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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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Tyson Baine vs. Enygma - PWC World Title Cage Match


Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion – Nightstick on a Pole Match


T-Rex vs. Vibert’s Choice


Peter Valentine vs. Sam Strong - Grudge Match


Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield – Fans Bring the Weapons Match


Spade & Glenn vs. EXCESS vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine


Belle Bryden vs. TBA

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Tyson Baine vs. Enygma - PWC World Title Cage Match



Rick Law vs.Nicky Champion –Nightstick on a Pole Match

-Once Enygma falls again a new challenger is needed.


T-Rex vs. Vibert’s Choice

-Need build-up to end the streak. Since you said you werent going to end the streak the same way as Goldbergs.


Peter Valentine vs. Sam Strong - Grudge Match

-Cant see this being the blow-off. Lots left to do.


Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield – Fans Bring the Weapons Match

-No stopping Peak yet.


Spade & Glenn vs. EXCESS vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine

-Most promising team. More serious than EXCESS & more talented than Jumbo.


Belle Bryden vs. TBA

-Cant see a TBA dethroning Belle.

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Tyson Baine vs. Enygma - PWC World Title Cage Match


I don't think it's time for Baine to lose the belt, then again I don't feel this feud is over yet either...so I forsee Baine retaining through some screwy cage escape.


Rick Law vs.Nicky Champion –Nightstick on a Pole Match


As with the match above, I don't think the face gets their revenge here, which means this feud still has some legs in it.


T-Rex vs. Vibert’s Choice


The fans need a bit of hope here, that Vibert's Army are not completely unstoppable, so Vibert's Choice goes down and T-Rex continues to look like a juggernaut.


Peter Valentine vs. Sam Strong - Grudge Match


Strong may have to wheeled down the entrance ramp, but there is no way that Peter Valentine's picks up a victory here.


Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield – Fans Bring the Weapons Match


If this wasn't a No DQ stip match, then I would have gone for the face winning by DQ due to Peak being a total psycho, as it is with no rules in place the total psycho has free reign, and that will be too much for Caulfield to handle.


Spade & Glenn vs. EXCESS vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine


As others have said, they appear to be the most well rounded duo in terms of talent and potential. EXCESS look alot of fun, but for now don't have to be pushed as world beaters.


Belle Bryden vs. TBA


Ok just to be different, I wil go for Vibert pulling a shocker here and whoever TBA is they will defeat Belle on their debut.

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Tyson Baine vs. Enygma - PWC World Title Cage Match


Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion –Nightstick on a Pole Match - It's Law's trademark match! He can't LOSE!


T-Rex vs. Vibert’s Choice - Splat.


Peter Valentine vs. Sam Strong - Grudge Match - SCHMOZZ After Vibert and co get involved.


Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield – Fans Bring the Weapons Match


Spade & Glenn vs. EXCESS vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine - Pin on Jumbo/Casey to keep EXCESS strong though.


Belle Bryden vs. TBA - Splat? I'm guessing...

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Tyson Baine vs. Enygma - PWC World Title Cage Match

Toppling Baine would be a huge deal and I don't think Enygma is the right man at the right time to do it.


Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion –Nightstick on a Pole Match

Possibly a swerve finish here with Law getting the nightstick, but being defeated by the clean-playing Champion.


T-Rex vs. Vibert’s Choice

I don't think Vibert's choice will matter here.


Peter Valentine vs. Sam Strong - Grudge Match

More mileage left in this one.


Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield – Fans Bring the Weapons Match

Somebody needs to bring a bodybag for Caulfield. Unless somebody hands Caulfield a gun, I just can't see any reason why he'd take this match.


Spade & Glenn vs. EXCESS vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine

Matching singlets. That is all.


Belle Bryden vs. TBA

Depends on who else is kicking around as a potential opponent. I'm loathe to go against two mystery opps, but I shall do so anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tyson Baine vs. Enygma - PWC World Title Cage Match


Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion –Nightstick on a Pole Match


T-Rex vs. Vibert’s Choice


Peter Valentine vs. Sam Strong - Grudge Match


Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield – Fans Bring the Weapons Match


Spade & Glenn vs. EXCESS vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine


Belle Bryden vs. TBA

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In general, I think this is gonna' be the 'hope spot' show for the face's/former USPW guys.


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma - PWC World Title Cage Match - Enygma's not the guy to take the belt off Baine.


Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion – Nightstick on a Pole Match - You've noted Champion is over as hell now, so he can go over Law without it seeming insane.


T-Rex vs. Vibert’s Choice - You're not Kevin Nash in 1999, so you're not going to kill off your newly turned face right away.


Peter Valentine vs. Sam Strong - Grudge Match - 'Cause there's really no reason for 60 year old Valentine to beat 60 year old Strong.


Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield – Fans Bring the Weapons Match - Peak's a main event, Caufield's a guy.


Spade & Glenn vs. EXCESS vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine - Spade & Glenn are getting a rocket up their ass because ya' know, there's Spade & Glenn.


Belle Bryden vs. TBA

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-PWC Genesis-

Live on PPV

Week 4 November

New York, NY






-Free Live Internet Pre-Show-








Brett Starr vs. American Optimus


Result: A fast paced spotfest starts the free internet preshow, with the masked American Optimus staying move for move with the young and very brash “Hollywood” Brett Starr. After nearly five minutes of breathless back and forth wrestling, American Optimus catches Starr with a lucha style rollup following a pair of hurancanranas. It nets him the three count.



Phil’s Story Notes: I thought starting out with two guys that our fans had never seen kind of sets the tone for what I’d like to accomplish with the pre-show. I made sure that the action was non-stop and kind of relied on that to get the crowd going.



American Optimus wins via pinfall @ 4:58









A pre-produced vignette rolls, flashing white hot lights into your eyes while smash cutting it with still shots of a freshly dug, grey, desolate grave. There is no dialogue.










Shawn Doakes, Mickey Starr, and Emily Royal sit ringside instead of up the aisle on their riser due to the special design of tonight’s pay-per-view set. It is massive, with three silver arches spanning the stage and multiple medium sized spotlights shooting beams of light that reflect off of its various edges.



SD: “And folks, if you’re enjoying this live PWC pre-show, either on the internet or live on pay-per-view, and you haven’t already purchased Genesis, do yourself a favor a do it now, because the lineup is off the charts.”



MS: “In addition to the World Title Cage Match, we’ve got Rick Law against Nicky Champion in a ‘nightstick on a pole’ match, hall-of-famer Sam Strong against his former best friend Peter Valentine…..”



ER: “……A ‘Fans Bring the Weapons’ match that pits the psychotic Eddie Peak against Tri-State hardcore legend Chris Caulfield…….”



SD: “And a special challenge match where T-Rex’s 98-0 undefeated streak will be put on the line against a challenger hand picked by PWC owner Phil Vibert.”



MS: “What are you waiting for? Pick up that phone!”











<a href="

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The Neptune Twins vs. Dharma Gregg/Alexis Lee


Result: It was kind of sloppy, but this match comes together at the end, with a finish that no one saw coming. Dharma and Alexis are not a regular team, and in fact, have never worked together as a tag team before. Kat and Jen are twin sisters and have the communication thing over them all day.



But Lee and Gregg rally, using their athleticism to gain the advantage before…..






……The Bomb blasts Dharma Gregg in the back with steel chair from the apron behind the back of referee Baby Jamie. It leads to a tidy rollup by Kat as Jen comes flying across the ring to intercept Alexis.



ER: “No doubt The Bomb’s getting a bit of revenge for that loss to Dharma on the last PWC TV.”



SD: “But that’s not how I thought The Bomb operated. I thought she was a ‘straight to your face’ kind of girl.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Nice story progression here and a chance to get the Neptune’s in the ring with a couple of solid workers.



Neptune Twins win via pinfall @ 4:02










End Free Live Internet Pre-show/PPV Open











Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield

-Fans Bring the Weapons Match-



Result: The live event hits the pay-per-view airwaves with a huge pyro display, leaving many of the fans grabbing at their ears.



SD: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to PWC Genesis, I’m Shawn Doakes, joined by Mickey Starr and Emily Royal and we’re going to hit the ground running with the Fans Bring the Weapons Match.”



MS: “Let’s get to it!”



And it is everything the bloodthirsty tri-state fans want and then some.



Some highlights from the early going:




…..a fan wearing a DaVE T-shirt holds a bicycle over his head and passes it to the two men as they brawl in the mouth of the aisle. Peak grabs it by the front tire and swings it at Caulfield, wrapping it around him awkwardly….



….Peak pulls a trashcan from the front row and throws it into the ring where it is quickly caught by Caulfield. And, not knowing that fact, when he slides back under the bottom rope, it gets crushed over his head. But Peak is a monster and just flips it off, disregarding the blood now trickling down his nose from the can-shot.



….Peak gets a running start and dives through the ropes to the floor, but the tri-state hardcore icon grabs hold of the trashcan lid on the floor and blasts the maniacal Peak in the face with it on his way by.



When Caulfield pulls table from underneath the ring, as the match nears its finish, the fans get really loud. But when he pulls a second, a third, and a fourth table from under the ring skirt and walks them up the aisle two at a time before setting them up, stacking them two-by-two on the floor below the stage, the place becomes electric with hardcore anticipation.



Caulfield tries to lead the stunned Peak up onto the stage by his blood streaked hair, but Peak swings his fists aimlessly and connects on more than a few, detouring Caulfield into the crowd back beside some production equipment before finally making their way back to the side of the stage. They battle wildly…..



…..so much so that they don’t notice an oddly shaped crate set out right next to them. It looks a bit different than the other road cases that the two have knocked about.



SD: “What is that? That box? I might be mistaken, but it looks like casket?”



ER: “Who brought a casket to a wrestling match?”



MS: “I told you that some of these Philly fans weren’t right in the head. You tell them to bring things from home…..and they do, don’t they?”



They lock together and struggle a bit before Peak leans in and bites Caulfield on the head. The momentary pause in the Caulfield’s attack leaves Eddie enough of an opening to shove his longtime rival backward over the box/casket/road case, sending him blowing through a mountain of PWC travel equipment only feet from the table stack he had created to send Peak through.



Eddie, blood flowing freely from a multitude of wounds, barely has the energy or presence to get down to the floor. He falls to his knees and tumbles over, landing near enough to Caulfield that he reaches an arm out to get the decisive cover.



SD: “Guys, that was just ridiculous. What a war!”



MS: “We knew neither man would come out of this unscathed but after watching that, I wonder if those guys will be on the road again tonight or whether they’ll be spending the night at Mercy Hospital downtown.”



ER: “And with the rest of the matches we’ve got coming up, they might want to make another couple of reservations at the hospital. Tonight will have a few more casualties, I guarantee it.”




Phil’s Story Notes: Storyline shift for one of our hottest feuds. I love having these two go at it, and I love using them in the opener on a show in New York. But whoever comes out of this program on the winning end will need to be pushed to the next level, so deciding who it will be will take some planning because elevating one means dropping the other somewhat. How things shake out, roster level, face/heel wise may end up being the deciding factor.




Eddie Peak wins via pinfall @ 11:28










Darryl Devine sits and watches the show from one of the arena’s luxury boxes. And as Seduction rubbernecks to see who she can see, celebrity wise, in the adjacent boxes, Devine motions for the camera to come closer.



DD: “I intend to make the PWC Television title THE most important wrestling championship in the world.”



It sits folded up right in front of him, next to a half a draft beer.



DD: “Starting right now, I’m going to show everyone who ever thought I might be something in this business exactly what I am.”



He flexes his fingers inside the ever present cast on his arm.



DD: “And that’s the best.”



He smirks. It’s a smarmy smirk; there’s nothing redeeming about it at all.



DD: “There will be a line of losers and has-beens a mile long, looking for a shot at the TV title, and I say….bring ‘em on.”



A hand gets extended toward him with something to sign. He slaps it away before continuing.



DD: “But be careful what you wish for, idiots. Because coming after my belt puts you into my crosshairs.”



DD: “And when you feel that strange tingling on the back of your neck, you’d better turn around. Because it’s Darryl Devine……”



He takes the last sip of his beer and throws the wet cup over the edge onto the fans below.



DD: “And it’s already too late.”












Promo to Hype Upcoming Tag Title Tournament; All Three Teams in the following match are participating in the tournament.












<a href="

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Jumbo/Casey vs. EXCESS vs. Glenn & Spade

-Three Team Tag Match-



Result: All three of these teams are looking to gain any advantage over any prospective opponents that they might encounter in the upcoming tag team title tournament. And all three teams end up looking good in what proves to be a pretty good match.



MS: “I said during the break that this match could be really good, didn’t I?”



SD: “You did.”



ER: “Wow, you should by a lottery ticket, Starr. That’s some amazing analysis right there.”



Spade and Glenn take control by singling out Matt Hocking, keeping both his partner, Remmy Skye, and Jumbo and Casey, out of the ring while they school the partyboy with a series of tandem moves. He eventually hot tags Remmy in, but it does little to derail the momentum that Glenn & Spade have built up.



The finish comes when they deliver their "Future Perfect" finisher to Skye - Glenn launching the Remmy into a German suplex throw and having him met mid-air by Spade’s springboard missile drop kick; it’s brutal. Hitting Skye square in the chest, it flips him over twice before he settles on his face in a heap where he’s quickly rolled into a pin by Glenn.



SD: “And that was a most impressive finishing move from Glenn & Spade, Mickey.”



MS: “Yeah, I’ve never seen anything like it before. I bet Remmy won’t be going to the after-party tonight.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Thought this was a good spot in the PPV to have this match, as these teams need some exposure and the position on the show meant the grade mattered less than having it in an important slot.



Glenn & Spade win via pinfall @ 5:59















Peter Valentine is backstage standing alongside Tommy Townsend; Jumbo Jackson and Casey Valentine stand on either side of Tommy scowling at him, fresh from the ring, still trying to look mean, even after the last.



PV: “Tommy Townsend, tonight I’m going to get the opportunity to finally…..”



He pauses and tilts his head back little bit.






His bellow jumps Tommy a bit.



PV: “…..tonight, I finally get the chance to do what so many men have tried and failed to do: rid this business of the cancer known as Sam Strong.”



Tommy looks a bit amused by Valentine’s proclamation and the look on his face stops Peter from continuing.



PV: “What?”



Tommy shakes his head before the three of them egg him on.



TT: “Well, if you’re going to ‘take out’ a ring legend like Sam Strong, shouldn’t you have been able to beat a guy like Aaron Andrews, who has much less experience, without cheating?”



Valentine slowly turns red and grabs Tommy by the shirt.



PV: “You listen to me, new interview guy, sometime in the future, I’ll get that snot nosed little punk in the ring again and…..”



Tommy is feeling bold and cuts him off again. It must be the hockey background.



TT: “Andrews has already requested and received a rematch against you. It’s next week on PWC TV.”



Valentine fumes at hearing the news and looks to be on the verge of pounding Tommy when he hears “legitimate American” begin blasting in the arena, signaling Sam Strong’s arrival to the ring, and lets him go, shoving him away violently before walking off with Jumbo and Casey toward a waiting limo that’s pulled backstage.













Sam Strong vs. Peter Valentine


Result: As deeply personal as any battle that we’ve ever seen, this match starts when Valentine pulls his special event white stretch limo into the arena and Sam Strong dives onto the hood from the ramp. It takes him a minute, but he pulls the cowardly Valentine out of the car and begins running him into the side of it over and over again.



He starts bleeding quickly and the bulk of this match is essentially that, these two bashing each other with things and into things until they bleed. In fact, once the action finally gets to the ring, the finishing sequence follows the exact same sequence as the rest of the match.



Strong looks to be on the verge of doling out a “Strong Arm Tactic” for Valentine when the millionaire drops to his knees and feigns begging for his life. It stalls Strong just long enough for Valentine to bury a fist in the legend’s crotch, which topples Strong instantly.



With Strong down Valentine rolls to the floor and, after wiping the slowing trickle of blood from his brow, begins breaking apart the steel ring steps, lifting the top part of and tossing it over his head back into the ring.



It is a bad move, when he climbs back in, Strong is up and waiting for him, getting a running start and braining him with the piece of steps he threw in seconds before. He tosses the weapon over the top rope, back to the floor, in the direction of Casey Valentine, who emerged from the back a few minutes before. And, upon getting Valentine back to his feet, Strong looks to be on the verge of a win. But Casey, under orders one would assume, brought Valentine’s silver knobbed cane to the ring with him and sneakily slides it across the canvas toward his uncle.



With one lucky swing, Peter connects, drilling Strong in the side of the head and falling on top of him in one not-so-smooth motion.















Phil’s Story Notes: As much as I seemingly wrote off Peter Valentine after his last match with Aaron Andrews, explaining that his time with the company was limited, the simple fact is that Sam Strong’s is much shorter. I’m surprised that I’ve gotten away with rolling his carcass out to the ring as many times as I have, to be honest; my mind has been solely on the ratings it could deliver and nothing else. And I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of him in the ring, but I bet I can count the amount of times I’ll ever have him suit up again on one hand.




Peter Valentine wins via stoppage @ 10:42













The loud arguing coming from Nicky Champion’s locker room since the recent troubles between he and Alicia Strong is nothing new. But the violent slamming of the door and the verbal battle spilling out into the hallway draws more than a few stares from backstage staffers.



NC: “So that’s it? You’re just going to scream at me and walk out?”



AS: “How did you want it to end? With flowers? I made a mistake with you, Nicky. Get lost!”



She turns and storms up the hallway. Nicky takes a step, but Alicia, seemingly sensing it, stops for a second but does not turn around.



AS: “Do NOT follow me!”



It stops Nicky flat-footed, leaving him to watch her walk away alone.



Belle Bryden, on her way toward the ring, stands along the wall of the adjacent hallway, apparently very pleased with what she has just witnessed.













Belle Bryden vs. Grace Harper

-USPW/PWC Women’s Title Match-


Result: This is already a great evening for Bryden to begin with, but the way she comes to the ring focused and dispatches her opponent, Grace Harper, a world class performer for the AAA promotion, might make it an even better one.



They have a few great exchanges that bring to mind a few of their past matches before Bryden takes control, not only by out-wrestling Grace, but by having Grace fall victim to her entourage.



Harper tries not to pay attention to the cavalcade of action at ringside, but like so many before her, she cannot. One glance over as Raven Robinson is tugging at the hem of her skirt, looking to entice Baby Jamie, and it’s over. A wicked spinning back kick nearly knocks her out; it is more than enough to get the three count and the victory.



Phil’s Story Notes: I wanted to have the Women’s Champion on the PPV but I am not at the point in either of Bryden’s stories to necessitate a payoff type match. So instead, I went with a tried and true booking trick: the longtime indy rival coming in to rekindle a long term feud….and to do the job. Let’s go ahead and call this operation a success. I might give Harper a look in six months or a year’s time, because she can really go, but it’ll have to be after the stink of this shellacking isn’t so fresh in the fans’ mind.



Bryden wins via pinfall @ 7:01













“Streak. Streak. Streak.”



“This is the chant that has been building at PWC events the second fans first lay eyes on the ninety-eight and zero undefeated mammoth T-Rex when he heads toward the ring every week.”



“But now, the biggest roadblock in Rex’s path might not be a professional wrestler at all. But rather……”







“Phil Vibert.”



The shot switches to a clip of Vibert’s online promo from mid week.



PV: “Congratulations, T-Rex, you now have my FULL attention.”



PV: “This Sunday at Genesis, T-Rex, you will finally face an opponent of some stature in this business, both in size and list of accomplishments.”



It ends with Vibert’s voice echoing while a truly enormous silhouette is panned by the camera, obscuring features but not hiding the sheer size of Rex’s opponent.



PV: “No more screwing around, Mr. Winning-streak. Let’s see you how you handle someone better than you…..better than you…..better than you…..”










T-Rex vs. Bruce the Giant



Result: T-Rex comes out first to his usual amount of fanfare. The crowd has really taken to him and his winning streak, not to mention how he’s become a bit of an adversary of Phil Vibert’s. But when the first few strains of Vibert’s chosen opponent’s music hits, hundreds of jaws drop around the arena.



SD: “Bruce the Giant? This is unbelievable. A Hall of Famer?”



MS: “Wow, I’m stunned. Knocking down Bruce is not an easy task, let alone pinning him. T-Rex has his work cut out for him.”



ER: “Never screw around with the head office, folks. Bad things happen.”



If you like hard hitting matches this should certainly flat your boat, as these two beasts go back and forth like two old time boxers trading bombs.



The finish comes when T-Rex is shoved into the ropes by the unbelievably huge Bruce and comes off hard, getting hammered to the canvas with a clothesline, leaving him on one knee as the legend sizes him up.



And there is a collective gasp in the building as Bruce whips Rex into the ropes and drills him in the face with his trademark huge boot.



MS: “And I don’t care who you are, you’re not getting up from that.”



Maybe the shot rattles his brain a bit, but it’s a portion that he doesn’t need; suddenly T-Rex is back on his feet, and he’s right in the face of the giant.



Two shots become three from the rallying Rex before Bruce rears back and looks to land a bomb of his own. It is an axehandle and it misses its mark, with Rex stepping aside, letting Bruce’s bad knees wobble a bit and shifting him off balance.



It’s the only window of opportunity the undefeated juggernaut would need.



SD: “He’s behind him! JURASSIC CRUSH! IT’S LOCKED IN!”



MS: “He’s even reaching up a little bit to do it, Doakes; I wonder if he can hold it on.”



He can. Bruce falls to one knee with T-Rex still holding the full nelson on, squeezing the legend downward. Baby Jamie, begin dwarfed by the combatants, sneaks in and raises the giant’s arm to check if he is still conscious. It drops. Then, it drops again.



T-Rex wrenches the hold in and squeezes one last time before Baby Jamie drops Bruce’s arm the third and decisive time. He drops the giant to the canvas and raises his arms, leaving the mammoth to lay on his face, one eye open, huffing and puffing heavily.



SD: “99-0. Unbelievable.”



MS: “And victim number ninety nine was a hall-of-famer and one of the true legends of his business if not THE legend, Bruce the Giant.”



SD: “I wonder who will be victim number one hundred?”



ER: “I’m sure Mr. Vibert will have a hand in picking that person.”



Phil’s Story Notes: This should be the big bump in T-Rex’s popularity that I’m looking for, right here, and moreover, should quiet down the folks that have been chirping about him beating jobbers for months on end. I only have Bruce under contract for a couple more months so my feeling is that, unless I get struck by a sudden inspiration for him story wise, he’ll be gone then. Thusly, he’ll be doing this a few more times before he goes out the door, too.



T-Rex wins via submission @ 4:36










Law and Champion Hype Video; it hits all the hot points. Law’s Debut, his Turn on Team USPW to Join Team Vibert swaying things Vibert’s way; his ruining the last match on USPW American Wrestling; his beating Nicky senseless the following week in their first match; and his bloodying Nicky with his baton at the conclusion of last week’s PWC TV.



It sets up the next match so well, we go straight to the ring.













Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion

-Nightstick on a Pole Match-


Result: The fans are on top of Rick Law from the second he comes down the ramp, chewing an unlit half-cigar and eyeing the baton that is hung from a hook up the twenty foot pole in the far corner of the ring. One middle aged man in a USPW t-shirt screams profanity at him as he passes. But that same fan flinches like a puppy when Law threateningly pulls his hand back, like he is going to slap him.



Nicky Champion is met with the over the top response you’d expect and he carries that energy into the match, starting strong and taking it right to Law.



But Law has years of big time experience on Champion and quickly turns the tide on the youngster, using Champion’s overzealousness against him when Nicky tries to slide in a stealth superkick and gets dropped on his face with a toehold.



From there it is a veritable clinic power brawling clinic with Law seemingly intent on breaking every bone in Nicky’s body, blowing him up time after time with huge offense.



SD: “Oddly enough fans, we are almost nine minutes into this one and neither man has made a move for the baton.”



ER: “Neither man? Nicky Champion has been on his face for the whole match. The only one who has even had the chance to get it is Rick Law, but he’s proving that he can demolish Nicky without it.”



Law braces Nicky’s arm behind his back, chicken wing style, and hoists him up for a bodyslam. But instead of depositing him back down on the canvas, he gets a running start and buries him in the turnbuckles, shaking the whole ring with the impact.



It is then that Law looks up at the baton for the first time, eyeing it as it swings back and forth from the pole. He pushes the heap of Nicky Champion over, out of his way, and climbs to the top rope, reaching up, but it’s still too far away.



He jumps down and grabs Baby Jamie by the shoulder yelling in his face.






Jamie is petrified and just shrugs and shakes his head before Law lets him go and the front office’s enforcer rolls to the floor. With Champion still rolling around on the mat trying to find his bearings, Law pulls up the special green, silver, and black ring skirt and begins rooting around under the ring.



SD: “And who knows what’s left after the Peak and Caulfield match earlier.”



MS: “Maybe there’s another casket under there somewhere.”



Law pulls out two tables, leaning them against the timekeepers table, but goes back underneath a third time.



MS: “Obviously that not what he’s looking for.”



When he emerges the next time he is pulling on his prize, a monumentally huge ladder that he erects and places on the floor directly under the arm that holds the baton.



Law looks in the ring; Nicky is back on his feet but is slumped against the buckles across the ring, still holding his head and not looking like he even knows what state he’s in. It is enough of an opportunity for Law who grabs hold of the ladder and begins climbing it in earnest.



SD: “If he gets up there and grabs that nightstick, Nicky Champion is in for it. He might be spending the next little while in the hospital.”



ER: “He can room with Caulfield, right?”



The ladder gets a bit more wobbly under his weight the higher up he gets; it makes the going a lot slower.



Champion clears the cobwebs for long enough to process what is happening and makes his most daring move in this business to date, sprinting across the ring, onto the top turnbuckle under the baton in one leap step, and hops onto the other side of the ladder, face to face with Rick Law, high over the concrete arena floor below.



SD: “I don’t believe what I just saw! Champion just defied the laws of physics; how much does he weigh again? Two-fifty? Two-sixty?”



The two men trade punches from their sides of the ladder, both trying to throw and block while balancing on their step. It is not pretty. But the intensity of the situation and everybody looking upward at the action distracts from a small disturbance at ringside where a man jumps the guardrail and slides into the ring.



SD: “OH my god, is that………..”



SD: “It is; it’s JAMES JUSTICE!”



MS: “He looks…..different, Doakes.”






He does; a black headband and tank top replace the familiar tie-dye wear of his past and he looks to be in phenomenal shape, maybe down fifteen or twenty unneeded pounds. He quickly gets onto the top rope right near where Law and Champion are battling and puts his boot on the ladder’s brace, motioning to the men on the ladder.



SD: “Who did he yell out to? What’s going on here?”



It only takes a second. Justice gives the ladder a shove. It teeters for a second then slowly tips over, sucking the air out of the building as they watch for its inevitable end. And it is a monster. Both men come flying off and go blowing through the two leaning tables and the timekeeper’s table, turning the whole area into a splintery rubble filled mess.



Baby Jamie goes to the floor and then waves to the back for the company physician, who runs out alongside three or four paramedics. Just by looking them over for a few seconds, he rules that they are both so injured that neither can continue on and the match needs to be stopped. Jamie does as he says and calls for the bells as both men are gently eased onto stretchers and rolled back up the ramp.



SD: “Well, Law and Champion are going to have to settle this at another time, but one thing is certain…..James Justice is back!”



MS: “Yeah, but who did he mean to push?”



ER: “Look at him. Dressed in black? Scowling at the world? I know whose side he’s on; don’t make me say it.”



MS: “No way he’s with the head office, Royal. No way in hell.”



He lurks around the ring until both men are gone, not looking particularly interested in the condition of either.



Phil’s Story Notes: Ah yes, the old fashioned no finish, my long lost friend. I knew that this was a much better place to have James Justice make his return than somewhere in the main event and there was no better time to do it than at the match’s peak. Plus, I have a feeling that the “whose side is he on” thing will help draw a few more sets of eyeballs to Wednesday’s PWC TV.



Double Stoppage @ 12:43











After a quick video retrospective of the long running main event feud and the compulsory use of a bunch of spotlights and ominous music to signal the decent of the steel cage, the cameras shoot back to the backstage area where Tommy Townsend has positioned himself just outside Enygma’s still closed locker room door.



When it swings open, Enygma walks out. His eyes are so cold and focused, they distract from his totally new look, complete with a hair change and a plethora of new tattoos including a large tribal half-sleeve.



Tommy is taken aback by the change, but smiles, looking into the camera quickly before preparing to lob a question.



He takes too long.



Because suddenly…..





Tyson Baine forces his way into things and begins wildly trading punches with Enygma, their match only moments away. The whole area fills with security, dozens upon dozens of security guards, getting in between the two rivals just as Baine begins to try swinging his chain at Enygma.





Jay Fair, the PWC’s new head official who has seen the anarchy-like state of the company in action all night, leads a third brigade of thick-necked security guys into the scrum and, after a few seconds, finally has order restored.









Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

-PWC World Heavyweight Title Cage Match-


Result: By the time the main event rolls around, the sellout crowd is going absolutely crazy. And Enygma’s appearance on the stage following his familiar theme music’s first power chord does nothing to slow them down.



They immediately turn on the hate at the same volume when Baine’s entrance begins. It is pay-per-view long and much more drawn out than usual, with some monster blasts of pyro accompanying his brand new, even more sinister music.



When they are finally all alone in the cage, it takes them a second to let loose, unlike when they were backstage. But when it finally happens, it is chaos.



Somehow, both men stay on their feet despite losing copious amounts of blood as this bout hits all the traditional cage match spots including a particularly disgusting face grating into the cage by the monster Baine which turns Enygma’s freshly dyed hair an even darker shade of red.



Everything progresses as you might expect from there with Enygma taking a most serious beating at the hands of the sadistic world champion before mounting his comeback.



SD: “And now Enygma is getting pumped up, Mickey; the fans are pulling him through the fire!”



MS: “They are going to need to give him everything they’ve got; Baine’s a monster, Doakes!”



He lands a pair of huge punches on Baine that rocks the bigger man back onto his heels before taking off for the corner and climbing up to the top turnbuckle. Baine spins around and walks right into a huge flying shoulder tackle from Enygma that puts him on his back.



SD: “And look guys, Enygma’s going up top again.”



ER: “Which is strange; he rarely if ever goes for these high risk type moves.”



MS: “But it’s a big match, maybe the biggest of his career. He’s gonna leave it all out there, I guarantee that.”



They foreshadow everything perfectly. Before Enygma can get himself set and come off with whatever move he has in mind, Baine is on him, grabbing hold of his shoulder and waistband and pressing him high overhead. But instead of just slamming him to the mat below, Baine turns and launches Enygma headfirst into the side of the cage, letting him slide all the way down the chain link after the impact.



But again, the fans are behind Enygma and he pops up to his feet almost instantly, stepping back through the ropes, waiting for Baine to turn back around. And when he does, Baine surprisingly drills him in the face with a boot and signals to Phil Vibert at ringside.





SD: “What’s going on here? What does Baine want?”



It is his chain that he wants. Vibert grabs it and wads it up and hurls it as high as he can, sending it halfway into the ring before it comes to stop on the top of the cage.


Referee Ryan Holland sees the chain but only looks toward Vibert, who shakes his head at the official.



SD: “Do your job, Holland! Toss that damned thing back out! This isn’t a chain match!”



But he doesn’t. He just keeps looking at Vibert, staring at him, as Baine yanks the chain down off of the cage and wraps it around his fist.



Enygma gets to his feet just in time to take one right in the face, sending him flatbacked onto the canvas. Vibert breaks into a round of applause, clearly pleased with Holland’s decision to allow the chain as Baine lifts the bloody and only barely conscious Enygma to his shaky, uneven feet.



SD: “This is sick! Goddamn you, Phil Vibert!”



Baine wraps both hands around Enygma’s throat before backing into a corner and slowly, ominously, stepping up onto the second rope. The crowd hushes as he strains, but succeeds in lifting Enygma all the way up pausing for just a second before “Hades Bomb”-ing (two handed chokeslam) him down into a lifeless heap. The pin is a formality.



And as Vibert raises Baine’s arm, holding the brand new PWC World title belt aloft in his other hand, Ryan Holland passes him going out the cage door, hustling to the ringside seat where new PWC head official Jay Fair watched the match. They begin chatting back and forth, with Fair glancing up from the discussion to make eye contact with Vibert for a moment. He shakes his head and looks disgusted.



SD: “That was about as BS a finish as I’ve ever seen! Phil Vibert’s fingerprints were all over it; and it was for the World Championship! What sort of beginning for PWC has Genesis been?”



ER: “One that tells you it’s Mr. Vibert’s world, you idiots. You two are lucky to have jobs.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Yeah, so I couldn’t put Enygma over Baine. I wanted to, even leading up to this match, but when it finally came down to it, I think faces chasing the super monster champion is too good a thing to jump out of so soon. And currently, the PWC has a few faces that could step up and take Enygma’s place as our number one. His storyline will keep him near the main event, but his time as the guy chasing the belt has come to an end for the time being.



At least for a couple of weeks, anyway.



Tyson Baine wins via pinfall @ 20:02















Copyright PWC 2010

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Excellent show all-around NN, but please do allow me to nitpick a couple of things out of respect ;)



Eddie Peak's new render sucks! Thats not the Great White Shark, its the Great White Blob!

But at least he's got a bithsycle and Chris does sorta look good enough.


Enygma's new look is good, but it did make me think "Jeff, is that you?"


And thirdly, I'm under the impression a steel cage contains bars, not mesh. Wasn't this technically a steel cell match?

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Classic storytelling: when you've got two factions going to war, always have a wildcard who fights for neither side, instead they fight for themselves. Then slowly turn them somewhat towards the good guys and you've a complete badass on your hands.


James Justice will be that badass.

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Great show NN. Only complaint would be that I am not liking some of the new renders, but I cant exactly argue that you shouldnt use them as it is your choice (And you have already made me accept PV, Des Davids & T-Rex's re-renders).
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Thanks for the comments, everyone. I'm glad the show was enjoyed. I was going to quote everyone's posts so I could answer everything, but it was an awful lot of windows to have open on the old office computer I'm on right now. :)



Eidenhoek, I've fixed the outcome of the AO v Starr match. Thanks for picking it up. It's yet another reason I wouldn't recommend doing your final read through a couple of pints deep.


And as far as Bryden and Harper blowing up the PWC hotness meter, it was not an accident. Sex appeal is certainly a trait the new, evolving product settings will favor more and more.



Waghlon, when people read close enough to nitpick, I give them much respect. Thanks for doing so. :)


The cage, as I imagined it, was not a steel cell, but more of the old school wire/fence cage that the NWA used. I will almost certainly have a cell match at some point in the future and wanted to keep this one to a more basic level of cage so I could up the ante later.


Did I call it mesh somewhere? If I did, I was just trying to be too flowery for my own good, over-descriptive. It's a habit like any other.



Celt, I'm glad you liked that segment, as I had a lot of fun planning it out. I had already decided on when I wanted to have Justice come back after his last match, but I couldn't decide which side I should have him support. Then it became obvious that that was the story, right there.


And the Heenan-ness in that Mickey Starr commentary is too hard to ignore. Isn't it funny that some moments like that are inevitably tied to the commentary that happened as they unfolded. You can't not hear him in it.



Now, concerning the renders......



I hear you.


I'm not too sure about the Eddie Peak either. In fact, it's the one that is really bothering me the most, mainly because he is a character that I have firmly implanted in my head and it's the old render. Thanks, Pox.


But when that Caulfield popped onto the thread the other day, I got Ewanite's go ahead and decided to use it. Having a new Eddie to go along with it, at the PPV of all places, just seemed right.


I really like the new Nicky Champion and will be keeping that one (hopefully alted with a collared shirt and a tank top, like his old ones at some point) forevermore. I'm hoping by the end of this diary, Nicky is one of the characters that gets associated with it.


Other than that, I'm kind of in the middle on the rest. I like the Bryden one, and like giving her a new look at a time when her storyline is starting to really spread its wings and get good.


Any opinions on any of the others will be taken into consideration. If something's bugging you, it's probably bugging me, too. So let me know.


Got the show's ratings and such to post before the next preview, Guest Booker segment, and show. It'll be up in a few hours or so. Wait till you see how it did. I'll bet you're as shocked at the grade as I was.




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Waghlon, when people read close enough to nitpick, I give them much respect. Thanks for doing so. :)


Did I call it mesh somewhere? If I did, I was just trying to be too flowery for my own good, over-descriptive. It's a habit like any other.


Well I were wondering how you grated someone's face on what I assumed to be a series of steel bars. Also, you directly called it a mesh at some point.



I guess it pays to have just gotten out of bed when you read shows :p

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Eddie Peak's new render sucks! Thats not the Great White Shark, its the Great White Blob!

But at least he's got a bithsycle and Chris does sorta look good enough


Considering how much work went into that render, saying it 'sucks' is a little harsh methinks.

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Now, concerning the renders......



I hear you.


I'm not too sure about the Eddie Peak either. In fact, it's the one that is really bothering me the most, mainly because he is a character that I have firmly implanted in my head and it's the old render. Thanks, Pox.


But when that Caulfield popped onto the thread the other day, I got Ewanite's go ahead and decided to use it. Having a new Eddie to go along with it, at the PPV of all places, just seemed right.


I really like the new Nicky Champion and will be keeping that one (hopefully alted with a collared shirt and a tank top, like his old ones at some point) forevermore. I'm hoping by the end of this diary, Nicky is one of the characters that gets associated with it.


Other than that, I'm kind of in the middle on the rest. I like the Bryden one, and like giving her a new look at a time when her storyline is starting to really spread its wings and get good.


Any opinions on any of the others will be taken into consideration. If something's bugging you, it's probably bugging me, too. So let me know.


Got the show's ratings and such to post before the next preview, Guest Booker segment, and show. It'll be up in a few hours or so. Wait till you see how it did. I'll bet you're as shocked at the grade as I was.





Eddie is the one I primarily have a problem with. Like you, the original render is how I imagine Peak and the change would be hard for me to accept. The new render brings out the crazy side of Peak (which is emphasised in this diary) but loses some of the menace (which again is emphasised in this diary).


My problem with Nicky is because of the alt you were using before. He went from being a bad-you-know-what that was pierced, wearing a tanktop, and in my vision tatoo'd. Now he has went to looking like a pasty 12 year old. It would be a more easy transition if it was from the original render. It might be easier to accept if/when it gets alt'ed.


IMO Belle's render makes her look slightly older than she is. But if the picture suits your plans I am all for it.


And since I didnt really go into detail before, here is my show review.


-Suprised to see AO go over Starr, but cool to see two good talents get a shot.

-Interested to see where your going with the women.

-Mystery Grave Video? Its Sting...Sting is finally coming to WWE...Sorry, got confused for a minute. My early predictions Steve Frehley or Vengeance.

-Again, Peak vs Caulfield is really interesting. No idea who will win the fued, but Caulfield needs to step it up. He keeps getting his *** handed to him.

-Cant wait to see who will challenge DD. Unless he goes into beat jobber mode until one jobber beats him.

-Buzz phrase: Cant wait to see: who gets the tag titles.

-Is that "FINALLY!" a reference to The Rock or a happy coincidence.

-Suprised Bruce was picked to face Rexy. Even more suprised that you are considering letting the big man leave. Even as a gate to the main event he is incredibly useful.

-James Justice surely has to be aligned with the faces. There is a hell of a lot of top heels compared to faces.

-Nice way to finish the Cage match. Puts Baine over but doesnt close the door on a future Enygma title shot. But who will challenge Baine next. I have no idea.

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You're right. 'Sucks' is too harsh and I apologize. But the render does take away almost everything that makes Eddie Peak what he is.


I don't use the image myself, I never have and I actually much prefer LoNdOn's recent effort. I did it as a challenge for myself, and because I needed an alt that wasn't possible from the base image (at least not easily).


Still, apology accepted.

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Live on PPV

Week 4 November

New York, NY





Eddie Peak over Chris Caulfield (C+)

Devine Promo (B+)

Tag Tournament Promo (B+)

Spade & Glenn over EXCESS and Casey/Jumbo (D-)

Peter Valentine w/ Tommy Townsend (B+)

Peter Valentine over Sam Strong (C-)

Alicia and Nicky Break-Up (B)

Belle Bryden over Grace Harper (D)

Respect the Streak Video (B+)

T-Rex over Bruce the Giant ©

Law vs. Champion Super Video (A)

Law and Champion ends with a Double Stoppage (B)

Enygma Promo Degenerates Into Wild Brawl (A*)

Baine over Enygma (B)


Show Grade: B+ (!!!!!!!)


Buyrate: 1.17


PPV Grade/Buyrate History


Sept- United States of Pain -B- 0.67

Oct- Born in the USA -B- 0.74



Other PPV’s and Buyrates from This Month: TCW (B/1.55)



*Joey Minnesota spurns our huge offer for an even bigger one with SWF, leaving TCW high and dry. Accordingly he loses to Tommy Cornell in his last TCW match which just happened to be the Main Event (A) of the above PPV, which ran the same night as Genesis.



*So, too, does Frederique Garcia, who turns us down and re-signs with SWF.







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Any opinions on any of the others will be taken into consideration. If something's bugging you, it's probably bugging me, too. So let me know.


Eh, I doubt you'll find two people on the forum who have the same opinion about all the re-renders being used. It's all personal preference and whilst personally, I love the variety that they all add, but in terms of personal preference, I wouldn't use 99% of them because I'm just too attached to the originals, although having said that, I've surprised myself with a couple that I have replaced.


Anyway, the show... very cool NN, I really enjoyed it. Seeing the rating now posted, it definitely read like a B+ show. Damn you for the non-finish though, I'd have had a perfect predictions otherwise :p but who cares about then, when Justice's return was so awesomely handled. In general, the show left many of your main storylines really nicely balanced. Nice creativity with the cage match finish too.


But I am sad that F.A.G. spurned your advances.

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