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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Swanton825" data-cite="The Swanton825" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You do know that Watchman itself was a leftist book, right? Alan Moore is an anarcho-communist who wrote Watchman to critique the Reagan administration the same way V for Vendetta was written to critique the Thatcher administration.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am fully aware of his political standings. I just read an article where he said the racist group that was formed in the southern states of America during reconstruction era right after our Civil War (I am not sure if the group's name is flagged on here) where comparable to modern day superheros. In that they both wore hoods and capes. He then said that Birth of a Nation (which was a silent film that glorified that group.) was the first superhero movie. </p><p> </p><p> Needless to say I am not sure Alan is dealing with a full deck. </p><p> </p><p> I am not sure why you responded to my post the way you did though. I knew going into the show what his political beliefs were and so I know what to expect from the show. </p><p> </p><p> But as I said, I have yet to watch the show. If I find it too political or too bluntly political I probably will not watch it.</p><p> </p><p> I find shows that are too bluntly political to be boring. I much prefer shows that dress up the topics like the original Twilight Zone or the original Star Trek. There is a beauty in being subtle but still getting your point across (see The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street and Let That Be Your Last Battlefield).</p><p> </p><p> Modern day shows have no such subtlety.</p>
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I am fully aware of his political standings. I just read an article where he said the racist group that was formed in the southern states of America during reconstruction era right after our Civil War (I am not sure if the group's name is flagged on here) where comparable to modern day superheros. In that they both wore hoods and capes. He then said that Birth of a Nation (which was a silent film that glorified that group.) was the first superhero movie.


Needless to say I am not sure Alan is dealing with a full deck.


I am not sure why you responded to my post the way you did though. I knew going into the show what his political beliefs were and so I know what to expect from the show.


But as I said, I have yet to watch the show. If I find it too political or too bluntly political I probably will not watch it.


I find shows that are too bluntly political to be boring. I much prefer shows that dress up the topics like the original Twilight Zone or the original Star Trek. There is a beauty in being subtle but still getting your point across (see The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street and Let That Be Your Last Battlefield).


Modern day shows have no such subtlety.

Well I was confused why you were watching an adaptation of an arguably far-left book if you dislike shows having political message. Alan Moore's political messages have all the subtlety of a brick to the face so I imagine the show is even less subtle as every adaptation of his work takes out a lot of the substance for the message the director or screenwriter wants instead.


I'm sorry if I came off confrontational about it. In addition to my IRL resting b face, I seem to have resting smug post.


And living in the American South, I can sadly confirm there are more than few people here who genuinely view said group of monsters as their own personal superheroes.

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I could be wrong but I believe that, that is intentional. I think that BL and Supergirl are not in the same time stream (alternative earth's for lack of a better term) as Arrow and The Flash. I am not sure where LOT and Batwoman fit in. I would assume that LOT probably take place in the same universe as Arrow and Flash due to the Sarah connection. I have never watched Batwoman so I have no idea if her earth is different.


They're alternate Earths. Arrow, Flash and LOT all take place on Earth-1, while Supergirl is on Earth-38. Batwoman is either 1 or 38 (I'm not sure which). As for BL, nobody knows what Earth they're on yet.


Batwoman (and by extension the missing Batman) is Earth-1, first established in her Elsewords appearance last year. Many of the other Earths have already been destroyed in the lead-up to Crisis.


There's a possibility they all get merged during Crisis but I'd prefer Supergirl (and the future Superman show) and BL stay separate as it gives them more leeway with their world building.


Elseworlds also showed us that there are Earth-1 versions of the Supergirl characters (minus Supergirl herself, and I think minus J'onn), and while I'd like to see the "National City without Supergirl" explored a bit more, I worry that it'll just be sacrificed to unify the official Superverse into the Arrowverse and outright overwrite the Earth-1 versions.


With Batwoman (and by extension, at least 1 version of Batman--I'm hoping that's the Kevin Conroy version we're gonna see in Crisis) being in Earth-1, I'm hoping we'll get to see more Gotham/Central City cross-travel post-Crisis, especially with Arrow ending, though I'm legitimately hoping for more Batwoman/Supergirl crossovers in the future (kind of at least as a callback to all the Batman/Superman team-ups), though unless they regularly hop between the two dimensions or the aforementioned unification-via-Crisis, I'm a bit pessimistic about that actually managing to take place.


I also wouldn't mind (in an upcoming Supergirl season) eventually seeing Lois (freaking Juliet from Grimm) and Lucy Lane (Jenna Dewan) actually interacting with each other, being sisters and all. It always annoys me when a thing is talked about rather than actually seen in a TV show.

Like, it took a couple of seasons, but we finally got to see Superman on Supergirl.

It took like 4 seasons, but we finally got to see Lois Lane and Lex Luthor, after seeing Lucy for a season first and introducing Lena on the show before Lex.


If we get a TV version of actual Wonder Woman at ANY point in the CW-verse (and not just the wink-wink of having Lynda Carter on the show) after Legends introduced Themyscira at the end of their Helen Of Troy episode, I will legit lose my g-dang mind over it.



Related, other than the narrative thing of "Laurel wants her Earth-2 back", I actually wouldn't lose too much sleep over it if it stayed gone, other than wanting at least Jay Garrick and his wife to survive/return at the end of Crisis, because we actually got a full season on Flash of connecting with Jay (such as it was with the whole "Zoom masquerading as Jay"), as opposed to 1 single episode of barely connecting with the E-2 Arrow characters who aren't Laurel, only to literally erase them at the end of it.



I'm also gonna wildly speculate out my butt that the Future Arrows might end up calling their team "Young Justice" by the time Arrow finishes. XD XD

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I'm also gonna wildly speculate out my butt that the Future Arrows might end up calling their team "Young Justice" by the time Arrow finishes. XD XD


I read that it was going to be called Green Arrow and the Canaries. With his daughter, Dinah, and Laurel as the leads. It makes sense because I remember Katie Cassidy signed a long term contract a few years ago. Not sure if/when that contract was/is up but it was for like five or six years and it seemed like she signed it only two or three years ago.

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The Mandalorian is amazing. Every episode is better than the last.


Agree x1,000,000. I haven't been huge on a lot of what Disney's put out since they bought Star Wars, but The Mandalorian is unbelievably great. Pedro Pascal deserves all the awards for being able to convey his character and emotion without showing his face. He was highlight on GoT as Oberyn Martell, but this is on a whole different level of acting talent. Something I never thought I'd say about a live action Star Wars character.


Also, The Child is sickeningly cute and everything he does melts my cold dead heart.

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The Mandalorian is amazing. Every episode is better than the last.


Well Rian Johnson wants to direct some season two episodes. So it being good might not last very long. Though I guess as long as he has no writing input, it should be fine.:D


I am waiting for Moon Knight to show up on Disney+ before I try it out. It has just gotten to the point where I have streaming fatigue. I just dropped Netflix last month and I do not miss it one bit. Though I might now, because there is usually nothing good on TV until February.

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Well Rian Johnson wants to direct some season two episodes. So it being good might not last very long. Though I guess as long as he has no writing input, it should be fine.:D


I am waiting for Moon Knight to show up on Disney+ before I try it out. It has just gotten to the point where I have streaming fatigue. I just dropped Netflix last month and I do not miss it one bit. Though I might now, because there is usually nothing good on TV until February.


I think Rian Johnson was put into a no-win situation with TLJ, he had to work with essentially a blank canvas (Abrams left all those story threads hanging without even an inkling of where he thought they should go) and find a way to please Disney execs as well as the notoriously fickle Star Wars fanbase all while being expected to reinvent the wheel after TFA tread the same old A New Hope ground. That's not to say I'm not cautious to see what he does with The Mandalorian, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.


Manalorian is great. Got some good gifs and memes of you-know-who from The Mandalorian I'd love to post but I'd hate to spoil the surprise for anyone living under a rock.


No kidding. It's really hard to praise one of the most endearing parts of a show when it's a massive episode one spoiler.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Swanton825" data-cite="The Swanton825" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think Rian Johnson was put into a no-win situation with TLJ, he had to work with essentially a blank canvas (Abrams left all those story threads hanging without even an inkling of where he thought they should go) and find a way to please Disney execs as well as the notoriously fickle Star Wars fanbase all while being expected to reinvent the wheel after TFA tread the same old A New Hope ground. That's not to say I'm not cautious to see what he does with The Mandalorian, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It was just a terrible script all around. I think there was groundwork for him to build on but he just decided to burn down the house. </p><p> </p><p> What was the point of killing the big bad? </p><p> </p><p> Why did Luke try to redeem his father, but try to kill his nephew at the first hint that his nephew might fall to the dark side? </p><p> What was up with that terrible Casino side story? </p><p> </p><p> Also what was up with the can you hear me now joke? Not only was it lame, it took me out of the story because to me it was injecting our real life world with this fictional universe.</p><p> </p><p> Rian was also terrible at taking criticism, even constructive criticism. Anyone who said anything against TLJ was alt-right, or a sexist, a troll, an Incel. I honestly believe that he knew he made a terrible movie but he just could not accept it.</p><p> </p><p> You will have people point to box office and say that is proof that it was not a bad movie. But that does not prove anything, it is a Star Wars movie and there was no ill will surrounding it when it came out. Of course it was going to draw. </p><p> </p><p> I actually feel bad for Solo because I thought that was a decent movie and it tanked because of the backlash of TLJ.</p>
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Rian Johnson definitely didn't do himself any favors with his response to criticism, I just think people need to look at the people who gave an auteur filmmaker who is used to full control over his films virtually free reign over the middle part of a trilogy - the most critical part of trilogies IMO - while also expecting it to be marketable and the guy who left only plot strands rather than a framework to keep his riskier decisions in check. Like maybe a giant, neon <strong><em>*Don't kill Luke! Mark Hamill is the only original trilogy actor who actually wants to be here!*</em></strong> sign.
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  • 3 weeks later...

The last episode of the Mandalorian was the best yet, IMO. Hope it finishes strong. The writing could be stronger overall but it's a pretty faithful Star Wars TV adaption and I'm enjoying it.


Watched the first 3 episodes of The Witcher. Very atmospheric and the side characters are fleshed out well enough. Pacing is pretty good for 1 hour episodes. Fight scenes are cool. Henry Cavill and Freya Allan are perfectly cast as Geralt and Ciri. Anya Chalotra is amazing as Yennefer. She makes me really care about her character.


Watchmen is a show of the year contender. I almost hope HBO doesn't renew it because I think it would diminish what was a near-perfect 1 season show.


Mr Robot is ending in a couple of days with a 2-part finale. This season has been a masterclass, paying off character arcs and seeds planted as far back as the the 1st season. Rami Malek and Sam Esmail have a good shot at winning Emmy awards in 2020.


Finished up Counterpart S2. Fantastic sci-fi/spy thriller. Shame it wasn't renewed for a 3rd season but it still got a satisfying ending. Highly recommended.


Crisis on Infinite Earths has been poor from a story perspective but entertaining for the cameos. I spent the last few months catching up on Black Lightning S2 and S3. It's a class above the other CW superhero shows. Add a bit of blood and swearing and it could almost be mistaken for a Marvel Netflix show.

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Watchmen is a show of the year contender. I almost hope HBO doesn't renew it because I think it would diminish what was a near-perfect 1 season show.


I thought I read somewhere that it was a one-off. Now if that is true or not I am not sure.


Mr Robot is ending in a couple of days with a 2-part finale. This season has been a masterclass, paying off character arcs and seeds planted as far back as the the 1st season. Rami Malek and Sam Esmail have a good shot at winning Emmy awards in 2020.


The finale was good but confusing for the vast majority of the episode. It made sense in the end though.


Spoiler: What I am wondering is if we never saw the true Elliot. They sort of hinted throughout the episode that was the case, especially when Dominique was a beat cop and told Elliot that he looks nothing like he does on his ID. Also, at the very end when he is waking up we never see his face only his eye.


Finished up Counterpart S2. Fantastic sci-fi/spy thriller. Shame it wasn't renewed for a 3rd season but it still got a satisfying ending. Highly recommended.


Crisis on Infinite Earths has been poor from a story perspective but entertaining for the cameos. I spent the last few months catching up on Black Lightning S2 and S3. It's a class above the other CW superhero shows. Add a bit of blood and swearing and it could almost be mistaken for a Marvel Netflix show.


They are trying to pack too much stuff into COIE. Too many cameos and I think that is part of the reason why the story has suffered.


Black Lightning has been great but as I have said before I hate how the music sometimes drowns out the actors. None of the other CW shows have that problem. Also it must cost them a small fortune to use the music they use. If it ever goes into syndication there is no way they will be able to afford to keep it in.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="scmurph01" data-cite="scmurph01" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is reading the books or playing the games needed to be able to know what is going on in The Witcher?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's more closely based on the books than the games were (and they were basically non-canon sequels). You should be able to follow it well enough.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="scmurph01" data-cite="scmurph01" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is reading the books or playing the games needed to be able to know what is going on in The Witcher?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> They are loosely based on the books.</p><p> </p><p> The producer wanted to give more attention to Yennifer and Ciri than the books do. </p><p> </p><p> If you have the time. They are a very good read.</p>
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My only real complaint about Witcher is it’s not clear the Ciri stuff takes place in the future of the Yennefer and Geralt stuff. It’s very confusing.


Also decades pass between episodes with no indications


Yeah that's a common gripe with a lot of viewers. They apparently decided on not using timestamps because... reasons? In any way, I thought the Witcher was very good and I enjoyed the performances and the world being brought to life. I'm somewhat familiar after playing the trilogy and Gwent.


After that I bingewatched Dark Crystal on Netflix the entire day, and that was simply awesome in every aspect. The visual style, the characters, the story,... And it stays true to the original.

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