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Unchained Storylines

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Have any of you used unchained storylines in promotions like TCW, SWF or WLLW and actually been successful?
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"Success" in unchained storylines in my experience happens when playing to the strengths of the workers involved, ie picking angles that fit (menace, sex appeal, and so on), only using more popular wrestler if matches are a part of your storyline, that kind of thing.
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Yeah, I stick to Unchained, simply because I'm lazy.


Yup, I agree. Not that Greg is lazy, but that is the reason I use unchained. :p


The thing you have to watch out for is leaving a storyline too long without progressing it will drop the heat massively, a big problem if this happens before you begin the storyline. This is especially a problem if you have more than one TV show because the storylines aren't specific to one brand. The number of times I've started a storyline a few days too early and started it off at F-. Three A-rated segments later and I'm stilll only at E+!


The advantage of unchained storylines, other than the obvious, is that you can evolve and end them whenever you like. Say you have a title feud between Enygma and Baine when Bruce the Giant becomes joint #1 contender all you have to do is evolve the storyline to include Bruce and you are sorted. That sort of thing is more awkward with chained storylines, especially if you are using them for the specific narrative purposes they were designed for.

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ok so i am the opposite of this guy. all i ever use is unchained , what is the bonus of using set storylines ? can you pull of a fued with people with low charisma more succesfully ? is it heat rated on the last segment involving the two participants ???
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ok so i am the opposite of this guy. all i ever use is unchained , what is the bonus of using set storylines ? can you pull of a fued with people with low charisma more succesfully ? is it heat rated on the last segment involving the two participants ???


The bonus of using written stroylines is being able to use just one of the participants in a match or angle. I want to run a dominating monster whose winning streak gets stopped storyline and all of his squash matches are actually part of the story, so unless he's facing the other person or I decide to have the other person interfere in all of his squash matches they won't count toward the unchained story. With a chained story I can write each match and have the monster be set as the winner without having the other person in the match.


In the same story if I wanted there to be a scene (angle) with the guy who stopped his winning streak laid out in the parking lot then I couldn't do it in an unchained story unless I some how put the monster in the angle even though technically he's never there. With a chained storyline I can add the angle with just the one person to the chain and it will count toward the story.

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Correct @ Apu ... I solely use unchained sls, so I circumvent what you just mentioned in angles like that one way or the other. But I can see how it's not really going to work with the monster push, unless I want a botched interference in every match he is in ... lol.
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I like using chained storylines, as it keeps things fresh for me - with unchained I often have Marat attacking some nobody backstage with Christan Faith making the save every single show - just for ratings which will translate to good heat for the storyline. A chained storyline helps me have a set goal and actually see a progression play out in my head.



That said, much like Greg and jhd1, I am lazy - so I mostly use unchained. They do work well for me, it just gets repetitive! lol

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The bonus of using written stroylines is being able to use just one of the participants in a match or angle. I want to run a dominating monster whose winning streak gets stopped storyline and all of his squash matches are actually part of the story, so unless he's facing the other person or I decide to have the other person interfere in all of his squash matches they won't count toward the unchained story. With a chained story I can write each match and have the monster be set as the winner without having the other person in the match.


In the same story if I wanted there to be a scene (angle) with the guy who stopped his winning streak laid out in the parking lot then I couldn't do it in an unchained story unless I some how put the monster in the angle even though technically he's never there. With a chained storyline I can add the angle with just the one person to the chain and it will count toward the story.




To me, chained storylines are, ironically, less restrictive. There's several storylines where only one participant is in a particular segment. And if something goes awry... well, I'll either skip the step, evolve it in a manner that fixes it, etc.

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Is there any difference in the boost received from the storyline heat if it's chained or unchained? I assume not, but since I used unchained ones extensively, it would be nice to know. I've got one that is 94 heat right now and wondering if it would good to end it or keep it going. It's in NOTBPW with the main players there (Stones, Decolt, Bloodstone, Hayes, etc).
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For a streak I often use an 8 person unchained... I can add the monster, 7 opponents and simply evolve after he has beaten the 7 to add another couple of new/higher opponents each time, leaving the best rated matches of the previous 7 in there (for the rematch)... Repeat for as long as the streak lasts and the heat should stay constant...
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For a streak I often use an 8 person unchained... I can add the monster, 7 opponents and simply evolve after he has beaten the 7 to add another couple of new opponents, leaving the best rated matches in there (for the rematch)... Repeat for as long as the streak lasts and the heat should stay constant...


Yeah, but then you also have to avoid using ANY of those eight people in the same segment, should that segment have a less than awesome effect on the storyline's heat.

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For a streak I often use an 8 person unchained... I can add the monster, 7 opponents and simply evolve after he has beaten the 7 to add another couple of new/higher opponents each time, leaving the best rated matches of the previous 7 in there (for the rematch)... Repeat for as long as the streak lasts and the heat should stay constant...


To get around what Comrade is saying, evolve the storyline for every single show. Have your monster, plus one other dude (I've been known to use refs as filler), and the guy that's getting demolished in the storyline. For the next show, evolve it and swap out the guy getting demolished. Just be sure you have at least TWO major players staying put, or you can't evolve it.

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thanks for the help , that has defiantly made me see things in a different way. another question involving storyline s. i can easily get the feuds heat to 100 using angles and what not , but the feud rating does not seem to alter the wrestlers overness. basically whats the best and fastest way of getting two people over equally in feuds ? i know matches would be the obvious answer but it seems when i do that one gets a overness boost at the expense of the other worker... this might seem like a stupid question , but any help would be appreciated
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  • 2 weeks later...
Unchained is also GREAT for tag feuds. I have Hall & Nash feuding with Team 3D in a 4 person unchained storyline. Anytime two of them are in a segment together the feud rating goes up. Even if its just Hall & Nash (who both have amazing mic skills) in a short segment using their catch phrases to pop the crowd (where Team 3D isnt involved or even mentioned)
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