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God Bless Texas - 1977 C-Verse

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I agree with Bolt...I enjoy trying to figure out were the workers are on the card based on the shows. I'm nostalgic for the wrestling of my youth, so this throwback is awesome to me....thanks


OOC: Thanks for the vote of confidence. Like you, I'm nostalgic for the old school and like the feeling of the '77 C-Verse. Shoot me a PM if there's anything in particular you'd like to see...I'll see if I can work it in. This goes for anyone, by the way...I'm always open to suggestions.

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy


Who Are...


The Show Stealers?


Mr. Excitement (aka Brad Kelley) is a 24 year old Canadian middleweight wrestler. He is a solid in-ring performer and decent on the mic. While most promoters don't have him pegged as a future star, Kelley is a very reliable, likable, and humble young man. He will probably settle comfortably into a mid/upper-mid card role for many, many years.


Contrarily, big things are expected from his partner, Red Falcon. Falcon, just two years older than Kelley, is a tremendous high-flyer, regularly pulling out risky moves like the flying dropkick, flying bodypress, and his favorite finisher the Death Swoop (a top-rope splash). He has twice held the CWF National Junior Heavyweight Title and is the current holder of that belt.

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Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman/‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes/Don Juan Reyes

Bowman is an insane talent, and the Reyes's are a step above jobber status at best.

•The Show Stealers (Mr. Excitement/Red Falcon)/Pavel Landis v. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper)/Rampage

I blame Pavel Landis... he should totally makes his way to WBW instead!

•Captain USA v. Professor Nero

Captain USA is a teenage nobody still, gonna be a long while until he's a candidate to beat anyone of value

Mean Mark Green v. Mayhem Midden

He's not a threat to jump ship to SWF!

•TWL Title: Texas Outlaw v. Rip Chord ©

He may be a drunken mess, but he's the biggest name in the company and one of the most talented workers in the world, even when surly. Chord retains.

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TWL Cowboys & Indians

War Memorial Audtiorium (Midwest)

August 1977

Attendance: 1,563





The show started rather unusually, with the Texas Outlaws making their way to the ring. Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman led the pack, flanked by Mean Mark Green, the Trailer Park Kid, and the Texas Outlaw. Following closely behind were ‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker and his lovely valet, Shannon. Mean Mark took the microphone first, his voice oozing cool. “Tonight’s a durn big night for the Texas Outlaws. First off, Floyd and our buddy Johnny Boy have a match against the no-good Border Runners. And after they run them outta town, I got a fight against Mayhem Midden. After I tear him limb from limb, there’s the big one. Tonight the TWL Championship comes back to the Outlaws when our main man the Texas Outlaw gets Rip Chord one on one. No runnin’ Rip, its time to face the music – Outlaw Style.” Somewhat surprisingly, it was Tucker who next took the microphone. “Its been a tough couple of weeks,” he began, his voice stronger and more confident than it has been for quite some time, “losin’ my mentor was tough on me…tough on all of us. But what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And I ain’t dead, so I must be stronger. Tonight the Border Runners are gonna feel the wrath of the reborn, rededicated, reenergized American Made…Johnny…Boy…Tucker.” Finally, the crowd waiting on pins and needles, Bowman took the microphone. “**** yeah Johnny Boy. That’s what I’m ****in’ talkin’ about! Tonight me and ****in’ Johnny Boy gonna take this ****in’ company by storm and then party like the ****in’ rock stars. And that’s a ***-damned ****in’ promise!” C


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyBoyTucker.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShannonKelly.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DonJuanMartinez.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CarlosReyes.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LuisMontero1977.jpg


Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman/‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker w/Shannon v. Border Runners (Don Juan Reyes/Carlos Reyes) w/Luis Reyes

Billy’s Take: Before the match, Carlos introduced us to another brother and last show’s mystery man, Don Juan (Martinez) Reyes. The crowd booed them unmercifully. Tucker looked much better than he had in previous bouts, when he seemed to struggle with losing Mark Krogan at ringside. He had no problems attacking the Reyes brothers here, whipping the newcomer Don Juan Reyes around the ring, hitting him with knee lifts, bodyslams, and open-hand slaps. Similarly, Bowman worked over the Border Runners, tossing Carlos to the corner, stomping on him and then punching him right in the throat. Luis Reyes hopped up on the ring apron to try and turn the tide of the match, but he took a Salute ‘n Boot from Floyd Bowman for his trouble. In the end, it was Carlos taking the fall after Johnny Boy hit a huge Power Lariat for the win.

Bowman/Tucker d. Border Runners via Power Lariat

Match Rating: C+



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The Show Stealers (Mr. Excitement/Red Falcon)/Pavel Landis v. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper)/Rampage

Billy’s Take: The Show Stealers are certainly an exciting duo. They hit several impressive double-team moves that stymied the Black Serpent Cult, including stereo dropkicks and breath-taking double crossbody blocks (one on each Serpent) that resulted in simultaneous two counts on the tag team champions. To gain retribution, the Black Serpent Cult pulled the Show Stealers to the floor and began brawling outside the ring, right in front of a fan holding a sign that read, ‘Red Falcon: Kill the Snakes.’ Inside the ring, Rampage took the opportunity to slip behind Pavel Landis and lock in the Silent Death submission hold. With his partners fighting on the floor, Landis had no recourse and passed out from the pain, forcing me to award the match to the Cult and Rampage.

Black Serpent Cult/Rampage d. Show Stealers/Pavel Landis via Silent Death

Match Rating: D+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CalSanders_jtlant.jpg (Alt by jtlant)


An unfamiliar man, wearing an American flag mask, strode to the ring, slapping hands with fans at ringside. “U…S…A” he bellowed into the microphone, repeating his mantra over and over again before continuing, the crowd still repeating the three-letter chant. “Professor Nero, at Blazing Inferno you badmouthed the good ol’ USA and I, Captain USA, will not stand for it! Calling all of us good Americans psychopants” (I think he meant sycophants) “just don’t cut it. So me and my true blue, one-hundred percent Americans fans are gonna bring you down just like we’re gonna take down that commie Brezhnev ! U…S…A…U…S…A…” C


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CalSanders_jtlant.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


Captain USA v. Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: Poor Captain USA should have let sleeping dogs lie. Pissing off Mycroft Nero is not the best way to introduce yourself to the company. Maybe he should have picked a fight with Pavel Landis or one of the Reyes’ instead? This was less a match than a massacre, as Nero gleefully picked apart the Captain, who managed little offense. Seemingly bored with the torture, Nero mercifully ended the match with his shaking sleeper hold, the Descent into Madness, about six minutes in.

Professor Nero d. Captain USA via Descent into Madness

Match Rating: D+





‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon and Major W.G. Reginald III came out to the ring as Professor Nero slunk to the backstage curtain but stayed in front of it to see what Deacon had to say. “That’s right Nero, you better git on outta here,” Deacon began, pointing at the sadistic Professor. “Cuz you got no excuse for what you said at Blazing Inferno. Poor Captain USA…he’s got a lot more heart than brains. But me, Perfect Pat Deacon? I got both, in spades. That’s where we’re different, you and I. You’ve got lots of brains, but so did the Son of Sam. He blamed them killings on a demon inside his neighbor’s damn dog. And just like that sick sumnabitch, you got no heart. And heart’s what wins wrestling matches. So at Wanted Dead or Alive I want you…in an I Quit match. I know that I’ve got the heart and will to win. The question is, Professor Nero, do you?” B-



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MikeyMontana.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MayhemMidden.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/RipChord1977.jpg


Mean Mark Green w/Trailer Park Kid v. ‘Baddest Man on the Planet’ Mayhem Midden w/Rip Chord

Billy’s Take: Midden and Rip walked out to the ring, Rip pointing to a sign in the crowd that read ‘Rip rips!!’ Midden made a sudden move like he was going to steal the sign, causing the sign-holder to spill beer all over his neighbor. Midden laughed and slid into the ring. The crowd was definitely behind the enforcer of the Texas Outlaws in this contest. Midden and Green went toe-to-toe, giving the fans a classic Texas brawl, neither man backing down nor able to gain any sustainable advantage. In the end, the brawl spilled out onto the floor. I began counting and reached ten, calling for the bell as the fighting continued.

Mean Mark Green and Mayhem Midden drew after both being counted out of the ring

Match Rating: C+




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MaskedMachineAndrews.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/RipChord1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MayhemMidden.jpg


TWL Championship Title Match: Texas Outlaw v. Rip Chord © w/Mayhem Midden

Billy’s Take: The Texas Outlaw came out first, seconded by his Texas Outlaw stablemates. He motioned for them to go back to the backstage area, indicating that he, and he alone, would fight Rip. Unsurprisingly, Rip did not order Midden to the backstage area and instead pointed to a corner where he preferred that the self-proclaimed ‘Baddest Man on the Planet’ stand. Inside the ring, this was a clash in styles. Rip can go move-for-move with anyone in the world, but prefers brawling, while the Outlaw can brawl but would rather stay on the mat. Outlaw actually made this a competitive match, forcing Rip to the floor several times to recuperate after a series of moves from the masked man. But in the end, the champion was just too much, connecting with a Rip Chord DDT to end the match.

Rip Chord d. Texas Outlaw via Rip Chord DDT to retain the TWL Title <O:p</O:p

Match Rating: B-<O:p</O:p





After the match, Rip Chord and Mayhem Midden continued their assault on the Texas Outlaw, leaving him lying in the ring, a bloodied mess. Rip spat on the lifeless body and tried to pull his mask off. The cavalry, in the form of the Texas Outlaws, could arrive. Seeing them, Rip and Midden beat a hasty retreat, although Rip paused long enough to hold his title aloft and make sure the crowd got one last glimpse before exiting backstage. And once again, Rip has taken out a masked wrestler in his quest to gain complete victory over Mark Krogan! C-

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Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman/‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes/Don Juan Reyes

The Show Stealers (Mr. Excitement/Red Falcon)/Pavel Landis v. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper)/Rampage

Captain USA v. Professor Nero

Mean Mark Green v. Mayhem Midden

TWL Title: Texas Outlaw v. Rip Chord ©

4/5. Nice work! Though to be fair, the only one you missed was the double countout.


•Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman/‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes/Don Juan Reyes

The Show Stealers (Mr. Excitement/Red Falcon)/Pavel Landis v. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper)/Rampage

•Captain USA v. Professor Nero

•Mean Mark Green v. Mayhem Midden

•TWL Title: Texas Outlaw v. Rip Chord ©

3/5. I would have loved to give the Show Stealers a 'revenge win' but the inclusion of Pavel allowed the team to take the loss and keep the Show Stealers as strong contenders.


Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman/‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes/Don Juan Reyes

•The Show Stealers (Mr. Excitement/Red Falcon)/Pavel Landis v. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper)/Rampage

•Captain USA v. Professor Nero

Mean Mark Green v. Mayhem Midden

•TWL Title: Texas Outlaw v. Rip Chord ©

4/5. I'd trade Pavel to WBW for Killer Denucci...I'd love to see he and Nero in a 'who is the sickest man' contest. Hell, I'd take either Borg Brother for him if WBW would throw in Spiros the Mighty poster.

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy:




Texas Wrestling Leagues's 2nd August show, entitled "Wanted: Dead or Alive," is one of our biggest of the year. Because of its epic nature, Stampy wanted to keep the card under wraps and not announce it at "Cowboys & Indians." Instead, he issued a press release for newspapers throughout Texas and even got a radio spot to promote the card. Here is the card, and blurbs, for each announced match:


TWL Tag Team Titles: Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Black Serpent Cult ©

The 'A-Team' of the Texas Outlaws, 2-time champions Green and Bowman, battle the no-good Black Serpent Cult in this ultimate tag team grudge match.


Johnny Boy Tucker v. Luis Reyes

Johnny Boy Tucker has a renewed sense of purpose since the departure of Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan. Will it be enough to upend the talented Mexican youngster Reyes?


No Holds Barred: Mad Man McMannus v. R.J. Danzig

Teacher versus student. The last time Danzig and McMannus faced off, McMannus broke his mentor's arm (in retaliation for a broken arm Danzig inflicted on his student during training). That was five years ago. In this rematch there are no rules...the referee's only task is to count pinfalls.


Battle Royal Featuring: Lone Star Stampeder, Trailer Park Kid, Pavel Landis, Red Falcon, Mr. Excitement, Rampage, TimberWolf, Giant Grimsley, Warlord Agony, Warlord Pain

Giant Grimsley is widely acknowledged as the 'King of the Battle Royal.' Will the Giant prevail or will one of TWL's own pull off the upset?


The Executioners v. Rip Chord/Mayhem Midden

TWL Champion Rip Chord has requested, and received, a tag team match against the Executioners. We have no clue which 'Executioners' will show up, but it is bound to be an exciting match!


'I Quit' Match: Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero

For the past several months, Professor Nero has tormented Pat Deacon. Will Deacon get his revenge or does the 'Intelligent Monster' have one more trick up his sleeve?

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Wow, gave this a quick run-through and it looks awesome, good to see a few 70's mod Dynasties starting up here. I'm going to have to do a full catch-up soon and follow along... Of course I'm just on a quick break now. :rolleyes:


Thanks for the compliment! And I'm also looking forward to (hopefully) more 70's dynasties.

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Just caught up with this. I like where you're going with Nero, I like seeing good ole Captain USA debuting. I've also had Ace McCoy O.D in my game forcing him to retire. Good luck and I'll be following this.


Thanks! Nero is such a (potentially) complex character. My biggest problem with him is keeping his bizarre habits to a minimum and not making him uber-insane.


The McCoy O.D. is a narrative and I knew it was coming. What I didn't know about the narrative is coming up soon and forced a major change of plans in my long-term booking...

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Love where you're going with this. TWL is probably my favorite promotion from the era, so I'm definitely keeping tabs on this one even if I don't always post.


TWL Tag Team Titles: Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Black Serpent Cult © - Bit of a toss up for me. Both are awesome teams, but I like the Outlaws a little bit better.


Johnny Boy Tucker v. Luis Reyes - Luis is going to be a huge star, but I don't think he'd be beating the likes of Tucker just yet.


No Holds Barred: Mad Man McMannus v. R.J. Danzig - Danzig is still the bigger name and the better worker. Should be a bloodbath though.


Battle Royal Featuring: Lone Star Stampeder, Trailer Park Kid, Pavel Landis, Red Falcon, Mr. Excitement, Rampage, TimberWolf, Giant Grimsley, Warlord Agony, Warlord Pain - Not too sure about this one. I'll vote for you keeping the boss happy with a win, though TPK might be a little more over.


The Executioners v. Rip Chord/Mayhem Midden - I'd say Chord and Midden get the win here, with the lesser of the Executioners taking the loss.


'I Quit' Match: Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero - I just can't see Nero quitting, so I'll go with him for the win. Probably a bit of an upset.


P.S. Bring in the New Zealand Game Hunters! Croup and Vandemar rule!

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Love where you're going with this. TWL is probably my favorite promotion from the era, so I'm definitely keeping tabs on this one even if I don't always post.


P.S. Bring in the New Zealand Game Hunters! Croup and Vandemar rule!


Thanks for the input. I must say that your alt of Cal Sanders (my Captain USA) was the sole reason that character is around.


I like the Game Hunters, but my tag roster is a bit heel-heavy right now and I just can't see them as faces (although I assume they are when they face the Full Monty). We'll see.

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TWL Tag Team Titles: Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Black Serpent Cult © -


Johnny Boy Tucker v. Luis Reyes -


No Holds Barred: Mad Man McMannus v. R.J. Danzig - .


Battle Royal Featuring: Lone Star Stampeder, Trailer Park Kid, Pavel Landis, Red Falcon, Mr. Excitement, Rampage, TimberWolf, Giant Grimsley, Warlord Agony, Warlord Pain -


The Executioners v. Rip Chord/Mayhem Midden -


'I Quit' Match: Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero

somehow he will be knocked out/ out cold ala Steve Austin

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




My God, Austin McCoy is back in the hospital. We don’t know if it’s a relapse or if he overdosed again. When I got to the hospital, the waiting room looked like a circus…TimberWolf still had on his ridiculous ears, Rampage his face paint, and I counted at least three guys in Executioner masks. We all had a few minutes to talk to Austin, who drifted in and out of consciousness. When I stood next to him, he pulled me close. “Wife’s pregnant, right?” he whispered. “Yeah,” I whispered back, somewhat taken aback since we hadn’t really talked much. “Take care of that baby,” he wheezed, “and do me a favor, ok?” What was I to do, tell a man on his deathbed ‘no’? “Sure Austin, anything.” “Don’t name him Austin,” he deadpanned, a crooked grin on his face. I assured him I wouldn’t and then patted him on the shoulder. As we filed out, I wondered if I would ever see Austin McCoy again.

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy



Austin Earl McCoy

February 13, 1942-August 16, 1977


My premonitions at the hospital sadly proved true. Austin McCoy died today at the age of 35. Doctors won’t say whether or not it was a second overdose, but we definitely lost a dear friend. At his funeral, Rip, Floyd, Mark Green, and Mike (the Trailer Park Kid) acted as his pallbearers while I saw Johnny Boy Tucker and Shannon Kelly holding hands. Looks like the kayfabe relationship may be actually heating up. Afterwards I saw Rip so drunk he could barely stand. So much for changing his ways. Guess he needed it…it was a long day for us all. Goodbye Austin. We’ll miss you.


It was a bad day for entertainers in other fields as, apparently, Elvis Presley also passed away today. The Texas Wild Child and the King will raise some hell up in heaven. That’s for sure.



Elvis Aaron Presley

January 8, 1935-August 16, 1977


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TWL Wanted: Dead or Alive

Irvine Hall (MidSouth)

August, 1977

Attendance: 3,246


The show kicked off with Kurt Berkely announcing the death of Austin McCoy, along with a ten-bell salute in his memory. In the lockerroom before the event, Stampy put a moratorium on any further mention of McCoy for the time-being.




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Cobra1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Viper.jpg


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Texas Tornado Mayhem

Texas Outlaws (Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman/Mean Mark Green) v. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper)

Billy’s Take: Before the match, this was announced as a Texas Tornado Mayhem match, perhaps the most well-known of the TWL signature bouts. The match was back-and-forth with all four men brawling wildly around the ring. Bowman, in particular, stood out as a whirling dervish of elbows, fists, feet, and insults. It looked like the Outlaws would make the first elimination when they hit the Nowhere to Run on Cobra while Viper was outside the ring. But Viper slid in, quick as a flash, to break up the pinfall. Instead, Green was the first man eliminated, falling prey to a Solid Snake Stunner from Cobra. That left Bowman facing a 2-on-1 situation. He stood for a moment as the Serpents circled him. Then he flipped them each a middle finger and attacked, sending them both flying out of the ring where Mark Green assaulted the champs (he’s not allowed inside the ring, but instead is a sort of one-man lumberjack match). Back inside the ring, Bowman hit the Salute ‘n Boot on Viper, pinning him for the three. But in the end, the nefarious snake-worshipping duo won after Cobra pulled me to a corner, complaining about having his tights pulled while Viper (I assume) jumped on the apron and hit Bowman with a fireball. Cobra quickly slithered over and made the pin, allowing the Serpents to retain their belts.

Black Serpent Cult d. Texas Outlaws to retain the TWL Tag Team Titles

Match Rating: B



As the Outlaws and Black Serpent Cult left the ringside area, a newcomer approached the ring and took the microphone. “Listen, my people, to what the Prophet says,” he began in a sing-songy voice, his gaze distant and unseeing. “HE is coming! Be prepared o children of the dawn, the Prophet brings good tidings as HE will arrive to cleanse the foul stench of licentiousness and debauchery from this place. Soon, my people, soon…HE IS COMING…” he trailed off. As if awakening from a trance, the newcomer, apparently called The Prophet, walked slowly to the back, the crowd confused. C



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyBoyTucker.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShannonKelly.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LuisMontero1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CarlosReyes.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DonJuanMartinez.jpg


‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker w/Shannon v. Luis Reyes w/Carlos and Don Juan Reyes

Billy’s Take: The Reyes’ came out first, Don Juan taking the microphone and making some comments about the stupidity of Texans and how the Reyes clan was going to keep crossing the border and taking the benefits of the American Dream without paying into the system. Typical Border Runners promo. This only increased the crowd’s love for Johnny Boy Tucker and his lovely valet Shannon. As they entered the ring, Tucker gave Shannon very careful instructions about the presence of the Reyes’ at ringside and she nodded coyly. Inside the ring, Luis is a superstar and Tucker an improving youngster. In ten years this could main event any show on any continent. Here, though, it was about making Tucker look like a million bucks. He did and won with the Power Lariat.

Tucker d. Reyes via Power Lariat

Match Rating: C+




Apparently dissatisfied with losing the match, Carlos Reyes, Don Juan Reyes, and Luis Reyes all jumped Johnny Boy Tucker, sending Shannon instantly to the back to round up reinforcements. Carlos and Don Juan hit the Double Fence Hop Legdrop on Johnny Boy and then allowed ‘little brother’ Luis to get his revenge on Tucker, pummeling him with a series of punches and kicks. Shannon reemerged from backstage with the Texas Outlaws in tow. Mean Mark Green and Trailer Park Kid cleared the ring while Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman took the microphone. “Reyes Brothers, you little ****ers. You pick on Johnny Boy Tucker, you ****in’ pick on me, you sons of *****es! I will ****in’ punch you all in your little (anti-Mexican rant) faces if you ever ****in’ touch a ****in’ hair on Johnny Boy’s ****in’ head again!” D+





No Holds Barred: Mad Man McMannus v. R.J. Danzig

Billy’s Take: Before the match, the PA announcer briefly reminded fans about the history behind this match and the years of hatred between these two men. McMannus came out first and it took all my effort to keep him from jumping Danzig when his ex-teacher entered the arena. There was no perfunctory handshake or formal beginning of the match as Danzig ran at his former protégé and attacked him viciously, apparently trying to snap his arm (as McMannus had done to him five years earlier). In all honesty, I am still not sure whether this was scripted or whether Stampy just told them to go out and beat the hell out of each other. This was the most brutal 15 minutes of wrestling I have ever seen…I suppose it was No Holds Barred, but neither man used weapons per se. Instead, they choked, gouged, punched, kicked, and spat on each other all around the arena, even into the stands. Soon, both men were bleeding all over one another, onto the floor, and even onto some fans (who responded by pouring beer on Danzig). In the end, the action made its way back to the ring. Danzig went for a piledriver, but McMannus reversed it into a backdrop. Then the Mad Man ran off the ropes and stomped his foot squarely on Danzig’s chest. Wheezing in pain, Danzig writhed on the mat in pain. McMannus wiped some of the blood off his brow and threw it onto Danzig before falling on him for the 1…2…3.

McMannus d. Danzig via Mad Man Stomp

Match Rating: C-




Still full of bloodlust, Mad Man McMannus positioned R.J. Danzig’s prone left arm on the mat. Then he ran off the ropes and went for a Mad Man Stomp on the exposed appendage. Danzig pulled his arm away just in time and tripped up McMannus, RJ then rolled over on Mad Man and beat him with forearm strikes, leaving both men in pools of their own blood before the locker room emptied and other wrestlers pulled the men backstage. D+





Battle Royal: Lone Star Stampeder, Trailer Park Kid, Pavel Landis, Mr. Excitement, Red Falcon, Rampage, TimberWolf, Giant Grimsley, Warlord Agony, Warlord Pain

Billy’s Take: As with most battle royals, the in-ring action was subpar. But the crowd ate up the special appearance of the ‘King of the Battle Royal’ Giant Grimsley. The in-ring story was all about Lone Star Stampeder trying to eliminate the Giant. Stampy perfectly positioned himself as the plucky underdog, trying time and again to eliminate the Giant. As bodies flew out of the ring, first Pavel, then TimberWolf, then both Show Stealers, Stampy stood toe-to-toe (but head-to-chest) with the Giant. Trailer Park Kid tossed Rampage and then both Lords of War, one after the other, before turning to make it a 2-on-1 against Grimsley. Grimsely picked up TPK and tossed him over the top and then used the same move on Stampy, thinking he had eliminated both men. But Stampy was not out and ran headlong into the oblivious Grimsley. The Giant tottered and went right over the top rope. But his immense power allowed him to grasp desperately to the top of the ring post without his feet touching the floor. He reached up, grabbed Stampy by the throat, and tossed him over the top, winning the battle royal in impressive fashion.

Giant Grimsley won the battle royal

Match Rating: C-





Rip Chord and Mayhem Midden came out to the ring for their match against the Executioners. When announced, the Executioners came out towards the ring. About halfway down the ramp, they turned around. Another Executioner (looking just like Mark Krogan under a yellow and black hood) came out behind them from the backstage area, and then another. A third emerged from the crowd and a fourth from under the ring. Midden and Rip went apesh*t. Rip screamed ‘No, no, no!’ and Mayhem spun around in furious circles attempting to see every Executioner at once. The four Executioners not in the match slowly backed down the entranceway, led by the Krogan-esque Executioner, to the backstage area, apparently satisfied with the results of their psychological warfare. B-


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ErnieTurner_alt2.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WileySteinway_alt3.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/RipChord1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MayhemMidden.jpg


The Executioners v. Rip Chord/Mayhem Midden

Billy’s Take: Rip and Mayhem were very out of sorts at the beginning of this match and the Executioners controlled the early part of the match. But soon Rip’s craftiness and Mayhem’s power overcame the early advantage and the duo dominated. In the end, one of the Executioners ate a Rip Chord DDT while the other fell prey to a Midden Piledriver. Rip covered for the three count.

Chord/Mayhem d. Executioners via Rip Chord DDT

Match Rating: C




Rip Chord grabbed a microphone, Mayhem Midden pushing the two remaining Executioners out of the ring. “Mark Krogan, enough of this bull****. No more mind games from you. Its Rip Chord’s turn to play mind games. Tonight Rip Chord is putting a bounty on your head. If anyone, and Rip means anyone, can unmask you inside this ring, Rip Chord will pay him $5,000. That’s right Krogan, a $5,000 bounty paid to anyone who brings me your head. Think about it Krogan. Is there anyone who wouldn’t sell you out for five grand? Hell, Rip Chord would sell his firstborn for five large…hell, he’d probably take four if his kid was a little bastard. How much do you trust Pat Deacon? Mean Mark Green? Johnny…Boy…Tucker? Are you sure they wouldn’t sell you out for five thousand dollars? Think about it Krogan. Just think about it.” B-



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/PatDeacon1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MajorWGReginald.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordAgony1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordPain1977.jpg


‘I Quit’ Match: ‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon w/Major W.G. Reginald III v. Professor Nero w/Lords of War

Billy’s Take: Nero slunk to the ring first, accompanied by his glassy-eyed lackeys, Agony and Pain – the Lords of War – who carried his assortment of ‘junk’ (tin star, bloody towel, and pack of smokes). As they stood stock-still, ‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon came out, seconded by his enthusiastic, towel-waving manager Major Reginald. The crowd was solidly behind the former TWL champion and a “Perfect Pat” chant echoed around the arena. As usual, Nero cowered in the corner and refused to approach Deacon, forcing Pat to tentatively walk toward the ‘Intelligent Monster.’ Without warning, Nero suddenly lashed out and caught Deacon across the shin with a kick, sending Deacon to the mat in pain. In an instant, Nero was on him, punching, gouging, and biting. I tried to pry the Professor off, but he refused to move, shooting me a look of animalistic depravity causing me to recoil. The match continued this way for several minutes before Deacon took charge, beating Nero around the ring. He locked in the Cobra Clutch and had me ask Nero if he quit. Nero wheezed ‘Never’ and laughed as Deacon tightened his grip. Later, Nero locked in the Descent into Madness, but Deacon retained consciousness long enough to desperately front flip the Professor over his shoulders. Then Deacon again locked Nero in the Cobra Clutch. Nero, gasping for breath, suddenly pulled himself together. “Deacon,” he began, wheezing into the microphone, “if you ever want to see your sweet little Beth again, you’ll let me go and head home to her. She looked so darling cuddled up under her covers. But no Daddy to tuck her in? Must’ve made Beth very, very sad.” Deacon, a shocked look on his face immediately let go of the hold and rushed out of the ring, Major Reginald struggling to keep up. I had to award the match to Nero via a bizarre countout in an I Quit match as the diabolical Professor laughed in glee as Warlord Agony handed him his treasures. Nero sat, gently rubbing a tin star, pack of smokes, bloody towel, and now a small brown teddy bear.

Nero d. Deacon via countout

Match Rating: B (Angle rating B)

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TWL Tag Team Titles: Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Black Serpent Cult ©

Johnny Boy Tucker v. Luis Reyes -

No Holds Barred: Mad Man McMannus v. R.J. Danzig

Battle Royal Featuring: Lone Star Stampeder, Trailer Park Kid, Pavel Landis, Red Falcon, Mr. Excitement, Rampage, TimberWolf, Giant Grimsley, Warlord Agony, Warlord Pain

The Executioners v. Rip Chord/Mayhem Midden

'I Quit' Match: Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero


3/6. Tempted as I was to switch the tag titles, I have a developing storyline that hinges on a later title switch.


TWL Tag Team Titles: Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Black Serpent Cult ©

Johnny Boy Tucker v. Luis Reyes

No Holds Barred: Mad Man McMannus v. R.J. Danzig

Battle Royal Featuring: Lone Star Stampeder, Trailer Park Kid, Pavel Landis, Red Falcon, Mr. Excitement, Rampage, TimberWolf, Giant Grimsley, Warlord Agony, Warlord Pain

The Executioners v. Rip Chord/Mayhem Midden

'I Quit' Match: Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero


2/6. I like the knockout ending on the I Quit match, but, as you can see, I had other plans for that finish.

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy



September's first show, Sundown Showcase, features the following matchups:


Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Luis Reyes

At the show "Cowboys & Indians," Luis attacked Bowman during the match. Will he finish the job, or will F-Bomb beat the **** out of the youngest Reyes?


Johnny Boy Tucker/Trailer Park Kid v. Don Juan Reyes/Carlos Reyes

Can the fraternal duo of Don Juan and Carlos defeat the Trailer Park Kid and the up and coming Johnny Boy Tucker or will the untested duo of Tucker and the TPK succeed in sending the Reyes' back across the border?


The Executioner v. TimberWolf

Apparently, TimberWolf is first in line to collect Rip Chord's $5,000 bounty. Will Professor Nero's canine protege accomplish this task? Five grand can buy a hell of a lot of puppy chow!


Mean Mark Green v. Mayhem Midden

Their last encounter was indecisive. Will the enforcer of the Texas Outlaws succeed or will Rip Chord's personal bodyguard prove too much for the multi-time tag champ?

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Interesting end to the I Quit match. I wonder if it will go any further with the daughter thing or if that was just an out for him to lose? Either way man I'm digging that, plus the tag title match. The Executioners bit was fun.


I'll have predictions up later :)

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Loved the Executioners stuff.


Like the new format for upcoming shows... ;)



Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. Luis Reyes


Johnny Boy Tucker/Trailer Park Kid v. Don Juan Reyes/Carlos Reyes


The Executioner v. TimberWolf


Mean Mark Green v. Mayhem Midden

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