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Breaking News: TNA announces departure of Vince Russo

Posted by Jay Peterman

Source: TNA website/Dixie Carter’s Twitter page.



TNA wrestling has agreed a mutual termination of contract with Vince Russo on Saturday the 1st of may reports the official TNA website. Inside sources have stated the Mr. Russo requested to be relieved of his duties after recent incidents involving Jim Cornette, Bill Goldberg and a wild fan who approached Russo while shopping with his family. The article also quotes Mr. Russo as saying “It’s not worth it anymore, I cop the blame for everything fans and other people in the business don’t like about TNA. I’ve decided to leave the wrestling business effective immediately, I now look forward to a few months rest with my family before moving on to other ventures”. TNA owner Dixie Carter wrote on her Twitter page: “I wish Vince Russo the best in his life from this point on, thank you for your efforts for us at TNA”.



The article also stated that Ed Ferrara has left TNA on his own accord; it is believed that he will be taking time off from the business to assess his options.










TNA offices: May 1st 2010

Dixie Carter is in a meeting with Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and the newest member of the TNA booking team.


Dixie: Thank you for your time today guys, as you know we are here to discuss the recent fans survey commissioned by Eric and of course the sudden departure of Vince Russo. Eric you have the floor first to discuss the results of our in depth fan study.


Bischoff: Thank you Dixie. As you know we recently got the results of our fan survey back and to be honest, like our ratings lately the results are sobering. I will go through this report in depth tomorrow when the rest of our creative and booking teams are with us for our final Impact meeting but for now I’ll run through the main points.

The major point the fans are unhappy about is the storylines which they feel are hard to follow and for the most part are too “crash TV” for the modern wrestling audience. Related to this issue is their displeasure at not giving the fans what is advertised and I quote “Continually changing match stipulations and forgetting others”.


Another point and this is a fairly important one: The fans can’t stand the sight of Abyss since his recent gimmick change, outside of our rabid Impact Zone fans Abyss is getting criticised from pillar to post about being quote “ridiculous, cheesy and extremely weak”. However we will discuss this at length tomorrow, lastly I’ll touch on what the fans want to see.


1. No more Bubba The Love Sponge

2. More Knockouts

3. Take Impact outside the Impact Zone.


Hogan: Eric, the fans have spoken but we can’t rely on them to know what they want. I can’t fire Bubba, Dixie you made me fire the Nasty’s but I can’t get rid of Bubba, unless he makes another mistake.


Dixie: Terry, we need to lighten up the rosters it makes sense to get rid of people we are not using on television and people who don’t bring positive mainstream news to the company.


Bischoff: I agree we need some radical changes in our thinking, we promised the fans better television, a better wrestling product and a viable alternative to the WWE and this survey says we are failing at all three. The ratings back this up, worse than before we came into the company.



- All three turn to the newcomer and Bischoff asks: Well what do you think?


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TNA International Xplosion exclusive


Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money


TNA Webmatch


Velvet Sky vs. Hamada




Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal


Sting vs. Abyss


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy



plus Eric Bischoff has a major match announcement that will have a MAJOR Impact on the future of TNA!







Quick match listing


MCMG vs. Beer Money

Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

Sting vs. Abyss

AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

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I like this. No Russo-bashing or Bischoff Hatred, and whilst I'm not sure I agree with all the stated criticism and desires (I don't give a damn about the women's division, and I like Abyss' gimmick) it's fair that you've got these objective-y type things to work towards.


MCMG vs. Beer Money

I don't get the MCMG love- I've never seen a match of theirs where they were anything other than spot monkeys (awesome spot monkeys, but still). Beer Money, on the other hand, are all seven kinds of officially recognised awesome


Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

I would vote for Hamada- she is probably better as a wrestler- but c'mon, DAT AZZ!


Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

The tag titles need to go back on a tag team ASAP, but you can't have Neal and Moore beat a guy as over as Morgan


Sting vs. Abyss

Sting's on his way out and a face needs to go over in the under-main to balance the finale


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

To set up AJ's rematch and boost the heel heat

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I like this. No Russo-bashing or Bischoff Hatred, and whilst I'm not sure I agree with all the stated criticism and desires (I don't give a damn about the women's division, and I like Abyss' gimmick) it's fair that you've got these objective-y type things to work towards.


High point of this diary already!


MCMG vs. Beer Money

I like 'em. Nuff said.


Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

I'm from the south, so Sky doesn't have much of an azz to me but her group has the titles so. . .Sorry, Hamada (who is so hot to me, azz or no azz, lol)


Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

Morgan's too big for this team.


Sting vs. Abyss

Abyss has the RING~!


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

Only to make Styles look good again.

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I really like the set-up for this diary. You've created a realistic scenario for Vince Russo's departure, and you've taken the real criticisms of current TNA into account so you can begin making gradual changes, without immediately changing things so much that it feels unrealistic. It all feels very believable so far.


MCMG vs. Beer Money

-I love the Guns.


Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

-Hamada's a far better wrestler, but Velvet's group is the focus of the division at the moment.


Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

-Morgan can't lose to these two. You'll probably need to get the belts on an actual tag team relatively soon (LAX, maybe?), but I think he's one of the most entertaining personalities in TNA at the moment, so I hope you don't end his little "we" and "us" stuff just yet.


Sting vs. Abyss

-Toss-up, but I'm going with Sting because you seem to be planning on moving away from Abyss' stupid cartoony "Hulkamaniac" gimmick (good decision, by the way), and a bit of a losing streak seems like an easy way to lead up to that.


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

-AJ could use a bounce-back win after losing the belt.


Sorry, Hamada (who is so hot to me, azz or no azz, lol)

Completely agree, critical; I've had a thing for Ayako for years. I even have a VHS of her from ARSION running around the beach in a bikini...


...what? Should I not have admitted that? :o

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I don't read alot of real world dynasties but something about this grabbed me ....


.. actually it was this that grabbed me:

No Russo-bashing or Bischoff Hatred, and whilst I'm not sure I agree with all the stated criticism and desires


TNA International Xplosion exclusive

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money

Both teams have something, but Beer Money are just all kinds of good!

TNA Webmatch

Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

It'll probably be Velvet, but i like Hamada


Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

I'm again picking with my heart, sue me i like Shannon Moore.

Sting vs. Abyss

It seems your going to be making Abyss look stronger but lets just start him with a loss before he looks all badass ... right!?

AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

Think the Heels need the win more.

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NA International Xplosion exclusive


Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money

While I'm a fan of both teams, I think MCMG will edge this one


TNA Webmatch



Velvet Sky vs. Hamada




Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

As much as I like Shannon Moore, Morgan's just too over to lose this one.


Sting vs. Abyss

What? Abyss' gimmick annoys me...


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

Heels to take this one

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MCMG vs. Beer Money


I like the MCMG but I feel that Beer Money are higher up on the card.


Velvet Sky vs. Hamada


Hamada should win but Velvet Sky is all sorts of hott so...


Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal


I don't like anybody in this match but there is just no way Neal and Moore get a win here.


Sting vs. Abyss


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy


Because so far Jeff Hardy has been modest and a flop!:D

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Completely agree, critical; I've had a thing for Ayako for years. I even have a VHS of her from ARSION running around the beach in a bikini...


...what? Should I not have admitted that? :o


Well, I like a chick that can beat me up and have looks. (You can send me a copy of that ARSION tape, lol)

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<p>Nice start so far and hope that we finally get a long running and good TNA diary her.</p><p> </p><p>

MCMG vs. <strong>Beer Money</strong> - Beer Money is higher up the card and need a win more atm</p><p>

Velvet Sky vs. <strong>Hamada</strong> - Beautifull People have been too dominant </p><p>

<strong>Matt Morgan</strong> vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal - Morgan are just too strong</p><p>

Sting vs. <strong>Abyss</strong> - TNA is already moving away from the cartoony with Abyss and I see you continuing this.</p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson</strong> vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy - Heels need some momentum, Hardy and RVD are perma over so no biggie.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Final Countdown" data-cite="The Final Countdown" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27753" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Completely</em> agree, critical; I've had a thing for Ayako for years. I even have a VHS of her from ARSION running around the beach in a bikini...<p> </p><p> ...what? Should I not have admitted that? <img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I have that video, and the photobook that was produced from it. Totally agree!</p><p> </p><p> I got MCMG, Velvet Sky (bleh), Morgan, Sting, and Styles & Anderson.</p><p> </p><p> Oh and critical, if you want hind end, check out Fabi Apache's bit during the ARSION period. She's got a nice bubble (Mary has the caboose). <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Colt please do me a favor and bury Rob Terry!<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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I like this. No Russo-bashing or Bischoff Hatred, and whilst I'm not sure I agree with all the stated criticism and desires (I don't give a damn about the women's division, and I like Abyss' gimmick) it's fair that you've got these objective-y type things to work towards.


MCMG vs. Beer Money

I don't get the MCMG love- I've never seen a match of theirs where they were anything other than spot monkeys (awesome spot monkeys, but still). Beer Money, on the other hand, are all seven kinds of officially recognised awesome


Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

I would vote for Hamada- she is probably better as a wrestler- but c'mon, DAT AZZ!


Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

The tag titles need to go back on a tag team ASAP, but you can't have Neal and Moore beat a guy as over as Morgan


Sting vs. Abyss

Sting's on his way out and a face needs to go over in the under-main to balance the finale


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

To set up AJ's rematch and boost the heel heat


Thanks, I tried to bring real life into the dynasty with the Russo issues, the Bischoff survey etc.


High point of this diary already!


MCMG vs. Beer Money

I like 'em. Nuff said.


Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

I'm from the south, so Sky doesn't have much of an azz to me but her group has the titles so. . .Sorry, Hamada (who is so hot to me, azz or no azz, lol)


Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

Morgan's too big for this team.


Sting vs. Abyss

Abyss has the RING~!


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

Only to make Styles look good again.


(i like the women division)


MCMG vs. Beer Money

Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

Sting vs. Abyss

AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy


Thanks guys :D


I really like the set-up for this diary. You've created a realistic scenario for Vince Russo's departure, and you've taken the real criticisms of current TNA into account so you can begin making gradual changes, without immediately changing things so much that it feels unrealistic. It all feels very believable so far.


MCMG vs. Beer Money

-I love the Guns.


Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

-Hamada's a far better wrestler, but Velvet's group is the focus of the division at the moment.


Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

-Morgan can't lose to these two. You'll probably need to get the belts on an actual tag team relatively soon (LAX, maybe?), but I think he's one of the most entertaining personalities in TNA at the moment, so I hope you don't end his little "we" and "us" stuff just yet.


Sting vs. Abyss

-Toss-up, but I'm going with Sting because you seem to be planning on moving away from Abyss' stupid cartoony "Hulkamaniac" gimmick (good decision, by the way), and a bit of a losing streak seems like an easy way to lead up to that.


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

-AJ could use a bounce-back win after losing the belt.



Completely agree, critical; I've had a thing for Ayako for years. I even have a VHS of her from ARSION running around the beach in a bikini...


...what? Should I not have admitted that? :o



Thanks, I tried to bring as much real life stuff into the intro of the dynasty as possible.


MCMG vs. Beer Money

Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

Sting vs. Abyss

AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy


I don't read alot of real world dynasties but something about this grabbed me ....


.. actually it was this that grabbed me:


TNA International Xplosion exclusive

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money

Both teams have something, but Beer Money are just all kinds of good!

TNA Webmatch

Velvet Sky vs. Hamada

It'll probably be Velvet, but i like Hamada


Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

I'm again picking with my heart, sue me i like Shannon Moore.

Sting vs. Abyss

It seems your going to be making Abyss look stronger but lets just start him with a loss before he looks all badass ... right!?

AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

Think the Heels need the win more.


NA International Xplosion exclusive


Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money

While I'm a fan of both teams, I think MCMG will edge this one


TNA Webmatch



Velvet Sky vs. Hamada




Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal

As much as I like Shannon Moore, Morgan's just too over to lose this one.


Sting vs. Abyss

What? Abyss' gimmick annoys me...


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy

Heels to take this one


thanks guys


MCMG vs. Beer Money


I like the MCMG but I feel that Beer Money are higher up on the card.


Velvet Sky vs. Hamada


Hamada should win but Velvet Sky is all sorts of hott so...


Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal


I don't like anybody in this match but there is just no way Neal and Moore get a win here.


Sting vs. Abyss


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy


Because so far Jeff Hardy has been modest and a flop!:D


That made me :D


Beer Money - too much momentum, as much as I love watching the Guns.

Velvet Sky - Beautiful People will interfere.

Matt Morgan - overpower them.

Sting v Abyss - thrown out/double DQ due to interference

Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy - Exciting team, new champion.


Well, I like a chick that can beat me up and have looks. (You can send me a copy of that ARSION tape, lol)


Nice start so far and hope that we finally get a long running and good TNA diary her.


MCMG vs. Beer Money - Beer Money is higher up the card and need a win more atm

Velvet Sky vs. Hamada - Beautifull People have been too dominant

Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal - Morgan are just too strong

Sting vs. Abyss - TNA is already moving away from the cartoony with Abyss and I see you continuing this.

AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy - Heels need some momentum, Hardy and RVD are perma over so no biggie.


I have that video, and the photobook that was produced from it. Totally agree!


I got MCMG, Velvet Sky (bleh), Morgan, Sting, and Styles & Anderson.


Oh and critical, if you want hind end, check out Fabi Apache's bit during the ARSION period. She's got a nice bubble (Mary has the caboose). :p


I could spend weeks just laying my head on Fabi's thighs.


Colt please do me a favor and bury Rob Terry!:D


Alot of pressure on me to deliver now :p The show is done, I just need to format it and add a few things. I haven't written like this in a while so I expect to get better the more I progress with this. So constuctive critique is very welcome.

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TNA Impact!

Live from the Impact Zone, Florida with 1,400 in attendance.



TNA International X-Plosion Match


Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money




Pre Match: The Guns were the favourites with the crowd and played up that factor, riling up James Storm in particular who threw his beer bottle in the direction of Alex Shelly.



Match: The Guns speed help them get an early advantage until the brute force of an angry James Storm stopped them dead, still hurting from his loss against Team Hogan Storm was dominant. That didn’t stop the MCMG’s from getting a few near falls on Roode or Storm with some classic x-division moves. Beer Money looked to be finishing the match when they set up a double team move on Chris Sabin but they were thwarted by the bell, with the 10 minute time limit being reached. Beer Money didn’t look happy but the crowd applauded the match.


Winner: Time Limit Draw

Match Time: 10:00



Post Match: After referee Slick Johnson explained to Beer Money why the match ended James Storm looked to have snapped, Chris Sabin took a brutal Superkick and Alex Shelly was hit with a sick Powerbomb variation from the Tennessee Cowboy. Robert Roode got on the mic “Looks like it’s the Last Call for Alex Shelly” as the commentary team speculated if that’s what Storm is calling the move.



TNA Webmatch


Velvet Sky vs. Hamada




Pre match: The usual Beautiful People routine was followed by Sky claiming that with Awesome Kong gone Hamada was now TNA’s fattest and ugliest knockout, Mike Tenay disputed that fact while Taz claimed that it was ODB.



Match: Despite the BP having all the gold in the knockouts division Velvet Sky was second best for most of this match only gaining an advantage when Lacey or Madison was able to distract Hamada or the referee. In the end the talent of Hamada shone though taking out Lacey and Madison with a moonsault to the outside before hitting the Hamada Driver on Velvet Sky for the win.


Winner: Hamada

Match Time: 8:18



Post Match: The Beautiful People couldn’t believe Velvet Sky had lost the match and looked shocked, Hamada meanwhile stared right at Madison Rayne and motioned the Knockout championship around her waist.










TNA Impact starts off with the commentary team of Mike Tenay and Taz thanking everybody for tuning in, they review the announced matches before a video plays reviewing the past 2 weeks of Impact.



We see highlights of the match between Team Hogan and Team Flair from 2 weeks ago, Samoa Joes return and AJ losing the title to RVD from the same episode. The video ends with highlights of Flair vs. Abyss and the battle for the rings from last weeks Impact. Showing Flair’s use of the brass knucks, the match restart and Hogans promo after Abyss picked up the victory ending with Tenay saying “Tune in next week we’re going to find out who gets Flairs ring!”



The music of The Band plays and Nash, Hall and the most hated man in wrestling Bubba walk down to the ring looks like we will be hearing from them.



Hall: Hey Yo, we want to give a shout out to our boy Pac who is still at home recovering from being punked by Team 3D last week.


Bubba: Last week I saw something that disgusted me, no not Hulk Hogan and his man love with Abyss I’ll speak on that later. I’m talking about Hogan’s boy getting a restart after losing to Ric Flair, I now know why the referees wear an earpiece, it’s so sacks of crap like Hogan can use it to give their favourites a leg up whenever they fail. Ric Flair was robbed of his rightfully earned Hall of Fame ring by a big fat hairy ape of a man otherwise known as Abyss, now I may not be a wrestling historian but since when can a referee just assume somebody cheated and restart a match? I don’t buy it, remember this is the referee who time and time again accepts cash from the boss to screw around with match finishes. I’ve known Hulk Hogan for a while now and I know what he is like, he has his favourites and can’t stand to see them lose why else ha...


Bubba is cut off mid sentence by the music of Eric Bischoff who appears at the entranceway.



Bischoff: Sorry to interrupt you Blubber....I mean Bubba but I have an announcement to make and that has more importance than your whinge about Hulk Hogan. I had a meeting this past Saturday to discuss the recent survey that I commissioned to see what fans, non-TNA fans and the public at large thought about TNA, everyone at the meeting agreed that the roster has let’s say... expanded since the start of the Bischoff/Hogan era. On Sunday we had a crew meeting involving the booking team who create our matchups and came up with a fantastic idea to solve our problem.


Tonight we will have the first ever You’re fired battle royal, the winner saves his job while the losers get a pink slip, however I’ve got one little problem. I’ve looked at the competitors and I’ve come up one short... but not anymore, see your little speech had me thinking and I’ve come up with just the guy to fill that last spot.


Bubba: Abyss is a fine choice Bischoff, just make sure Hogan stays out of the matchup.


Bischoff: It’s not Abyss who is the final man....it’s you!

Bubba: What!?, you can’t...


Bischoff: I can Bubba, believe me I can. Just so the Band doesn’t come to bail you out they’re banned from ringside and anybody who interferes in the match will be fined 100% of their salary for a whole month!



Bubba looks worried as Bischoff grins smugly, Tenay and Taz get excited about the possibility of Bubba losing his job in TNA




Backstage Christy Hemme is with Samoa Joe who has been on a rampage of late.



Hemme: Joe everybody wants to know who kidnapped you and why you chose to return in the manner you did.




Hemme: Joe, the people want to know they deserve to get some kind of explanation.




Hemme: Why did you attack the X-Division champion Kaz last week?




Samoa Joe goes to walk away but stops turns toward the camera and headbutts the cameraman leaving him down for the count as Christy screams for a medic.




Matt Morgan vs. Shannon Moore & Jessie Neal





Pre Match: A replay is shown of last week’s clash between Team 3D and Matt Morgan & Jessie Neal before showing the happenings between Matt Morgan, Jessie Neal and Shannon Moore. Matt Morgan got some mic time: “Last week we tried to defend our tag team titles but Team 3D wasn’t up to it, they decided to go after two old guys and continue the feud that started in the nursing home when Brother Ray stole Scott Hall’s false teeth. We then had to go out and face what his name because he didn’t like the chance I gave him to be champion and then some punk who loves Sillygaf gets involved. Oh, the insanity! I swear it’s morons at every turn here, we don’t like dealing with morons but I’m going to show you what happens to them if they get in our way!



Match: Matt Morgan started off in a very lazy fashion thinking this match would be easy but Moore and Neal get the better of the matchup early on. Morgan finally lifted and got out of third gear bringing the pain to first Shannon Moore, then throwing Jessie Neal into the ring and hitting the Hellavator. Shannon Moore copped an F-5 (Blueprint slam according to Tenay) and was pinned by Morgan.


Winner: Matt Morgan

Match Time: 7:54



Post Match: Matt Morgan wasn’t done making his statement Jessie Neal copped a boot to the face and Shannon Moore got a chokeslam, Morgan then turned and left the ring yelling: We don’t tolerate morons!




Backstage Jeremy Borash is with the TNA X-Division Champion Kazarian.



JB: Kaz last week we saw Samoa Joe attack you after your match on Impact, how are you holding up this week?


Kaz: Well, JB I’m a little sore but who isn’t in this business?


JB: Good point


Kaz: I’d like to get some retribution on Samoa Joe but first I’m waiting for Doug Williams to hand me my title belt now that he is back in the US. I will even give him a title shot on Impact next week because I know it wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t make the Pay per View.


JB: So Kazarian vs. Douglas Williams on Impact next week sounds like a great match up.


Kaz: So long as I get my belt JB.


*Smack* out of nowhere Kaz is flattened by a belt shot from...Douglas Williams!


Williams: You want your belt? There’s your belt you silly little prat!


*Williams stomps Kaz a few times before throwing the belt down on him hard.*


Williams continues: I’ve already arranged for a rematch, not next week but at Sacrifice, cop that!


Williams kicks Kaz one more time before threatening to hit Borash but decides against following through.






Your Fired Battle Royal

Rhino vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Magnus vs. Tomko vs. Shark Boy vs. Bubba the Love Sponge







Pre Match: Mike Tenay and Taz go through the rules of the matchup: 1. All competitors start in the ring 2. You cannot eliminate yourself 3. Any outside interference results in a fine for those involved. 4. The winner is the only person to keep his job.



Match: Everybody starts off a little slowly sizing up the competition, except for Bubba the Love Sponge who cowers in the corner. Eventually the match gets going with Tomko dominating and almost causing the first elimination as violently threw Kendrick over the top rope, Kendrick however was able to “skin the cat” to save himself and his job. Everybody in the Impact Zone thought Shark Boy would be the first to go but it was the man from the depths of the sea who caused the first elimination; managing to flip a running Magnus over the top rope to unemployment. Rhino eliminated Tomko next before goring Kendrick and Shark Boy before turning his attention to Bubba, which resulted in a Benny Hill moment as Rhino chased him around the ring comically. Meanwhile Kendrick eliminated Shark Boy with a Superkick over the ropes and onto the referees below who were officiating the match, but was then eliminated by Rhino who took advantage of the egotistical Kendrick admiring his handiwork. This left the War Machine all alone with Bubba who took a Gore for his troubles and was thrown over the top rope with ease, leaving Rhino standing victorious in the ring. The bell didn’t sound to end the match though as the referees were still down after being hit by a flying Shark Boy, Kendrick was alert to this fact and threw an unaware Rhino over the top rope just as referee Mike Posey regained coherence.


Winner: Brian Kendrick

Match Time: 9:45



Post Match: The War Machine went into a rage after realising what had just happened, immediately looking for Brian Kendrick who had already run off into the crowd after stealing victory. Rhino had to take his frustration out on somebody and it was referees Mike Posey and Brain Hebner who felt the Gore, Gore, GORE. Nice parting shot from Rhino says Taz on commentary.





Back from the break we see a replay from moments ago, Bubba the Love Sponge getting serenaded by the fans as he was helped to the back by medical staff.




AJ Styles is backstage preparing for his match talking with Ric Flair




Flair: Last week was bad for us, I know you won your match thanks to Sting but I had to give up my Hall of Fame ring to Hogan and that worm Abyss.


AJ: Don’t worry Ric, AJ Styles is looking out for you. I’ve got a plan that’s going to help you regain possession of your ring and turn the tables on Hulk Hogan, everything will be fine trust me.


*AJ whispers his plan to the Nature Boy*


Flair: Is that right? My boy you are one smart man! That’s put the spring back in the Nature Boy’s step, because I tell you what I cannot stand the thought of Abyss or anyone else having my Hall of Fame ring on his sweaty fingers.

AJ: Next week on Impact the whole world is going to see how I outsmarted Hogan and Abyss, and we’ll be stylin’, profilin’ all night long! Wooo!


Flair: Wooo!




Sting vs. Abyss





Pre Match: The Stinger explained why he’d wanted this match “because Abyss took something from a dear friend of mine Ric Flair, I’m here to get a win for Ric.” If only Sting would tell us why he hates Jeff Jarrett so much.



Match: The Icon started this match on fire with a volley of punches and an early Stinger Splash but once Abyss “Hulked up” the tables turned with Sting on the back foot. A Desmond Wolfe run in causing a ref distraction allowed Sting to grab his trusty baseball bat and strike Abyss in the chest, with the big man keeled over Sting went for the coup de grace until the voice of Jeff Jarrett played over the arena “Don’t even think about it Sting”. This caused the Icon to look for the source of the voice but instead Sting ended up getting hit with the Black Hole slam for the 1,2,3.


Winner: Abyss

Match Time: 7:40



Pre Match: Desmond Wolfe used Stings baseball bat to put a beat down on Abyss before the familiar music of Hulk Hogan hits and the legend appears with a steel chair in hand, which is enough to send Wolfe running through the crowd.





Back from the break Hogan is still in the ring with Abyss and now it’s time to see who will get Flair’s Hall of Fame ring.




Hogan: Fans last week on Impact we saw the Stylin’ Profilin’ Nature Boy Ric Flair face the power of Abyssamania for these two hall of fame rings I hold in my hands. The dirtiest player in the game was just that last week brother, using brass knuckles and nearly getting away with it. I gotta hand it to Earl for trusting his gut and restarting the match brother, but you know something dudes, the power of all the Hulkamaniacs, the Abyssamaniacs and the TNAmaniacs caused Abyss to shake off the cobwebs channel the power of the ring and Black hole slam the Nature Boy.


*Hogan pauses as we see highlights of the match followed by the aftermath of Hogan prying the ring from the finger of Ric Flair.*


Hogan: Now it’s time to reveal the man I have chosen to bestow this ring on, and let me tell you something Impact Zone this mega announcement has the power to inspire awe in all the maniacs all over the world. The new brother of the ring is.....


*Pomp and circumstance plays and the Impact Zone chants Machismo as Jay Lethal channels his inner Randy Savage and makes his way down to the ring.*




After posing for a few seconds with Hogan in a Mega Powers pose Jay is presented with the ring amid much 80’s style cheesiness!


Machismo: Ooooh Yeeeahhh! I’ve never felt so much electricity in the air..oooh Yeeah, I’m talking the Mania and the Madness together, the rings oooh Yeeaah. It’s the Mega Powers together, but with a twist! We got Hulk Hogan yeah! (points at Hogan), The Madness himself (points at himself) and the eighth wonder of the world Andre the Giant yeeah! (points at Abyss) we called him over from the dark side...from the Mega Bucks and now we are the Super Mega Powers ooooo yeeeahh!


Hogan: Watcha gonna do when the Mega Powers run wild on you!





TNA IMPACT main event


AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy




Pre Match: AJ was Stylin’ and Profilin’, RVD and Jeff Hardy were super over with the Impact Zone and Mr. Anderson got on the mic: “Last week D’Angelo Dinero pimp slapped Mr. Anderson and he paid the price, I can guarantee I, Mr. Anderson will NEVER EVER, NEVER EVER EVER be pimp slapped again! Just a few short weeks from Sacrifice that poser is at home just like Kurt Angle crying himself to sleep at night over the damage inflicted by Miiiissssttttteeeeeeeerrrrrrrr Anderson!......And-er-son!



Match: Perhaps the crowd was coming down after the Hogan/Machismo/Abyss segment but they took a long time to get into this match, which was dominated by Mr. Anderson until a double 5 star frog splash got the crowd into the match but it was just for a 2 count. RVD was distracted when Beer Money came down to watch from ringside and the second dirtiest player in the game AJ Styles took full advantage with an unseen lowblow into a ddt. Jeff and RVD got one more chance to shine getting in a few signature moves before the distraction of a flying beer bottle caused Jeff to lose focus and AJ to get a quick roll up with a hand on the ropes for the 1,2,3


Winners: AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson

Match Time: 12:50



Post Match: Beer Money entered the ring to help Styles and Anderson unleash a beatdown on the TNA Champion and the Charismatic enigma but not for long as “The Freak” Rob Terry ran down to the ring like a steam train hitting a clothesline on Mr. Anderson, Robert Roode and James Storm. AJ managed to escape from the ring before Big Rob could get him but at the end of the night The TNA World Champion, The Global Champion and the Modest one stood tall as Impact went off the air.








OOC: Thanks for predicting guys and I hop you liked the show, I will post the prediction results and some in game news tomorrow as I'm pretty tired now! :p

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Pretty good show and very unpredictable booking as I just knew Hamada was going to lose as Hogan/Bischoff had her doing nothing at all. And also didn't expect the time limit draw in the tag match because I like Beer Money as a great Sports Entertainment tag team and MCMG as a indy dream-team tag team. Very good show and KUTGW (psst. . .send my backstage passes to the Knockouts locker room, lol).:D
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Chris Sabin took a brutal Superkick and Alex Shelly was hit with a sick Powerbomb variation from the Tennessee Cowboy. Robert Roode got on the mic “Looks like it’s the Last Call for Alex Shelly” as the commentary team speculated if that’s what Storm is calling the move.


Ehm James Storm's Superkick is already called the Last Call and the commentary team knows that.


Tonight we will have the first ever You’re fired battle royal, the winner saves his job while the losers get a pink slip, however I’ve got one little problem. I’ve looked at the competitors and I’ve come up one short... but not anymore, see your little speech had me thinking and I’ve come up with just the guy to fill that last spot.


Dammit I had a similar idea I was going to get to in my TNA diary then real life came a calling and my computer crashed. Ah well great minds think alike.


Overall nice writing and good continuity from the current regime, even though that includes keeping Terry around for now. Can not fully agree on the firings but can not fully fault them either. Would really like some grades and ratings though. Or is this full on fantasy?

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I agree with Hyde- some assessment of the show would be nice. It may be kind of a personal quirk of mine, but I tend to find I'm not so interested in what happened in a match as what the booker thought of it.


As for the battle royal, I'd have kept Magnus or Rhino over Kendrick, but I'm a little unusual among TNA fans in that I don't see the point in the X division anymore (yeah, it's served it's purpose, but until Alex Shelley gets a sensible hair cut or Davey Richards, El Generico and Tyler Black show up it's pretty much boring).

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Well I am never a huge fan of match write-ups but I thought you did a great job with yours. They were short and nice but you still got a feeling of what was going on in the ring.


And I really liked the interview segments, they were well written and actually sounded like who they were supposed to sound like.

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