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I don't get it

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The solution is to play with the Cornellverse, where you get a nice, balanced gameworld that's surprisingly effective at drawing you into it's fictional world.


I've played TEW07, 08, and 10 and the Cornellverse has yet to actually draw me in. It's not for everyone and I doubt it ever will be.

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Damn, is our timing off? we'd be an E match right now. LOL

-The crowd was very vocal in their dislike of Hellshock

-The crowd was very vocal in their dislike of BigPapa42


Better solution is to play bobinc's wrestling queens mod because everything goes the way I made it hey every worker looks pretty....well almost everyone. Ha


Or, even better would be playing... erm, oh wait. I don't have a mod.

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An "A" is nowhere near perfection in angles, atleast not as a bigger promotion. And they are not hard to get either, just depends on the size of the fed.


A 94% is an angles is just 6% off perfection. A 90 is 10% off. That's pretty close. And sure they're easy to get with big promotions but that's only because they have the overness. I know it doesn't seem like it but in TEW terms WWE puts on quite a few A rated angles every week. But thy have to if they want the minimum of a B, which is around what they are getting atm.

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Chessarmy, are you using the dirt sheet feature, out of interest?


Just going to say the same thing. BigPapa42 will nod at this, the amount of times I PM'ed him frustrated that I couldn't get decent grades in TEW10 must have sent the messiah of TEW mad.


Firstly, the dirt sheet is so important. Perhaps said matches were too long? Perhaps wrestler B or C is inconsistent. Perhaps the selling on display was poor. If you can't sell a move, it doesn't look impressive, does it? Did you have any good psychology in the match? What about star quality? I find guys with good charisma will raise a match too, as dirt sheet inevitably says dependent on the product.


I'm assuming TNA is going to be popularity loaded in terms of ratings. I would suggest trying to raise the popularity of some of those guys through angles. Some of them might have good entertainment skills, and if they can get in angles with really over guys with the same entertainment skills you will raise their popularity. I think TEW10 is so good in making you think strategically about the product, about how you position your roster, it's not as simple to get a guy over by giving him a succession of wins, it's all about placement, it's all about the perfect show theory, and it's all about understanding the product and what key indicators of that product are conducive to producing high quality segments and roster growth.

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Realistically TNA shouldnt ever get A's... and very seldom get B's.... and there attendances should be 400-1000 not any higher.


Not saying some of those ratings mentioned arnt maybe low, everything on TNA is middle of the pack if you ask me. But the problem with real world mods is TEW really isnt set up to simulate real world wrestling anymore.

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