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Monday, Week 2, December 2009


With the launch of KANZENPro.com this morning, a new promotion has announced its arrival on the world of the wrestling. While currently only featuring a holding page and the date Sunday, Week 4, January 2010, "KANZEN Pro Wrestling" is reportedly backed by a face familiar to wrestling fraternities; but will be run by a booking committee around them.


The holding page also confirms the name of the first show "Let The Games Begin" but no venue has yet been announced.


Show History


"Let The Games Begin" - Sunday, Week 4, January 2010

Main Event: Rayne Man versus Kirk Jameson


"Difficult Second Album" - Thursday Week 3, February 2010

Main Event: Rayne Man versus Burning EXILE


"Flashing Lights" - Thursday Week 4, February 2010

Main Event: Ant-Man and Panda Mask II versus Hell Monkey and Kazuma Narato


"Trios Tournament : Night One" - Thursday Week 2, March 2010

Main Event: Silver Shark, Spanish Superfly and The Calamari Kid versus Elijah Harris, Ernie Turner and Jack Griffith


"KANZEN Trios Tournament : Night Two" - Tuseday Week 3, March 2010

Main Event: To Be Confirmed


"KANZEN Trios Tournament : Night Three" - Tuseday Week 4, March 2010

Main Event: To Be Confirmed

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Show History



"Let The Games Begin" - Sunday, Week 4, January 2010

Main Event: To Be Confirmed


"Difficult Second Album" - Saturday, Week 3, February 2010

Main Event: To Be Confirmed


"Flashing Lights" - Sunday, Week 3, February 2010

Main Event: To Be Confirmed


"King of Trios : Night One" - Friday, Week 4, March 2010

Main Event: To Be Confirmed


"King of Trios : Night Two" - Saturday, Week 4, March 2010

Main Event: To Be Confirmed


"King of Trios : Night Three" - Sunday, Week 4, March 2010


Main Event: To Be Confirmed


If this is being booked like CHIKARA, then I may asplode in the awesome. Please, please make a working agreement with ZEN.

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A former star of OLLIE and a rising face in MPWF, "The Mexican Angel" is set to take his first big steps into American wrestling by appearing with KANZEN Pro. Previously brushed aside by many as just an unspectacular luchadore, Ángel De México has seen his stock rising pretty sharply recently.




Despite enjoying much of his wrestling success so far in Europe, we at KANZEN Pro know a talent when we see one. Geoff Borne is a talent and soon you'll know it.



"Your Hero of the Future" RAYNE MAN

Rayne Man has been slowly building up a streak of momentum since his release from SWF eighteen months ago. Despite being only 23, he is vastly experienced and will be keen to fulfill his potential in KANZEN Pro.




Lead by "The King of the Coastal Zone" Fox Mask, The Animal Kingdom looked potentially like a dominating trio. The threesome all throw very unique skill sets into the KANZEN mix which will no doubt make them dangerous opponents for anyone on the roster.




Ever since the Boston Tea Party, relations between America and Britian have always been a little strained. However, the blossoming partnership between Jenkins and McManus which started in MAW is how set to arrive in Hawaii.




Having honed their skills under the tutelage of Shawn Gonzalez in FREEDOM Championship Wrestling, Amo Del Gato and Tigre Salvaje Jr will be keen to do Gonzalez proud by fighting their way to the top of KANZEN Pro.




OLLIE stars Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III need no introductions. They are two of the hottest prospects in Mexican wrestling and they are coming to KANZEN Pro. Suck on that.




With both men heralded from Native American roots, it seemed logical for the impressive Running Wolf to team up with MAW stand-out Ace Youngblood. That said, KANZEN Pro will be the first instance of the pair teaming together so we will just have to wait and see how it goes.



NATURAL STORM - "The Storm" D.C. RAYNE and "The Natural" EDDIE HOWARD

By their own admission, D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard are pretty boring guys outside of the ropes; but once that bell rings, the Natural Storm are one of the most gifted teams in America right now. Just ask anyone unlucky enough to face them in full flight.



TEEN DREAMS - BRENDAN "The Teen Idol" IDOL, "The Sensation" JAYSON VAN PELT and "Shocking" MATT HOCKING

Banded together by a record industry boss somewhere in California, The Teen Dreams were grouped together because of their collective inabilities to do anything without a gaggle of screaming teens following them. Their debut album hasn't done so well; but maybe inside the KANZEN Pro ring, they will do enough to get to number one.

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A loose cannon that has appeared in front of crowds across America, Air Attack Weasel has started to make no secret of the fact that he now wants to start racking up big glories. AAW is focused and ready to finally kick start his career.




You do not need to refresh your computer screen. The decorated WLW star, Burning EXILE has agreed to join KANZEN Pro; eager to make a big splash in American wrestling. Oh yes.



"The Leaping Lumberjack" CAL SANDERS

The fact that Cal Sanders carries an axe that is nearly as tall as him to the ring has made him something of a comedy character elsewhere in America. In KANZEN Pro, Cal has assured me he's going to wipe the smile off as many faces as possible.




Very little is known about the super confident Dagger. The Canadian backs himself in all situations which could see him getting into a lot of awkward moments in KANZEN; and then probably punching his way out of them.



THE AWESOMENESS - "Amazing" HUEY CANNONBALL, "The" Jefferson Stardust and "The Muse" ROGER MONTEIRO

The MAW tandem of Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust are the most awesome thing you'll ever see, if their website is to be believed. And the self-centred pairing are set to land in KANZEN Pro with their new recruit, Roger Monteiro in tow. Backed by Lisa Bowen, the trio could be dangerous.




Having accidentally bumped into each other at a New York wrestling show, Kirk Jameson and Philippe LaGrenier realised they share a no-good, run away, drunk father. They also share a dangerous streak that makes them a ruthless partnership.




There are no men elsewhere in wrestling like Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark. They put everything on line as often as possible as they seek out the biggest of risks. KANZEN isn't a risk but promising success might be.




Having came together while working in Japan, INVASION haven't quite explained what they are trying to achieve in KANZEN. Given the talent they possess, one can only assume they are targetting glory but they may reveal other ideas once we actually get going.




Well on their way to becoming the top team in CZCW, Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol are now starting to look for new regions that their success can be expanded into. The beautiful island of Hawaii is the place that they are going to start.




Despite the fact that Southern Class Championship Wrestling closed in 2003, Elijah Harris, Ernie Turner and Jack Griffith remain adamant that they could have been the men to save it if they had been given the chance. We at KANZEN Pro have decided to give them the chance, so watch out for the Southern Class Superstars. They are capable of running the whole place if we let them.

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KANZEN Pro Wrestling presents...


Let The Games Begin!

Jerry's Basement, Hawaii

Sunday Week 4, January 2010



Wrestling fans around the globe will get an immediate look at The Animal Kingdom as Fox Mask leads his soldiers into battle with the Southern Class Superstars on the debut KANZEN Pro show. 'The King of the Coastal Zone' will stand along side Ant-Man and Panda Mask as they clash with former SCCW Champions Jack Griffith and Elijah Harris; and their comrade Ernie Turner. The expereinced trio could be regarded as favourites for victory but as everyone will know... it's a Jungle out there!



Even though it's our first show, we see no reason in rolling out a well-known Lucha Libre match; the Atomico. Four tag teams have been put together in two teams with victory the ultimate aim. UK Dragon and Hell Monkey will join Huey Cannonball and his new Awesomeness recruit against a quartet that have enjoyed their biggest successes on the East Coast of America. Brendan Idol and Matt Hocking will bring the girls and leave Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus to... bring... the pain? Maybe. Just maybe.



When everyone else on the KANZEN roster saw Burning EXILE's name, we were bombarded with requests and challenges. Every man and his dog want to take on the Japanese superstar and he will kick off his time in Hawaii by tackling the Natural Storm alongside his countryman Kazuma Narato. D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard could potentially defeat the biggest opponent they have ever faced on only our debut show; while EXILE will be keen to start his time in America positively.



While his long-lost brother is busy, Kirk Jameson tackles former SWF star Rayne Man. PLG won't be at the show and it will be up to Jameson to do their father proud against the most well-known face on the KANZEN Pro roster.












"Let The Games Begin" - Sunday, Week 4, January 2010

Prediction Friendly


Fox Mask, Ant-Man and Panda Mask II versus Jack Griffith, Elijah Harris and Ernie Turner

Brendan Idol, Matt Hocking, Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Hell Monkey, UK Dragon, Huey Cannonball and Roger Monteiro

D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard versus Burning EXILE and Kazuma Narato

Rayne Man versus Kirk Jameson

Ángel De México versus Jefferson Stardust

Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark

Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Cal Sanders

Ace Youngblood and Running Wolf versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

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"Let The Games Begin" - Sunday, Week 4, January 2010

Prediction Friendly


Fox Mask, Ant-Man and Panda Mask II versus Jack Griffith, Elijah Harris and Ernie Turner


Brendan Idol, Matt Hocking, Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Hell Monkey, UK Dragon, Huey Cannonball, Roger Monteiro


D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard versus Burning EXILE and Kazuma Narato


Rayne Man versus Kirk Jameson


Ángel De México versus Jefferson Stardust


Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark


Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Cal Sanders


Ace Youngblood and Running Wolf versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

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"Let The Games Begin" - Sunday, Week 4, January 2010

Prediction Friendly


Fox Mask, Ant-Man and Panda Mask II versus Jack Griffith, Elijah Harris and Ernie Turner

Brendan Idol, Matt Hocking, Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Hell Monkey, UK Dragon, Huey Cannonball, Roger Monteiro

D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard versus Burning EXILE and Kazuma Narato

Rayne Man versus Kirk Jameson

Ángel De México versus Jefferson Stardust

Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark

Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Cal Sanders

Ace Youngblood and Running Wolf versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

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Fox Mask, Ant-Man and Panda Mask II versus Jack Griffith, Elijah Harris and Ernie Turner

Ant-Man's pretty bad ass with his alt, but I dig the Southern Class guys

Brendan Idol, Matt Hocking, Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Hell Monkey, UK Dragon, Huey Cannonball and Roger Monteiro

They wouldn't be much of an invasion if they lost their first match to Curtis Jenkins

D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard versus Burning EXILE and Kazuma Narato

Natural Storm have grown on me

Rayne Man versus Kirk Jameson

One of your top singles guys beats one of your most skilled tag guys

Ángel De México versus Jefferson Stardust

Stardust gets help, though

Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark

I'm a big Extraordinario mark but them winning here would just nuke the gambler's popularity

Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Cal Sanders

He'll start with Tigre's smile

Ace Youngblood and Running Wolf versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

Seasoned team wins

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Fox Mask, Ant-Man and Panda Mask II versus Jack Griffith, Elijah Harris and Ernie Turner

Brendan Idol, Matt Hocking, Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Hell Monkey, UK Dragon, Huey Cannonball, Roger Monteiro

D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard versus Burning EXILE and Kazuma Narato

Rayne Man versus Kirk Jameson

Ángel De México versus Jefferson Stardust

Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark

Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Cal Sanders

Ace Youngblood and Running Wolf versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

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This may be the best thing ever. Please don't let me down.


Fox Mask, Ant-Man and Panda Mask II versus Jack Griffith, Elijah Harris and Ernie Turner

Brendan Idol, Matt Hocking, Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Hell Monkey, UK Dragon, Huey Cannonball and Roger Monteiro

D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard versus Burning EXILE and Kazuma Narato

Rayne Man versus Kirk Jameson

Ángel De México versus Jefferson Stardust

Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark

Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Cal Sanders

Ace Youngblood and Running Wolf versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

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KANZEN: Let The Games Begin!

Sunday Week 4, January 2010

Jerry’s Basement, Hawaii


Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Cal Sanders – Tigre started the first ever KANZEN match like a steam train. He caught Cal Sanders completely cold with a few hard kicks that had him immediately reeling. Cal did rally with a few takedowns poking Salvaje through his mask but the Mexican was able to rely on his bright start to catch up with the leaping lumberjack. He ducked underneath an attempted cross-body by Sanders and with Cal needing a little extra time to recover, he pounced and quickly rapped up victory with the Salvaje Suplex.


The Teen Dreams (Brendan Idol and Matt Hocking) and The Atlantic Connection (Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus) versus INVASION (Hell Monkey and UK Dragon) and The Awesomeness (Huey Cannonball and Roger Monteiro) – The Atomico match took a while to get started as both teams took a while to befriend each other and choose upon a starting soldier for their team. Hell Monkey started by schooling Matt Hocking and Curtis Jenkins before a very quick burst by Brendan Idol caught Monkey off-guard. That lead into a period of very quick tags that kept all eight men in the match pretty fresh even if UK Dragon and Hell Monkey did seem to have a couple of reservations about tagging in either member of The Awesomeness. Eventually, Huey Cannonball had to take it upon himself to tag himself in off Hell Monkey; and he was soon changing the opinions of their INVASION partners by dragging Curtis Jenkins into their corner. CJ was isolated by the Rudo foursome in their corner and expertly worked over until Huey caught Jenkins with a dropkick that sent the English through the ropes and out of the ring. That allowed Matt Hocking to make use of the lucha libre rules and become the legal man just when victory had looked all wrapped up. Spelling a genuine period of dominance for Hocking, McManus and then Brendan Idol, the tide of the match looked just ready to turn when Hell Monkey ducked under a lariat attempt by Hocking and as ‘Shocking’ Matt bounced off the ropes he was dropped with the Hell Fire Kick! The vicious kick was enough for the three count.


Mexico’s Most Wanted (Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III) versus The High Rollers (Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark) w/Ashley Grover – Easily the most experienced pair in terms of how to use the lucha libre rules to their advantage, it didn’t take long for Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III to get going against Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark. The High Rollers were totally usurped by the fast of Mexico’s Most Wanted as they rolled under the bottom rope and allowed their partner to become the legal man without going through the usual American style of actually tagging each other. That kept Ca$ino and the Shark constantly scrambling to get into the match so it was no surprise to the crowd when the OLLIE Mexican Champion hit the Third Strike on Ca$ino to score the victory.


Ángel De México versus Jefferson Stardust w/Lisa Bowen – The fourth match of the night took a while before it actually got going. Jefferson Stardust refused to get into the ring with Ángel and tried to imply to referee Williams that the Mexican had a few illegal tricks up his sleeve when it was Stardust himself that was happy to bend the rules. The most Awesome wrestler that will step into a KANZEN Pro ring couldn’t match the pace of Ángel de México who soon had Stardust on the canvas and ready to be slapped into the Mexican Death. But just as the submission was about to be locked in, Lisa Bowen pulled her star from the ring and after Stardust ran clear of Ángel around the ring; he swept México’s legs out from under him and followed it up with the Stage Dive to complete a tainted win.


The Native Americans (Ace Youngblood and Running Wolf) versus Rich and Famous (Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol) w/Debbie Nair – Given their relative lack of experience together, the power and speed combination of Running Wolf and Ace Youngblood saw them starting strongly against their super confident opponents. Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan could be excused for their slow start as they more than likely expected The Native Americans to be no real match for their skills only for the MAW stalwart to really show them. His red streak of hair flashed from pillar to pillar as he kept both members of Rich and Famous completely off-balance before he planted Jake Idol with his patented Flying Tomahawk Chop! But just as the pinfall looked elementary, Debbie Nair pulled Idol from the ring and as Youngblood tried to get his hands back on Jake, Jackpot Jordan snuck up behind him and hit the Cash In to steal the win.


Natural Storm (D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard) versus Burning EXILE and Kazuma Narato – There was a real tension in the air as the KANZEN Pro crowd got the first American look at Burning EXILE. The decorated WLW Champion looked in tip-top condition as he and Kazuma Narato forced the early action against the FREEDOM Championship Wrestling Tag Team Champions. Gradually though, the much more regular team worked themselves into the contest and isolated Narato in their corner before the INVASION member elbowed his way out of Eddie Howard’s grasp and dived onto the waiting hand of Burning EXILE. The controversial star burst back into the match and after dropping Howard with a Neckbreaker and knocking Rayne off the apron with a big forearm, Eddie Howard was levelled by the Burning Hammer for the three.


The Animal Kingdom (Fox Mask, Ant-Man and Panda Mask II) versus The Southern Class Superstars (Jack Griffith, Elijah Harris and Ernie Turner) w/Julie Forletta – Aware that he had to lead by example, Fox Mask made a point of starting out the semi-main event for his team. The Animal Kingdom leader and multi-time CZCW Champion even went so far as to call Jack Griffith into the ring upon the sound of the opening bell. Griffith accepted the invitation but was soon sent packing back again by Fox Mask and a punishing Sidewalk Slam. Griffith rolled under the bottom rope and instructed Ernie Turner into battle; and ‘The Slick Pimp Daddy’ duly obliged. He was met by Ant-Man who started by holding the much bigger Turner high above his head and that lead into a frantic Trios showdown. The Animal Kingdom proved to be a well-balanced team with all three bringing their different styles to the table as they utilised a number of quick tags but when the match descended into a six man brawl, Panda Mask found himself stranded in the ring with Jack Griffith. ‘Southern Justice’ didn’t let Mask out of his grasp and after a strong DDT; he hit the Jack in the Box to round out victory.


Rayne Man versus Kirk Jameson w/Maryam Vega – Without his formerly estranged brother at his side, Kirk Jameson looked a little nervous as the main event got underway. Rayne Man looked pretty determined to start things well and that caused him to try and force matters. That fed into ‘The Marksman’s’ nervous hands and he was actually allowed the early control before the former SWF star rallied. Though with Maryam Vega keeping herself busy outside the ring and on the ring apron, it wasn’t long before Jameson had a handful of Rayne’s hair and was forcing him into the corner and around the ring. Naturally prepping for the Kirk-Hold, Jameson forced his offence on the neck of Rayne Man which really slowed the usual speedster right down. At one point, Rayne looked totally deflated by the constant pressure of Jameson only for the crowd to help him rally. Just as Eugene Williams dropped his arm for the third time, Rayne Man kept it up and then powered his way to his feet. Standing up Jameson was shoved into the ropes and after an outbreak of frenzied offence from Rayne Man; he hoisted Jameson onto his shoulder and hit the Rayne Storm to end the first KANZEN show with a memorable comeback.


“Let the Games Begin” Results
  1. Tigre Salvaje Jr
    (Salvaje Suplex -> Pin 6’35)
    Cal Sanders

  2. INVASION (Hell Monkey [L] and UK Dragon) and The Awesomeness (Huey Cannonball and Roger Monteiro)
    (Hell Fire Kick -> Pin 13’22)
    The Teen Dreams (Brendan Idol and Matt Hocking [L]) and The Atlantic Connection (Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus)

  3. Mexico’s Most Wanted (Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III [W])
    (Third Strike -> Pin 10’02)
    The High Rollers (Nathaniel Ca$ino [L] and Sammy the Shark)

  4. Jefferson Stardust
    (Stage Dive -> Pin 8’23)
    Ángel De México

  5. Rich and Famous (Jackpot Jordan [W] and Jake Idol)
    (Cash In -> Pin 12’33)
    The Native Americans (Ace Youngblood [L] and Running Wolf)

  6. Burning EXILE [W] and Kazuma Narato
    (Burning Hammer -> Pin 13’11)
    Natural Storm (D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard [L])

  7. The Southern Class Superstars (Jack Griffith [W], Elijah Harris and Ernie Turner)
    (Jack in the Box -> Pin 15’48)
    The Animal Kingdom (Fox Mask, Ant-Man and Panda Mask II [L])

  8. Rayne Man
    (Rayne Storm -> Pin 17’01)
    Kirk Jameson

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Any diary that pushes Extraordinario Jr gets two thumbs up from me. As an EWB lurker/poster here, you've put out a really high quality with your diaries, but you always seem to end them after a couple shows. I hope you can keep this one going, I'll be reading for sure. :)
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Fans of KANZEN Pro will get their first look at the Brothers from Different Mothers as Kirk Jameson and Philippe LaGrenier do battle with The Atlantic Connection in the first match announced for our second show. Jameson and his opponents, Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus all tasted defeat on the first show but come the second show, they all have a chance to turn it around. But will it be the men tied by blood or sea that get their 'W' column going?



Neither Jayson Van Pelt nor Air Attack Weasel were on the debut KANZEN Pro showl; but one of them will end the second show with a healthy 1-0 record as the two debutants do battle. JVP is one third of The Teen Dreams and will be sure to look to his partners for some support during the match... and against a whirlwind like the Weasel he may just need it.


KANZEN Pro : Special Update


Thursday, Week 1 February


Ángel De México... Don't think I didn't hear about what you were doing after you lost to me. Whining and complaining to everyone in the Tecnico locker room. Oh, I heard. Don't worry... I was made well aware of what you were saying.


I know all about the fact that you'll teach me a wrestling lesson; and that you'll physically kick some respect into me. People told me.


Dude; don't you remember that I beat you? Don't you remember having to look up at my fabulous do as the three count rang in your ears? Or did your head really bounce off the mat with such force from my Stage Dive that you blacked out after it?


Because if you have problems remembering it, I'll be happy to do it again. I'll be more than glad to repeat the feat again. It's not every day you get the chance to be pinned by a future great... You deserve to be able to remember it.


Go on... Let me make you famous,




Despite his apparent issues with Jefferson Stardust and the rest of The Awesomeness, Ángel De México will bounce onto the second KANZEN Pro show alongside his countrymen Mr. Lucha III and Extraordinario Jr. Mexico's Most Wanted will team with the MPWF star against INVASION. All three members of INVASION were victorious on 'Let the Games Begin' and against the Mexican team they will no doubt be keen to keep that going by praying on their lack of experience together; especially with the KANZEN Trios Tournament fast approaching.



Amo Del Gato, 'The Cat Master' will get his first experience of KANZEN Pro as he teams with FREEDOM Championship Wrestling partner, Tigre Salvaje Jr against the brash Rich and Famous pairing of Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol. Jordan and Idol made good use of the lucha libre rules employed in KANZEN to score their first win against The Native Americans and will no doubt be keen to do it again on the second show, 'Difficult Second Album.'


KANZEN Pro : Special Update


Tuesday, Week 2 February


The Animal Kingdom? Seriously? Seriously. Give me a break.


All you could put together to lead into KANZEN Pro was a tiny ant and an endangered species... I never received a call. Neither my good friend from the United Kingdom. Not that we would have accepted but Foxy... What were you thinking?


Did you lie in your hut with your vixen and try to work a way you could make a bigger joke of yourself? Did you try to search on Google for 'the easiest ways to make my career mean nothing' and a picture of your two partners appeared on screen. Was that it?


Because that is the only thing I can think of to explain why those two are standing either side of you. Hell, I'd give you more credit if you had The Tic on either side and he is a total joke.


Fox Mask... Give it up now before the real animals of KANZEN teach you a lesson. Only the strongest survive in the wild and something tells me that it won't be you and your buddies left standing at the end of the war.




Burning EXILE continues his brief time in KANZEN Pro by going toe-to-toe with the winner of the first main event in our history, Rayne Man. The former SWF star proved he is no TV pushover by defeating Kirk Jameson but he will no doubt see the scalp of EXILE as a big one that he must take if he is taken seriously in American wrestling.



Heeding the words of Hell Monkey, Fox Mask will be keen to score victory for him and his Animal Kingdom as they engage in their second Trios match in KANZEN Pro. The group of animals will meet the super confident Awesomeness in a match that will send the eventual victors towards the KANZEN Trios Tournament with huge momentum behind. Plus coming off a loss last month to the Southern Class Superstars, The Animal Kingdom can hardly expect an invite if they are to lose two Trios contests in a row... You would assume.



Despite losing to Mexico's Most Wanted last month, Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark proved against the OLLIE team that they are a duo that can be easily bet against. The High Rollers looked confident and capable together and it will be very much up to The Teen Dreams to go and defeat their opponents when the teams do battle on the KANZEN Pro 'Difficult Second Album.' Both teams have admitted to us backstage they want to go into the Trios tournament with a victory, though we are unsure as to who Ca$ino and Sammy are going to recruit as they third member should they get invited.


"Difficult Second Album" - Saturday, Week 3, February 2010

Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Kirk Jameson and Philippe LaGrenier

Jayson Van Pelt versus Air Attack Weasel

Ángel De México, Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Hell Monkey, Kazuma Narato and UK Dragon

Amo Del Gato and Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

Rayne Man versus Burning EXILE

Ant-Man, Fox Mask and Panda Mask II versus Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust and Roger Monteiro

Brendan Idol and Matt Hocking versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark


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"Difficult Second Album" - Saturday, Week 3, February 2010


Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Kirk Jameson and Philippe LaGrenier

I like McManus, but Jenkins has never been much other than a job boy

Jayson Van Pelt versus Air Attack Weasel

Van Pelt is awesome, but AAW has a lot more riding on this considering he doesn't have a trios team to fall back on

Ángel De México, Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Hell Monkey, Kazuma Narato and UK Dragon

The Invasion pick up another win and look as threatening as ever to the weak-hearted Americans in the audience

Amo Del Gato and Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

Rich and Famous aren't much but with their experience they'll be a solid rock to your tag division

Rayne Man versus Burning EXILE

I've never been a fan of Rayne Man but you can't let foreign workers take the win in every major match

Ant-Man, Fox Mask and Panda Mask II versus Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust and Roger Monteiro

Brendan Idol and Matt Hocking versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark

Unless they pick a really impressive member to be their third, without a win here I don't see the High Rollers being considered a credible team going into the Trios tournament

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Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Kirk Jameson and Philippe LaGrenier

Jayson Van Pelt versus Air Attack Weasel

Ángel De México, Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Hell Monkey, Kazuma Narato and UK Dragon

Amo Del Gato and Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

Rayne Man versus Burning EXILE

Ant-Man, Fox Mask and Panda Mask II versus Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust and Roger Monteiro

Brendan Idol and Matt Hocking versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark

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Guest Poppers

Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Kirk Jameson and Philippe LaGrenier

Jayson Van Pelt versus Air Attack Weasel

Ángel De México, Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Hell Monkey, Kazuma Narato and UK Dragon

Amo Del Gato and Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

Rayne Man versus Burning EXILE

Ant-Man, Fox Mask and Panda Mask II versus Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust and Roger Monteiro

Brendan Idol and Matt Hocking versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark

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"Difficult Second Album" - Saturday, Week 3, February 2010



Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus versus Kirk Jameson and Philippe LaGrenier

Jayson Van Pelt versus Air Attack Weasel

Ángel De México, Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III versus Hell Monkey, Kazuma Narato and UK Dragon

Amo Del Gato and Tigre Salvaje Jr versus Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

Rayne Man versus Burning EXILE

Ant-Man, Fox Mask and Panda Mask II versus Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust and Roger Monteiro

Brendan Idol and Matt Hocking versus Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark

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KANZEN: Difficult Second Album

Thursday, Week 3, February 2010

Jerry’s Basement, Hawaii


MARYAM VEGA: “Curtis Jenkins... Riley McManus... I think you two needs to sit down and have a chat with the management of KANZEN Pro. You both need to sit down with the Board of Directors and make sure that you are at least getting your travel expenses paid because I cannot believe they have dragged you all the way across the country to be embarrassed. It beggars belief that you have shown up here... in Hawaii... by your own power actually thinking you can match up against the fastest rising team of brothers in the whole world of wrestling. I can’t believe you think it’s going to happen because it isn’t. Kirk and Philippe pack so much power between them; they’re going out there with the intention of knocking you straight off this island!”


The Atlantic Connection (Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus) versus Brothers from Different Mothers (Kirk Jameson and Philippe LaGrenier) w/Maryam Vega – The second KANZEN kicked off with the two men that until recently did not know they were related. Jameson and LaGrenier seemed to possess an understanding that only comes from being related as they quickly isolated Riley McManus on their side of the ring. The American half of The Atlantic Connection tried to get back to his partner on many occasions but the brothers refused to let him; and even when he did, Curtis Jenkins just couldn’t keep the hot tag fire burning. He quickly ran into Jameson’s clutches and was dropped with The Bullseye to hand the siblings their first KANZEN Pro win.


Jayson Van Pelt versus Air Attack Weasel – With both competitors being new to the KANZEN Pro crowd, it took a while for ‘The Sensation’ and Air Attack Weasel to really get them going. But once the two men had started to take to the air, the crowd sat up and took notice. Rather predictably, the over eagerness of both men to start their KANZEN tenures in winning fashion meant that they took unneeded risks in the search for victory before AAW ducked under Van Pelt’s Axe Kick and hit the Pop Goes the Weasel to score a debut victory.


The camera opens up on Jefferson Stardust but as “The” is about to speak, he is bundled into by Huey Cannonball.


JEFFERSON STARDUST: “Dude... Be careful. Don’t run the ‘do!”


HUEY CANNONBALL: “Sorry man; I didn’t see you there. I was just throwing water balloons at The Animal Kingdom... You know, wet their fur and all!”


JEFFERSON STARDUST: “Dude... Please focus.”


HUEY CANNONBALL: “Focus? You’re worried about your hair, which I must say is looking totally fetch by the way, just as we are about to go into Trios battle.”




HUEY CANNONBALL: “It felt like the right time...”


JEFFERSON STARDUST: “It’s never the right time for fetch... And I’m not sweating this match. We’re The Awesomeness. We’re like... totally awesome. The Animal Kingdom isn’t. Tonight is going to be so easy I’ll be able to pin anyone one of them I choose. And I’ll be able to do it while looking totally... and utterly...”






The Animal Kingdom (Ant-Man, Fox Mask and Panda Mask II) versus The Awesomeness (Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust and Roger Monteiro) w/Lisa Bowen – The Awesomeness don’t seem to want to take the match with The Animal Kingdom seriously as it gets going and its only when Ant-Man tosses Roger Monteiro clear over the top rope that Jefferson Stardust actually climbs onto the ring apron and looks ready to take part. ‘The’ Stardust eventually gets himself in the ring but it isn’t until Panda Mask II hits him with a hip toss that messes up his hair that his fighting spirit comes out. After that, he is like a man possessed and rattles through Panda Mask II and Ant-Man with some malicious-looking drops and holds that swing the match well into the favour of The Awesomeness. Unfortunately for the fabulous trio though, The Animal Kingdom are more experienced in a lucha ring and after Fox Mask dropkicks Huey through the ropes and then flips Jefferson onto Lisa Bowen with a well-timed release suplex, Roger Monteiro has no-one to back him up and he quickly falls to the Fox Hunter.


The Teen Dreams (Brendan Idol and Matt Hocking) versus The High Rollers (Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark) w/Ashley Grover – Having lost out last month just as they look poised for victory, Nathaniel Ca$ino and Sammy the Shark were in much more professional moods as they initially clashed with two thirds of The Teen Dreams. The High Rollers refused to acknowledge the crowd in the fashion they had in January and it suited them well as they kept Brendan Idol well away from Matt Hocking in their corner. Plus they had the wily Ashley Grover to count on to keep the referee busy when they wanted to push the rules to unsatisfactory levels. Eventually Idol broke free of their grasp and with a desperate leap ‘The Teen Idol’ unleashed ‘Shocking’ Matt at The High Rollers. Having been pent up for basically the entirety of the match, Hocking was rapid as he dashed between the two gamblers, and once Sammy had been bundled off the ring apron, he hit the Hock Shock on Ca$ino to wrap-up the most emphatic of comebacks.


DEBBIE NAIR: “Hey! Powers that be! Whoever is in charge of KANZEN Pro Wrestling! Pay attention. Look at these faces!”


Both Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol flash toothy smiles at the camera.


DEBBIE NAIR: “Look at these smiling expressions and tell why you are trying to ignore million dollar assets. Explain to us why you are not treating Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol like the stars that they are. Explain to us and the millions upon millions of fans that aren’t tuning in right now why you are passing up the easiest of marketing strategies. We are money; crisp, green money. And if the attendance levels of last month are going to be the norm here, you need all the money you can get your hands on. Make us the stars of the show. Make us the main attractions. Don’t force us to pick apart these nothing teams. The Native Americans? The FREEDOM Fighters? My boys will see them off in their sleep... Go on guys. Cash in on us! You won’t regret it... I promise.”


FREEDOM Fighters (Amo Del Gato and Tigre Salvaje Jr) versus Rich and Famous (Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol) w/Debbie Nair – Despite a strong debut win last month Tigre Salvaje Jr was forced onto the back foot early on by Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan. The CZCW tandem started the brighter of the two teams but once Amo Del Gato found his feet on his debut, the match was very even. Both sides tried to do what they could to usurp their opponents with the Rich and Famous team even bending the rules and drawing on Debbie Nair’s distractions on a couple of occasions to swing the action back in their favour. Ultimately though, Jackpot Jordan tried to end the contest too soon, ate a couple of Tigre Salvaje elbows and was then dropped by the Salvaje Suplex. Amo Del Gato cut off Jake Idol and the pinfall was quickly counted to secure the win for the FREEDOM Fighters.


Ángel De México and Mexico’s Most Wanted (Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III) versus INVASION (Hell Monkey, Kazuma Narato and UK Dragon) – Despite a very frantic start to the semi-main event, it was the awkward relationship between Mexico’s Most Wanted and their third member that caught the attention of Davis Ditterich, Sara Silver and Phonse Lockett in the commentary. The three person KANZEN commentary team noticed that Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III didn’t look incredibly happy to be tagging with Ángel De México and it was with great hesitation that they allowed him into the match. On a couple of similar occasions, where they had rolled from the ring to allow their partner to become the legal man on the debut KANZEN Pro show, Mr. Lucha III and Extraordinario stopped themselves from hitting the arena floor and actually rolled back into the ring so that Ángel didn’t take over the fight. And the fears of the two high-flying OLLIE stars were eventually proved right when Ángel De México was thumped by Kazuma Narato’s Kazuma Sunner for the three count while they were battling Hell Monkey and UK Dragon outside the ring. After the bell, the OLLIE team walked off Ángel De México and left him to get his own way backstage.


Rayne Man versus Burning EXILE – Naturally keen to score quite a big international victory over a name like Burning EXILE, Rayne Man was much the aggressor as the main event kicked off. The former SWF superstar tried to force the matter with EXILE and engaged the Japanese star on a couple of occasions that he probably would have waited for him to normally stand. That eventually paid into the hands of the former WLW headliner and he was able to absorb the Rayne pressure before unleashing his own brand of mixed and varied offence. Just as Rayne Man thought he was locked in a war on the canvas, Burning EXILE took to the air and dropped Rayne with a springboard Moonsault off the second rope. Rayne Man did get himself back into the match with a desperate roundhouse elbow but when he went for the Rayne Storm, Burning EXILE rolled through, landed on his feet and then dropped him with the Burning Hammer to score his second successive victory.


BURNING EXILE: “Let me start by saying... Thank you. Thank you to all the guys in the locker room... and all of the KANZEN Pro officials. And thank you... To each and every one of you that showed up to watch me. I’m really enjoying my American adventure... and next week, at ‘Flashing Lights’ when I square off with Fox Mask it bring my first experience of American wrestling to an end... for now. I’ll be back to America... and I’ll be back to KANZEN Pro... but for now... I just wanted to thank you for helping this EXILE broaden his surroundings!”

“Difficult Second Album” Results
  1. Brothers from Different Mothers (Kirk Jameson [W] and Philippe LaGrenier)
    (The Bullseye -> Pin 9’07)
    The Atlantic Connection (Curtis Jenkins [L] and Riley McManus)

  2. Air Attack Weasel
    (Pop Goes the Weasel -> Pin 8’41)
    Jayson Van Pelt

  3. The Animal Kingdom (Ant-Man, Fox Mask [W] and Panda Mask II)
    (Fox Hunter -> Pin 14’26)
    The Awesomeness (Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust and Roger Monteiro [L])

  4. The Teen Dreams (Brendan Idol and Matt Hocking [W])
    (Hock Shock -> Pin 10’25)
    The High Rollers (Nathaniel Ca$ino [L] and Sammy the Shark)

  5. FREEDOM Fighters (Amo Del Gato and Tigre Salvaje Jr [W])
    (Salvaje Suplex -> Pin 13’11)
    Rich and Famous (Jackpot Jordan [L] and Jake Idol)

  6. INVASION (Hell Monkey, Kazuma Narato [W] and UK Dragon)
    (Kazuma Sunner -> Pin 14’34)
    Ángel De México [L] and Mexico’s Most Wanted (Extraordinario Jr and Mr. Lucha III)

  7. Burning EXILE
    (Burning Hammer -> Pin 19’42)
    Rayne Man

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As Burning EXILE confirmed at the end of our second show, 'Difficult Second Album,' the former WLW star will be bidding KANZEN Pro farewell in a clash with Animal Kingdom leader Fox Mask. EXILE, who is 2-0 from his first two matches, has promised he will return to America and KANZEN but for now Fox Mask has admitted he is determined to send EXILE away unhappy.



And while Fox Mask is clashing with Burning EXILE, his team-mates in The Animal Kingdom will be competing in the main event of 'Flashing Lights' against two thirds of INVASION. Earlier in the month Hell Monkey made his feelings about Ant-Man and Panda Mask II pretty clear in a KANZEN Pro Special Update; and those words will add a special edge to this tag team clash. Victory over Monkey and Kazuma Narato would be huge for The Animal Kingdom rookies especially when no-one is giving them a chance.



With the KANZEN Trios Tournament fast approaching, here in the KANZEN Pro offices we have been doing our best to keep everyone in suspense. No team is guaranteed a place yet so this clash between The Teen Dreams and The Southern Class Superstars could help us make up our mind on who gets one of those coveted sixteen spots. Of course, if both teams really perform then we will just have to find someone else to kick out of the tournament.


KANZEN Pro : Special Update


Saturday, Week 3 February


When I told my friends I had accepted an offer to compete in America, my friends tried to stop me. They told me that American wrestling is not treated in the same way north of the border as it is in the home of lucha libre, but I refused to believe them.


Instead, I wanted to believe the tales I was told by the many KANZEN Pro officials that got to their knees in front of me and begged me to sign a contract. They told me I'd bring the right kind of qualities to the company and that I could potentially end up as a legend of the promotion.


Sadly... After just two shows, my hombres back home have been proved correct. On just the first show, Jefferson Stardust and Lisa Bowen conspired to break the rules to get a victory against me while just two days ago, my partners walked off on me after I was defeated in a Trios match. To make matters worse, my partners were two men that I assumed knew the unwritten code of lucha libre; Mr. Lucha III and Extraordinario Jr. I'm embarrassed to be wrong. They are probably just as embarrassed as well. If they aren't, they should be.


And if again, I am wrong. I won't rest until I am right.




After an impressive victory over Jayson Van Pelt last week, Air Attack Weasel will go toe-to-toe with another debutant as he battles Geoff Borne in what will be a high-flying affiar. 'Air' Borne is best known for his exploits in Europe but as we've told you already, the guy is a talent and we're pleased to have him in KANZEN Pro.



While we had planned to not make any KANZEN Trios Tournament announcements until 'Flashing Lights' was in the books, there are just some teams that are too good to be kept under wraps. Do not refresh your page or try to reload the picture above. This is not a joke. The three-time OLLIE Campeones de Trios, Los Phoenix are coming to KANZEN and will be competing in our first KANZEN Trios Tournament. Phoenix I will lead Phoenix II and Phoenix III onto American soil for the very first time. Don't tell me you need any other excuses to pick up your tickets.

"Flashing Lights" - Thursday Week 4, February 2010

Fox Mask versus Burning EXILE

Ant-Man and Panda Mask II versus Hell Monkey and Kazuma Narato

Brendan Idol, Jayson Van Pelt and Matt Hocking versus Elijah Harris, Ernie Turner and Jack Griffith

Geoff Borne versus Air Attack Weasel

...3 matches to be confirmed...


"KANZEN Trios Tournament" - March 2010

1. "Los Phoenix" - Phoenix I, Phoenix II & Phoenix III

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