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"The League"--A Multiplayer Wrestling Spirit II Experience

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Scott and Lisa Stevens featuring Jimmy James

Portland, Oregon: Scorpion's locker room after match interview

December 4, 2010, 10:30 p.m. local time


(Screen opens up with reporter Jimmy James in the locker room of Scott Stevens waiting for the man to appear so he can get his thoughts on his loss tonight to Diamond. After waiting a few minutes, Scorpion and his wife come into the locker room and see James.)


Jimmy James: Scorpion can I get a few words with you.


Scorpion: Sure.


(Scorpion walks over to the reporter to answer his questions.)



Jimmy James: Scorpion, I know this is a tough loss for you. Going into this fight there were rumors of you maybe having post concussion syndrome from taking that unprotected turnbuckle shot last week in the Tag Team Turmoil Tournament or that you had some sort of flu like virus. Were you really sick? What was the problem?


Scorpion: I broke my back.


(There is a long pause.)


Jimmy James: What do you mean by that?


Scorpion: My back is broken.


Jimmy James: A vertebrae? What portion?


Scorpion: Spinal.


Jimmy James: Did you do that training for this match?


Scorpion: No, I did it in probably a motorcycle accident. The doctors discovered it when I was doing my twenty-five hundred sit ups a day with my twenty pound weight. One day I couldn't move anymore, so the doctors took me to the pain center and I asked the doctor what is wrong and he said believe it or not but you back is broken slightly. As it progressed I couldn't wrestle. It was harder and harder to wrestle. You know sometimes guys slam you harder than they want to in the gym. I was training with this new guy, anyone know Friday's full name?


(Scorpion looks around and Lisa gives him a puzzled look.)


Scorpion Anyone know Friday's full name?


Jimmy James: Are you in pain right now? Did you take some type of injection?


Scorpion: You know I can't take an injection because they are going to test me and I'm not a user anymore unlike Phoenix, but all praise be to Serket I don't know. I'm just happy to be wrestling as well as I am.


Jimmy James: Your trainers didn't advise you not to fight?


Scorpion: They did, but I'm obligated to fight. I didn't want to seem scared and back out because I was fighting a women.


Jimmy James: I'm sure your "manhood" wouldn't have been hurt if you bowed out especially if your back is broke.


Scorpion: That is the difference between me and Diamond. I'm a man, and I man up injury or not unlike her if she broke a nail she would have forfeited the match because she would have claimed her nail being broke a life threatening injury like all women do who aren't named Stevens. When it comes to Diamond in our rematch after I beat her I am going to dress her up in an apron, put a skillet in her hand, and make her fix me my supper.


(Lisa comes up and begins to speak.)


Lisa: Sweetie, go to the trainer and make sure your back isn't still broken.


Scorpion: Alright babe, you always know best.


(Scorpion leaves with the doctors.)


Lisa: James, don't pay attention to him, he's still suffering from PCS.


Jimmy James: So he is concussed?


Lisa: Of course.


Jimmy James: Then why is he wrestling?


Lisa: Ask our commish. He basically said wrestle or don't get paid this week.


Jimmy James: He really said that?


Lisa: Of course, you know how jealous he is of us and how he favors other wrestlers over us. Speaking of Mr. Marshall, you need to get one of your announcers in check unless you want me to check him for you.


Jimmy James: You are referring about announcer Bob Sinclair.


Lisa: That is correct. You find it a wonder that he is still married? Our marriage is none of your concern for one, and two my husband is a sweet and honor man and only slaps the taste out of bitches mouths when they try to make a name out of us just like those sluts he showed you in those VHS videos. You see those women had injured me by sneak attacking me and he was just defending my honor like any loyal and loving husband would do.


Jimmy James: Yes and you both still seemed to be madly in love.


Lisa: We are, and we have been together for a very long time. Hell, when our two families were at each others throat with one another we got into a few fights in the ring and let me tell you it wasn't pretty. When I get back to the hotel room I'll post a link to it on The League's website. So, Sinclair watch your slanderous words or I'll bitch slap you next week if you don't change your tune.


(Scorpion walks by with nothing but a doctors robe on and we see his backside.)


Scorpion: Nothing survives my sting! Woooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lisa: Oh jeez.


(Lisa leaves to catch up with Scott.)


Jimmy James: Back to you guys.


(Screen fades 2 black.)




Posted by user Lisa Stevens.


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Thanks, folks... :D

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Season Two, Week Nine

December 8, 2010




And in the end, none remained unscathed. Good evening, everyone! Tori Montgomery here, back after a brief absence from the airwaves and ready to press on into the second half of the season!


If the number of stunned reactions at Sean's loss two weeks ago were large, this past Saturday night that number was easily dwarfed as Tarik Nolan once again wreaked havoc on the record books of The League. We're back to a deadlock in the Gamma Division, and this week the two men involved finally get to face off to break the tie themselves.


Speaking of the divisions, here are the standings as of this moment:



(Note: AMR stands for Average Match Rating)



1. Nuclear Templeton: 5-3, 4.63 AMR

2. SGRaaize: 4-4, 6.75 AMR

3. Robbie Maynard: 4-4, 4.50 AMR

4. Ly Quang Bao: 3-5, 3.00 AMR

(Second place is determined by head-to-head: Raaize won week two.)



(New leader!)

1. Maxx Skabb: 5-3, 5.25 AMR

2. Sebastian Moore: 5-3, 3.25 AMR

3. Thor Hammerskald: 2-6, 4.50 AMR

4. Shawn Arrows: 1-7, 6.75 AMR

(Tie broken by divisional record: Skabb's 3-0 trumps Moore's 2-1.)



1. The Phoenix: 7-1, 4.00 AMR

2. Sean: 7-1, 3.13 AMR

3. Tarik Nolan: 4-4, 6.13 AMR

4. El Demonio de Sangre: 1-7, 2.88 AMR

(Tie is broken by AMR, as no head-to-head is available and divisional record is tied at 2-1.)



1. Scott Stevens: 5-3, 5.38 AMR

2. Johnny Triumph: 4-4, 3.88 AMR

3. Diamond: 4-4, 5.25 AMR

4. Super Century: 3-5, 4.75 AMR

(The second-place tie is won by Triumph's sweep over Diamond this season.)




(Ordered by descending end popularity after the show)



Maxx Skabb: 13.7800 -> 26.1885

Tarik Nolan: 21.6800 -> 24.6290

Shawn Arrows: 12.9100 -> 22.9182

SGRaaize: 16.0900 -> 20.6012

Sean: 18.2980 -> 20.1330

Nuclear Templeton: 16.7200 -> 18.2922

Robbie Maynard: 15.2760 -> 17.6660

Thor Hammerskald: 15.0000 -> 17.2040

Super Century: 15.0000 -> 16.2500

Diamond: 14.1440 -> 15.6213

The Phoenix: 14.7650 -> 14.8357



Johnny Triumph: 18.3200 -> 16.5700

El Demonio de Sangre: 15.0000 -> 13.7067

Scott Stevens: 15.0000 -> 13.4560

Ly Quang Bao: 12.0000 -> 11.2600

Sebastian Moore: 12.0000 -> 11.1813




Once again, legal sanction and censure has been threatened to a League staff member. I refuse to name any specific person or persons involved in this matter, as this legally protects me from any such ventures, but to the man accused of such, I have this to say: I applaud your stance and I agree with it.


As for the person who is making these threats, I have no choice but to shake my head sadly and wonder if the person you represent even bothered to read their League contract. Article II, section B, paragraph 2 clearly states that League wrestlers enter the ring at their own risk, and also states that if they do not feel comfortable participating in a match, they may forfeit before the match even begins. It would behoove you to read the legal documentation thoroughly before trying to level accusations.




A near-perfect run of predictions has catapulted this week's prediction winner, Mr. Ranson, up two spots in the standings and within striking distance of the leaders with seven weeks to go in Season Two.


Once again, there is a tie atop the leaderboard as you'll see below:


1 (tie). I effin rule, masterded: 43

3. moon_lit_tears: 41

4. Prophet: 40

5 (tie). SeanMcG, Tori Montgomery: 39

7 (tie). Derek_b, Ranson: 38

9. Jman2k3: 35

10. Wrestling Century: 32

11 (tie). Jaded, TheKenwyne: 30

13. Dangrel: 29

14. Toasty: 4

15. Arrows: 3


After a near-flawless execution of the show last week, we return to a more conventional setting as he head overseas to start our tour of the Orient for the season.



(Strong Style match, Strict Rules enforcement, ref bumps allowed.)


DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

(Current Lines: Pick 'em)

Last week, remember, Diamond beat Scott Stevens cleanly in the ring, despite what you might hear otherwise from Mr. Stevens. I do not see seven days changing the outcome despite Diamond's slight disadvantage in popularity. Thinking we get a new Delta Division leader after this week, folks.

Tori's Pick: Diamond, via pinfall (Arabian Press), 11:40, C+


BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

(Current Lines: Hammerskald 3-4 (Favorite), Arrows 4-3)

After the beating Arrows took last time out, I think he could be easy prey for Hammerskald, who needs this win as a further morale booster to salvage an uninspiring debut season.

Tori's Pick: Thor Hammerskald, via pinfall (Fenrir Strike), 7:20, D


ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

(Current Lines: Pick 'em)

Bao's high popularity is offset by the fact that Raaize's offense simply hits that much harder. After his win over Nuclear last week, I don't see Raaize stopping here.

Tori's Pick: SGRaaize, via pinfall (Portugal Lariat), 12:50, C


GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

(Current Lines: Nolan 8-9 (Favorite), Demonio 10-9)

In this match, Ring Commandment #6 applies. "Thou shalt not jump at a big man." I don't see any way that Demonio doesn't get overpowered in this one.

Tori's Pick: Tarik Nolan, via pinfall (Regulator), 9:30, E


DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

(Current Lines: Pick 'em)

Triumph's strength is his technical game, which Century does have a passing knowledge of. However, the difference will be too much; I see Triumph moving into a 5-4 tie and maybe taking the division lead outright.

Tori's Pick: Johnny Triumph, via submission (Horns of Victory), 12:10, C+


BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

(Current Lines: Moore 7-9 (Favorite), Skabb 9-7)

This one is for the outright lead in the Beta Division, ladies and gentlemen. Skabb's condition is going to be worrisome, at the very least, and that what Vegas is banking on at the moment. If Skabb gets his power game working early, before he tires and takes too much damage, he could pull off the win. However, I just think Moore is too much for him right now, given the damage to Maxx's body

Tori's Pick: Sebastian Moore, via submission (Chonan Lock), 9:20, D


ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

(Current Lines: Pick 'em)

This is the first of the only two matches that pit League veterans against each other this week. In their last meeting, Nuclear picked up the duke, and with Nuclear having the edge in terms of in-ring ability, I think he goes two for two lifetime against Maynard.

Tori's Pick: Nuclear Templeton, via pinfall (Rain of Pain), 15:20, B+


GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

(Current Lines: Sean 5-6 (Favorite), Phoenix 6-5)

If not for Tarik Nolan, this would be a battle of 8-0 undefeated wrestlers. As it is, it's for the outright lead in the Gamma Division, so I expect fireworks. The last time these two met, Sean picked up the victory. With the roll that both of these men have been on, one would almost assume that the winner will be making the playoffs, but that's no guarantee yet. On paper, Sean has the upper hand in just about every category, but matches aren't fought on paper, they're fought inside those funny glowing boxes that everyone is attached to. As much as I'd like to take the underdog in this one, I can't in good consci....you know, forget it. I'm picking the underdog as a sentimental pick this week.

Tori's Pick: The Phoenix, via submission (Eternal Requiem), 17:30, A


Week Ten will originate from Japan as well, so expect the rules to remain the same for that show as well. Until then, this is Tori Montgomery...so long from ringside!





DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

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DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

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DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

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DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

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Folks, due to some unexpected plans cropping up, the show will likely be posted tomorrow at a time yet to be determined, but likely before 7:00 pm EST (Sunday).




  • This week's Match of the Night marked the sixth such honor in one participant's League career, going nearly 22 mintues.
  • In a (unofficial) League record, first blood was recorded at less than seven minutes into the show!
  • The first three matches playing "Beat the Clock" with each other.
  • Blood appearing at two and a half minutes in a later match.
  • And finally, was the main event worth waiting for? You'll have to find out tomorrow night!

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Folks, due to some unexpected plans cropping up, the show will likely be posted tomorrow at a time yet to be determined, but likely before 7:00 pm EST (Sunday).




  • This week's Match of the Night marked the sixth such honor in one participant's League career, going nearly 22 mintues.
  • In a (unofficial) League record, first blood was recorded at less than seven minutes into the show!
  • The first three matches playing "Beat the Clock" with each other.
  • Blood appearing at two and a half minutes in a later match.
  • And finally, was the main event worth waiting for? You'll have to find out tomorrow night!


Match of the Night was probably Scorpion beating down Diamond for 22 minutes with a broken back mind you.

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DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

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OK, so I managed to get the show done a lot quicker than I thought. Enjoy!


Season Two, Week Nine

Okayama, Japan

December 11, 2010


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyxBiUbCP8E&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></object> THE LEAGUE: WEEK NINE


The Momotaro Arena is packed to capacity, with over 11,000 screaming fans cheering as the opening pyro lights the interior of the arena. As the explosions die down, we head as always to ringside and our...wait, one-man announce team?


Frankie Garnett: Uh...yeah, hi, everybody. If you're looking for Bob Sinclair, he's staying backstage for our opening match because he doesn't want to get his arse kicked by Scott Stevens' wife. Don't blame the guy, actually, which means that at least for the first match, all you're gonna get is me. Don't you feel privileged? Anyhow, Amelia, get us started, would ya?


DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3)


<object width="28" height="28"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GE59m3A9oI?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> The instrumental-only version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" hits the arena to a mixed reaction as The League's lone female member emerges from backstage. There is a confident smirk on her face as she talks trash with some of the louder fans before sprinting into the ring by diving under the bottom rope. As she stands, she proceeds to the corner nearest the announce table, hands thrown in the air as the soaks in the crowd reaction.


Amelia Williams: Our opening contest is a Delta Division contest, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Aberdeen, Scotland, weighing 137 pounds...Diamond!


Frankie Garnett: I will say this much for Diamond—she ain't afraid of a fight, that's for sure!


<embed src="http://www.4shared.com/embed/418344693/c67c6a9d" width="280" height="25" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed>

The lights in the arena go pitch black, as red lasers and spotlights light up the area. The video screen lights up and flashes across the screen, "Nothing survives my sting!" Over the audio system a snippet of Dave Mustaine from the song "Scorpion" yells, "I am the Scorpion whoah!!!" This causes the crowd to start booing as a mash up of "I Stand Alone" by Godsmack and "Amazing" by Kanye West hits the speakers, and the man in question walks to the ring, talking trash the whole way.


Amelia Williams: Her opponent from Houston, Texas, weighing 265 pounds, he is the Delta Division leader..."The Scorpion" Scott Stevens!


Frankie Garnett: Stevens looks more composed than the last time we saw him, which makes me wonder what sort of physician he goes to in order to basically eliminate all traces of PCS we saw from him last week.


Diamond hit the Punch

Diamond hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Diamond hit the Face Stepping

Diamond hit the Face Rub

Diamond applied the Women's Choke Hold

Scott Stevens moved and the Half Senton missed!

Scott Stevens hit the Knee Pull

Diamond blocked the Elbow Drop On Knee.

Diamond recovers and stands up.

Scott Stevens hit the Knife Edge Chop

Scott Stevens applied the Body Scissors

Scott Stevens hit the Knee Pull

Scott Stevens applied the Rear Chinlock

Diamond broke the Body Scissors.

Diamond hit the Hair Pull

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Diamond hit the Bitch Slap

Diamond hit the European Uppercut

Diamond hit the Punch

Diamond applied the Front Facelock

Diamond hit the Bitch Slap

Diamond hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Diamond hit the Flip Legdrop

Diamond used the Stripper Dance

Scott Stevens moved and the Rolling Senton missed!

Scott Stevens hit the Knee Pull

The Single Leg Grapevine was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Scott Stevens moved and the Rolling Splash missed!

Diamond blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Diamond moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

Diamond hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Scott Stevens moved and the Rolling Senton missed!

Scott Stevens used the La Magistral Cradle

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Diamond moved and the Leg Lariat missed!

Scott Stevens blocked the Face Plant.

Diamond hit the Dropkick To Knee

Diamond hit the Running Dropkick

Scott Stevens rushed the Stripper Dance.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

Scott Stevens applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Diamond broke the La Magistral Cradle by reaching the ropes.

Diamond moved and the Leg Lariat missed!

Diamond hit the DDT

Scott Stevens is busted open.


Frankie Garnett: That's not going to be good for Stevens' health; Diamond's wasting no time in getting back to the form she had last week!


Diamond picks up Scott Stevens.

Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick!

Scott Stevens rushed the Top Rope Point.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

Diamond slipped out the back of the La Magistral Cradle.

Scott Stevens broke the Cheating Roll Up.

Diamond blocked the DDT.

Scott Stevens hit the Gutwrench Suplex

Diamond slipped out the back of the Single Leg Grapevine.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Scott Stevens moved and the Flying Clothesline missed!

Scott Stevens picks up Diamond from behind.

Scott Stevens whips Diamond into the ropes.

Scott Stevens hit the Leaping Side Suplex

Scott Stevens picks up Diamond from behind.

Diamond blocked the German Suplex.

Diamond slipped out of the Released German Suplex.

Scorpion saw it coming, and ducked the Hell Fire Kick!

Diamond broke the Z"Ha"Dum.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Scott Stevens shook the ropes to stop the Missile Dropkick.

Scott Stevens throws Diamond off the top rope.

Scott Stevens picks up Diamond from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the German Suplex

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

Kick Out At Two-And-A-Half!

Scott Stevens hit the S.T.O.

Scott Stevens picks up Diamond.

Z''HA''DUM! Scott Stevens just leveled Diamond!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of eleven minutes and twenty seconds...Scott Stevens!


Frankie Garnett: And Stevens solidifies his hold on the Delta Division, right now you have to think he's the favorite to make the playoffs from that division!


As Frankie finishes speaking, Bob Sinclair comes down the aisle from backstage, shaking his head at Stevens as he passes him on the ramp and takes his seat at the announcers' table.


Frankie Garnett: Glad you finally decided to show up, Bob.


Bob Sinclair: Look, Frankie, I told you I was asked by legal counsel to stay away from the ring for the first match. It's not my fault that the Stevens family is a bunch of lawsuit-happy moneygrubbers.


Frankie Garnett: And that's not going to draw their ire?


Bob Sinclair: Public records, Frankie. They've filed no fewer than a dozen lawsuits in the last four years. I'm just calling it like it is.


BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6)


Frankie Garnett: Whatever, Bob. It's your professional funeral....


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXYiU_JCYtU?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> The opening notes of Linkin Park's "Numb" hit as he emerges from backstage, casting his gaze over the largely jeering crowd before flipping them the bird and dashing down the entrance ramp, diving under the bottom rope and into the ring.


Amelia Williams: This is a Beta Division contest scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, from Raleigh, North Carolina, weighing 212 pounds...Shawn Arrows!


Bob Sinclair: Arrows has had about as bad of a start as you can get this season, coming in on a seven-match losing streak.


Frankie Garnett: Face it, Bob, the guy needs something to spark a comeback.


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-UbViuK4fY?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> Amon Amarth's "Death in Fire" hits the speakers, to a decent ovation as the League rookie emerges from backstage, looking every bit the part of a Viking warrior as he strides to the ring with a determined look on his face.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Oslo, Norway, weighing 310 pounds...Thor Hammerskald!


Bob Sinclair: Thor has struggled as well this season, though I'm led to believe that the schedule is what is causing his trouble. He's not used to this sort of schedule, if my sources are correct.


Frankie Garnett: Which they never are, by the by. Why do you keep them around, anyway?


Shawn Arrows hit the Legsweep Snap Pinfall

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!


Frankie Garnett: Come on, Arrows, you should know by now that never works!


Shawn Arrows hit the Eye Gouge

Shawn Arrows hit the Back Kick

Shawn Arrows hit the Kick To Gut

Shawn Arrows hit the Snap Mare Takedown

Shawn Arrows hit the Stomp

Thor Hammerskald moved and the Seated Back Kick missed!

Thor Hammerskald hit the European Uppercut

Thor Hammerskald hit the Elbow Drop

Thor Hammerskald hit the Stomp

Thor Hammerskald hit the Slingshot To Corner

Shawn Arrows moved and the Corner Forearm Strike missed!

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Kick To Gut.

Shawn Arrows hit the Back Kick

Shawn Arrows hit the Dropkick

Shawn Arrows hit the Senton

Shawn Arrows hit the Stomp

Shawn Arrows hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

Thor Hammerskald moved and the Cartwheel Splash missed!

Shawn Arrows slipped out the back of the Rear Chinlock.

Thor Hammerskald moved and the Kick Rush missed!

Thor Hammerskald grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Elbow Strike

Thor Hammerskald hit the Punch

Thor Hammerskald hit the Toss To Corner

Thor Hammerskald hit the Corner Stomp Flurry

Thor Hammerskald picks up Shawn Arrows.

Thor Hammerskald grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Thor Hammerskald picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Back Suplex

Thor Hammerskald hit the Splash


Bob Sinclair: Hammerskald has dominated the early part of this match, Frankie, but he needs to be able to put his opponent away.


Frankie Garnett: Something he's failed miserably at this season. I don't see him doing it here.


Shawn Arrows counters by fighting back.

Shawn Arrows hit the Side Spinning Kick

Shawn Arrows hit the DDT

Shawn Arrows is moving stiffly, his back may be injured.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flip Legdrop

Shawn Arrows hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

Shawn Arrows picks up Thor Hammerskald from behind.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Shawn Arrows hit the Slingshot Moonsault

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of six and a half minutes...Shawn Arrows!


Frankie Garnett: Heh. Told you so, Bob.


Bob Sinclair: Arrows picks up his second win of the season, and once again doesn't use his finisher to do it. Between him and Diamond, they've made the most of not using their finishers to win matches.


ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5) vs. SGRaaize (4-4)


Frankie Garnett: And that's why they're having troubles, Bob. Plain and simple.


Bob Sinclair: I hate to say it, but you may be on to something.


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZuokfaRcR8?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> A Portugesa hits the speakers to a rousing chorus of jeers as the Tron displays the national flag of Portugal. Emerging from the entryway, he turns to salute his homeland's flag before calmly walking to the ring, ignoring the fans as he slides into the ring and bounces off the ropes a couple of times to stretch.


Amelia Williams: This is an Alpha Division contest, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Torres Vedras, Portugal, weighing 231 pounds...SGRaaize!


Bob Sinclair: Raaize comes in a match behind the Alpha Division leader, and a win here would give him some much-needed momentum heading into the closing weeks of the season.


Frankie Garnett: Well, beating Templeton with his own move last week certainly had to help his morale.


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyxX3tNkodY?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> Psykosonik's "Panik Kontrol" echoes throughout the arena as our next participant emerges, nearly hidden in a cloud of red smoke. As the beat continues, he sprints down the aisle, leaping onto the apron and somersaulting over the top rope, coming to a halt in the middle of the ring and looking ready to fight as the song fades.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Bien Hoa, Vietnam, weighing 177 pounds...Ly Quang Bao!


Bob Sinclair: Bao has struggled the last couple of weeks, though out of all sixteen League members, he seems to be in the best physical condition so far.


Frankie Garnett: And that means what when he can't win matches, Bob?


Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Blow

SGRaaize took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Ly Quang Bao moved and the Eye Gouge missed!

Ly Quang Bao hit the Punch

Ly Quang Bao hit the Slap Kick

Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Strike

Ly Quang Bao hit the Elbow Strike

Ly Quang Bao hit the Snap Mare Takedown

Ly Quang Bao applied the Knee Bar

Ly Quang Bao hit the Stomp

Ly Quang Bao hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Ly Quang Bao applied the Single Leg Grapevine

SGRaaize moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

SGRaaize hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

SGRaaize applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

SGRaaize hit the Knee Pull

SGRaaize hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

SGRaaize applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

SGRaaize hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Ly Quang Bao moved and the Stomp missed!

Ly Quang Bao takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Ly Quang Bao hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

SGRaaize rushed the Spirit Roar.

SGRaaize hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

SGRaaize applied the Front Facelock

SGRaaize hit the Punch

SGRaaize hit the Side Headlock Takedown

SGRaaize hit the Knee Pull

SGRaaize applied the Single Leg Grapevine

SGRaaize applied the Bow And Arrow Lock

SGRaaize picks up Ly Quang Bao.

The Vertical Suplex was countered into a Forearm Strike Flurry.

Kreizi Brainbuster II! That has to do it, Bob! It HAS to!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of five minutes and twenty seconds...Ly Quang Bao!


Frankie Garnett: Wait a minute, Bob, was there some sort of unspoken competition that we're not aware of?


Bob Sinclair: What do you mean?


Frankie Garnett: I mean, did Colt Marshall institute a Beat the Clock challenge or something?


Bob Sinclair: Uh, no. Why?


GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7)


Frankie Garnett: Because I'm hoping that Phoenix no-shows and Sean wins in ten seconds via forfeit! That would win for sure!


Bob Sinclair: Sure it would, Frankie....


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Xx_vjGnlo?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> The beat of Danzig's "Am I Demon" hit the speakers as the lone luchador in The League emerges from backstage. His mask is obscured by the smoke billowing around him, and it is a blood-red spotlight that follows him to the ring as he hops over the top rope and waits impatiently for the carnage to begin.


Amelia Williams: This is a Gamma Division contest scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Tijuana, Mexico, weighing 142 pounds...he is El Demonio de Sangre!


Frankie Garnett: Ah, so we go from the dregs of the Beta Division, to the same in the Alpha Division, and now the Gamma Division. Wake me up when someone with a winning record shows up, Bob.


Bob Sinclair: Ignoring Frankie's comments, many people I've talked to seem to think that Demonio is due. We'll see tonight if he can stop the Streak-breaker.


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1plPyJdXKIY?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> "Regulate" hits the speakers, immediately drawing the ire of the crowd as a large figure stands in the entryway, backlit by a clear spotlight. Pyro explodes on the stage, causing the light to shut off as the figure finally emerges onto the stage proper. Laughing at the boos hurled in his direction, he takes his time walking to the ring and subsequently entering it for his next match.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Shreveport, Louisiana, weighing 292 pounds...Tarik Nolan!


Frankie Garnett: "Streak-breaker?"


Bob Sinclair: Thought you were going to be asleep, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: Please, Bob. These people would be bored to death without me here!


El Demonio de Sangre hit the Lucha Bump

El Demonio de Sangre applied the Candado

El Demonio de Sangre applied the Candado Invertido

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Open Handed Slap

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Snap Mare Takedown

El Demonio de Sangre used the Lucha Senton

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

The Puñetazo was countered into a Power Bodyslam.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

El Demonio de Sangre recovers and stands up.

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

Tarik Nolan hit the Toss To Corner

Tarik Nolan hit the Turnbuckle Smash

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Tarik Nolan hit the Fist Drop

Tarik Nolan applied the Choke Hold

The referee warns that that was illegal.

El Demonio de Sangre moved and the Stomp missed!

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Open Handed Slap

Tarik Nolan took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.


Frankie Garnett: That wasn't your smartest moment, Demonio.


Bob Sinclair: Indeed. I think he made Nolan angry.


Tarik Nolan hit the Eye Gouge

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

Tarik Nolan hit the European Uppercut

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

El Demonio de Sangre slipped out the back of the Head Vice.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Patadas de Canguro

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Stomp

El Demonio de Sangre used the Lucha Senton

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Dropkicksault

The Cartwheel Splash was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Tarik Nolan applied the Head Vice

Tarik Nolan hit the Side Suplex

Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

El Demonio de Sangre easily rushed the Power Taunt.

Tarik Nolan blocked the Seated Face Plant.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Dropkicksault

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Tarik Nolan.

The Spinning Heel Kick was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre.

Tarik Nolan hit the Front Slam

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

El Demonio de Sangre slipped out of the Regulator.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Leg Lariat

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

Tarik Nolan moved and the Seated Dropkick missed!

El Demonio de Sangre slipped out the back of the Press Powerslam.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Dropkicksault

Tarik Nolan moved and the Power Guillotina missed!

Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

El Demonio de Sangre counters by fighting back.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Leg Lariat


Bob Sinclair: Demonio putting up a fight here against Nolan, but he's going to need a few more moves like that to keep the big man down.


Frankie Garnett: Only a matter of time before he breaks the Sixth Wrestling Commandment, Bob.


El Demonio de Sangre picks up Tarik Nolan.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Patadas Voladoras

Tarik Nolan moved and the Rolling Senton missed!

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Tarik Nolan whips El Demonio de Sangre to the corner.

Tarik Nolan grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Clothesline

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre.

Tarik Nolan hit the Front Slam

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

El Demonio de Sangre slipped out of the Regulator.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Dropkicksault

El Demonio de Sangre climbs the turnbuckles.

Tarik Nolan rushed the Senton Bomb.

Tarik Nolan climbs down off the top rope.

Tarik Nolan throws El Demonio de Sangre off the top rope.

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

El Demonio de Sangre recovers and stands up.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pump Kick

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre.

The Press Powerslam was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Patadas Voladoras

Tarik Nolan moved and the Rolling Senton missed!

Tarik Nolan climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre recovers and stands up.

El Demonio de Sangre moved and the Flying Double Axe Handle missed!

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Crucifix Cradle

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

El Demonio de Sangre grimaces as he walks, his knee may have been hurt.


Bob Sinclair: All right, Frankie, now you've got me curious. What are the first five?


Frankie Garnett: Number one: Thou shalt not talk about the Sacred Wrestling Commandments.


Bob Sinclair: What is this, Fight Club?


El Demonio de Sangre hit the Leg Lariat

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Tarik Nolan.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Patadas Voladoras

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Power Guillotina

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Tarik Nolan.

El Demonio de Sangre climbs the turnbuckles.

Tarik Nolan moved and the Missile Dropkick missed!

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

Tarik Nolan has to stop momentarily, his neck clearly in agony.

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Neck Plant

Tarik Nolan climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre recovers and stands up.

Tarik Nolan has to stop momentarily, his neck clearly in agony.

Tarik Nolan hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Tarik Nolan has to stop momentarily, his neck clearly in agony.

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

Tarik Nolan whips El Demonio de Sangre to the corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Stomp Flurry

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

Tarik Nolan used the Slit Throat Motion

El Demonio de Sangre slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Tarik Nolan moved and the Leg Lariat missed!

Tarik Nolan hit the Short Arm Clothesline

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre.

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Press Powerslam.

The Pump Kick was countered into a Drop Toe Hold.

El Demonio de Sangre grimaces as he walks, his knee may have been hurt.

Tarik Nolan easily broke the Cruceta.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Bob Sinclair: Nolan starting to use his power game to make Demonio pay for closing into his reach.


Frankie Garnett: You say that like Demonio had a choice.


Bob Sinclair: Hit and run tactics, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: That requires effort, and thus why Demonio doesn't use it.


Tarik Nolan hit the Short Arm Clothesline

El Demonio de Sangre slipped out the back of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Patadas Voladoras

El Demonio de Sangre climbs the turnbuckles.

Tarik Nolan moved and the Flying Butt Drop missed!

Tarik Nolan has to stop momentarily, his neck clearly in agony.

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Tarik Nolan looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

Tarik Nolan whips El Demonio de Sangre to the corner.

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry.

El Demonio de Sangre moved and the Corner Clothesline missed!

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Dropkicksault

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Quebrada

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Slingshot Guillotina

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on El Demonio de Sangre.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pain Train

The Mounted Punch Flurry was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Slingshot Senton Bomb

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Tarik Nolan.

Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on El Demonio de Sangre.

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Clothesline

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Tarik Nolan picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

Tarik Nolan hits the Regulator! It's the beginning of the end....

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of twenty-one minutes and fifty seconds...Tarik Nolan!


Bob Sinclair: And Demonio's struggles continue, as he is now the only participant with only one win, and thus guaranteed to now have a losing season.


Frankie Garnett: You just called him a loser! I'm going to let him know that!


DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4) vs. Super Century (3-5)


Bob Sinclair: Wait, I never—


Frankie Garnett: Don’t try to chicken out of it now, Bob!


Bob Sinclair: (sighs)


Without warning, all of the lights go off in the arena, casting everything into pitch blackness. A few seconds pass before a spotlight shines on one of the turnbuckles, revealing no one there. This is repeated with all four turnbuckles, each revealing no one there. Finally, one last spotlight shines down onto the middle of the ring, which reveals the caped form of The League's resident superhero, who stands with arms folded and staring intently into the audience.


Amelia Williams: This is a Delta Division bout scheduled for one fall! In the ring, from the Halls of Justice, weighing 205 pounds...Super Century!


Bob Sinclair: A win from Century here would cause a logjam in the Delta Division standings, as the lower three wrestlers would be tied at 4-5.


Frankie Garnett: Thus further ensuring the inevitable victory of Scott Stevens.


Bob Sinclair: Don't remind me....


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc6rpM7RtB0?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> A remixed version of "Ecstasy of Gold" hits the speakers, which is nearly drowned out in jeers as he emerges from the entryway, a rain of golden sparks falling behind him as he walks to the ring with a confident look on his face. Instead of taking the steps closest to him, he walks around to the opposite side of the ring, drawing in more jeers as he finally climbs the steps and enters the ring.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Des Moines, Iowa, weighing 228 pounds...Johnny Triumph!


Bob Sinclair: A Triumph win, on the other hand, jumps him into sole possession of second place in the division, and a legit shot at knocking Stevens from his perch.


Frankie Garnett: What, no acerbic comments about Stevens? I know you wanna...


Bob Sinclair: Can we just call the match, Frankie?


A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Johnny Triumph moved and the Kick To Knee missed!

Johnny Triumph hit the Slap To Chest

Super Century took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Super Century hit the Dropkick

Super Century hit the Fist Drop

Super Century hit the Knee Pull

Johnny Triumph moved and the Stomp missed!

Johnny Triumph hit the Punch

Super Century took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Super Century hit the Jab Punch

Johnny Triumph blocked the Snap Mare Takedown.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Super Century hit the Jab Punch

The Elbow Strike was countered into a Punch.

The Eye Gouge was countered into a Palm Thrust.

Super Century hit the Knife Edge Chop

Super Century hit the Running Clothesline

Super Century picks up Johnny Triumph from behind.

Super Century hit the Dropkick

Super Century applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Super Century hit the Seated Dropkick

Super Century hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Johnny Triumph moved and the Flip Legdrop missed!


Frankie Garnett: When is it going to get through your thick skull that superheroes don't exist, and you're not one of them, Century?


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, you're going to ruin the hopes of kids worldwide.


Frankie Garnett: Yeah, well spoiler alert: Santa isn't real!


Johnny Triumph hit the Knee Pull

Johnny Triumph hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Johnny Triumph applied the Arm Bar

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Super Century blocked the Knee Pull.

Super Century recovers and stands up.

Johnny Triumph hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Johnny Triumph takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Super Century broke the Bow And Arrow Lock.

Super Century hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph moved and the Running Dropkick missed!

Johnny Triumph picks up Super Century from behind.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph hit the Neckbreaker

Super Century slipped out the back of the Single Leg Grapevine.

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Forward Russian Legsweep.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Super Century slipped out of the Neckbreaker.

Super Century hit the Leg Lariat

Super Century applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

Johnny Triumph shook the ropes to stop the Flying Body Press.

Super Century counters by fighting back.

The Springboard Rana was countered into a Powerslam.

Super Century slipped out the back of the Horns of Victory.

Johnny Triumph moved and the Zero Grav missed!

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Johnny Triumph picks up Super Century from behind.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Super Century slipped out the back of the Wheel Barrow Suplex.

Super Century hit the Back Suplex

Super Century picks up Johnny Triumph.

Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

Super Century hit the Flying Body Press

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Bob Sinclair: Century nearly had Triumph there with the high cross body, but Triumph was just able to get free.


Frankie Garnett: Thank goodness. I don't think I could take another one of Century's "I won!" videos. The last one made me want to puke.


Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

Super Century hit the Missile Dropkick

Super Century picks up Johnny Triumph.

Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

Johnny Triumph shook the ropes to stop the Corkscrew Leg Lariat.

Johnny Triumph climbs the turnbuckles.

Super Century blocked the Belly To Belly Superplex.

Johnny Triumph hit the Super Overhead Fallaway Slam

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Super Century slipped out the back of the Wheel Barrow Suplex.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker.

Super Century just broke the laws of gravity and Johnny Triumph's neck with the Zero Grav!

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

The Missile Dropkick was countered into a Single Leg Grapevine.

Johnny Triumph picks up Super Century from behind.

Triumph-plex! Look at that impact!

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

Super Century hit the Second Rope Rana

Super Century hit the Slingshot Legdrop

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Frankie Garnett: Come on, Triumph, put this clown away!


Bob Sinclair: Century nearly had him there, but Triumph was able to get a shoulder up. Still, all of this punishment has to be wearing on Johnny Triumph.


Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

Johnny Triumph shook the ropes to stop the Flying Clothesline.

Super Century counters by kicking Johnny Triumph away.

The Missile Dropkick was countered into a Single Leg Boston Crab.

Super Century blocked the Horns of Victory.

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Johnny Triumph has Super Century locked in the Horns of Victory!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of fourteen minutes and forty seconds...Johnny Triumph!


Frankie Garnett: About damn time!


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, what do you have against Century?


BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3)


Frankie Garnett: This is NOT SWF or TCW—there is no room here for a cheap Lobster Warrior knockoff!


Bob Sinclair: Forget I asked....


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btjVnTLn6og?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> It is to Muse's "Assassin" that he emerges, an arrogant smirk crossing his face as he soaks in the jeers of the crowd. Looking up at the spotlight for a moment, his smirk seems to get even bigger as he walks down the ramp, ignoring the catcalls of the crowd as he ascends the steps, wipes his feet on the apron, and steps through the ropes.


Amelia Williams: This is a Beta Division contest scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Manchester, England, weighing 237 pounds...Sebastian Moore!


Bob Sinclair: This match will determine the Beta Division leader, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: This should be a brawl, plain and simple!


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8hnIqp4Xkw?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> Disturbed's "The Night" blares throughout the arena as spotlights begin to pan over the audience, as if looking for someone. A dim red light shines on the entryway, revealing a hulking figure making his way to ringside. As the refrain hits, the spotlights immediately focus on him as white strobe lights flash on the entrance stage. He slides under the bottom rope, his orange jumpsuit a stark contrast to most of the clothing in the audience as the song fades into silence.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from the Orange County Correctional Facility, weighing 289 pounds, he is the Beta Division leader...Maxx Skabb!


Bob Sinclair: Skabb comes in as the leader of the division via tiebreaker, you can be sure he wants to assume outright control of the division.


Frankie Garnett: Well, duh! They're the only people guaranteed playoff spots, after all!


Maxx Skabb hit the Jab Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Maxx Skabb hit the Hair Pull

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Maxx Skabb hit the Throat Thrust

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Maxx Skabb hit the Stomp

Maxx Skabb hit the Elbow Drop

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Stepping

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Sebastian Moore slipped out the back of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Sebastian Moore hit the Forearm To Back Of Head

Sebastian Moore hit the Russian Legsweep

Maxx Skabb slipped out the back of the Knee Pull.

Maxx Skabb applied the Head Vice

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Sebastian Moore is busted open.


Frankie Garnett: Damn, that's got to be a record or something! How quick was that?


Bob Sinclair: Under three minutes, that's for certain.


Sebastian Moore moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

Sebastian Moore applied the Rear Chinlock

Sebastian Moore hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Sebastian Moore hit the Knee Pull

Sebastian Moore applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

Maxx Skabb slipped out of the Elbow Drop On Knee.

The High Knee was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

Sebastian Moore hit the Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore hit the Spinning Backhand Blow

Sebastian Moore hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Maxx Skabb broke the Knee Bar by reaching the ropes.

Sebastian Moore hit the Forearm Blow

The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Standing Spinebuster.

Sebastian Moore blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Sebastian Moore moved and the Gorilla Press missed!

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Maxx Skabb moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Sebastian Moore.

Maxx Skabb hit the Double Underhook Bomb

Maxx Skabb hit the Big Legdrop

Sebastian Moore blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Sebastian Moore moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

Sebastian Moore hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Maxx Skabb slipped out the back of the Rear Crossface Blows.

Maxx Skabb applied the Head Vice

Sebastian Moore slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Kick Combo

Maxx Skabb blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sebastian Moore hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Sebastian Moore applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!



Bob Sinclair: Moore trying to use his submission skills to win the match, but Skabb's having nothing of that hold.


Frankie Garnett: And again I repeat: when was the last time that hold won a match?


Maxx Skabb moved and the Chonan Lock missed!

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Sebastian Moore hit the Gutwrench Suplex

Sebastian Moore picks up Maxx Skabb.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Triple Kick Combo missed!

The Lethal Injection was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Sebastian Moore hit the Leg Lariat

Sebastian Moore applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Kick Combo

Sebastian Moore picks up Maxx Skabb.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Repeated Knee Lifts.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Kick Rush missed!

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Kick Combo

Sebastian Moore picks up Maxx Skabb.

Sebastian Moore with the takedown, and he has that Chonan Lock on tight, Frankie!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of ten minutes and thirty seconds...Sebastian Moore!


Bob Sinclair: And Moore assumes lead of the Beta Division!


Frankie Garnett: Well, that makes things difficult for Skabb, especially as he loses the tie-breaker at the moment. His work is cut out for him!


ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3)


Bob Sinclair: And that's why winning your divisional matches is extremely important, ladies and gents.


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z-hEyVQDRA?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> The opening riffs of Metallica's "Master of Puppets" hits the speakers, drawing a mixed reaction from the crowd as one of the League's initial playoff wrestlers emerges from the stage, bathed in a blue light shining beneath him. After pausing to mentally prepare himself, he walks to the ring, his eyes never leaving the squared circle as he climbs onto the apron and ducks between the ropes.


Amelia Williams: This is an Alpha Division contest scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Liverpool, England, weighing 251 pounds...Robbie Maynard!


Bob Sinclair: With Bao's win over Raaize earlier on, this match has taken an added dimension to it—the winner here will be the Alpha Division leader.


Frankie Garnett: See, I love these kind of matches, where both people know what's at stake. This should be violent!


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m8InLP2whA?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> Billy Idol's "Shock to the System" hits the speakers, bringing the crowd to their feet in ovation as one of the League's more recognizable faces emerges from backstage and across the green-tinted stage. As he hits the end of the entrance ramp, he throws his arms into the air, sending a pair of mushroom clouds into the air from the stage as he makes his way to the ring and through the ropes.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Atlantic City, New Jersey, weighing 278 pounds, he is the Alpha Division leader...Nuclear Templeton!


Bob Sinclair: Templeton's looking to keep hold of his Division lead here; a loss sends him into the increasingly murky depths of the wild card fight.


Frankie Garnett: You know, Bob, they need to let the wild card be determined in a battle royal. Make things interesting!


Bob Sinclair: I prefer the current system, thank you. It works for the NFL after all!


Robbie Maynard hit the Punch

Robbie Maynard hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Robbie Maynard hit the Running Clothesline

Robbie Maynard applied the Arm Bar

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Knee Drop missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Nuclear Templeton picks up Robbie Maynard.

The Headbutt was countered into a Forearm Blow.

Robbie Maynard hit the Open Handed Slap

Robbie Maynard applied the Front Facelock

Robbie Maynard hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Robbie Maynard hit the Seated Back Kick

Robbie Maynard hit the Stomp

Robbie Maynard applied the Arm Bar

Robbie Maynard hit the Legdrop To Arm

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Seated Back Kick missed!


Bob Sinclair: Maynard had control for most of the time since the bell, but could that one mistake be enough for Templeton to capitalize?


Frankie Garnett: Who cares? Let them fight!


Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike

The Elbow Blow was countered into a Elbow Strike.

Nuclear Templeton slipped out of the Belly To Belly Suplex.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Power Bodyslam

Robbie Maynard blocked the Body Scissors.

Robbie Maynard recovers and stands up.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike

Nuclear Templeton hit the Elbow Blow

Nuclear Templeton hit the Face Stepping

Robbie Maynard slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Robbie Maynard hit the Dropkick To Knee

Nuclear Templeton broke the Short Arm Clothesline.

The Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Elbow Strike.

Robbie Maynard hit the Belly To Belly Suplex

Nuclear Templeton slipped out the back of the Single Leg Grapevine.

Robbie Maynard slipped out of the Full Nelson.

Robbie Maynard hit the Face Plant

Robbie Maynard grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Charging Forearm

The Snap Driving Elbow was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Legdrop To Groin.

Robbie Maynard applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Robbie Maynard used the Spirit Roar

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Nuclear Templeton recovers and stands up.

Nuclear Templeton broke the Face Plant.

The Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Forearm Blow.

Robbie Maynard hit the Dropkick To Knee

It's gotta be over, Robbie Maynard hits the Merseyside Maul!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of seven and a half minutes...Robbie Maynard!


Frankie Garnett: Wait, I was robbed! They weren't done fighting yet!


Bob Sinclair: The ref says otherwise, Frankie. Maynard is the new Alpha Division leader!


GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1) vs. Sean (7-1)


Frankie Garnett: Wait, so that means that next is...ah, crap.


Bob Sinclair: Yep, Frankie. It's main event time!


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GECit4oSpbk?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> Black Sabbath's classic "Iron Man" hits the arena speakers, as strobe lights begin to flash in the entryway. Fog rolls in from the entrance proper as a figure emerges, walking slowly to the ring and mentally preparing for what's ahead of him. He slides in under the bottom rope and walks over to one of the nearby turnbuckles, leaning up against them as the song fades.


Amelia Williams: This is our main event of the evening, a Gamma Division contest scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing 230 pounds...Sean!


Bob Sinclair: Just like last match, the winner here assumes the division lead. However, given their records, the urgency to get back in the lead will not be as prevalent as 7-2 will be a good step ahead of the second wild card seed as of this moment.


Frankie Garnett: Is it too much to hope for a total collapse on the fat guy's part?


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avPSzGVCPH0?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> The opening chords of "The Instinct" hit as the entryway is bathed in a fiery orange light. Twin pillars of flame erupt from the entrance stage, one per side, as The League's largest member walks to the ring. As he approaches the steps, he pauses, bowing his head for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and releasing a shout to the skies above as he climbs onto the apron and steps between the ropes.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from the End of Nowhere, weighing 337 pounds, he is the current Gamma Division leader...this is The Phoenix!


Bob Sinclair: Here is the near unanimous vote for Comeback Wrestler of the Season, if we had such an award. From 3-11 last season to being the last one to suffer a loss this season, it's no wonder that people have been suspicious.


Frankie Garnett: Because he's a cheating, lying son of a—


Bob Sinclair: I'm censoring you personally, Frankie. The man's tested clean every week. Just can it, already.


The Phoenix hit the Knife Edge Chop

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

The Phoenix applied the Rear Chinlock

The Phoenix hit the Stomp

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

The Phoenix applied the Arm Bar

The Phoenix applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

Sean slipped out of the Knee Pull.

Sean hit the Running Clothesline

The Phoenix broke the Knee Bar.

The Front Facelock was countered into a Forearm Strike.

Sean hit the Forearm Blow

The Running Clothesline was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

The Arm Bar was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

The Phoenix slipped out of the Knee Bar.

The Phoenix hit the Single Leg Trip

The Knee Pull was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Sean hit the Knee Pull

Sean hit the Stomp

Sean hit the Knee Drop

Sean hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Sean applied the Knee Bar

Sean hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.

The Phoenix blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Sean applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sean hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Sean takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

The Phoenix slipped out of the Legdrop To Groin.

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Blow

The Phoenix hit the Single Leg Trip

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Sean recovers and stands up.

The Phoenix hit the Punch

The Phoenix applied the Front Facelock

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Blow

The Phoenix hit the Punch

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex


Bob Sinclair: Phoenix starting to break into the higher-impact moves early; if he can keep that momentum going—


Frankie Garnett: He won't. I'm expecting him to bail any minute and steal the nachos that guy in the front row is holding.


The Phoenix applied the Single Leg Boston Crab

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Phoenix applied the American Figure Four Leglock

Sean blocked the Boston Crab.

The Single Leg Boston Crab was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Sean applied the Single Leg Grapevine

The Phoenix slipped out of the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Sean.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Sean moved and the Forearm Strike Flurry missed!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Sean hit the Face Plant

The Move of the Night! was countered into a Single Leg Boston Crab.

Sean slipped out the back of the Rear Crossface Blows.

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

The Phoenix slipped out of the Neckbreaker.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

Sean slipped out of the Eternal Requiem.


Bob Sinclair: Sean had Phoenix's finisher well-scouted. He knew that given the size difference, if he got caught in that hold, it would be lights out.


Frankie Garnett: Bob, that move should be illegal! How safe is it for a guy his size to basically bend you in half with a knee placed on your neck?!


The Phoenix blocked the Face Plant.

The Small Package was countered into a Punch.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

The Phoenix hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Sean blocked the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Sean blocked the Capture Suplex.

Sean slipped out the back of the Vertical Suplex.

Sean hit the Running Bulldog

The Phoenix slipped out of the Modified Figure Four Leglock.


Frankie Garnett: How can he get that move on with Phoenix's legs being freaking tree trunks?


Bob Sinclair: He had no problem last year, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: That's before Phoenix started his illegal—


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, seriously. Give it a rest.


The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Punch.

The Phoenix counters by reversing on Sean.

The Phoenix hit the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

The Camel Clutch was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

The Phoenix slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Forearm Strike.

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

Sean grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

The Phoenix moved and the Move of the Night! missed!

Sean blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Sean from behind.

Sean broke the Dream Hold.

Sean whips The Phoenix to the corner.

The Phoenix broke the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry.

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

The Phoenix is struggling, trying to...yes! He has the Eternal Requiem locked in!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of thirteen minutes and fifty seconds...The Phoenix!


Frankie Garnett: Damn it all to hell!


Bob Sinclair: Phoenix keeps his hold on the Gamma Division lead, ensures himself a winning season, and is in control of his own playoff destiny heading into the second leg of our Japanese tour. We'll see you next week from Fukuoka, everyone!







1. Scott Stevens (6-3) def. Diamond (4-5)

* Time of Match: 11:20

* Match Rating: C+

* Winner's Offense: 52%

* Stevens: Head 32, Body 64, Arms 100, Legs 92, Low blood loss

* Diamond: Head 42, Body 59, Arms 96, Legs 60


2. Shawn Arrows (2-7) def. Thor Hammerskald (2-7)

* Time of Match: 6:30

* Match Rating: F

* Winner's Offense: 60%

* Arrows: Head 20, Body 23, Arms 100, Legs 77

* Hammerskald: Head 24, Body 70, Arms 100, Legs 100


3. Ly Quang Bao (4-5) def. SGRaaize (4-5)

* Time of Match: 5:20

* Match Rating: F

* Winner's Offense: 48%

* Bao: Head 68, Body 95, Arms 96, Legs 98

* Raaize: Head 32, Body 64, Arms 100, Legs 95


4. Tarik Nolan (5-4) def. El Demonio de Sangre (1-8)

* Time of Match: 21:50

* Match Rating: A

* Winner's Offense: 61%

* Nolan: Head 4, Body 63, Arms 100, Legs 92

* Demonio: Head 6, Body 47, Arms 100, Legs 67

* This is the Match of the Night, Nolan's sixth career MotN and Demonio's first.


5. Johnny Triumph (5-4) def. Super Century (3-6)

* Time of Match: 14:40

* Match Rating: B

* Winner's Offense: 43%

* Triumph: Head 31, Body 49, Arms 96, Legs 78

* Century: Head 24, Body 58, Arms 89, Legs 80


6. Sebastian Moore (6-3) def. Maxx Skabb (5-4)

* Time of Match: 10:30

* Match Rating: C+

* Winner's Offense: 56%

* Moore: Head 34, Body 83, Arms 100, Legs 95, Low blood loss

* Skabb: Head 6, Body 16, Arms 100, Legs 76


7. Robbie Maynard (5-4) def. Nuclear Templeton (5-4)

* Time of Match: 7:30

* Match Rating: F

* Winner's Offense: 65%

* Maynard: Head 40, Body 70, Arms 100, Legs 100

* Templeton: Head 32, Body 74, Arms 93, Legs 88


8. The Phoenix (8-1) def. Sean (7-2)

* Time of Match: 13:50

* Match Rating: C

* Winner's Offense: 61%

* Phoenix: Head 35, Body 71, Arms 100, Legs 76

* Sean: Head 45, Body 72, Arms 100, Legs 75





(Strong Style match, Strict Rules Enforcement, ref bumps allowed)


Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)







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Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)

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(Strong Style match, Strict Rules Enforcement, ref bumps allowed)


Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)

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Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)



OOC: Super Talk with Super Century will be back on air this week! :D

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Ugh, I suck again! Of course, you sunset flip a guy 1200 times, he's bound to get dizzy ... that's my excuse. I was dizzy!



Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)


I'm totally gonna tap to the Maul in 18 seconds. lol

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Pages have been updated. If there seems to be a problem, it's likely your imagination. :p (All kidding aside, PM me if you think there's a mistake somewhere.)


I'm trying something slightly different this week in the layouts, as editing the "nth in Albegamdel Division" was starting to get tedious (and prone to mistakes, as one person pointed out to me last week). So now I'm going with something that needs only two characters at most to edit, and adding the Average Match Rating to the current season records. Of course, I'll continue to show updated divisional standings during each pre-show that I put here in the thread, so everyone can keep track of exactly where they are in their division each week without an error-ridden reminder from me. :o


Said pre-show will be posted tomorrow due to time constraints on my end.

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Pages have been updated. If there seems to be a problem, it's likely your imagination. :p (All kidding aside, PM me if you think there's a mistake somewhere.)


I'm trying something slightly different this week in the layouts, as editing the "nth in Albegamdel Division" was starting to get tedious (and prone to mistakes, as one person pointed out to me last week). So now I'm going with something that needs only two characters at most to edit, and adding the Average Match Rating to the current season records. Of course, I'll continue to show updated divisional standings during each pre-show that I put here in the thread, so everyone can keep track of exactly where they are in their division each week without an error-ridden reminder from me. :o


Said pre-show will be posted tomorrow due to time constraints on my end.


Scorpion wants to know where his extra payment is for wrestling with a broken back and concussion? :p

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