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I Think My Girlfriend Is Addicted To TEW 2010

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You my friend are the text book definition of:


"Lucky B@stard!!!"


Yall play multiplayer?



That's either a legit question or you're hitting on them... ;)


Seriously though, to the TS, awesome for you. I remember the first time I got my wife to watch wrestling with me then 3 weeks later she was excited to hear there was also a show on Thursday. I didn't think I could love her any more... then she asked me what that whole Ultimate Fighting thing was and would it be okay if we watched the reality show together...

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I (finally) got my Mrs, who is very anti-violence and violent sports, into MMA mid way through last year.


Couple of weeks ago she tapped me with a standing guillotine out of nowhere as I was walking out of the kitchen.


Damn, I've created a 5-foot-2 curly-haired monster.


LOL!!!! :D

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/nod good ol' girl gamers, surprising you when you least expect 'em.




My lady plays by looking over my shoulder and telling me to push anyone who looks like people she likes (Mystereo, Punk, Taker, Kane, Kofi) and whining until I do so. This is why I no longer hire Arthur Dexter Bradley.

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lol just got the idea that you two could easily do a two player game together. However it may not be a good idea if you are still teaching her the ins and the outs of the game. That is really awesome though, most of the girlfriends that I have had in the past have no interest in wrestling or wrestling booking sims whatsoever. This is a victory for us all!
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Well thats a bit random...you just walk into the kitchen and she puts you in a guillotine? Are you sure you havent p****d her off :p.


Lol, maybe! She got me good though, caught me completely by surprise and put me up on the wall with it. I could feel myself going out before I tapped.


Going to make sure I leave the seat down in future just in case! :p

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So because of this thread my fiance will be starting a SAW game in TEW tomorrow. Thanks GDS forum :D


You lucky dawg! You two should should form a 2 person creative team and run a promotion!


Edit: Now that I think of it, I'd be interested in reading that diary!

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You lucky dawg! You two should should form a 2 person creative team and run a promotion!


Edit: Now that I think of it, I'd be interested in reading that diary!


We'll haveta be a team in SAW as she's still new at TEW and it may be a dynasty eventually. She'll be doing the stories, I'll be doing the matches.


Expect respectable CVerse characters in box robot gimmicks.

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My girl's heavily into Left 4 Dead, Borderlands, Blur, Rock Band... but she's so far away from being interested in wrestling it's just not funny. She came over while we were watching... Whatever PPV had DX vs Jerishow in the Ladder match. She kinda got into it at parts, absolutely rooted for DX, but really doesn't have the slightest drive to watch any more or know anything about it lol.


So kudos to those of you who are that extra bit lucky!

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