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Martin Heath vs. Jase Cole


Leigh Burton vs. Axl Grease vs. Bali Daljit


Elimination Agents (Genocide Agent & Suicide Agent) vs. John Michael Sharp & Joe Simpson


Three way for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


Sifu vs. Arthur T. Turtle


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Red Dragon

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Martin Heath vs. Jase Cole

Likw Cole, picked Cole so yeah i gets my vote!

Leigh Burton vs. Axl Grease vs. Bali Daljit

Not a fan of Axl, Bali is a jobber sooo Leigh gets my vote here ..

Elimination Agents (Genocide Agent & Suicide Agent) vs. John Michael Sharp & Joe Simpson

Theres no way i'm betting agaist the Elimination Agents

Three way for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

Retain ...

Sifu vs. Arthur T. Turtle

Higher up the card ..

1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Red Dragon

Love the Dragon .. Would love to see him has Champ!!

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April 2013

Sunday week 3



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1,5 h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 28 peoples






Jase Cole comes from backstage and heads to the ring for his match, but before he can get half-way through Martin Heath ambushes him from behind and proceeds to beat him down before throwing Cole in to the ring. F+


I´m still building overness for my top guys and this angle gives Cole a reason to lose cleanly and it will also continue to hammer home the fact that Heath is a heel now.



1 vs. 1

http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg vs. http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/2474/jasecole.jpg

Martin Heath vs. Jase Cole


Despite being beaten badly before the match Cole manages to hang on for few minutes before finally succumbing to Flying Fist Drop.

WINNER: Martin Heath by pinfall in 6:36 E


With HIW being close to small and putting better shows than me I expect to be in regional battle soon and I need to rise my top guys overness in order to be able to compete to HIW (no way I can beat ROF anytime soon). I hope that the overness difference between Cole and Heath (F+ for Cole E for Heath) is enough to protect Cole´s overness though I admit that I could have used someone else than Cole here. So why did I use Cole who is getting pushed too? Well the main reason is that I wanted to check what kind of rating these two could put off. Cole was also important enough that he warranted that pre-show attack (would have looked pretty odd if Heath would have needed to use that kind of tactics against guy like Bali for example) but still slow enough on ladders that getting squashed shouldn´t hurt him too much. Cole and Heath don´t click at all but they still managed to have E rated match.





After the match Heath takes the microphone.


Heath: people have asked me, why I attacked Turtle last month. Do you really need to ask that? Well because you are all slow and stupid let me tell you this veeerrrryyyy slowly so your brains can catch it up. Turtle screwed me. Yes that´s right that so called friend stole my last opportunity to become a King of the Network champion two months ago. I could have taken it if would have been a fair pin but no, he blind sighted me when I was battling Frisby and thus stole me my change. So Turtle, I will make sure that you won´t interfere my plans ever again and once I have dealt with you I will get back to the title scene and finally win that belt. E+


Giving some reasoning about Heath´s turn and why he decided to go against Turtle.


1 vs. 1

http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/3493/leighburton.jpg vs. http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg

Leigh Burton vs. Axl Grease vs. Bali Daljit


Usual back-and-forth three-way match where Grease proved to be victorious after he hit Bali with Rock ‘n’ Roll Death.

WINNER: Axl Grease by pinfall in 5:47 E


Grease is main eventing right now and despite the fact that I think that he´s higher than he should he is still by far the most over guy in this one and thus gets a win even if Burton is the more talented one. Axl Grease changed to biker gimmick (only C+ rating).





Adams and Gates are backstage and it seems that they are having another argument.


Gates: I lost my match because you!


Adams: Look Gates I have told you over and over again that we don´t need to use dirty tactics in order to win. We are better than that.


Gates: What does it matter how we win as long as we win? I´m getting sick of having to carry you around.

Adams: Carry me around? Sorry to say “partner” but you aren´t carrying me to anywhere as I´m more than able to take care of myself and I don´t even need to use weapons or low blows to do so like some.


Gates: You can carry yourself? We will see that.


Gates storms out of the room while Adams just shake his head looking little angry. E


Just continuing this angle between the tag champs and reinforcing the fact that those two just don´t seem to be able to co-exist. Norman Gates changed to biker gimmick (initial rating C+).


2 vs. 2

http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/4743/genocideagent.jpg & http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/7996/suicideagent.jpg vs. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/1147/jonmichaelsharp.jpg & http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3052/joesimpson.jpg

Elimination Agents (Genocide Agent & Suicide Agent) vs. John Michael Sharp & Joe Simpson


Pretty one sided match-up where Elimination Agents showed why they are two times 21CW tag champs. Genocide Agent ends this one with Hanging Powerslam on Simpson.

WINNER: Elimination Agents by pinfall in 5:19 E


Routine win for Elimination Agents over two jobbers. Suicide Agent was off his game and Simpson is becoming stale.



Three way for ESE´s Team Champion belts.


http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg

Keith Adams & Norman Gates vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


This one was fought in tornado tag rules so all six men were at the ring all the time. There was a shocking end result on this one when Norman Gates turned against Adams during the fight and hit him with the steel chair before leaving to backstage. Glen Ward picked the win here on the end once he made Pierre tap out with Judo Choke-Sleeper.

WINNERS: Better Than You by submission in 8:30 E+


Adams and Gates where always going to have just a short run with titles as they got the titles only because of contract demand and they were going to end up feuding with each other´s pretty soon which is why I never bothered to give them a proper tag name (It´s also why they had those fights ever since they teamed up). I actually had plans to turn Gates heel even before Adams came in and this storyline gave me a perect way to do it. Both Dupond´s switched to man in a Mission gimmick (initial ratings B for for both). Surprisingly good rating here I was sure that this one would bomb especially considering that it had to go longer than 6 minutes. Gates turn was complete success.



1 vs. 1

http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/4645/sifu.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg

Sifu vs. Arthur T. Turtle


Sifu tried his best here but Turtle wasn´t on playing mood and quickly took control of the match and ended this one with Springboard Lariat.

WINNER: Arthur T. Turtle by pinfall in 7:20 E


Turtle´s popularity has dropped a little bit (he auto-push as midcarder currently) so he needed to get a squash win in order to re-build some of that lost popularity. Sifu continues to be in jobber department and like I said earlier there simply are too many guys that I need to push right now for him to get a chance to shine plus is nice to have a jobber or two who I can trust to put up good rating while getting squashed. Turtle and Sifu had great chemistry.






Turtle takes the microphone after the match (yes it´s promo time again).


Turtle: First things first. Bedlam! You might think that you have accomplished something now that you get a win over me, but that is hardly the case as the only reason why you did id that I was distracted by someone who I thought would be my friend. However I don´t seem to have time to deal with you anymore as there seems to be more pressing matter at my hands. And that pressing matter is you Heath. What the f*** are you thinking? I hear you running your mouth earlier and telling that it wasn´t fair for me to “steal” your last chance at the King of the Network title. First of you I clearly stated before the match that it´s everyone for himself in there and that I would do anything for the win. Yes I would have preferred you over Frisby as a champion but I had a chance to win the belt for myself and I did go for it. Was it selfish? Well yes but you would have done exactly the same on my shoes so I don´t see where all this hatred is coming from. I can understand you being disappointed and I can even accept that you cost me a win over Bedlam but I won´t tolerate any more interferences so please try to come to your senses as I don´t really want to fight against you. D-

Well Turtle and Heath are two of my better talkers so obviously they get lots of mic time and this is pretty much as high profile feud as my current roster permits me to have so this one is going to get a lot of screen time.



1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title


http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg vs. http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/8449/reddragona.jpg

Chuck Frisby vs. Red Dragon


Red Dragon came out all guns blazing and Frisby had some troubles to wither the initial offence but soon things got closer and the pair traded about equal amount of offence. In the end it was dirty trick that decided this one as Frisby manages to low blow Dragon and hit him with Neckbreaker while referee wasn´t watching.

WINNER: Chuck Frisby by pinfall in 10:02 E+


Usual non-clean finish for this one as this feud is just starting. Interesting to note that you all did choose Dragon to win this one but personally I think he´s little too new still and to be honest I´m not yet sure that Dragon can carry the company as he´ s not great on mic and he isn´t anything special in-ring either.



Show rating: E

I changed the date on Sunday in order to have enough time for Gates and Grease´s gimmick changes (I will change it back on Friday for next show).Disappointing ratingespesially with E+ main event. Guess I should have trusted my tag guys more. Pierre DuPond spread out some rumors about Suicide Agent that almost lead to a fight between those two. I gave him stern warning and he said he understand. 21CW finally closed so now they are officially death.

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Predictions:Well this proved to be harder round that I though with 3/6 being best score this time. Interesting thing is that only Heath vs. Cole divided opinions which means that everyone got the same three wrong. I already did give some insight about why I made the choices I did but with everyone here disagreeing with me I guess I should explain them a little bit more. Grease´s win in triple thread was mainly because he is the most over guy and he has history about whining when he loses to someone lower on the ladders and I didn´t see Burton being important enough to warrant getting Grease unhappy (and if I would have put Burton over Grease it would likely have been a 1 vs. 1 match). Gates/Adams not retaining where mainly storyline reasons and like I said their title run was meant to be short all along, in fact it would probably had been even shorter if I didn´t want to avoid making Adams unhappy before the contract negotions (he actually did take the loss well so it was unnecessary to wait but better safe than sorry). Dragon didn´t win mainly because I´m not yet confident that he can carry me to E+ rated shows, which he would need to do if he get the belt, but also because I generally dislike giving new guys my top belt too soon and Dragon is still new guy in my books.


Charasmatic Enigma 20/26

Boltinho 15/19

Dragonmack 12/19

Jingo 12/19



This month´s ESE Eternal Battle provides an interesting main event when Chuck Frisby and Norman Gates will team up against Red Dragon and Keith Adams. With Gates turning against Adams and Frisby´s low blow win over Dragon both happening last month it will be clear that it will be a heated match-up but which team will manage to get the win? Also what will happen between Martin Heath and Turtle? Will Heath let things go like Turtle asked or will he continue his path that is sure to lead to a bitter war between two friends? Both guys have though tests tonight with Turtle facing Axl Grease while Heath will clash with Genocide Agent. Number one contender spot is also in line this month when Foreign Legion faces Generation Future. Will Foreign Legions tag team experience prove to be enough or will the young up-and-coming pair get a win and their first chance of winning the gold? In our other match-ups Bedlam will face Bali Daljit, Jase Cole will go one-on-one against Otto Hammerschmidt while Suicide Agent will face John Michael Sharp.




2 vs. 2 for number one contender spot on ESE Team Belts

Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Jase Cole


John Michael Sharp vs. Suicide Agent


Bali Daljit vs. Bedlam


Martin Heath vs. Genocide Agent


Axl Grease vs. Arthur T. Turtle


Chuck Frisby & Norman Gates vs. Red Dragon & Keith Adams

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2 vs. 2 for number one contender spot on ESE Team Belts

Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)


Leigh is THE MAN


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Jase Cole


Otto is a jobber 4 life


John Michael Sharp vs. Suicide Agent


I think the tag wrestler losses in singles but I like Suicide too much to vote against. Although Ive just let him go in my game.


Bali Daljit vs. Bedlam


Welsh rage


Martin Heath vs. Genocide Agent


See above


Axl Grease vs. Arthur T. Turtle


Chuck Frisby & Norman Gates vs. Red Dragon & Keith Adams


Underdogs win the tag

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2 vs. 2 for number one contender spot on ESE Team Belts

Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)

Generation Future are a talented team, and deserve a chance at the gold more than the DuPonds do.


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Jase Cole

Otto jobs in singles


John Michael Sharp vs. Suicide Agent

Sharp just jobs in general


Bali Daljit vs. Bedlam

See above, and replace Sharp with Bali

Martin Heath vs. Genocide Agent

He's got a storyline going atm


Axl Grease vs. Arthur T. Turtle

See above


Chuck Frisby & Norman Gates vs. Red Dragon & Keith Adams

Get some measure of revenge for last show

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Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)

Time for the DuPonds to get their shot ...

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Jase Cole

My pick and erm .. I'm picking him!

John Michael Sharp vs. Suicide Agent

Only way an Agent should lose ...

Bali Daljit vs. Bedlam

Can you smell a Jobber!!?

Martin Heath vs. Genocide Agent

Win back.

Axl Grease vs. Arthur T. Turtle

Wont pick Axl, am picking TURTLE Power!

Chuck Frisby & Norman Gates vs. Red Dragon & Keith Adams

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Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)

Foreign Legion are still a solid tag team


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Jase Cole

Cole should rise up the card


John Michael Sharp vs. Suicide Agent

Sharp is a jobber


Bali Daljit vs. Bedlam


Martin Heath vs. Genocide Agent

This is closer, but Heath is regularly a main title contender



Axl Grease vs. Arthur T. Turtle

Ninja turtle!


Chuck Frisby & Norman Gates vs. Red Dragon & Keith Adams

Gates can take the pin to give Dragon some momentum

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May 2013

Friday week 3




ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1,5 h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 30 peoples





Red Dragon starts this show by coming on the ring with a microphone.


Dragon: Last month I got a shot for King of the Network title…and I felled short. Now I could state that it was because Frisby cheated but frankly that isn´t a thing that should surprise anyone by now so I´m not going to blame that for my loss. However accepting the loss doesn´t mean that I have given-up on taking the King of the Network title. In fact it´s the opposite, I´m now more focused than ever and mark my words, I will get another title shot.

Frisby comes from backstage with a smug smile on his face.


Frisby: And what makes you believe that you can get another shot, oh mighty one?

Dragon: That´s easy Frisby, I will simply beat any opposition starting with you and your partner in our tonight´s tag match.


Frisby: Dream up Dragon, you are going to lose again and once I´m done with you aren´t going to be on line with any kind of title shots. E+


Usual feud continue/main event hype/I got screwed but I will revenge (pick which ever you want) angle.



2 vs. 2 for number one contender spot on ESE Team Belts

http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/4645/sifu.jpg & http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/3493/leighburton.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg

Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond)


Close fight where Foreign Legion held the slight edge for most of the match thanks to their better tag team experience. However Generation Future where the ones standing tall when it all ended when Burton managed to get a three count on Pierre after hitting him with Belly-to-Belly Suplex.

WINNERS: Generation Future by pinfall in 6:08 E

Foreign Legion just feuded with Better Than You and that was the main reason why Generation Future got a win and little build-up in this one.



1 vs. 1

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg vs. http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/2474/jasecole.jpg

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Jase Cole


Otto put up a good fight but in the end Cole was just too much for him this time with Cole ending the match with Sky High.

WINNER: Jase Cole by pinfall in 7:24 E

I continue to build-up Cole after last month´s loss and Otto despite being important part of my tag division is and likely always will be a jobber as far as singles matches goes.



1 vs. 1

http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/1147/jonmichaelsharp.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/7996/suicideagent.jpg

John Michael Sharp vs. Suicide Agent


Sharp managed to get some token offence in this one but it was pretty much a one sided match with Suicide Agent being in control and demonstrating that he is dangerous on his own as well.

WINNER: Suicide Agent by pinfall in 4:34 E-


Filler match where I pretty much just put two random guys against each other´s. Sharp is jobber as far as I´m concerned so there was little chance that I would put him over Agent here even though Suicide will likely give that overness that he just got to someone else down the line.



1 vs. 1

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg vs. http://a.imageshack.us/img706/742/bedlam.jpg

Bali Daljit vs. Bedlam


Bedlam dominated this one from start to finish and ends it with Bedlam Bomb after few minutes of brutal beating.

WINNER: Bedlam by pinfall in 4:02 E


Another squash match. I´m little bit on the edge about whatever I should push Bedlam to main event scene or keep him on uppermidcard, I guess we all just have to wait and see. Daljit needs to change his character.





Bedlam takes the microphone after the match and starts the usual trash talking.


Bedlam: I did go against Turtle because I wanted to prove myself as a big time player and I figured that beating the former King of the Network champion was the best way to do so. But seems that I was wrong. Instead of getting what I deserved I have been again thrown in a throw away match on the middle of the card where I have to fight with guys who aren´t even worthy to be in the same building with me. I´m not sure what I need to do in order to get what I deserve, but mark my words, I will be in the main event and title scene before long, even if I have to beat every guy in the roster in order to get there. E+


Giving Bedlam some promo time mainly because he´s win over Turtle was big enough that I feel that I cannot just drop it without some kind of follow up. Problem is most of the top guys are in other feuds so Bedlam is… well biting his time right now. So basically this angle was there in order to keep Bedlam´s win over Turtle in people´s minds despite the fact that he isn´t actually doing anything right now.



1 vs. 1

http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg vs. http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/4743/genocideagent.jpg

Martin Heath vs. Genocide Agent


Close match where Genocide Agent proved that he is a force to be recon with in singles ranks as well. However Heath is the one who eventually managed to pick up the win after hitting Genocide with Flying Fist Drop.

WINNER: Martin Heath by pinfall in 8:08 D-

Heath gets a somewhat big win over Genocide Agent who mainly is in tag ranks and thus could afford taking singles loss here especially against a guy who is more over then him. Great match form these two.


1 vs. 1

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg

Axl Grease vs. Arthur T. Turtle


Another close one where both guy looked quite strong. Turtle manages to pick up the win after connecting with Springboard Lariat.

WINNER: Arthur T. Turtle by pinfall in 6:07 E


Overness swap was the idea here as Turtle is still pushed as midcarder while Grease is main eventer (actually all four guys that auto-push as main eventers are heels right now so some changes needed to be made).Should have put Heath vs. Genocide to this spot as this one was a disappointment.





Heath comes from backstage after the match and heads to the ring.


Heath: Well, well, well, who we have here. Arthur T. Turtle former King of the Network champion, man who has denied me my change to be the champion three times now. I heard your little talk last month and let me assure you. There is nothing wrong with my thinking and like I said I will go after you and make sure that you won´t stop me next time.

Turtle: Sigh, you are really into this aren´t you? ...Well I would rather be on your side than against you but if that´s what you want then so be it. Guess I just have to kick some sense on you.


Heath doesn´t bother to respond, well not with words anyway as he just punches Turtle. Turtle responds inn kind and soon the two are brawling all over the ringside area until security finally comes to stop them. D-


Again, two of my better talkers who are also solid in ring so they get lots of screen time.


2 vs. 2

http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg vs. http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/8449/reddragona.jpg & http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg

Chuck Frisby & Norman Gates vs. Red Dragon & Keith Adams


Frisby and Gates dominated the start of this one after getting advantage via cheating but at about the half point Dragon and Adams made a comeback and things started to be more even. Series of close-calls later Dragon finally manages to end the match by hitting Gates with Moonsault.

WINNERS: Red Dragon & Keith Adams by pinfall in 9:20 E


Dragon gets a win over Frisby and Adams needed a big win too since he has dropped as midcarder after that tag loss. Dragon pinning Gates doesn´t really solve either feud so both will naturally continue further. Another disappointment here, I was really expecting at least E+ and maybe even better rating.


Show rating: E


Well after both main event and semi-main bombed it´s no surprise that I got another E.

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Predictions:Charasmatic Enigma was the only one who got 7/7 this time around with most of the rest backing either Genocide Agent (still not much love for Heath I see:p) or Foreign Legion to win their matches.


Charasmatic Enigma 27/33

Boltinho 21/26

Dragonmack 18/26

Jingo 16/26





This month´s ESE Eternal battle provides two title defenses alongside other matches. In our main event Chuck Frisby will defend his title against a newcomer Jase Cole who has been pretty impressive so far in ESE. Better Than You will also make their first title defense against Generation Future who got the chance after beating Foreign Legion last month. Keith Adams and Norman Gates will also clash in singles action on a bout that will surely be quite heated. In our other matches Axl Grease will face RE Dragon while Turtle will face John Michael Sharp. Bedlam is also in action against Pierre DuPond while Genocide Agent looks to rebound after last month loss when he faces Joe Simpson in singles match-up.



2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


Genocide Agent vs. Joe Simpson


Pierre DuPond vs. Bedlam


Arthur T. Turtle vs. John Michael Sharp


Axl Grease vs. Red Dragon


Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Jase Cole

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2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

Not time for a title change yet


Genocide Agent vs. Joe Simpson

Joe jobs...


Pierre DuPond vs. Bedlam

Keep him relevant


Arthur T. Turtle vs. John Michael Sharp

Sharp jobs, and you mentioned needing to push Turtle up the card


Axl Grease vs. Red Dragon

Keep Red Dragon around the title scene

Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

Well, he was my pick...


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Jase Cole

Cole hasn't had the push to take the title here.

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2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

No Change

Genocide Agent vs. Joe Simpson

I smell Jobber

Pierre DuPond vs. Bedlam

DuPonds dont win singles ..

Arthur T. Turtle vs. John Michael Sharp

T.U.R.T.L.E. Power!

Axl Grease vs. Red Dragon

My pick and he's a big talent

Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

Not a Gates fan

1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Jase Cole

He's not going to but .. I'm picking him anyway!! Come on fan power!

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2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

With them beating Foreign Legion, they should win here too


Genocide Agent vs. Joe Simpson

win over jobber


Pierre DuPond vs. Bedlam


Arthur T. Turtle vs. John Michael Sharp

clear cut better over jobber matches


Axl Grease vs. Red Dragon

Dragon build continues


Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

aren't these guys a team? either way Adams is the more skilled


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Jase Cole

I've think you stated that Cole isn't ready yet

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2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.

Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

Too early for Leigh


Genocide Agent vs. Joe Simpson

Poo little Joe


Pierre DuPond vs. Bedlam

Gethin Jenkins vs Thomas Castagneide


Arthur T. Turtle vs. John Michael Sharp

T.U.R.T.L.E power


Axl Grease vs. Red Dragon

I dont really understand what Axl is for. Not here - just in the c-verse


Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

Norman had his chance at stardom and blew it


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Jase Cole

Sorry Jase

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  • 2 weeks later...

June 2013

Friday week 3



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1,5 h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 48 peoples




Chuck Frisby starts the show and goes to the ring.

Frisby: Well it seems that somehow certain Jase Cole have done enough to get a shot for my belt. Frankly I don´t understand how but whatever I will just beat him like I have beaten everyone else…


Before Frisby can continue Red Dragon comes to the ring and interrupts Frisby.


Dragon: Now, now, Frisby if I remember right you actually lost last month didn´t you?


Frisby: I didn´t lose, my moronic partner did.


Dragon: It´s still loss on your column Frisby and besides most of your wins have been tainted ones so where I stand you haven´t really proven anything.


Frisby: Proven? Why would I need to prove anything to anyone? I´m simply the best wrestler in here and everyone knows that already.

Dragon: Oh really, if you so sure about that why not give me another shot for your title then?


Frisby: Oh I would beat and embarrass you further but the answer is still no. You haven´t done anything to earn a shot so you aren´t getting one.


Dragon: Yeah, I didn´t think you would just hand me the shot as you are clearly scared. No matter like I said last month I just have to become the challenger the hard way. E


Just continuing this particular feud with another angle.




2 vs. 2 for ESE´s Team Champion belts.


http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/4645/sifu.jpg & http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/3493/leighburton.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg

Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


Generation Future made a good effort but in the end Better Than You picked up the victory after Ward hit Burton with his tag belt while referee tried to separate Otto and Sifu from each other´s.

WINNERS: Better Than You by pinfall after cheating in 7:58 E


Better Than You just got the titles so it´s not yet time for them to drop those. I used dirty finish here because this feud will continue for some time.



1 vs. 1

http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/4743/genocideagent.jpg vs. http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3052/joesimpson.jpg

Genocide Agent vs. Joe Simpson


Squash, plain and simple. Genocide manhandled Simpson for some time before finally ending this with Hanging Powerslam.

WINNER: Genocide Agent by pinfall in 4:28 E-

Overness building continues. Just like his partner Genocide will likely give the overness he just gained to someone else down the line. Simpson gimmick was changed to Thief but that doesn´t really matter since he´s contract is up and I have decided to let him go.


1 vs. 1

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg vs. http://a.imageshack.us/img706/742/bedlam.jpg

Pierre DuPond vs. Bedlam


Pierre manages to get some offence in but Bedlam is never really in any danger to lose and he finishes this one with Bedlam Bomb.

WINNER: Bedlam by pinfall in 6:03 E


Just another squash





Just like last month Bedlam takes the microphone after his match and starts promote himself.


Bedlam: Once again ESE´s management have denied me the chance to show my real skills and just put me up against a loser who isn´t even worthy to be in the same building than me. Just what I need to do before I will be given the respect that I deserve? Someone better give me some real opposition next month or I´m starting to take some shortcuts and trust me you wouldn´t like that. E+


Continuing this Bedlam feels he isn´t getting the respect that he deserves angle that I started in last show.



1 vs. 1

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/1147/jonmichaelsharp.jpg

Arthur T. Turtle vs. John Michael Sharp


This one is just as one sided as the previous two matches with Turtle being in total control before finishing Sharp off with Springboard Lariat.

WINNER: Arthur T. Turtle by pinfall in 5.43 E


Squash number three as Turtle is still in E- popularity. He´s also in time decline list now (in fact he is the only guy there) and that makes me wonder how long he can stay on top?





After the match Heath runs to the ring and attacks Turtle who fights back as well as he can. Soon security charges in the ring and tracks the two former friends away from each other´s. E-


Usual badly rated attack angle that was there to continue the storyline.



1 vs. 1

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg vs. http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/8449/reddragona.jpg

Axl Grease vs. Red Dragon


Grease puts up a good fight but Dragon is simply better this time and he picks up the win after Moosault.

WINNER: Red Dragon by pinfall in 7:52 E


This one really shouldn´t have been a squash match but since I decided to let Grease go I figured that I might as well give Dragon some overness in this one. Dragon was off his game tonight.



1 vs. 1

http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg

Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates


Hard fought match where Adams looked to have slight edge or rather he would have had if Gates would have been playing fair, which of course he didn´t. Still Adams manages to get the win via Clean Cut.

WINNER: Keith Adams by pinfall in 6:58 E

Adams is clearly the better guy from these two so he gets the win this time. It´s quite un-normal for me to give up a clean win before the last encounter but that simply had to happen from time to time in order to avoid becoming too predictable.





Gates isn´t happy with the end results and he blind sights Keith after the match and proceeds to beat him down. E-


With Gates having his biker gimmick again beat down angle seems like the best way for him to get some lost overness back and it´s also a nice reason to continue this feud even after the clean win.


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title


http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg vs. http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/2474/jasecole.jpg

Chuck Frisby vs. Jase Cole


Cole puts up a great fight but Frisby knows how to fight against high flyers after having so many fights with guys like Turtle, Heath and Red Dragon. That experience showed in the end and Frisby picks up a clean win via Neckbreaker.

WINNER: Chuck Frisby by pinfall in 7:21 E+


Standard title defense as Cole isn´t over enough yet to be a real challenger. Also testing possibly chemistries as these two could well be feuding in the future and it paid off with these two having great chemistry.


Show rating: E+

E+ rating was pretty much purely because the good main event with other matches failing to break above E again. HIW finally hit to small but surprisingly they didn´t really hire any new wrestlers other than Bernie Evans. Pierre DuPond signed a PPV deal with UEW.

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Well, my promise of keeping the current roster together lasted about 6 months this time. With HIW being small now and putting a full grade better shows than me I just felt that I needed to add few guys and with 3 new guys debuting next show and likely one or two more in a near future, someone just had to go and these two drew the short stick.


Guys Leaving:



Axl Grease

Age: 29

Heel, Biker

record: 3 - 0 - 3 (9 - 1 - 13)

Grease have been a solid guy for me and better than expected but now that Gates is heel they both share the exact same spot on the roster (heel JTTS basically) and thus one of them become expendable especially since Ward is also pretty much in that same spot as well. Grease leaves simply because he´s contract was up right now and because he cost more than Gates and don´t add that much extra compared to him plus Gates had a storyline going while Grease didn´t. I might re-hire Grease at some point as I´m still wondering whatever he might have been able to become legitimate main eventer if I would have given him the push for it as he seemed to gather overness pretty well. Original plan for me was actually team Gates and Grease (that´s why I changed their gimmicks as bikers few shows ago) but eventually I decided against it simply because I wanted to add too many guys and there isn´t that many that I´m willing to let go.




Joe Simpson

Age: 22

Heel, Thief

record: 0 - 0 - 4 (1 - 0 - 16)

As Joe´s record tells he was a complete jobber and thus expendable especially as he mostly had E- matches which really doesn´t cut anymore (though I must admit that I have no plans to get rid of Sharp or Bali despite the fact that they haven´t really done any better :p ).

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Predictions: Charasmatic Enigma and Boltinho got 7/7 while others got 6/7 on this round so Enigma keeps his six points lead this time.


Charasmatic Enigma 34/40

Boltinho 28/33

Dragonmack 24/33

Jingo 22/33






This month´s ESE Eternal Battle offers eight matches and our main event is a four way match between two set of rivals when Chuck Frisby, Red Dragon, Keith Adams and Norman Gates will clash with each other´s. Bedlam who has been unhappy about his opponents is facing a tougher test when Genocide Agent steps in the ring with the young MMA-specialist. Genocide Agent´s tag partner is also in action when Suicide Agent faces Sifu in singles competition while Sifu´s own tag partner Leigh Burton is having a tough match against Martin Heath. Speaking of Heath the animosity between him and Turtle will likely continue this month even though the two aren´t scheduled to be in the ring together but as we saw last month that doesn´t stop the former friends from fighting. Turtle himself has a tough match-up as well when he faces one half of the tag team champions on Glen Ward. Other half of tag champions, Otto Hammerschmidt is also in action as he faces Jase Cole in singles match. There will also be two debut matches when Bali Daljit face a mystery opponent who is said to be better known outside the Europe scene while Foreign Legion will face off against ESE´s newest tag team.



Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. ???


Bali Daljit vs. ???


Jase Cole vs. Otto Hammerschmidt


Sifu vs. Suicide Agent


Martin Heath vs. Leigh Burton


Genocide Agent vs. Bedlam


Arthur T. Turtle vs. Glen Ward


Chuck Frisby vs. Red Dragon vs. Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

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Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. ???

Individually they are jobbers, but as a team they are decent, so I see them taking the win here.


Bali Daljit vs. ???

Bali on the other hand is a jobber, so new person gets win here


Jase Cole vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

I would think Cole has more main event potential


Sifu vs. Suicide Agent

Dont really know enough about Sifu, but the agents have been in the upper card


Martin Heath vs. Leigh Burton

Could go either way, but Heath has sniffed the main event


Genocide Agent vs. Bedlam

same reasoning as above


Arthur T. Turtle vs. Glen Ward

Turtle has been one of your main eventers, but I think he has peaked, while Ward could still rise some more


Chuck Frisby vs. Red Dragon vs. Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

Gates and Adams cancel each other out, leaving it down to Frisby and Dragon, and you said Dragon isn't ready to rise yet.

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Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. ???

Never bet against Mr ???


Bali Daljit vs. ???

See above


Jase Cole vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Cole is on the rise


Sifu vs. Suicide Agent

Sifu has struggled to rise above the Midcard, so Agent will probably take it here.


Martin Heath vs. Leigh Burton

Heath's pushing the Main Event, whereas Burton isn't... yet


Genocide Agent vs. Bedlam

Bleed some of that overness


Arthur T. Turtle vs. Glen Ward

You mentioned Turtle was on the fall, so can see Ward taking it here.


Chuck Frisby vs. Red Dragon vs. Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

Champion takes the win here, probably tainted.

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Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. ???


Bali Daljit vs. ???


Jase Cole vs. Otto Hammerschmidt


Sifu vs. Suicide Agent


Martin Heath vs. Leigh Burton


Genocide Agent vs. Bedlam


Arthur T. Turtle vs. Glen Ward


Chuck Frisby vs. Red Dragon vs. Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

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June 2013

Friday week 3


Dark match:

Chuck Frisby defeated John Michael Sharp by pinfall in 3:35 E-


Frisby has somehow dropped to midcard so he needed a squash win in order to re-build some lost overness. Frisby is becoming stale.



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1,5 h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 47 peoples



2 vs. 2


http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/603/stefanraynor.jpg & http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/2742/louiepeyton.jpg

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Assassin Guild (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)


Close and competitive match where the new guys took the win in the end with Raynor hitting Jacques with single-arm DDT while Peyton distracted Pierre.

WINNERS: Assassin Guild by pinfall in 5:48 E


Assassin Guild picks up a victory here as they are more over and frankly Foreign Legion is pretty much jobber team in tag division as well right now especially since they have already feuded with current tag champs. Peyton is rusty but hopefully that will go away soon.



1 vs. 1

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg vs. http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/7932/larrywood.jpg

Bali Daljit vs. Larry Wood


Wood pretty much destroys Daljit who only gets token offence in before Wood finish him with Running Big Foot.

WINNER: Larry Wood by pinfall in 6:29 F

Wood is having F- overness in UK so he needs a build up (really, who doesn´t) hence the domination victory over Bali. Crowd obviously didn´t like this one though as it was between two jobbers, Bali switched to blue collar gimmick that got initial rating of B-.





Wood isn´t satisfied with his work yet and proceeds to beat Bali some more before finally leaving the ring. E+


Wood has A* menace so I can as well use it (yes this was menace angle though Bali was rated on overness so that´s why this angle wasn´t all that great, well actually it still was pretty good for my standards).



1 vs. 1

http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/2474/jasecole.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg

Jase Cole vs. Otto Hammerschmidt


Close fought fight but in the end Cole is better man this time as he connects with Sky High and picks up the win.

WINNER: Jase Cole by pinfall in 5:59 E


Otto is one-half of current tag champs so I really don´t want to totally job him right now (so no domination victory here) but the truth is that Otto isn´t really going to win single matches all that often and Cole is definitely more gifted from these two so he got the win here.



1 vs. 1

http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/4645/sifu.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/7996/suicideagent.jpg

Sifu vs. Suicide Agent


Pretty competitive match-up where both guys got to show their skills. In the end Suicide Agent picked up the win via Full Nelson Slam.

WINNER: Suicide Agent by pinfall in 8:23 E+


Suicide Agent is actually in E overness right now and auto-pushes as main eventer so this was simply the case of more over guy getting the win. Sifu and Suicide continue to give me good matches just like their tag partners do, honestly I sometimes wonder if those four are my best workers right now.



1 vs. 1

http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg vs. http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/3493/leighburton.jpg

Martin Heath vs. Leigh Burton


Burton manages to keep things somewhat even in the beginning but soon combination of rookie mistakes and Heath cheating turns the tables on Heath´s favor and in the end he gets fairly easy victory by hitting Burton with Flying Fist Drop.

WINNER: Martin Heath by pinfall in 5:29 E+


This one was pretty much same than the match before this with Heath being main eventer and Burton a midcarder. Also Heath is still one of my top guys who I continue to push up on overness hence the domination note in this one. And again great match from Burton.





Bedlam comes to the ring and this time he starts talking before the match is even starting.

Bedlam: Once again I have been completely overlooked here in ESE as another career midcarder is going to be fed to me soon. I mean what change does some face paint wearing idiot has against someone as tough as me? None. But it seems that I have to do things the hard way and send a clear message so Genocide Agent hope you have reserved a bed in local hospital as you are going to need it after you step in the ring with me. D-


Basic promo work from Bedlam who is one of the more entertaining guys from my roster (in fact his entertainment is C+ which is same than Turtle´s, Heath´s and Frisby´s with only O´Keefe having better rating).



1 vs. 1

http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/4743/genocideagent.jpg vs. http://a.imageshack.us/img706/742/bedlam.jpg

Genocide Agent vs. Bedlam


Genocide Agent didn´t seem to like Bedlam´s comments about him not being a serious thread and he soon manages to convince everyone that he is a real deal. In fact Genocide Agent is the one who walked away as winner when he finishes Bedlam off with Hanging Powerslam.

WINNER: Genocide Agent by pinfall in 7:52 E+


Genocide Agent wins here simply because of storyline reasons as this one will start a small feud between these two. Frankly this feud is mainly a filler one which main purpose is to give both Agents and Bedlam something to do while the other guys wrap up their own feuds.



1 vs. 1

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg

Arthur T. Turtle vs. Glen Ward


This one started as even match but it soon become a all around chaos with first Otto and then Heath attacking Turtle before Sifu and Burton came down to help Turtle.


Somehow match managed to continue even with all the brawling around the ringside and Turtle picked up the win in the end via Springboard Lariat.

WINNER: Arthur T. Turtle by pinfall in 5:35 E+


Yeah so Turtle is on the time decline list but I still consider him as one of my top guys while Ward is uppermidcarder at best so Turtle takes this one. And odd do see all these E+ matches now when I have failed to get any in last few shows.



Four way

http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg vs. http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/8449/reddragona.jpg vs. http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg

Chuck Frisby vs. Red Dragon vs. Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

Another match that ended up as pretty chaotic affair with Adams and Gates brawling all over the ring while Frisby tried to avoid Dragon as much as possible. In the end Frisby´s plan didn´t work and Dragon pinned him after connecting with Moonsault.

WINNER: Red Dragon by pinfall in 9:56 E+


Dragon gets the win in order to set a re-match and he actually was the most over guy here as well (he had E popularity while other´s had E-). I´m not really sure why Frisby and Adams have E- instead of E just shows that I really cannot push the guys that I want, I guess. Though then again all my top guys are close in overness so things usually change a lot between two shows.





Frisby is quick to take a microphone after he realizes what had just happened.


Frisby: Dragon! Don´t think that this proves anything you still haven´t done nothing to earn a title shot.

Dragon: Nothing? This is second time that I beat you in three months. I guess you just don´t have what it takes to beat me.

Frisby: You really think so? I can beat you whenever I want to, I just don´t see why I would need to prove myself again.


Apparently someone is having different thoughts about that since O´Keefe takes another microphone.

O´Keefe: Now Frisby, listen up son, I thought I made myself perfectly clear few months ago but it seems like you need an extra lesson so let me give you one. You don´t make decisions here, I do and the way I see it Dragon has earned another opportunity, in fact he will have one next month as you will defend your title against him in our next month’s main event!


Frisby doesn´t look happy at all while Dragon motions that the King of the Network belt will be his. E


Time to set up another match between these two and with Frisby playing the cowardly heel part it makes sense that he is forced to have the match and it lets me use O´Keefe again as I lately realized that I haven´t used him as authority figure for some time now (which is the main reason why I hired him mainly as color commentator, I just don´t use authority figures often enough so they need to have other roles as well).


Show rating: E+

With so many E+ matches this one is definitely best show I had so far. All my top guys are so close to overness right now so a single loss or win can be the difference makes between main event and midcard push. Frisby is one example as he rise to main event status (from midcard) after this show while Beldam on the other hand dropped from main event to midcarder after his loss here.

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New Signings:



Larry Wood

Age: 45

Heel, Mountain Man

Wood is likely a quite surprising signing as he is lot more popular in other countries than UK (actually he has F- overness in UK). That and the fact that he costs 1000$ per appearance + travel costs (over 600$) probably make him not so great signing but I just couldn´t pass those rumble and performance skills not to mention that A* menace. Wood also had only shown first signs of decline despite being 45 so he might actually have a few years left. Don´t expect Wood to win King of the Network title anytime soon but he will be main event/upper midcard monster heel who is hopefully able to pass some of his skills to his opponents as well.



Stefan Raynor

Age: 26

Heel, ****y Youth

Raynor is one of the guys who signed with HIW when it opened and he has been able to take part some D rated matches there. Though it´s pretty unlikely that he can do that in ESE he should be solid midcard tag team guy who possible will get singles push sometime in the future. Right now though Assassin Guild is here as a heel version off Foreign Legion/Generation Future so basically thread in tag division but mostly jobbers in singles ranks.



Louie Peyton

Age: 26

Heel, Biker

Peyton is definitely less talented member in Assassin Guild and frankly I wouldn´t had hired him if he wasn´t part of a tag team. Peyton is likely to remain as jobber unless his skills shot up but he should be valuable guy in tag team ranks. Sadly he couldn´t play any ****y gimmick particularly well while Raynor wasn´t good with Brute gimmicks with lead to these two having totally different gimmicks though I won´t likely use them any differently on promos or angles.

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Predictions:This round proved to be quite hard with everyone getting 5/8. Most mistakes came from the last three matches as everyone expected Ward to beat Turtle and most also expected Bedlam to get better on Genocide and Frisby to take the four way match. Like I said Turtle won because I still see him as one of my main guys (though I must admit that I´m started to doubt) while I don´t really see Ward as nothing more than a midcarder. Dragon got the win in order to set up the re-match that everyone knew would be coming at some point. Also Bedlam losing to Genocide was for storyline reasons as it basically set-up their feud.


Charasmatic Enigma 35/48

Boltinho 33/41

Dragonmack 29/41

Jingo 22/33





This month’s main event provides us another King of the Network title match when champion Chuck Frisby is putting his title on the line against Red Dragon. Dragon seems to have Frisby´s number lately but can Dragon pull up the win when it really matters? Also we will see a 3 vs. 3 match-up between Better Than You & Martin Heath versus Arthur T. Turtle and Generation Future. This match was set-up after last month’s Turtle vs. Ward fight where everyone got involved. Bedlam, after his last month loss has requested a match against Genocide Agent´s partner Suicide Agent and that request had been granted to him. The question is why did Bedlam request this match in the first place? Speaking of Genocide Agetn he is gtrying to continue his recent good form against one of the newcomers when he is facing Stefan Reynor in our opening match. Reynor´s tag partner Louie Peyton is also having a difficult task ahead of him when he is facing Keith Adams in singles action. In our other matches Larry Wood who made quite an imprsession on his debut match is facing Jacques DuPond, Pierre Dupond is fighting against Jase Cole while Norman Gates and Bali Daljit will also clash with each other´s.




Stefan Reynor vs. Genocide Agent


Norman Gates vs. Bali Daljit


Jacques DuPond vs. Larry Wood


Keith Adams vs. Louie Peyton


Jase Cole vs. Pierre DuPond


Arthur T. Turtle & Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Martin Heath & Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


Suicide Agent vs. Bedlam


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Red Dragon

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Stefan Reynor vs. Genocide Agent

straight up momentum win


Norman Gates vs. Bali Daljit

same here


Jacques DuPond vs. Larry Wood

surprising addition, but a good one if he stays. be sure to abuse that awesome menace of his to the fullest


Keith Adams vs. Louie Peyton

more momentum wins


Jase Cole vs. Pierre DuPond

same again


Arthur T. Turtle & Generation Future (Sifu & Leigh Burton) vs. Martin Heath & Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

GF are planned as your next dominant team, and Turtle is gearing up for another run at the title


Suicide Agent vs. Bedlam

Agents are higher on the ladder


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Red Dragon

You've been building to a Red Dragon title run

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