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1995: War of The Worlds

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New version released!


More than 100 new workers!

New tag teams!

New promotions!

New alter egos!

New relations!

New pictures!

New logos!

New match types!

...and much more!





Picture pack:



And of course, the Hivetastic skin which fits perfectly for this mod:



Let me know if you see any errors or find something/someone important missing. Enjoy!

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Hive, I downloaded the mod to take a look around, and there is a critical error in the data. I don't understand it at all, but you have to either remove ownership of the NOAH Dojo or just delete it altogether to start the game. Just wanted to let you know. Just now starting the game as a watcher.
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Hive, I downloaded the mod to take a look around, and there is a critical error in the data. I don't understand it at all, but you have to either remove ownership of the NOAH Dojo or just delete it altogether to start the game. Just wanted to let you know. Just now starting the game as a watcher.


Well that's an embarrasing oversight... :o


Thanks for the heads up!

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I'm loving playing this as ECW with The Masked Man as my avatar. Already picked up 90% PPV deals in the US (Cablevision) and Canada (Public Broadcasting with an edit to Medium risk). I made a few slight changes to the product so it can get tons of sponsorship money and making it minor positive on trending but still keeping the vocal fan base though it is an equal fed now.


Couple of things I've noticed. First, they have a default product that prevents them from being on a Mainstream network (due to Hardcore), yet TNN is set as Mainstream meaning they'll never get on there. No biggy just odd. Second Dudley Dudley was given a Retired Wrestler contract. I never watched ECW, but he's set as Usually Wrestler with none for anything else so that's got to be an error.


Oh, and I didn't check to see if it was pre-set or a bad roll, but I started with 12 weeks on my TV deals one month before I can negotiate with TV networks. So, either I'm going to have to cancel both deals, or I'm going go a month or 2 without TV (unless it checks that and lets me renegotiate now). Never run into that before.


Oh, and why in the world are my Sex Appeal angles bombing? I put T&A up to High, and Francine and Beulah get 57-60's without even getting the looks-based capped note.


Otherwise, this is a blast. I've put on 3 shows in the low-mid 70's with the only drawback that only one show gave me any boost in Tri-State. My first PPV is going to be awesome. Masked Man vs Terry Funk; Cactus Jack vs Sandman; Ron Simmons vs Tommy Dreamer plus several other matches.

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I'm loving playing this as ECW with The Masked Man as my avatar.


I'm glad you like it! :)


Couple of things I've noticed. First, they have a default product that prevents them from being on a Mainstream network (due to Hardcore), yet TNN is set as Mainstream meaning they'll never get on there. No biggy just odd.


It's the sort of thing that can be a bit hard to avoid within the TEW engine. I'd either have to make ECW more mainstream or TNN less mainstream; both options I would find inaccurate.


Second Dudley Dudley was given a Retired Wrestler contract. I never watched ECW, but he's set as Usually Wrestler with none for anything else so that's got to be an error.


That's a clear error. I'm afraid that even though I spent COUNTLESS hours on this mod, there are still minor issues like that. Thankfully, not a major issue.


Oh, and I didn't check to see if it was pre-set or a bad roll, but I started with 12 weeks on my TV deals one month before I can negotiate with TV networks. So, either I'm going to have to cancel both deals, or I'm going go a month or 2 without TV (unless it checks that and lets me renegotiate now). Never run into that before.


That's sounds extremely strange, to say the least. Never heard of such an issue before. Unfortunately, it's not something I can affect - it's randomly calculated when starting a new game.


Oh, and why in the world are my Sex Appeal angles bombing? I put T&A up to High, and Francine and Beulah get 57-60's without even getting the looks-based capped note.


That is odd indeed. Perhaps they aren't particularly over and/or have poor gimmicks? My suggestion is to pair them with someone who is over and cuts great promos, and then greate an angle where they do their sex appeal stuff next to an entertainment-rated guy with strong skills there.


Otherwise, this is a blast. I've put on 3 shows in the low-mid 70's with the only drawback that only one show gave me any boost in Tri-State. My first PPV is going to be awesome. Masked Man vs Terry Funk; Cactus Jack vs Sandman; Ron Simmons vs Tommy Dreamer plus several other matches.


Thanks, and good luck with your PPV! :)

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First, I want to apologize as I was completely wrong on the TV thing. Keep thinking that you negotiate in October for the TV schedule for November when it is November for December. So, I'm good on that. Not good on that both of them end at different times though. May have to cancel the SportsChannel so I can get a good National deal. Either that or renew that the Sunshine deal short-term and try to expand to Canada.


Thought I'd share the PPV as it was fun, and it illustrates how awful the poor angle note is. A 94 is a bad thing...



Edit: Oh, and I made a profit of $81,770 despite spending $280,000 on a 10,000 seat arena of my own. That is truly one of the must haves for any large Regional or Cult feds. Saves sooooo much money over the long haul. Netted only a pathetic $46,130 from my 2 90% PPV deals which is just awful.

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Well, I managed to get him from 61 up to 75 in 4 TV shows. That's the advantage of an equal fed. Both were 75-80 pop in Tri-State and can go in the ring. The Brawl-Based match played into their strengths as well. I do like the Masked Man UC though he isn't as good as Jack Avatar just slightly more over but not nearly as talented top row. Still having a blast as long as WCW stay away from my roster (they stole Raven and New Jack and that's it). Oh, Canadian Storm is Rick Martel and Lance Storm. Now, I just need to work on putting in enough lower-quality matches to cool the crowd down.
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I'm just curious about something. The industry and economy are both 90+, my pop in most of the country is 42 with 67 in Tri-State and mid-50's in Southeast, and everyone is turning me down for TV. MTV I could kind of understand as they're Big, but even Medium Comedy Central (Cult) and ESPN (Sports Specific) did. I know you have to avoid Mainstream as that's spelled out in the product, but it is only that and Afternoon and Early Evening on some networks (I tweaked it some to that point). Is that what is hamstringing me or am I shooting too high (prestige is 57)? I ask because I've never played a Hardcore fed. I've never had this much trouble getting a TV deal with that much pop across the country before.


May end up going weekly PPV's. Hmmm...do I have the star power to do that? My User character, Terry Funk, Mick Foley, Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Rick Martel (okay he's old), and my latest signee, The Rock. Yep, think I have enough to pull that off along with Dreamer, Sandman, Tatanka, The Steiners, The Dudley Boyz, and Lance Storm. Did I mention I love this game? Oh, and I cleared $420,000 last month getting almost nothing from PPV and even less from TV with Medium drug-testing. This is soooo much fun. I just have to work out the TV issue.

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