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DOTM: April Nominations

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  1. You have 3 votes to either nominate or 2nd, 1 for each category

    (The TigerKinney Rule)

    You may substitute your Real World and Cornellverse nomination or 2nd between the two. The Rookie Vote must go to a Rookie Diary Category or be left unused

  2. you may not nominate or 2nd yourself

  3. All nominations need to be seconded to make the voting round

  4. All nominations must include a reason

  5. Real World & Cornellverse: must have at least
    shows, with at least 2 of those shows this month.

  6. Rookie DOTM:any diary started since the first of the prior month -October 1st- the only post requirement for rookie is one show in the current month. (none diary threads are no longer eligible)

  7. You CAN nominate the the winners from last month's Rookie Category to the full awards regardless of start date (jhd1's "USPW: The Battle for Prime Time" )

  8. You can NOT nominate The Final Countdown's "Ring of Honor-We Don't Imitate...We Innovate (2002)"

  9. You can NOT nominate TigerKinney's "BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno" or Dragonmack's "The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW- The Homecoming"

  10. a vote for yourself is an automatic disqualification.




2nd* - means that the diary has been seconded so that you do not waste your vote, or fail to 2nd a diary you want to see put up for diary of the month


Real World DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* [thread=60162]MadMatt's "World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 and Beyond!"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=78107]Nobby Mcdonald's "TNA's New Beginnings II"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=26405]DSE81's "The New NWA"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=58732]jw_forever's "WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings"[/thread]



Cornellverse DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* [thread=82514]bigpapa42's "TCW: Tuesday Night Wars"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=47928]Phantom Stranger's "TCW: A Quiet Retirement"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=80587]Yuu Onuki's "Memoirs of a Booker"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=84880]BYU 14's "NYCW: Passing The Torch"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=72945]Angeldelayette's "USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=73040]Infinitywp's "Welcome. You Know the Drill"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=93410]jhd1's "USPW: The Battle for Prime Time"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=76886]Eisen-verse's "DOA: The Evolution of GREED"[/thread]
  • [thread=35958]mistaken's "Money to Burn"[/thread]



Rookie DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* [thread=108510]eayragt's "USPW: A Joker At Work"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=105618]angeldelayette's "NWA 1989: Tradition to Innovation"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=112878]Slagaholic's "For The Love of Pro Wrestling - CGC"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=100155]John Lions' "Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling - Taking Australia to new heights"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=106236]Clarity's Cedar Rapids Wrestling[/thread]
  • [thread=]rdarnzs VWA: A mountain to climb, for rookie.[/thread]



Rookie is back! rookie for this month only is any diary started in March.

Hall of Famer's Sorry, but you no longer qualify in the Rookie Category.



Nominations will be open until May 2nd (12 pm Eastern)

Sorry for any incovience, but I will only update once a day. :o

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bigpapa42's TCW: Tuesday Night Wars and Phantom Stranger's TCW: A Quiet Retirement get noms from me. Both are quality CVerse diaries, and upholding their creators' reputations for quality writing.


eayragt's USPW: A Joker At Work has caught my eye in the rookie dynasties.


Might be an idea to add a list of HOF writers to the OP to clarify who's excluded from the Rookie noms (And I wanted a crack at that. Oh well...)

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bigpapa42's TCW: Tuesday Night Wars and Phantom Stranger's TCW: A Quiet Retirement get noms from me. Both are quality CVerse diaries, and upholding their creators' reputations for quality writing.


I second the nomination of BigPapa42's TCW: Tuesday Night Wars. I also nominate BYU 14's NYCW: Passing The Torch.


Thank you, gentlemen.


I will second Phantom Stranger here.

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I have to nominate Infinitywp's Welcome. You Know the Drill.


It's the only diary I read. It's updated with incredible frequency and it shows how you can focus on the backstage rather than the in-show yet still be interesting and, especially for a fed with no angles, entertaining.


I second that diary. "Welcome." is an amazing layout for an angle-less promotion, and is very in-depth and interesting.

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eayragt's USPW: A Joker At Work has caught my eye in the rookie dynasties.


Why thank you


I will also second the eayragt uspw diary nomination for the rookie category.


And thank you


I have to nominate Infinitywp's Welcome. You Know the Drill.


It's the only diary I read. It's updated with incredible frequency and it shows how you can focus on the backstage rather than the in-show yet still be interesting and, especially for a fed with no angles, entertaining.


Is infinitywpi in the Hall of Fame yet? If not, we have to get him there.


Anyway, as for me:


Nominate jhd's USPW: The Battle for Prime Time for Cornellverse, and Marcel Fromage's CZCW - Get Into The Zone! for Rookie, which is dangerous as he'll kick my ass in any Rookie vote.

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Is infinitywpi in the Hall of Fame yet? If not, we have to get him there.

Don't think so. You bastards keep voting in oth... erm, I mean, more deserving people have taken their rightful spots, as it should be.


Marcel Fromage's CZCW - Get Into The Zone! for Rookie, which is dangerous as he'll kick my ass in any Rookie vote.



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Nominate jhd's USPW: The Battle for Prime Time for Cornellverse, and Marcel Fromage's CZCW - Get Into The Zone! for Rookie, which is dangerous as he'll kick my ass in any Rookie vote.




Thanks guys for the shout-outs, but as I'm a Hall of Famer (albeit a slightly shame-faced one given who isn't in there!), I'm not eligible to be a rookie these days.

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Thanks for the nomination guys - very unexpected!


I'd like to nominate angeldelayette's NWA 1989: Tradition to Innovation for the rookie category.


Angel has has added his twist on the real world in a diary which, despite being early in development, could eventually go on to rival his already excellent USPW story...whooooo! :D


I will 2nd angeldelayette's NWA 1989: Tradition to Innovation for the rookie category.


And I will be back with my other noms later.

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I've been catching up on a lot of reading lately. Lots of favorites have been nominated already, but...


can't believe Yuu Onuki's Memoirs of a Booker hasn't been seconded yet, so I'll do the honors for C-Verse.


MadMatt's World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 and Beyond! for real world. MadMatt is one of my inspirations for doing a watcher diary, and I love his take on WWE.


Slagaholic's For The Love of Pro Wrestling - CGC for rookie which has drawn me in with the backstory which is quite a feat.

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I'll go with BigPapa's TCW Tuesday Night Wars Dynasty for the C-verse


eayragt's USPW for Rookie


these are the two that I pay attention to most, would like to pay attention to more but I only have so much time to read all of the stuff in each dynasty plus since I am doing my own it's kind of hard to find time to read everything. There are others that I like as well but I will go with these two plus I left out the real world nomination because I don't pay to much attention to Real World Dynasties.



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Surprised it hasn't been nominated yet. I will nominate Eisen-verse's

DOA: The Evolution of GREED He has truly done an excellent job of telling the story of someone trapped within the confines of a network. Not to mention the Moral Majority!


I shall 2nd this nomination. Reason? Well because it is awsome!


For my real world diary I would like to nominate: TNA's New Beginnings II by Nobby McDonald.


If only for his great Buff Bagwell/Roger storyline!

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I also nominate BYU 14's NYCW: Passing The Torch.


I second the nomination of BYU14's Passing The Torch


Thank you much for the nomination and second :)


I would like to second Slagaholic - For the love of pro wrestling for rookie and nominate John Lions Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling - Taking Australia to new heights for C-Verse




The Diary that is teaching me about Australia :)

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