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Renderers Challenge

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"In great attempts it is glorious even to fail."

-Vince Lombardi


I'm taking into account that the idea behind this thread will be taken differently by various people.


The purpose behind this thread is to offer a place where requests can be made and maybe, just maybe, end up fulfilled.


Rule #1: Be warned: making a render, logo or any other item is optional for any renderer/creator and therefore your request may never be filled. They provide a great service to us and it should never be felt that they are required to do this. And no one else should make them feel this way either.


Rule #2: Take note of the underlined in rule #1


Rule #3: Read posts 2 through 22 and take to heart everything said especially from the renderers. reread rule #1 and always remember:

"your request might not be fulfilled"


Rule #4: Never assume that there are people in line waiting to fill your requests. Their participation is optional as is your own. Also, please note that some requests may be impossible to fill


by Hellshock70:


Puerto Rican logo for a mod I'm working on


a logo for a japanese fed for the mod


a show logo for a fed in the mod

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I dont see the point of someone who doesnt do renders opening up a render request thread, if we wanted a thread for requests then we would have opened one. we tried this before and it turned into chaos, it like having someone who doesnt do cuts opening a cuts request thread and not contributing to it. I just dont get it.
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I dont see the point of someone who doesnt do renders opening up a render request thread, if we wanted a thread for requests then we would have opened one. we tried this before and it turned into chaos, it like having someone who doesnt do cuts opening a cuts request thread and not contributing to it. I just dont get it.


this is an attempt to keep others from making the same mistakes others have made (including myself) at making requests in areas a request shouldn't be made. A rift has formed between a lot of people over this.


And yes I can't do my own original character renders but i can supply other items. Which I will add to the first post.


But i have no problem with the thread being deleted either.

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this is an attempt to keep others from making the same mistakes others have made (including myself) at making requests in areas a request shouldn't be made.



I dont see it helping, I see people posting stuff here and then when there requests arent filled then they will post it in the render thread. we have rules set up on the first page if people would stop being lazy and actually look, it clearly states that this years thread will be exactly like last years which means no requests.

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I dont see the point of someone who doesnt do renders opening up a render request thread, if we wanted a thread for requests then we would have opened one. we tried this before and it turned into chaos, it like having someone who doesnt do cuts opening a cuts request thread and not contributing to it. I just dont get it.
Easy Trell.


Any future requests for renders can be directed here, and the new generation can take a crack.


We can sit back with a beer on the decking and watch them try reach the heady rights of where we are :D

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I'm just getting sick of people who have nothing to do with rendering trying to set up request threads that they are not even going to help contribute to. I mean if one of the renderers had set it up then there probably wouldn't be a problem because at least you would help with some of the load that is due to come in. but if your not a renderer then you have no business opening this thread.
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I'm just getting sick of people who have nothing to do with rendering trying to set up request threads that they are not even going to help contribute to. I mean if one of the renderers had set it up then there probably wouldn't be a problem because at least you would help with some of the load that is due to come in. but if your not a renderer then you have no business opening this thread.


i dont see this working at all


they may not be good enough yet for TEW but at least take note of my three personal attempts/additions at the bottom. all done with mspaint.


and i plan to post some unique font styles. i have access to hundreds, if not a good thousand.

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they may not be good enough yet for TEW but at least take note of my three personal attempts/additions at the bottom. all done with mspaint.


and i plan to post some unique font styles. i have access to hundreds, if not a good thousand.


and i can put almost anyone on a background



Xiahou Dun of the ROTTK games

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I think this is where your conflict arises. You, Hellshock, seem to be talking about cuts and logos, while "renders" is ususally a term reserved for the fleshing out of full blown wrestler creations as per the "render thread." Perhaps your thread should have been named something else to avoid the confusion. :p
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I think this is where your conflict arises. You, Hellshock, seem to be talking about cuts and logos, while "renders" is ususally a term reserved for the fleshing out of full blown wrestler creations as per the "render thread." Perhaps your thread should have been named something else to avoid the confusion. :p


You're right the title should be more inclusive especially since I'm trying my hand at belts too. But, at the same time I won't say there is a need for a render thread but it would be easier then newbies being chewed out for making a request where they shouldn't and then feel alienated. Which does happen on occasion.


The ones that feel alienated are probably the ones more likely to buck the system and will attempt to use other peoples work in a way that will only serve to alienate them even more, when and if they are ever found out.


Just finished for a quick example before post work:




My own daughter on a c-verse bg.

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You're right the title should be more inclusive especially since I'm trying my hand at belts too. But, at the same time I won't say there is a need for a render thread but it would be easier then newbies being chewed out for making a request where they shouldn't and then feel alienated. Which does happen on occasion.


just finished for a quick example before post work:




my own daughter on a c-verse bg


Agreed, it does happen. But moreso for not reading that requests are not being accepted rather than that they had the audacity to request at all, from what I've seen. I can see where Trell is coming from. Very few if any of those making renders take requests as it hasn't worked out very well in the past. And I can see how he and others might see this as a "HEY REQUEST YOUR RENDERS HERE!! ALRIGHT NOW SOMEONE GET ON WITH MAKING ME MY RENDERS." Which, clearly isn't the case, and why a title along the lines of "Graphics Request Thread" might have been more suitable. But anyhow, moving right along:


Not a bad cut at all. You've got the sizing down perfectly, which is one area where alot of people that are new to cutting seem to fail. Their cuts usually come out looking all warped and distorted. So, good job on that front. Only critique I would make is your edges are looking a little jagged. Nothing a little magic wanding can't fix though.


Also of note, I really like your logos, particularly the Puerto Rican Shield.

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I'm just getting sick of people who have nothing to do with rendering trying to set up request threads that they are not even going to help contribute to. I mean if one of the renderers had set it up then there probably wouldn't be a problem because at least you would help with some of the load that is due to come in. but if your not a renderer then you have no business opening this thread.


I have the exact same thoughts every year when the Alt Pic Thread is created by someone who has never opened up MS Paint in their life. I suppose with that one there's an inevitability of the thread being made, but I wish folks would hold their horses and wait to give an actual artist the honour of opening it. I have a metaphor for it concerning apples, but it's long, rambling, and gets a little sexist half way through.


I'm a little more open to requests, suggestions and rendering challenges than some, and if the right thing is suggested in our Render Thread I might pounce on it, but all in all the bed has been made. Time to lie in it.

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Not a bad cut at all. You've got the sizing down perfectly, which is one area where alot of people that are new to cutting seem to fail. Their cuts usually come out looking all warped and distorted. So, good job on that front. Only critique I would make is your edges are looking a little jagged. Nothing a little magic wanding can't fix though.


Also of note, I really like your logos, particularly the Puerto Rican Shield.


that was the post work i mentioned that i didn't do.

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I have the exact same thoughts every year when the Alt Pic Thread is created by someone who has never opened up MS Paint in their life. I suppose with that one there's an inevitability of the thread being made, but I wish folks would hold their horses and wait to give an actual artist the honour of opening it. I have a metaphor for it concerning apples, but it's long, rambling, and gets a little sexist half way through.


I'm a little more open to requests, suggestions and rendering challenges than some, and if the right thing is suggested in our Render Thread I might pounce on it, but all in all the bed has been made. Time to lie in it.


the following conversation led me to believe that requests were not allowed to be made in the Render thread.


Just a heads up this is not a request thread. These guys are spending their hard earned money for textures and items and thus is not financially feasable to do requests. Plus filling requests crushes the creative aspects of their art.


sorry, didn't know who, what or where to ask. or if an aborigine render is even possible. one source that does renders mentioned that it might not be.


mainly that was a feeler to find out.


this is also why every renderer i could think of had a question from me in their in-box.


and this post has me thinking of experimenting with adding clothes from one render to another. i know i couldn't do a beard or hair just yet. and i really don't want to try it unless you, the renderers, approve the idea:


I should probably do a bunch of renders in the future that are naked, bald and beardless. That way you can just draw whatever you want on it. It would save me quite a bit of money if I don't have to buy new hair and clothes.
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the following conversation led me to believe that requests were not allowed to be made in the Render thread.


That was just me talking, not any kind of official ruling. I've mellowed recently. If I'm in a good mood and read a request, there's a possibility that I'll give it some thought, should the idea tickle my fancy. Again, that's me. Ultimately, you're right, we don't dig requests. We've got our own stuff going on and y'all should be grateful for whatever scraps we give you. ;)

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That was just me talking, not any kind of official ruling. I've mellowed recently. If I'm in a good mood and read a request, there's a possibility that I'll give it some thought, should the idea tickle my fancy. Again, that's me. Ultimately, you're right, we don't dig requests. We've got our own stuff going on and y'all should be grateful for whatever scraps we give you. ;)


which is the exact point of rule #1 (which has been modified to include what i've posted):


Rule #1: Be warned: making a render, logo or any other item is optional for any renderer/creator and therefore your request may never be filled. They provide a great service to us and it should never be felt that they are required to do this. And no one else should make them feel this way either.


Now if I only knew how to change the thread name to be more inclusive. LOL

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Good luck with this?


The problem with the 'request' thread, is that once it's benn made..most posters assume that there are actually people in line waiting to fill these requests.


In a way..they create a good method of giving the artists a chance to practice their craft. A challenge of sorts.


But when you start getting a giant back log of requests...and you get people who are never satisfied with the render they get...and you get people who put in for long complicated lists of renders without being considerate of other people's time or effort or bothering to say thank you...


Well then that's why you get render threads with board members who threaten to punch you in the face if you make a request. :);)

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I'm still new to this and while I'm open to the idea of requests. Some very strict rules and guidelines would have to be laid down and followed for it to have any chance of being done. One of the main things I could see would be not to get too down to the wire about how you want it to look because:


1. It might not be possible.


2. The more creativity a renderer has the more likely said person is to take a stab at the "challenge"/ request.

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Good luck with this?


The problem with the 'request' thread, is that once it's benn made..most posters assume that there are actually people in line waiting to fill these requests.


In a way..they create a good method of giving the artists a chance to practice their craft. A challenge of sorts.


But when you start getting a giant back log of requests...and you get people who are never satisfied with the render they get...and you get people who put in for long complicated lists of renders without being considerate of other people's time or effort or bothering to say thank you...


Well then that's why you get render threads with board members who threaten to punch you in the face if you make a request. :);)


Rule #3: Read posts 2 through 22 and take to heart everything said especially from the renderers. reread rule #1 and always remember:

"your request might not be fulfilled"

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I'm still new to this and while I'm open to the idea of requests. Some very strict rules and guidelines would have to be laid down and followed for it to have any chance of being done. One of the main things I could see would be not to get too down to the wire about how you want it to look because:


1. It might not be possible.


2. The more creativity a renderer has the more likely said person is to take a stab at the "challenge"/ request.


This too. I have 37 renders that were converted from ROTTK and only 18 survived the conversions good enough to even be used. Some of my logo attempts went south as well.


successes and failures as well as 4 renders that jtlant made for me:



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Wow 2nd page and not even a request. I will make one.


I want a render that looks like stacy keibler.



done :D



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