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Meh. There seem to be a great number of features missing. I couldn't create a diva, for one. The number of match types and moves available is satisfactory. But there's no Paige? I thought we were supposed to get all DLC. They screwed us over. It was to be expected. It's not that big of a deal per se, but Paige is one of my favorite workers. The game is buggy as hell, though the in-game stuff seems to work. I had a 'replay' at the end of the match which had me lol: the workers and the ref were lying on the ground the whole time, with the ring ropes missing and the crowd glitchy. You get highlights of you sitting on the apron doing nothing, highlights that show a move but don't let it finish, etc... I experienced a crash too.


The engine works a little better than expected, but my standards (after 5 years of no WWE play) were soooo very low.

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Like Blackman I picked it up last night and played it instead of sleeping. ¬_¬ Some thoughts, though bear in mind the last wrestling game I played was Here Comes The Pain, so...



- As Blackman said, the post-match replays are bugged to shit. They all, without fail, have a ring with no ring ropes, and everyone laid out on the mat (including the referee). At least we get different poses for each replay? ¬_¬ I can only assume this will be patched pretty soon (there was actually a patch just as I finished playing a minute ago).


- More of the DLC *will* be patched in for free, but isn't available yet. To be fair to them, it looks like a lot of good stuff is coming. No Paige, because she was bullshit exclusive content, but meh. Despite being my favourite Diva, it's no biggie for me personally.


- The CAW mode is basic as all hell. The actual engine is decent, but the variety of 'parts' you can pick for your wrestler is piss-poor. Create an Entrance is even worse, as there is literally one entrance animation that isn't a real WWE wrestler's entrance (and it's not great, especially if you want to be a babyface :p). There are a few decent non-WWE themes, but again... not many. Haven't found an obvious way to import my own themes, but haven't really looked to be fair. Also, everything loads as slow as treacle in the CAW mode. I'm not on an SSD, admittedly (I couldn't spare the 22GB on my SSD...), but even so. Again, not a huge deal for me, but...


- You can't create your own Diva, which is faintly ridiculous.


- Excepting the scripted segments in Showcase matches, the commentary is terrible. But then, this IS a WWE game. Par for the course. :p


- It's not the best-optimised game I've ever played. Much slowdown during entrances and sometimes during a match. My PC should be able to deal with these graphics comfortably, but even on the lowest settings I was still getting FPS drops.


- Not sure if the game actually slows the action down sometimes, or whether I just get framedrops during chain wrestling sequences and certain moves (it seems that some certain camera angles are worse for this). Either way it's kind of annoying.



- The new wrestling engine took some getting to grips with, but the more I play it the more I really like it. The reversals and counters work pretty well. If I had one criticism, it'd be that the "chain wrestling" (lockup) system is a bit slow in terms of gameplay, with the minigame you have to do, but that only comes into play during the early goings, which does make sense when you think about it from a psychology point of view. So yeah, nothing major. The system for kickouts is also fun. Lets you kickout of some pretty ridiculous stuff, but only if you're lucky and/or have ridiculously good reflexes.


- Also love how important timing is now. It used to just be mashing buttons, but now with the RT reversal system you have to time it right, and over time you get to learn the timings for each move. Which is pretty satisfying.


- The animations are fantastic. Not just the moves, but all the little things like legs getting caught on the ropes when you do a slam near them, or the animations for a tired guy staggering to his feet. I especially like the fact that when you're knackered and on the ground, and the other guy is out of it, there's an option to just drape your arm over them for a pin, instead of having to wait for your guy to get to his feet. It feels great.


- The number of moves in the game is pretty great, and they have a cool system for moves that can either be a pinfall or not (like a german suplex), where you can press B during the move to 'hold on' for a pin, instead of having to have two separate moves in your moveset.


- Like basically every WWE game not called Attitude, it has a bit of a lack of move variety, but it's not too bad. I tend to find myself doing the same moves over and over (especially with some of the default movesets, where Grapple and Up/Down will both be the same move), but that doesn't detract too much from my enjoyment.


- I know it's not new to the series, but my favourite thing by far is the 2k Showcase storylines, where it takes storylines from the past and lets you play out the important matches, including spots from the actual match. For instance, it has the Triple H vs. HBK storyline from the early/mid 2000s. The first match is HBK's return at Summerslam. You play as HBK and have to win the match to progress, but optionally it has extra spots you can do to unlock extra stuff (I don't think there's any other benefit). For instance the first one is to get Triple H down to critical health, and then it'll tell you to perform a top rope signature move. When you do it cuts to a cutscene where Trips interrupts you, hits you with a chair and Pedigrees you, does the sidewalk slam through a chair spot and goes through all the HBK powering out of a pinfalls bit, then gives you control back. Then the next spot it asks you to do is the Sweet Chin Music (which H counters in a cutscene and you have to do a minigame to counter it into the pinfall. If you fail the match just continues from after the Pedigree, so it's not an autofail but you're probably going to be pinned). It's insane how accurate the animations are in the cutscenes. Then after a video recap of what happened, you go onto the Kane vs. Triple H casket match on Raw (where HBK comes out of the casket). Pretty cool, IMO.


There are 14 matches per storyline I think (definitely 14 in the HHH/HBK one), and 2 storylines (the other being Cena/Punk). They're adding 3 more in the DLC (Orton/Christian '11, Ultimate Warrior, and a third one).



So yeah, overall I'm liking the gameplay, especially the Showcase mode, but they reaaallly need to fix the framerate issues. Have to say though, other than the post-match replay issue, I haven't had an actual bug or a crash yet.


Edit: Hmm, I halved the resolution and turned the crowd off. Runs like a dream now, even the post-match replays work. Wonder if that was the patch, or..?


Edit 2: It's definitely the crowd. Turned everything back up to max, problems. Took out the crowd, ran just fine. With max crowd and no tesselation it works ok, but it runs perfectly with no crowd. So... bye crowd. :p

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Well it seems my PS3 is finally done. Every time I've started it up lately its had to do a check for a system restore until finally last night it wouldn't load at all on multiple attempts over some hours. So I reset it completely to default settings, and it loaded up, but all of my savegame stuff was wiped. Again. The. Pain. So, even though I really need to replace my tire fire toshiba laptop, I guess PS4 comes first? Just still no great deals out there aside from the odd eBay "slightly used" stuff which makes me leery for some reason (probably the price). Oh well. And, I was just in the middle of playing back through Dragon Age (had finished Origins and all of the DLC and was into DA:II) so my keep would be all set for another Inquisition playthrough. Blah.
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I advise playing with a controller (360). Without it it must be a nightmare to play.


I also got slowdown during moves with everything on max (3800x), and that with my GTX970 and good cpu, and this while the gfx aren't even all that. But turning off SMAA and the crowd helps a lot indeed.

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Is it playable with a keyboard and mouse or do you need a controller of some sort?


It is technically playable with a KB+M, the option does exist, but I can't see it being much fun. :p


Edit: Just tried it, keys are fully rebindable, which is actually surprising. But it was a complete nightmare. I guess if you took time to learn all the keys it wouldn't be bad, but a controller costs less than the amount of sanity I'd lose if I had to learn all the keys. ¬_¬

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So I was scrolling through Facebook and found a video someone shared.


I don't play many online games because I'm a picky person when it cames to what I play, but dear god are people this disgusting?


Virtual rape now?


What game was it? I haven't heard of any such game.

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There are a few games listed and GTA V was one of them.



This is one of the videos I've seen



Yea, so that's a user created hack. Not sure what GTA 5 can do about people being idiots and using there spare time to do such things.


The news story, as they often do, blames the game but doesn't actually do any real research and report that it's actually user's who know programing that make those mods.


There is no Rape in GTA 5, that im aware of. At best in the actual game as it is created, you can engage in prostitution and you can witness one sex scene between a movie star and her boyfriend on one of the paparazzi missions.

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Yea, so that's a user created hack. Not sure what GTA 5 can do about people being idiots and using there spare time to do such things.


The news story, as they often do, blames the game but doesn't actually do any real research and report that it's actually user's who know programing that make those mods.


There is no Rape in GTA 5, that im aware of. At best in the actual game as it is created, you can engage in prostitution and you can witness one sex scene between a movie star and her boyfriend on one of the paparazzi missions.



I agree it's not the games fault. I do think they hould try to get these people off the servers though. Sadly hackers are going to keep doing this.


The girl said they are actually talking as they do it, I mean what kind of sick person does this and it's okay to them?

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So as suspected, the PC version of WWE 2k15 does have lots of features missing just like the next-gen versions on console did. It's bizarre that so many people seem to be defending such things (not necessarily here, i'm talking in general), "It's their first next-gen version so it'll be better in 2k16", "They're testing the PC market to see if it's profitable" etc. To those people I say these things:


1. The features should've been in from the start. They were in previous WWE games so why were they taken out? Incompetence? It must be as it can't be for future paid DLC because the console versions are still missing numerous features too. You wouldn't buy a new car with missing wheels, so why buy a video game which is missing features?

2. DLC. Oh Lordy... it has "all DLC except for Paige", but you wont get it all straight away! Again, someone tries to sell you a new car, would you buy it with a missing wheel if you were told the wheel will be provided at some undisclosed point before the next quarter comes around?

3. The best way to test what the market is for a game series is to not release a buggy, broken mess with missing features. I'm sure it's sold very well as it was on the Top Sellers list on Steam (although I think it's due to no WWE wrestling games on PC in over a decade), but if it hadn't then they wouldn't bother with a PC version next year. The "It'll be better next year" argument is ridiculous, if it's a mess and no-one buys it they wont port it to PC so people have to buy it hoping that there'll be another version because then it's financially viable to the company.


Video gamers are often the most understanding, and yet also, the most brutal of all consumers so it boggles my mind that so many have put up with so much for so long! Skyrim, a buggy mess upon release, Rome II upon release, an utter clusterfu... you know the rest, to name but two major releases. It truly baffles me how many people pre-order games when they're often terrible upon release because they clearly haven't been tested properly/released earlier than they should have been. The ironic thing is that it's usually the huge studios with millions of dollars that are the worse culprits.


So I was scrolling through Facebook and found a video someone shared.


I don't play many online games because I'm a picky person when it cames to what I play, but dear god are people this disgusting?


Virtual rape now?


There are a few games listed and GTA V was one of them.


This is one of the videos I've seen



I agree it's not the games fault. I do think they hould try to get these people off the servers though. Sadly hackers are going to keep doing this.


The girl said they are actually talking as they do it, I mean what kind of sick person does this and it's okay to them?


There are many twisted people out there, far more than I believe the average person (one who doesn't play video games) realises and they're also getting younger because you can't give them a slap when they get out of line these days. But i'm of the opinion that i'd rather them be sat at home twiddling with a gamepad doing things virtually than be out on the streets enacting their sick fantasies in the real world.


I don't mean to bring up the age old "video games/movies create violence" discussion, but what the media says is utter garbage because if the person is of sound mind to begin with then they wont be affected by such things. I've played "violent" video games and watched countless horror movies since the age of about five or six years old (admittedly I probably shouldn't have) and yet I don't have a criminal record. Why's that? Because my brain isn't mush and I can tell the difference between reality and fantasy. If the media were to be believed, i'd likely have been the worlds youngest and most prolific serial killer. (i'm not by the way, don't call the cops)


/rant over :D

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Not enough games where u can sit & play it with a mate on same sofa while u ave a beer?i aint an online gamer u dont get the thrill of hounding yr mate online how many games have got a good co-op couch mode with full campaign since borderlands?


I'd suggest buying an old Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or one of the many new clones and buying Mega Bomberman. :cool:

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So I was scrolling through Facebook and found a video someone shared.


I don't play many online games because I'm a picky person when it cames to what I play, but dear god are people this disgusting?


Virtual rape now?


Now? People may have just figured out how to make it multi-player. This is the internet, if that wasn't one of the first things people did, I would be amazed. Anonymity + Audience = Well, something I'm not allowed to say.


That news report brought me back to the old days when GTA III was blamed for everything. *Sigh* Memories...

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So as suspected, the PC version of WWE 2k15 does have lots of features missing just like the next-gen versions on console did. It's bizarre that so many people seem to be defending such things (not necessarily here, i'm talking in general), "It's their first next-gen version so it'll be better in 2k16", "They're testing the PC market to see if it's profitable" etc. To those people I say these things:


1. The features should've been in from the start. They were in previous WWE games so why were they taken out? Incompetence? It must be as it can't be for future paid DLC because the console versions are still missing numerous features too. You wouldn't buy a new car with missing wheels, so why buy a video game which is missing features?

2. DLC. Oh Lordy... it has "all DLC except for Paige", but you wont get it all straight away! Again, someone tries to sell you a new car, would you buy it with a missing wheel if you were told the wheel will be provided at some undisclosed point before the next quarter comes around?

3. The best way to test what the market is for a game series is to not release a buggy, broken mess with missing features. I'm sure it's sold very well as it was on the Top Sellers list on Steam (although I think it's due to no WWE wrestling games on PC in over a decade), but if it hadn't then they wouldn't bother with a PC version next year. The "It'll be better next year" argument is ridiculous, if it's a mess and no-one buys it they wont port it to PC so people have to buy it hoping that there'll be another version because then it's financially viable to the company.


Video gamers are often the most understanding, and yet also, the most brutal of all consumers so it boggles my mind that so many have put up with so much for so long! Skyrim, a buggy mess upon release, Rome II upon release, an utter clusterfu... you know the rest, to name but two major releases. It truly baffles me how many people pre-order games when they're often terrible upon release because they clearly haven't been tested properly/released earlier than they should have been. The ironic thing is that it's usually the huge studios with millions of dollars that are the worse culprits.








There are many twisted people out there, far more than I believe the average person (one who doesn't play video games) realises and they're also getting younger because you can't give them a slap when they get out of line these days. But i'm of the opinion that i'd rather them be sat at home twiddling with a gamepad doing things virtually than be out on the streets enacting their sick fantasies in the real world.


I don't mean to bring up the age old "video games/movies create violence" discussion, but what the media says is utter garbage because if the person is of sound mind to begin with then they wont be affected by such things. I've played "violent" video games and watched countless horror movies since the age of about five or six years old (admittedly I probably shouldn't have) and yet I don't have a criminal record. Why's that? Because my brain isn't mush and I can tell the difference between reality and fantasy. If the media were to be believed, i'd likely have been the worlds youngest and most prolific serial killer. (i'm not by the way, don't call the cops)


/rant over :D


actually its the same game engine from the ps2/ps3 they really have never changed the game engine much. so makes no sense especially with them skipping the previous year to take everything out. and 2014 was the first game by them. and btw yukes is still making the games

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Not enough games where u can sit & play it with a mate on same sofa while u ave a beer?i aint an online gamer u dont get the thrill of hounding yr mate online how many games have got a good co-op couch mode with full campaign since borderlands?


I prefer off line or ones online that allow private play like Diablo III. I know GTA has that, but all I do is run around and jump on people or kick cars. That can be done offline. As for co op, meh not my thing.

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Now? People may have just figured out how to make it multi-player. This is the internet, if that wasn't one of the first things people did, I would be amazed. Anonymity + Audience = Well, something I'm not allowed to say.


That news report brought me back to the old days when GTA III was blamed for everything. *Sigh* Memories...


I don't blame GTA. I blame assholes. (Sorry)

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/rant over :D


You have a point, obviously, but removing features and adding them back in the next version has been their trademark as of late, so I'm not surprised.


Quite frankly, for the 33€ I paid, I expected them to at least be up front about how not ALL DLC would be in. No Paige, or not even an option to mod her? That was a blatant lie. As for the quality of the game: it's fine, I guess, after the first patch.

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So as suspected, the PC version of WWE 2k15 does have lots of features missing just like the next-gen versions on console did. It's bizarre that so many people seem to be defending such things (not necessarily here, i'm talking in general), "It's their first next-gen version so it'll be better in 2k16", "They're testing the PC market to see if it's profitable" etc. To those people I say these things:


1. The features should've been in from the start. They were in previous WWE games so why were they taken out? Incompetence? It must be as it can't be for future paid DLC because the console versions are still missing numerous features too. You wouldn't buy a new car with missing wheels, so why buy a video game which is missing features?

2. DLC. Oh Lordy... it has "all DLC except for Paige", but you wont get it all straight away! Again, someone tries to sell you a new car, would you buy it with a missing wheel if you were told the wheel will be provided at some undisclosed point before the next quarter comes around?

3. The best way to test what the market is for a game series is to not release a buggy, broken mess with missing features. I'm sure it's sold very well as it was on the Top Sellers list on Steam (although I think it's due to no WWE wrestling games on PC in over a decade), but if it hadn't then they wouldn't bother with a PC version next year. The "It'll be better next year" argument is ridiculous, if it's a mess and no-one buys it they wont port it to PC so people have to buy it hoping that there'll be another version because then it's financially viable to the company.


Video gamers are often the most understanding, and yet also, the most brutal of all consumers so it boggles my mind that so many have put up with so much for so long! Skyrim, a buggy mess upon release, Rome II upon release, an utter clusterfu... you know the rest, to name but two major releases. It truly baffles me how many people pre-order games when they're often terrible upon release because they clearly haven't been tested properly/released earlier than they should have been. The ironic thing is that it's usually the huge studios with millions of dollars that are the worse culprits.


This is exactly how I feel. I always have to question a company who start their campaign with "get this DLC when you pre-order" because surely if your game was THAT good you wouldn't need to offer people incentives to pre-order it. I don't think I've pre-ordered a game on next-gen since getting my Xbox One. Most of my games I either got with the console, were 50-60% off deals or the free with gold games (Dying Light was the exception).

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You have a point, obviously, but removing features and adding them back in the next version has been their trademark as of late, so I'm not surprised.


Quite frankly, for the 33€ I paid, I expected them to at least be up front about how not ALL DLC would be in. No Paige, or not even an option to mod her? That was a blatant lie. As for the quality of the game: it's fine, I guess, after the first patch.


In their defense, the Steam store page does say specifically that the game does *not* include Paige. At least it did when I looked a few weeks ago.

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In their defense, the Steam store page does say specifically that the game does *not* include Paige. At least it did when I looked a few weeks ago.


Just to piggy back this, when the game was announced, it was clearly stated that it was a direct port from PS4/Xbox One. Why, then, would one assume that it'll have extra features that those don't have? I'm not defending the decision to remove said features, but surely you can't be mad that you bought a game that you knew didn't have those features already?

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