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NYCW: Old School 'Til We Die

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Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey

It might be time. It might.


Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright

Lee's worth a lot les than Steve.



The Ring Generals vs. Fumihiro Ota & The New York Doll

No thrown-together team takes out the champs.


Ford Gumble vs. Ernest Youngman

Draw. Accelerate Earnest's push while not devaluing Gumble.



Sammy the Shark vs. Kentucky Bill

Yeah but no.


Tamara McFly & Connie Morris vs. Emma Bitch & Tamara McFly

How can she lose?

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Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey

I love 'Smasher. Give him the gold!


Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright

Flashy deserves a last bit of glory



The Ring Generals vs. Fumihiro Ota & The New York Doll

named team...


Ford Gumble vs. Ernest Youngman

Love the shades



Sammy the Shark vs. Kentucky Bill

Poor Sammy


Tamara McFly & Connie Morris vs. Emma Bitch & Tamara McFly

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Just noticed that Tamara McFly is apparently wrestling on both sides in the women's match. It should actually read Tamara McFly & Connie Morris vs. Emma Bitch & Stephanie Wade.


Show'll be up Saturday as usual, folks!


If any woman could wrestle on both sides of the same match, it'd be Tammy. She's just that good!

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NYCW Brooklyn Broadside

Saturday, Week 4, November

Live to DVD from The Home of Old School

Audience: 1,847


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


Amber Allen vs. Rachel Ruin

With the rest of the women’s division on the show, I decided to give these two a run out in the dark. As should be expected from these two, it wasn’t a bad match at all, with the heat being better than I expected and the action also being pretty decent. Rachel’s main virtues are her charisma and her enthusiasm: a lot of her offence is basically random kicking, but she’s at least entertaining to watch and always puts in 100%. As for Amber, she’s a good worker who simply needs the breaks, and tonight was probably her first in a while as she took the win here, putting Rachel away with the Northern Lights Suplex

Winner: Amber Allen Match Rating: D+


Old School Principals vs. The Atlantic Connection

I should probably have switched this one with the previous match- these two teams never deliver against each other. The main reason for this match was to give the Principals a win- they’ve plummeted to the bottom of the roster in recent months, and whilst I don’t see them as major names anymore they deserve better than that. As for the Connection, they’re jobbers and they’re cheap so I might as well keep them around, even if they never do deliver great matches. Sanders got the win for his team tonight, forcing Riley to tap out to the Figure Four leglock.

Winners: Old School Principals Match Rating: D


The Show


Ford Gumble vs. Ernest Youngman

We kicked things off tonight with one of our hottest young stars and our least promising top guys. Ford’s a solid worker, and has a habit of producing a great match when it looks like I’m going to get rid of him, but can’t always be relied upon to deliver great matches, and has a very average moveset, although to be fair he’s a decent all-rounder. As for Ernest, his star is rapidly in the ascendant and he’s one of our best technical wrestlers, but he still has gaps in the playbook and is incredibly young to be a top guy. With that in mind, I put Ford over here, though that was via DQ after both Rhino Umaga and Honest Frank interfered.

Winner: Ford Gumble Match Rating: C




After the bell has rung the heels continue their attack on Ford, and whilst the Tornado does his best to hold out the odds are definitely against him, and Frank’s able to get in a lucky brass knuckle shot on him. Fortunately, before the bad guys can capitalise on their momentum Steve Flash hits the ring, throwing dropkicks and forearm shots like a madman to drive them off, much to the excitement of the crowd.

Rating: D




Tamara McFly & Connie Morris vs. Stephanie Wade & Emma Bitch

If there’s one thing you can count in, it’s our top four female workers, all of whom have a solid talent base. Okay, so Emma may well be on the way out (her contract’s coming up and I want to wait and see before re-signing her), but she’s still a solid worker when she’s not getting high, and in the ring with talent like Connie or Tammy she’s always capable of delivering. As for Stephanie, I’m still not convinced that she’s got what it takes to hold the title but I’m willing to be convinced, and there’s a strong possibility that she may just take it down the line. As for the faces, both Connie and Tammy are among our most reliable workers, and Tammy in particular is constitutionally incapable of giving less than 110% in every match. She took the win here, nailing Emma with a McFly roll and pin whilst Connie kept Steph from breaking the pin by simple expedient of throwing her out of the ring.

Winners: Tamara McFly & Connie Morris Match Rating: C-




As usual we’re headed to the Interview Position, where Fumihiro Ota and The New York Doll are on hype duty for their match


“Y’know, it seems like everyone overlooks The New York Doll. And I’ve decided that enough is enough! Tonight, I’m taking back the spotlight, starting with the NYCW Tag Team Titles! Statler, Waldorf, this ain’t nothing personal, but when me and Ota get in that ring we ain’t walking out again until those belts are around our waists. So stay down, stand back or get wacked, ‘cos I am DONE being ignored round here!”


“Like a shadow in the night, the Super Ninja strikes. The titles are already around his waist in the spirit, and soon will be in the flesh”


Given that neither man has much momentum or a great deal of name value (Ota’s dropped into the midcard just recently as the focus has shifted to others), this wasn’t bad.

Rating: C-




The Ring Generals vs. The New York Doll & Fumihiro Ota

This wasn’t a great match by the standards of our tag division, but then that’s one of the best things about the company so I can’t be too disappointed with this pretty solid effort. Doll in particular was showing a lot of effort tonight, and whilst his momentum isn’t much to write home about he worked hard and generally did a pretty good job. As for Ota, he didn’t put in as much work as Doll, but as the most talented person in the ring he still looked pretty good, outwrestling both Statler & Waldorf, and coming close to getting the win at the 8 minute mark with a quick roll-up. In the end, though, the champs experience was the deciding factor, and they were able to isolate the Doll and hit the Squared Circle Assault to score the win and retain the titles.

Winner: The Ring Generals Match Rating: C-




Sammy the Shark vs. Kentucky Bill

This was nothing more than a squash match to introduce our newest signing, but it was a decent match for all that. Bill was brought in to provide a bit more balance to a slightly heel-heavy roster, and whilst I don’t see him as a long-term prospect he’s good for a few months until another option presents itself. He proved that tonight, bumping well for Sammy and putting the champ over as a sneaky, conniving little weasel. In the end, of course, Sammy took this one, hitting The Ace in the Hole at the 5 and a half minute mark and scoring the pinfall with a classic ‘****y’ pin (one foot on the chest and posing).

Winner: Sammy the Shark Match Rating: D+




Back at the Interview Position Atom Smasher’s on hype duty for the main event


“The time has come. The atomic clock has reached The Final Countdown, and the battle between all that is good and all that is evil has reached its apex. Cameron, tonight you will be facing the champion of Good, bathed in the nuclear energy of the sun of a thousand victorious champions and ready to run roughshod over the shadow of your evil. The Light WILL return, and tonight begins it’s triumph over the Dark Side of wrestling”


Okay, so sometimes Atom Smasher sounds like a cheesy science fiction novel, but at least he always gets a good reaction

Rating: C




No sooner has Atom Smasher finished his promo than a commotion breaks out behind the camera and we pan round to reveal Lee Wright and Steve Flash engaged in a full-on fight. We follow them as they brawl through the arena, slamming each other into doors, walls and any other available flat surface. Eventually, they make their way out to the ring for their match, to a reaction that’s pretty much as good as we get round here.

Rating: D




Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright

Alright, so this was a pretty standard semi-main event match for us, but it’s worth bearing in mind that the combined ages of these two men is 99, which may be one of the highest combined ages for a main event match in the whole continent. As I said during the match, though, all that means is that they’ve got nearly a hundred years’ worth of experience in wrestling, and when you combine the number of different styles these guys have worked with that makes for one heck of match. Alright, so in actuality it was a fairly standard old-school match, with Lee throwing Steve around and Steve playing the underdog babyface role he’s been doing on and off since…oh, about 1984, I’d think. In the end, though, a mistimed Avalanche by Lee gave Steve the room to get his offence going, and after softening up his neck with a series of submission holds (almost all of which kept Lee on his feet- with his back you’re better off not calling for a big back bump) Steve nailed the Flash Bang for the victory.

Winner: Steve Flash Match Rating: C




Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey

This was only the second time these two have ever wrestled each other one-on-one (I think the last one was back at The Showdown in July), and given that they’re two of the best wrestlers we’ve got it was predictably good, making it straight in at number one on the top 10. Like I said, though, that’s hardly surprising: Cameron’s everything an NYCW worker should be- solid on the mat and as a brawler, moderately charismatic and thoroughly kayfabe in his character- and against a worker with Atom Smasher’s flair and big power moves that made for a good match. The story, always a key part of what we do, revolved around Cameron’s usual ****y attitude coming up against Atom Smasher’s power offence, with the champ’s usual smirk being knocked off his face almost immediately thanks to Smasher throwing him almost the length of the ring. Cameron fought back, though, scoring a two count off the turnbuckle powerbomb, and for a while the match was all big slams and suplexes. After a while, though, the sheer impact began to tell on the two competitors, as could be told from the fact that Atom Smasher nearly won with a simple lariat, and as we reached the 15 minute mark it took Queen Emily distracting the ref and Cameron smacking Smasher with a baseball bat for the ostensibly exhausted champ to retain the title.

Winner: Cameron Vessey Match Rating: C+



Overall Rating: C, and our third best show of the last two years.

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Normally at this point I have a look at the predictions and see who got more, thereby earning the right to a question. However, only two people predicted, and since that's really not that many I've decided that both of you can ask a question of any NYCW superstar you wish, except Ernest Youngman and Victoria Stone- since they got asked last time, and I want to encourage some rotation in the questions.
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Woot. I love this diary. The interview position is class.


For Sammy the Shark:


"You've been on a miserable run recently but picked up a decent win last week over Kentucky Bill. Are things looking up or was it just a case that even a broken clock is right twice a day?"

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Huzzah! And I have a question in the bank, as well.


Question for The Masked Mauler: How did you come to be the latest wearer of that esteemed mask of yours?


Question for Rachel Ruin: Where would you like to see your career in five years' time?

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Buddy Rogers’ New York Minute


Another year’s almost done in NYCW, and as we once again come up on Fairytale of New York I figured it was time for another one of my longer columns. Last year, of course, I looked at how successful Hugh’s first year in the booking job had been, and I had thought about doing that again for his second year, but it didn’t seem like the right thing to do for a couple of reasons. One, I hate repeating myself, and with his usual flair Hugh’s basically had the exact same year he had last time, just with different names. Two, with the company moving into The Home of Old School it seems like now is a time to be looking forward, not back, and with that in mind I’ve decided to do something a little different this time round.


Every year NYCW has a group of break-out stars- guys who go from being low down on the totem pole to being key parts of the company, either as top guys like Cameron Vessey or as rock-solid pillars of the midcard like Remmy Honeyman or Natural Storm. So, with another new year on the horizon and Hugh Dansigny still firmly ensconced in the booking role I figured it’d be appropriate to try and identify some of the people I think could be 2012’s breakout stars.



The New York Doll: This may seem like an odd choice- after all, the Doll’s been in NYCW for nearly half a decade now, and never made much of an impact- but it does seem like he might finally get a chance to really shine. For one thing, his new ‘mad as hell and not going to take it any more’ character seems to have really caught on, and after his fiery promo last month and several good, if often ignored, matches over the last year NYCW’s booking team have apparently started to rally behind the Doll. What’s also telling is the rumour, as yet unconfirmed by NYCW officials, that he’s to be placed in a storyline with new signing Cowboy Buck Winchester. Alright, so this is hardly the biggest storyline in the world (especially when you consider the sheer number of feuds springing up in the company right now) but what’s significant here is that Buck’s only just started wrestling, which means that Doll’s effectively being called upon to play the experienced worker and take the lead in the feud. If that doesn’t show that the company has confidence in him to do well, I don’t know what does.


‘Miss Wrestling’ Brooke Tyler: Brooke’s a completely new signing, so this may seem like a risky choice, but I get the feeling that NYCW really like Brooke. For one thing, like Amber Allen (who she’s apparently going to be feuding with) she’s a rock solid technician with enough star quality to cover for her rather one-dimensional playbook. For another thing, she’s already announced as the newest member of the Pearce Collective, Kristen Pearce’s stable, and given that her stablemates include the current Tri-State champion and a team that Hugh’s frequently identified as ‘the number three team in the whole US, outside The New Wave and The Machines’ it’s fair to say that that’s a big endorsement of her abilities.


Amber Allen: Like The New York Doll Double A’s been with NYCW for a while without making much of an impact, largely due to the size of the women’s division, but like him I think this could be a breakout year for her. After all, we’ve been hearing for a while about how Hugh’s a fan of her work, and the recent expansion of the women’s division from six workers to eight has allowed her to step up to a more solidly midcard role in the division, behind the top stars like Tammy and Stephanie. Plus, her new feud with Brooke Tyler marks her first major storyline with the company, hopefully a sign of things to come. If pushed, I’d probably say she’s the most likely person on this list to actually break out: she’s got the talent to hold the women’s title, and whilst I don’t see her taking it straight away it’s possible that she’ll capture it towards the back end of 2012, possibly earlier if her feud with Brooke really takes off.


The Lone Star Express: Alright, so technically this is a tag team, not a single worker, but the Lone Star Express are potentially the break-out tag team of 2012. They had a good 2011, embarking on a feud with Natural Storm that produced several good matches, but didn’t really stand out from the rest of the tag division. Come 2012, though, and their feud with Natural Storm is still ongoing and they’re starting to develop enough experience to really make their mark. It’s also worth pointing out that both Bradley and Dave have shown a decent amount of individual improvement- Bradley in particular has sharpened up his skills considerably. All in all, these two could become rocks of the midcard for quite some time to come.


Ernest Youngman: This one’s just easy. Youngman’s very close to being the next Cameron Vessey, and whilst I’m inclined to think that his team with Rhino Umaga is rather holding him back, it’s easy to forget that he’s just 18 years old, and if he is being held back it’s not like he can’t make a comeback in a few years. This guy’s possibly the ultimate embodiment of what Hugh calls ‘Steakhouse wrestling’ (essentially lots of technical wrestling and brawling with a strong story behind it- all steak, no sizzle, see?), and given that his style’s such a perfect fit for NYCW Hugh’s got to be salivating over the possibilities when this guy finally gets his hands on the Empire Title. That being said, whilst I think Ernest will be a huge star for NYCW one day, I don’t see him being that much of a breakout star for them in 2012: will he be dominating the midcard and the tag ranks? Almost certainly. Will he be competing in the main event? Maybe, but it would be a bit of a surprise at this stage in his career.




The card for NYCW’s final show of the year, NYCW Fairytale of New York 2011, has been released, and currently looks like this:



Cameron Vessey vs. Atom Smasher vs. Lee Wright vs. Ford Gumble


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



Tamara McFly vs. Stephanie Wade



The Pearce Collective (Sammy the Shark & Natural Storm) & The New York Doll vs. Team Texas (Cowboy Buck Winchester & The Lone Star Express) & Remmy Honeyman


Amber Allen vs. Emma Bitch



And now for the fan questions! Firstly, this one from Regis:


For The Masked Mauler: “How did you come to be the latest wearer of that esteemed mask of yours?”


The Mauler: It really came about when I joined up with NYCW. Prior to then I’d been working under my given name, William Franklyn, and whilst I’d like to think I’d been doing okay truth is I wasn’t much more than a indy scene journeyman with a reputation for being a good hand behind the scenes. But around 2001, 2002, NYCW were going through some money issues and brought me in for a few dates because I was willing to work cheap. Evidently I impressed them enough to bring me back, and it was at that point that Stomper told me ‘you’re a good guy but you need a proper gimmick- here’s a mask, you finish people with the Iron Claw now’. To be fair, if I’d really wanted to say no they probably wouldn’t have forced me, but I actually really enjoyed playing the Mauler- the persona’s such an out-and-out heel that you don’t have to worry about what to do in a match, you just go with the next most obvious dirty tactic.



Next up, we’ll go for one from Boltinho:


For Sammy the Shark: “You've been on a miserable run recently but picked up a decent win last week over Kentucky Bill. Are things looking up or was it just a case that even a broken clock is right twice a day?”


Sammy the Shark: A great philosopher once said ‘You got to know when to hold them, know when to fold ‘em’. To me that means you gotta know when you’re beat, identify that you’re off form and just find a way to get back in the saddle and get yourself a win. I’ll admit, my personal form was off for quite a while, and even when I managed to get the Tri-State title off of Jesse Christian that was more grit than inspiration, but I do feel like now I’m starting to get back to proper, match-winning form, and hopefully I’ll stay that way for quite a while.


Finally we have another question from Regis:


For Rachel Ruin: "Where would you like to see your career in five years' time?"


Rachel: Right now I want to focus on my career in the here and now, rather than spend too much time imagining what the future might be. Hopefully I’ll still be in work, have a title reign or two to my name, and maybe move beyond NYCW to working with AAA or the CWWF, but to me there’s no real point wasting time on speculation when there’s still stuff I’ve got to work on right now.

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Cameron Vessey vs. Atom Smasher vs. Lee Wright vs. Ford Gumble

I'll keep predicting it until it comes true, damn it all!

Also, is that Ford Gumble? In the Main Event? Where he gets really nervous? Again?


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank

He needs a win to regain some cred at the top, I think. Though he'll cheat, of course.



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse

Not a chance that Rhino and Earnest will win this soon.



Tamara McFly vs. Stephanie Wade

It's never been wrong so far!



The Pearce Collective (Sammy the Shark & Natural Storm) & The New York Doll vs. Team Texas (Cowboy Buck Winchester & The Lone Star Express) & Remmy Honeyman

New York Doll in acceptable ratings shocker!


Amber Allen vs. Emma Bitch

AA can go on to be a new challenger for Tammy's title.

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Cameron Vessey vs. Atom Smasher vs. Lee Wright vs. Ford Gumble

You know I love Smasher


Steve Flash vs. Honest FrankFlash is still the man but the knuckles are coming out



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse

F&F too green still



Tamara McFly vs. Stephanie Wade

Steoph is doing good biz for me managing Sharky George and the Melbourne Blondes



The Pearce Collective (Sammy the Shark & Natural Storm) & The New York Doll vs. Team Texas (Cowboy Buck Winchester & The Lone Star Express) & Remmy Honeyman

Just backing the Doll here really


Amber Allen vs. Emma Bitch


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Cameron Vessey vs. Atom Smasher vs. Lee Wright vs. Ford Gumble

Its the Nuclear Power era



Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank

While Flash may be leaving soon ( since he seems to usually be tapped to become the NOTBPW booker, especially if Jeremy Stone takes over) he is still better than Frank




The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse

Ring Generals are doing good things in my dynasty




Tamara McFly vs. Stephanie Wade

whats the point of being married to the booker if you can't get the title out of it?



The Pearce Collective (Sammy the Shark & Natural Storm) & The New York Doll vs. Team Texas (Cowboy Buck Winchester & The Lone Star Express) & Remmy Honeyman

While Sammy and NYD have disappointed in my game, they do develop for others


Amber Allen vs. Emma Bitch

Because she is a real bitch

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:36px;">NYCW Fairytale of New York 2011</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">

Saturday, Week 4, December</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">

Live to DVD from The Home of Old School</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">

Audience: 1, 805</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">Pre-Show/DVD Extras</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Miss Wrestling vs. Sally Anne Christianson</strong></p><p>

This wasn’t a bad way to introduce the two newest members of the women’s division, but it could’ve been better. Unfortunately, despite Stomper’s abilities as a road agent neither Brooke nor Sally Anne have what it takes to really take a script and make it work in the ring, and there were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and with a crowd like ours that’s never a good thing. Having said that, there were times when the pair managed to string some holds together that the crowd were definitely interested in, and Brooke’s got the charisma to hold their interest. In the end she took this one, hooking Sally into the Brooke Breaker (Full Nelson Camel Clutch).</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Miss Wrestling <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em>D</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">The Show</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“It’s Saturday Night at The Home of Old School, and it’s time for NYCW Fairytale of New York 2011! Fans we’ve got a fantastic card for you tonight, with Kristen Pearce’s Collective taking on ‘Rock Solid’ Remmy Honeyman and Team Texas, the Women’s and Tag Team Titles on the line, and in tonight’s Main Event Cameron Vessey defends the Empire Title against Lee Wright, The Tulsa Tornado Ford Gumble and his arch-nemesis The Radioactive Wrecking Machine Atom Smasher!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Who keeps booking these Four-Way Dance matches? Unoriginal much?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“You might think it’s unoriginal Hugh, but it’s just a reflection of the quality of talent we have here in New York City Wrestling! Any one of tonight’s challengers is worthy of holding the title, but when you throw all of them in the ring with Vessey then you’re guaranteed a classic match!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“You certainly have four very different styles in there. Lee’s background is in Puroresu, whilst Atom Smasher’s a classic power guy and Ford’s a fast-moving cruiserweight, and as for Cameron…well, he’s one of the finest all-rounders in the world right now. Plus, you’ve got to remember that this isn’t just a four-way dance, this is Frontline vs. Old School, and that always adds some spice to proceedings”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“That’s a good point, Hugh- there’s a reason Victoria Stone has referred to NYCW as a War Zone whenever the Frontline and The Old School share a ring”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Ah, Vicky hasn’t had a backbone since she retired- there’s nothing more entertaining than watching Cameron and Lee kick the h*ll out of those lunks in the Frontline. Tonight won’t be any different- there is no way that either Atom Smasher or Ford Gumble are walking out of the ring tonight as Empire Champion”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“I’ve said it before Hugh, but it bears repeating- you should never dismiss as talented a pair as Ford and Smasher. Both of these guys are amongst the finest wrestlers in the US right now, and all it takes is for one of them to nail one move, be it a Savate Kick or The Mushroom Cloud, and we could very well have a new Champion”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Yeah, but that’s ignoring the fact that Cameron and Lee have Queen Emily in their corner, and she’s way too smart to let those guys get their chance. Mark my words, tonight is going to be an Old School night”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“Whatever happens, Hugh, I can guarantee that tonight’s going to be a Ring a Ding Dong Dandy of an Event!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Leaving aside Rock’s rather ridiculous ending line (Ring-a-ding-dong-Dandy? What does that even <em>mean</em>?) this was as good as any of our hype angles</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Pearce Collective & The New York Doll vs. Remmy Honeyman & Team Texas</strong></p><p>

This was a good match- nothing really special, but a decent match. The main problem was the sheer number of bodies participating: when you’ve got eight men to get their spots in things can get very crowded, plus Eddie and Dazzling Dave were a little off form and Buck’s psychology wasn’t really up to snuff. That being said, The Doll’s continuing to prove his worth, and whilst they might have not had the best form tonight all three of Team Texas did a lot to prove their worth, kicking things off tonight with a hugely entertaining brawl at ringside whilst Remmy and Deec did their thing in the ring. Remmy was able to score the first elimination, nailing Deec with the Honeyman Special and rolling through for a pinfall, before Eddie leapt him from behind and hitting The Giant Kick. One A Storm is Coming later and Remmy had gone down, rapidly following by Cowboy Buck after The Doll hit the Leg Drop (and I really must find a better finisher, that’s just boring). The Lone Star Express staged a valiant fight back, with Bradley in particular taking the lion’s share of the fighting, but in the end that counted against him as the remaining three opponents ganged up on him and eventually eliminated him with a Crash & Burn from Eddie. That left Dazzling Dave, and as usual he was all fired up, flattening all three guys with aplomb before sending Eddie out with a Diamond Mine. The Doll went next, courtesy of a Dazzle Driver, before Sammy finally eliminated a fired-up Dave Diamond by dint of a baseball bat shot to the kidneys and a roll-up with his foot on the ropes.</p><p>

<strong>Winners:</strong> The Pearce Collective & The New York Doll <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

After the match has finished we cut backstage to the NYCW Interview Position, where Sammy, the Doll and Natural Storm have made their way for a promo</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Tonight we proved who was holding all the aces, and I gotta say I liked it. Sure, those dumb rednecks were just about drunk enough to cause us some trouble, but I gotta say I was disappointed by Remmy. C’mon Honeyman, how on earth do you expect to take my title if you can’t even stop an obvious ambush? It’s really quite sad, what do you say Doll?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Frankly, Sammy, I haven’t heard anything so stupid since the last time Atom Smasher opened his mouth. This goes out to everyone on the NYCW roster: I am DONE being the fall guy! From now on, The New York Doll is heading straight for the top, and if you get in my way I’m gonna kick your @ss so fast your head’ll spin! Stay Down, Stand Back or Get Whacked, but do NOT get in my way, because I am a time bomb you don’t wanna set off!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Geez, someone needs a valium. Eddie, Deec? Any thoughts”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#696969;">“There ain’t no power like a Natural Storm, and me and Deec proved that tonight. Next time I’m in the ring with Bradley or Dave, it’ll be different.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#2F4F4F;">“Lone Stars, Buck, Remmy, there’s no better feeling that kicking in some poor fool’s head, and I am gonna take great pleasure in repeating tonight any time it looks like you’re gonna step out of line”</span></p><p> </p><p>

I’ve expanded tonight’s show to 2 hours, allowing for more interview segments like this one. We’ll see how it goes overall, but this wasn’t a great success: Doll and Sammy are decent talkers but the Storm need a manager, and left to their own devices here they kinda struggled.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D-</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Amber Allen vs. Emma Bitch</strong></p><p>

Amber continues to build momentum, going over here in a solid match that was typical of the women’s division. Emma was also a solid hand: sure, she was every bit as out of it as usual, and she still can’t really sell her opponent’s offence all that well, but her charisma always makes up for that, and she’s started playing up her arrogant side more, which really works. That didn’t help her tonight, though, as a mistimed attempt at The Payback was reversed into the Northern Lights Suplex, giving Amber the victory and a very high profile win.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Amber Allen <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><em>C-</em></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

No sooner has the match finished than Amber’s surprised by a masked woman Rock immediately identifies as NYCW’s newest female signing ‘Miss Wrestling’ Brooke Tyler. Wielding a baseball bat Miss Wrestling beats Amber down into the mat, leaving her laying.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">E-</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

We go backstage to Vicky’s office, where she’s apparently in conversation with The Lone Star Express </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008080;">“So let me get this straight. You two just got your heads kicked in by Kristen Pearce’s mob, and now you want to get back into the ring with Natural Storm, two of the most dangerous men in this company, for a match?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Doggone right, sugah. Y’see, it seems to me that…well, me and Bradley, we like to fight. And the way I figure it, so do Natural Storm, only they don’t fight fair. And I was sayin’ to young Bradley, best way to sort out a couple of low-down cheatin’ scumbags like that is to administer a good ol’ Texas whuppin’, am I right?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008080;">“Well, that’s one way of looking at it, I suppose. But you’re sure you really want to do this? Don’t forget, you wouldn’t just be wrestling Natural Storm, you’d have to take on Kristen Pearce, plus maybe Sammy the Shark or Miss Wrestling is they decide to interfere”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“Beggin’ your pardon, Miss Stone ma’am, but me and Dave ain’t so worried ‘bout a couple of cheats like Mr. Shark or Miss Rasslin’. Way we figure it, if they have to cheat then we have to whip ‘em into shape like a stampeding herd. And grown up on a ranch, I’m kinda used to herdin’ longhorn that don’t wanna go where you point ‘em.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008080;">“Alright- if you guys think you know what you’re doing then I’m not going to stop you. Next month, at Rush Hour, you got it. The Lone Star Express versus Natural Storm. But you know what? I’m going to put in a little stipulation, just to keep things interesting. So next month, when you wrestle the Natural Storm…it’s gonna be a Texas Whipping Match!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Tammy recently got her hands on a load of old TWL tapes (man, I’d forgotten how awesome Referee Billy used to be- one of the best refs, or the best ref?), hence the Texas Whipping stipulation. As for the angle itself, it didn’t get a bad reaction but I wouldn’t call it amazing.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

Once again we’re at the NYCW Interview Position, where Fury & Finesse are on hype duty for the tag title match</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“Tonight, we face what may very well be the most challenging match of our careers. In the field of tag team wrestling there are few teams that could match the expertise of The Ring Generals, but tonight it’s time for the titles to come back to The Old School. And you know why that is, Statler, Waldorf? It’s because we are the best, the very pinnacle, of wrestling. Myself and Rhino Umaga are the Perfect Combination of Fury & Finesse, and tonight things go back to the way they’re supposed to be- with the titles in the hands of The Old School and you boys out on the street begging for money where you belong”</span></p><p> </p><p>

As always Rhino snarls into the camera, and as always the crowd liked this one.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C-</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fury & Finesse vs. The Ring Generals</strong></p><p>

And once again the tag division reminds everyone how good things used to be back in the old days. This was a great match, and alright that always happens when the tag titles are on the line, but still, this was an excellent match, almost the equal of most of our main events. Rhino started out for Fury & Finesse, and against a couple of bump machines like Statler & Waldorf wound up looking like a monster, before the champions were able to nail a double DDT to stall his all-out offence. That brought in Ernest, who slowed things right down with some ferocious mat-based offence, before he too was stalled by the champs’ masterful double-team offence. From that point it looked like the champs had it in the bag, until Emily dragged Statler out of the ring just as he had Ernest down for the pinfall, allowing Rhino to jump him at ringside. That brought Waldorf down for the assist, and after Ernest joined his partner at ringside to brawl with the champs the ref counted both teams out for the draw.</p><p>

<strong>Winners:</strong> None <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

Once again tonight we’re back at the Interview Position, this time for a quick promo from Stephanie Wade ahead of her match later on</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#9932CC;">“So, tonight I’m taking on Tamara McFly for the NYCW Women’s Title. Tammy? I don’t care how long you’ve held that title, One Way or Another it’s coming home with me tonight. I don’t care if you’re good, though frankly you’re just a washed up old hag, tonight when you run into that Superkick you’re gonna run into a really nasty surprise. And when you wake up tonight without that shiny championship belt, you’re gonna remember why they call me the girl with the iron boot”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Steph’s a good talker, but lacks popularity, so this didn’t go over very well.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">E+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“Strong words from Stephanie Wade there ahead of her title match…what the, what’re Atom Smasher and Cameron doing out already?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Sure enough, the champion and his arch-rival come through the curtain, slinging punches at each other furiously. As they make it to ringside Atom Smasher’s apparently gaining the upper hand, only for Lee Wright and Fury & Finesse to appear from backstage to jump him. Fortunately for the Detonation Sensation just as it looks like they’re going to finish him off Steve and Ford come charging out, accompanied by Remmy Honeyman. Things rapidly spiral out of control as all eight men brawl at ringside, slinging blows at one another with aplomb. Biggest pop of the segment probably came when Steve and Ernest went nose-to-nose for a few minutes, before Steve dropkicked him out of the ring and Rhino jumped the veteran from behind. In the end Victoria Stone has to lead security down to the ring to separate the combatants, and even then Smasher and Vessey virtually have to be handcuffed to get them to stop. The reaction to this was interested, but not red-hot.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly</strong></p><p>

This was a solid match, but nothing really special. Stephanie’s got a better all-round game than most of the division, but unfortunately she doesn’t really match anyone in any one area, so she can’t brawl as well as Emma or wrestle like Brooke & Amber; and as for Tammy, she’s always good but needs something special from her foe to lift a match to the truly great (I wonder if I could talk Vicky into un-retiring for one match?). For once Tammy wasn’t having to play the underdog, and for 9 minutes this was a fairly even technical wrestling match, before Stephanie nailed Tammy with a Superkick that had more impact than it should have, laying Tammy out like she’d been hit with a sledgehammer and leaving Stephanie with an easy 3-count to win the title. It was only after the match that Rock pointed out Steph’s peculiar posture, leading him to speculate about whether her boot had been loaded or not during the match</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Stephanie Wade <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C-</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

And once again we’re back at the interview position, where Honest Frank is on hype duty</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“It never ceases to amaze me how some people in this company can hold a grudge. I mean, okay, I really didn’t like Freddie, and maybe I did go over the top just a little when I beat him up, but then Ford goes sticking his nose into my business, and when I beat him old mad Flashy gets it into his head that I’ve cheated to beat Ford and need to be punished for it. I gotta say, it worries me that Steve’s started hallucinating things like a pair of brass knuckles- Steve, you have got to see a doctor, you might have serious brain damage there. So, tonight, I’m going to take it easy on you, so that you can’t get any more damage done to your poor damaged brain. I mean, I don’t want to end your career, honestly</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

And after all…Would I Lie To You?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

As always, Frank delivers gold on the mic.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C-</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank</strong></p><p>

This was as good as all our semi-mains: probably good enough to headline our shows, but not at our absolute best. I’m not quite sure why that is: after all, Steve’s easily more talented than Cameron, and yet Cameron consistently pulls out better ratings, and whilst Frank’s not exactly the greatest worker in the world his charisma and solid fundamentals make him a more than average worker. Still, whilst we can and probably will do better I’m always happy with these matches: Steve and Frank told a solid story, revolving around pitching Steve’s technical ability up against Frank’s dirty tricks and brawling. In the end Steve took this one via DQ, after Frank attempted to nail him with a chair shot, only for Michael Bull to turn round and catch him with the chair.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Steve Flash <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cameron Vessey vs. Atom Smasher vs. Lee Wright vs. Ford Gumble</strong></p><p>

Cameron’s run of excellent title defences has gone on for so long that I’m almost running out of superlatives. Every month, almost without fail, we get a classic match from him that nearly always winds up in the top 5 (this one went straight to number two). A large part of that is, as Rock said earlier, the quality of his opponents- against the likes of Atom Smasher it’s hard to do badly, and even Ford’s pretty good provided everyone else in the match can cover for his occasional weaknesses. Still, though, I can’t figure out exactly what it is about Cameron that means he keeps getting such good grades, though I’m not complaining: as Stomper says ‘when you’re driving a Ferrari you don’t complain about not understanding how the engine works’. As for tonight’s match, Cameron once again took the win, flattening Ford with the Vessey Driver after laying Smasher out with a baseball bat shot. As for Lee, he went to break the pinfall and get his hands on the title but was hauled out of the ring by Emily, continuing his slightly tense relationship with the champion</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Cameron Vessey <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall Rating:</span></strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C</span></span></em>, another great show for us and number 3 on our top 10.</p>

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<p>Hmmm...Texas Whipping Match...interesting...(goes to rewrite the next TWL show).</p><p> </p><p>

Seriously though. Another very good show and I am still amazed at how well your tag division is coming. A 'real' finish in Finesse/Fury v. Generals may have netted a B- and been the best on your card. Kudos!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ajcrible" data-cite="ajcrible" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27892" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hmmm...Texas Whipping Match...interesting...(goes to rewrite the next TWL show).<p> </p><p> Seriously though. Another very good show and I am still amazed at how well your tag division is coming. A 'real' finish in Finesse/Fury v. Generals may have netted a B- and been the best on your card. Kudos!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Small admission: the Texas Whipping match actually comes from WCCW- there's a fun version of it on the Allied Powers DVD- but I figured the TWL is the sort of place where you'd see that in the C-verse (BTW, if you ever want a real-world parrallel with the Texas Outlaws, The Fabulous Freebirds are an interesting variation on that kinda dynamic). The reference to Refree Billy, though, is a definite homage. </p><p> </p><p> As for the tag division, I always tend to focus on it a lot, often to the detriment of the midcard singles title (it's only at about late 2012 that I thought I'd started to really develop the tri-state scene to a decent level in this game, and in other games it's been weaker than that by far). That's mostly a stylistic thing- I've always had a pronounced soft spot for tag teams, right back to when I picked up the old Road Warriors DVD as the second ever wrestling vid in my collection- and partially that's due to the really strong set of teams in the C-verse independent scene. Guys like Eddie Howard, Marv Statler or Ozzie Golden aren't ever going to set the world on fire in singles competition, but they can all be big stars in the tag division (particularly Ozzie, who seems to pick up good tag teams like Floyd Bowman picks up beer bottles).</p>
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Small admission: the Texas Whipping match actually comes from WCCW- there's a fun version of it on the Allied Powers DVD- but I figured the TWL is the sort of place where you'd see that in the C-verse (BTW, if you ever want a real-world parrallel with the Texas Outlaws, The Fabulous Freebirds are an interesting variation on that kinda dynamic). The reference to Refree Billy, though, is a definite homage.


I've heard of the WCCW Texas Whipping matches. And I do try to emulate the Freebirds dynamic with the Outlaws. It is a little more difficult, I think, without the Von Erichs as the straight-laced but terribly over babyfaces. George DeColt is as close as I can come to recreating that type of feel. If I could throw Steve Flash in a time machine, I'd be set!


As for the tag division, I always tend to focus on it a lot, often to the detriment of the midcard singles title (it's only at about late 2012 that I thought I'd started to really develop the tri-state scene to a decent level in this game, and in other games it's been weaker than that by far). That's mostly a stylistic thing- I've always had a pronounced soft spot for tag teams, right back to when I picked up the old Road Warriors DVD as the second ever wrestling vid in my collection- and partially that's due to the really strong set of teams in the C-verse independent scene. Guys like Eddie Howard, Marv Statler or Ozzie Golden aren't ever going to set the world on fire in singles competition, but they can all be big stars in the tag division (particularly Ozzie, who seems to pick up good tag teams like Floyd Bowman picks up beer bottles).


Again, I'm a huge fan of your booking style. You just seem to "get" the regional fed feel. Tag team wrestling is, I feel, something that you have to really put effort into to make it successful in TEW and you obviously have. Experience and positive chemistry are both vitally important to building a good division. I'm not sure how many chemistry notes you've found, but the experience you've built is certainly showing!

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<p>Another show, another set of predictions. Let's see how it went down this time!</p><p> </p><p>

Regis: 2/6</p><p>

Boltinho: 3/6</p><p>

Dragonmack: 2/6</p><p> </p><p>

So, another low-scoring round this time, largely due to my random women's title switch and Cameron retaining the title. And don't worry, the switch is coming, but not for a while and maybe not how you'd expect it (or maybe it is, I'm not so good with identifying predictability). </p><p> </p><p>

Anyway, Boltinho has the win and the right to ask a question of any NYCW superstar he wishes, except Sammy (who he asked a question of last time), and preferably not Mauler or Rachel as they were also asked questions last time. If you really want to fire one at either of those two that's fine, but as I've said before I try to encourage variety in the questions</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">NYCW 2012: Roster Rundown</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Eventers:</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


Atom Smasher </p><p>

Age: 28 Height/Weight: 6’ 4”/260lbs </p><p>

Entrance Music: ‘Master of the Universe’- Hawkwind</p><p>

Finishers: Mushroom Cloud (Alabama Slam), Radiation Blast (Rolling Thunder Lariat)</p><p>

After his first full year back in NYCW Atom Smasher’s in a very strong position. His feud with Cameron has been highly successful, still rating as our hottest storyline, and it’s quite likely that he’ll capture the Empire Title sometime in early 2012, depending on when his contract comes up and if he’s got any contractual demands I’ve forgotten to fulfil. If I had to point to a problem with him, it’s that he hasn’t shown as much improvement as I’d have liked: he’s an excellent brawler, but his technique is a bit scrappy, and I’d like to see some improvement in that field from him.</p><p> </p><p>


Cameron Vessey</p><p>

Age: 24 Height/Weight: 6’ 4”/245 lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Jumping Jack Flash- Johnny Winter</p><p>

Finisher: Vessey Driver (Pumphandle Half-Nelson Driver)</p><p>

Currently the reigning Empire Champion, Cameron’s had an inspirational 2011, as his title run has provided 7 of our top 10 matches, and of the remaining 3 one hails from his feud with Steve in late 2010. Although probably quite intensely average as a worker Cameron has the knack of consistently producing excellent matches, largely due to his ever-increasing local popularity. What’s more, at 24 he’s still young enough to really improve, and could potentially become the third most successful youngster ever to come through NYCW, after Atom Smasher and Joey Minnesota. </p><p> </p><p>


Lee Wright</p><p>

Age: 54 Height/Weight: 6’ 2”/292lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Hair of the Dog- Nazareth</p><p>

Finisher: Wright Stuff (Sleeper Hold)</p><p>

With the retirement of Kimitada Ohishi in June of last year, Lee now has the distinction of being the oldest active wrestler in the world, and yet he remains more than good enough to hold down a main event spot with us. Admittedly he benefits from our rather sedate product but that shouldn’t take away from his sheer resilience: whilst maybe he should think about retiring, the fact that he hasn’t is definitely to be admired. There aren’t plans for him to win the big one this year- his skills are undeniably declining- but I could be talked into doing it, if only to give him one last run on top before he retires. Saying that, though, I’ve been saying every year that he’ll probably retire and he hasn’t yet, so I’ll believe he’s retiring when it actually happens, and even then I’ll probably need some convincing.</p><p> </p><p>


Steve Flash</p><p>

Age: 45 Height/Weight: 6’ 0”/235lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: ‘Flash’- Queen</p><p>

Finisher: Flash Bang (Snap DDT)</p><p>

Still in the main event and showing no signs of slowing down, Steve remains one of NYCW’s key names. Alright, so the second half of 2011 saw him drop slightly out of the limelight, but his feud with Frank should hopefully get him back into contention a bit more, and in any case he’s so popular and so good than our fans will accept him getting a title shot at any point you care to think of. Right now his biggest advantage is probably his excellent fundamentals, although he’s also probably our strongest all-round competitor. Future plans include potential Tri-State and Tag Team title runs, if only to make him our only two-time triple crown champions (I don’t count the brass knuckles title, as it’s more of an honorific than an actual title).</p><p> </p><p>


Ford Gumble</p><p>

Age: 34 Height/Weight: 6’ 1”/240lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: ‘Tulsa Time’- Eric Clapton</p><p>

Finisher: Savate Kick</p><p>

I’m not quite sure how Ford’s wound up this high on the card: he’s had a few good matches, but he’s also had a few very mediocre ones. That right there is probably his biggest problem: he’s consistent but very unpredictable, and you can’t always tell if he’s going to produce a great match or whether it’s going to go to all h*ll. That being said, some quality matches against Cameron and Ernest have shown that he’s capable of delivering against a quality opponent, and that’s one thing we don’t lack. If I can tempt Harry Allen to come to New York I’ll probably look into reuniting The Guns for a tag title run, but right now it’s not essential. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Upper Midcarders</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler- The Ring Generals</p><p>

Ages: 26 (Both) Height/Weight: 5’ 11”/258lbs (Waldorf) & 5’ 10”/250lbs (Statler)</p><p>

Entrance Music: Slow Ride- Foghat</p><p>

Finishers: Waldorf Salad Toss (Fisherman Suplex, Waldorf’s finisher), Slingshot Suplex (Statler’s Finisher), Squared Circle Assault (Double Superplex, Tag Finisher)</p><p>

Current Tag Team Champions, the Ring Generals have really stepped up to anchor the tag division, currently one of NYCW’s biggest strengths. Admittedly they’ve had some excellent opponents, first in Natural Storm and then in Fury & Finesse, but even so their excellent fundamentals and solid technical skills shouldn’t be overlooked. That being said, I’d like to see some more improvement from both of them, and if they could only get their psychology up a bit they’d make actual ring generals to be proud of.</p><p> </p><p>


Eddie Howard</p><p>

Age: 26 Height/Weight: 6’ 10”/310lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Like a Hurricane- Neil Young</p><p>

Finishers: Crash and Burn (Release Powerbomb), Giant Kick (Bicycle Kick), A Storm is Coming (Big Boot/STO Combo, Tag Finisher)</p><p>

Evidently despite having only had one singles match for the whole year Eddie’s been somewhat more successful than his tag partner. To be honest I don’t see Eddie as a singles guy- he belongs in the tag division, where with DC Rayne he’s part of quite possibly the greatest tag team outside of TCW. Another Tag Team Title run is in his future, for certain, it’s just a matter of when.</p><p> </p><p>


Ernest Youngman</p><p>

Age: 18 Height/Weight: 6’ 1/255lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Les Morts Dansant- Magnum</p><p>

Finisher: The Hit (Double A Spinebuster), The Perfect Combination (Doomsday Device, tag finisher)</p><p>

Arguably the biggest signing of 2011, Ernest’s possibly the hottest young talent we’ve got right now- the kid’s barely out of high school and already he’s got enough talent to work a main event match. Alright, so he’s borderline incompetent on the top rope, and outside of some rudimentary brawling is no great shakes at the more physical side of things, but he’s one of the best mat workers in the company, and can also cut a pretty mean promo when the situation calls for it. Right now the main concern is to stop his ego going nuts, hence his tag team with Rhino Umaga, but it’s only a matter of time until he winds up achieving major singles gold.</p><p> </p><p>


Honest Frank</p><p>

Age: 41 Height/Weight: 6’ 5”/300lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: ‘Liar’- Queen</p><p>

Finisher: The Best Policy (Piledriver)</p><p>

Although Frank’s had a solid 2011 a lack of title opportunities has seen him sink into the upper reaches of the upper midcard, and he’s finally starting to show the occasional sign of some decline in his abilities. That being said he remains a good worker with great entertainment skills, so he’s likely to stay around the upper reaches of the card, and his feud with Steve promises some good matches in the not-too-distant future. Ultimately, though, the main problem with getting him into the main event is Lee Wright: Ol’ Angry B@stard has kind of taken over the number two heel spot thanks to his membership of The Old School, and until he retires Frank’s going to struggle to get back up there.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Midcarders</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


DC Rayne</p><p>

Age: 28 (Rayne) Height/Weight: 6’ 2”/260lbs </p><p>

Entrance Music: Like a Hurricane- Neil Young</p><p>

Finishers: Storm Damage (Rock Bottom), A Storm is Coming (Big Boot/STO Combo, Tag Finisher)</p><p>

Slightly less successful than his partner (probably due to his exclusively tag-based match history with us), Deec’s probably the slightly more talented member of Natural Storm in the ring but remains solidly a tag competitor. I might see about giving him a couple more singles matches- he’s a good worker, and deserves a chance to show what he can do away from Eddie. Not that I see that being a regular occurrence: Natural Storm are the best tag team we’ve got, and you’d have to be a real idiot to split them up. As I said with Eddie, the tag titles will be back with the Storm sooner or later, it’s just a matter of when.</p><p> </p><p>


Dazzling Dave Diamond</p><p>

Age: 33 Height/Weight: 6' 6”/285lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: The Magnificent Seven Theme- Elmer Bernstein</p><p>

Finishers: Dazzle Driver (Death Valley Driver), Diamond Mine (Running Elbow Drop)</p><p>

Another year’s gone by and Dazzling Dave’s exactly where he always is- solidly in the midcard. A good hand with an entertaining tag team with Bradley Blaze, Dave’s unlikely to ever be out a job, but I don’t see him rising out of the midcard. Right now what I’d like to see most from him is a little more improvement- when time decline starts calling he hasn’t got a lot of skill to lose and still remain useful, although he’ll always be a decent talker. </p><p> </p><p>


Fumihiro Ota</p><p>

Age: 37 Height/Weight: 5’ 10”/215lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Liberi Fatali- Nobuo Uematsu</p><p>

Finisher: Ninja Strike (Running Enziguri)</p><p>

After an excellent 2010 Ota’s 2011 was decidedly less successful, as he’s fallen down to the midcard out of simple inattention. That being said, I plan to get him back into the upper midcard soon, and whilst I don’t see him capturing the Empire Title in 2012 I’d like to at least get back to the point where it’s a possibility that he might. Talent-wise at least he’s certainly up to snuff- alright, so his idea of brawling is throwing a couple of weak-assed chops, but his technical ability is second to none and he’s also pretty decent in the air as well. Right now, the biggest thing he needs is a new manager- I let Kammy go earlier in the year when I though Ota might join The Old School to replace Lee, but since Ol’ Angry B@stard has yet to retire Ota’s in need of someone to take over the talking from him.</p><p> </p><p>


Remmy Honeyman</p><p>

Age: 24 Height/Weight: 6’/233lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Do You Feel Like We Do- Peter Frampton</p><p>

Finisher: Honeyman Special (Double Underhook Facebuster)</p><p>

Currently challenging for the Tri-State Regional Title, Remmy ranks as apparently our hottest prospect, but has yet to realise that potential in terms of development. He’s still a good worker, mind you, it’s just that he’s yet to really develop beyond the point he came in at, which is a bit of an issue in terms of where he’s going to go over the next year. That being said, his storyline with Sammy the Shark has delivered pretty good results so far, and Remmy’s all-round ability gives him a lot of versatility in the company. I’ve placed him in the Frontline as Freddie’s replacement, and whilst he’s not on the level of the rest of the team I’m hoping he’ll gain some popularity by association. </p><p> </p><p>


Rhino Umaga</p><p>

Age: 33 Height/Weight: 6’ 6”/290lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Les Morts Dansant- Magnum</p><p>

Finishers: Rhino Charge (Spear), Samoan Crab (Boston Crab)</p><p>

The other half of Fury & Finesse, Rhino’s caught in kind of an odd position. On the one hand, the team’s one of the best we’ve got, but on the other Ernest’s such a great worker that he’ll almost certainly end up in singles competition down the line. That leaves Rhino in an odd position, in that whilst he’s a really good worker in his own right, and deserves a singles run, his entire career trajectory in NYCW is based on how well his partner develops. There’s also the issue of his decline to take into account: working in Japan for so long has really taken it’s toll on him, and whilst he’s still more or less improving as a worker there’s no doubting that he’s on the downside of his career already. As for right now, though, he’s solidly rooted in the tag division, with a title run a possibility down the line depending on how the feud with The Ring Generals goes.</p><p> </p><p>


Sammy the Shark</p><p>

Age: 25 Height/Weight: 6'/225lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: The Gambler- Kenny Rodgers</p><p>

Finisher: Ace in the Hole (Stunner)</p><p>

After a lacklustre 2010 Sammy got back on track in 2011, feuding with Jesse Christian for the Tri-State title before winning it for the third time in August. Since then, though, he’s only chalked up one title defence, and whilst he’s wrestled fairly regularly I think his attention needs to return to title bouts for a bit, as the Tri-State division is continuing to founder a bit at the moment. In terms of talent he’s a solid competitor with a decent all-round game and promising fundamentals, and more importantly he’s shown a solid amount of improvement over the last year that should hopefully continue through 2012. In terms of future plans, he’ll probably continue to hold the Tri-State title for a while, and even after he drops it I see him lurking around that division for quite a while. </p><p> </p><p>


The New York Doll</p><p>

Age: 25 Height/Weight: 6'/200lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Jet Boy- The New York Dolls</p><p>

Finisher: The New York Death Drop (Reverse DDT)</p><p>

Quite without my noticing Doll’s gone from being a decent young talent to one of the fastest improving talents in the company. In fact, since November there’s been noticeable improvement in his puro, hardcore and chain wrestling skills, his physical power and his selling, which surely tells you something about his potential. To be totally fair only his hardcore’s anything to write home about, and we don’t tend to do hardcore matches as a general rule, but the point is more that so much improvement in such a short time has really encouraged me to take a second look at the Doll, and his rise up the card may well continue if he shows the same kind of improvement over the next year or so. As for right now, though, he’s better off in the Tri-State division, and his feud with Cowboy Buck is due to really kick off at Rush Hour, giving me yet another storyline to build the midcard around.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Lower Midcarders</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


Bradley Blaze</p><p>

Age: 18 Height/Weight: 6’ 4”/258lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: The Magnificent Seven Theme- Elmer Bernstein</p><p>

Finisher: Dallas Drop (Double Arm DDT)</p><p>

Bradley’s made a solid debut with NYCW in 2011, teaming up with Dazzling Dave Diamond in the Lone Star Express, a team that’s held it’s own against quality units like Old School Principals and Natural Storm. As for Bradley himself, he’s shown a lot of promise in the ring: he bumps well and has some brawling skill, but his fundamentals aren’t really up to snuff and his technical ability is decidedly weak. Having said that, he is improving, and like an increasing number of our workers has a lot of youth on his side: I find it interesting that whilst our main event remains pretty veteran-heavy a lot of our best midcarders are under 25 (though granted both Doll and Sammy have been with us for years). I think it’s safe to say that Bradley’s likely to be a lifer in the tag ranks, and with that in mind a tag title reign’s a strong probability in his future.</p><p> </p><p>


Cowboy Buck Winchester</p><p>

Age: 23 Height/Weight: 6’ 4/265lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: The Magnificent Seven Theme- Elmer Bernstein</p><p>

Finisher: Neckbreaker</p><p>

The newest member of the NYCW roster, Cowboy’s got promise but hasn’t had much of a chance to show it yet. A solid brawler with decent basics and charisma, his feud with the rapidly ascending Doll is unlikely to end well for him but should give him a chance to develop, and hopefully he’ll learn what to do with a mic in the not too distant future.</p><p> </p><p>


Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler- Old School Principals</p><p>

Age: 42 (Sanders) & 38 (Mauler) Height/Weight: 5' 11”/235lbs (Sanders) & 6' 6”/300lbs (Mauler)</p><p>

Entrance Music: Fortunate Son- Creedence Clearwater Revival</p><p>

Finisher: Figure Four Leglock (Sanders’ Finisher) Iron Claw (Mauler’s Finisher), Old School Rules (Ankle-lock/Elbow Drop combo, tag finisher)</p><p>

Having left The Old School the Principals are currently on the downside of their careers, having drifted into a gateway position that doesn’t really leave them with a whole lot do. Title shots are likely, given their pedigree and experience, but Sanders has started to show real signs of decline, and whilst Mauler’s yet to really start slowing down he wasn’t that great to begin with. Having said all that, though, I like the team and want to keep them around, not least because of Mauler’s presence in the locker room. Okay, so between him, Bradley, Ernest, Remmy, Amber, Vicky, Bailey, Steve, The Doll and Tammy (not to mention a couple of others I’ve forgotten about), we’re not exactly stuck for good guys, but having a surplus is surely a good thing, right?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Openers</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


Curtis Jenkins & Riley McManus- The Atlantic Connection</p><p>

Age: 27 (Jenkins) & 25 (McManus) Height/Weight: 6’/200lbs (Jenkins) & 6’ 3”/240lbs (McManus)</p><p>

Entrance Music: Show Me the Way- Peter Frampton</p><p>

Finisher: Shoulder Jawbreaker (Jenkins’ Finisher), Reverse STO (McManus’ Finisher), Concorde Crush (Double DDT)</p><p>

They still suck, and are now getting to the age where they do just suck rather than needing to develop, but The Atlantic Connection continue to be cheap enough to keep their jobs, and are at least an effective jobber unit. If we were a smaller company, or had lower standards, they’d probably be a perfectly decent tag team- whilst their matches are disappointing they’re never actually horrendous- but as it is they’re mostly here as they don’t cause problems and work cheap.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Enhancement Talent</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


Kentucky Bill</p><p>

Age: 27 Height/Weight: 6’ 1”/230lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Bye Bye Love- Simon & Garfunkel</p><p>

Finisher: German Suplex</p><p>

Kentucky’s a jobber, pure and simple, but unlike The Atlantic Connection he’s actually a very solid worker and could rise further up the card if some effort was put in. It won’t be- I’ve got too many midcarders as is- but he’s a good hand and never complains about losing, so he’s likely to stick around for quite a while.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Women’s Division</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


Amber Allen</p><p>

Age: 24 Height/Weight: 5’ 10”/135lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Hit Me With Your Best Shot- Pat Benatar</p><p>

Finishers: Northern Lights Suplex, Cross Arm Breaker</p><p>

It’s taken all year, but Amber’s finally starting to get some momentum going. Theoretically she’s been a lower-ranked member of the women’s division since it began, but in actuality she’s only slightly less popular than the top girls, and certainly has more talent than Emma or Connie, both of whom have had title shots in the past. Her storyline with Miss Wrestling will hopefully give her a chance to show off what she can do, and there’s no denying that she’s a very likely candidate for the next women’s champion.</p><p> </p><p>


Connie Morris</p><p>

Age: 31 Height/Weight: 6’ 4”/225lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Everyday is a Winding Road- Sheryl Crow</p><p>

Finisher: Missouri Plough (Front Powerslam)</p><p>

A solid hand in the women’s division, Connie’s recent face turn hasn’t really done much for her career, as she’s gone from being the number two or thee heel to the number two or three babyface. She’s a good worker with strong fundamentals, but lacks much by way of personality and has the mic skills of Steve Flash or Remmy Honeyman, which definitely counts against her in considering her chances of actually winning the title. She’s likely to remain at a mid-level in the division, neither getting to the very top nor sinking to the very bottom, though she’ll probably wind up working with the rookies a lot to help get their fundamentals up. </p><p> </p><p>


Emma Bitch</p><p>

Age: 25 Height/Weight: 6’ 6”/218lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Bitch- Meredith Brooks</p><p>

Finisher: The Payback (Diving Reverse DDT)</p><p>

Despite having worked with some of the best women’s wrestlers in the world today, Emma remains exactly the same athlete now she was back at the start of 2011: charismatic, a good brawler, but can’t sell for toffee and stoned out of her box most of the time. She’s been kept as her upside just about makes up for her weaknesses, but she’s likely to start slipping out of serious title contention as time goes by, and until I get round to actually getting her to clean up her act her drug problems keep her from achieving much by way of long-term recognition.</p><p> </p><p>


Miss Wrestling (Brooke Tyler)</p><p>

Age: 18 Height/Weight: 5’ 7”/200lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Barracuda- Heart</p><p>

Finisher: Brooke Breaker (Full Nelson Camel Clutch)</p><p>

Alright, so she’s only had one professional match, but Brooke’s got a lot of technical ability, solid fundamentals and, perhaps most importantly, ranks as the second hottest prospect in the whole company. Currently about to kick off a feud with Amber Allen, Brooke’s got the potential to go far, and provided that she doesn’t get stolen by USPW or North of the Border she’s guaranteed a women’s title run sometime in the future.</p><p> </p><p>


Rachel Ruin</p><p>

Age: 18 Height/Weight: 5’ 5”/155lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Bette Davis Eyes- Kim Carnes</p><p>

Finisher: Ruination (Spinning Heel Kick)</p><p>

Currently all potential, Rachel’s a solid hand who’s shown a lot of improvement over the past year or so. Admittedly she has trouble keeping the crowd involved in her matches, but she’s got solid brawling ability, decent fundamentals and the charisma to go pretty far with the right breaks. In any case, as long as her dad Honest Frank’s with the company she’s got a guaranteed contract with us, so regardless of how she develops we’ll be using her for a while. </p><p> </p><p>


Sally Anne Christianson</p><p>

Age: 23 Height/Weight: 5’ 4”/140lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Piece of My Heart- Big Brother & The Holding Company</p><p>

Finisher: Niagara Fall (Fujiwara Armbar Takedown)</p><p>

A very new signing for us, Sally’s mostly here because she’s Vicky’s protégé but does have some potential. A fairly bog standard technician with decent fundamentals, Sally really only needs to develop her psychology and submissions work and she’ll be a really solid wrestler. That being said, she’s got virtually no name value here in the states at all, so I don’t see her making much impact south of the Niagara River. </p><p> </p><p>


Stephanie Wade</p><p>

Age: 31 Height/Weight: 5’ 6”/148lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Blondie- One Way or Another</p><p>

Finisher: Superkick</p><p>

Currently the NYCW Women’s champion, Stephanie’s a solid worker but not an extraordinary one. She’s got a good all-round game (and an actual one too, rather than the NYCW version of an all-round game, which is basically being good at brawling and technical work), but she doesn’t really excel at anything, and her fundamentals are decidedly average. That being said, she’s got bags of charisma, and her all-round game means she can work with just about any wrestler you care to mention, so whilst I don’t see her title run lasting to the end of the year it’s not something I’d particularly object to.</p><p> </p><p>


Tamara McFly</p><p>

Age: 32 Height/Weight: 5’/130lbs</p><p>

Entrance Music: Born to Run- Suzi Quatro</p><p>

Finisher McFly Roll (Rolling Fireman’s Carry Slam)</p><p>

Having held the title for most of the year, Tammy remains probably the biggest name in the division. Nepotism aside (at least as far as you know) Tammy’s exactly the kind of worker we need in NYCW- she’s a strong technical worker, has good fundamentals and is a really strong behind-the-scenes presence. She’s currently feuding with Stephanie over the title, and I think it’s safe to say that she’ll probably win the title back before too long- I like Stephanie, but I don’t see her as a viable long-term champion. Besides, I prefer having face champion with a heel top champ- it balances the card out, and the ‘face chasing the heel’ storyline is beyond cliché these days.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Non-Wrestlers</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


Black Hat Bailey</p><p>

Still serving as one of our Road Agents, Bailey’s also branched out this year and started working for CWWF across the border, as incidentally have Amber, Emma, Michael Bull, Sally and Tammy. In any case, he’s still one of the best road agents in the business, and along with Stomper is a big reason why our undercard is able to deliver such good matches. He also serves as a positive backstage presence, and whilst we’re not exactly lacking in them I don’t see why I shouldn’t keep hold of him for that reason.</p><p> </p><p>


The Stomper</p><p>

Still around and still my boss, Stomper’s one of the best road agents in the business. We currently share him with both Supreme and PSW, which occasionally makes for scheduling problems but works out fine for the most part. 2012 may be his final year with us- rumours are circulating that he’s planning to retire, but then rumours circulate every year, and I’ll believe he’s going when I walk into his office and somebody else is sitting in the big man’s chair. </p><p> </p><p>


Michael Bull</p><p>

Bull’s still our referee, and remains arguably the best referee on the independent scene. I don’t see us ever getting rid of him, for the very simple reason that the only guy that comes close to matching him that’s currently available is a bit of a pain in the @ss.</p><p> </p><p>


Rock Downpour</p><p>

2012 has rolled around and Rock remains one of the best announcers in the business and our lead man on the mic. This year has seen him start to really develop his own style, and whilst I don’t always like his catchphrases (‘Ring a Ding Dong Dandy’? really?) there’s no denying that he’s very much the man for us. Again, I don’t think we’ll replace him this year- for many fans he’s the voice of Old School Wrestling, and unless Jason Azaria or Tommy London become available there’s nobody else I would replace him with.</p><p> </p><p>


Hugh Dansigny</p><p>

2012’s been a good year for me, as I’m finally starting to get back towards my late 90’s form on the mic, and working with Rock has helped bring out more charisma. Bragging aside, I’m probably the best colour man on the American indy scene right now, so I’m likely to stay on the desk for years to come. After all, even if there are guys that are nearly on my level (Shane Sneer or Adrian Garcia spring to mind) why bother hiring a new guy when I do it anyway?</p><p> </p><p>


Kristen Pearce</p><p>

Currently managing Natural Storm and Sammy the Shark, under the banner of The Pearce Collective, Kristen’s doing a good job of handling promo’s for midcard guys, and is the most likely candidate to take over Ota’s talking. In truth she’s not that great a manager- she’s got more charisma than anyone else on the roster, but is a little awkward on the mic- but she does a good job, and ultimately that’s more important than whether or not she’s as good as we can get. It’s also worth mentioning that she’s going out with Eddie Howard, and I’ve said before how it’s not a good idea to annoy a 310 pound black man.</p><p> </p><p>


Queen Emily</p><p>

Theoretically our lead manager, Emily’s probably surplus to requirements these days. True, when she came in we needed a manager for The Old School, but these days the four of them are quite capable of cutting promo’s without her. That being said, the weird Mrs. Robinson-esque relationship she has with Cameron necessitates keeping her around, so I might turn her face and have her work with some of the younger guys in a few months- she’s just been through a gimmick change and probably won’t be able to turn properly for a good while yet.</p><p> </p><p>



Having retired at the start of 2011 Whistler’s segued into doing promo’s for Steve Flash, and has undoubtedly been a success in a managerial role. His hyped-up promo style hasn’t mellowed out with retirement, and he can usually be counted on to deliver a decent promo. With Remmy having joined The Frontline it seems quite likely that Whistler will start handling his promo’s as well, continuing his trend of managing guys that he’s substantially bigger than. </p><p> </p><p>


Victoria Stone</p><p>

Currently NYCW’s reigning Commissioner, Vicky’s a great presence backstage and a good talker. I like having an authority figure to play the occasional deus ex machine and to work with the younger guys on their promo’s. Vicky’s good at it, and she’s my best mate so I don’t care if she starts snorting coke and bitch-slapping the entire roster (not that she will), she’s staying.</p><p> </p><p>

***</p><p> </p><p>

Card for NYCW Rush Hour 2012:</p><p> </p><p>


Cameron Vessey vs. Steve Flash</p><p> </p><p>

Atom Smasher & Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank & Lee Wright</p><p> </p><p>


Remmy Honeyman vs. Ernest Youngman</p><p> </p><p>


Natural Storm vs. The Lone Star Express</p><p> </p><p>


Sammy the Shark vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester</p><p> </p><p>

The New York Doll vs. Marv Statler</p><p> </p><p>

Tamara McFly & Amber Allen vs. Connie Morris & Miss Wrestling</p><p> </p><p>

Now it’s time fore everyone’s favourite slot, the fan questions! This week’s comes from hardy NYCW fan Boltinho:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>For the New York Doll:</strong> "The 100 club is clearly a more seminal venue than CBGBs. How do you feel about NYC being deeply derivative in terms of punk history?"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">The New York Doll:</span></strong> Firstly, CBGBs was around in 1973, 3 years before the 100 club starting featuring punk music, so we were here first. Secondly, who the h*ll is UK punk? The Damned? Sucked for 30 years then went goth. The Pistols? Overrated? The Clash? Alright, they were good…until they relased London Calling and turned into a straight-up Rock n’ Roll Band. Compare that to, say, The Ramones, The Dictators, Television, Patti Smith, or The New York Dolls, and you’ll see that the Limeys just don’t measure up to NYC in the music stakes. </p><p> </p><p>

Also, Blitzkrieg Bop. I rest my case.</p>

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<strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> vs. Steve Flash</p><p>

<em>Vessey is your allstar, and Flash is here to pass the torch</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Atom Smasher & Ford Gumble</strong> vs. Honest Frank & Lee Wright</p><p>

<em>Smasher makes this match</em></p><p> </p><p>


Remmy Honeyman vs. <strong>Ernest Youngman</strong></p><p>

<em>Honeyman is a lot of things, future star isnt one of them</em></p><p> </p><p>


Natural Storm vs. <strong>The Lone Star Express</strong></p><p>

<em>going for the home team</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Sammy the Shark</strong> vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New York Doll</strong> vs. Marv Statler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tamara McFly & Amber Allen</strong> vs. Connie Morris & Miss Wrestling</p>

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<strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> vs. Steve Flash</p><p>

<em>Yeah, but no.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Atom Smasher & Ford Gumble</strong> vs. Honest Frank & Lee Wright</p><p>

<em>Face challengers win to go up against Heel champion.</em></p><p> </p><p>


Remmy Honeyman vs. <strong>Ernest Youngman</strong></p><p>

<em>Remmy's solid, Ernest is Godlike.</em></p><p> </p><p>


Natural Storm vs. <strong>The Lone Star Express</strong></p><p>

<em>Come on, how can they lose their own match?</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Sammy the Shark</strong> vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester</p><p>

<em>Because he's more over and just better.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New York Doll</strong> vs. Marv Statler</p><p>

<em>Well, he already beat down Boltinho pretty hard. Zing!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Tamara McFly & Amber Allen vs. Connie Morris & Miss Wrestling</p><p>

<em>Draw, I think. Why? Whim, mostly. See how it goes.</em></p>

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<p>The Doll is angry! Misguided, but angry!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> vs. Steve Flash</p><p>

Poor old Steve</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Atom Smasher & Ford Gumble</strong> vs. Honest Frank & Lee Wright</p><p>

Smasher = THE MAN</p><p> </p><p>


Remmy Honeyman vs. <strong>Ernest Youngman</strong></p><p>

Youngman is more talented</p><p> </p><p>


Natural Storm vs. <strong>The Lone Star Express</strong></p><p>

LSE HAVE to win a Texas Whiiping match</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Sammy the Shark</strong> vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester</p><p>

Im getting back on Sammy for now</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New York Doll</strong> vs. Marv Statler</p><p>

RAGE wins</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tamara McFly & Amber Allen</strong> vs. Connie Morris & Miss Wrestling</p><p>


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