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Tooth pain has to be the worst feeling in the world.


Skinning fingers is also quite painful. Now, where did I pick that up? Can't remember... Nice avatar btw. :D


And if you're not a fan of tooth pain, I recommend not drinking soda. I haven't drunk any for years, and you really can miss it.

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Skinning fingers is also quite painful. Now, where did I pick that up? Can't remember... Nice avatar btw. :D


And if you're not a fan of tooth pain, I recommend not drinking soda. I haven't drunk any for years, and you really can miss it.


Or you could brush your teeth like a normal person. This thread doesn't need your anti-soda propaganda! :p

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What sane person would marry Charlie Manson? The odd thing is the woman that is marrying him is not bad looking. One would have to think she is a little nuts as well. After all crazy people always seem to attract crazy people.


In my opinion, and it's just mine. I don't know of the girl and can't say for sure, but to me this just seems like she wants attention. I know they say you can't help who you love, but there comes a time when you put yourself in a situation that it's become you'r own actions that lead to doing something so utterly stupid that it's gotta be you just being so stupid and ignorant of common sense.

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Or you could brush your teeth like a normal person. This thread doesn't need your anti-soda propaganda! :p


i am very strict on brushing, especially to get the kids doing it


i cracked mine on hard boiled sweets, i am afraid i love Pepsi Max and Vimto too much to give up even with tooth pain


i am having them out tomorrow, after being on antibiotics for a week

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28353" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Skinning fingers is also quite painful. Now, where did I pick that up? Can't remember... Nice avatar btw. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> And if you're not a fan of tooth pain, I recommend not drinking soda. I haven't drunk any for years, and you really can miss it.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> You know I've had pain issues for years but the one thing I did people used to think was crazy. When the pain starts drink a bit of ice water. The colder the better. You get a second or two of sharp pain, then it dulls. My dad told the dentist I did this. He said its not recommended but it helps numb the area, gives you time to get some pain meds in and help the pain.</p>
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  • 3 weeks later...
Chose rum myself, but that's more because I can actually drink spiced rum straight and I need to mix whiskey and vodka with things to get it down.


I drink straight vodka. My friends keep telling me not to but I keep doing so.


Coincidentally whenever I drink straight vodka, I forget large parts of the night. :p

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I drink straight vodka. My friends keep telling me not to but I keep doing so.


Coincidentally whenever I drink straight vodka, I forget large parts of the night. :p


Straight vodka smells(and tastes) too much like rubbing alcohol to me...BUT! Vodka+Monster Khaos energy drinks makes me lose track of my night and part of the next day. :o

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I tend to be a gin and tonic man. When I stick to that I tend to stay out of trouble and have little to no hangovers the next night. My problem is when I drink Jose Cuervo which my group always chase with monster as it kills the taste completely. That is a problem as it leads to us drinking way to much and staying up all night. I also have issues when I drink Jag as I drink it straight from the bottle as I kind of actually like the taste so I try and stay far away from it.
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