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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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<p>I can't disagree. The whole world's going to use yen by 2030...that is, if the 2012 thing hadn't killed us all yet. </p><p> </p><p>

But no, the guv'ment wants us to think that there ain't a dang thang wrong with the planet! Them Asians and Europeans are takin' over the dadgum world! They're watching us through our TVs!!! *rocks back and forth maniacally in old rocking chair*</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dragonmack" data-cite="Dragonmack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28544" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Congrats on a well deserved DOTM win NoNeck. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Congrats NoNeck <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Congrats on a well deserved DOTM win NoNeck. :D


Congrats NoNeck :)


Yep, congrats from me as well (now post the show!) :p




Thanks a lot everybody. I had no idea so many people were following the diary, let alone enjoying it so much. Maybe it's coming through in the writing, but I'm having an absolute blast with this project and can't wait to see how people respond to the things that happen as we go forward.


To be quite honest, I had it in the back of my head that I had been forgotten somewhat among some of the more prolific writers; kind of lost among the wash. It's nice to know that isn't the case.


It won't be too long before I post the PPV, JC. I am trying to get both the PPV and the next TV show done before I post because I feel like they go together and I want them to be perfect.


Again, many thanks. The DOTM award might not buy me an apple pie at a drive through window, but it still makes this writer feel like a million bucks.




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  • 2 weeks later...

(OOC: Sorry for the slight delay, real life didn't give me a lot of time to write over the last week and a half or so. And I wanted to make sure that this was perfect before I posted it. I'm not sure I reached that level, but I hope you like it anyway. And thanks again to those who voted this diary last month's DOTM Winner. I really appreciate it. :))








USPW Born in the USA


Live on PPV

Week 4 October

New Orleans, LA












Ozzy Osborne and his band are set up on a special event stage just to the right of the humongous entranceway. The show goes live and after just a couple of seconds, they launch into a scorching version of “Let Me Hear You Scream” much to the delight of the New Orleans crowd. We even use the rowdy anthem as an opportunity to roll our show opening graphics package.


















Aaron Andrews vs. Darryl Devine

-No Time Limit Match-


Result: The show goes straight to the ring after the video opening and starts off with a pay-per-view sized bang. Andrews and Devine nearly burn the place down with some of the hottest back and forth wrestling ever seen in USPW before settling into an old fashioned southern brawl on the floor. As things wear on, Devine’s offense becomes a bit slow as he seems hampered by the cast he’s wearing, presumably a result of his punching a locker on Wednesday’s American Wrestling, and Andrews turns his focus to the injury. The finish comes after two or three false endings and culminates with Andrews blocking the “DDD” only to have his attempt at a follow up piledriver reversed into a second from-out-of-nowhere “DDD” with the help of a shot from his hard plaster cast. Devine gets the three count and goes way over top celebrating, posing alongside the unconscious Andrews before Seduction drapes a sling over his shoulder. He grimaces, cradling one arm while raising the other and walking backward up the aisle.



MS: “I’m surprised Devine was even able to wrestle tonight, let alone win. Did you read the medical report on his hand? It’s broken in three places.”



SD: “The cast won him the match though. Don’t tell me you didn’t see that?”




Phil’s Story Notes: This is how it had to go. And believe me, I gave the outcome of this match some serious thought. I used Devine to put Andrews into a specific spot on the card; it is only fair to put over the guy who has put in his time with the company, especially given that everything else is equal.



Darryl Devine wins via pinfall @ 17:04

















A long white limo pulls up to the back VIP entrance and when the door swings open, preceded by Jumbo Jackson and his nephew Casey, Peter Valentine steps onto the pavement dressed to the hilt. As the driver struggles with his cumbersome luggage, Valentine taps a silver tipped cane on the open door, obviously annoyed.



PV: “Look at this poor minimum wage making loser.”



The guy glances up from the suitcases for just a second, but Valentine doesn’t care.



PV: “I probably spent more on my last meal than he did on his last car.”



Jumbo and Casey laugh the type of hearty laugh one gives their boss. Finally the limo driver hauls all the bags onto a cart and heads toward the building and everyone gets moving.



PV: “You boys are going make more money than you ever imagined by working for me. And the more you help me, the more I’ll help you. You both know I’m connected and that my pockets are deep.”



Jumbo and Casey look at each other and grin greedy smiles.



PV: “In fact, tonight Casey I’ve pulled some strings, called in a couple of favors, and set you up with your first match. Go ahead to the locker room; I’d bet it’s coming up pretty quickly.”



Casey grabs his bag and scurries into the building, leaving Peter and Jumbo behind.



JJ: “So, who is the kid fighting?”



Peter’s cell phone rings. But before he answers it, he answers Jumbo.



PV: “T-Rex.”



Jumbo’s face goes white as Peter begins jabbering to one of his cronies about an investment opportunity.
















T-Rex vs. Casey Valentine


Result: Casey Valentine is a solid, good looking kid who appears to have a bright future in the business. However, on this night, he is eaten alive by the wrecking machine known as T-Rex. Jumbo Jackson cringes at ringside as Casey is mauled, getting locked in the “Jurassic Crush” and tapping out in under two minutes.



MS: “How many wins is that now, Doakes?”



SD: “I’m not sure? It’s a lot, I know that. I’m sure that one of our crack research team will have a number to us shortly.”



Phil’s Story Notes: T-Rex is what he is. I don’t think he could be booked any stronger than he has been which has put us in the enviable position of having a very over wrestler on our hands. The question now is what to do with him. The streak can’t last forever. Can it?



T-Rex wins via submission @ 1:44














Sarah Silver is backstage, standing by with the two longhaired partyboys that we’ve seen, via vignette, for the last two weeks.



SS: “I’m back here with Remmy Skye and Shocking Matt Hocking, the tag team known as EXCESS.”


Remmy nods as Hocking slides his shades down his nose, looking square into the camera’s lens.



MH: “I wear my sunglasses inside, Sarah. Do you know why?”



Sarah shakes her head.



MH: “It’s because I’m just THAT COOL.”



She laughs. So does Remmy.



MH: “No, I’m serious. You saw our videos, right? What about them wasn’t awesome?”



This, Remmy agrees with.



MH: “Hot Chicks?”



RS: “Check.”



MH: “Partying?”



RS: “Check.”



Silver laughs again at the likeable pair.



MH: “You think I’m joking, Sarah? I’m cool. We are cool.”



He and Remmy exchange a fist bump before Skye leans over and whispers something into Hockings ear.



MH: “Totally, dude. That’s what I’ll do. I’ll prove it.”



Hocking scoops up Silver, lifting her up on his shoulder, and begins carrying her away. She giggles.



SS: “Hey Doakes, I think I’m leaving for the rest of the night.”



Hocking’s voice can still be heard as they walk away, getting picked up by Sarah’s microphone.



MH: “Oh you are leaving for the rest of the night, girlie. We’re going out. You’re going to party with EXCESS.”



She giggles again.



SS: “Shawn? Mickey? Can you guys still hear me back there? Back to you.”









Ford Memphis vs. Andre Jones

-TV Title Match-


Result: Andre Jones starts slow, letting Ford Memphis dictate the early part of the match, but he begins picking it up near the five minute mark, much to the delight of the New Orleans fans. He puts the TV Champion on his heels with three staright discus punches before hopping to the apron, presumably looking for his finisher, the blockbuster, when….










……The Hillbillies come rolling down the aisle in Ford Memphis’ pink Cadillac, sitting on the backseat, sandwiched around Kitten. The fans are stunned by their new look; so is Andre Jones who just stares at them from his spot on the apron. It is enough of a window for Memphis who yanks the lithe Jones through the ropes and braces him on the second cable before dropping him on his head with a “Last Trip to Graceland” (DDT) that ends the match.



Phil’s Story Notes: I’ve grown rather fond of Memphis’s character and have devoted some time to the development of his dog and pony show. Plus, I enjoy having title changes mean something when they happen. Andre Jones storyline is going to pull him away from the TV Title scene after a rematch, I think, but I also think it’s going to go a long way toward really fleshing out his character.



Ford Memphis wins via pinfall @ 6:20















Phil Vibert watches a van slowly maneuver into a parking spot in an inside-the-arena fluorescent tube lit covered garage. Its lights flash yellow and red as the back opens, and when it does, two handlers ride a steel hydraulic lift down with the straight-jacketed Eddie Peak, his feet shackled to the stool on which he sits.



PV: “I’m not the biggest fan of this…..set-up…. Eddie, but it’s to protect you from yourself. Now that you’re a part of Team Vibert and part of my promotion going forward, you can’t just be out……”



Eddie strains against the jacket, hard. The suddenness of his movement seems to startle Phil.



PV: “…..out there doing whatever it is you do at night.”



The handlers slide him onto a wheeled platform and, straining themselves, begin pulling him up a catering entrance ramp.



Bang; everyone freezes…….







……Chris Caulfield bursts through the caterer’s entrance and sprints toward Peak. Vibert yells out to security but there is barely time to blink before Caulfield has speared Peak off of the lift, stool and all. He rains down punches as the madman strains against the straight jacket, connecting over and over again before standing up and looking around for something.






He finds what he is looking for; it takes the form of a steel rod lying near a part of the garage that is under construction. Vibert hollers again for security as Caulfield viciously brings the bar down onto the restrained Peak three or four times, slowing his struggles noticeably. But before laying a decisive last shot onto him, Caulfield turns toward Phil who goes from extremely vocal and loud to silent and scared in the blink of an eye. The longtime DaVE fan favorite extends the bar toward Vibert, pointing at him with it.



CC: “Why Phil?”



Vibert backs against a wall, frantically looking side to side for anyone as Caulfield steps closer.



CC: “WHY?”



Vibert pulls up his hands, expecting to be hit. But at the last second as Caulfield is almost upon him, a swarm of thick necked security guards come from all sides and surround both men, saving Vibert. As they wrestle Caulfield to the ground, Vibert’s puffs out his chest, his bravado back in full force.






They pull Caulfield arms behind his back and lift him back up. Phil shoots his cuffs and straightens his tie before giving his longtime friend a long, hateful look and walking away.















Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

-USPW Women’s Title 2/3 Falls Match-


Result: Alicia and Belle have had some great battles in the past for the AAA promotion. This one however, might be their best yet. Strong wrestles a very dominant match to take the first fall, but Bryden catches her paying too much attention to Raven and the Twins and scores with a rollup seconds after bell sounds to get things restarted. The bout takes a stunning turn from there on out; Alicia is behind the eight ball after the shocking pin and never quite recovers, eventually falling victim to a spinning roundhouse kick.



SD: “Alicia just got totally derailed, Mickey. She looked like she had complete control of this one after the first fall.”



MS: “But Belle Bryden deserves this win and she deserves the Women’s Title. Don’t sell her short because daddy’s little girl lost her focus. Bryden was just better tonight.”



Phil’s Story Notes: I think it’s time to let the face chase the heel for a while, and at this point in their storyline I think Belle with the belt makes sense. Besides, this program is about to really take off.



Belle Bryden wins Two Falls to One @ 12:14


















Sam Strong slowly wraps white athletic tape around his wrist in a backstage locker room, staring off into the distance, looking motivated. Nicky Champion is the only member of Team USPW in the shot, although a quick pan shows Bruce, Enygma, and Rick Law in separate stalls getting ready.



When a backstage worker leans in and tells Sam his match against Peter Valentine is up next, the legend lets out a long sigh before seeing the look of concern on Champion’s face.



SS: “Nicky man, I know that you’re worried about me, but you’ve got some business of your own to take care of tonight.”



Champion nods and sighs as well; Sam immediately recognizes his protégé’s anxiety.



SS: “Remember that story you told me that one time……?”



Nicky thinks for a second and smiles.



NC: “The Supreme Challenge one?



Sam nods.



NC: “I was young. My uncle and I were in the front row. He had won a pair of tickets from some radio station literally the night before. When you pinned Rip Chord and stood up with the World Title and started posing, I thought you were looking right at me.”



They both smile.



SS: “1981.”



An intern peeks his head in and tells them that Sam’s match is up next. Strong rips off one last piece of tape and pats it onto his wrist.



SS: “You told me that you knew then that being a pro wrestler was your destiny. But you were wrong, dude. Your destiny is bigger than that.”



He gets close as the immediately recognizable opening guitar lick “Legitimate Patriot” hits in the background.



SS: “Your destiny is to save the USPW, brother. I believe it and I believe in you.”



Strong pushes open the locker room door and ambles down the hallway toward the curtain leaving Nicky slackjawed and wide eyed.






















Sam Strong vs. Peter Valentine


Result: This is not pretty. Sam Strong is one of the legends of the sport, but he did not have it on this occasion at all, and he gets thoroughly bloodied by his still ring ready ex best friend early on in the match. But no one takes a beating and then powers up like Sam, and that exactly what happens, much to the delight of everyone in attendance. It leads to a very simple finish. Jumbo Jackson and a still-hurt-from-earlier Casey Valentine try to draw Sam’s attention on the floor, but the veteran is much too savvy to fall for such a simple trick and winds up for the “Strong Arm Tactic” that levels Peter and brings the crowd to its feet. The successful cover nearly brings the roof off of the place, and Casey and Jumbo’s sliding into the ring goes almost unnoticed until they begin raining blows onto him, dropping Strong to one knee. But again, he begins powering up, and doles out “Strong Arm Tactic’s” to both Casey and Jumbo. For a second, he looks twenty five years younger, clearing the ring of anyone and everyone in his path. That is until Peter Valentine waffles him from behind with the silver knobbed walking stick he preened to the ring with earlier.



Sam tries to get up, but quickly takes another two or three shots from Valentine who is obviously enjoying himself even after losing the match, raining nearly a dozen more caneshots onto Strong’s fallen form once he goes down.



Phil’s Story Notes: Sam is an attraction, but is in pretty poor wrestling condition and putting him in the ring with anyone, let alone someone as talentless as Peter Valentine, could’ve fallen on its face. But, on overness alone, I bet this one will do ok. And I think I covered all my bases creatively, giving Sam the feel good win and getting Peter’s heat back with the beating. Plus, I gave Casey three different appearances on PPV for his debut and attached Jumbo to them securely all in one night.



Sam Strong wins via pinfall @ 10:32














It’s the greatest hype video of all time, bar none. It starts with grainy black and white footage of USPW’s first shows when they were first founded by Danny Jillefski. The highlights are minimal as the upstart company lacked in a lot of areas. Except one.



USPW’s heart would show for the first time in 2006 when Sam Strong purchased the company from his friend Jillefski and, true to his promise, got the company a TV deal and recorded a whopping rating for his return to the ring against Bruce the Giant.



The company would continue to grow under Strong’s watch, with the weekly TV show on cable, reaching thousands of new viewers a week partnered with Sports America, a network where Sam Strong’s friendship with the programming director got them moved to a nine o’clock slot after the first four episodes.



The fans saw USPW’s heart much more between 2006 and 2010 and the company would continue to grow. The moments that have begin accumulated begin flashing by on the screen, coming in droves and each serving to make you remember where USPW has been as the voiceovers that are to end the segment begin.



“This is for all the marbles, brothers.”



“This is about USPW’s survival.”



The flashing moments keep coming, picking up even greater speed.



“This company is mine.”



“I just missed with DaVE. This time I’m going to do it the right way. The only way. My way.”



Fever pitch.



“Tonight is about our very survival as a company.”



Screaming halt and fade to black.














<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=Bruce-The-Giant-28229-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/Bruce-The-Giant-28229-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=Enygma_Unmasked7.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/Enygma_Unmasked7.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=NickyChampion_JS4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/NickyChampion_JS4.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=RickLaw-1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/RickLaw-1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=USPW_alt.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/USPW_alt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs9.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs9.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=PWC2_alt.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/PWC2_alt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


<a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=thTysonBaine.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/thTysonBaine.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=PrimusAllemdesdavids.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/PrimusAllemdesdavids.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=charliethatcher.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/charliethatcher.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=EddiePeakBaldMonster-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/EddiePeakBaldMonster-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>




Bruce the Giant/Enygma/Nicky Champion/Rick Law vs. Tyson Baine/Des Davids/Charlie Thatcher/Eddie Peak


Result: Things have reached a new high after the video; the time for judgment has arrived and that’s exactly the flavor of the buzz in the building. And the match is everything that we expected and more, with huge momentum shifts happening nearly every minute or two in the early going. Then, when things finally settle in, Nicky Champion gets isolated by Team Vibert and is beaten pillar to post with each of his four opponents taking their pound of flesh.



Des Davids is the one who eventually makes a mistake, turning his head to acknowledge Thatcher’s bellowing at him to ‘finish it!’, and that’s when Nicky gets his chance. In very overt Sam-Strongian fashion, Champion begins powering up after the terrible beating, delivering three straight discus punches right into Des’s jaw with the crowd growing in volume behind him. There is only a second’s pause before Champion uses his last ounce of energy to bounce off the ropes and level Davids with a “Strong Arm Tactic”.



Finally, Champion dives into the corner and reaches the outstretched hand of Law, who hits the ring like a house of fire whipping Davids into the ropes and destroying him with a running boot before knocking both Baine and a frothing Peak off of the apron. As soon as the Team Vibert pair hit the floor, Bruce and Enygma drop from the apron on their side of the ring and come running, clotheslining both Peak and Baine over the steel guardrail and into the crowd.



Everyone is standing; Rick Law climbs to the top rope as the crowd swells, but takes too long and misses a huge double stomp attempt, going down awkwardly and clutching his foot, rolling to the floor in obvious pain. Davids barely had the energy to roll out of the way of it and lays on his side, huffing and puffing, glassy eyed.



No one knows what to do.



Referee Baby Jamie takes a look at Law on the floor, judges him to be hurt, and orders the match to continue. But with Bruce and Enygma halfway up to the balcony in the crowd engaging in a wild brawl with Eddie Peak and Charlie Thatcher, Baby Jamie points to the exhausted Nicky Champion and makes him the legal man.



Champion staggers back through the cables and closes in on Des Davids as the big man himself slowly gets to his feet. Vibert screams at Davids from the floor, trying to point him in the right direction but it is too late…..














2 ½ !!!!!!




Grabbing him by his pant leg, Phil Vibert pulls Baby Jamie out of the ring. And just as he does so………..







………Rick Law hops back up onto the apron. Seemingly shaking off his injury like it never happened. And just as Nicky Champion turns around, Law gets a head of steam and destroys him with a “Long Arm of the Law” (Strong Style Lariat) blowing him head over heels and leaving him facedown on the mat.






Vibert, who had kept Jamie from the ring during Law’s clothesline, helps the confused referee back into the ring where he finds Rick Law calmly standing in the corner lighting up a cigar stub and standing over Des Davids who is slumped over an unconscious Nicky Champion. Jamie hits his belly and does his job.
















A cascade of boos is unfurled from the top of the rafters and its crest nearly sweeps the whole building under. People begin throwing trash into the ring but Phil Vibert basks in it like it was Mardi Gras. Tyson Baine makes his way back to the ring, joining Vibert, Law, Thatcher and a semi conscious Des Davids while Eddie Peak continues battling with both Bruce the Giant and Enygma near the concession area.



Sam Strong ambles out through the curtain, stone faced, as Vibert grabs a microphone from ringside, still enjoying the response of the wounded crowd.






Law high fives Vibert; the crowd’s volume goes up again.






The camera pulls back and Team Vibert stands, arms raised, in the center of the blue skirted USPW ring. Shawn Doakes is quiet when he closes the show.



SD: “Fans, whatever happens from here on out, I think I speak for Mickey when I say it’s been a pleasure to be invited into your homes every week the last little while here……but I’m not sure that we’ll even have jobs after Wednesday night.”




Phil’s Story Notes: The gavel falls; the drive toward making this company more than a third party in the ratings war is now in full effect. And there was no way that Team Vibert wasn’t going to win, I know that. But I feel like having the finish go down in smarmy fashion feels exactly right. It sets the table for the next generation of the Phil Vibert onscreen character as well as giving me a fairly easy booking template going forward.



Tyson Baine/Des Davids/Charlie Thatcher/Eddie Peak win via pinfall @ 18:59











Copyright 2010

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Legendary show. Simply amazing. Forget the fact that we had to wait a long time for this...incredible work like this can come at any timetable. Wowza. I knew something screwy must go down for PWC to win...and, man, did it ever.


Can't wait for the USPW American Wrestling series finale. Long live PWC!



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Legendary show. Simply amazing. Forget the fact that we had to wait a long time for this...incredible work like this can come at any timetable. Wowza. I knew something screwy must go down for PWC to win...and, man, did it ever.


Can't wait for the USPW American Wrestling series finale. Long live PWC!




Agreed. While I personally would have done somethings a bit differently, that was an amazing show.

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Team USPW vs. Team Vibert


Even with the addition of Peak to Vibert's Team, Team USPW still has more star power but something tells me for things to move forward Vibert's boys pick up the win, perhaps after one of Team USPW Turning.


I kind of saw the heel turn coming :p Wasn't quite sure when I put in my predictions if it would either be Law or Champion doing the turn.


Still an excellent show, and I only saw the swerve coming because it made sense in order for things to move on. :)

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Legendary show. Simply amazing. Forget the fact that we had to wait a long time for this...incredible work like this can come at any timetable. Wowza. I knew something screwy must go down for PWC to win...and, man, did it ever.


Can't wait for the USPW American Wrestling series finale. Long live PWC!





Thanks LLK. Again, I apologize for being slow with it, I just didn't have the time in the big chunks that I needed to devote to such an important show. Also, as I said before, I wanted to have the next TV show done before I posted the PPV. I feel like they go together in a lot of ways. So, yeah, you won't have to wait too long for it. :)



Agreed. While I personally would have done somethings a bit differently, that was an amazing show.


The beauty of being a wrestling fan (let alone a member of an online community devoted to a text based pro wrestling game) is always having another way that you'd have booked it. I'm glad you're still peeking in and reading my stuff.



Excellently done. While Law turning heel kinda changes the balance of heels versus faces too much towards the heels and new owners of USPW, it's not detrimental to the overall show. Well executed, booker-man.


I thought that too, about the face/heel balance, but a quick count maybe three or four shows from now will probably see things even-steven numbers wise. Not that I'm hinting at something else, but I'm hinting at something else. ;)



I kind of saw the heel turn coming :p Wasn't quite sure when I put in my predictions if it would either be Law or Champion doing the turn.


Still an excellent show, and I only saw the swerve coming because it made sense in order for things to move on. :)


I saw that a turn would have to be the inevitable end for that match a while beforehand and tried to leave little hints along the way about who might be turning, from Bruce the Giant's past with Sam, to Sam's classic protege/mentor relationship with Nicky to what he had going down with Peter Valentine at the same time as the USPW vs. PWC stuff. I wanted it to be a surprise as much as it could be. I also really dug using the other bad guy alt for Law to turn him after using the smiling babyface one for his debut and subsequent appearances.



There is still some paperwork to get to: the show's grade, the corresponding Guest Booker segment, and the end of month wrap up, before the next show will be posted. That said, the show itself is done and the in between stuff is almost complete.



Thanks for leaving the comments and, as always to everyone who gives this a look, thanks for reading. :)

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What happened to Baine?



I'm going to summon my best Heenan-ness here and say "Maybe he got hungry?"



But great show though. I am amazed by Law's ability to grow superevil beards superquickly! Also, keep pushing the hillbillies. With that outfit, they are made for stardom and world title reigns :p

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One problem: you leave out either Baine or Thatcher in the 4-on-4. Rick Law owns Davids. He then knocks Peak and Tyson to the floor. What about Thatcher?


Then later, you meantion...Eddie and Thatcher fighting through the crowd. What happened to Baine?


Otherwise, the fact that I don't like Vibert makes me :(


What's that chant? You know, the one that smarks belt out when someone slips off the top rope trying to be graceful? Oh yeah, it's:


"You f****d up! You f****d up!"


So that...only.....me. I f****d up.


My bad. Juggling eight guys and a manager, plus an ever present two person commentary team in my head was a lot to manage, I guess. I just lost track of one of them.


I do notice it upon another re-reading, but I don't think it takes away from the match that much. Although now it's the only thing I see, I still rather like the way that match reads.


Thanks for pointing it out, though.






I'm going to summon my best Heenan-ness here and say "Maybe he got hungry?"



But great show though. I am amazed by Law's ability to grow superevil beards superquickly! Also, keep pushing the hillbillies. With that outfit, they are made for stardom and world title reigns :p



Yeah, the food in New Orleans is superb, isn't it? BAINE IS.....starving. :D


I love that mid match beard addition, too. Like he thunk it out while he was on the floor pretending to be hurt. That's probably why he was able to sell it so well, he was literally pushing a beard out of his face, the pain he was showing was quite real.


The Hillbillies alts are a masterwork by JHD who is also responsible for the new Peter Valentine as well as another upcoming debuting tag team. I think most of the new female renders/rerenders/alts that I'm using are done by Self, who has a great eye for making the different women stand out from one another.


But yeah, The Hillbillies will be around for a while. Now that they are with Memphis, and he's getting the band back together? It's going to wrestlecrap at its wrestlecrappiest.



Going to have the show's rating and buyrate (a shocker) and the ensuing Guest Booker segment posted by tomorrow night.

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USPW Born in the USA


Live on PPV

Week 4 October

New Orleans, LA


Musical Guest (B+)

Darryl Devine over Aaron Andrews (B)

Peter Valentine Arrives (B+)

T-Rex over Casey Valentine (D)

EXCESS Interview (D-)

Ford Memphis over Andre Jones ©

Caulfield Returns; Attacks Peak (A)

Belle Bryden over Alicia Strong (C-)

Sam/Nicky Backstage (A)

Sam Strong over Peter Valentine (C+)

Main Event Hype Video (B+)

Team Vibert over Team USPW (B)




Show Grade: B


PPV Buyrate: 0.74


Last Month’s PPV Buyrate: 0.69





September’s TV Grades: (C-, C-, C, C-)

October’s TV Grades: (C+, C+, C+, C+)


September’s TV Ratings: (1.05, 1.02, 1.11, 1.02)

October’s TV Ratings: (1.24, 1.23, 1.26, 1.29)


This Past Tuesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF (A/7.60) TCW (B/5.05)


Wednesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF/DaVE Dangerzone TV (C+/0.65)








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“Strong numbers, Phil, I must admit.”



“They are Strong.”






“And what an interesting choice of words, my friend.”



He laughs.



“I did a good job with that story, ok. I know I did. I’m just saying that my way of moving Sam Strong away from being the main focus, the everything of USPW, was a smart, sound way.”



“I agree, at least partially.”






“Yes, partially.”



“Screwing him, story wise, was the only way to do it. End of argument. And thanks for the endorsement, anyway. What company have you booked? Remind me not to pick up the tab the next time we order out for food.”



“Ok then. Switching gears, I’m rather happy with the Rick Law turn, and the possibilities with it going forward, but what about how it leaves the upper portion of the card. To me, it looks tilted in the direction of the heels.”



“It does look like that right now, but I’m sure that over the next few weeks, the balance will return. As it always seems to in pro wrestling, am I right?”



“So did you make another big signing that we should know about? I thought Vessey and Money turned you down?”



“They did; Troy Tornado, too.”



“So who are you bringing in?”



“The only signings that I made this month are going to be in the end of the month reports. I assure you, a main eventer will not be coming from the ranks of Craig Prince, Casey Valentine, Brett Starr, Dharma Gregg, (hidden), (hidden) or Jen or Kathy Neptune.”



“I agree. Is Prince going to be the new primary road agent?”



“He is. I’m hoping that with our move toward a more intense wrestling style, Prince’s ability to put together the types of matches he was putting together in NOTBPW will start showing up on our shows.”



“NOTBPW? No offense Phil, but their matches are a far cry from what USPW produces. In fact, it’s almost on the entirely opposite end of the spectrum.”



“You’re not hearing me. USPW is gone now, man. A-PART-OF-THE-PAST. PWC is going to have the best of everything. The best characters, the best stories, the best wrestling, the best high flying, brawling and hardcore.”






“Every company head says that you have accentuate the positives that you have and do as good a job hiding your negatives as you can.”






“But what if you thought that everything could be counted as a positive?”



“I’m not sure I’m following.”



“I didn’t expect you would.”






“I’m saying that we’re going to slowly, but methodically, transition our product so that we are positioned to, not only keep the things that USPW was doing well when it transitioned into PWC, but also to begin horning in on what SWF and TCW do well.”






“To steal TCW’s audience, which is the only way to get to their level, we’re going to have to up our game in the ring.”






“And to have a portion of the SWF’s fanbase look our way instead of theirs for their wrestling fix, we’re going to have to get a little bit more adult oriented with our themes and not insult the crowd by treating wrestling like they did twenty years ago. Unless you’re doing it specifically to feed their need for nostalgia, that is. That's different.”



“I get it. But….”



“If you’re going to ask me how exactly I’m going to get there, I haven’t gotten that far yet. At least as far as the game goes.”






“Let’s play with the product settings in the game a little bit, then. I guess that’s the only way we’ll get to where we want to go.”









(OOC: I was quite happy/blown away by the show grade. A solid B is easily the highest rated show 'Phil' has booked yet. :) )

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I really, really, really, have to get caught up with this project, NoNeck. The development alone looks amazing! I'll have to comment again once I've come to the point where I'm up to date.






Right on, EV. Thanks for looking in. It shouldn't take too long to catch up, I'm really making the effort to be less wordy. I felt that was a problem that plagued me in my last two projects.


Also, anyone not checking out EV's new DOA diary is missing out. How do I hotlink?





Great show and great recap. Really enjoying your portrayal of Vibert. I like how touchy he is and how he seems to react quite poorly to even perceived critism. Keep up the great work, NN.


Thanks, Pa. I'm having a ball living vicariously through Vibert. The Guest Booker segments are so much fun to write, it's ridiculous. I'm glad you're enjoying them.


And, continuing with the blatant commercial that I've started by plugging EV's new diary, Bigpapa's back in the business of putting out SWF goodness in the form of a new diary. Check-it-out.



I'm glad I grabbed a DOTM before you two got back at it. :)




Also, diary related, I just ran a show (I'm two ahead) and I noticed that I'm on the cusp on going national; my TV ratings have gone crazy. The "B" rated PPV must've really hit hard, eh?


The preview for the last USPW American Wrestling will be up tomorrow morning or early afternoon.



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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 1 November

Miami, FL


“The Last USPW American Wrestling Ever.”


Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion


The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson


EXCESS vs. Brendan Idol/Ben Williams


T-Rex vs. Java


Enygma vs. Des Davids






Don’t miss this historic event that will not only be headlined by a most fitting match, but will feature many of the answers the PPV left us with as well as turning the spotlight onto the upcoming transition to PWC. Set your DVR; seeing this week’s show is a priority for real wrestling fans.









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Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion

Strong passes the torch


The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

I just like Raven better


EXCESS vs. Brendan Idol/Ben Williams

Taking named team over jobber squad


T-Rex vs. Java

Jurassic Hulk smash!


Enygma vs. Des Davids

Davids is a midcarder, Enygma is a main eventer

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Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion

While a screwy interference by Viberts men is likely, I have to go with Champion. The torch is passing.


The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

Honestly I have no idea.


EXCESS vs. Brendan Idol/Ben Williams

Is it possible for this to be more of a squash then the T-Rex match below?


T-Rex vs. Java



Enygma vs. Des Davids

Face needs some momentum.

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