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BAW: One man's dream

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I dont have any really ground breaking idea's, if anything i would like to see something similar to the ROH pure title, am posting from my phone so cant say much about the title, but if you dont know much about it im sure wikipedia will have information on it.


That title certainly looks interesting... not quite sure how to incorporate that in TEW. I'm assuming this is the belt you are talking about?


I'm looking at setting it up as:

Midcard Belt

Function: Pure Wrestling

Then maybe set up a custom match to try and incorporate some of the rules? Not sure how close you can get though.


Does that sound about right, or did you have something else in mind?


edit: If anyone who knows more about the title has any ideas about how to implement it better, let me know :)

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Yep, thats what i meant. I dont think there would be anyway to implement the actual rules, the best way would be make all defences in techincal matches, but then most workers probably wouldnt be able to wrestle the match as well as they could in normal matches.


If it seems to hard to pull off i would just suggest a generic mid card belt, maybe the new york championship or something like that.

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Yep, thats what i meant. I dont think there would be anyway to implement the actual rules, the best way would be make all defences in techincal matches, but then most workers probably wouldnt be able to wrestle the match as well as they could in normal matches.


If it seems to hard to pull off i would just suggest a generic mid card belt, maybe the new york championship or something like that.


Okay I just checked my roster, and bar KC Glenn and Svennsson, none of them have anything above a D in technical abilities. So I think I'm just going to go with the generic secondary belt. Since I didn't go with your idea, maybe you'd like to pick a wrestler you'd like to get a title shot this year (either Face or Heel) and I'll make sure they get a shot down the line :)

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We started the New Year by releasing Noel Madden. The guy was a decent enough Ref, but he was a jerk backstage. The fact that I had a massive hangover when he rang me to request negotiations probably didn’t help his cause much either. When I eventually made it into my office, I was told that ROF had made an offer for Nigel Svennsson. At that moment in time, I really didn’t care.


The next day, when I was relatively hangover free, I started my search for a new Ref. There were a few more options than nine months ago, and I contacted 2 guys about the possibility of working for us. Checking my Inbox, I notice an email from Harvey telling me that FREEDOM have joined the Tri State regional battle. Oh, and we had come last again... that’s only to be expected for now I guess.


I then looked into ordering a new Championship Belt. At ‘Creative’ last month, we decided that introducing a secondary belt would give us more to do with our Midcard. Since we didn’t really have any Tag Teams, a secondary singles belt was the way we decided to go. After trying out a few designs I made my choice and ordered the belt, which would arrive in time for the next show.


After hearing back from our 2 prospective Ref’s, I decided to hire Jonathan Taylor. He was fairly young for a Referee, but I think he’ll do a decent job for us. Just as I conclude this piece of Business, I find out that RIPW have made an offer for Ant-Man. As long as their schedule doesn’t clash with ours, that shouldn’t be a problem.


Finally, the day before the show our new belt arrives! Now I just needed to work out who I wanted to put it on....



BAW One Step Closer #10

The Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

??? vs The Masked Outlaw

Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn © (BAW Championship)

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The Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt(New York Championship)

Pretty much a random pick here


??? vs The Masked Outlaw

Mystery man usually wins


Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

I currently see Lucha as your number three guy and likely next challenger for Glenn so he picks the win here


Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn © (BAW Championship)

Idol won´t get the title back

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BAW One Step Closer #10

The Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

I really like booking both guys. AFF is a gret flyer and could make a solid underdog champion but me wants to see JVP pick it up first and then we can get AFF back in the race in a few months.


??? vs The Masked Outlaw

New guy always wins...


Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

Mr. Lucha versus KC Glenn in a couple of months... Forget about it!


Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn © (BAW Championship)

Yup... Idol was a good first Champion and is a good winner of the first Supremacy thing but KC has to retain. Regardless of Idol complaining or not... Glenn is your man!

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BAW One Step Closer #10

The Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Amazing Fire Fly is like his name.. Amazing.

??? vs The Masked Outlaw

You have been complaining about Outlaw, and as usual, Mystery Man takes home the win :)

Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

You COULD be pushing Donte Dunn, but I still think you need Mr. Lucha in the main event, as to not have a million Idol vs. Glenn matches.

Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn © (BAW Championship)

Glenn was in the top of your top10, and also, not time for him to drop it yet :)


Also, yay for me getting 4/4 :)

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The Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)


I just like Jay Van Pelt better.


??? vs The Masked Outlaw


Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn


Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn (C) (BAW Championship)


I don't think Glenn will lose the title this quickly.

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BAW One Step Closer #10

Week 3, January 2011

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 64



Without Noel Madden around, the locker room was a much more pleasant environment. Not perfect, but definitely a better place to be. As I make my way through, I overhear KC Glenn & Dylan Sidle having an animated conversation about motorbikes. The two of them really seemed to be bonding. The same could be said of Sozen Ishinomori and my new Referee Jonathan Taylor, who apparently share a passion for History.


Main Show:

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt

New York Championship

These two start the show off with a New York City Street Fight for the brand new New York the victory to become the very first New York Champion.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 8:58

Extraordianrio Jr vs The Masked Outlaw

Next we have the in-ring debut of Extraordinario Jt, and.... damn, this is better than the opener! I’m going to put this down to Extraordinario, even if the crowd hate his gimmick. Extraordinario picked up an impressive win on debut.


Winner: Extraordinario Jr in 7:06

KC Glenn/Sozen Ishinomori/Brendan Idol Segment

Brendan Idol makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand.


Idol: “After my victory in the Struggle For Survival match last month, tonight I will be getting a rematch for the BAW Championship I lost at the end of last year. I can assure you that....”


Idol is cut off by Sozen Ishinomori who hits the ring and begins to pound away on Idol with a steel chair, before hitting the double handed choke bomb. He stands over the fallen Idol, and salutes to the booing crowd.


KC Glenn then walks out to the ring with a mic and addresses Idol.

Glenn:I can assure you Brendan that all that’s going to happen tonight is KC Glenn walking out of here still the BAW Champion, my associate here has just made sure of that.”


With that Glenn drops the mic on Idol and makes his way to the back with the giant Sozen Ishinomori in tow, leaving a broken Brendan Idol lying flat on his back in the middle of the ring.

Notes: Not too bad from these guys, about on par with the segments of recent weeks.

Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

Wow, tonight just keeps getting better! This is again a really good match, and the best of the night so far. Mr Lucha picks up the win to try and build some momentum for a title push.


Winner: Mr Lucha III in 11:43

Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn ©

BAW Championship

After winning the Struggle For Survival match last month, Brendan Idol get’s a rematch for the title he lost to Glenn. However, things don’t look good for the ex-champ as he comes out with his ribs taped up after the beating he took earlier in the show. The match was the best of the night, and rounded off a really good show. The only downside of the match was that Harvey struggled to keep up with the action at times. This is the second time this has happened, and something I couldn’t really afford to become a habit. Harvey really needed to pick up his game in the future.


Brendan Idol put in a good showing, with lots of sustained offence. However, just when it looked like Idol was about to pick up the win, Glenn would get a shot in at his injured ribs to get back into the match. As the match wore on, Idol started looking more and more fatigued and eventually it caught up with him. KC Glenn picked up the victory to retain his title.


Winner: KC Glenn in 16:57


Match of the night: Main Event

Trash of the night: Nothing was terrible! A new best show for BAW!


Next time: With KC Glenn & the giant Sozen Ishinomori joining forces, can anyone in BAW stop them?

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I went into the first Creative of the year feeling positive. We had really started the year with a bang, and I hoped that we could really capitalise on that. Regional by the end of the year was the aim, and if we kept putting on shows like yesterdays we had a real chance of achieving that.


We spent the majority of ‘Creative’ discussing the possibility of holding two shows a month. Harvey said that it was possible since we were making money, but he would prefer to wait a little while until we started so that we could create a ‘buffer’ in case things went wrong. He told me that the last show had lost $4580 which was about average for us, and would be easily covered by our sponsorship deal.


On my way back from ‘Creative’ I picked up my local paper for the month, to see how the ‘competition’ was doing.







FREEDOM joining the Regional battle had really changed the complexion of it. FREEDOM were a much bigger company than any of the rest of us, and we were by far the smallest. Once again NYCW had beaten PSW, and they must be very, very close to overtaking PSW now...


This Month

funkyzafara 4/4

1234 3/4

Zergon 3/4

flat doughnut 3/4

BHK1978 3/4


Since this is a new year, these are the overall standing now as well. Congratulations to funkyzafara for getting all 4 this month :)

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The month started off with bad news, I was going to lose Ant-Man! He’d signed a development deal with RIPW, and had performed in his last show for us. It was a real blow, as I’d just come up with a storyline for Ant-Man to have a run at the title. Why else would I have put a 330lb giant as the champs bodyguard? Right, now I needed to come up with a new idea, and fast!


I signed a replacement for Ant-Man fairly quickly, but I had to go through a few guys to find someone. Ant-Man was a big loss, not only for his in-ring ability, but because he was on a very cheap contract. Finding someone else with talent to work for that much was more difficult than I had imagined.


A couple of days later, I receive then news I have been dreading. CZCW have made an offer for KC Glenn. At least he wouldn’t be leaving us, but if my last two lead Heel’s are anything to go by, this could be the start of something bad for us.


Now WEXXV are making an offer for Sozen Ishinomori? I guess working in Japan would make more sense for him, but come on! I haven’t even had the chance to start developing him yet!



BAW One Step Closer #11

Chris Flynn vs Donte Dunn

Extraordinario Jr vs DeCipher

Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

Amazing Fire Fly vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)


OOC: 1234 do you want to change your title run pick now, seeing as Ant-Man was stolen away from me :(

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Chris Flynn vs Donte Dunn

Flynn haven´t been doing all that much yet while Dunn have had some good matches


Extraordinario Jr vs DeCipher

Jr. takes a win here


Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

Lucha continues his quest for the title


Amazing Fire Fly vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Glenn wouln´t lose to Fire Fly no matter how amazing he is

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BAW One Step Closer #11

Chris Flynn vs Donte Dunn

Donte Dunn is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.

Extraordinario Jr vs DeCipher

Extraordinario is quite cool, he just needs some pop in US.

Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

Mr. Lucha needs to get some more championship shots.

Amazing Fire Fly vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Amazing is the New York champ, not big enough for BAW champ. Also KC Glenn = glorious.

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OOC: 1234 do you want to change your title run pick now, seeing as Ant-Man was stolen away from me :(


I feel like im not getting a prize, this is more like work :p

Im going to go for Extraordinario Jr. this time.


Chris Flynn vs Donte Dunn

Extraordinario Jr vs DeCipher

Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

Amazing Fire Fly vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

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BAW One Step Closer #11

Week 3, February 2011

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 59



My backstage environment seems to be improving by the week! This week things were helped by Jonathan Taylor turning up with enough alcohol to float a battleship! After telling the boys to wait until after the show, I quietly tell Jonathan to hold a few back for me.


Main Show:

Chris Flynn vs Donte Dunn

This wasn’t a great opener from these two. Chris Flynn received a negative reaction from the crowd, which doesn’t bode well for the future. Donte Dunn picked up the win in an attempt to build him some momentum.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:43

Extraordianrio Jr vs DeCipher

This match was better than the one that proceeded it, even if Extraordinario did look like he was a little off his game tonight. Extraordinario picked up the victory to add fuel to his push up the card.


Winner: Extraordinario Jr in 8:12

Extraordinario Jr Promo

Extraordinario stays in ring after his match, and grabs a mic


Extraordinario: “I have come BAW to clear company of people like DeCipher. It is my ultimate destiny to win BAW Championship!”


Crowd politely applauds.


Extraordinario: “Until I get my chance at the belt, I will continue my work. Which is to clear BAW of bad guys!”

He drops the mic and makes his way to the back, to the polite applause of a slightly bemused crowd.

Notes: My creative team told me that Extraordinario was my best man on the mic, but they forgot to tell me that he doesn’t speak fluent English... idiots! This didn’t match up to some of the angles we’ve put on over the last few months.

Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

These two bought the quality of the show back up, by putting on the best match of the night so far. Outlaw looked much better in this match than he has in most of his matches recently, but it was Lucha who picked up the win.


Winner: Mr Lucha III in 9:49

Amazing Fire Fly vs KC Glenn ©

BAW Championship

After winning the New York Championship last month, I decided to give Fire Fly a shot at the top title. The kid didn’t disappoint, putting on a match that was right up there with the best matches in BAW history. Probably only the title match between Idol and Glenn last month could top it. In the end though, it was KC Glenn who picked up the victory and retained his title.


Winner: KC Glenn in 16:48


Match of the night: Main Event

Trash of the night: Extraordinario Promo


Next time: KC Glenn looks like he’s on a roll. Who’s going to be the next man to step up to the plate and challenge him?

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At ‘Creative’ the next day I finally voiced a thought I’d had ever since we rose to small. I suggested that we extend our shows to 90 minutes, to allow more of our wrestlers to be used. Harvey was against the idea due to the extra costs involved, but as I pointed out we were making over 10k each month thanks to his sponsorship deal. He eventually agreed on the condition that we raised our ticket prices by $2 to cover our losses. I wasn’t thrilled to do this, but I accepted the deal. Harvey then told me the last show had cost us $3,964. Which was one of our less expensive shows recently.


Walking away from ‘Creative’ happy to have got my extra 30 minutes, I picked up my traditional paper to see what they thought of our last show:







Another good result for us, if we could put on these type of shows on a regular basis we may be able to compete with NYCW and PSW soon....



This Month

Zergon 4/4

Michigan Hero 4/4

funkyzafara 4/4

BHK1978 4/4

1234 4/4


This Year

funkyzafara 8/8

1234 7/8

Zergon 7/8

BHK1978 7/8

Michigan Hero 4/4

flat doughnut 3/4


Thanks for the predictions guys! Quite an easy month this time, with everyone getting all 4 right!

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The month starts as normal, with an email informing me that we had come last in the Regional Battle this month... I get it! I also received an email telling me that MOSC have gone out of business, which is a shame. My final email informs me that Sozen Ishinomori took the PPA deal with WEXXV, good for him!


A couple of days later I received a call from Mark, telling me to meet him and Harvey that afternoon. Their news annoyed me greatly... there’s no other way to put it. Mark informed me that after talking with Harvey he had decided to lift his rule on hiring wrestlers who lacked physical toughness. ‘Cool,’ I had thought, ‘This could open up a few more possible signings.’


However, Mark then told me that he was introducing a new rule. He didn’t want wrestlers who lacked in ring Psychology on the roster. To make things worse, he told me that two of our current guys weren’t up to scratch! Sozen Ishinomori and Donte Dunn, he told me, would have to shape up or be released when their contracts came to an end.


This caused some problems for me. I had plans for both of those wrestlers, and to make things worse Dunn’s contract was up in 2 months. I needed to work out a way to raise his Psychology to Mark and Harvey’s required standard... and fast!


This may have been playing on my mind when I received a memo that SWF had released one of their undercarders. So I did something either very clever or very stupid... oh well if Donte Dunn has to leave, I’d have needed a new Heel in a couple of months anyway!


Even with the extra 30 minutes, I still struggled to fit everyone onto the card, and ended up having to give Amazing Fire Fly the month off...


BAW One Step Closer #12

Extraordinario Jr vs Outlaw

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Nigel Svennsson vs ???

??? vs DeCipher

Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt

Mr Lucha vs Glenn


Bonus Point: Guess my new signing

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If you are really having a hard time trying to get everybody work and you have enough to do so hold a pre-show battle royal. I do it all of the time and it works like a charm. Plus you sometimes see a ton of your workers improve their stats because they are working with so many other workers.


BAW One Step Closer #12


Extraordinario Jr vs Outlaw


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn


If Donte is out the door, I think that Cal should pick up the win here.


Nigel Svennsson vs ???


??? vs DeCipher


Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt


Mr Lucha vs Glenn


Bonus Point: I know it is not but Big Smack Scott!!!

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BAW One Step Closer #12

Extraordinario Jr vs Outlaw

Jr seems to be on a push.


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Dunn's leaving so time for him to job.


Nigel Svennsson vs ???

Could go either way.


??? vs DeCipher

I doubt DeCipher will win.


Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt

Face to win to set up another match against Glenn.


Mr Lucha vs Glenn

Too soon to change champion.


Lets just have a random guess, John Greed is your mystery man.

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