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2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)

Aint losing them there belts yet

John Michael Sharp vs. Vic Walker

Vics on the way out, need i say more.

Arthur T. Turtle & Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Bedlam & Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

Make nice challenges for the tag champs ... Better than you that is

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Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)


Bali is a super jobber so I do not see him pulling off a win here.


John Michael Sharp vs. Vic Walker


Arthur T. Turtle & Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Bedlam & Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

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Friday week 3

September 2012



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 32 peoples





Show starts with Chuck Frisby coming in the ring.


Frisby: Hello all my fans around here. I know you are eagerly waiting for my next title defense when I again kick some guy around the ring and without further…


Before Chuck Frisby can continue Martin Heath´s theme starts to play and he comes in the ring.


Frisby: Hey, you aren´t my opponent tonight, you…

Heath: Shut up Frisby. How long you think you can play this evading game of yours. I beaded you last time and I deserve a fair shot on your title.

Frisby: You had your shot and you wasted it, how many times I have to tell you that.


Before the argument can continue a new unknown theme music starts to play and an odd looking guy comes in the ring.



O´Keefe: Well, well, well, I´m glad that you two are here because I have something important to talk with you two.

Frisby: And who the hell are you?

O´Keefe: Oh the name is Papa O´Keefe and I´m your new authority figure who also happens to do color commentator’s job, son. You see no-one seems to know how you are able to suddenly book matches but what everyone agrees is that you shouldn´t be able to do so. And that´s why ESE´s management have decided to give me the booking rights and as my first decision I make this night´s main event which is Chuck Frisby vs. Martin Heath and it´s for the King of the Network title. So you two are better to go and get ready for your match tonight.


With that O´Keefe goes to announcer desk while Frisby throws temper tantrums in ring. D-

Introducing new Color commentator/authority figure and also bringing end for Frisby being able to book matches.



2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.


http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9141/thunderbolt.jpg

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)


Daljit and Thunderbolt are pretty much out powered here and their better team work can only help them so far. Gates is the one who ends this one after he hit´s Psycho Slam on Thunderbolt twice with the second one being pretty much unnecessary.

WINNERS: Keith Adams & Norman Gates by pinfall in 5:50 E


Another standard title defense against a team who really haven´t done enough to even earn the shot, but my tag division is pretty shallow (no kidding) so Superheroes get to lose here. Thunderbolt had stale character and he was off his game, but still this was pretty much as good as I could have hoped.





Turtle and Foreign Legion seems to be in hype duty this time.


Turtle: So Bedlam, you didn´t get the message when you lost to me two months ago, did you? No, instead you decided to blind sight me once again last month. Well, whatever dude, guess I just have to beat you again and again before you finally understand that it´s not good idea to mess with me and your next lesson will be tonight when me and Foreign Legion are going to kick your ass all over the ring.


Pierre: That´s right, oh and Better Than No-one, we haven´t forget you two either.


Jacques: You might have won our last encounter but the war is far from over. Oh and Adams and Gates we might respect you two but it seems that you still have something that we want and we are going to get those titles, sooner or later. E

I wanted to see how well Foreign legion could too in angles with someone who actually knows how to hold a microphone. Other than that this was your typical trash talk promo to hype the upcoming 3 vs. 3 match. Both DuPond´s learned better performance skills and Jacques also improved his acting so this angle pretty much did what I hoped it would do.



1 vs. 1

http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/1147/jonmichaelsharp.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8026/vicwalker.jpg

John Michael Sharp vs. Vic Walker


Walker and Sharp have an actual match (yes that means that Walker had some offense for a change), and in the end Sharp picks up the win with Flying Cross Body.

WINNER: John Michael Sharp by pinfall in 5:07 F+


Filler match that gave Sharp a token win against a guy who will be leaving once his contract ends. Sharp isn´t rusty anymore.





Adams and Gates are shown backstage and seems like they are arguing (what a surprise).


Adams: I know we won Gates but wasn´t that second Spycho Slam a little bit overboard the guy was in no condition to kick out after the first one.


Gates: Better be safe than sorry, man and besides I you can´t stand the heat you shouldn´t step in the ring with the toughest tag team there is.


Adams: Still, I understand you point but that guy might have got hurt in the progress.


Gates: Oh he is a big guy he can take few slams. And enough about this one is time to hit a bar and pick up some good old fashioned bar fight. Are you coming?

Adams: Uh I think I pass and try not to end in the jail this time will ya? E-


Business like usual with the tag champs. These two really are quite bad with microphone, maybe I need to think about bringing a manages to at least Adams who is more important from these two (though if he keeps whining about losses and demands title shots then he won´t be here for all that long).


3 vs. 3

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg vs. http://a.imageshack.us/img706/742/bedlam.jpg & http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg

Arthur T. Turtle & Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Bedlam & Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


This was quite fast-phased match where neither side weren´t able to get the advantage. In the end Bedlam gets the win for his team by pinning Jacques after hitting him with Bedlam Bomb.

WINNERS: Bedlam & Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt) by pinfall in 6:50 E+


This was another of those coin flip matches that could really have gone either way. Heels got the win here basically because I felt Bedlam could use a win over Turtle and because Turtle was the most over guy here a win should give rub to all three guys on the winning side while Foreign Legion where the least over guys to begin with and thus loss should not hurt them all that much.



1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title


http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg vs. http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg

Chuck Frisby vs. Martin Heath


Heath manages to have slight upper hand for most of this match but he cannot get the job done and the match ends with double count out when both guys fail to answer Tyler´s ten count.

DRAW in 7:53 E+


These two are going to have third match and with first being a DQ loss for Frisby, Frisby´s losing and clear win where out of the question. I wondered about giving Frisby a tainted win but in the end I decided that draw would serve the storyline better for now.


Show rating: E+

Again good show by my current standards. I also finally managed to rise to small and that means it´s time to really start to bring in some new guys. As for other notes 21CW seems to be in trouble as they fired several workers at the start of this month. Those fired guys included Ricky Storm, Ivan Ivanoff, Leight Burton, Bedlam and well pretty much their whole undercard that haven´t been released already. Not sure why release those guys though since they were the ones that likely would have worked for less money, though it´s likely too little too late as I checked their money situation and they are in red so I expect them to die soon. Too bad really I was actually hoping that they would survive this time as I think it would have made things a little bit more interesting.

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New Signing:



Papa O´Keefe

age: 29

face, Staff Member

O´Keefe is brought in ESE mainly because I like to have an authority figure when I get to small size as it adds new possibilities for storylines. However I learned from my last diary that though it good to have a guy working as authority figure I don´t use him enough as that role which is why O´Keefe will also take the job for Color Commentator which I planned to take away from Peterson around this time anyway (Peterson will still stay as a road agent so he isn´t leaving anywhere). Another reason for hiring O´Keefe is that he has very positive backstage influence which is something I could always use.

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Predictions: Jingo and Boltinho did get 3/3 this time with everyone else missing that 3 vs. 3 match, which like I said was a coin flip match.


Jingo 32/38

Boltinho 27/33

BHK1978 23/29

Dragonmack 21/29

Charasmatic Enigma 16/20





This month´s ESE eternal Battle provides lots of interesting match-ups. Firstly after last month´s draw in title match, new commissioner Papa O´Keefe have decided that Heath is still the number one contender and will stay that way until there will be a clear finish. O´Keefe also gave an opportunity to both Frisby and Heath to pick opponents for each other´s and both did use that opportunity to put their rival to a huge test. In our main event Chuck Frisby will face Heath´s handpicked opponent who is non-other than former King of the Network champion Arthur T. Turtle. Heath´s opponent will be no less though as Axl Grease will step in the ring with Heath. There will also be number one contender match for Team Champion titles when Foreign Legion will once again clash with Better Than You. In our other match-ups Thunderbolt will face Joe Simpson while Bali Daljit will go one-on-one against John Michael Sharp.





Thunderbolt vs. Joe Simpson


Bali Daljit vs. John Michael Sharp

2 vs. 2 Number one contender match for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


Axl Grease vs. Martin Heath


Chuck Frisby vs. Arthur T. Turtle (non-title)

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Thunderbolt vs. Joe Simpson

Time for Joe to get a win ...

Bali Daljit vs. John Michael Sharp

Bali is a jobber wheareas Sharp actually wins matches.

2 vs. 2 Number one contender match for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

DuPonds haven't been that lucky for me but ... sticking with em,

Axl Grease vs. Martin Heath

Easy pick, don't like poor Axl

Chuck Frisby vs. Arthur T. Turtle (non-title)

Time to build up Turtle to challenge.<!-- / message -->

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Thunderbolt vs. Joe Simpson

Joe has long-range potential. I've never seen Thunderbolt do anything


Bali Daljit vs. John Michael Sharp

I vote for a Bali - ballet storyline


2 vs. 2 Number one contender match for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

I like the Legion. I think its their turn to get the belts


Axl Grease vs. Martin Heath

Hoping for interference here. Frisby is paying Bedlam to go wild...


Chuck Frisby vs. Arthur T. Turtle (non-title)

And more interference as Leigh Burton debuts

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Thunderbolt vs. Joe Simpson

Joe has more potential


Bali Daljit vs. John Michael Sharp

Bali jobs


2 vs. 2 Number one contender match for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

Personal preference


Axl Grease vs. Martin Heath

Heath has more use atm


Chuck Frisby vs. Arthur T. Turtle (non-title)

Why else would it be non-title?

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Friday week 3

October 2012



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 28 peoples



1 vs. 1

http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9141/thunderbolt.jpg vs. http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3052/joesimpson.jpg

Thunderbolt vs. Joe Simpson


Thunderbolt was slightly ahead for most of this match but in the end he made one crash or burn move too many and Simpson capitalized with Flash Forward and got his first victory in ESE.

WINNER: Joe Simpson by pinfall in 5:48 F+


Like I said in my this year roster review Thunderbolt might not be staying and after wondering that for weeks I have finally come into a decision to let him go once his current contract ends after next month which is why he lost here.


1 vs. 1

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg vs. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/1147/jonmichaelsharp.jpg

Bali Daljit vs. John Michael Sharp


Close match with both sides getting about same amount of offense. Bali was able to take the win here in the end via Danger Drop.

WINNER: Bali Daljit by pinfall in 5:46 E-


Ok I admit, this one was a slight curveball to your direction as I expected Sharp to be favorite here, but in reality both have F overness in South UK and Bali is as talented as Sharp and in fact has better mic skills than Sharp so you could argue that he is better fit for ESE than what Sharp is.That and it was a token win and Sharp had his own against Walker (and dark match win over Bali) last month.





Turtle is shown backstage and he´s on hype duty once again.

Turtle: So Bedlam did actually manage to get a win over me last month, I give him that much, but it´s far from over and we are sure to clash again someday. But tonight I have a different score to settle. You see my good friend Heath have chosen me to face Frisby tonight and frankly, I´m eager to face him once again. I´m sure all of you still remember our history with each other´s, I sure as hell haven´t forgot any of it and tonight I´m going to beat Chuck Frisby in the ring clearly. Maybe it nets me a title shot down in the line maybe it don´t, but that doesn´t really matter. Oh and Bedlam you better stay away from the match, dude, we can continue our little feud another time. D

Again Turtle is one of the better talkers so he gets quite much mic time.



2 vs. 2 Number one contender match for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


There was some bad blood between these two teams and it showed with all four guys being in the ring at the same time on multiple occasions. In the end referee Tyler lost what little control he had on the match to begin with and had to call a double DQ.

DRAW by double DQ in 5:59 E


And the tag title feud continues. Draw here might seem a little odd considering that this is third match-up between these two teams this year but this feud is more about who is the best team (and tag champs) rather than feud between just these two teams and I wanted to keep both teams in title picture for now. Ward was of his game tonight.






Foreign Legion and Better Than You aren´t happy with Tyler´s decision and they start argue with Tyler and each other´s. O´Keefe seems to had enough of it as he takes the microphone and tries to bring some order to this thing.


O´Keefe: This won´t do. We need to find a challenger for Adams and Gates and you four just blew up because you cannot keep your temper in check. Well, sons, it seems that old O´Keefe has to do some thinking again to safe this mess, so this is what we will do. Next month it will be Foreign Legion vs. Keith Adams and Norman Gates for the tag titles. And Better Than You will face the winners of that match next month and it will also be a title match. So you both got your shot and you better make good use for them. E-


Since I now have commissioner, I might as well use him and that´s what I did here. This one angle nicely sets two title matches and continues this feud all on the same time. I really need to add some new tag teams soon though since this is basically all I have now and this feud can´t continue forever. Luckily I already have plans for that.



1 vs. 1

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg vs. http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg

Axl Grease vs. Martin Heath


Grease makes a good showing and manages to keep Heath down for most of the match but in the end Heath manages to get into air and takes the win with his usual Flying Fist Drop.

WINNER: Martin Heath by pinfall in 7:05 E+


No surprise here, Heath is number one contender so he stays strong and Grease is currently spinning he´s wheels with nothing to do so no reason to give him a win over one of my main eventers. Grease was off his game.



1 vs. 1

http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg

Chuck Frisby vs. Arthur T. Turtle


Frisby and Turtle put up another spirited contest that is really close and could easily have gone either way.


Sadly it´s outside interference that proves to be deciding factor as Bedlam appears on ring side and distracts Turtle. Frisby uses this to his advantage and picks up a huge win with Neckbreaker.

WINNER: Chuck Frisby by pinfall in 6:49 E+


Frisby is actually currently on my upper midcard (Turtle, Heath and Adams make up the main event scene they all had E overness while Frisby has E- before this show) so he needed a big win in order to get back to main event status. I couldn´t put him over Heath here with those two being in feud and all and I´m little reluctant to but anyone with less popularity over Adams until I have re-negotiated his contract as he is still annoyed about losing to Heath in February and since he´s Enigma´s pick I really want to keep him for now. That leaves Turtle as the only possible guy to eat the pinfall hence why I threw high caliber match like this out with no build-up (and Frisby & Turtle already feuded so it´s unlikely that they have another feud coming anyway. At least not for some time).Bedlam interfering gives Turtle a reason to lose here and it also continues their storyline (that earlier angle with Turtle was basically Turtle hyping the main event so it didn´t include Bedlam (in the actual game))


Show rating: E+

As you saw I didn´t make any changes about the size of the show or didn´t add any time in it. I will likely do both in somewhere of the near future though.

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<p>Predictions:<em>This card was definitely harder to predict than my usual cards with no squash matches at all and that showed with Jingo and Charasmatic Enigma getting 3/5 which was the best score. Still it was quite interesting that everyone predicted the same way in 4 of the 5 matches as I was expecting different results from most of those. No one being able to predict the tag draw and Sharp losing didn´t really surprise me. What surprised was that everyone predicted Simpson to win as he didn´t have a single win so far and that everyone was going with Turtle as Frisby still has program going with Heath and with Turtle vs. Frisby dominating the first two years it´s unlikely that I will re-visit that feud anytime soon. Anyhow Jingo has a quite safe 6 points lead right now with only two shows to go so it will be hard to beat him this year.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jingo 35/43</p><p>

Boltinho 29/38</p><p>

BHK1978 23/29</p><p>

Dragonmack 21/29</p><p>

Charasmatic Enigma 19/25</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5061/ese1.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This month´s ESE Eternal Battle provides four matches. In our main event two sets of rivals will face each other´s when Chuck Frisby & Bedlam will fight against Turtle and Heath. ESE Team belts are also on the line when Adams and Gates will defend their titles against Foreign Legion and the winners will face Better Than You in next month. Speaking of Better Than You they are also in tag team action when they face a pair of new signings in form of Leigh Burton and Sifu. Axl Grease vs. Bali Daljit will round up the card. </p><p> </p><p>


Leigh Burton & Sifu vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)</p><p> </p><p>

Axl Grease vs. Bali Daljit</p><p>


2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.</strong> </p><p>

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)</p><p> </p><p>

Chuck Frisby & Bedlam vs. Martin Heath & Arthur T. Turtle</p>

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<p>Leigh Burton & Sifu vs. <strong>Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)</strong></p><p>

<em>going for the named team</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Axl Grease</strong> vs. Bali Daljit</p><p>

<em>Bali is a jobber both singles and tag</em></p><p> </p><p>

2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts. </p><p>

<strong>Keith Adams & Norman Gates</strong> vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)</p><p>

<em>I mark for the Legion, but they aren't winning here</em></p><p> </p><p>

Chuck Frisby & Bedlam vs. <strong>Martin Heath & Arthur T. Turtle</strong></p><p>

<em>Haven't seen Bedlam as a difference maker yet</em></p>

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<p>Leigh Burton & Sifu vs. <strong>Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)</strong></p><p>

<em>Keep them relevant in the tag division</em></p><p>


Axl Grease</strong> vs. Bali Daljit</p><p>

<em>I hope Bali enjoyed his win last week, he won't be getting another for a while</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.</strong></p><p><strong>

Keith Adams & Norman Gates</strong> vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)</p><p>

<em>Champs retain here</em></p><p>


Chuck Frisby & Bedlam</strong> vs. Martin Heath & Arthur T. Turtle</p><p>

<em>You mentioned Frisby needed the boost to the Main Event last week, a loss here would risk putting him back down</em></p>

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Leigh Burton & Sifu vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

My rule #1. Never bet against Leigh. Favourite c-verse worker


Axl Grease vs. Bali Daljit

#2: always beta against Bali


2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)

Far bigger names


Chuck Frisby & Bedlam vs. Martin Heath & Arthur T. Turtle

bedlam is a monster waiting to happen

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<p>Leigh Burton & Sifu vs. <strong>Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><em>Named duo .. </em></p><p>

<strong>Axl Grease</strong> vs. Bali Daljit</p><p>

<em>Tough call but cant see Bali winning.</em></p><p>

<strong>2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.</strong> </p><p>

<strong>Keith Adams & Norman Gates</strong> vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)</p><p>

<em>I do like the Duponds but .. Cant see em winning.</em></p><p>

Chuck Frisby & Bedlam vs. <strong>Martin Heath & Arthur T. Turtle</strong></p><p>

<em>Like Chuck but .. Want to see Turtle take this one.</em></p>

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<p>Friday week 3</p><p>

November 2012</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5061/ese1.jpg</span><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)</span></strong></p><p>

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 33 peoples</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>


2 vs. 2</strong></p><p>

<span>http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/3493/leighburton.jpg</span> & <span>http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/4645/sifu.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg</span> & <span>http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg</span></p><p>

Leigh Burton & Sifu vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)</p><p> </p><p>

The new pairing seemed a rather odd combination with Burton being all smile and took time to pose the crowd while Sifu was stoic, almost emotionless but very effective. In the end though Better Than You had slightly better team work and that proved to be deciding factor with Ward making Burton tap out with Judo Choke-Sleeper while Otto kept Sifu busy.</p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">WINNERS: Better Than You by submission in 7:41 E</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Better Than You are in title picture so they got the win here. This match was mainly made to test chemistry between Burton and Sifu as I plan to pair them up as a lower midcard tag team. Whatever this team is going to stay or broke up depends on how well these two develop but right now they are in similar position than Foreign Legion. </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>



Ward gets himself a microphone after the match is over.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Ward: You all likely think that me and Otto are happy about getting that title shot last month? Well you are wrong about that. You see that shot should have belonged us many months ago. Heck we should be the champions in the first place, you all saw that they cheated and hit Otto with the chair. But of course referee didn´t see that and so we were robbed. And not only were we robbed but did we get a rematch, like we absolutely should have? No, we didn´t, instead those look-a-like twins get a title shot, not to mention about those useless “superheroes”. But surely it would be our turn next? No, we were told that we had to earn our spot by kicking those twins around the ring. And what happened? We were robbed again by that idiot Tyler who thinks he´s a referee and then O´Keefe decided that Foreign Legion have somehow earned another shot as well. So no, we aren´t happy and though we will get the titles next month we have something else to prove here as well.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">


<span style="color:#FF8C00;">Otto: That´s right, it isn´t enough for us to just get those titles anymore we will absolutely destroy those who have opposed us. Oh and Foreign Legion, don´t think that you can put your filthy hands on those titles tonight, we will make sure you won´t win that one.</span> E</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Not much to say here, really. Just basic promo to kill some time and also continues the tag feud. </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>



Frisby and Bedlam are in hype duty this time.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#00FFFF;">Frisby: How many changes to one guy need before he realizes that I´m superior to him? Heath had now had two opportunities to beat me and he had screwed both, yet he still claims he´s the top contender? And somehow the management agrees with him. And not only that but now I have to deal with Turtle again too? Give me a break. I have proved to any doubters that I´m a real wrestler, not some comedy clown and now you disgrace me by putting two morons in front of me time after time.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Bedlam: You are at least half right there Frisby. There are more deserving opponents than those two, namely me, but that´s a thing for another day. Turtle you got a fluke win over me last time but I challenge you again to prove any doubters that I´m a real threat. So what do you say Turtle, next month, you and me, one-on-one in this very ring. You have proved that you can talk the talk, but now it´s time to back those words in the ring. </span>E+</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Main event hype from two of my better talkers. Oh and also setting up a match next month between Turtle and Bedlam.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>1 vs. 1</strong></p><p>

<span>http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg</span></p><p>

Axl Grease vs. Bali Daljit</p><p> </p><p>

Grease haven´t had a good year so far but here he was pretty dominant against Daljit and managed to pick up his third victory this year with Rock ‘n’ Roll Death. </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">WINNER: Axl Grease by pinfall in 5:23 E-</span></p><p>


Grease gets a feel good victory here. Oddly enough despite bad record (3 wins 6 losses when this one is counted too) he still has E- popularity so apparently those losses didn´t hurt him too badly.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts. </strong></p><p>


<span>http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg</span> & <span>http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg</span> & <span>http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg</span></p><p>

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)</p><p> </p><p>

Dupond´s Put up a good fight and their teamwork is much better than the champs who still seem to have some issues with each other´s.</p><p>


Sadly this one won´t end clean and the reason for that is Better Than You who comes in the ringside and distracts DuPond´s which gives Gates the opportunity to hit Spycho Slam on Jacques and seal the deal.</p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">WINNERS: Keith Adams & Norman Gates by pinfall after interference by Better Than You in 5:59 E</span></p><p>


I bet most can see where this particular feud is going by now. Ward and Otto interfering gives Foreign Legion a reason to lose and adds fuel to the flames and of course that earlier promo gave some kind of explanation about why they made the interference here.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>



Turtle and Heath come to the ring before their match and it seems like they have something to say to their opponents.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Heath: Frisby. You know as well as I do that you haven´t beat me once in one-on-one matches. You know despite all your arrogance I think you are scared. You are scared that you cannot defeat ne and that your so called era will become in early end. And you are right on both counts. I will get another shot at your title and this time I make sure that I will win.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">Turtle: And while Heath will take of Frisby, I have another fish to fry. Bedlam, you want to face me again in one-on-one match? Sure let´s do it and let´s make it a cage match, just to make it a little bit more interesting. </span>E+</p><p> </p><p>

<em>My usual second main event hype part, which also confirms that Bedlam and Turtle will clash again next month. </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>2 vs. 2</strong></p><p>

<span>http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg</span> & <span>http://a.imageshack.us/img706/742/bedlam.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg</span> & <span>http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg</span></p><p>

Chuck Frisby & Bedlam vs. Martin Heath & Arthur T. Turtle</p><p>

Lots of bad blood here between these four and it shows. Sadly it shows too much and we didn´t get a real finish with Turtle and Bedlam being both counted out while fighting outside once they weren´t able to answer a ten count.</p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">DRAW by double count-out in 7:39 E+</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>This particular match might have been a mistake on my part. Not the match itself though as I knew it would deliver but rather the fact that I didn´t want either side to lose as I needed to protect Frisby´s overness but also I didn´t want Turtle to lose a second match in a row which pretty much painted me in corner and forced a boring draw that doesn´t really lead anywhere.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Show rating: E+</p><p>


Punch of solid matches nets another E+ rating which is still ok for me. Turtle got a lot of backstage heat thanks to a fart and I decided to take no action (well obviously).As other backstage news Burton added a positive influence to the locker room but unfortunately Keith Adams decided to balance that one out as he now causes negative influence.21CW suddenly maid a punch of offers to my guys, namely to Turtle, Frisby, Heath and Daljit. They all signed PPV contracts but Turtle and Heath were released immediately. Not sure what is going on there but likely reason is that they still have money troubles and maybe they also have too small roster?</em></p><p><em>


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<p>New signings:</p><p> </p><p>


Leigh Burton</p><p>


face, Happy-Go-Lucky</p><p> </p><p>

Burton is simply too talented guy for me not to sign and now that I´m small I can afford to sign him without the need to put him straight to the main event scene. Burton signed with 450$ appearance and he has F overness in UK. Overall good prize when you compare it to the talent you got. Burton will right now be in tag ranks with Sifu and as I said their spot is similar to Foreign Legion which means that right now they will lose more than win (sorry Boltinho). Burton´s gimmick is little different from my usual ones and quite different from Sifu´s. Basic idea about this team is similar than Jesse & Festus had in WWE (except the fact that Sifu isn´t brain death) with one over enthusiastic guy and other one who hardly shows any feelings at all. </p><p> </p><p>



age: 22</p><p>

face, Legitimate Athlete</p><p> </p><p>

Sifu seems to be slightly less talented than Burton but then again he signed with just 150$ per show so he is cheap too. match of what I want to say about Sifu I said already on Burton´s bio, so not much left to say here. It will be interesting to see how these two guys do as I don´t really plan to push them much at the start but they have skills to rise up on the card even if they are losing most of their amtches. Also these two will be in tag title hunt (and likely midcard singles title hunt once I decide to bring that one in) mainly because my tag team division will be quite small for long time. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

guys leaving:</p><p> </p><p>



Age: 29</p><p>

record: 0 - 0 - 7 (9 - 0 - 18)</p><p> </p><p>

Right, this one was actually harder than it should have been as I really liked the New Age Superheroes as a jobber team. In the end I decided than Thunderbolt isn´t good enough to keep and that it´s easier to cut him now than later when his tag team would have been better. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


Vic Walker</p><p>

Age: 26</p><p>

record: 0 - 0 - 6 (2 - 0 - 22)</p><p> </p><p>

As Walker´s record show he has been a full time jobber, and he was an easy cut to make, especially since he seemed to drag even my better guys to F+ matches. Fun fact: Guys who two guys where on my hot prospect list? Burton and Sifu? Nope. DuPond´s. No not them either. Daljit, Simpson, Sharp? Nope, no ,and once more no. Walker and Thunderbolt? Yep, actually those two where the only guys on my hot prospect list <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />(Well Bedlam is there right now as he has fallen on midcard status after all this roster shuffling.).</p>

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<p>Predictions: <em>No 4/4 this time thank to the main event draw. Other than that the card seemed to be an easy won to predict. Jingo has 7 points lead now and with only 6 matches on this last card that means that he will win this round.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

So </em><em><strong>Jingo</strong></em><em>, you know the deal. I won´t put any real restrictions this time other than that the guy should sign for less than 2000$ per apparance. </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Jingo 38/47</p><p>

Boltinho 31/42</p><p>

Dragonmack 24/33</p><p>

BHK1978 23/29</p><p>

Charasmatic Enigma 22/29</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5061/ese1.jpg</span> </div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

This month´s ESE Eternal Battle is going to be 90 minutes long and it´s going to feature the whole roster, including newly signed tag team who are going to open the show, when they face Burton and Sifu who now call themselves as Generation Future. In this month´s main event, young up-and-comer Bedlam is once again trying to get a win over former King of the Network champion Arthur T. Turtle. However the difference between this and the last match is that now these two are fighting inside a steel cage. ESE Team Champion belts are also in the line once again this time Adams and Gates have to face Better Than You who distracted Foreign Legion last month and thus allowed champs to retain. Speaking of Foreign Legion Jacques DuPond has a huge opportunity when he faces King of the Network champion Chuck Frisby in one-on-one match. The match is non-title but win over Frisby would surely net Jacques a title shot. Martin Heath and Pierre DuPond will also pair up this month as they face another rather unlikely pairing of John Michael Sharp and Axl Grease. Bali Daljit vs. Joe Simpson will round up this month´s card.</p><p> </p><p>

Predictions:</p><p> </p><p>

???? vs. Generation Future (Leigh Burton & Sifu) </p><p> </p><p>

Bali Daljit vs. Joe Simpson</p><p> </p><p>

Chuck Frisby vs. Jacques DuPond</p><p> </p><p>

John Michael Sharp & Axl Grease vs. Pierre DuPond & Martin Heath</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts. </strong></p><p>

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>1 vs. 1 Cage match</strong></p><p>

Bedlam vs. Arthur T. Turtle</p>

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<p>How about Adam Matravers or if he's too expensive Red Dragon.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>????</strong> vs. Generation Future (Leigh Burton & Sifu) </p><p>

<em>Got too be the mystery guys every time ...</em></p><p>

Bali Daljit vs. <strong>Joe Simpson</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><em>Simpson at last picks up a win.</em></p><p>

<strong>Chuck Frisby</strong> vs. Jacques DuPond</p><p>

<em>DuPonds dont win singles.</em></p><p>

<strong>John Michael Sharp & Axl Grease</strong> vs. Pierre DuPond & Martin Heath</p><p>

<em>Tough call goes to Axl and Sharp.</em></p><p>

<strong>2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts. </strong></p><p>

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. <strong>Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><em>Another tough one ... Im with Better than you tho.</em></p><p>

<strong>1 vs. 1 Cage match</strong></p><p>

Bedlam vs.<strong> Arthur T. Turtle</strong></p><p>

<em>Gotta be the T-Man!!!</em></p>

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<p><strong>????</strong> vs. Generation Future (Leigh Burton & Sifu)</p><p>

<em>As a rule, always pick ????</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bali Daljit vs. <strong>Joe Simpson</strong></p><p>

<em>Go Joe!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chuck Frisby</strong> vs. Jacques DuPond</p><p>

<em>It's Chuck and a DuPond in a singles match... so yeah...</em></p><p> </p><p>

John Michael Sharp & Axl Grease vs. <strong>Pierre DuPond & Martin Heath</strong></p><p><strong>


<em>Heath's the only relevant guy here</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong>Keith Adams & Norman Gates</strong> vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)</p><p>

<em>Keep belts for now</em></p><p>


1 vs. 1 Cage match</strong></p><p>

<strong>Bedlam </strong>vs. Arthur T. Turtle</p><p>

<em>Could go either way, but we've seen a lot of Turtle and I'd like to see how you do with Bedlam.</em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jingo" data-cite="Jingo" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27754" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How about Adam Matravers or if he's too expensive Red Dragon.<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Matravers won´t even negotiate with me right now since he is already working for ROF, 21CW and VWA (Though I do expect 21CW do die soon) and frankly he is likely too over for me anyway (C- around UK).</p><p> </p><p> Red Dragon is nice pick but I will bring him in anyway (already have plans for him:)) so it would be kind of wasted pick so you can pick another guy if you want.</p>
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???? vs. Generation Future (Leigh Burton & Sifu)

I cant believe youre going to job Burton. Thats not right dude.


Bali Daljit vs. Joe Simpson

Leigh better not lose if his classmate Joe wins!


Chuck Frisby vs. Jacques DuPond

DuPonds defo dont win singles matches


John Michael Sharp & Axl Grease vs. Pierre DuPond & Martin Heath



2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

Time for a change here


1 vs. 1 Cage match

Bedlam vs. Arthur T. Turtle


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???? vs. Generation Future (Leigh Burton & Sifu)


Bali Daljit vs. Joe Simpson


Chuck Frisby vs. Jacques DuPond


John Michael Sharp & Axl Grease vs. Pierre DuPond & Martin Heath


2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


1 vs. 1 Cage match

Bedlam vs. Arthur T. Turtle

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zergon" data-cite="Zergon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27754" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Matravers won´t even negotiate with me right now since he is already working for ROF, 21CW and VWA (Though I do expect 21CW do die soon) and frankly he is likely too over for me anyway (C- around UK).<p> </p><p> Red Dragon is nice pick but I will bring him in anyway (already have plans for him:)) so it would be kind of wasted pick so you can pick another guy if you want.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> How about Jase Cole, Ripper LeStat or War Machine.</p>
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