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The Video Game Thread


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Think you might have missed a trick there.


What you should have said was 'Could you tell me a game that you sell on Origin that's related to NFL?' and watch as they tout FIFA


Soon, the Messiah will come !


The Witcher 3 :D With 36 free DLC ! and 2 paid content , that we will rename "Extension" !


Comes out just days before my birthday.. Getting it as a pressie

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Now that I'm reloaded with my Notebook having a 64 bit version of Windows, I'm ready for modern games. Can anybody suggest a cool modern PC game that is not MKX or WWE 2K15 (Already gonna download em) so I can get it?
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So I stumbled across a game on my iPad and I'm addicted, then I found out it's on steam. I have to say it's probably the stupidest waste of time I've ever found, but it's so addicting.


It's called Adventure Capitalist.


It seems to be a free download on Steam - I'll see you peeps next week!

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So as suspected, the PC version of WWE 2k15 does have lots of features missing just like the next-gen versions on console did. It's bizarre that so many people seem to be defending such things (not necessarily here, i'm talking in general), "It's their first next-gen version so it'll be better in 2k16", "They're testing the PC market to see if it's profitable" etc. To those people I say these things:


1. The features should've been in from the start. They were in previous WWE games so why were they taken out? Incompetence? It must be as it can't be for future paid DLC because the console versions are still missing numerous features too. You wouldn't buy a new car with missing wheels, so why buy a video game which is missing features?

2. DLC. Oh Lordy... it has "all DLC except for Paige", but you wont get it all straight away! Again, someone tries to sell you a new car, would you buy it with a missing wheel if you were told the wheel will be provided at some undisclosed point before the next quarter comes around?

3. The best way to test what the market is for a game series is to not release a buggy, broken mess with missing features. I'm sure it's sold very well as it was on the Top Sellers list on Steam (although I think it's due to no WWE wrestling games on PC in over a decade), but if it hadn't then they wouldn't bother with a PC version next year. The "It'll be better next year" argument is ridiculous, if it's a mess and no-one buys it they wont port it to PC so people have to buy it hoping that there'll be another version because then it's financially viable to the company.


I'm not defending the game per se, as you make some very good points, but regarding #3: you're acting as if the game is a broken piece of crap. It's not, in any way. Sure, it'd be nice if everything was there immediately (that's what we do as consumers, right? Expect everything to be available immediately and whenever we want it), but what's actually there is a solid wrestling game, probably the best for a while (and certainly the best on PC...).


To call it a 'buggy, broken mess' is just ridiculous. Sure, it has a few issues (show me a game that was released this decade and didn't in the first few weeks), but with a bit of messing around in the settings it runs just fine for me, and I've rather enjoyed my time with it. You're not arguing over your car missing its wheels, you're arguing over it missing its headrest DVD players (which were never advertised) and having to wait a month or so for the in-car stereo to be delivered. And there's a bit of scratched paintwork, which I'm assuming the company is going to fix for you in a week or so. They've already replaced the broken headlight. Ok, so it's not fantastic service from the garage letting the car be delivered in that state, but the car works fine and gets you from A to B. The stereo can wait.


Would I prefer it had more stuff? Sure. The CAW section in particular is a bit sparse, and doesn't include Divas at all which is idiotic. I've said that before. Is it overpriced for what you get? Probably, but it's around the same as other similar titles. But what IS there is fun, and works pretty well.


It's not exactly AC: Unity or SimCity.



In other news, anyone know of any good PS4 exclusives (or console exclusives on PS4) coming out that I might be interested in? I really can't justify spending £350 on Bloodborne, no matter how much I want it. Uncharted really doesn't interest me, and the only other game I can remember off the top of my head is No Man's Sky, which for me is an 'eh'. Assume anything already released doesn't interest me either. Obviously anything I can play on PC, I'll be playing on PC.

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I've also played Mount & Blade (I'm late) and wow ! what a game :D that was the game i was searching for years


You know what: that was my exact reaction as well. About a decade ago, I was conceptualising my ideal game. Basically it came down to being some soldier in a huge army fighting TES-like battles (Skyrim Civil War just isn't quite there in terms of scope). I finally found it in M&B, but for some reason I never played it much.


I tried once, but didn't get any money, sucked at the battles (should've put it on easy controls), and got caught by bandits. Great game, but I moved on to other games.


I'm super-excited for M&B2 however. :p

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You know what: that was my exact reaction as well. About a decade ago, I was conceptualising my ideal game. Basically it came down to being some soldier in a huge army fighting TES-like battles (Skyrim Civil War just isn't quite there in terms of scope). I finally found it in M&B, but for some reason I never played it much.


I tried once, but didn't get any money, sucked at the battles (should've put it on easy controls), and got caught by bandits. Great game, but I moved on to other games.


I'm super-excited for M&B2 however. :p


To be fair, i'm still after a game like M&W, but you can choose to be a smith, a soldier, a peasant.. There is only one game who do that, and it's feudal is life (or life is feudal i don't remember) but it's in early access and multiplayer only i think..

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So, this may seem like a dumb question, but what is the thing called that you connect to a control pad and slot your mobile device into for 'hand held' gaming? I've started streaming my PC to my mobile and I'd like to purchase one, but I have no idea what they're called, so I can't search! Haha thanks guys.
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So I got a PS4 today. Loving it. But hooooly crap, I used to use the "console games are way more expensive" argument all the time, without realising just how cripplingly, bank-destroyingly true it was.


I just spent £148.97 on four games. :'( And EA made two of them. :'( :'(


Still, it'll keep me going for a while.



My PSN ID thingy is monkeystyxx (same on Steam incidentally), if anyone wants to play something sometime.


I have:


Rugby 15 (which is probably bad, but y'know, desperation genre. Favourite IRL sport and all that).

MLB 15

Madden 15 (I have very little idea how NFL works. I know the basics of how the sport is played, but I've got no idea about tactics :p).

Bloodborne, obvs.


All except Bloodborne are downloading right now so probably won't be able to play tonight though.

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Just got Witcher 3 on GOG instead of GMG (5€ for one different character :rolleyes:). In the end you're supporting the dev, plus you get some extra goodies (not that I care: I'm replaying II and got stuck and searched for FAQ ,while I apparently have a hardcopy of their own guide in the closet). You get about 25% off if you own both Witcher games somewhere. 44€ is an ok price for something you know will be great. Now to get Dragon Age III, but that thing is outragiously expensive.


150£ on 4 games? That's a lot. But I haven't gotten console games in a while. :p

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99% of American kids learn the rules and tactics of (US) football from Madden. When they are young a lot of the game isn't really able to be played (in real life). No 7 year old kid is running a pass heavy team for instance (and thus no kids are learning how to defend it), but you can learn those things easily from the games.


They even have a lot of mini games or tutorials these days which should make it even easier.

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