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USPW - What? This Again?

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Monday, Week 2, April 2010

Jared Johnson against Dusty Bin ended in a no contest...E-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Suzanne Brazzle and Amber Allen...C

Suzanne Brazzle defeated Amber Allen...D-

Oscar Ozymandias against Al The Hillbilly ended in a no contest...E+

Man Mountain Cahill and Danny Rushmore defeated Pete The Hillbilly and Happy Elwood for the IWL World Tag Team titles...D

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Commissioner Doom and Billy Jack Shearer...C

Jumbo Jackson defeated Billy Jack Shearer...C-

Peter Valentine defeated Steve Flash for the IWL Universal title...D+





Tuesday, Week 2, April 2010

The Pain Alliance defeated American Machine and Paul Huntingdon...C

Jungle Lord defeated Knuckles...C

Randy Bumfhole defeated Enforcer Roberts...C+

Jack Bruce defeated Eric Eisen...B-

Remo defeated Lobster Warrior...B





Tuesday, Week 2, April 2010

Chance Fortune defeated Edd Stone to retain the TCW All Action title...C

Aaron Andrews defeated Brent Hill...C

Guide defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx...C

Eddie Peak defeated Robert Oxford...C+

Tommy Cornell defeated Ricky Dale Johnson...A

Rocky Golden defeated Sam Keith to retain the TCW World Heavyweight title...B-


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Somewhere around a 24 hour warning for predictions for USPW American Wrestling. So far, I have received predictions from:













Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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Enygma vs. American Elemental

Acid to make an appearance. AmEl is pulling you some great ratings at the moment and I expect this one to be no different.

Bruce The Giant vs. Captain USA

All I can say is....ouch!

Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Why not!?

Savage Fury vs. Nicky Champion and James Prudence

No reason for the Fury to win this match, especially given Champion's a, er, champion...

Darryl Devine vs. Jack America

Devine has been given a mega-push and, in my opinion, it has been a huge success. Another good match to boost Devine's momentum.

The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and James Justice

Mayhem. Actually, the main reason is that I can't choose!

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 April 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.79




[Last week on USPW American Wrestling:

  • A steel cage match was announced for USPW Freedom Fight between Chris Caulfield and Darryl Devine for the USPW World title.
  • Darryl Devine and American Elemental had one of the top matches this year on USPW American Wrestling. Darryl Devine came out on top.
  • Matthew Keith continued his winning streak by defeating The Force.
  • James Prudence successfully defended the USPW World Television title against Andre Jones.
  • Nikolai Taktarov made his debut, attacking Jack America.
  • Chris Caulfield defeated Tyson Baine and then was attacked by Darryl Devine.
  • Devine stood over Caulfield to close out the show.





[The show opens within the Huntsville Fairgrounds as Mitch Naess, Davis Ditterich and Eric Tyler welcome everyone to USPW American Wrestling! The crowd raises up in boos as the number one contender to the USPW Women's title Belle Bryden steps out from the back. She raises her arms in the air and absorbs the boos from the crowd as she walks down to the ring to kick things off. She steps inside and is given a microphone as a fan sign is shown reading: 'No, Buy MY Merchandise!!!!!']


Belle Bryden

"First of all, you people in the audience need to quit staring at me! I know I look good. I don't need you all to tell me that. I look a lot better than a certain USPW Women's Champion. Raven? Raven Robinson? What kind of a name is Raven? Obviously, your parents knew that they were going to have an ugly looking girl so they had to come up with some kind of freaky name to fit the freaky looking face. At USPW Liberty And Justice, I earned a title shot against you by beating that horse-faced Joanne Rodriguez. Now that J-Ro skank is in my rear view mirror and I can focus on regaining MY USPW Women's title. Last September, Raven, you got lucky when you beat me for the title. And you proved that you know you got lucky because you haven't given me a rematch for my title! At Freedom Fight, however, I am going to step into the ring and eliminate you."


[belle pauses and then smirks as music begins to play.]




[Raven Robinson steps out from the back with the crowd popping loudly for her. Raven stands at the top of the entrance ramp and raises the belt high in the air, getting cheers from the crowd as she looks down toward the ring where her number one contender is standing.]


Raven Robinson

"Belle, I think that I speak for every person in this arena and watching on tv when I ask you to please get out of the ring and get out of the company. You held this belt last year and that's fine. But you are like last year's clothes: out of style. At Freedom Fight, I am going to prove that it was not a fluke when I beat you last September at USPW United States of Pain. When we step in the ring, I am going to ring your belle."


[.The crowd cheers for Raven as the two women stare each other down. That should be an interesting contest. But Belle has another challenge ahead of her as she faces off with Alicia Strong later on tonight right here on USPW American Wrestling! But, first, we have our opening match of the evening.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AmericanElemental.jpg

Enygma vs. American Elemental


[These two masked wrestlers stepped into the ring for the first time here in USPW and gave the fans a great show to kick things off here on American Wrestling. Elemental used his speed advantage to keep Enygma back off of him. A dropkick to the knee brought Enygma down and Elemental hit Enygma with a standing moonsault, making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Elemental got the crowd behind him and for the next few minutes he dominated the former USPW World Champion! Elemental made a critical mistake when he missed a corkscrew legdrop off the top turnbuckles. Enygma went right for the knee and focused in on it and the ankle of Elemental. Enygma sent Elemental into the corner and followed it with a corner clothesline and then he grabbed the leg of Elemental -- Enygma Variation! Elemental fights for about thirty seconds before he has to submit.]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 7:15)

Match Rating: B-


[As soon as the bell sounded, the lights within the arena went off. The crowd stirred as they waited to see what was going to happen. After about a minute, the lights came back up to show another masked figure standing on the top turnbuckle.]




[it's Acid! Acid leaped off the top turnbuckle -- Acid Rain Bomb! It connected on Enygma who had nowhere to go because he still had the Enygma Variation clamped on American Elemental. Acid stands and looks down at Enygma. The masked wrestler turns and exits the ring, leaving both American Elemental and Enygma down inside the ring.]




[The USPW World Tag Team Champions The People's Team are standing backstage within the booth with some prerecorded comments. Freddie Datsun is dressed in his usual flannel shirt and jeans and Des Davids has on some more traditional pads and a football helmet.]


Des Davids

"Blue 24! Red 32! Titans 75! We remember the titans!"


Freddie Datsun

"We do remember the Titans because they made the fatal flaw of losing focus. That is one thing that our fans never allow us to do. Our fans never allow us to lose our focus on the task at hand. That is why Des and I are still the USPW World Tag Team Champions."


Des Davids

"That's right, Freddie. Now, coach, we're gonna warm up a little differently this time."


[Des begins doing a few dance moves ala Remember The Titans. Freddie kind of looks at him and tries to follow along but he seems to have no rhythm whatsoever. Freddie shrugs and we head back to the ring.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpg

Bruce The Giant vs. Captain USA


[Wish I could say that Captain USA was in this match at any given point in time but that would be a lie. From the opening bell when USA charged into a big boot from Bruce, the domination was on. Bruce took USA down with a Giant Headbutt. Then he lifted him up and gave him snake eyes! USA staggered into the right hand of Bruce The Giant. Bruce raised him up in the air and held him up for what seemed like an eternity until -- Giant Choke Slam! Bruce put his foot on the chest of USA: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 1:46)

Match Rating: D+




[We cut backstage to the booth again as Mitch Naess informs us that it is time to hear a few words from the resident Perfectionist: Matthew Keith. Matthew is standing within the studio with his name in golden lights on the wall behind him. Matthew looks up to the camera, giving his usual arrogant smirk.]


Matthew Keith

"Perfection. It is a key term that everyone here in USPW should know and that everyone should strive for. Only one man can get that perfection and that is me: Matthew Keith. I am undefeated in my battles here in USPW. No one has pinned my shoulders to the mat and no one has made me submit. That means that no one has proven here that they can beat me. Which brings me to the fact that because I am undefeated and everyone knows I am Perfection, I believe I should get a title shot. But don't worry Chris, don't be afraid, I'm not coming after your title yet. Next week right here on USPW American Wrestling, I want a match with the USPW World Television Champion: James Prudence. James, next week, my perfect streak continues and you will find out exactly what everyone else I have stepped into the ring with has found out: I am Perfection."


[Matthew gives an arrogant laugh and we head to the ring for our next match.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BelleBryden.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg

Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong


[Our lone women's bout this evening features the number one contender Belle Bryden against the daughter of the owner: Alicia Strong. When Alicia came down to the ring, she saw a sign being held up reading: 'Nicky and Alicia sitting in a tree......' She looked at it and blushed and kept walking. This was a fast-paced match that saw both women lay everything out on the line during the contest. Belle was sent outside the ring early on by a flying headscissors by Strong. Alicia bounced off the ropes and went for a baseball slide kick but Belle moved and Alicia landed on her feet outside the ring. Belle grabbed her and rammed her against the steel guardrail! The crowd booed as Belle took Alicia down with a clothesline outside the ring. She tossed Alicia back in and joined her inside the ring. Belle continued the assault on Alicia Strong as Alicia definitely didn't seem like herself. Alicia managed a short comeback late in the bout but fell victim to a Dish Of The Day and a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Belle Bryden (Via Pinfall @ 8:01)

Match Rating: C




[The crowd booed as the Russian National anthem began to play. The man who attacked Jack America last week: Nikolai Taktarov stepped out and marched his way to the ring amidst the boos. He stepped inside and as he was handed a microphone the USA chant broke out through the crowd. Nikolai looked to the crowd with utter disdain in his face.]


Nikolai Taktarov

"I am USPW's Russian National Ambassador Nikolai Taktarov. Last week, one of your puny American wrestlers felt first-hand just what I can do. Soon enough each American wrestler will feel the power of Russian Sickle and Russian Slam en route to my becoming USPW World Champion. Once I become World Champion, the title will be changed to Russian National Championship!"


[The crowd boos even louder as Nikolai speaks as though it is still the cold war! Nikolai is interrupted by some more all American music.]




[in fact, it is the music of the All American Boy! This is the man who Nikolai attacked last week. Jack America walks right down to the ring and steps inside. He has a microphone of his own.]


Jack America

"You know, Nikolai, we have a saying here in America: don't like it? LEAVE IT!"


[The crowd cheers but Jack America takes a sudden Russian Sickle! It sends America flipping down onto the mat. Nikolai picks up Jack America -- Russian Slam! The crowd boos heavily! Nikolai rolls out of the ring and reaches underneath, sliding out a Russian national flag! He slides into the ring and cracks a smile as he stands over Jack America. He stomps America a few times and then drapes the Russian national flag over the body of America! The boos grow even louder as Nikolai stands tall in the center of the ring.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/javab.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/tribalwarrior-1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JamesPrudence.jpg

Savage Fury vs. Nicky Champion and James Prudence




[Matthew Keith, who challenged James Prudence earlier in the evening, walked down to ringside as soon as the opening bell rang. This gave an early distraction to James Prudence, who started the match with Java. Java went to work on Prudence early on with headbutts and a big clothesline. Java tagged out to Tribal Warrior and the two brought the USPW World Television Champion to the mat with a double shoulder tackle. Tribal Warrior picked up Prudence and choked him in the corner, holding on for a four count before he broke. He tagged back out to Java and the two threw punches and kicks and headbutts in the corner, bringing Prudence all the way down to the mat. Java picked up Prudence and sent him into the corner. Java followed him in -- missed! Java missed the corner clothesline! Prudence crawled over and made the tag to Nicky Champion!]


[Nicky came in with fists flying though fists didn't do much good to the heads of the Savage Fury members and they both caught the USPW National Champion with a double headbutt! Java sent Nicky to the ropes -- Power Slam! He made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Java growled at the referee before picking up Nicky and choking him on the middle rope. He stepped back and ran toward Nicky -- moved! Java crotched himself on the middle rope! Nicky crawled over and made the tag and so did Java! Tribal Warrior and James Prudence exchanged blows back and forth with Prudence getting the advantage! Prudence tripped Tribal Warrior -- Prudential Pain Plan! Prudence locked in his finisher! KEE-RACK! Prudence was just nailed in the back of the head with a steel chair by Matthew Keith! The referee calls for the bell as Keith stands over Prudence to boos from the crowd.]


Winners: Nicky Champion and James Prudence (Via Disqualification @ 6:09)

Match Rating: C+




[We head backstage to a locker room area. Standing face-to-face within the locker room are two men who are going to be teaming tonight to face the Titans: USPW World Champion Chris Caulfield and James Justice. James has a very serious look on his face as he reaches down and touches the World title belt. Chris looks just as serious right back into his eyes. James cracks a smile.]


James Justice



[Chris just has to smile. He reaches out and pats James on the shoulder.]


Chris Caulfield

"Tonight, let's get this done and prove we are two of the best."


[Chris and James shake hands before turning and walking out of the locker room.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackAvatar_dse81.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Jack America


[Darryl Devine came dragging Seduction down to the ring by the collar around her neck. He positioned her at ringside and then climbed into the ring. Jack America came out, handing tiny American flags to the fans at ringside. He didn't look one hundred percent, though that is no surprise since he was attacked earlier tonight by Nikolai Taktarov. Both of these men are really good all-rounders and that showed early in the bout as the two men went back and forth with no one gaining a real dominant advantage. Devine took a powder early on, standing outside the ring. America followed him out but Devine used Seduction between himself and America to keep America at bay. This distraction worked and enabled Devine to get in a cheap shot and take the advantage. Devine tossed America back in and the boos got louder.]




[They got louder because Nikolai Taktarov came out to the ringside area. Devine picked up America and hit him with a backbreaker before making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Devine grew angry and tossed America outside the ring. He got the attention of referee Baby Jamie and Taktarov took America down with another Russian Sickle! The crowd boos as Taktarov tosses America back into the ring. Devine walks over and picks up America, raising him onto the turnbuckles. Devine climbs up -- Superplex! Devine rises to his feet and plays to the crowd, taking in the boos to the number one contender. Devine looks to America and picks him up -- kick to the gut -- Devine Dream Drop! America flops on the mat in pain and Devine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 8:02)

Match Rating: B


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_dse81.jpg

The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and James Justice


[it is main event time and how can we get any bigger than this tag team main event? Shane Sneer escorted two of the largest USPW wrestlers down to the ring. Baine stepped over the top rope while T-Rex climbed in through the ropes. The two men had a deadly focus that is not too surprising. Chris Caulfield and James Justice got a round of applause from the fans as they came out. Each of them handed off items to the fans, including an official Chris Caulfield bandana and an official James Justice pair of sunglasses! Once Caulfield and Justice hit the ring, they got chest to chest with the Titans! The brawl got started before the bell even sounded! Justice paired off with T-Rex while Caulfield and Baine were throwing big clubbing blows to each other. Caulfield clotheslined Baine up and over the top rope! Caulfield spilled over with him and both men hit the floor as Justice sent The Jurassic Power across the ring. Justice followed him in but was caught with a kick to the midsection by T-Rex! T-Rex rammed the head of the dude into the turnbuckle and then hooked him -- neckbreaker! T-Rex made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Both Caulfield and Baine returned to their seperate corners. T-Rex tugged Justice over into his corner and tagged out to Baine. Baine sent Justice to the ropes -- double flapjack! Justice bounced off the mat and he looks in some definite pain. The crowd cheers slightly as two men make their way down to ringside.]




[it's the USPW World Tag Team Champions! The People's Team stand in the corner of Caulfield and Justice, slapping their hands on the mat, trying to get Justice back into this one. Justice spent nearly five whole minutes in the corner with T-Rex and Tyson Baine. The two large men made quick tags in and out to keep a fresh man in the ring. T-Rex went for the Jurassic Crush but Justice pushed backward, sending T-Rex into the corner. Both men went down and the crowd got behind Justice, trying to urge him to make the tag. Justice began crawling toward a neutral corner. Freddie Datsun ran over and motioned to Justice on where to go. T-Rex made the tag to Tyson Baine. Baine came in quickly but not quick enough as Justice tagged in the USPW World Champion!]


[Caulfield threw straight right hands to rock Baine! He knocked Baine back in the corner and then climbed up, throwing punches to the head! Bet you can't guess how many? That's right: ten as the crowd counted along. Caulfield dropped down and looked out to Freddie Datsun. He picked up Tyson Baine onto his shoulders! What a display of power! Could he be setting him up for his own version of the Patriot Press? Caulfield turns -- kick to the gut by T-Rex! Caulfield is forced to drop Baine even as James Justice comes into the ring! Justice clotheslines T-Rex! The two begin brawling as Tyson Baine gets his hands around the throat of our USPW World Champion! Des Davids yells into the ring at Baine, getting his attention and making threats toward Shane Sneer! Baine is distracted and Caulfield comes up behind him -- Danger Drop! Caulfield makes the cover, hooking the leg as the crowd counts along: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Chris Caulfield and James Justice (Via Pinfall @ 10:39)

Match Rating: B-


[What a huge win and step forward for Caulfield and Justice. A definite setback for The Titans. Shane Sneer motions to them and the Titans begin brawling with The People's Team! Chris Caulfield is handed his belt and he exits the ring, heading to the back, leaving James Justice alone inside the ring. Justice is looking a little hurt right now after his brawl with T-Rex. Wait a second, two men are coming from the crowd. The two men leap the guardrail and slide into the ring as James Justice starts to pull himself to his feet.]




[Justice looks up and sees one of them. He gets a confused look on his face and gets clotheslined to the mat! The crowd boos! The first man grabs Justice -- Salvation DDT! The second man walks outside the ring and grabs a chair, sliding it back inside. The chair lays out on the mat and the first man grabs Justice again -- Salvation DDT on the chair! The crowd boos and Justice isn't even moving! Officials and road agents come running out as the two men exit the ring and walk off. Justice just lays on the mat, seemingly unconcious and with a big cut across his forehead from the DDT on the chair. A stretcher is called for and the crowd is extremely shocked as EMTs check on James Justice and the show ends as Justice is being loaded onto the stretcher. We'll see you next week!]

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A lot of people got 6/6 this time around! Congratulations to Rayelek, ChrisKid, Tigerkinney, Bigpapa42, Jingo and xopher316!




1. Rayelek=91 Wins

2. xopher316=90 Wins

3. jhd1=88 Wins

4. Dragonmack=85 Wins

5. blewrider1980=83 Wins

20LEgend=83 Wins

7. Tigerkinney=81 Wins

8. dse81=77 Wins

9. Huntman=74 Wins

10. Bigpapa42=61 Wins

11. bgbuff=58 Wins

critical-23=58 Wins

13. Boltinho=54 Wins

14. mcorey=49 Wins

15. TakerNGN74=42 Wins

16. SeanMcFly=37 Wins

17. Timber=34 Wins

ChrisKid=34 Wins

19. Jaded=27 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=27 Wins

21. Lexa90=24 Wins

22. tristram=23 Wins

23. Chikbot=17 Wins

Jingo=17 Wins

25. SWF Fan=15 Wins

26. BHK1978=14 Wins

27. Emark=10 Wins

28. borman_48=9 Wins

29. Arogue=8 Wins

LoNdOn=8 Wins

31. smurphy1014=6 Wins

32. Hitman23=5 Wins

ewanite=5 Wins

34. Greg McNeish=4 Wins

NeoMetsFan=4 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 3 April 2010


Anger vs. American Elemental

The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot

Mick Muscles vs. Acid

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith

Java vs. The Force

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America

Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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Anger vs. American Elemental

The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot

Mick Muscles vs. Acid

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith

Some sort of shenanigans from Keith

Java vs. The Force

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America

Debut win .. And an appearence from a certain 'Russian'

Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion

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Anger vs. American Elemental

The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot

Mick Muscles vs. Acid

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith

Java vs. The Force-Double DQ

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America

Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion

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Anger vs. American Elemental

The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot

Mick Muscles vs. Acid

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith

Java vs. The Force

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America

Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion



Get in early this time nearly missed the last show!

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Anger vs. American Elemental

Elemental is putting in great work. He deserves a win


The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot

Need to recover some oomph


Mick Muscles vs. Acid

Acid is hot. BURNing hot


USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith

Keith is so hot he needs gold


Java vs. The Force

Just got to be!


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America

Great work recently


Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion

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Anger vs. American Elemental


I think you've shown already that your vision of USPW has evolved from big old has beens beating up on much smaller but much more talented men who actually have a future in the business.


The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot


Squash to get The Titans back on track.


Mick Muscles vs. Acid


Muscles has become something of a forgotten man and Acid has a hot feud right now with Enygma.


USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith


This one just screams Time Limit Draw to me, Prudence run as champion continues for at least a little longer and Keith can still say he's unbeaten.


Java vs. The Force


Great to see a proper old school USPW match here between two powerhouses of somewhat limited talent. Java's more of a tag wrestler, so I'll go with Force, actually scrub that Force has become an irrelevant comedy wrestler who's only purpose is to make people BUY HIS MERCHANDISE.


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America


Gonzalez needs to make an impact on his in ring debut and Jack America for all his ability and his USPW fan friendly gimmick he is pretty much a Jobber to the Stars right now.


Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion


Champion's the one not quite at the main event level here, so I've got to back the heels for this one.

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Anger vs. American Elemental

The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot

Mick Muscles vs. Acid

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith

Java vs. The Force

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America

Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion

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Anger vs. American Elemental

After being the World's Greatest Jobber for weeks now, my boy AmEl finally gets to absolutely crush someone. Ninety-five year-old Anger will be out of breath 26 seconds into this one. I'm now the President of the God-Push American Elemental Society.


The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot

Captain, Patriot need a name as a tag team: "Job Well Done". Think about it.


Mick Muscles vs. Acid

I've seemed to forget that Mick Muscles was still in this company. No matter. Acid will Rain Bomb his way to a dominating win.


USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith

After three straight easy-pickings, this one baffles me. Keith needs some sort of championships, as much momentum as he has. But the Platinum DUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! is just so good as a TV champ. Draw here thanks to Keith's shenanigans, setting up a rematch sometime. I'll have to ponder who wins the rematch from here until it happens.


Java vs. The Force

You must RESPECT HIS MERCHANDISE, TigerKinney. Java's just a tag wrassler who can't even find the ring without holding hands with Tribal Warrior. The FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEE wins here.

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America

In SmartMarkville, I know that Shawn Gonzalez cries about having to lose to ANYBODY. So why would he lose to the uppercard jobber himself, your user character?


Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion

Heels win, heels win...THHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEE heels win!


Fan Sign: Patriotic Masks + Facing The Titans = Broken Bones


Salvation Has Come! (in the style of a Travis Century "The End is Nigh" sign)


Sorry, couldn't pick which one I liked better.

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The major news coming out of last night's USPW American Wrestling show is that James Justice left the show with a major concussion. This was thought to have occured on one of the Salvation DDT's by Travis Century, quite probably the one on the chair. Justice is now scheduled to be out of action for over a year in recovery of this major injury. Justice is a former USPW World Champion, as well as having held the TCW World Heavyweight title 3 times, The TCW World Tag Team Championship, The TWL Championship 2 times and the TWL Tag Team titles.


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Anger vs. American Elemental

The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot

Mick Muscles vs. Acid

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith

Java vs. The Force

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America

Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion

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Get in early this time nearly missed the last show!


That's one reason why I always do the 24 hour warning. Just to make sure that it didn't get lost in the shuffle for everyone.


Sorry, couldn't pick which one I liked better.


You can do up as many signs as you like. There's no limit for each person.


Ooooh, toughbreak losing a popular figure the likes of James Justice.


Definitely a tough break on losing Justice. But losing one man means there's a spot for someone else to step up and take his place, right?




And thank you to everyone who has predicted and commented so far. Everything definitely gets read and I use your predictions and comments for the future of the diary, i.e. who gets pushed, who doesn't, who the fans are enjoying, who the fans are hating, etc. The comments really and truly help.

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Anger vs. American Elemental

The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot

Mick Muscles vs. Acid

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith

Java vs. The Force

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America

Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion

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Thursday, Week 2, April 2010

Shady K defeated Valiant...C

Cheetah Boy defeated Primus Allen...E

ANGLE: Brawl involving Jack Bruce, Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov...A

Paul Huntingdon defeated Bear Bekowski...D

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Jessie and Dawn The Cheerleader...B+

American Machine defeated Kid Toma...D+

Angry Gilmore defeated Runaway Train...B-

Squeeky McClean defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia...B-

Gregory Black defeated Joe Sexy...B

Brandon James defeated Jack Giedroyc to retain the SWF North American title...B

Kurt Laramee defeated Remo...B

Steve Frehley defeated Marc DuBois...B-

Jack Bruce defeated Vengeance...B

Eric Eisen defeated Lobster Warrior to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...B-





Tuesday, Week 3, April 2010

The Pain Alliance defeated The Amazing Bumfholes...C

Paul Huntingdon defeated Brett Biggz...C-

Gregory Black defeated Captain Atomic...B-

Brandon James defeated Marc DuBois to retain the SWF North American title...B

Eric Eisen defeated Steve Frehley to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...B





Tuesday, Week 3, April 2010

Brent Hill defeated Harry Allen...C+

Giant Tana defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx...C-

John Anderson defeated Mikey James...C

Edd Stone defeated Charlie Thatcher...C-

Joey Minnesota defeated Troy Tornado...B

Bryan Vessey defeated Sam Keith...B


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Default PPV dates, as in the actual days of the week, always puzzle me. I always move them to the weekends, when people have time to watch the stuff. A Thursday night event doesn't really strike me as smart...but it is SWF, after all.
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Anger vs. American Elemental

The Titans vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestler American Patriot

Mick Muscles vs. Acid

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Matthew Keith

Java vs. The Force

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America

Darryl Devine and Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion

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