds my gears.


Long story short, No way in hell am I going to fast track from Math 99 (elementary algebra) to Math 101 (college algebra). Even if I could it would put me through hell because I'd be sitting in class pulling out my hair wonderring how the hell X = 200 when I got 3.




Yeah I'm with you on that, algebra has always been my weak point. It has never come close to making any kind of sense to me .. I learned the basics well enough then forgot them as soon as my test was over, all I needed it for was because you need to have passed a maths unit to get into uni ... as apparently my journalism and film degree really needed a lot of algebra despite the fact I have never used it.

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So last week I was walking home from work and had an issue with lady with a dog. She blocked my way on the side walk and called me an idiot when I tried to pass her.


Well, today she was out again. This time with her husband. They blocked the way.


I went to move around, and she deliberately rammed her shoulder into me. I turned to confront her, and her husband got in my face, talking about how rude I was and how I was the one blocking the way.


An argument ensued, language was used. According to them, their dog has more right to walk where I was walking, because dogs do their business in the grass. I told them that was no excuse to block the whole sidewalk the way that they were. I tried to walk away and the husband kept hollering after me. As stressful of a day as I've had (my boss only just informed me that they were closing the store for a week, literally right after I'm supposed to get back from vacation) I was a little bit worked up, so I turned and argued back. This happened twice... Third time I tried to walk away, I ignored him. He came up behind me, grabbed my lunch bag, and ripped it off my shoulder, tearing the strap.


Trying to avoid further confrontation, I refused to turn back, deciding that my bag and everything in it (including my mp3) would just have to be a loss. Pissed that I would ignore him, he continued to shout and the threw the bag at me. I picked it up and continued to ignore him, heading home.


As I walked away, I heard his wife threatening to call the police on me.

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alphadraighon I have to give you props for dealing with that situation so well. I am not sure if I would have dealt with it in such a peaceful manner. You should have told her to call the cops because you did nothing wrong in that situation.


I bet her and her husband were just looking to start something with you. Did you run into them around the same time both days?

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alphadraighon I have to give you props for dealing with that situation so well. I am not sure if I would have dealt with it in such a peaceful manner. You should have told her to call the cops because you did nothing wrong in that situation.


I bet her and her husband were just looking to start something with you. Did you run into them around the same time both days?


Can't say as I walked away from it smelling like roses. I got in his face after he got in mine, but I did eventually walk away.


And yeah, it was the same time of day both times. Happened on my way home from work, on the shortest route between work and home, so there's no way to avoid the spot or try to be there at a different time of day.


It's causing me a bit of stress because I don't want to have this nonsense repeat itself. I'm a bit high-strung after a day's work, and I don't need any more stress right now.

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If you have enough friends, next time you walk home, walk in a group. Bullys hate groups.


If not, carry a cell phone and call the cops.


And if this is in CT I'll walk with you next time, lol


See this is what makes the situation so bizarre... It's not a "bully" scenario. I'm an adult, 27 years old. The people I had the issue with are in their fifties. Grown people shouldn't act like that.

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  • 1 month later...

For some reason I find it odd that whenever the media talks about Mitt Romney they always seem to refer to him as Governor Romney. However, when they talk about President Obama they usually refer to him as Mister Obama.


What the hell is that all about? First off, Romney has not been a Governor since 2007, so why not refer to him as former Governor Romney.


Obama is the current President, so why not refer to him by his actual title?


It doesn't really grind my gears, but I just find it to be odd.

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  • 2 years later...
Snow...no not the horrible Canadian rapper from the early 1990's (Though come to think of it he did sort of grind my gears with that damn Informer song), I am talking about the white menace that keeps on falling down from the sky every other day. I have had enough of that crap, so yes snow is really grinding my gears as of late.
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Snow...no not the horrible Canadian rapper from the early 1990's (Though come to think of it he did sort of grind my gears with that damn Informer song), I am talking about the white menace that keeps on falling down from the sky every other day. I have had enough of that crap, so yes snow is really grinding my gears as of late.


While I love living in the New England area, I agree. It seems every two days we get snow.


I think we have about five feet in the yard. It's getting pretty sad, but it's going to snow again Saturday, Sunday will be in the low 40's just in time for it to melt some so it can freeze over night when it drops into the mid teens. Yay snow.

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Snow...no not the horrible Canadian rapper from the early 1990's (Though come to think of it he did sort of grind my gears with that damn Informer song), I am talking about the white menace that keeps on falling down from the sky every other day. I have had enough of that crap, so yes snow is really grinding my gears as of late.


Part of me wants to snark at how stupid Snow is for a rapper, but then I remember I listen to a guy named SwizZz...


Anyways, I really thought snow would be no problem when I moved to Tennessee. I mean, how could it be worse than the ten foot snowdrifts in Wyoming? Turns out, TN drivers + black ice = Mad Max. I actually kind of miss living where people actually knew how to drive in cold weather.

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Part of me wants to snark at how stupid Snow is for a rapper, but then I remember I listen to a guy named SwizZz...


Anyways, I really thought snow would be no problem when I moved to Tennessee. I mean, how could it be worse than the ten foot snowdrifts in Wyoming? Turns out, TN drivers + black ice = Mad Max. I actually kind of miss living where people actually knew how to drive in cold weather.

Do not even get me started on Wisconsin drivers. With all the snow we get you would think that we would be used to it? Wrong! Every first snowfall everyone acts crazy for a week. Going in ditches, crashing, the whole package. Oh how I hate those stupid drivers.

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