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"The League"--A Multiplayer Wrestling Spirit II Experience

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It's good to see Nuclear's mid-season collapse wasn't just a one-off last season. This information will stand me in good stead for predicting his matches next season, which I can then use to set up easier groups for him and ultimately lead to him becoming the most awesome wrestler ever. It's all about being patient... and apparantly listening to some girls squabbling over which loser sucks less. Can't we just all agree that the Alpha Division is the only one that matters? :p


Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)


I'd also like to thank the organisers of the league for making such an awesome main event for our puro fans, as the two most sports entertainmenty people with some of the worst win/loss records go head to head in an epic puro battle. Good work bosses! :p

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Season Two, Week Nine

December 8, 2010




If we learned one thing last week, it's that the season is far from over with five weeks to go! Hello once again, League fans and wrestlers alike! Tori Montgomery here, ready to get you caught up and ready for next week!


Two new division leaders, divisional races that are nowhere near being decided yet, and a heated wild card race are only the beginning, folks. There's still a month and a half to go! With that said, here's how things shape up after last week.



(Note: AMR stands for Average Match Rating)



(New leader!)

1. Robbie Maynard: 5-4, 4.00 AMR

2. Nuclear Templeton: 5-4, 4.11 AMR

3. Ly Quang Bao: 4-5, 2.67 AMR

4. SGRaaize: 4-5, 6.00 AMR

(Both tie-breakers are head-to-head.)



(New leader...again!)

1. Sebastian Moore: 6-3, 3.44 AMR

2. Maxx Skabb: 5-4, 5.22 AMR

3. Shawn Arrows: 2-7, 6.00 AMR

4. Thor Hammerskald: 2-7, 4.00 AMR

(Tie broken by head-to-head.)



1. The Phoenix: 8-1, 4.00 AMR

2. Sean: 7-2, 3.22 AMR

3. Tarik Nolan: 5-4, 6.44 AMR

4. El Demonio de Sangre: 1-8, 3.56 AMR

(No ties!)



1. Scott Stevens: 6-3, 5.33 AMR

2. Johnny Triumph: 5-4, 4.22 AMR

3. Diamond: 4-5, 5.22 AMR

4. Super Century: 3-6, 5.00 AMR

(No ties!)




(Ordered by descending end popularity after the show)



Tarik Nolan: 14.3540 -> 20.9608

The Phoenix: 18.0720 -> 20.4593

El Demonio de Sangre: 16.0000 -> 19.3230

Johnny Triumph: 14.5280 -> 18.1413

Super Century: 17.0000 -> 17.8187

Scott Stevens: 15.0000 -> 17.5893

Sebastian Moore: 10.0000 -> 12.5880



Maxx Skabb: 23.7600 -> 23.2220

Sean: 20.2400 -> 19.3230

Ly Quang Bao: 18.0000 -> 17.5893

Robbie Maynard: 17.5320 -> 16.2695

Shawn Arrows: 14.5590 -> 13.6990

Nuclear Templeton: 17.7410 -> 13.2535

Diamond: 13.0220 -> 12.5660

Thor Hammerskald: 13.0000 -> 9.0100

SGRaaize: 11.2460 -> 7.8567





All I have are a few rumors this week, ladies and gents.


From the camp of Thor Hammerskald: word is that he is working on a new move that apparently is so rare in wrestling that no one has claimed to have seen it before. I'm going to be skeptical until I see this for myself.


The bad blood between Scott Stevens and Diamond has reached critical mass—there was a news article on the Arcadia Network today about the arguments between these two. While Commissioner Colt Marshall has not made an official statement as of this time, one can only imagine that this could lead to an unsanctioned fight if not checked. For everyone's sake, I hope this is not the case.


Fresh off of losing the Beta Division lead, word is that Maxx Skabb is also at work perfecting a move he expects to debut shortly. The only confirmation I've been given is that, like his other "name" moves, the name of this one fits with his persona. When asked what exactly the move was, Skabb's reply was simply, "You'll see soon enough, sweet-cheeks."


Finally, Commissioner Marshall has received, and approved, the League's first managerial permit to go into effect for season three. Te'Snilo "Tess" Bradenbury, a physical therapist, will be accompanying her husband, The Phoenix, to ringside starting next season. I've met the woman but one time, and I could have sworn that she was Carrie Underwood, the resemblance is that uncanny. It's unclear why The Phoenix has used his winnings this season to take this route, especially given the turnaround he's experienced, but with five weeks remaining in the regular season do not be surprised if one or two more licenses get approved before season three begins.




Rough week all around for predictions, with only one person going above 50%. Mr. I effin rule is the only one to do that, which gives him the outright lead after this past week.


1. I effin rule: 48

2. masterded: 47

3. Prophet: 44

4 (tie). moon_lit_tears, Tori Montgomery: 43

6 (tie). Derek_b, SeanMcG: 42

8. Ranson: 41

9. Jman2k3: 38

10. Wrestling Century: 35

11. Jaded: 33

12. Dangrel: 31

13. TheKenwyne: 30

14. Toasty: 4

15. Arrows: 3


We stay in the Orient this week, as our show comes from Fukuoka, located in the Kyushu prefecture of Japan. Same rules apply as last week, so let's see what the card has in store for us.



(Strong Style match, Strict Rules enforcement, ref bumps allowed.)


Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

(Current Lines: Pick 'em)

After Bao showed some life last week, Vegas seems quick to wash their hands of any handicapping in this one. However, I think Thor has the edge in every category that matters, and should walk out with a win this week.

Tori's Pick: Thor Hammerskald, via pinfall (Fenrir Strike), 9:40, D


Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

(Current Lines: Pick 'em)

This comes in as one of the more intriguing matchups this week. Tarik's been on a bit of a roll, winning three straight including the two big ones over Sean and Phoenix back to back. Stevens, who may be wrestling with a concussion, rebounded from his loss to Diamond two weeks ago. It may be close, but I think that quite simply, Nolan overpowers Stevens en route to a 6-4 mark and making it possible for three Gamma Division wrestlers to make the playoffs.

Tori's Pick: Tarik Nolan, via pinfall (Regulator), 9:50, C+


Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

(Current Lines: Templeton 5-6 (Favorite), Arrows 6-5

Templeton won this match-up last season, and has more to lose with a loss this week. For Arrows, it's all about pride at this point, and I'm not sure it's going to be enough.

Tori's Pick: Nuclear Templeton, via pinfall (Rain of Pain), 11:20, C


Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

(Current Lines: Maynard 4-5 (Favorite), Skabb 11-9)

Maynard leads this series one-nil, is in far better cardiovascular shape, and is also in better physical condition. It seems like there's no way he'll lose. Which is why I'm picking against him—I smell an upset brewing.

Tori's Pick: Maxx Skabb, via pinfall (Lethal Injection), 13:10, B-


Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

(Current Lines: Sean 4-5 (Favorite), Diamond 5-4)

This series is tied at one match apiece coming in to the upcoming show. Diamond needs to hit early and get the quick win before Sean picks apart her legs for the Figure Four leglock. With the roll Sean's on, though, I think he puts the pressure on Phoenix to keep pace in the Gamma Division. Calling this as Match of the Night.

Tori's Pick: Sean, via submission (Modified Figure Four), 15:40, A


SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

(Current Lines: Pick 'em)

This could be interesting. Moore's lead in the Beta Division, as well as Raaize's chances of staying in the Alpha Division hunt, ride on this match. Moore is the better of the two very slightly in terms of physical well-being and is better in a fistfight, but Raaize has the technical know-how to possibly escape the Chonan Lock and catch Moore napping with the Portugal Lariat. This one is too close to call, even for me, so I'm going to flip a coin here. Thus...

Tori's Pick: SGRaaize, via pinfall (Portugal Lariat), 12:00, B-


The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

(Current Lines: Pick 'em)

When asked why this wasn't the main event, Colt Marshall replied that it was at the request of both men, in order to give the rookies some time in the main event spotlight. That said, this is one of the few matchups from last season that Phoenix was ahead on, as he defeated Triumph a few months ago. While Triumph seems to have focused on his technical training—clearly apparent when you consider that Phoenix is supposed to be a submission wrestler as well—all I have to do is look at the records to make my pick. Until he proves that his streak has gone the way of Brett Favre's, I'm backing the big man.

Tori's Pick: The Phoenix, via submission (Eternal Requiem), 10:40, C+


El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)

(Current Lines: Century 5-6 (Favorite). Demonio 6-5)

As mentioned by Colt Marshall, this week it's the League rookies who get to shine in the main event. Both of these men are high-fliers, so it's essentially going to boil down to who makes the biggest mistake. This might be the shot in the arm that Demonio needs to salvage something out of this season, and I think he pulls it off in a minor upset to close the show.

Tori's Pick: El Demonio de Sangre, via pinfall (Fuego Infernal), 12:40, B+



Our Oriental tour continues next week, so expect the rules to remain the same for that show as well. Until then, this is Tori Montgomery...so long from ringside!





Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)

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Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)

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Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:right;"><p><strong><em><span style="color:#000080;">Season Two, Second Trimester Report</span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="color:#000080;">

December 15, 2010 </span></em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae344/ShadowedFlames/GDS%20League%20Stuff/BeyondRingsideBanner.jpg</span> </div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

As an additional feature this week, since we are now two-thirds of the way through the regular season, here's a bonus look at the overall League standings, how the playoffs would look if the season ended right now, each League member's chance of making the postseason, and my thoughts on how each one has fared. Like most power ranking columns, I'll start from the top and work my way down.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em><span style="font-size:14px;">LEAGUE-WIDE STANDINGS AS OF WEEK 9 OF 14</span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

THE DIVISIONAL LEADERS...</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#008000;">#1 Seed: The Phoenix (Gamma Division Leader)</span></strong></p><p>

<em>(8-1 League record, 3-1 Gamma Division Record, 4.00 © Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

If you want surprises and a comeback story of the season, this is as far as you need to go. The League's last-place finisher a season ago at 3-11 is guaranteed a winning season record no matter what happens the rest of the way. It would take a collapse worthy of the highlight reels to keep him out of the playoffs this season. He may not win the division, as that race is tight, but he's as close to a lock for the postseason as there is in the League today.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 11-3, Top Wild Card</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FFA500;">#2 Seed: Scott Stevens (Delta Division Leader)</span></strong></p><p>

<em>(6-3 League record, 3-1 Delta Division Record, 5.33 (C+) Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

Stevens has been the most controversial League member this year, showing his misogynistic side early on and not backing down from that stance. In the ring, he's proven to be competent as well, garnering a 6-3 record and holding the tie for the second "bye" spot by way of average match rating. He's got a rough schedule to end the season, and it might be enough to cause havoc on his February plans this season. I see him finishing on a winning record, but I'm not sure if it'll be enough to make the playoffs. The race is tight, and though right now I have him on potential tie-breakers, this could easily change.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 8-6, Delta Division Champion</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">#3 Seed: Sebastian Moore (Beta Division Leader)</span></strong></p><p>

<em>(6-3 League record, 3-1 Beta Division Record, 3.44 (C-) Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

Moore is this season's British Warrior, approaching his matches with a workmanlike attitude en route to a divisional lead. His ending schedule goes from one extreme (Sean) to the other (Arrows); I see him as possibly the #2 seed if he's still the divisional leader at the end of the season.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 9-5, Beta Division Champion</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">#4 Seed: Robbie Maynard (Alpha Division Leader)</span></strong></p><p>

<em>(5-4 League record, 2-2 Alpha Division Record, 4.00 © Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

Maynard finds himself the new leader of an incredibly close Alpha Division, where only one match separates the leader from last place. This spot is likely going to be in constant flux, as I don't see a clear winner emerging for quite some time. Of those in the Alpha Division, though, Maynard is the only one who has experience in the post-season, having reached it last time as the lone wild card entry. It may take a DeLorean to figure out what the Alpha Division standings will be in the end (at least for the moment), but Maynard's schedule could treat him either way. </p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 7-7</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>THE WILD CARDS...</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#800080;">#5 Seed: Sean (2nd Place, Gamma Division)</span></strong></p><p>

<em>(7-2 League record, 2-2 Gamma Division Record, 3.22 (C-) Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

In any other division, Sean would be the #2 seed and have the bye if the playoffs started now. His schedule may seem tough—he ends the season with Moore, Phoenix, and Stevens—but his experience in the playoffs last year is what I think may be the deciding factor. Right now, I have him tentatively sweeping the rest of the season and winning the division in the final week of January.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 12-2, Gamma Division Champion</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#800080;">#6 Seed: Tarik Nolan (3rd Place, Gamma Division)</span></strong></p><p>

<em>(5-4 League record, 3-1 Gamma Division Record, 6.44 (B-) Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

There are four people tied at 5-4 right now: Nolan, Templeton, Skabb, and Triumph. Of those, Templeton has a lower divisional record, which lowers the tie to three. Nolan, Skabb, and Triumph have all faced each other this season, with Nolan winning against both Skabb and Triumph and thus claiming the #6 spot. The only one to hold victories over the two juggernauts in the Gamma Division, Nolan could surprise a lot of people in the waning stages of the season. I see him keeping the pressure on and locking up the second wild card for the Gamma Division, sending three men into the playoffs from that group of four.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 9-5, Second Wild Card</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em><strong>AND THE FOLLOWERS...</strong></em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#7: Johnny Triumph (2nd Place, Delta Division)</strong></p><p>

<em>(5-4 League record, 3-1 Gamma Division Record, 4.22 © Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

In the three-way tie that ensues after the sixth spot is decided, Templeton is again eliminated (Divisional), and Triumph holds a victory over Skabb this season, putting him on the cusp of the playoffs but not quite in. Triumph came one match shy of winning the division last season, and finds himself in the same scenario with five weeks to go in this one. My projections have him tied record-wise with Stevens, but losing the tie-breaker due to match rating. I see it going down to the wire in the Delta Division, and things may change, but right now I have Triumph as barely missing the playoffs.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 8-6</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#8: Maxx Skabb (2nd Place, Beta Division)</strong></p><p>

<em>(5-4 League record, 3-1 Beta Division Record, 5.22 (C+) Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

With Skabb and Templeton not having faced each other, the tie-breaker goes to the divisional record, and thus to Skabb. He's got a fairly tough schedule down the stretch, with Maynard, Moore, Stevens, and Templeton all on tap. Between that and the punishment he's taken already this season, it may be too much for him to overcome. I think Skabb misses the playoffs, but not without a fight.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 7-7</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#9: Nuclear Templeton (2nd Place, Alpha Division)</strong></p><p>

<em>(5-4 League record, 2-2 Alpha Division Record, 4.11 © Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

A lot of people have said that Nuclear's late-season implosion was a symbol of the guy not knowing how to finish what he started. There are signs that this hasn't changed, but given his schedule to end the season—Arrows, Bao, Diamond among them—there's a chance that he will be able to right the ship. If he can take three of his last five, I think he squeaks in as the divisional champion, but it's going to be close.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 8-6, Alpha Division Champion</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#10: Ly Quang Bao (3rd Place, Alpha Division)</strong></p><p>

<em>(4-5 League record, 2-2 Alpha Division Record, 4.00 © Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

Three people are tied at 4-5: Bao, Raaize, and Diamond. Diamond's Divisional record eliminates her from the tie, and the resulting two-person tie is broken by head to head results. Bao seems to be biding his time, waiting for the season to end so he can take that touring contract offer that PGHW has sent his way. Because of his lack of effort, I see him maybe getting one more win this season before it's all done. His playoff chances are practically nil at this point.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 5-9</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#11: SGRaaize (4th Place, Alpha Division)</strong></p><p>

<em>(4-5 League record, 2-2 Alpha Division Record, 6.00 (B-) Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

Holding the divisional record tie-breaker over Diamond, Raaize comes in to the final third of the season a match behind the leaders in the division. If he was tied at 5-4, I could see him maybe eking into the playoffs as the divisional champion. However, I see him falling one match short, and finishing at an even record despite his best efforts to date.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 7-7</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#12: Diamond (3rd Place, Delta Division)</strong></p><p>

<em>(4-5 League record, 1-3 Delta Division Record, 5.22 (C+) Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

Two matches out of the playoffs with five to go, Diamond still has a chance, albeit a small one. She has an eclectic mix in her remaining schedule—Sean, Templeton, Nolan, and two against Century. Given my projections, I don't see her getting four of those five to contend for the divisional title, and have her at the same result she ended last season.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 6-8</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#13: Super Century (4th Place, Delta Division)</strong></p><p>

<em>(3-6 League record, 1-3 Delta Division Record, 5.00 (C+) Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

Century hasn't had much luck since debuting, and though his schedule seems to be a soft one—Bao, two against Diamond, and Demonio—his season finale is against Phoenix, who will likely be gunning for a divisional title. I'm afraid there isn't much hope for his chances at this point of the season.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 5-9</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#14: Shawn Arrows (3rd Place, Beta Division)</strong></p><p>

<em>(2-7 League record, 1-3 Beta Division Record, 6.00 (B-) Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

Holding a head-to-head tiebreaker over Hammerskald, Arrows is not showing many signs of life this season. Perhaps the years have finally caught up to him, and this could be the curtain call on what has been a long career. I see perhaps two more wins this season, but not much else.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 4-10</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#15: Thor Hammerskald (4th Place, Beta Division)</strong></p><p>

<em>(2-7 League record, 1-3 Beta Division Record, 4.00 © Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

Hammerskald has had a tough time adjusting from the Norwegian indy promotions to the big-time atmosphere of The League. With a season under his belt I could see him doing good the next time out, but this season is basically a lost cause at this rate.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 3-11</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#16: El Demonio de Sangre (4th Place, Gamma Division)</strong></p><p>

<em>(1-8 League record, 0-4 gamma Division Record, 3.56 © Average Match Rating)</em></p><p>

Demonio is already assured of a losing season, and has no hope of the playoffs. His only hope is to play spoiler this season and try to build on what he's done for the third season, if he decides to return. His ending schedule—Century, Sean, Arrows, Nolan, and Triumph—don't leave much to be helped either. He might get one out of it, but I don't see it happening, I'm sorry to say.</p><p>

<em>Projected Final Record: 1-13</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em><strong>TORI'S CURRENT PROJECTED PLAYOFF PICTURE</strong></em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>FIRST ROUND</strong></p><p>

#1 and #2 Seeds get a bye in the first round (Sean, Sebastian Moore)</p><p>

#3 vs. #6 Seed: Scott Stevens vs. Tarik Nolan: Nolan</p><p>

#4 vs. #5 Seed: Nuclear Templeton vs. The Phoenix: Phoenix</p><p> </p><p>


5th Place Consolation Match: Scott Stevens (3) vs. Nuclear Templeton (4): Nuclear</p><p>

#1 Seed vs. Lowest Remaining: Sean (1) vs. Tarik Nolan (6): Sean</p><p>

#2 Seed vs. Highest Remaining: Sebastian Moore (2) vs. The Phoenix (5): The Phoenix</p><p> </p><p>


3rd Place Consolation Match: Sebastian Moore (2) vs. Tarik Nolan (6): Moore</p><p>

SEASON TWO CHAMPIONSHIP: Sean (1) vs. The Phoenix (5): Sean</p>

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Ly Quang Bao (4-5, 10%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-7, 15%)

Tarik Nolan (5-4, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (6-3, 13%)

Nuclear Templeton (5-4, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (2-7, 15%)

Robbie Maynard (5-4, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-4, 15%)

Sean (7-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (4-5, 15%)

SGRaaize (4-5, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (6-3, 15%)

The Phoenix (8-1, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (5-4, 15%)

El Demonio de Sangre (1-8, 13%) vs. Super Century (3-6, 18%)

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Okay, so now my goal is to pick up at least two more wins. :D


New avatar powers, activate!


Ahh, your new avatar, whilst awesome, fails in comparison to my new avatar, which shall allow me the power to etch my name in the face of the moon! Muahahahahahahahaha!


Totally unrelated, but darnit, I miss the Tick! :p

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Ahh, your new avatar, whilst awesome, fails in comparison to my new avatar, which shall allow me the power to etch my name in the face of the moon! Muahahahahahahahaha!


Totally unrelated, but darnit, I miss the Tick! :p


Anyone referencing Chairface Chippendale is OK in my book.

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(Translated from Japanese.)


Scott and Lisa Stevens featuring Hanzo Hasashi

Fukuoka, Japan: The League Press Conference

December 17, 2010, 11:00 a.m. local time


(Screen open's up to The League's press conference in Fukouka, Japan. Scorpion is seen sipping on some Dr. Pepper wearing a styling Armani suit with dark black shades on, and the lovely Lisa is wearing a stylish dress from Dolce & Gabbana, but someone needs to get the light off her from the reflection she is casting back from all the bling she is wearing. Hanzo Hasashi with the Japanese Press will ask the power couple the tough questions today.)


Hanzo Hasashi: Mr. Stevens, first of all I just want to say welcome back to our country, it has been a very long time since he had graced us with your superb wrestling talent and presence.


(Scorpion goes to say something on the microphone but is cut off by Lisa.)


Lisa Stevens: Mr. Hasashi, do to my husband not being fully healed from his concussion and broken back, our doctors have advised that he not speak until he's cleared so to avoid any legal ramifications he might say while still under the influence of PCS.


Hanzo Hasashi: Very well then. Mrs. Stevens, you and your husband are probably the most controversial couple to ever step foot into The League.


Lisa Stevens: What can I say, controversy creates cash as the old saying goes.


Hanzo Hasashi: That may be the case but you two have made no attempts to become friends with anyone in this company.


Lisa Stevens: Why would we want that? We already have our own "kliq" of friends in the wrestling business.


(Lisa flashes the "wolfpac/houston" sign toward the camera.)


Lisa Stevens: My family, Scott's family, Deacon Jonas, Gary Oakston, Lantz Sheridan, Kraven Moorehead, and Kyle Driver are the only friends we need. You see us and the people just mentioned are stars, and that is why we were signed to this federation because we are stars and have been for a long time. We are here to help propel The League to new heights of fame and we could care less whose feelings we hurt or who we have to step on to make sure we achieve the goal we were brought in to do. Look at the roster, it's filled with wannabes, has beens, and never will bes.


Hanzo Hasashi: That's kind of harsh don't you think?


Lisa Stevens: Well the truth hurts.


Hanzo Hasashi: It sure does. Well, do you have a response to the controversial statements recently by Bob Sinclair and Tori Montgomery?


Lisa Stevens: Can you tell me what they said because to me they are both full of crap and I don't tend to listen to people who are biased against us.


Hanzo Hasashi: Well, Mr. Sinclair said the Stevens family is a bunch of lawsuit-happy moneygrubbers.


(Lisa bursts into laughter.)


Lisa Stevens: Hahahahahaha. Now that is funny. Bobby is just mad and has his panties in a bunch because he asked me on a date once knowing full well I was married and I threatened to kick his ass then just like I did a few weeks ago.


Hanzo Hasashi: Well, he did bring up some interesting points though.


Lisa Stevens: It's true we have filed lawsuits and those were based on the fact of protecting our trademarks, pay we were owed from endorsements, medical safety, and the failed lawsuit we filed but discharge of that asterisk loss in my husband's record.


Hanzo Hasashi: So you consider what he said slander.


Lisa Stevens: Absolutely. That idiot from day one has been biased against us. He simply jealous of us plain and simple, just like the rest of the roster, because we are better than them. He hid like a little girl in the back last week praying I wouldn't find him because he knew if I did I would bitch slap him into unconsciousness. If he smarts off this week, I promise it will happen, and Frankie can call the matches for the rest of the season since he is clearly the star of the team and has to carry that loser's ass.


Hanzo Hasashi: What about the comments by Tori Montgomery that your husband is a misogynistic and has specifically targeted Diamond to make an example out of her? Also saying your husband will choke in the tournament come playoff time?


Lisa Stevens: You see this is why that skank is not a credible journalist since I already explained this already in a past interview.


Hanzo Hasashi: Care to re-enlighten us.


Lisa Stevens: Sure. My husband is not a misogynistic. He is a loving, and caring man. He only shows this side when unworthy, women wrestlers try to compete with the boys and think they are better than them.


Hanzo Hasashi: So your saying women can't compete in wrestling against the men?


Lisa Stevens: You are twisting my words Hasashi. Diamond can't compete with the boys, however I can and I proved it with that old school match I had with my husband back in our family war days that I posted for your viewing pleasure. You see, Scott was just trying to remind her of her true place and that's back home in the kitchen, barefoot, and pregnant.


Hanzo Hasashi: Well Diamond is claiming she can compete with the guys because she beat your husband and has busted him up.


Lisa Stevens: When she won it was a damn fluke.


Hanzo Hasashi: How so Mrs. Stevens?


Lisa Stevens: My husband has been concussed ever since the Tag Turmoil Tournament. He was thrown head first into an unprotected turnbuckle and ever since then he hasn't been the same. It went unnoticed at first and blew up worse with that fiasco of an interview last week when he was rambling incoherently.


Hanzo Hasashi: So if Scorpion was at one hundred percent, there is no way Diamond would have won?


Lisa Stevens: Absolutely not. I mean when she won she was getting her ass kicked from pillar to post, then Scott makes a minor mistake and she pulls out the fluke win.


Hanzo Hasashi: Well, she did bloody him up even though she lost. I mean that is making a statement.


Lisa Stevens: Please Hasashi. She more than likely accidentally opened him from her fake press on nails she wears. If the match would have gone on any longer she would have ended up bloodier than a virgin getting her cherry popped on prom night.


Hanzo Hasashi: Well that was uncalled for.


Lisa Stevens: It's just the truth.


Hanzo Hasashi: Well if it is true, how come you aren't competing in the company as a wrestler, much less a manager, since I know you are more than capable.


Lisa Stevens: You damn right I'm more than capable. Hell, I can beat this entire roster blindfolded.


(Lisa looks at Scorpion.)


Lisa Stevens: Sorry honey. I decided I didn't want to embarrass them just like my husband has been doing all season long, but next season may change. As far as accompanying my man to ringside as his manager you have to ask our stooge of a commissioner on that.


Hanzo Hasashi: Yes I hear you have to apply for a license.


Lisa Stevens: That is true, but I find it suspicious don't you that the first official license has gone to Phoenix's wife.


Hanzo Hasashi: What do you mean?


Lisa Stevens: Well, it isn't no secret the commish doesn't like us. I mean he forces my husband to compete and if he doesn't he won't get paid, that is why he is still suffering from PCS, much less a broken back, but yet here I am forced to stay in the back when I sent in my manager license application months ago.


Hanzo Hasashi: Maybe he just hasn't gotten to the paperwork yet.


Lisa Stevens: Yeah, how conviently slow the paperwork filing is when it concerns his two top stars.


Hanzo Hasashi: What about her other comments?


Lisa Stevens: All I can say is prepare to be disappointed because my man is winning it all. She considers herself a credible journalist yet she makes blondes look smart and that's saying something considering the fact she is a blonde herself and she can't even put two and two together.


Hanzo Hasashi: What at you getting at?


Lisa Stevens: Let's just say unlike my man who uses his natural born talent to achieve victories, others around here "juice" their way.


Hanzo Hasashi: There is no proof of Phoenix using steroids or any other performance enhancing drug.


Lisa Stevens: That's where you are wrong sir. The proof came out last week in Miss Tori's own little weekly blog she writes when she said Phoenix's wife will be his new manager next year.


Hanzo Hasashi: How so?


Lisa Stevens: You saw what profession she holds right?


Hanzo Hasashi: Yes, she is a physical therapist, so what?


Lisa Stevens: So what??? SO WHAT!?!?!?! Are you blind?


Hanzo Hasashi: No. I'm not making the connection.


Lisa Stevens: The connection is simple, she is in the medical field.


Hanzo Hasashi: She is a therapist not a doctor.


Lisa Stevens: She can still write a prescription if she is licensed to though and I'm sure she is. That means Phoenix has access to all the PEDs he needs and all the drugs he needs to mask it in his system to fool the tests The League gives. Whose to say she isn't the one administering the tests as well.


Hanzo Hasashi: You do make some valid and interesting points there.


Lisa Stevens: You see, how hard was it to figure that out? Now you know why I don't consider Miss Tori worth two pennies when she couldn't see the facts staring her in the face. She might not have a bright future in journalism, but I'm sure the Red Light District is hiring. I hear they need someone to reenact the scene from Full Metal Jacket with her as Da Nang Hooker. Sucky, sucky, five dolla, five dolla?


Hanzo Hasashi: Mrs. Stevens that was uncalled for.


Lisa Stevens: Like I care.


Hanzo Hasashi: Well you better or I'll be forced to stop this interview.


Lisa Stevens: Well that's what happens when you play with Fyre, you get burned. Do what you must, but we speak the truth and the truth hurts. Fact is not once did I mention our match this Saturday based on the simple fact the person we are facing doesn't concern us and will be beaten within an inch of his life in a matter of moments into the match.


Hanzo Hasashi: With that we must conclude. I thank you for an enlightening interview.


Lisa Stevens: No problem, the pleasure was all ours.


(Screen fades 2 black.)

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This will be my sixteenth unit of blood--just finishing my second gallon--and I've a blood type that is also quite rare (AB positive). I would donate platelets (which is a turnaround time of two weeks instead of eight), but they say that I have to be under 350 pounds to do that due to OSHA regulations. So until/if I can manage that (I hover around the 360 mark), it's whole blood for me.
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This will be my sixteenth unit of blood--just finishing my second gallon--and I've a blood type that is also quite rare (AB positive). I would donate platelets (which is a turnaround time of two weeks instead of eight), but they say that I have to be under 350 pounds to do that due to OSHA regulations. So until/if I can manage that (I hover around the 360 mark), it's whole blood for me.


Yeah AB+ is the second rarest. Mine is the third, A-

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