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[- SWF -]: "The Incessant Need for Supremacy"

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It is the most important factor in one’s given success. Without a carefully constructed, often manipulated, ‘public persona’, most everyone will find a snowballing avalanche of a downfall; if ever reaching the top of the summit in general.


It takes years of development; however, often seconds to implement given the latest surge of technology in our gossip-hungry culture. In a way, it is like organizational karma; however, of the constructed kind; at least to those who are dedicated to the notion of acceding the competition (both personally and professionally). To those who allow their public persona to be shaped by outside forces, lazily turning a ‘blind-eye’ toward the creation of their own perception, an inevitable rotting process will quickly take form; much like a formerly ripen banana will see it’s demise atop your counter if not ingested. The successful men and women, in business and life in general, understand this notion; knowingly taking the reigns of their own ‘message’ and cultivating a seemingly independent perspective based upon their chosen societal crest.


That is why, when we initially learned of [big Smack] Scott’s continual steroid abuse, there was an air of organizational panic. Not because one of our entertainers were polluting their body with body-morphing toxins; but rather, due to the potential harm it may cause in the ‘court of public opinion’. To say the least, Steroid usage had become quite a ‘hot topic’ point in the last decade; violently ripping through each, and every, sport all around the world. Often, when such a scandal would arise, the 24 hour news networks would practically form into bloody-thirsty cannibals; hazardly destroying everything in it’s path all in the name of ‘news’. While witnessing such a rampage from an outside stance, It was imperative that we keep such a finding under wraps; removed from those who would certainly assault our companies image on a widespread scale.


It was no shock to learn of such a scenario, Scott using physical enhancers; however, at this point, it wasn’t a matter of ‘shock or not’. More or less, We need to ensure that such news NEVER makes it past our corporate headquarters. For, if it were to do so, our potential rise to the peerless stage of ‘global juggernaut’ would certainly fizzle in the distance. Here in lies the two-sided mirror that is


To the general public, we need to seem flawless; without any smattering of potentially crippling scenarios within. For, those companies, organizations, and sports athletes, who show themselves to be ‘cheating’ often are branded with an inerasable Scarlett letter. Regardless of how long has passed, or if the actual offenders are no longer with your organization, you will forever carry the tone that you harbor those willing to ‘break the law’ all in favor of personal gain; an ugly image to carry. So, to the general public, the SWF needs to appear as if we either A) Don’t have anyone onboard who would do such a thing of B) if they are found to be some within our ranks who dare ‘break the law’ in favor of themselves; we would need to act quick in which to turn them into an example. This way, even while airing dirty laundry, we are able to limit the harm done by such a story making waves around the world; harming our chances to move into potential new markets.


I didn’t fine, suspend, or even fire Scott as that really isn’t the issue here. If he wants to plague himself with such enhancers then that is his choice; he’s an adult. Plus, from a story-telling perspective, such enhancers gave him the ability to look even more ‘deadly’ than if he weren’t ‘on the juice’. So, again from that standpoint, I’m not one to speak out against such usage. In the end, what I care about, is making sure that this kind of choice NEVER leaves this organization. For, if it were too, there’s a good chance that we could not only lose our potential rise; but also, quickly find ourselves entrapped in a self-destructive war… one that could eventually ‘kill’ our momentum all together.


Following a stern warning of such a scenario, making it very clear that Scott should be more careful with his choices, he was seen lazily staggering down the hallway; annoyed that we even had such a conversation. While a blatant show of disrespect would often inspire me to lay the ‘wrath of Eisen’ upon him, It wasn’t needed in this point. All that I was focused on was limiting such a story of EVER becoming public.


He could go ahead with his usage; that’s fine. I don’t, honestly, really care what our talent decides to do on a personal level like that. Do we favor those with giant physiques; men who appear like Greek GOD’s more than anything? Sure. Why wouldn’t we? We are in the business of selling ‘grand’ stories; scenarios that most TV, and movie, writers pine for as they incessantly stammer before their computers, formulating new ideas at every turn.


In the end, finding such a situation from the inside will only help us for now. At this point, if Scott were to ever be found as a ‘abuser’, We would do our very best to make it seem like he ‘cheated the system’ and ultimately make a spectacle of him; even if we did know. That way, in the end, we can guard our most prized possession…


Our emerging global perception.





What happened?:
Big Smack Scott tested positive for Steroids.

What was done:
Jerry Eisen gave him a 'stern warning'; not about the actual usage but about being careless (being caught).

How Scott took it:
Suprisingly well; for a hot-head. He made sure Jerry knew he wasn't happy about the talk; but in the end, did not lose any morale due to the scenario. Will he repeat? Sure. However, maybe he'll be 'more careful' next time.





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Supreme TV Prediction Guide:


Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois

Jungle Lord vs. Runaway Train

Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean

Angry Gilmore & Joe Sexy vs. Brandon James & Enforcer Roberts

Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley vs. Eric Eisen©, Marat Khoklov, Vengeance, and ????

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Oh Scott...tsk tsk. Will he ever learn? :rolleyes:


Maybe in the unemployment line? ha jk. ;)


I like Scott and actually do want to use him in this diary; however, I fear some possible problems down the line. That said, this post was used both to display what we all know about Scott (what makes him who he is in this game) while also giving an insight into the 'Eisen' approach to Steroid usage.

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Maybe in the unemployment line? ha jk. ;)


I like Scott and actually do want to use him in this diary; however, I fear some possible problems down the line. That said, this post was used both to display what we all know about Scott (what makes him who he is in this game) while also giving an insight into the 'Eisen' approach to Steroid usage.


You could always drop him in RIPW for a spell. From what I remember he does not bitch about it and that way you can have him out of your hair for a while.

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Random ‘Supreme Superstar’ Review…







Lobster Warrior




2010 Win/Loss Record:

US Popularity:

Current Momentum:

‘Comic Book Hero’

Gimmick Momentum:

Finisher/Signature Move(s):
“Lobster Trap” [Tornado DDT; seamlessly into a pinfall attempt], “Shell Fish Shock” [sit-down Chin-buster]

Currently Feuding with:
No one; at this point.

The Lobster Warrior gimmick has been, arguably,
most popular persona in SWF history. While over-the-top, and overtly comical in fashion, the warrior persona has truly coiled itself within the expectations of the companies viewership; masterfully tugging at the nostalgic undertones that typically lie within the older generation while fusing easily with the children who love colorful characters on TV. With that said, the ‘Lobster Warrior’ gimmick has found a permanent home amongst the SWF-brass as he’s received a continually moderate push within the “Land of Supreme”; often on the cuff of the Main Event; however, never truly breaking through.


Whether it’s the joyful, and often overtly excited, manner in which he speaks, or the comically playful mannerisms that are often seen as a contrast to the much more aggressive tone within the SWF, The Lobster Warrior gimmick is easily a SUPER-BABYFACE amongst SWF viewers.


In recent years, as the SWF continues to utilize his cross-over appeal, the Lobster Warrior gimmick has been used as a great source of comedic-relief; often showing up in ‘wrestle-crap’ moments in which to add a level of fanfare to the scenario at hand. More or less, despite holding an immense amount of talent as an in-ring competitor, the man under ‘the mask’ has found years of success simply by adding a warm-hearted-nature to all SWF programming.





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Supreme TV Prediction Guide:


Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois

Jungle Lord vs. Runaway Train

Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean

Angry Gilmore & Joe Sexy vs. Brandon James & Enforcer Roberts

Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley vs. Eric Eisen©, Marat Khoklov, Vengeance, and ????

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Supreme TV Prediction Guide:


Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois

Jungle Lord vs. Runaway Train

Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean

Angry Gilmore & Joe Sexy vs. Brandon James & Enforcer Roberts

Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley vs. Eric Eisen©, Marat Khoklov, Vengeance, and ????

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You could always drop him in RIPW for a spell. From what I remember he does not bitch about it and that way you can have him out of your hair for a while.


I thought of doing that; honestly. He really needs a lot of work; however, I'm not 100% sold on the idea quite yet. It could be really good for him. Then again, I don't know if he'll really improve all that much in which to make it worth-while.


Now, the real 'golden moment' would be to bring in Jim Force and have the two of them team together....


The Cornellverse may implode in that situation though. ha.

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I thought of doing that; honestly. He really needs a lot of work; however, I'm not 100% sold on the idea quite yet. It could be really good for him. Then again, I don't know if he'll really improve all that much in which to make it worth-while.


Now, the real 'golden moment' would be to bring in Jim Force and have the two of them team together....


The Cornellverse may implode in that situation though. ha.


That would be the best thing ever! Just think of all the fun you would have writing those promos!:D

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That would be the best thing ever! Just think of all the fun you would have writing those promos!:D


That's what I'm thinking. ha. Sadly, Force is tied down by the USPW at this point; but, if Big Smack can survive his 'simmering tension' with Jerry Eisen (Just checked it today; and they have exactly that) then we may see the tandem sometime down the road.

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Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois

Lobster Warrior is the bigger name at the moment, and DuBois doesn't need the win this early.

Jungle Lord vs. Runaway Train

See above

Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean

I'll probably be wrong...

Angry Gilmore & Joe Sexy vs. Brandon James & Enforcer Roberts

With both sides having faces and heels, I can see this descending into chaos.

Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley vs. Eric Eisen©, Marat Khoklov, Vengeance, and ????

Getting Bruce and Money to lose without too much complaint will be a tough ask but I'm intrigued by the squiggles...

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Angry Gilmore & Joe Sexy vs. Brandon James & Enforcer Roberts

With both sides having faces and heels, I can see this descending into chaos.


Gilmore and Sexy are both Faces and James and Roberts are both heels. Usually Gilmore is a heel but Eisen changed that and started the game with him as a face.


As a side note I'm about to add to the SWF competition Eisen. Actually this diary finally pushed me to get serious about an SWF game.

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Gilmore and Sexy are both Faces and James and Roberts are both heels. Usually Gilmore is a heel but Eisen changed that and started the game with him as a face.


Yea, I ran into a little trouble at first with the Gilmore scenario. However, I quite like him as a babyface at this point. I feel his persona is perfect for a heel; however, can become lovably ornery even as a 'good guy'.


As a side note I'm about to add to the SWF competition Eisen. Actually this diary finally pushed me to get serious about an SWF game.


Great, Apu! It's a challenge, anyone who runs with an SWF diary will say so; however, there's a lot of fun that goes into it all. The characters, the matches, the storylines... It's all extremely grand. Over-the-top; if you will.

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Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois

It's in the air. I could see a losing streak by Lobster to change over to a more legit name but I gotta go with him here.


Jungle Lord vs. Runaway Train

Chooo chooo!


Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean



Angry Gilmore & Joe Sexy vs. Brandon James & Enforcer Roberts

The Big Cat!


Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley vs. Eric Eisen©, Marat Khoklov, Vengeance, and ????

Gotta go with Mr. Squiggles!

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Supreme Wrestling Federation || SupremeTV

Tuesday, 2nd Week of January 2010

Episode No: 2

Episode Title: "Down… Goes… Eisen ..."







Richard Eisen and Eric Eisen ©

… Tough Love …


[supreme TV opens with the instantaneous sight of the SWF’s owner, and CEO, Richard Eisen standing within the center of the squared circle. The flashy implementation of red, blue, and yellow lighting encompass the ringside area as the SWF does their best to project their weekly programming as more of an ‘awe-inspiring-event’ versus another, run-of-the-mill, wrestling program. Funnily enough, such a display seems rather awkward when Mr. Eisen, himself, is the main focus of such a beautiful display. Typically, this very same, industry-changing, light-show is better suited for the oily, muscle-bound, superstars of the “Land of Surpeme”.]


[With that said, Mr. Eisen sternly stands before the camera lens; projecting a sense of grand confidence as he carries an unquestionable aura (one that is best described as he being the Emperor of the SWF empire). Despite all of this, the SWF Faithful are heard, characteristically, booing the SWF owner with feverish intent. It’s no secret that Richard Eisen is widely considered to be rather polarizing within the Pro Wrestling industry; even stretching outward past his general bubble (moving into Mainstream perceptions). While true, there can still be heard a few faint cries of acceptance; people who have moved on past the ‘mark-world’ in which to praise Eisen for his beautiful creation: The SWF. Either way, Mr. Eisen continues forth; slowly raising a black company microphone up to his mouth in which to address a shocking change within the Supreme Landscape.]


Richard Eisen: It’s been awhile since I’ve stood within these ring ropes; looking out upon you all. I know that you dislike me… [The crowd boo’s rather heavily; pushing Eisen to pause for a second] That the ‘Eisen-name’ carries a disease with it; much like a cancerous tumor spreads around the body. I get that. [Pauses; looks out upon the crowd] While that’s been true, It all changes here tonight…


[The crowd seems somewhat shocked; confused as to what Mr. Eisen is alluding too. With that said, Richard doesn’t skip a beat; moving forward with his address.]


Richard Eisen: Please welcome the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, my son, Eric Eisen…


[The crowd, again, roars into a state of absolute hatred; showering the controversial champion with a wave of disdain. Meanwhile, Richard Eisen doesn’t seem to flinch in the slightest; looking upon the entrance way as he awaits his son’s arrival.]


[With time, Eric is seen slowly walking out of the back; a look of pure confusion upon his face. Tentatively, the youngest Eisen shuffles toward the ringside area; seemingly unaware as to WHY his Father is calling him out. All in all though, As the SWF World Heavyweight Champion finally climbs into the ring, hesitant in his demeanor, Richard is heard moving forward with his pre-designed plan. With Eric’s music now faded in the background, overwhelmed by the sea of hatred being bestowed upon him by the SWF faithful, Mr. Eisen slowly continues his address.]


Richard Eisen: I know you’re confused. It’s okay. This is my fault. I set you up for this kind of crap…


[Eric looks upon his father; absolutely confused.]


Richard Eisen: I was so hell-bent on maintaining my own legacy, the legacy of the Eisen name, that I allowed this industry to corrupt you. You can call me ‘the devil’, you can believe that I do nothing but harm, but one thing you must know about me is that I will NOT stand aside and watch my own family fall apart.


[Again, Eric watches on confused.]


Richard Eisen: I know that you’ve wanted to be a Pro Wrestler all of your life. You’ve worked your butt off to get to this point, and for that, I applaud you. However, the truth of the matter is Eric… You’re just not cut out for this industry. At least not in this way.


[Eric appears to be shocked; floored if you will by his Father’s frankness. As we all are.]


Richard Eisen: It was a pipe-dream from day one and It’ll probably continue to be that until you finally realize your limitations. [Pauses] Honestly, Eric. Your entire career has been a lie. You’ve rode upon the Eisen coattails sine day one and that’s something I certainly can not accept. [Pauses; stares into his son’s eyes] We are Eisen’s… We make our own way.


[Emotion appears to be taking over Eric at this point as he looks to be raging from within. Not really in the “I’m going to beat you up” kind of manner but more in the “what are you talking about? No!” kind of way.]


Richard Eisen: You cheat your way to victories. You manipulate MY control room in which to sway outcomes. [Pauses and looks deep into Eric’s eyes] You’ve continually shown that this is all a ‘game’ to you. However, let me remind you… This is no ‘game’. This is MY Empire and I’m not going to stand aside and allow you to tarnish the Eisen name. [Pauses] If you’re going to make something of yourself, defy our expectations, then you’ll have to do it alone; without the power you think you’re entitled too. Do you understand?


[Richard and Eric lock eyes.]


Richard Eisen: From this point on, You’ve been ‘cut-off’ from the Eisen treatment. No longer will you ride upon my coattails… It’s now YOUR turn to do something with your own career. [Pauses] If you’re unable too then it will be because you’re simply ‘not good enough’. This is the way things should be… What I should have done years ago… I need for you to be your own man. Not simply a carbon-copy of me…


[Eric looks devastated; actually on the verge of tears at this point. He reaches outward in a sensitive manner; seemingly scared of what this may mean. Meanwhile, Mr. Eisen coldly steps back; removing himself from Eric’s advance. As you can guess, the shocked crowd has actually turned, full-force, in favor of Mr. Eisen; a shocking truth.]


Richard Eisen: This is effective immediately. I will be flying back to New England later tonight to draft the documents barring you from abusing my name for your own gain. Once those papers are in, It will be legally bound and you’ll have no choice but comply. [stares upon his son] Also, due to your antics last week, I have personally decided to book the Main Event for “When Hell Freezes Over”…


[The crowd erupts as Eric Eisen’s eyes grow large; fearful of what will be said next.]


Richard Eisen: You will defend the SWF World Heavyweight Championship against the two men you screwed over last week on Supreme TV. [The crowd erupts!] It will be you, Rich Money, and Jack Bruce… In a three-way dance!!


[Despite his message being rather impactful, Mr. Eisen continues to deliver this statement with his typical monotone kind of fashion; removed from the emotion of it all. With that said, Eric is not removed from any sort of emotion; throwing a temper tantrum like no other as his Father stands on high.]


Richard Eisen: We’ll see what you’re made of… [Pauses] Whether or not you’re a REAL Eisen. A man who can make his own way; even when the odds are stacked against you.


[With that, Richard Eisen’s theme music begins to blare as the SWF Faithful actually shower him with acceptance; something that’s new to the SWF landscape. Meanwhile, as Mr. Eisen is seen coldly leaving the squared circle, Eric Eisen is trapped within a destructive emotional outburst. With tears rolling down his face like a waterfall, the youngest Eisen truly looks like a whinny little brat; administering a ‘balls-to-the-wall’ temper tantrum thinking it will change everything.]


[As the segment draws to a close, We witness a zoomed in shot of Eric Eisen laying on his stomach upon the canvas; holding his upper body up with a nearby ring rope. Meanwhile, yelling out… “DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDYYYY” in an uncomfortable manner.]


Grade: C+



<hr color="black">Action: Richard Eisen has turned babyface; “It goes pretty well”.


Ana Garcia: What just happened…. Did we… Did we just see Richard Eisen ‘cut-off’ his son from family privileges?

Duane Fry: I think we just did. Wow. Where has THIS Richard Eisen been for years?

Ana Garcia: I’m not sure but it looks like he’s willing to ‘do what’s right’ as it pertains to his Son! A little ‘Tough love’; if you will.

Duane Fry: That’s more than tough love… That’s almost brutal. [Laughs] It’s only a matter of time, now, before Eric loses the SWF World Heavyweight Championship! Realistically, I don’t think he can keep up without manipulating the system as he has.

Ana Garcia: He may even lose his career; for that matter… I don’t know if he has a legit bone in his body.

Duane Fry: This is… just… Awesome!




Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois

Singles Match

‘Lobster Claws on a Pole’ Match


The sold-out “Dust Bowl” quickly showers Lobster Warrior with a response ‘fit for a king’; showing their absolute love for the Lobster-clad competitor. Meanwhile, the moody “Enigma”, Marc DuBois, is quickly met with a wall of contrasting disdain; displaying the fact that, while extremely talented, he’s done nothing but create a hefty dislike with most SWF faithful. Easily enough, there’s no questioning which ‘corner’ most viewers have accepted.


As his trademark red lobster claws are ceremoniously removed, a truth that Lobby doesn’t appear to be comfortable with, there seems to be a general fear circulating through out the arena: Will this be the final moment of the Lobster Warrior persona? Have we seen it’s end? While it may sound rather dramatic in nature, would you expect anything less from a man whose become as beloved as he? His faction has been torn apart, his push wavered over time; however, one thing is for certain: Lobster Warrior, from a character perspective, cannot be touched by most.


The actual action within the ring is actually quite strong; both men utilizing their masterful technical abilities in which to tell a dramatic story; a story teetering on unabashed joy and absolute fear. While in other companies, these two would have had their ‘training wheels’ taken off, given the ability to really ‘wow’ the crowd with an array of jaw-dropping maneuvers, in the SWF… They’ve been asked to ‘rile up the crowd’ as only they know how. Playing to the extremely vocal fan base, Lobster Warrior remains as the valiant soldier; respected by all & loved unconditionally. Meanwhile, the borderline pseudo-gothic persona in Marc DuBois is seen projected as the potential destroyer of the ‘Warrior’ gimmick; a fact that pushes many to continue their hatred for the youngster.


With each and every strike, Lobby does his best to toy with his audience; celebrating occasionally as he comically climbs the nearby ring ropes in hope of retrieving his trademark lobster claws. Each and every time though, just as it seems like his finger tips are closing in on his beloved prize, DuBois is seen spoiling the ‘hallmark moment’; bringing him, and the reality of his persona, crashing back to the canvas. Adding to the drama, at one point, it looks like Marc is well on his way to gaining control of Lobby’s claws when, all of a sudden, the same dramatic ‘save’ comes from the other end.


Back and forth they go…


Close call by close call…


At one second, It looks like the Lobster Warrior gimmick is on the verge of seeing it’s end…


And then, seconds later, it’s re-strengthened by a surging, and truly inspired, Lobby.


Everything looks to be rather ‘open’ until, all of a sudden, the unthinkable came to pass…




Former DaVE Legend, “The Traditionalist” Eric Tyler, is seen making his SWF debut by slowly strolling through the entrance way; coldly staring upon the action unfolding before him. His dress is rather, well… traditional, as he sports a firmly pressed black suit; contrasting his hardened 5’oclock shadow that appears to be taking hold. While standing outside of the ring, inches from the squared circle, the entire match-up comes to a confusing halt. Why is Tyler here - AND - what kind of connection does he have to this match-up?


As he watches on, it looks like the beloved Lobster Warrior is struggling with another added sense of pressure. Is HE the reason Tyler is out at ringside; making a shocking debut on Supreme Soil? Either way, Marc DuBois, sensing an extra state of unrest, quickly tries to take advantage. While a smart move in theory, the enigmatic youngster explodes with a frenzied approach; a fact that actually gives Lobster Warrior the ability to execute his signature “Shell Fish Shock” (Sit-down chin-buster) out of nowhere!


Again, as Mr. Tyler coldly watches on, his eyes zeroed in on Lobby, and Marc DuBois seen ‘out cold’ following a dreaded “Shell Fish Shock” to the jaw, Lobster Warrior is seen frantically climbing the nearest turnbuckle; grapping his trademark claws in the process. The “Dust Bowl” rejoices at the sight of the Crustacean sensation regaining his prized possession; allowing his persona to ‘live another day’. Meanwhile, there still appears to be something underlying between Eric Tyler and the Lobster Warrior as both men cannot break eye-contact; Tyler with his, typically, stern demeanor and Lobby, uncharacteristically, uncomfortable at the moment (Even following a HUGE win as what he had just picked up).


Lobster Warrior defeats Marc DuBois in 10:10 when he regained possession of his prized red lobster claws.

Grade: B


Duane Fry: What was that all about?

Ana Garcia: If I didn’t know better, I would say that these two men know each other… Almost as if there were a ‘dirty secret’ underneath it all. Just look at Lobster Warrior’s face. I don’t think I’ve EVER seen him this uncomfortable before. The sheer presence of Eric Tyler is making his skin crawl.

Duane Fry: Did you see Lobby’s demeanor change once he saw Tyler come out of the back? He went from his normal, fun-loving self, to this, almost, fearful-like child; quickly scurrying to find his claws in an unceremonious kind of fashion. There’s certainly something that connects these two… We just need to find out WHAT that is.




Runaway Train

… Chugging toward the ring …


[With an array of questions formulating around the shocking SWF debut by former DaVE Legend, Eric Tyler, we seamlessly transition backstage in which to witness a ‘steamrolling’ Runaway Train chugging toward the ringside area. As the towering aged behemoth stomps aggressively down the hallway, various unnamed SWF workers are seen cowering in fear; obviously afraid of the glistening SWF Icon. Even at this point of his career, seen by many as a ‘fading star’ seconds from a destructive implosion, the former SWF Heavyweight Champion appears to still register with the fan base; mostly due to the longevity of his ‘menacing persona’. As the short, hype-based, segment comes to a close there’s an overwhelming feeling taking hold. That underlying feeling finds it root within a question: Does Runaway Train still have enough left in the tank - OR - are we witnessing the slow ‘death‘ of a long-term SWF Icon?]


Grade: B+


Ana Garcia: Okay, It’s pretty obvious that Runaway Train isn’t going to win an award for being the ‘nicest guy alive’; but, I’m pretty sure that he seems extra grumpy here tonight. Like, “Hey you, get off my lawn” kind of grumpy. [Laughs]

Duane Fry: It’s no secret that Train is unhappy with his dwindling focus on Supreme TV; you can see it in his body language whenever he makes an appearance. With that said, though, I think you’re right. It looks like he’s hell-bent on a win tonight.




Jungle Lord vs. Runaway Train

Singles Match


There is a stark contrast between Runaway Train and Jungle Lord straight out of the gate as their entrances couldn’t be more different. Train, known for his classic powerhouse mentality, slowly chugs his way toward the ringside area; sternly storming through the smokey-haze that often collects with his celebrated arrival. Meanwhile, Jungle Lord practically explodes out of the back; speeding toward the ring like a man laced with crack from head-to-toe. Even once in the ring, Jungle Lord is seen psychotically shaking everything in his path; really creating the narrative that this new SWF persona is centered on a truly primal, not-of-this-region, kind of intensity.


With this in mind, Jungle Lord does a pretty good job of making a name for himself; literally exploding around the ring as he quickly overwhelms the much slower, much more methodical, Runaway Train in the process. Even when it seems like Train is taking control, often using a clubbing like slam in which to do such a thing, the “Jungle Man” is often seen bolting back to his feet; shaking his body like he was immune to such a strike. Such a scenario plays moderately well with the slightly uninspired SWF fan base; however, it doesn’t last very long.


With such a high-energy style often comes the danger of major mistakes; a true high risk-high reward kind of mentality. In time, employing such an approach, proves to be ‘deadly’ for Jungle Lord; ultimately opening a window for Runaway Train to steamroll right through.


As the “Jungle Man” is seen frantically bouncing off a nearby rope, coming back at his opponent with a hazardous cross-body-block, the former 2-time SWF Champion, Runaway Train, is seen catching his inevitable victim in the air. Then, in a great show of strength, Train lifts Jungle Lord square up over his head… Instantly dropping him downward with his signature “Train Wreck” (Guerilla Press Slam/Guttbuster combo). Upon impact, it appears that Lord is theoretically ‘cut in half’ as he slams violently upon Train’s right knee; a fact that forces the combustible Lord into a complete state of agonizing pain. From there, it would only take a matter of a few seconds for head SWF official, Darren Smith, to deliver the bad news to Jungle Lord Fans: While impressive, Runaway Train is just too much.


Runaway Train defeats Jungle Lord in 5:56 via a “Train Wreck” (Guerilla Press slam/Guttbuster combo).

Grade: C


Duane Fry: Oh good GAAWDDD… Someone should check on Jungle Lord; he could be bleeding internally after such an impact!

Ana Garcia: I really thought Jungle Lord had this one and them… All of a sudden… wow! Did you see the moment where all of his breathe was forced from his body? It looked like he was drowning; gasping for air like a man submerged.

Duane Fry: That was NOT a pretty sight. All we can hope is that we’ll see this young “Jungle Man” again in Supreme TV. It may sound pretty elementary, but, after seeing such an outcome like that… There’s a real fear that he may be ‘on the shelf’ for quite some time.




Jack Bruce and Jessie

… A word from the ‘Rock Star’ …


[shortly following Runaway Train’s triumphant victory over the surging youngster, Jungle Lord, we are now presented the sight of the SWF’s resident ‘Rock Star’, and all-around SUPER Babyface, Jack Bruce standing before a sleek company backdrop backstage. His trademark arrogant, and somewhat gritty, smirk rests upon his perfectly sculpted face as he stands aside another absolute knock-out; the SWF’s meek beauty that is Jessie.]


[As the roaring ovation slowly starts to calm down, Jessie is heard initiating their promotional exchange; touching upon what had just partaken at the opening of Supreme TV.]


Jessie: Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the amazing opportunity to speak with one of THE most beloved Supreme Superstars in SWF History; the former two-time SWF World Champion, Jack Bruce!!!


[Jessie, in all of her ‘girl-next-door’ glory, appears to be somewhat giddy; much like a ‘crushing’ school girl would be while standing next to the star football player. With a look of pure joy upon her face, Jessie continues forward with their promotional exchange; meanwhile, the SWF faithful are heard roaring once again in favor of Bruce. All in all, It’s easy to see that Jack Bruce is TRULY a ‘mega-star’ amongst us all; a transcendtory figure in Pro Wrestling if there ever was one.]


Jessie: Tonight, We saw the SWF‘s owner, Richard Eisen, shockingly ‘cut-off’ his son, and SWF Champion, Eric Eisen, in an act that will certainly go down in Wrestling history! No more ‘manipulating the system’ simply because he carries a blood-bond with Mr. Eisen himself. What are your thoughts on the matter?


[upon her question, Jack is heard bursting out in laughter; not overly, however, enough to show that he’s not ‘buying it’.]


Jack Bruce: I don’t buy it, Jessie. Honestly. Are we suppose to believe that, after all of this, ‘Tricky Dick’ has turned over a new leaf? [Laughs] Eric’s whole career has been made by his daddy; why would anything change now? [Pauses; stares into the camera with a coy smirk on his face.] He may talk a ‘big game’ but it’s all for show. Give it a week, a month, hell… even a year, and I promise you’ll see the crack starting to form. Eric is his son; probably his best chance at maintaining a lengthy legacy. At some point, his little ‘tough-love’ bull will start to unravel. Mark my words… It’ll happen.


[Jack continues to chuckle to himself; continually showing that he doesn’t trust the new development at all. Then again, why would he? What he said was pretty much spot on. All in all, as Jessie goes to speak again, this whole scenario itself starts to unravel.]


Jessie: I don’t know if Eric can act that well though… [Laughs] Did you see that temper tantrum?


[Jessie and Jack share a laugh together as Jack goes to mock Eric with his next statement.]


Jack Bruce: “Daaaaaadddddddyyyyyyy!!!”


[Jack rolls his fists over his eyes as if to comically display a young child crying. Everything appears to be pretty light-hearted until all of a sudden… HE surprisingly appears.]



Marat Khoklov

… The ‘Monster’ appears …


[His massive frame steps, almost entirely, in front of the camera lens; blocking everything in sight much like an eclipse. Jessie, at the sight of the monstrous Khoklov, slowly back peddles off of the scene; fearfully running off the scene as she knows of Marat’s reputation for violence. Meanwhile, Jack Bruce stands his ground; actually stepping forward slightly as if to match the monster eye-to-eye (realistically eye to chest when it comes to Khoklov.)]


Jack Bruce: Searching for your Bean-Stock? [Comically looks past him] I’m pretty sure it’s up your ass; have you checked lately?


[Marat quickly accelerates into inspired rage; grabbing Jack Bruce by the throat with his tree-trunk like arm. The former 2-time SWF World Champion attempts to fend off his attack, repeatedly kicking Khoklov in the stomach; however, Marat’s immense power appears to be unstoppable. As oxygen continues to escape Bruce’s body, the resident ‘Rock Star’ shockingly keeps his cool; never becoming frantic while trying to break free from the Russian’s wrenching grasp.]


[Just then, out of nowhere, a figure is seen exploding onto the scene; striking Khoklov in the back of the head with a diving elbow. The strike, deeply inspired by a sense of revenge, slightly staggers the big man for a second; however, doesn’t actually drop him to the ground despite such a thunderous blow. With this shot, Jack Bruce is released from Marat’s oppressive hold; gasping for air as he returns to his feet almost instantly. Meanwhile, now with the camera man panned out slightly, it’s easy to see that Bruce’s Calvary was none other than… Christian Faith.]



Christian Faith

… The Calvary; inspired by Revenge …


[At this point, Marat looks to be much like a fictitious monster; hell-bent on absolute destruction as he flexes madly. Meanwhile, knowing this, Faith and Bruce form an unexpected alliance in which ‘even-the-score’; Khoklov’s strength acting as 2-3 other people alone. The attack, while rather brief, is marred by the fact that Marat looks absolutely unstoppable; not even backing up for a second as both Faith and Bruce level hard-handed punches in his direction.]


[in the end, as the 2 on 1 attack continues to rage forward, The lights actually begin to mysteriously flicker; much like a horror-movie would deliver. After a good 10 seconds of such happening, The uncomfortable sound of a wild sense of laughter fills the scene. This laugh, easily unmistaken, comes from the supernatural-entity that is… Vengeance.]




… He can see all …


[With Vengeance’s laughter in the background, and the lights flickering at his command, we all bare witness to the sight of two SWF Icon’s, Faith and Bruce, working as one; doing their best to fend-off the massive powerhouse before them. While neither side really gains the upper-hand, the overall narrative projects that, even, two of the BIGGEST SWF Names are unable to really ‘floor’ the uncontrollable big man. Also, that, regardless of where you are, you are never removed from the oppressive ‘sight’ of the true Evil Incarnate; Vengeance.]


Grade: B


Duane Fry: He just won’t… go… down! Wow…

Ana Garcia: Tonight’s Main event is going to be interesting. How can Faith’s team expect to pick up the win if two of them can’t subdue this raging beast? I mean, that’s just ONE man. A powerhouse of a man BUT only one man. You could simply add, just, Vengeance and I’m sure the two ‘monsters’ could hold their own.

Duane Fry: It’s a scary thought… but very true…. How can these guys expect to survive tonight? Marat, alone, can keep them at bay.

Ana Garcia: All you can hope is that, somehow, someway, they can rile together in which to topple the monsters before them…




”The Aerial Ambassador“ Greg Black vs. Squeeky McClean

Singles Match


Greg Black has found himself locked in a current trend; one that often has him ‘pitted’ against, what seems like, an impossible feat. After falling victim to a rabid, and all-around bruising, Remo, the young “Aerial Ambassador” now needs to forge the great mountain of a former SWF North American Champion; Squeeky McClean. To say the least, the SWF faithful, picking up on such a torturous string of events, find themselves firmly in the corner of the young lightweight. Then again, whenever someone is paired up against Squeeky McClean that person is often revered due to Squeeky’s polarizing mentality.


Always a fan of ‘proving his greatness’ (whether true or not), Squeeky is often seen gloating following any major maneuver. One second the former SWF North American Champion is seen planting Greg with a lightning quick Russian-leg-sweep then the next we all witness Squeeky slowly ascending form the canvas; his arms stretched outward while sporting an arrogant smirk. All in all, perpetuating the ‘self-righteous’ persona to the masses. As you can guess, this kind of approach quickly forces the crowds support even farther into the hands of the young Greg Black. While he’s, somewhat, unproven as a singles star at this point, the newly dubbed “Aerial Ambassador” is beginning to see a sizeable following amongst the SWF faithful. His quasi-flashy, aerial-based, approach in the ring has brought a breath of fresh air into the, somewhat, stale SWF product. In a company based more heftily in the ‘big bruisers’, these young fliers often gain much support simply by seeming ‘different’ and more exciting.


With an array of submission maneuvers at his disposal, looking to ground the speedy flier, Squeeky employs a slow-moving approach in which to keep the momentum firmly in his favor. With this in mind, there are several moments where Greg is able to ‘break free from Squeeky’s confines’ and ultimately deliver a spurt of crowd-pleasing strikes and maneuvers. As you can guess, these are the moments that the sold-out “Dust Bowl” crowd responds favorably too; loving the sight of seeing Squeeky McClean finally ‘get his’. However, just as it would seem like Greg Black was on his way toward gaining full momentum, the shifty McClean is often seen cheating his way back into the mix (finger poking Black in the eye, a low-blow as the referee’s head is turned, etc.). With such cheap shots, Squeeky is easily thrust into ‘public enemy #1” in a way; everyone wanting to see Black win by this point.


As their altercation grows to a climactic halt, Squeeky is seen whipping a semi-conscious Greg Black into a far away turnbuckle; all the way across the ring. The impact of such a throw almost has Black fall flat onto the canvas; however, somehow, some way, he’s able to keep himself upward with the use of his unexpected upper-body strength (or will for that matter). Now, wavering in the corner, Squeeky is seen bolting in Black’s direction; looking as if he’s about to execute one of his signature corner-spears… when all of a sudden…




As Squeeky runs toward Greg, “The Aerial Ambassador” thrusts into a ‘new gear’; meeting his opponent in the middle of the ring with his signature finisher “Fade to Black” (Running Superkick). As expected, Squeeky wasn’t ready for this, thinking that Greg was teetering on consciousness, so such a foot to the jaw caught him severely off-guard. The sole of Black’s boot, equip with his thunderous momentum, actually forces McClean to crash violently to the canvas below; obviously ‘out-cold’ before he even hit’s the matt.


Such a shocking turn of events riles the crowd into an absolute tizzy-fit; watching on as Greg dramatically falls atop his opponent for a pinfall attempt. 3 simple counts later, Greg Black has found his first MAJOR singles victory in the SWF; defeating a figure on the roster that many still perceive as a ‘big name’ (despite his recent fall). Never the less, “The Aerial Ambassador” has finally done it! Picking up a resounding victory on Supreme TV; showing that he DOES have what it takes to compete as a singles star.


Greg Black defeats Squeeky McClean in 10:28 via a “Fade to Black” (Running Superkick).

Grade: C+



Duane Fry: Wow, what a moment for the youngster; “The Aerial Ambassador” Greg Black has FINALLY come away with his first singles victory of 2010. Could this be a stepping stone to possibly bigger, and better, things?

Ana Garcia: I hope so! Did you see that Superkick? [Laughs] It looked like Squeeky was going to lose his head there for a second. Wow!

Duane Fry: A great moment for a great, young, competitor!




Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy

… Opposites… Attract? …


[The sight of Angry Gilmore seated atop a steel chair, forcibly sliding his knee pads upward toward his knee, is projected to the SWF Faithful as the often-agitated Supreme Superstar appears to be preparing for his epic tag match; due later tonight. His every simple task, even the most mundane, practically reeks of an ornery demeanor; someone who’s obviously ALWAYS irritated with something or someone for that matter. The hardened scowl upon his face only furthers this narrative as the former 2-time SWF North American Champion, and one-time SWF Tag Team Champion (with Joe Sexy), never seems all that happy in anyway.]


[Just then, adding to his general level of annoyance, Joe Sexy is seen, literally, strutting into the room; sporting an arrogant smirk as his charismatic entrance practically explodes on the screen. With each and every energized step, Joe Sexy seems to push Angry Gilmore to ‘die a little more inside’; his demeanor (Gilmore that is) growing even more irritable with every passing moment.]


Joe Sexy: You can run, you can hide… But there ‘aint nobody who can resist… this… ride!


[sexy laughs in a charismatic manner; meanwhile, clapping his hands together one time as if to say “Oh, Snap!”. Meanwhile, Gilmore doesn’t bite. Instead, he continues to get ready. However, at this point, his mannerisms are becoming even more forceful in nature as it’s obvious he’s unhappy with Sexy. What else is new, right?]


Joe Sexy: You know, Gilly. I’ve been up and down this beautiful country of ours… I’ve seen a million brauds and I’ve rocked them all… But there ‘aint nothing like a good ‘Southern Gal. [smirks] Mmm…Mmmm…Mmmm… Daddy likey.


[Angry Gilmore, having enough by this point, shakes his head rather aggressively; looking up at a smirking Sexy with a look of absolute annoyance upon his face.]


Angry Gilmore: Will you just shutup? Honestly… [shakes his head; stares at Sexy] God. Is this all a joke to you?


[Despite Gilmore’s prying question, Joe continues to carry the same sexualized ‘swagger’ he always projects; playfully laughing at Gilmore’s characteristic sternness.]


Joe Sexy: Always with the ‘Grrrrrr’… You should lighten up, Gilly. [His face lights up as he seems to have an idea] I have an idea. How about, after tonight’s match, I’ll take you down to the strip. We’ll lift this ‘Angry’ thing with a little ‘Southern Hospitality’ if you know what I’m saying…


[Gilmore shakes his head; continually annoyed with Sexy. However, Sexy doesn’t seem to follow. Instead, he thinks that Angry Gilmore doesn’t understand what he’s implying.]


Joe Sexy: That means Sex, Gilly. You’ve had Sex before, right?


[Hearing enough, Angry Gilmore is seen pushing himself rather aggressively out of his seat; standing square in the face of the man he once won the SWF Tag Team Championships with, Joe Sexy. Meanwhile, Sexy continues to smirk like the c*cky bastard that he is; oblivious to anything outside of his personal vices.]


Angry Gilmore: Enough. Do you hear me? Enough. [stares Joe Sexy in the eyes] I’m not putting up with this bull anymore, Joe. Get your act together; get focused. I’m not here, tonight, to prance around the ring like some side-show. This is Supreme TV not Chip-and-Dales.


Joe Sexy: That’s true. We’d probably get paid more if it were Chip-and-Dales…


[Cracking another joke doesn’t seem to sit well with the ‘Angry One’.]


Angry Gilmore: Do you have a response for everything? Honestly… Do you KNOW when it’s best to shutup or does that twisted mind of yours speed at full speed all the time?


Joe Sexy: My mind doesn’t speed… But… I can tell you what speeds… My…


[Gilmore extends his right hand outward; firmly ‘cementing’ it upon Sexy’s mouth in the process. Meanwhile, Joe Sexy’s smirk can practically be seen through Gilmore’s hand.]


Angry Gilmore: I don’t want to hear it. Get out of my locker room; before you get yourself hurt.


[Joe slowly backs away; however, not in a scared manner. Instead, he has a look upon his face best described as someone playfully shocked by what he had just heard. With a chuckle underneath his breath, Sexy slowly struts his way out of the room just as he had come in; not allowing Gilmore’s grumpy attitude to bring him down. Meanwhile, Angry appears to be on the verge of blowing a gasket; overtly annoyed with Sexy (which is quite common for Gilmore). In the end, as the segment comes to a close, we witness the sight of Angry Gilmore descending even farther into his ‘irritable zone’; preparing for battle tonight. Even if his partner is nowhere near the same level of focus.]


Grade: B


[both commentators are heard laughing at what they’ve just witnessed.]

Ana Garcia: That… was… ‘golden’!

Duane Fry: I swear, Angry Gilmore may kill that men at some point.

Ana Garcia: While true, Gilmore really really can’t stand Sexy, or anyone for that matter, one thing is for sure: They work really well as a tandem. I mean, they’re a decorated duo; being the former SWF Tag Team Champions!

Duane Fry: Exactly. I guess we’ll see if ’opposites continue to attract’ here tonight! It’s a pretty lofty challenge though. James and Roberts are one hell of a duo of their own. Plus, adding in Emma Chase only makes them that much more dangerous!

Ana Garcia: All I can say is that I’m pulling for these two! Even if they seem to drive each other nuts!




Angry Gilmore & Joe Sexy vs. “Big Money“ Brandon James w/ Emma Chase & Enforcer Roberts

Tag Match


The comical overtones of Gilmore and Sexy’s combination continues to present itself as Angry appears to be overtly annoyed with Sexy’s continual antics; rolling his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief, and often barking orders in his direction (orders that Sexy just laughs off in his typical manner). Meanwhile, the other side of the ring is a complete different story: one of silent, extremely stern, professionalism wrapped within men who have acquired a lingering perception of being brutal in their own way. Not to mention, a high-powered, vindictive, businesswoman standing at their side; only adding to the ‘suits’ persona that tend to follow “Big Money” and those who affiliate with him.


Once the opening bells ring, The overtly comical approach of Gilmore and Sexy slowly begins to subside; not all together, however, enough for them to look considerably ‘dangerous’ as a tandem. In reality, Gilmore pretty much carries this tone for their duo. Meanwhile, Joe Sexy does what he does best: Excite the crowd with an array of sexually-charged celebrations, shift around the ring in a coy manner, and ultimately crack his signature smirk from start to finish. In a way, that’s why their tandem works so well; as , in reality, they are perfect opposites of one another.


Even with their duo experience as a backdrop, the “Big Money” North American Champion continues to impress; silently brutalizing his opponents with a brawling-based approach that would put many to shame. While Sexy and Gilmore do their best to keep up with the decorated big-man, It’s obvious to see that he’s truly on ‘another level’ than the others at this point. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that his pairing with Roberts looks as if it were developed by the Wrestling GOD’s themselves; mixing Roberts expert, slow-paced, submission-based approach in which to soften up their opponents with the heavily brutal, often-stiff, beat-downs that James applies s at will.


Emma Chase, in all of her tough-lipped glory, practically directs traffic from outside of the squared circle; relaying a predetermined ‘plan’ set forth for her client from afar. Meanwhile, with the sight of her mysterious black leather briefcase in her right hand, the overall narrative continues to form that these two (even Enforcer Roberts by comparison) are truly from another world. Not in the extraterrestrial kind of way; but, in the fact that they don’t look, feel, or act like a typical wrestling talent. Instead, they appear more apt for a conference room on the 70th floor of a New York High-rise business; cut-throat as they look to capitalize on their opponents weaknesses.


As the match continues to take form, slowly building toward the final moments of the match, it looks as if their altercation could go either way. While the tandem of James and Roberts look have been truly dominate in their affairs tonight, looking unstoppable at given moments, there still appears to be an air of unpredictability underneath it all. This notion is fueled every once in a while as Sexy and Gilmore are able to regain a sense of composure; playing into the crowd’s want to cheer by coming back at their opponents with a thunderous 2nd, 3rd, and 4th wave.


In the end, despite all of their triumphant comeback moments, the numbers game proves to be too much for the beloved Gilmore/Sexy duo…


As Angry Gilmore await’s a tag from a staggering Sexy, crawling his way toward his corner, Enforcer Roberts is seen aggressively storming into the ring and slamming a heavy-armed closeline square across Gilmore’s head. The unexpected shot from the illegal man sends Gilmore crashing to the cement floor below as the crowd erupts into a state of inspired rage; unhappy with what they’ve just witnessed. Meanwhile, SWF senior referee, Darren Smith, is seen attempting to force Roberts from the ring; however, his advance is pretty much not needed as the aptly named Enforcer is already on his way out of the ring. With Roberts laying into a hurting Gilmore outside of the ring, Darren Smith’s attention is pulled away for a brief second; trying to regain control of ALL competitors at this point…


With the official looking the other way, Emma Chase is seen sliding into the ring in a rather stealthy manner; landing a massive low-blow upon Joe Sexy from behind. Sadly, for Joe, he had just pulled himself back to his feet when the strike connected with his nether-regions; a comical sight none the less as he dramatically winces in pain after such a shot to his ‘prized jewels’.


With his body crunched slightly, still upright, as he comically holds his crotch in pain; “Big Money” is seen taking full advantage of the upper-hand levied by his manager; almost as if it were planned out before hand. Within seconds, Joe Sexy is floored by Brandon James’s signature “Big Money Move” (Chokeslam); a fact that, again, inspires the SWF faithful to boo like mad men & women. After such a thunderous impact it’s expected that Sexy would not return to his feet; and that’s exactly what happened.


Brandon James and Enforcer Roberts defeat Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy in 12:23 when Brandon James executed the “Big Money Move” (Chokeslam) following an Emma Chase run-in on Joe Sexy.

Grade: B


Duane Fry: Another victory for Brandon James; thanks to Emma Chase.

Ana Garcia: That b*tch… Thinking she can just strut around the ring like the hussy that she is & continually interfere with the action. One of these days, that blonde-haired-b*tch will get hers!

Duane Fry: We can only hope, Ana. We can only hope…




Joe Sexy, Emma Chase, and Brandon James

… “You’re on!” …


[As the match comes to a close, Emma Chase is seen climbing into the squared circle with a sense of purpose to her stride. Within seconds, the high-powered businesswoman is seen forcibly grabbing a company-owned microphone from a nearby ring tech; standing over the fallen Joe Sexy in the process. If he were conscious, This may just be one of the greatest moments in his life as Emma is actually in a black-pressed skirt; the typical garb of such a high-powered associate. However, sadly for him, Sexy is barely able to blink his eyes as it’s obvious that he’s struggling to stay conscious.]


[All in all, as Sexy continues to lay as a fallen victim underneath her wrath, Emma is seen bending downward with the black microphone in hand; relaying a prepared message that gives a better sense of insight as to WHY the match unfolded the way it did.]


Emma Chase: I know that I recently turned down your proposal for a Championship match at “When Hell Freezes Over”; however, we’ve been informed by SWF management that ALL titles must be challenged-for at “When Hell Freezes Over”. [A snarl-like look forms upon her face; disgusted if you will] While it pains me to give you the opportunity, I must make decisions which are in the best interest for my client. [Pauses] Here tonight, You proved that you don’t even belong in Mr. James’s league; that you’re nothing more than a fool masquerading as a professional. With that in mind, There’s concrete evidence that, statistically, we have a better chance of making ’quick work’ of you; much like did here tonight. [smirks] The bottom-line is, Joe, we accept… [The crowd pops] You will be Mr. James’s greatest masterpiece; violently ripping you apart from head-to-toe… showing exactly how dominate he can really be when pushed to the ‘edge and back’. So, get your head on straight, do your best to focus that dimwitted mind of yours, and we’ll see you this Thursday… [smirks] Sadly for you, that match will end just as this one did… With you on your back… out for the three count. Meanwhile, My client, Mr. James, will continue to prove to the masses that HE IS, without a shadow of a doubt, THE greatest competitor this company has EVER seen. [Emma pauses; landing a final statement in her typical sarcastic manner.] Thank you.


[brandon James’s theme music begins to blare within “The Dust Bowl” as Joe Sexy turns to his side; coughing out a lung it seems. Meanwhile, Emma Chase stands tall over ‘her’ fallen victim. All the while, the SWF North American Champion, and Emma’s client, Brandon James, stands like a towering businessman behind her in a statuesque kind of manner.]


Grade: B+


Ana Garcia: You know, I don’t wrestle… I think that’s pretty obvious.. BUT.. I would pay money to get my hands on Emma Chase. Just for one night. I’d put that b*tch in her place!

Duane Fry: I’ll match that offer… [Laughs] You hear that SWF management? Book it! Ana Garcia vs. Emma Chase; It’ll be a great b*tch-slap-a-thon!

Ana Garcia: Lets just hope that Joe Sexy can get his act together enough for Thursday. How great would that be? Emma’s client loses, the title goes elsewhere, and Emma’s forced to watch from on far as Joe Sexy is declared as the NEW Champion! [Chuckles] Oh god, I would love to see that.

Duane Fry: As would I! Brandon has held that title for quite some time, a truly impressive thing to say the least, but it’s only a matter of time before SOMETHING, or SOMEONE, finally takes the strap from him. Could it be sexy? We’ll see this Thursday at “When Hell Freezes Over!”




Richard Eisen

… A proud man; ‘left for dead’ …


[The disturbing sight of a trashed arena suite permeates from where the camera man stands in the beautifully constructed hallway of the “Dust Bowl”. The wide white-washed door is practically off it’s hinges as a blanket of extreme darkness theoretically billows from the ravaged room much like a cloud of smoke would; encompassing all that surrounds it. Meanwhile, a faint light is seen waging a war with said darkness; the source being that of a gold-plated lamp which now lays on its side, an obvious victim of some sort of heinous assault.]


[As the camera man slowly moves forward into the room, surveying the immense damage done, the uncomfortable sound of silence rests on the airwaves; practically begging for the viewer to feel as if ‘something really bad’ just happened seconds before the camera man made such a discovery. In what could best be described as a potential homicide backdrop, the entire room appears to be torn apart; much like a severely inebriated rock star would deliver upon. With that said though, such an image quickly fades as the scenario turns for the worst with the sight of SWF Owner, and CEO, Richard Eisen face down on the carpeted floor; a slight pool of blood at his side. His trademark confidence appears to be violently ripped from his body; now he looks more like a motionless victim versus a proud, undeniable, monopolizing powerhouse.]


[silence continues to set the awkward stage as the SWF camera man appears to be in a state of shock; unable to turn the camera away from the devastation set before him. For what feels like forever, we continue to witness the sight of a motionless Richard Eisen, face-down, in obvious need of medical attention. More or less, such a stage appears to be drenched in ‘raw emotion’; a violent crime administered out of aggression versus a random event of sorts. A million questions arise, a collection of fearful notions begin to develop, all as the sight of Richard Eisen continues to permeate deep within your psyche. Here lies THE most powerful man in the Pro Wrestling Industry world-wide… Face down, motionless, bloodied, and possibly clinging to life after, what appears to be, a truly sadistic assault.]


Grade: B+


[uncomfortable silence is heard at first; broken by sheer shock]

Duane Fry: Uh… Ladies and Gentlemen, It appears that… Richard Eisen… The proud owner, and CEO, of the SWF has been… [Lengthy Pause] he’s been violently ‘run-down’ in his suite; backstage.

Ana Garcia: I never thought I’d see the day… Oh my god… [Chokes up slightly] I hope he’s okay. I know he’s a polarizing guy with many in, and out of, our industry but…. He’s a human being; with a family.

Duane Fry: To be honest, Ana, and this is pure speculation at this point, I can’t help but think that this could be Eric’s doing. It sounds disgusting, I know, that Mr. Eisen would be violently assaulted in this manner by his own son but… Given what we saw tonight… how could you not put A and B together?

Ana Garcia: I suppose your right, but… I just can’t see that happening. I mean, yea… Emotions were quite high tonight when Mr. Eisen cut Eric ‘off’… but… To say he would do this? I don’t know if that’s possible. Whoever attacked Mr. Eisen in this manner… They belong in a prison somewhere; they obviously have NO remorse for human life.

Duane Fry: All we can hope is that the paramedics will get here soon… He needs to be transferred to a hospital; without it… He could…

[Duane stops speaking; in complete horror of what he’s witnessing.]






Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley vs. Eric Eisen ©, Marat Khoklov, Remo, and Vengeance

8-man Texas Tornado Tag Match

Steel Cage Match


There is a strong atmosphere circulating around the ringside area; one based in a general anticipation as several questions arise in the fact of tonight’s powerful main event. For a week now, There’s been this confusion as to WHO could be the mysterious 4th member of the Eric Eisen-led foursome. Various names have been speculated; however, more or less, they all were dead-wrong. Instead of pulling in a fresh, new, name in which to drive ratings, automatically shoving a newbie in the line of main event status, the SWF management has decided to go in a different direction: Giving a relative ‘up-and-comer’ the ability to really shine on a grand scale.


As everyone’s eyes, and all-around focus, is fixated on the entrance way, awaiting the mysterious members arrival, everything comes into reality with a simple, recognizable, theme song.


The theme itself is rather subdued in nature; a smooth rap song speaking of ‘domination’ is heard. From the very start, It’s expected who is now walking through that entrance way…


None other than, Remo.


While it’s not a major surprise (ie: adding a new name from a competitor in which to spark a new interest in the main event scene), It certainly is a major moment in the career of brutal , pseudo mixed-martial-arts, fighter. The sight of his extended frame, confidently stepping through the SWF’s manufactured digital oasis of an entrance way, sparks a ‘holy sh*t’ kind of feeling amongst many. With each and every stomp, growing closer to the ringside area, the overall momentum begins to shift heavily in favor of the heel foursome; adding, yet another, powerful fighter to the mix.


With previous diaries, when it comes to big matches like this (ie: A lot of competitors), I find it best to give overall narratives that form within the match versus ‘back and forth kind of action’. This way, you can have an in-depth understanding of how it looked, and felt, without having to hash through pages worth of maneuvers, etc. With that said, here are the overall narratives that began to form within tonight’s main event:


1. The Steel Cage delivers an apocalyptic aura: As they lower the steel cage upon the squared circle there is this general fear that the space ‘won’t be enough’ for everyone involved; especially when adding in people like Marat Khoklov and Vengeance (known for their immense size). With this in mind, as the cage is finally locked into place, and it’s official that no one is going anywhere, there is this overwhelming sense of anticipatory fear circulating around the ringside area. Will any of the big name babyfaces make it out alive? While such a question seems extremely in favor of the big, and bad, monsters on the heel side, it’s obvious to see the size difference as it pertains to the two factions. It’s as simple as this, Power, brutality, and a violent intent, are often the greatest tools for any competitor when stepping into four sides of steel.


2. This is Remo’s ‘Superstar moment’: It’s true that Remo was once a dominating SWF North American Champion; however, even such an accomplishment as that means NOTHING as it pertains to tonight’s Main Event scenario. While he’s often been dubbed as an ‘up and comer’, his affiliation with such a heel faction (at least for tonight) speaks volumes; a powerful display that the young brawler is NOW embarking upon his well-anticipated climb within the Supreme ranks. With this in mind, there appears to be a strong perception forming around Remo as he’s, literally, transitioning in status before our eyes: A former upper-midcarder floundering in the Main Event scene is now being projected as a bona fide ’Top Draw’.


3.Marat Khoklov and Vengeance are truly unstoppable; especially when working as one: What a sight it was, two of THE most physically imposing figures in Pro Wrestling history working as one. While such a scenario certainly wasn’t good for the babyface tandem, or really the SWF faithful in general as they would rather see Faith of Bruce ‘take over’, the truth of their dominance is unmistaken able. Whether it was Marat Khoklov throwing Jack Bruce into a nearby steel cage wall, much like a dart would be thrown against a dart-board, or it was Vengeance violently crushing the skull of Steve Frehley, utilizing a ring-shaking gut-wrench powerbomb as his culprit; there’s no denying their overwhelming ability. Realistically, You could have thrown these two into the cage by themselves as a team and they would have done quite well. Why? When you mix the underlying fear they generate with most, with the unstoppable power that exudes from their massive frames, there’s almost always going to be a one-sided affair before you.


4. Jack Bruce will…not… die…: It sounds rather violent but it’s more about Bruce’s ‘never say die’ mentality than anything else. The obvious victim of a round of aggression, mostly due to being THE most popular babyface on the SWF roster (making him target #1 with many), Bruce never seems to give up. Instead, he continues to withstand immense amount of pain in which to continually prove his never-ending defiance; swinging hazardously even when he’s barely able to stand. Needless to say, despite being a relative punching bag through out most of the match, Bruce comes away looking extremely strong; taking an unhealthy beating and always coming back to the action full-force.


5. Eric Eisen stands alone; letting others do his ‘dirty work’: Most would expect the SWF World Champion to be this beacon of competition; always looking to strike up a fight in which to prove his worth. This is not Eric Eisen. Not in the slightest. Instead, the dubious Champion is often seen standing in the corner of the ring; jolting with every strike that he watches others impose. At certain points, Eric is pulled into action; however, with time, he always finds a way to ‘run and hide’. As the match continues to climb, showing to be in favor of the heel faction, Eisen becomes a little more active. With that said, It’s not like he’s leading the charge by any means. He’s more of a watcher from afar; carefully picking his battles as he appears to want to stay ‘out of the action’ more so than be in the center of it.


6. Vendetta’s run deep: Whether it’s Marat and Faith, Vengeance and Frehley, Frehley and Remo, Eric Eisen and the combination of Money and Bruce, it’s easy to see that there is a real sense of hatred exuding from these men. Their altercations have been months in the making and now, more so than ever, we find them all coiled within each other; forced to simply ‘survive’ as they also attempt to ‘end the career’ of their most heated rival. At given points, It’s almost uncomfortable to watch. With that said, though, it’s much like a ‘car-wreck’ mentality: You cringe when you see it but you still continue to watch.


7. The crowd doesn’t buy into it ’as much’ due to the one-sided nature: Sure, the babyface foursome is able to come out looking pretty strong at given moments. In reality, though, they all appear to be more like punching bags than anything else in this match. This fact drives the SWF faithful to grow tired with the match-up overall; still showering their hated Supreme Superstars with disdain; however, growing weary of seeing their favorites physically destroyed in an elongated way. Again, this wasn’t a true one-sided burial by any means. However, it does resemble a one-sided beat down at various moments through out.


With that said, as you can guess, the end of the match feels rather unceremonious as the babyface foursome struggles to stay conscious; laying semi-motionless around the squared circle as the Heel foursome stands above their victims. At first, Christian Faith looks to regain his footing; coming straight at Marat Khoklov like an injured wolverine looking to take it out on the nearest fighter. With that said, Faith’s attempt is easily thwarted as Khoklov sends him straight back to the canvas with a thunderous Headbutt. The strike is so deadly that Faith’s eyes are seen rolling in the back of his head as he slams, in a heap, upon the unforgiving canvas below.


In the same light, Jack Bruce attempts to do the same; however, again is met with a heavy-handed uppercut from a stalking Remo. The strike causes a wad of spit to fly square out of Bruce’s mouth, and into the crowd, as his legs slowly look to buckle underneath the pressure of such a blow. However, before Bruce can collapse to the canvas as well, Eric Eisen is seen jetting into the action; landing his signature “The Supremacy” (Forced Falling Knee Strike) upon the semi-conscious Bruce.


Upon impact, Bruce’s body goes completely limp; finally succumbing to the devastating violence bestowed upon him in tonight’s Main Event. All it takes is a standard three count for everything to come to an end… Well, at least from a legal perspective. Despite the carnage done by his three partners, Eric Eisen is the one who is credited with the win due to his dubious ’take-over’ of the final moments of the match. Fitting for the youngest Eisen.


Eric Eisen, Marat Khoklov, Remo, and Vengeance defeat Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Steve Frehely in 12:13 when Eric Eisen executed “The Supremacy” (Forced Falling Knee Strike) upon Jack Bruce.

Grade: B-


Duane Fry: Finally, the carnage can stop! Good Gawd. We’re going to need paramedics out here.

Ana Garcia: That’s really been the theme here tonight; with Mr. Eisen being laid out and now the Jack Bruce-led foursome suffering such brutality. Wow… This has been shocking to say the least.

Duane Fry: How fitting is it that Eric Eisen swoops in and steals the win. Honestly. This guy is notorious for stealing the spotlight.

Ana Garcia: He stands in the corner through out most of the match, occasionally throwing a punch here and there, and then he’s the one who picks up the pinfall? Shady…

Duane Fry: Wait a minute… I don’t think this is done quite yet… Someone get security… This NEEDS to STOP!!!!




Eric Eisen, Marat Khoklov, Remo, Vengeance, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley

… The beat down continues …


[The squared circle looks like a war-torn hellhole; bodies of the babyface foursome motionless around the ring. This unsettling sight, in the real world, would often call for paramedics, local police officers, and quite possibly FBI agents based upon the brutality. However, in the chaotic world of Pro Wrestling, this kind of sight is not so uncommon. With that said, such a stomach-churning vision leaves the sold-out “Dust Bowl” in a fit of rage; aggressively booing the destructive heel faction that administered this sickening carnage. Sadly, their call of hatred doesn’t manipulate these four brutal fighters to simply ‘call it quits’.]


[With their victims barely moving, The four heel Supreme Superstars are seen continuing their deadly assault; ignoring the incessant bell ringing as nearby ring officials do their best to bring the action to an end. Even the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, a man whose been waiting in the wings up until now, is seen laying into both Jack Bruce and Rich Money with reckless abandon. Typically, Eisen would cower behind devised plans in which to do such a thing; however, in this case, as both are unable to defend themselves, Eisen appears to relish in the knowledge that he can do whatever he wants. In a way, he looks like a sadistic kid in a candy store; grinning like a mad man as he inflicts insult to injury.]


[in the end, as the lengthy segment comes to a close, the SWF camera crew zooms in on every member of tonight’s Main Event; showing the absolute destruction put forth by the one-time heel faction. Regardless of your take on violence on TV, This message certainly got it’s point across: The heels are going into the PPV looking strong; if not unbeatable.]


Grade: A



Duane Fry: This is sick… Just down right sick… Someone get out here and stop this!! Good GAWD…

Ana Garcia: This is enough!! I get that they wanted to seem unstoppable but come on… You could kill someone in this manner!!

Duane Fry: Without Mr. Eisen at the helm, obviously going to need some time off to re-coop, what will come of this Thursday’s PPV? Will there be ANY order at all? As we saw tonight, once the cat is away… The Mice will turn violent and destroy everything in their path!

Ana Garcia: All we can hope is that there’s a level of revenge coming this Thursday…

Duane Fry: Good Gawd, I hope so…










Overall Show Grade: B

Final Attendance #: 15,000 (Sold Out!)

TV Rating: 6.40 (- 1.59)


<hr color="black">

Supreme TV Quick Results:


Lobster Warrior defeated Marc DuBois by reclaiming his lobster claws on high.

Runaway Train defeated Jungle Lord via pinfall.

Greg Black defeated Squeeky McClean via pinfall.

Brandon James and Enforcer Roberts defeated Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy via pinfall with help from Emma Chase.

Eric Eisen, Mart Khoklov, Remo, and Vengeance defeated Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley via pinfall.

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Superb stuff, EV. I absolutely love your writing and the detail you put into every segment.


I also liked the way you wrote the main event. It was so easy to see what was going on and missed out unnecessary points.

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Great show as always. The 'babyface' turn for Mr Eisen is an interesting way to go but like Jack Bruce I'm not fully buying into the new Mr Eisen just yet, even with him being laid out on the floor in a pool of his own blood. :p Has this Leopard really changed his spots, not you would have me hooked to find out?


As for the relatively poor grade for the main event (a B- is OK in a cult or below fed but for an SWF it's kind of shabby) did you purposely book the match to be a one sided affair or was the match grade just brought down by certain wrestlers being a bit sucky...like Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov.

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Superb stuff, EV. I absolutely love your writing and the detail you put into every segment.


I also liked the way you wrote the main event. It was so easy to see what was going on and missed out unnecessary points.


Thank you, totti! A lot of thought went into this show but I'm really happy with how it came out. I would have loved a better Main Event grade, but, I guess that should be expected seeing how Eisen and Marat were in the match. ha. Either way, thanks for the read!


Nice show Eisen good build toward the PPV. Only thing I missed was the main event but it could have gone either way. Can't wait to see When Hell Freezes Over. Working on the right up for mine right now.


Thank you, Apu! Isn't it tough having the PPV so close after you start? You really need to throw as much together in a short amount of time for the PPV to feel 'legit'. With that said, I'm excited to go ahead with "When Hell Freezes Over"! I checked out your diary yesterday and you def. have a follower in me as you always have a good slew of storyline ideas. Cheers.


Great show as always. The 'babyface' turn for Mr Eisen is an interesting way to go but like Jack Bruce I'm not fully buying into the new Mr Eisen just yet, even with him being laid out on the floor in a pool of his own blood. :p Has this Leopard really changed his spots, not you would have me hooked to find out?


As for the relatively poor grade for the main event (a B- is OK in a cult or below fed but for an SWF it's kind of shabby) did you purposely book the match to be a one sided affair or was the match grade just brought down by certain wrestlers being a bit sucky...like Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov.


The Eisen thing will be a lengthy storyline going forward (The whole: Who done it? kind of thing; but with a twist or two). With that said, It's kinda scary to do so as Richard Eisen is not a great 'grade getter' (like he has been in previous versions of the game). We'll see, but, I have a few ideas in store that will hopefully help the storyline really bloom.


As for the Main Event, I booked it with Marat and Vengeance being 'dominate' and Jack Bruce looking 'strong'. Other than that, using some protection on Khoklov for sure, it came out a B-. I wasn't expecting much better with Marat being in the mix of things, but, I really wanted the story more than anything. ya know? Pick and choose the moments where he actually wrestles vs. being a storyline persona. Does that make sense?


I would have loved a better grade (as I did cringe when I saw "B-") but, in the end, we ended up with a B for the overall show. That's not great by any means, but, I feel like things are on the up-and-up seeing how Bruce, Eisen, Khoklov, and Faith are now all in the "A" to "A*" area already. :D This will mean better grades down the road; i'm sure.

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Thank you, Apu! Isn't it tough having the PPV so close after you start? You really need to throw as much together in a short amount of time for the PPV to feel 'legit'. With that said, I'm excited to go ahead with "When Hell Freezes Over"! I checked out your diary yesterday and you def. have a follower in me as you always have a good slew of storyline ideas. Cheers.


It is a little odd but I went with the decision that a lot of the prep already went in on the two shows in December after the PPV. I set up all but two matches as already being announced and went from there. This way I wasn't squeezing four shows worth of build into two. I've actually got the PPV finished and will be posting it shortly if you'd like to take this last chance to predict.

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Bravissimo! :):eek::D


You continue to impress Eisen-verse. I just got done reading the show from start to finish and I love what you did. Highlights for me were the opening segment, Greg Black beating Squeeky McBlah, and the way you wrote up Mr. Eisen's attack. All very good. I've been reading your diaries since the DOA days and I can honestly say that I think this one is your greatest. That's pretty tough seeing how the SWF is a tall mountain to climb. Keep doing what you're doing, Brotha.

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It is a little odd but I went with the decision that a lot of the prep already went in on the two shows in December after the PPV. I set up all but two matches as already being announced and went from there. This way I wasn't squeezing four shows worth of build into two. I've actually got the PPV finished and will be posting it shortly if you'd like to take this last chance to predict.


Sounds like a plan, Apu. I'll try my hardest to get in on that before you post it. :D Also, good idea on setting things up as you did. I did the same thing, Using the default storylines that were set from the beginning; branching out from there.




Bravissimo! :):eek::D


You continue to impress Eisen-verse. I just got done reading the show from start to finish and I love what you did. Highlights for me were the opening segment, Greg Black beating Squeeky McBlah, and the way you wrote up Mr. Eisen's attack. All very good. I've been reading your diaries since the DOA days and I can honestly say that I think this one is your greatest. That's pretty tough seeing how the SWF is a tall mountain to climb. Keep doing what you're doing, Brotha.


Awesome to hear, Oracle! :)


I still feel like im a little ways out before I hit my 'stride'. With that said, however, the SWF is feeling weirdly comfortable thus far. My biggest problem though is trying to get all of these guys on one show. I would LOVE to have a brand-split straight away but that won't be able to come to pass for quite some time. Overall, though, it's great to know that you're enjoying the 'novel' thus far.

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Will he EVER be the same?


In a truly shocking moment in SWF history, Richard Eisen, the architect of the “Supreme Empire” , was found violently assaulted by a mysterious foe. Early reports are quite hazy; however, there are many within the “Eisen inner circle” that believe the heinous attack may severely impact Mr. Eisen’s long-term health. As expected, the family has released an official statement in the last hour; stating “We are heartbroken with the knowledge that our Father is struggling in a nearby, Tennessee, Hospital following a shocking assault. We hope, and pray, for a full recovery; however, am preparing for the possibility that such a ‘want’ may not be possible. The SWF Empire will continue to move forward; however, we would be lying if we didn‘t address the awkward hollowness that comes with his absence.”


As you can see, emotions are running high as Mr. Eisen is resting in a Tennessee hospital tonight. While we’re unaware of his condition at this time, We will continue to keep you informed as information moves forward.



Eric Eisen; Cut-off.


Supreme TV opened with a groundbreaking scenario as Mr. Eisen informed his son, SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen, that he will be ‘cut-off’ from the generous Eisen family treatment. Since his debut with his Father’s empire, Eric’s professional career has been marred by controversy; often using his Father’s influence in which to acquire a laundry list of achievements. With that said; however, that all has come to a screeching halt. At least, we believe so…


Richard Eisen made the threat; however, never made it back to New England in which to legally document the shift in focus for his polarizing kin. So, at this point, the change may only run as far as Mr. Eisen’s voice can be heard.


Now, with Mr. Eisen suffering in a Tennessee hospital bed, many wonder if the instigator of this sadistic violence may have come from
the family. This is purely speculation; but, one cannot remove the passion seen by Eric Eisen as a possible motive in the assault.



Why is he here?


Supreme TV also saw the shocking debut of the former DaVE Icon, and Canada’s ‘prized export’, Eric Tyler as well. At this point, it’s unknown why Tyler unceremoniously made his presence known during the Lobster Warrior/Marc DuBois match at the beginning of the show; especially seeing how there appears to be a connection between Tyler and Warrior. With that said, with so much confusion circulating around his debut, many are questioning whether or not Tyler may have something ‘planned’ for the beloved “Crustacean Sensation”. What could it be? What is their connection? These questions will hopefully be answered as we go further down the road.



Supreme TV Quick Results


Lobster Warrior defeated Marc DuBois by reclaiming his lobster claws on high.

Runaway Train defeated Jungle Lord via pinfall.

Greg Black defeated Squeeky McClean via pinfall.

Brandon James and Enforcer Roberts defeated Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy via pinfall with help from Emma Chase.

Eric Eisen, Mart Khoklov, Remo, and Vengeance defeated Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley via pinfall.

Overall Show Grade:

Final Attendance #:
15,000 (Sold Out!)

TV Rating:
6.40 (- 1.59)








The inside scoop to “The Land of Supreme”.

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Great first couple of shows, there's been some awesome characterisation so far, I especially liked the Eric Eisen-Richard Eisen interaction, looking forward to the PPV


Thank you, Arogue!


It was a lot of fun to write the Eisen segment as I'm loving the Eric Eisen persona thus far. He's the perfect, cheating, heel who can't win alone so he uses others to manipulate the scenario at hand. Easily, one of my favorite characters thus far (and it's awesome that he's now an "A" overall in popularity; so grades will start to work in his favor). Plus, the storyline between the two will be a lengthy one at this point (probably taking up a big part of 2010).


As for the PPV, I'm going to start constructing the details in the next few days/week. I expect to have the final card up sometime in the near future!

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