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Why did I get so low ratings

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With 70% Main event and 20% semi main event and 10% rest of the card I should have got atleast 88-89 right?


>My match to Angles ratio is 70:30 with 10% margin allowed and I think my card followed that.

>My Perfect Show theory is on.

>Some of the angles weren't as good as the matches


So I got a penalty of 6-7 ratings or am I missing something??


EDIT: 70% of Main Event with 95 rating = 66.5

20% of semi main event 78 rating = 15.6

10% of rest of card = 6


Therefore total should be 89 right?


I am receiving a lot of criticism for putting American Elemental in the main show...I know it wouldn't have fetched me great ratings but I was just trying to put him over.That was the sole intention of putting him in an angle coz I thought putting him in an angle might raise his overness.


I figured that the rest of the card is just 10% of the whole show..so even a rating of 30 instead of 80 wouldn't make a huge difference to the average(would make a difference but not a HUGE one like I said). So that was just to put him over.


My question is why was there a penalty of 7 rating points?


P.S: Eric eisen and Money angle in Pre show was just to maintain the 70:30% ratio as I didn't want the extra matches in Pre show to ruin the 70:30 ratio.It was a last minute addition.More like a filler.

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With 70% Main event and 20% semi main event and 10% rest of the card I should have got atleast 88-89 right?


>My match to Angles ratio is 70:30 with 5% margin allowed and I think my card followed that.

>My Perfect Show theory is on.

>Some of the angles weren't as good as the matches


So I got a penalty of 6-7 ratings or am I missing something??


Following the 70/20/10 ratings for matches you roughly get this.... :)


MAIN = about 64

SEMI = about 15.5

OTHERS = about 5.5

MATCHES in total = 85




Looks like your angles knocked about 4 points of what your show rating would have been otherwise... which isn't a huge hit really. Given how few matches and angles you actually had on the show that gave a larger weighting to American Elemental's segments quite a lot of effect on the show rating and dragged it down quite far since he's not really over for you yet. All in all, it's still a solid show but the lesser segments hurt because there wasn't enough stronger ones to cover for the lowercard workers. :)

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>My match to Angles ratio is 70:30 with 5% margin allowed and I think my card followed that.


Margin is 10%, not 5.


As derek pointed out, you're putting on crappy angles (by SWF's standards) and they killed you (as they should, given that product). In my view, if ratings are a primary concern for you, no one under upper midcarder should be featured in angles. That doesn't mean midcarders and below can't be IN angles, just that they shouldn't be featured in them. Who really cares about American Elemental enough to want to see him celebrate a win? (Judging by the angle rating, next to no one). The match itself was enough for a valley, the angle was excessive.

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Most of your angles, and virtually every match other than the main event was, well... mostly bad. Especially that American Elemental/Everest match.


I'm honestly not shocked at all at the rating you got.


I agree.


Eisen & Money in the pre-show but American Elemental dancing on the main show? REALLY? Should've been the other way around (if that). The Eisen-Money segment might've saved the show (by bringing up the angle average). Replace AmEl's angle with Eisen-Money and you probably come out with an 84.

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I agree.


Eisen & Money in the pre-show but American Elemental dancing on the main show? REALLY? Should've been the other way around (if that). The Eisen-Money segment might've saved the show (by bringing up the angle average). Replace AmEl's angle with Eisen-Money and you probably come out with an 84.


If he had replaced the entire pre-show with the Everest/Elemental match and the Elemental segment it would have been a better show most definitely. I was a bit surprised by seeing Eisen/Money in the pre-show of all places. First time poster = most likely new to the game. Can't go too hard on 'em. :p

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Man, that's a horribly booked show. Honestly speaking, I surprised it even received a 81, which is a B.


Edit: LoganRodzen, I know, but sometimes... hell, even when I first started, I knew it was a good idea to push the main eventers first.


Anyone that watches wrestling seriously knows to feature the main eventers more prominently, until you can build other stars.

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I've learned an important lesson from my 0/0/0 game. In general, "rated on overness" is bad unless overness is higher than literally every other option you've got for angles.


No matter how much you hope it'll help, having someone like Elemental doing a dance will never get ratings. Same with Nigel Svensson, which is where I figured it out.


("Why do his angles always score like, a 10?" I asked myself. "Duh because his overness is like 8." I said to myself.)

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I know you didn't mean it as a snark, but damn, that's HILARIOUS. Your remarks were soft-spoken, yet hard-hitting.


I was just trying to help out. Since it took me like, 6 months to figure out that "Rated on Overness" meant "don't use this on SSW."

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I was just trying to help out. Since it took me like, 6 months to figure out that "Rated on Overness" meant "don't use this on SSW."

I know, I know. The way you said it was nice, but the content of you said, was well, much more matter-of-fact, which only made it so funny to me, because it sounded unusually harsh despite your best efforts. :) I'm not laughing you, though.


It's just that, pointing out facts in a nice way like "It's probably not a good idea to make American Elemental dance" only makes it more "d'oh, so obvious!". :D

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